Salesforce Tutorial For Beginners | Introduction To Salesforce | Salesforce Training | Simplilearn

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hi guys i'm justin davis a salesforce consultant i help people with the various aspects of salesforce hi i'm sarah a sales manager our company has decided to implement salesforce for crm and branding i've been asked to be the head of the implementation process well that's good congratulations am i sensing a but there yes i'm confused about which edition to choose and also about the branding and customization options available in salesforce you know sarah that's a valid question companies looking for branding and crm are often not sure which editions to go for buying salesforce is the easy part now the company needs to start using it branding tabs and homepage customizations all go a long way to ensuring a high adoption rate users want to log in and navigate fast this lesson will explain how to solve the problem of tab overkill and cleaning up the home page for a more streamlined experience great i can't wait to get started choose from over 300 in-demand skills and get access to 1 000 plus hours of video content for free visit scale up by simply learn click on the link in the description to know more in this lesson what you'll learn is customizing the home page by adding and removing components creating custom tabs for faster data access creating a custom app for applications creation uploading a company logo to brand salesforce exploring the system overview page and updating the fiscal year and business hours let's go ahead and get started so salesforce is a web-based crm that allows users to log in from anywhere with an internet connection and browser the common use cases for salesforce include tracking business development activities of sales people so this could be logging cold calls you know sending mass emails any sending out brochures any type of business development activity that you'd want to track salesforce can manage that also the reporting on customer interaction through case management so if customers have any issues or complaints or problems they can log in and create a case and the customer service folks can work with that case as well also reporting on the effectiveness of marketing initiatives so all those different marketing activities that are being put on you know how effective are they what's the roi what are the general and total sales for them what are the sales specific for products and services and all of that also to give you the ability to collaborate between employees partners and customers so this last one is pretty interesting because there's a feature called salesforce communities and with salesforce communities you can actually grant login access to individuals outside of your organization so this is an important point here because salesforce is really ultimately a collaboration tool between employees also managers of course partners and customers next we're going to walk through the individual salesforce editions and talk about the pros and cons of each so salesforce has a wide range of products and services that they offer there are essentially three primary additions that you're going to encounter on the exam professional edition is the first level and it's really meant to be a standalone account and contact management system you can also track you know deals through opportunities as well as products but there are no options for you know integration and you know it's there is no automation as well so it's really meant to be a you know starter version of salesforce of course the benefit there is that it's 65 dollars a month so it's the least expensive of the three that you know most salesforce customers end up moving forward with the next addition here is enterprise enterprise is by far the most popular edition of salesforce it allows for workflow rules to send out automated notifications you can perform integrations there's a sandbox security is also much more robust so with enterprise edition you can actually build out you know an application on your own or you can actually connect with other applications as well so most customers end up moving forward with enterprise unlimited edition is the next level up and there's a level above that called performance which we're not going to go into too much detail on but unlimited edition offers higher limits there are multiple sandboxes allowed additional data storage not that many salesforce customers have this edition however some do so with unlimited edition as an administrator you'll have multiple sandboxes such as a full copy sandbox that brings over all the data into that sandbox so it's not just a blank testing area it actually has your live data as well you can also make many more customizations you can have more tabs and also you have additional data storage so for the purpose of this course you know we're going to be focusing mainly on enterprise edition features and limits that's what the exam primarily focus on as well but you know it is important to know that there's a couple of different you know main additions here of salesforce so next we're going to talk about home page customization so when you first log into salesforce you're going to hit the home page and so on this homepage you're going to see really a starting point so you're going to see tasks dashboard area you know any recent records so for example you're going to be able to see all the open and you know tasks that need to be completed that haven't been completed yet you can also view upcoming events you can also view dashboard snapshots so as you can see here so when a user first logs in they are able to you know see all of these different aspects and this is important because it's the starting point so from this page really it's meant to be you know a snapshot of all their activities and then from here they can start clicking on the various tabs across the top to start moving around the system so now i'm going to go ahead and walk you through some of the home page features so i'm logged into salesforce and as you can see here i can scroll up and down and see a list of calendar events that i have i also have recent items over here on the left hand side so if i want to navigate to one of those i can simply click on the link and it'll take me to that individual