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hey folks prepper princess it is morning early morning as i film this but i recently went over my bills and i was somewhat astonished and surprised to find out that i do actually live in poverty uh luxurious poverty and i'm gonna go ahead and take you on a little bit of a tour and show you what it is like but um i do want to before before i start i do i had to write all this down and i had to first of all let me advise you that everyone is different everyone's situation is different i do not have children i do not have a spouse or significant other that i am financially responsible for um and i do not have any debt including my mortgage this house was paid for in cash sight unseen no inspections and i do not regret one single moment of it it is greatly greatly undervalued based on the area and location that i live it was purchased for 67 000 and with the improvements that and i put 20 000 into it uh which was plumbing work and mini split ac and heating units as well as a new kitchen but i could probably sell it tomorrow for 115 to 125 i purchased it before the recent housing bubble i do not take advantage of any sort of social services i do not have medicare medi-cal medicaid social security disability welfare food stamps i do not use food banks or any low income discounts i also am in perfect health i do not buy drugs alcohol cigarettes or vaping products medications and prescriptions vitamins or supplements i no longer purchase clothing entertainment dining in restaurants bistro coffee such as starbucks or tim hortons toilet paper paper towels or feminine hygiene products so we will go ahead and go over what i do have and what i am extremely proud to show you here we go all right folks so first and foremost i want to go over my bills i recently put a post in the community board of my youtube and i actually those were pretty much rough estimates of what i spend and a lot of them are quite a bit less than i had originally anticipated so property taxes 36 13 i just got my bill i believe it was 433 68 for the year property insurance is only 300 a year i think it's actually 258 but i just put it as 25 just to be ensure my electric bill this month was 80 but i'm rounding up my water bill was 28 rounding up internet is 71. i recently got rid of my sling tv and have netflix and then my garbage bill is 20 cell phone i got brought it from 45 down to 30 and i had forgotten or neglected to put in the sewer which is 35 a month and it is required by the city as well as garbage my medical is 217 a month my car insurance in the state of arizona is extremely expensive i have liability only with aaa and i have two vehicles the registration is crazy cheap here i paid for my camry i paid 107 for five years of registration and my corolla was just so cheap and i think i did a two or three year on that one and i hardly spend anything in gas because i usually walk everywhere my food is one hundred dollars which includes food for my dog and i donate a hundred and fifty dollars so my totals are eight eighty nine twenty three a month or ten thousand six hundred seventy dollars and seventy six cents a year the national poverty level is twelve thousand seven hundred sixty dollars for a single person or less now please keep in mind i do make more than the poverty level i make significantly more and i am a super saver so i save about two thirds of my income i'm currently working on getting an investment property for additional passive income so let's get going all right folks so first and foremost i have a 2015 toyota corolla and recent purchase they're both paid off in full by the way this one has 60 000 miles and i just recently purchased if you all remember my 1998 toyota camry well i kind of got it back this one has 77 000 miles on it and i paid 4 000 bucks for it it's in pristine condition i'm not going to show you the engine right now and for those of you who are about to say oh my god you showed your license plate well this isn't the real license plate because they gave me they are sending me a new one and this if you look them up you're going to find the old owner not me so i don't care so being poor means that you can help charity i don't own a cat but weekly or bi-weekly i will bring 15 or 20 bags of cat food and donate it to a local organization that helps people who have a who are low income feed their pets so i'm going to be dropping this off today again i don't have any cats and i keep everything i own and i mean everything in absolutely pristine condition hold on a second i had to turn over my new license plate but as you can see it's always vacuumed and dusted and the windows are always washed and the leather is always polished and in my camry the i've only had it a week but the camry i keep the cloth in absolutely pristine condition because i think that a lot of people aren't happy with the things that they own because they don't take care of them they just don't let's take a look in here did that backwards absolutely pristine condition perfect perfect condition i missed my camry welcome back i think i'm going to name it corona because it's the color of corona and i got it during the corona virus lockdown i'm sorry all right moving on into the house first of all i do have plants i've got a fig tree strawberry guava and i can't remember the cactus peruvian cactus i've got this guy who's barely holding on but he is a date palm and pomegranate pomegranate is doing amazing living on a low income still allows you to keep a friend with you who is devoted and loyal in your protector and very he is just spoiled rotten he gets peanut butter balls oh he gets walks he gets the best food and he gets a lot of cuddles and love so just showing you my living room um most of the stuff that i own was either purchased on sale like a huge sale was given to me or inherited so the console and the couch were gifts i just recently purchased this storage ottoman and i've got blankets inside so it comes up so in case anybody wants to sleep over and the guest room is full there's still plenty of room out here i purchased the tv it was a refurbished tv that i got for i think 150 bucks and i think it's like a 50 inch it's pretty it's pretty hefty the dog bed was a gift and i do cheap artwork but but tasteful artwork this is just a poster put into a nice frame i do live