I Tried Treasure Hunting

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buried deep in the jungles of the Philippines lies a secret that has lured treasure hunters for Generations during the second World War General tomay Yuki Yamashita LED Japan's conquest of Southeast Asia plundering billions of dollars in gold Legend has it that when the war ended yamashita's gold was left behind hidden away in a complex network of tunnels in the mountains of the Philippines and that's where I'm headed now this week I will be joining a band of treasure Hunters who are plotting an expedition into the jungle and believe they've discovered the tunnel that holds yamashita's lost treasure do you see that yeah this is NI challenge accepted thanks to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video we are here in Southeast Asia because Ubisoft saw that sailing video we did a couple months ago and decided to ask us to come to Thailand to experience and promote their new game out right now Skull and Bones I don't think they realize that I'm not a gaming Creator but what Ubisoft doesn't know is that we're going to pirate the Pirates while they think we are here to experience the influencer event we are actually going to take all of that brand deal money and use it to fund our own expedition through the jungles of the Philippines in search of yamashita's gold and if that sounds like gambling you are correct apparently we're a pirate Channel now which is making Garrett very happy and he wants to sail all of the 7even Seas before the end of this year so be sure to subscribe and maybe we'll just be on boats the rest of to the year but we need to travel all the way to the Philippines hunt for Treasure and get back all before Ubisoft realizes we left giving us only 48 hours to find yamashita's gold as someone who has lived here for a long time had you heard of this treasure before this project of course it's very very popular in the world about this uh Yamashita treasure some foreign Hunters they come here you know invest and dig and dig and dig we wouldn't know what's real and what's not but if we want any chance at finding this treasure we need to First narrow down our options because there are rumored to be over 170 possible treasure sites all across the Philippines and so I'm about to meet an expert in World War II tunnels who has agreed to show us his famous discovery hello welcome to my I walked in and was immediately distracted by a monkey yeah this our one of our Museum mascots I want you to meet officially Captain Bruce hi yeah so yes welcome Welcome to My World War II museum a lot of fascinating history here I put this Museum uh to honor my grandfather my uncles who fought and to preserve history in World War II Americans and Filipinos fought side by side against the Japanese Imperial Army but because of the Allied Force's Superior Firepower the Japanese were forced to come up with a clever solution between 1942 and 45 they built a sprawling network of over 2,000 tunnels all across the Philippines these tunnels not only provided shelter from aiel and artillery assaults but also served as storage facilities for weapons ammunition and some even think for General yashida's treasure the tunnels we're talking about that are in these Hills are the ones that people theorize the treasure could be hidden right you're correct but the question is where is the Goldwell that's a good question well I have a book it was written by a Japanese solder in World War II his personal story here where he was talking about the gold Treasures hidden do you believe in the Treasure I'm an historian okay I do research more scientific but I cannot ignore this here and guarantee set diamond rings gold rings gold necklaces bracelets and gold bars it's a personal Memoirs so who might question this authenticity of the story of a Japanese soldiers who had taken part personally in buing those Treasures right I think we need to go see this tunnel so here's the only only surviving Japanese naval air fleet headquarters in the whole Philippines here right where we standing here right on where we are standing so this is the entrance of the tunnel oh my God this is where Admiral onishi stayed so this is the onishi tunnel that yes you personally discovered yeah I got that information provided to me by my friend one of the staff of Admiral onishi the Japanese troops what was that what was that there's a oh oh you can see that it's a nest a a nest oh there are there there are definitely Roaches on the side these walls yeah there's a bug there's a bug there's a really big bug have you ever heard of these tunnels being booby trapped oh yeah right the Japanese put booby traps landmines and bombs even aerial bombs in fact we encountered an aerial bomb at the entrance of a tunnel is big like this you found a bomb I found the bomb aerial bomb so yes you know uh next month I'm actually doing a video where I am joining a bomb squad Academy oh that's cool we really should have done that video before this one oh yeah what are some significant markers of a Japanese tunnel you know these nails big Nails is stuck on the ceiling and on the wall oh I see them yeah so you're saying that some treasure hunter claim that these nails signify the Japanese here yeah as we go along you could see how the tunnels were constructed manually you can still see the you know the the axe and the pck direction in constructing these tunnels so we're looking for the ax Cuts yeah and we're also looking for the nails yeah sure what I'm not looking for is those bugs let me tell not looking for the bugs but we only have 36 hours before we need to get back to the Skull and Bones event in Thailand and so we're planning to meet up with a legendary treasure hunter who has recently gained access to a plot of family land that he believes may be the key to finding yamashita's treasure if we do this we're taking on a risk of going up a mountain with no cell service that no one has been to in months and we pray that it's not flooded and that we don't die is that right no let me also ask has Henry found anything at this site before uh I think he found a [Music] bomb are you kidding me right now he found a bomb what you're talking about here is that that like the Japanese left explosives and booby traps behind to protect these items right so you're saying that he found a a dead bomb which could be a clue implying that Beyond where that explosive was is more treasure [Music] yeah yes defitely sucks this way Henry is very very very very vital in this in this part of hunting because he's the only one who can access that and so it was finally time to meet the third and final member of our team the hunter hello Henry hi hello Mom how are you Henry Roos has been treasure hunting for over 50 years and he believes that our Expedition tomorrow might be the one to finally find yamashita's treasure so this was found very close to where we're going tomorrow and it is the most valuable piece of evidence that's been found yes ma'am you can see this one it's a Four Star General 1 2 three four and the fourstar generals or people of high ranking officials would be the ones using this but would they also be the people who would negotiate where gold would flow through the tunnels of course ma'am especially General tomoki Yamashita so then by that logic if we can find find where the high ranking officials were we may be a little bit closer to where the treasure is and we will go that by tomorrow but Henry refused to take us into the jungle until we listen to his warning welcome uh the collection of my dad the late roel yuras so who who was your dad my dad is the late roel yuras who found the golded bud in 1971 Henry's father claimed that a World War II era map given to him by a Japanese soldier helped him find a small portion of yamashita's treasure which included gold bars jewels and a giant Golden Buddha statue but later that year roas claimed that all of the gold including the Buddha was seized by the then president and dictator Ferdinand Marcos and Not only was Henry's father imprisoned but after his release died of suspicious circumstances they killed my that so that there is no witness the government uh yes the government they killed all the 21 including my dads they all dead already wow it's too hard to be a treasure hunter in the Philippines yeah because of the fear of what might happen if you find something yes ma'am they will confiscate all the gold that you found that's why uh other treasure hunter they're not saying we found something it's better to keep your mouths it's hard to know what to take from the story but out of everyone we've talked to Henry has been treasure hunting the longest for 50 years and he himself is in these pictures with the Golden Buddha I would say this is probably the best evidence that we have thus far for what we're looking for so tomorrow tomorrow it's very hard I bring almost 22 maybe 24 month uh so that you're safe yeah safe from what safe you know I we'll talk later okay very dangerous place and uh we'll pray for that [Music] place so it's it's 3:30 in the morning morning we are currently following two vans that Henry is leading into the jungle we're not allowed to know where we're going or say where we're going just like all of these bodyguards and Men imply that gold has been found but he's never actually reported it because the government would confiscate it just like they did with his father question is where do he get his money from the environment has changed significantly we're in these little Hillside towns I just feel us getting closer and closer to the mountain I think the only issue is that we keep getting lost but that wasn't the only issue not only were the roads too narrow for our van but our van overheated on the steepest incline of the journey overheat the car is overheating do we leave our stuff in the car we're abandoning the car the hike has already begun too old for just getting to the tunnel is a journey in and of itself we're transitioning to the tur turas which are the Jeeps that are going to take us up the rest of the way because our cars cannot go any [Music] further get a 5H hour car ride and now we have a 2hour ride and whatever this is and then after that we have to hike to the site I don't even know how someone found this tunnel to begin with because we are so far out here how are you just like Henry why do you think the Japanese were here because they uh hide something inside the tunnel but how do you know this is a Japanese tunnel I will call kajoin he will be the one to explain it to you where is this damn place hear the waterfall okay gosh Henry I can't believe we're finally here took 12 hours just to get to this spot in the jungle I cannot wait to see wow what is this it Henry yes uh why is it covered uh Ki Landslide okay there was a landslide so is this a man-made or a natural tunnel manade how do you know it's manmade during World War II the Japanese Imperial Army used Railways to transport their troops and supplies throughout the mountains so finding a piece of rail by the entrance of the tunnel is incredibly promising and they actually built a trail here like a train trucks so these are Clues here part of this old Steel well can we see the tunnel and how how much progress has been made oh we have to let the water the water oh my God that's a big tunnel this is not do you see that Hen Henry yes ma'am so I'm looking in here and I see that there's a long pipe yes did you put that there no pipe inside man do you see what I'm seeing girl it's a straight piece of metal yeah it's a railroad it looks too round a railroad pip same with that sir no it's round which round yeah later on they will uh open the tunnel and the water will come out and then suddenly we'll go inside to look at the rooms inside the man who L us here the man who heard the story passed down from his Granda about the location of this tunnel next to a waterfall and the riches inside part of of me doesn't believe it but then the other part of me is curious because I have no idea how anyone would have found this tunnel and they only knew to excavate and uncover the Earth because of the story so it's hard to say been digging for like 3 hours and only half of it's drained while we are getting closer and closer to opening the tunnel Sundown is rapidly approaching and these jungles are far too dangerous to get caught in at night now it's coming now it's coming here it comes okay here it comes here it comes this is crazy we literally thought there was like no hope to get in this tunnel and now suddenly it's just flowing like a river I see the water line coming down really fast are we going to get in this tunnel goes back quite far this is crazy come look at this all right check this out this is the cave I have no idea if this would be manmade or not it almost feels too too perfect to be naturally occurring and also check out