record so if i need to get back i can always go back and click on that home page so here once i'm here i can also show the chatter feed so for example i can click on the show feed button and it'll actually show me a list of all the different chatter conversations that i have and we'll get to chatter a little bit later on but chatter is essentially an internal messaging tool that allows you to communicate with other salesforce users and if i don't need to see this chatter feed for now i can just click it the hide feed button to collapse that back up down here i can also see all the calendar events so what i'm doing is i'm actually synchronizing from my google apps account so all of my google events are being synchronized back to the calendar here in this particular case i can also click on the new event button and this will actually allow me to manually create an event so i can choose the start date and the end date and time as well and then save and then that's going to show up on that calendar list if i want to see the calendar for multiple users i can come over here and click on this multi-user view icon and then i can see you know different individuals as well as their their calendar and availability so you know if i if i click on one of these purple boxes here it's actually going to show me the specific event details for that individual user and then of course if i want to jump back i can click on the home tab and it'll take me back to that page also on the home page here we have the recycle bin so if you ever accidentally delete something you can click on recycle bin and then that will allow you to come in here and actually undelete records now those are stored for up to 15 days and that is up to your data storage limit so whichever one comes first but for most salesforce customers it is going to stay there for 15 days so you can always go back in there and undelete it and and pull it out so moving on we're going to talk about user management so the key points for this is that users must be assigned an active license all usernames must be unique across all of the salesforce network so for example if you had a specific username at a previous company and you were wanting to use that at a new company you might be at you're gonna have to change you're gonna have to use a different username so one way around that is before you deactivated in the other system you can always change the username to something that is not meaningful you know so add a couple of numbers to the end of your the name before your the domain and that way you can use your own username going forward all users must be assigned a profile and you can also reassign user licenses so the licenses work in a pooled format so you buy 10 licenses and so 10 people at any given time can be accessing salesforce if someone leaves however you can turn off their access and then that license is freed up to then be assigned to their replacement for example so now i'm actually going to walk through the creation of a user in salesforce so i'm logged into salesforce here and i'm going to start by clicking on the setup link in the top right corner so over here on the left hand side i'm going to choose manage users click on users and then i can choose new user here so if i click on this new user button i then can start filling out the fields relevant to that particular user so in this case i'm going to have you know john adams and i'm going to choose just any random email address in this case and see if you if you see what happens when i fill out that email it it populates the username field there as well you can always come back in and change that so the email and the username actually don't have to be the same but you know they will be most of the time and then over here on the right hand side i can choose between different licenses so for example in this case i have maybe an chatter external license and then i have a chattel external user profile i can choose i also have options over here on the right hand side for example i can choose whether this user is in accessibility mode and colorblind palette on charts i can also turn off this quick access menu so i'm going to go ahead and do that because what that does is it shows a little blue box on the right hand side and i don't need this particular user to see it then i can scroll down here and i can choose if i want them to receive a new password and notify them immediately or not you know a lot of a lot of people don't know you can actually uncheck this and then click save and what that'll allow you to do is create a new user record but it will not send an email notifying that user that a new salesforce you know user account has been set up for them so if you want to set their account up without you know notifying them that's the way to go about it so to continue on i can also come in here and make changes so for example if john has a problem with the company for example and ends up getting terminated i can actually freeze john's user account so i can click on freeze and that will freeze john's access to the system i can also come back and unfreeze if there's a situation that's been resolved as well if i want to deactivate john i can click on edit here and uncheck this active checkbox now i'm going to be prompted here to confirm this which i'm going to go ahead and do so i'm going to click ok and then i'm going to click save and then salesforce is now going to deactivate john's user access now if john tries to log in again he's going to get a notification that says there's his system administrator has disabled his access salesforce has a couple of other user features worth mentioning so for example we can also reset a password so if i want to reset a password for this user i can go ahead and do so that will send user password reset however in this case i had deactivated this user so it didn't send it but you can reset their password there if i click on users i can also create views for example i've got some users in the system i can also create new view here and see you know all admin users for example so i can come over here and actually create a list view of the different users in the system and this is particularly useful for companies that have quite a few users so that way you can actually create lists and you can flip through them a little bit easier