in the desert so i like keeping things looking like there's a lot of greenery around i also have black out curtains to help save on the energy costs and in a bedroom you know it's just about taking pride in ownership making your bed every day keeping the windows clean dusting every day now the chair in the corner was inherited by my grandmother this dresser was my great grandmother's then my grandmothers then my mothers and now it's mine and i do use solar everywhere i go as well as battery powered lights that recharge via solar excuse me solar this is connected to the lamp and the two fans and i'll also connect my cell phone for charging in here at night moving on over to the bathroom the bathroom is just a bathroom that's all it is the rug was given to me by my grandma the vanity was my i had a contractor and we had some plumbing issues that i had to fix and the floor did not look like this they had to go through all the piping under the house and it was it's cement underneath and this is just cheap peel and stick tile i think i got a box for like 20 bucks and that's what the floor is and the vanity was on clearance because it had a scratch on the back and i don't care about scratches on the back so i took that i think it was 150 and it was discounted to 50 off so it was like 75 bucks i also have a bidet of course i keep toilet paper here in case a guest is not accustomed to using a bidet it is not battery powered it is simply done through weight of the water in the tank so and rocky uses the toilets as bowls so i make sure he will not drink he will not drink out of a normal dog bowl i don't know what his deal is so i make sure to keep it very very clean and moving on over to this thing so i find a lot of things on my walks this hawaiian tropic and the ultra sport were actually found on walks which i use regularly they smell really coconutty and good well this one does this one doesn't but whatever and people send me bars of soap all the time and then it's funny how they ask me you know how was that bar of soap i sent you and i'm like oh my gosh i have like 86 bars to go through before i get to yours but i promise i will and this is also full of soap this is soap and one of my favorite companies is the hero soap company they actually give a portion of their proceeds to vets i'll leave the link in the description and then you know standard standard stuff when it comes to soap i just use the cheap stuff vo5 dr teals and a shower cap of course to save on water so you don't have to wash your hair every day and it's actually not good for you to wash your hair every day but it also saves time in the shower when you're not washing your hair that's where i do all of my youtube stuff the laptop that i have was also a refurbished unit i think i got it for like a hundred and ten dollars and that was a good four years ago that was quite a quite a long time ago look out mister let me close the door look out get up you want a cookie we'll get you cookie hold on folks i had to uh trick my dog so that he would get out of the way but uh yeah so what i've got over here this is the kitchen that i remodeled it was very ugly beforehand and i knew that coming into this purchase that it needed to be totally redone and one of the things i have is an alternative cooking method which is just a camp stove on top of a cutting board that came with the house a lot of people ask me about this this is not permanent but i am waiting to have the microwave installed and i cannot find a contractor to help me uh for the life of me and it's also an unfinished project is the fireplace i recently spoke to somebody from craigslist and he said that he would do it but he's now not responding back to me he's flaking so that's another thing that i just have to work on um coffee so coffee is my thing i have everything i've got regular coffee i've got latte espresso cappuccino i've got iced coffee i've got sugar monk fruit sweet and low splenda i've got regular regular creamer i've got whipped cream i've got chocolate sprinkles cinnamon sprinkles i've got rainbow sprinkles i've got milk um soy milk i've got rice milk and oat milk i've got half calf decaf full calf you name it i can make it because i do not go to starbucks i also being poor means purchasing food on a discount and stick it in the freezer this is about half price it's a chicken and then i keep the giblets and gizzards and i freeze them and i use them for bait so those are gonna go in there and next time i go fishing that will be my bait this is the guest room let me turn on my solar over here there we go so this is the guest room it runs pretty much strictly on solar the the tv stand was a gift as was the bed which is a beautiful king-size bed the linens i actually purchased or i didn't purchase i won in a raffle um the nightstands and lamps were not really my cup of tea but along with the painting but i needed them to showcase my old house in the bay area before i sold it the mirrors are just cheap walmart mirrors and when i showcased my old house i had to purchase a set of chairs per my real estate agent and i got four and these are the extras and this is just a standard black plastic table that believe it or not was a temporary table when i first moved out on my own it was my grandmother's the tv is this one's also a refurbished tv and i believe this one was like 120 dollars maybe maybe it might be even less the kitchen table is my first kitchen table that i bought when i first moved out on my own from ikea of all places for fifty dollars i spray painted it black it was not black at first it was that fake lacquer color with white legs and i didn't like it so i painted it also all of the walls in this house are oops paint and you can actually tell over here in the corner where there is a slight color change because i i can see why it was oops paint because they did not match the refrigerator that i have is a standard 11 cubic foot and i actually want to go smaller it's an apartment size fridge and this is a two bed two bath house so most people would go with a 14 cubic foot fridge and i do have the space for it that was what was intended with the design but i just have so much space in there and halloween is coming up this is going to be posted after halloween but that's what all that candy is it's for the kitties not kitties you know kids who hopefully will