that pipe and there's another pipe in the back there I don't know if those were put by prior hunters or by the original creators of the tunnel this is pretty nuts yesterday Ronnie gave us a few Key signs to look out for to see if something is a Japanese made tunnel and the two points were the pickaxe patterns in the sides of the wall as well as long Rusty Nails right now I mean I'm just looking in here I don't see any nails do you see these markings here I can't tell if they're natural or pickaxe but this wouldn't be pickaxe this is too Solid Rock because we can't visually see any nails we're going to try to use a metal detector to see if we can pick up a signal all right should we go in wow it looks totally different let go see the water has come down pretty significantly but still not really [Music] enough oh right here right here right I don't know if I believe that yeah it's beeping right here I don't see anything see how we're getting a a metal reading but we're not finding anything and we still don't see the nails that Ronnie said we should look for although we're getting a signal it would take another few hours of digging to actually reach the object and with the sun setting in less than 5 minutes we need to decide if we're going to keep digging or start to head back dang I don't think you can go in there I don't think it's going to work I think we have to go home okay honestly I can't wait to be in Thailand because I know the Ubisoft event is going to be significantly more fun than this wasma get out of the car no seriously it'll roll back [Music] potentially the dis up it's like it's it's all going back down so it it's not reaching the machine okay okay so we're kind of stuck so the the turo turo cannot operate because it's on such a steep incline that all the gasoline inside fell to the back and can't ignite to start the vehicle so here we are on foot in the jungle This Is Not Great Alma do you have any idea how to get back 2 hours from I will say that I really prefer being a pirate in the game skull and bones to whatever is going on right now hold on can we just take a quick check do we have water how much water do we have we any water okay so we're at the point where we really do need to think critically about water conservation with no cell service and only one bottle of water I started to get increasingly more concerned we're trying trying to stay on the dirt path to avoid the potential wild boar as well as venomous snakes and scorpions that could be in the brush but even the road itself was proving to be dangerous Jesus that hole goes so far [Music] down yeah let's rest please it was a bad fall but I'm okay this is crazy home I know it is it is are we going to get home safe yes just trust it's just we all got to get I hear a bik who was that oh my God what do we do oh my God oh my God oh my God he knows me lucky for us the man on the motorcycle was someone we had met earlier today and he and his friends agreed to guide us back to safety now we didn't end up finding yamashita's treasure but what if I told you that was never the real goal of this video at all the year is 2020 I make a video where I train like a professional gamer and compete in a tournament against a bunch of pros and in this video I fail my final challenge exactly 1 year later I make a video where I train like a chess Grandmaster and compete in a tournament against you guessed it Gamers and once again I failed my final challenge so when Ubisoft reached out and invited me to a treasure hunting competition against gaming creators I knew what I had to do for the past year I have been secretly training in all things sailing investigation and this week treasure hunt so that I can once and for all avenge myself against these damn Gamers first we were drafted into two teams I know how to 08 Z with a KN that's know come on thankfully my time learning knots with a Russian sea captain earlier this year prepared me for this exact moment we then set sail to compete for hidden Clues spread across a deserted island and this island was huge this is nuts if I learned anything from my time at CSI Academy is that you can always cover more ground with a partner yo Drew have you guys found any of these Clues yet did you find any how big is it it's like oh it's pretty big like a map piece with the XR 4 hours we scoured the Island's jungles beaches and caves and having spent all of yesterday in a cave that's where I took my chances literally in a cave in Thailand oh my God I see it I think that's it can you see that I got it we were told that these Clues would reveal the locations of 10 actual emeralds hidden across an even bigger island and the Creator who finds the most emeralds wins so that's where we're headed next not only did the other team try to throw me off my game by introducing me to a parent knowing I have a fear of birds I don't like you looks at me don't look at me can I hand it back oh Jesus but we were also interrupted with a fullscale ship battle having loaded a cannon or two in my time I made quick work of the other team ship giving us a small head start on the final Island it was a Mad Dash for the emeralds as all 10 of us ran off into the jungle and after grinding in the Philippines all week I refused to to leave this island without treasure in my hands this is the picture that our captain showed us and there was a shrine and the house and a big tree and that's when I realized the environment in front of me was the exact same image I saw drawn on one of the clues I see it I see it yes if people are coming I'm going to tell them I didn't find anything that's what a pirate would do and my new found treasure hunting skills ultimately led me to not one but two of the 10 I found it been treasure hunting all week and it's no yamashita's gold but my God does it feel good to find something if I learned anything this week it's that actual treasure hunting is grueling hard work and maybe for once it's okay for me to chill out and play the gamified Fantasy version instead because at the end of the night I was sitting at top the leaderboard with the most emeralds found finally proving myself against these games if you want to play your own fantasy pirate Adventure like me download Skull and Bones available now and thank you so much to Ubisoft for sponsoring this video
Channel: Michelle Khare
Views: 672,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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