How I Increase Sales Easily (Marketing that always works!)

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if you want to increase the sales in your business but you don't want to give Facebook or Google any money then you're going to love this video because I'm going to show you all the strategies and tactics that I use that have turbot chared my business over the last 20 years I've done hundreds of millions of pounds worth of sales and every single year I have to bring over a million people into my businesses to make everything tick how am I doing it and how am I doing it frugally with as little money as possible well this is the video for you let's get into it look getting customers for your business is the lifeblood the cash flow that drives your business forward keeping the cash flow keeps the business going yes profitability is important but cash flow is the Paramount and I want to break down in this video all the things that I do to make sure we've got a flood of customers not a trickle a flood yes you've got to have a great product but you've got to promote your business so as many people know about it as possible but if you're an entrepreneur you're probably bootst and you haven't got loads of money hanging around to give those big advertising platforms loads of money so how do we do it how do we use our cash flow and a little bit of cash a little bit of cash to Turbo Jaa profitability well it all comes down to marketing getting customers to increase the sales right let's give you some context to the businesses that I've actually got that I'm using marketing to increase my sales I've got ice cream parlers Farm attractions visitor attractions indoor play centers day nurseries and quite a large e-commerce business so I'm really online and offline and I'm trying to fuse those two mediums together to give each one of those businesses more results because it is different but there are some similarities I think we need to break it down to what I call the 3 kpi rule when you're in business you want to make sure that number one you're producing a monthly p&l it shocks me to my core cuz I do a big podcast and I've interviewed hundreds on hundreds of business owners nearly 500 now and I've got loads of people that come on the podcast they're doing millions of Revenue they know their annual accounts but they don't know their monthly profit and loss you need to be in a position of telling your accountant how profitable you are and then getting your accountant to be tax efficient for you that's the right way round so we must produce a monthly profit and loss because when we've got that monthly profit and loss we can be so much better at marketing it all really ties in number two is your labor to turnover ratio cost the labor to turnover ratio cost OT so what are you spending on your labor as a percentage of your turnover or Revenue so if you're in retail 15% of your turnover should be going on labor if you're in child care it's 50% if you're in software it might be a bit higher you get the point and then the third one and this is the foundation of marketing where I want to start this is your average customer value until you know what your customer is spending with you at each transaction or each order you can't really do any marketing and you want to make this cultural within your business and it goes one step further than that we've got the average customer value then we've got average transactional value how often do our customers transact with us and then the alv what's the average lifetime value once you know the answer to these three points you know how much money or time effort and energy you can put in to getting more customers how much can you spend to buy customers so let's put some live examples here let's get a red pen from over here so I don't know say we're McDonald's I think it's a really good way to start and you know everyone's spending £8 every time I'm going to change that to £10 just for ease of maths so every time they come to us they're spending £10 they're transacting with us 52 weeks a year so obviously very unhealthy they're spending £520 with us a year lifetime value of a McDonald's customer could be a 100 Years of their life so 100 times 520 so £52,000 over their lifetime so Mac Donalds know that a customer is going to spend £52,000 with them over their lifetime obviously we just made the numbers up they're not completely accurate but we're just doing it for you understand here they're TR every time they come with us they're spending a tener 52 weeks in a year they're spending £520 a year lifetime value I've times it just saying they live to 100 obviously all made up so we know that they're going to spend £52,000 or this in their lifetime therefore how much can we spend on marketing to acquire a customer this is the foundations of marketing I want you to do it with your businesses now I want to do it with one of my businesses just to give you an example I've got a farm attraction average order value is £20 people come buy their ticket for example they're transacting with us once or twice a year so I'm going to say they're transacting with us two times that's £40 a year the customer is with us once the child has got to eight or 9 years old they've grown out of us so we've probably got four good years that we can keep that customer 40 80 160 sorry say £60 worth of lifetime value per customer so I've only got that of Lifetime cash value per customer I'm obviously going to spend a lot less on marketing to the 52,000 that McDonald's are going to spend I ain't going to do TV advertising and national press but once you understand this stuff you really know what you can spend on your customers most people do that in their head I'm not going to spend that much to get a customer when I'm only going to bring in20 I'm not going to do a TV advert on McDonald's for a customer just to spend 10 but no this is why this is so important because your profit might come on the third the fourth the fifth the sixth sou lots of people especially in Ecommerce are prepared to lose money on those first few sales knowing that they're going to have the customer for Lifetime and that's why I always say free sometimes better than discounting think about Netflix here giving the chance to people to use the platform for free knowing the lifetime value like me as a consumer I've been giving Netflix 10 15 a month for the last 15 years so giving me the service for free for 30 days has bought massively into lifetime value and has driven their cash flow so that's where it all starts gang that's the three kpi rule right let's look at the next Foundation of marketing it's understanding the difference between your most customer and your ideal customer and