so at this point i'm going to create a list called admin and it's where the profile contains the word administrator and i'm going to click save so here you can see that none of the users actually showed up what that means is none of the users actually have that particular profile so let me change that to say chief executive so i'm going to click save and salesforce is actually saving my change at the moment and now you can see that a user shows up that actually fits the criteria for that particular list now i can also come over here and make a couple of other mass changes so if i if i click on the active users list here i can also come over here and check a couple of different check boxes and reset passwords for those individuals i can also click on this add multiple users button so if i click add multiple users it's going to give me the ability to choose a license and then i can actually add those users individually if i don't have enough licenses then i need to you know purchase more licenses from salesforce or i need to deactivate one of these users so that way they do have there is a free license for for me to use so the next thing we're going to talk about here is viewing available tabs in salesforce so the main points of this topic here is that tabs can be added or removed by individual users web tabs can be added to access commonly requested websites tabs can also be created to display visual force pages there's a couple of other uses for tabs but these are really the three primary uses to view object data to view websites as well as visual force pages so i'm logged into salesforce here and i've got a couple of different tabs across the top now i want to change what tabs are displayed so i can click on this plus sign and choose customize my tabs and then it gives me the ability to actually select different tabs that i want to have displayed so now i want to click save and then you'll see that those new tabs are now displayed across the top so i can also click on the tab it'll take me to individual list views as well same goes with dashboards so if i wanted to create a web tab i can do that and it'll show up as a tab here across the top so at this point i'm going to create a new tab for a custom object so i'm going to click on setup in the top right corner over here on the left hand side i'm going to click on create and then tabs and then i'm going to click on this new button so when i click on this new button i'm going to be presented with a list of custom objects that don't have a tab so i'm going to choose internal hour in this case it's a custom object i'm going to choose a tab style now when this window pops up i can choose from a variety of different icons in this case i'm going to choose the flag once i click next it's then going to ask me for the tab visibility so i have the bill the ability to control who has access to this tab by default so for example if i if i leave this as default on then everybody's going to be able to see the tab when they log in if i leave it as default off it's going to hide the tab but it will give them the ability to add it to their tab row if they'd like now if i choose tab hidden it's actually going to prevent them from seeing the tab as well as adding the tab to their own list of tabs in this case i'm going to leave it as default on and if i wanted to sort of mix and match a visibility i can also choose apply different tab visibility for each profile and i can choose between default on default off on a per profile basis in this case i'm just going to leave it as the default and i'm going to click next so here i also have the ability to add a tab to an individual app which we'll actually get to here in a few minutes in this case i'm going to click save because i do want the tab to show and so now you can see i can click on this internal hours tab and it's going to show me you know records for this particular tab so the next thing we're going to talk about is creating an app in salesforce so an app allows you to access common features organize tabs in a logical manner as well as create a customizable application so what that means is you can actually create internal apps for your organization so you might have an app for the sales team you might have an app for the customer service team or the marketing team so when they log in they can actually change from the drop down menu in the top right corner what different applications are available so for example here we have a list of different apps so we have an app for all tabs one for the imperial cloud sync application we have an executive app an external app as well so inside of salesforce you can you know essentially bundle up the tabs and objects on a per app basis so for example i'm logged into salesforce here so in the top right corner i can choose between sales or executive for example or perhaps the opio cloud sync app so in the top right corner you can build these different apps and uh and choose which tabs are selected so for example here i can choose sales and it'll take me back to the sales app for which i have tabs built out for so at this point i'm going to go ahead and create an app so i'm first going to click on the setup link in the top right corner and on this page i'm going to come over here to the left hand side and click on create and apps so now i'm going to click new and i'm going to create an app so let's call this app customer service in this particular case so here i have the ability to upload you know an associated logo we'll get to that in the next lesson but at this point you can click insert an image and actually choose a logo to associate here i'm just going to leave it as the default and i'm going to click next now this is the most important part of the app you have the ability to choose from different tabs from on the left hand side so for example we're building an app for the customer service team so what are the different tabs that they would need to see so i think accounts would be important for customers contacts as well for those that are actually calling in and then cases for the actual service tickets to resolve those customer issues i'm going to also add the dashboards tab so that way they can actually check on their performance and you know see what cases are being resolved and and how long it's taking them to resolve them so now