come trick-or-treating um and i also always keep that's not my beer i always keep water on hand and it actually there's a beer in here that i found a tacote i don't drink beer i don't drink it all but i have friends and my brother drinks beer whenever he visits so at least that'll be here for him and i always have cold water on hand i also use a filter so i don't have to purchase bottled water so that is a berkey filter makes the water taste amazing here moving on out so um there's another bathroom in here this is actually a free three foot garden tub and it's just it's ginormous uh what i do in here is i turn on this little light and then i light the candles and i have a little wall light right here i turn off the lights and i have a nice little ambiance bath whenever the mood the mood suits me and then this is my upcoming hydroponic system that i put together i have to get i can't i don't have a bucket that fits under there yet so i have to take some measurements this is just the laundry room but this paint this black paint is oops paint i don't know how black paint can be a mistake but it was and then i have alternative form of cooking out here so this is my solar oven and i'm cooking that chicken and it's it's going my next project is going to be to take my solar panels there's four there and there's one on the other side of this fence and put them on the roof because they're not as efficient as they can be but still i still power my entire living room so as you can see you just follow this little cord and then it goes over here and i've got it hidden in this this thing and then it goes over back here into a three-pong where it goes onto a power cord here off on and that turns on my lamp in my computer and then you keep following the cord and it powers my entire tv you have to take advantage and use every resource you have available another thing that i use is the roku box and a lot of there are a lot of tons of apps on there but right now on amazon prime and i am not an amazon prime member right now if you look right there it's the entire series of little house on the prairie which is free even if you're not an amazon prime member all you have to do is put up with the ads which are commercials and there's really it's a lot less than it is on standard tv you got 10 cloverfield lame the hunger games army of darkness and it's all free right now um i'm trying to find c right here it says popular movies and tv free with ads so if so on amazon prime you have free options and then when you go to the home page i have netflix which costs 8.95 i do the standard def with standard def one you only have the option of having netflix on in one room however all movies broadcast in hd and all movies are created in hd so since switching from high def to standard def i have seen no difference in the quality of picture you've got the roku channel um you've got voodoo nfl channel youtube crackle the cw youtube tv film rise pluto tv the list goes on and on and anytime you go into any one of these apps you can just go ahead and take your pick this one happens to be tubey you go in there and people say is it really that better than over the air the antenna watch this boom you've got thousands and thousands of movies right there and that's not just with one channel folks that that that is just one channel and then you go back and you pick a different channel so that was just from toby you go back and pick a different one so here's uh i don't know uh here's fox news fox news channel and then you go on to the channel and it's got tons of stuff just takes a second there you go fox news channel isn't that a fancy background right there there you go full episodes of all of the news and then you've got fox news go which is live and then you've got all that election stuff going on and the news and everything else and it's not just one thing everything has every single channel on here has thousands and thousands of movies this one's film rise and then you just wait for it to upload real quick and then look thousands and thousands and thousands it's not just one it's not just this is over this this is over the air on crack is what it is uh so much so much that you can watch and that's just with a 25 roku box and an internet connection and everyone has an internet connection anyway did or living quote unquote in poverty i don't consider this poverty this is just this is crazy but artwork i get all of my artwork at thrift stores and yes folks all of my clothes almost all of my clothes are from thrift stores it may look like i have a ton there's maybe thirty dollars worth of clothes in there because everything i have is from the thrift store so whenever i make videos like this people assume several things they assume that i don't have a job and i do they assume that i'm on some sort of public assistance and i'm not they assume that i have a horrible miserable life where i just sit at home and do nothing well no i live in arizona which is the most outdoor crazy fun stuff to do uh in my opinion pretty much anywhere so i can go rock climbing boulder boulder jumping running jogging walking hiking i live right on the colorado river i can go inner tubing swimming i can go search the beaches and do foraging and scavenging i have a metal detector i can go metal detecting i have magnet hooks where i can go magnet fishing there is so much to do for free out there frisbees hacky sacks bean bag toss there's so many things that you can do for free i don't understand how people find they think that the only way to have fun is by spending money so i'm just trying to show people an alternative way and this is the way that i do it do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out one other thing before i sign off folks i would just like to remember you remind you that people who are in poverty right now live better than the richest kings of our previous generation you should always be grateful for what you have even if it is only a little by society's standards feel abundant in everything that you have and give when you can give and take when you need it that's all
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 1,241,265
Rating: 4.6815867 out of 5
Keywords: Low Income Living, Poverty, Budget
Id: A0oRQFAoqIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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