the best way of describing this is with a picture of a tree this is how I've always explained this cuz I think it's just the best way of understanding how marketing Works your most customer might not be the one that gives you the most money the most profitability but if you've got most customers you'll get ideal customers now the best example of this is a company called Google you may have heard of them their most customers are on their platforms searching and they're searching or viewing for free they don't give them any money to watch videos but YouTube or Google then because of that have ideal customers now the ideal customers are the fruits that grow on your tree so for YouTube it could be the people that pay for YouTube premium my God if you haven't paid for YouTube premium yet it's lifechanger no more adverts those 10 15 pound a month that YouTube's getting from their ideal customers only happen because they've given the gift of YouTube for free to all the Searchers that have been watching videos on there same is for Google you know people are searching on Google billions of people each year using the platform I then come along as a Google Advertiser and I give Google £20,000 a month on PPC for party pieces my e-commerce website to help find customers not what we're talking about today but I absolutely do do that too therefore I'm an ideal customer giving Google over a quarter of a million pounds a year let's look at one of my businesses I've got a Farm Park a farm visitor attraction my customers like I told you they come in they spend £20 to come in for the day and buy some ice creams and whatever it is they're my most customers in fact I have around 200,000 of those people spending 20s each and every single year because I've got those £200,000 giving me quite a low average customer value I'm allowed to get my ideal customers of the people that sign up for memberships the people that come to my day Nursery that I've built on site that are spending around ,000 a month with us and also to my higher priced events I get to pick all these ideal customers because I focus F used on my most customers so you have to have a business that has most customers and ideal customers and literally every fantastic business that I've come across has this think about an airline their most customers are the people that go in their economy seats but let me tell you now their ideal customers are their business class and first class customers they only get the ideal customers usually because they've got their most customers let's give another example to It Disney most of their customers watch the films for free or very little money their ideal customers are the people that spend £10,000 on a vacation or going on a Disney cruise if you can create a business where you've got most an ideal customers your most customers will become the people that just keep on giving you those warm leads into your business now remember that warm leads for your ideal customers we're going to talk about leads later on now here's what lots of business owners do they go my most customers are my most difficult customers you know think about Google they've probably got a lot more people involved in doing the servers and making sure the search stuff is all really good on top of the market the Temptation Forme businesses is to go do you know what my most customers are really hard work I'll just cut the tree down see Disney could stop making content people will still go to the theme pars still go on the cruise lines for a certain period of time but in 10 years time if they stop making content they may see the numbers dwindling off I think we can all agree with that now if I closed my Farm Park and just kept my day Nursery open the day Nursery would be okay but it might stop getting those best leads those best leads that have come from my 200,000 people that come there each and every single year so you don't want to ever cut the tree down don't ever be tempted to get rid of your pool that you go fishing in for your ideal customers marketing can only be as good as the least friction that you deliver deler as a business you want to be like Netflix where you can try Netflix free for 30 days if you don't like it you can just cancel and go away what you don't want to be is like the guys that were their rivals in the early days Blockbuster these guys put so much friction in the way that eventually they went busted and Netflix as a Founders they looked at Blockbuster and went you know if you get your video Back by one day late you've got to pay another three quid or they didn't have it in stock cuz everyone wanted that new video Netflix got rid of friction so you can Market a product you can do a lot of hard work to get your product into the marketplace and if people discover you because of your marketing efforts and then see friction you're going to find out that you get way less return on investment the marketplace wants a frictionless process of doing business with you now businesses put friction in place to protect the business obviously but you want to make sure that friction is as little as possible because let me tell you now the Netflix model is much better than the blockb model now when it comes to marketing your business there's a little couple of formulas that I use that will really help you the first one is Market message media I'm just going to draw a triangle now what's happened is media's become really cheap so lots of people become lazy marketers not really thinking about who their Market is so we're just going to do this little triangle Market message and media the best thing I like to explain to people is if you go back to the 60s or 70s making a video would have been so flipping expensive it probably would have gone the board level for a business to make a decision to make a TV commercial or even any forms of videos now because everyone's got a TV studio in their pocket they're becoming really lazy and they're going right we better make a video um uh then they're thinking what we're going to say on the video and then they're thinking about where we're going to put the video so they went this way round but really we need to be going this way around this way around and really if you want to be a great marketeer you should ex just think that media doesn't exist just think that media doesn't exist start with your Market who is your Marketplace what's their pain points what's their financial spending power what do they want to buy are they hungry to buy your products and services and then what's your message to them to solve those problems and then lastly where they hang about do you still need to do leaflets magazines Facebook social media do you need to make content but you start