i'm going to click next and on this page i can actually choose who has access and who doesn't so i can actually make all these individual profiles have access to the app by checking this visible checkbox here i can also take the further step of making the default app now what this would do is whenever a customer service person logs in this would be the default app that they see here in the top right hand corner in this case i'm going to uncheck it and be more selective i'm just going to say for example the ceo is going to be able to see this then i'm going to click save so when i click save i can actually click in this top right corner and you can see i now have my customer service app built out and it's got those individual tabs that we added earlier so that's essentially how you create an app in salesforce so the next thing we're going to talk about here is uploading a company logo now inside salesforce when you create apps and email templates and letterhead and all of that you're going to want to have the company logo in there so what you need to do is make sure that your logo is formatted per salesforce specifications 300 by 55 pixels for example you also need to upload that logo to the documents tab and then you can assign that logo to an actual app in salesforce so i'm now going to demonstrate how to actually upload the logo to salesforce so i'm logged in here i'm going to click on this documents tab on the documents tab i'm going to click new and i'm going to actually name this for example let's call it logo now i need to make this externally available so i'm going to check on that externally available image checkbox now that's very important because once you check that checkbox it makes the image available for outside applications that will reference the url so the best thing to do is check that checkbox if you want to make this logo or any document for that matter accessible via a link from outside of salesforce if not if you want to keep that document more restricted or private don't check that checkbox here i can also save the file to any of these folders so for example i'm going to click on the shared documents click on browse and then for example i'm going to grab that company logo file and i'm going to click save so now you can see i've uploaded the logo uploaded the logo here so i can actually go back and reference this logo with any of the applications that i have so for example i can click on create and apps and i can go back to for example that customer service app and on this customer service app i can actually change which image is displayed so here i'm going to click on insert image and it's going to pop up a box and i can actually choose logo here so i'm going to choose logo it's going to change that for me and click save and then when i jump over to that particular app in the top right corner for example customer service it's actually going to show that logo that i uploaded so it's a pretty simple trick you just need to make sure to upload that logo to the documents tab which then you can reference elsewhere so the next thing we're going to talk about is the company information page so the company information page has a few key points here so the most important in my opinion is being able to see your data and file storage as well as your active licenses so not many customers go over the data limit but if you do there's only one place to go and find that and that's in this company information page so here on the company information page we can see for example the use data space is at seven percent use file spaces barely at you know one percent or zero percent actually so you can see that as well as the number of active licenses down here at the bottom so it's on this company information page that you can update any organizational details such as address you can also view permission sets and what i'm going to do is click on this setup tab and then i'm going to click on company profile and then company information on the left hand side so what's going to happen is this page will load and show me exactly what we were looking at before so i can actually come over here and edit this as well so for example if i want to update the address or i want to change you know the default language for example i can do so i can also do things like turn on or turn off the different salesforce email newsletters that go out in this case case i'm just going to click save and i'm going to keep scrolling down so here we can see that the use data space is at you know 80 megabytes i can click view and it's actually going to show me all of the different records that i have so i've got a bunch of project history records i've got you know roughly 8 000 contacts so inside of salesforce you can actually see exactly how many records you have on a per object basis so i'm going to click back to go back so scrolling down i can also see the you know the api and what limits are are available for that api i can also see any restricted logins i can see my organization id as well and other relevant information so if i continue scrolling down i can see how many active user licenses i have so in this case in this particular org i have 14 active user licenses and i've got other feature licenses as well which we'll go over in subsequent lessons so in general the company overview page just gives you a snapshot of your organization your licensing and your total data storage so the next thing we're going to talk about is the system overview page so on the system overview page you can view the number of custom objects the number of workflow rules and custom tabs as well as apex classes and api requests you can also see any custom apps that you've built out as well so here i'm logged in and i'm going to click on setup and when i click on setup over here on the left hand side i can scroll down under monitor and click on system overview so on the system overview page i can see a few relevant pieces of information so starting in the top left corner i can see the number of custom objects that i have at 20 but i can see that my maximum limit here is 200 and i'm at 10 percent of that i also have one custom setting and i'm using approximately 81 megabytes of storage or about 7 i also have the ability to see the different rules and apex triggers and classes that i've created and my code limit so i have the ability to have up to three million characters in salesforce for code i've got about forty nine thousand right now so it's just barely scratching the surface just under two percent over in the top right hand side i can also see my number of api requests 232 as well as other user interface items like the number of custom apps the sites as well so if i continue scrolling down i can also see the most used licenses so if i click on the show all link it'll take me right back to the kemper company overview page so it's it's essentially showing you the same information but you can see i'm at a hundred percent of my licenses here and i also have three salesforce licenses so what this is is there's licenses that allow users to just see custom objects and then salesforce licenses which allow users to see everything for the purpose of the exam we're just talking about salesforce licenses at this point so the next thing we're going to talk about is updating the fiscal year in salesforce so in salesforce you can update the fiscal year which will help keep your reports accurate so you can assign a start in month to year company and update business hours for routing logic as well so updating the fiscal year will allow you to run reports using the fy designator fiscal year on reports so that way you can say you know if your fiscal year starts on july 1st or october 1st or you know january 1st whatever it may be you can set that inside of salesforce and that way when users run their reports they're actually looking at data for the fiscal year rather than the calendar year for example so now i'm going to go ahead and jump into salesforce and actually demonstrate so to start i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner and over on the left hand side i'm going to click on company profile and you can see i have fiscal year and business hours here so if i click on fiscal year i can edit it and i can choose any month that i choose i can also have a custom fiscal year which i won't actually activate in this case um custom fiscal years allow you to have for example five week months and in four week months etc in this case we're just going to talk about the standard fiscal year i can also choose based on what the starting month is the ending month for example and then i can make my change and click save the other error i wanted to go over here is the business hour so with business hours this is important for tracking different cases that might come in and leads that come in for any kind of service level agreements you may have so for example i can click on edit here and over on the right hand side i can actually check and uncheck these check boxes to actually customize those hours so for example perhaps for you know mondays i want to say that the start time is at 8 a.m and then the end time for example might be at you know 5 p.m so it's just really a matter of of editing the different options and then clicking save so once that's done then those changes have been committed to the system so this is really important because as we go over other topics such as case routing and you know the service cloud in salesforce all of those features are going to be looking at the business hours to determine if cases were answered on time and you know who they should be routed to etc so this is also an area that's covered on the exam so salesforce likes to cover you know obscure areas so it's so it's important to to know where to find this and get to so to start i'm going to create an email template so i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner click on communication templates and click on email templates here so i'm going to click this new template button and i've got a variety of email templates to choose from so i'm just going to leave this as text but you can also choose html or visual force and with or without letterhead for now i'm just going to choose text and click next so anytime you create a new email template you always need to check this available for use checkbox if you want to make this template available if it's not ready for others to select then leave that checkbox unchecked in this case we're going to choose we're going to type out you know new new lead for example so what i can do is i can actually create this email template like so i can put you know the the body of the email there as well and click save so now my email template is saved so i can come back over here and edit it and i can also add those merge fields so for example if i want to add in fields from leads i can click on leads and select a field let's say company and then i can just really copy and paste that merge field right in there and then what's going to happen is when united containers uses this email template it's going to pull in that company information from the lead right into the email template another area that they went ahead and set up would be the workflow rules so i'm going to click on create in workflow and approvals and so you can see i've got some workflow rules here i can click on new rule and choose which object i want the rule to touch and so we're actually going to talk about workflow rules a little bit later on in this course but um you know just just so you understand workflow rules can trigger email alerts tasks field updates or even outbound messages so you know this is the workflow areas and that this is the workflow rule area and this is what you can do with those so the last area that i wanted to talk about here is the sandbox so if you log into the setup area over on the left hand side you can click on sandboxes so here in salesforce i also have the ability to create a sandbox which united containers did in that particular case so i can actually see here the different sandboxes that i have i have just a developer sandbox set up in this particular instance i can always refresh this or log in or even delete it but um you know just as part of that case study you can have sandboxes in salesforce for testing purposes and we will talk about that a little bit later on in the course as well some of the key takeaways here is that salesforce is a web-based customer relationship management software that allows users to log in from anywhere with an internet connection and browser salesforce offers a wide range of products suited for each organization and the