with who your Market is list it out what's your message to them that's so flipping powerful you're going to solve all their problems then what the media is one two three great marketing I use this little formula it's called Ada how to get people's attention how to keep their interest how to get them to make a decision to work with you and then how to get them to action right now a powerful call to action in my experience business owners are very good at getting their clients interested in their products or service and getting them to make a decision to do business with them but usually eventually comes into it now the great business owners the best marketeers are really good at getting people's attention then keeping their interest then getting them to make to them do it make a decision to do business with you but lastly get very good at getting them to action right now getting them to make the decision right now how can we do that in reality think about this you've got a shop and you put a big sign on the window saying closing down 50% off that's caught my attention I'm going to save some money I've got my interest that I'm going to save some money decision I'm going to go and save some money the problem is they haven't put a call to action a better sign would be 50% off closing down sou wow that's caught my attention I'm going to save some money my decision is I want to save some money but if we add tomorrow 50% off closing down tomorrow I know I need to take action now now because it'll be gone tomorrow and that's what really good marketeers do they get people to do the A's and the A's attention and action straight away so how can you get their attention how do you keep their interest how can you get them to make a decision to do business with you and how can you get them to Action Now Beyonce Taylor Swift they put out a Facebook post says hey we're doing a live tour now I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift or Beyonce that's caught my attention I've got my interest I've built up loyalty with them the decision that I'm going to go whatever happens the natural call to action is they have built up a story that if you don't buy right now it will sell out and you won't be able to buy what do people love to buy most when they can't buy they've turned themselves into a scarcity and you don't want to be looking like you're a commodity and that's what you really want to do in your marketing get people attention get them take interest in what you're doing get them to make a decision they're going to buy from you and then lastly get them to action let's look at these two points here how can we be better at interest and decision well if you've got awards that will make people trust you testimonials are very good at making people think yeah I've made a decision I want to buy from them guarantees as well if you offer guarantees testimonials Awards payment plans any of those things uh if you craft that into your marketing that can help people make a decision now the calling to action thing is getting people to act right now could be limited Supply the price will go up if you don't buy today you'll probably never get to buy again there's just three examples noticed we haven't spoke about paid for ads or even creating anything yet we're just learning the foundations of average order value lifetime value how do you get people to get their attention and call to action so I think the best thing is we're going to design a leaflet here together imagine this is your leaflet now what most business owners do or most people that are not trained in marketing is they will put too much information on their leaflet that's creating a confused mind and a confused mind never buys we do not want too much information we want to make sure that we're powerful on the headline a really good headline like this that's got three words pretty much like a thumbnail on YouTube that makes you click those three words like closing down now and then a sub headline save 50% off this is a much better leaflet it's telling you exactly what you need to know straight away and you'll realize that it's 80% headline 20% copy over here on this other leaflet all these words are too copy driven copy is another way of saying the words that we use in marketing your headlines are so so important if you get good headlines you'll get better results on email opens better results on sales letters better results on leaflets better results on social media getting people to click it's all about the headline headline headline headline takes preference get good at headlines gang even for my YouTube videos I'm thinking about the headlines for what we're going to call a video to get you guys to make you want to watch it we can send out hours deliberating over what we should call the videos and getting them headlines just right we're very lucky because we have access to Media now that we can get followers to our business now I'm going to draw this little pyramid here and at the bottom I'm going to write followers and at the top I'm going to write fans what we want to do is get our customers to go from followers to fans so they watch watch our content which is a lot of work and then they go do you know what I really like what I'm seeing here I'm now going to become a shopper ready to buy once I've become a shopper I'm going to become a customer and then usually an advocate and then at the top after buying lots of times and they like what they see they become a fan of the business now if people follow you and watch your content you've read your books or your newsletter or your videos or your podcast they can scoot right up to being a fan just because they're compounding the power of content Disney have this Netflix have this people are massive fans of stranger things and they're going out through all these events that are stranger things themed or buying stranger themed merchandise they're going from followers straight to fans skipping past this now traditional marketing traditional customers would have gone through this process which is I still think you should be doing this I'm searching for a product or service to help my business the next day once I've searched for it I'm now a shopper so this could have been a high street of Old or it could have been Google or a newspaper I'm searching for a particular thing that's coming into my mind's eye I need a new sofa I need a new fridge or I need a new supplier of services so now I'm a shopper once I've searched for it then I become a customer then I become uh an advocate and then lastly if I keep using you and you look after me I become a fan of the business I want to just take a moment here to talk about the difference between Advocates and fans in the business an advocate when asked will happily recommend you a fan of your business goes around the world and tells everyone about you and actually you can speed up Word of Mouth by just asking your current customers to recommend you to other people once asked they would always recommend you if you've done a good products or service but if you can get it to the level where people just go and Shout about you like a football team like they do about Apple like they do about Disney this stuff is possible it's your job to try and create ways of getting more Google reviews more testimonials and simply by just asking people to go and recommend you to the world I am promising you I've done this in my business for years and years just asking people to go and recommend you can turn you quickly up this pyramid of how to get customers and turn them from Advocates into fans much much quicker tell your customers to recommend you it absolutely works now if you want to get good at making videos doing podcasts writing emails getting people to take notice of your stuff you need to get very good at copy this is what great marketeers understand copy are the words that we use in our marketing copy is where it all begins game the power of your headline is copy the intro to your podcast the intro to your videos the open rates of your emails it all starts with copy now you understand we want to have this pre copy checklist so what's the first thing that we need to look at your headline when you create a YouTube video what is the headline that's going to make people want to click when you create an email what is the subject line that's going to make people want to click and read your email remember your headline is where it all begins and if you don't get the headline right it doesn't matter how good your piece of marketing is no one's going to keep an interest in it your story if you can weave stories into your marketing you'll know that your retention is so much more powerful if you've ever been binged watched a series you've watched that stranger things or gra of Thrones just one more episode that's because you're obsessed with the story you cannot wait to find out what happens next if you can weave stories into your marketing then I think you have a much better results remember this stories sell facts just tell if you've got credibility make sure that's on your flipping marketing this is much easier for Professional Services if you're an accountant that gives you natural credibility if you're a solicitor or a dentist and that's on your marketing people know well they must be credible because they're a professional regulated server but if you've got your own credibility you've been around for a long time you've won lots of awards you've worked with some of the best other companies in the world maybe the government or a massive company that gives you credibility make sure that's weaved into your marketing your voice listen when you're writing you want to write as you speak that's one of the best ways of keeping people reading your copy and also if you're on video you want to be as natural as you usually are off a video and this does take practice and I actually find it bizarre that people speak so confidently off camera put a camera in front of them or they stand on stage and they completely turn into someone else you want to use your enhanced personality on camera you're inhanced personality in the way that you write not tur into some professional Barrister or like you're speaking to the Head teacher at school this is really important especially when you're writing emails and sales letters and letters that go in the post to people speak as you write and write as you speak sorry and you'll find that you're getting much better results bullet benefits bullet points I think are really powerful if you tell people the benefits that you've got in your uh copy so if this was um an a headline maybe we've got a picture here and we put tick lists of all the things that you're going to get people love that they like benefits being bullet pointed um it really does help you know I think sub headlines which you could use as bullet points anything like that and this is really important because we need to understand dual readership path some people are people that read every single letter other people most people are skimmers if anyone's read any of my books or seen any of my emails you'll see that we use some italics some sub headlines and that's because we understand that some people just skim the email and other people read the whole email now the uninitiated will just use one font all the way through most people won't read that so if you're not using sub headlines and understanding that most people might just read the testimonials or just look at the paragraphs that are highlighted or the diagrams you're going to miss out on your marketing you must craft in dual readership path I want to give you an example now over the screen of me I wrote this big long Sal letters for one of my events business masterclass and you'll see that we've done three A4 pages of copy here but there's loads of sub headlines throughout the copy and that's designed for dual readership path 20% of people are going to read everything back to front but most people will skim hopefully you'll see over screen now an example of duel readership path most people just write block copy like it's a copy page out of the Bible that is not going to get your results jeel readership half absolutely essential selling On Emotion if you can make people angry sad or happy you're going to keep people engaged watch any good standup comedian there keeping you laughing that's keeping you watching if people are bored they're not going to keep watching or keep reading or keep listening the master politicians of the world are very good at selling on anger and emotion to get votes watch what they do they sell on those points they don't sell on humor but usually they can really get you to vote for them because they can make you angry or sad about the current state affairs come to me I will make everything better for you you don't want to put up with this this and this anymore you see how that can really lure you in your offer if you are not putting offers into your marketing I'm not talking about discounting discounting is deaf but great offers into your marketing then you're really going to start missing out and this whole video is about increasing sales for your business adding offers to your marketing catapults the results that you will get let me give you a quick example of this now supermarkets know this buy two get one free buy today and get a free servicing plan it doesn't have to be buy today and get 50% off which is just bloody lazy marketing human beings love a deal they love to feel like they've got something for nothing and that's why I always say free is better than discounting limited time offers crafted into your marketing will explode the results that you get people love an offer especially if it's limited time so if you not put offers into your marketing you just won't get the best results people might buy eventually but if you want to speed up the results and get them to action right now craft an offer into your marketing your risk reversal now this is the big aha moment I had when understanding how to increase sales using Marketing in your business when people are first discovering you their back of Mind thinking is well if I give that company some money what's the risk that I'm going to lose my money or have a bad time now I own a hotel it's really important that we've got loads of Google five-star reviews and really good on trip advisor when people are SE searching around what hotel to stay for those reviews reverse the risk of coming to stay with us they can see other people's reviews to make them make decisions to come and stay at our hotel similarly if you're going on a big sky jump you want to make sure that the company that's taking you up in the air and you're going to jump out of an airplane have got all those risks removed that stops you from dying you want to make sure that they've got insurance that they've got really good training but they've got fantastic instructors and you want to see that they've done it lots and lots of times before super successfully if you want to live another day how can you put all of that into your marketing well some of the things that you can do RIP views testimonials we spoke about that just a moment ago but also 100% money back guarantees if you're not satisfied we'll give you all your money back if you've won awards if you've been established for a long time if you've got loads of content on the internet because lots of people go well I've discovered that company let's Google them and see if they're really good and if you're lited all over the internet in a good way that can really help with risk reversal that's a really leveraged task most companies are just not very good at that you could spend a week making sure that you're famous to a few and Google famous so that when people search for you they can see articles written about you art awards that you've won and five star testimonials get that over the line and you'll see that you get much better results and increasing your sales in your business call to action remember the aid of philosophy gang we're getting their attention and we've done all the interest and decision stuff with all of our copy checklist that we've just discussed but if you haven't got a call to action on there with a juicy offer you might have just wasted all your time remember we need the call to action because everyone's bloody busy life just gets in the way and then we forget to come and do business with you and then lastly this is something that I think is really powerful if you can find another business owner another marer that's learning marketing with you swap over your marketing and get them to edit what you're doing and you edit for them and usually that collaborative brain that super brain power that Mastermind can really catapult the results that you get in people actually giving you some money now the money by the way is in the list if you are not building an active database and communicating with that database you're literally leaving so much money on the table it's a joke on one of my businesses we've got 320,000 email addresses for people that have been to our visitor attractions we can just email them saying hey you've been before we've created this new event we've got a juicy offer that if you buy by midnight tonight you get this offer which could be buy one ticket and get a make a bear teddy on the day when you turn up but you have to buy it by midnight today to get that offer we can literally send that email out and get tens of thousands of pounds worth of sales no Facebook ads no Google ads just doing a beautiful email and emailing it to people that have already bought from us before if people have bought from you and you you don't put them into a database and yeah you need to do all the gdr pr stuff if you don't do that you're literally losing out on so much money it's a flipping joke you must have a database that you use if you haven't got a database more for you if you want to increase the profits in your business you're going to have to increase the sales in your business how do you increase the sales you get loads of Juicy warm leads how do we increase the leads well I'm going to give you some of my top ideas of increasing leads into your business number one is quizzes can you add a quiz into your marketing mix people love filling out quizzes that's why game shows are on TV people play the quiz along at home anyone that's been to a pub quiz you get the point now I have done a quiz for one of my businesses this business called the eight traits of great entrepreneurs and you fit in the quiz to find out where you are on my entrepreneurs pyramid and you break it all down it's good fun quiz you can do it yourself you can try it for free there's a link in the video description I'll then email you a PDF template on all the things that you need to work on now think about this if you was in health and fitness and you had a quiz that you could send to people or you could do some put it on your website or on Facebook people fill in the quiz to work out where they are in health and fitness you have then got a really good warm qualified lead people are filling out quizzes pensions and Investments maybe you need to work out how much you need to save right now to have a comfortable retirement what would be better what do you need to invest right now to have a comfortable retirement if you're an entrepreneur you could you could fill in the quiz with all these crafted questions on how much you need to earn where you need to put your money what what your risk appetite is blah blah blah blah you fill it all in and then that Financial investment advisor can ring you back based on the results of your quiz imagine that for driving leads into your business what about waiting lists as a signal to buy if you wanted to create a new piece of furniture or uh a new piece of fashion or a new piece of software say look we're creating this you put it out into the marketplace you make some content you send some emails I created this new piece of software it's really going to help your business using x y and Zed if you would like to try it for free why don't you just you know put your email address in here and when it comes out you can have it for free for the first 14 days but we've only got a th spaces you see what I've done there call to action limited Supply and go on the waiting list waiting lists are Great lead magnets Flyers I'm still a massive massive fan of Flyers they're so cheap if you've got a local small business if you're not sending out flyers through people's doors I think you're missing out cuz less people are doing that they're relying on PPC on Facebook meta and Google and all this stuff Flyers are really valuable especially for localized businesses I send out at least a million Flyers each and every single year and they have huge results newsletters newsletters are so powerful now every Monday at 7:00 a.m. I release a newsletter of my usings and my thoughts from the previous week before it's completely free to join my news newsletter I pack it with value you can sign up on my website James then one in every 100 newsletters if you then say would you like to buy this thing that we've created you will see such tremendous results but you don't ask for the buyer until you've built great relationships PR I mean the new PR in my opinion is POD pods articles I mean articles on LinkedIn are getting massive results really good quality articles if you're a thought leader for your industry get those articles out there get them on substack get them on medium and send them to newspapers getting in local newspapers and and National presses easier than ever before what you get from that is all of these newspapers upload all of their stuff on the internet which will drive in loads of digital leads to you as well so think about PR but don't pay for it you don't need to pay for it just do the bloody work write the Articles send them out make the videos make the podcasts all my podcasts all my YouTube content is just my own version of PR and it has generated me huge results t house picking up the phone picking up the phone gang it really works less and less people are doing that than ever before so if you're not picking up the phone and asking people for business or telling them about your business you're not going to get enough leads picking up the phone I I literally cannot tell you how much picking up the phone still works taster events doing events where people come to you and see what you're all about Discovery days all of that stuff really works I've done all of that in the past publishing a book I've wrote four books they have given me so many leads writing a book gives you Authority the word author is an authority and you can use your book as the best ever flipping business card you've ever had books books books they work they work and you can take little segments of the books and turn them into articles videos would you believe it I believe in videos as lead magnets who would have guessed uh direct mail sending letters in the post especially lumping out I'm a big fan of that um do you know what out of all the things that I've discussed today sending letters in the post and sending letters that are a bit lumpy I I spoke about this all the time I send balloons teddy bears uh boxes of chocolates cakes in the post with a letter of people that I really want to get in front of nothing nothing works like that to get leads and get people's attention if it looks like a package it will land on the person's table desk more than anything else more than an email more than a text message more than Tes more than absolutely anything else if you can deliver a package to someone and I've delivered boxes like this it will go direct to the decision maker 80% of the time so if you're not sending stuff in the post and you really want to get in front of someone you're going to be missing out long form sound letters earlier on in the video I overlaid that but are long form S letter like the one we're repeating on the screen right now these really work if people know you they like you and they trust you and you want to get them over the line for another product or service you're bringing out send them a long form sales letter if the copy's good and they like what they're reading they really convert really well competitions if you're not doing competitions to grow your business especially on social media and marketplaces hey look we we opened a dinosaur park we wanted to get loads of awareness for it so we done a competition on Facebook or on all social media platforms if you would like to win free tickets to our dinosaur park please tag your friends below or fill in this competition form we're going to be hiding tickets around the county for you to find if you want to be on the list to find out when this competition happens etc etc give you details below whatever it is competitions have been going for a long long time use competitions to get leads and you'll see good results networking obviously getting out there networking I prefer speaking at networking events if I can't speak speak see look if I stand I go to a networking event there's a th people and I can do a half hour keynote I just networked one to 1,000 so be smart and leverage your networking make sure the right people are in the room actually crucially on the networking as well sometimes I've been to places where there's only 10 people there but if it's the right 10 people and you're speaking to the right 10 people that could be better than speaking to a thousand people the best networking though in my opinion nowadays in 2024 is making content because content is the best networking toour it means you're doing the work once and you can get out to potentially millions of people referral system now AMX are really good American Express are so good at saying to all their best customers because they understand you know oh you're spending a lot of money with us um you must have friends like this because usually people associate with similar people to them can you refer us to your friends we'll give you 10,000 points for doing that and if we refer us to your friend we'll also give them 10,000 points so look at your best customer and just give them a ring and say hey can you tell other people about us and we'll give you something and we'll give you them we'll give them something as well as part of the deal referrals flipping work now look if you want to increase sales you've got more leads you need to increase conversions there's no point in doing all this work without increasing conversions you got to make an offer that's the fastest way of increasing conversions you got people's attention you've done a good deal but the call to action make them an offer that's time limited reduce sales friction this can increase conversions remember we spoke about friction this is one of the fastest ways of getting people not to do business with you do you know one of the biggest ways that you can increase conversions on busy people get Apple pay get Google pay get clear pay get CLA all of that stuff that means that people don't have to go on a big treasure hunt to find their wallet or purse nowadays do you accept AMX for example you don't accept AMX oh my God that's a bit of friction whatever it is reduce friction increase range I'm telling you now unfortunately not that I want people to put loads of money into stock and stuff like this but my experience is when we've grown some of our businesses when we've increased range even though people just buy the top 20% of our lines as we've increased range they convert with us more why is that human beings like the choice they like the selection so if it's not too costly for you and you're not tying up loads of cash into stock increase your range before and after photos very highly effective if you can show this is what you've done for customers before and this is what it looks like after and this works really well in construction DIY and cleaning so before and after really works and beauty that really works payment plans if you if you do offer P ways for people to pay over a period of time and you keep that a big secret you're stupid so many companies do offer payment plans do offer Finance packages but they only offer it when asked turn that around because some people are embarrassed to ask they're embarrassed a while so you want to make sure that you're putting that out in front don't forget those risk reversal guarantees this can help increase conversions people look at your business what's the risk of using you put the guarantees out there think about that stuff before they ask because most people don't ask so if you don't make it obvious you've missed out testimonials testimonial videos really help increase conversions especially if you got someone famous and welln even in a local area say you're a local business if you got the local MP or the mayor or the councel or the head of the council um or you know a big head teacher or a local business that everyone knows about doing a testimonial about your business that can catapult conversions as well incentivize your team oh my God but incentivize your team to do it right now I've got an ice cream shop if I said to all my team right today average order value was £150 per customer tomorrow if we can get that average order value to £150 just1 more all of you will get 2020 cash now I can't do that anymore but in the earlier days I did do that stuff you know things are difficult now I got 1,200 people you can't do all those good fun things but if you're a small business try that stuff but make sure you reward them on the day and if things really improve that will teach you a big lesson a big lesson about how to improve conversions and upsell and see if you can get those things over the line demonstrations if you're selling cars and you say to someone look what are you just borrow the car for a couple of days see if like it that demonstration can really make people go you know what I really do like this I will buy people even do this with mattresses now keep the mattress for 30 days if you don't like it return it to us demonstrations let people try before they buy if you can offer that it really does help conversions except tradings if people want to get rid of their stuff and you can accept it maybe they've got an old computer and they want to get a new one you take that in refurbish it sell it on if that's right then you can really get in conversions increased now the big one is follow-up oh my God guys most businesses are so terrible at followup it's a joke you know they go right okay we'll get back in touch with you and they say stupid things like oh we don't want to bug them bug them bug them if you want to increase conversions I'm not saying that you're going to bug them 10 times a day but follow up with a text message follow up with an email follow up with a letter and God forbid follow up with a phone call phone call follow-ups are the biggest way of increasing conversions most people don't want to pick up the phone but they're the best ways of getting conversions over the line shorter delivery times now I bought party pieces which is one of the oldest online party shops in the country I bought it uh from the mlon family Kate midleton's mom um and it was based in reading and I wanted to move that warehouse over to Essex where the rest of my businesses was now in that time we would we couldn't do next day delivery we had to go to 5 to 7 day delivery and we took that off the website we had two k was moving web moving warehouses the Sals tanked like they went down by 75% it was horrific the second we put back on the website next day delivery again the sours shut up so shter delivery times giving people instant gratification can absolutely increase conversions sound scripts if you've got people on the phones give them a script of what to say you'll see that they convert a lot better listening to their phone call and then Coach them on what they did wrong listening into what your team say to your customers on the phones and how they write emails you can say look train them don't have a go at them make them better train them if you don't train your team you can't gain from your team um let's how do we improve transactions get people to transact with us more offer service contracts even if you don't make that much money from your service contracts but it reminds people of who you are then that can be really powerful that's why I love child care businesses people come in on a Monday see you tomorrow see you Wednesday see you Thursday see you Friday you're building a way of seeing your customers all the time that's one of the most powerful things about service contract if you got regular maintenance regular cleans you might not make much money from them but it does remind your customers that you're still about so when they do spend a big amount of money you're there think about Apple music by the way you're subscribed to that oh you remember it remember it or you think about Disney plus you're only paying £10 a month £ a month love it love it love it all let's go to Disney World all let's go on Disney CR so these little service contracts if you can get them into your business just to remind your customers are there bada bing bada boom loyalty and membership if you can make your customers feel like a member of your business things just explode football clubs have this people feel like a member of their club I'm a member people like saying I'm a member AMX have done this really well one of my favorite companies in the whole world Costco they have created huge loyalty through their membership program Costco customers are some of the wealthiest in society they have to pay 80 a year to be a member to actually go and shop and that 80 a year makes people loyal and and very proud to be Costco members I don't know how Costco do it but if you can create loyalty and membership you'll find that you increase transactions always be in stock holding good stock levels makes people transact with you more work out ways that you can do that nothing annoys customers more than not being in stock and actually actually that can make people out shop in the marketplace if you've got a reputation for always being out of stock product of the month have you got something new people like buying new human beings are wired to see that new film try that new restaurant try that new hotel if you've got something new tell your customers offers on next purchases massively increases transactions if you've got something that you can say look if you buy from us again you'll get this offer I mean we do this in ice cream so you say look buy five bots of ice cream you get one free and and for a trade customer that could be really well buy five box of these lollies get two cases free whatever you can do an offer on your next per cuz what we're trying to do is get people in the habit of transacting us with us more so they're blinded to your competition charge consultancy fees now if you're a good business and you supply a product or service can you add a consultancy arm to the business maybe you supply food and drink to a uh restaurant and you can say well look we've got a consultany on where we'll come in and train your business on how to be more effective and how to drive profit margins lots of companies will pay for that thus increasing the transaction spend with you setting extra warranties loads of people love buying warranties the insurance game have been at it for years if you're not selling warranties in certain sectors you could be missing out and actually people might go elsewhere where they can't buy warranties now I've got another little trick up my sleeve in increasing sales in your business and that's the power of personal brand what a little puppy that I have leveraged over the years you've got to become the master of Sals persuasion and communication if you want to be a Savvy entrepreneur personal brand is great for pricing architecture as well because it gives you expert status in the marketplace you know people know that a dentist and accountant or a solicitor are an expert but you can use personal brand for the non-expert industry to drive the value of your pricing in your business and attract people to your business and actually that's a good point here's what personal brand does for your business it allows you to pull opportunities rather than and push and you'll notice that in most Industries and most businesses they're pushing for opportunities they're picking up the phone they're doing all this hard work to push for opportunities but what if we can actually pull everything towards us think about Richard Branson or Elon Musk every day their personal brand is just pulling opportunities to their businesses I want you to have that as well so actually putting yourself out there making content writing books writing articles podcasts and videos can leverage the amount of sales you get into your business by pulling opportunities towards you it's a good point now to look at the four types of businesses some businesses operate in this place they're novices that look like experts and these are the charlatans and you'll notice this in construction that novice Builder that markets themselves as an expert and gets loads of work but they're onetick ponies because people only use them once because they're Naf the next stage is the expert businesses you know that expert business owner but is Van's dirty he's always got his bum crack out but they're really good at what they're doing but they look like novices and so they get average results if any the best ones are the ones that are experts that look like experts think about that Barrister that airline pilot they dress they look like an expert and they bloody are an expert and obviously you do want that airline pilot to be an expert of what they do and then there's the sad situation where you've got average businesses that look average and unfortunately that is such a big Marketplace the average business that looks average what I want is I want you as a business owner to be in this space the expert business that looks like experts you are actually doing a great job but the rest of the marketplace sees you as doing a great job I don't want you to be the novice that looks like an expert and only gets one hit I don't want you to be the expert that looks novice or the expert that looks average or be average and be getting average results I want you to be the best and actually look the best to get the best results that's where all the money goes that's how you increase the sales in your business experts with personal brand will pull opportunities towards them rather than push for opportunities in the beginning of your business you will be pushing for opportunities remember gang you want to be the experts that look like experts you want to look in the marketplace like you're the very best and you will see your sales increase remember this game work harder on yourself than you do your business because the better you are the better your business's results the better you are at marketing the more sales you'll get for your business remember you should be a marketeer of your business than an operator of your business most entrepreneurs and business owners are operating their business the Smart Ones are growing their business their income generators thanks for watching make sure you subscribe to the channel like the video and if you've got any other ideas hit them in the comments I'll see you in the next one if you're still watching this video make sure you do the eight traits of the great entrepreneurs quiz there's a link in the video description you're going to love it and I'm looking forward to you reading the feedback form that you get once you've done the quiz to find out what you need to work on to improve the results of your business
Channel: James Sinclair
Views: 6,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: business, business owner, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, marketing, business marketing, sales, business sales, increasing leads, increasing sales, increasing transactions, increasing conversions, marketing 101, James sinclair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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