home page consists of the sidebar and main area and users need to be assigned an active license to get access to the system thanks a lot justin this certainly helped now i'll be able to guide my team better when implementing salesforce you are welcome sarah along with branding companies struggle to manage inbound leads and follow-up reporting we will cover it in the next lesson hi guys i'm justin davis a salesforce consultant i help people with the various aspects of salesforce hi i'm debbie a sales head our company has decided to implement salesforce to manage inbound leads and follow-up reporting we will be trained on salesforce shortly well that's good i believe it will also help them in their career growth however i'm struggling to understand how salesforce will help us to manage inbound weeds and other aspects you know debbie that's an excellent question companies looking for managing inbound leads and follow-up reporting are slowly moving the sales force for automating this process most sales teams are challenged with managing inbound leads including assignment logging activities and follow-up the leads object in salesforce allows sales managers to assign inbound leads from websites through lead assignment rules the activities object allows for the reporting of tasks such as outbound calls and events such as in-person meetings lastly reports can be created to display closing rates and average length of sales cycles great i can't wait to get started in this lesson what you'll learn is creating and converting leads creating accounts and contacts and email templates and sending mass emails creating price books products opportunities and activities creating a web to lead form and lead assignment rules and creating campaigns to get started the first thing we're going to talk about here is the leads home page the leads home page is used to view lists of data import leads transfer leads use the mass email leads tool as well as mass add leads to campaign so if you can see over here on the right hand side this is a screenshot of the leads home page and now we're going to jump into salesforce and actually see the real thing so i'm logged in here and you can see i'm at the home page so to jump to the leads tab i'm going to click on leads and then as you can see here this is the leads home page so there's a usually a lot of confusion about what exactly the home page is for specific objects because you also have this home tab up here each of these tabs across the top that actually point to different objects are actually have they actually have their own home page so if you could see here it says leads home just to be very very clear this is the leads home page so just to sort of peruse this you can see that we are looking at recently viewed leads you can also look at recently created or unread leads that maybe were assigned you can also see different reports down here such as the lead lifetime report or leads by source and then down here you also have tools such as import leads mass delete leads etc so we're going to talk about the tools first so if i click on this import leads link it's actually going to take me directly to the data import wizard and so later on in this course we actually talk about importing data but for now you just need to know that if you want to quickly import a list of leads you can jump to this leads home home tab here and and click on that import leads link you can also mass delete leads so let's say you do an import of leads that you actually want to end up deleting again we're going to talk about this later on in the course under data management but it does take you directly to the mass delete function in salesforce the next link down here is the transfer leads link so if i click on transfer leads i can actually do just that i can transfer leads from one user to an active user inside of salesforce and the filters for this are very similar to the mass delete essentially you can you can choose what leads you want transferred based on the different criteria here then you click find and you can actually transfer those over it's not a commonly used feature in salesforce but it is important to know that it exists the next one here is mass email leads so this is a pretty popular option so if i click on that it'll actually take me to the mass email tool in salesforce again this is something we'll talk about later on but in short i can click on go here and it's going to show me a list of all the leads i have in the system and i can click next and i can you know step through the different steps of sending a mass email which we'll go into later on but essentially that's what that's for there and then down here last we have the mass add leads to campaign so what we can do is actually select a campaign and and add those leads to it we'll talk about this later on when we talk about campaigns but you know from the leads home page here you have access to all these tools the next thing i want to talk about is list views and to do that we're going to jump back to the presentation so in salesforce we have a feature called list views so here are some of the aspects of the list views in salesforce you can quickly access lists based on type and criteria you can filter based on campaign and ownership you can also control security through roles and groups you can use up to 10 rows of filter criteria you can also create advanced logic grouping of the criteria as well which we'll we'll get to you can drag and drop the different columns of the list to reorder them you can also sort on those columns and make changes to the data directly from the list so we're back into salesforce here and we can see that i can click on this this list view option here i can look at all open leads to do so i'm going to click go and it's going to return a list of leads that i have in this particular salesforce account so if i want to change through my different lists i can i can click on today's leads and this is what an empty list would look like i can also look at any unread leads that have been assigned to me these would be leads that i own that i actually haven't clicked on and i haven't actually seen yet so if i click on this particular lore lead here i click on the leads tab and i go back to my unread leads you can see that that specific lead is now off the list because i've seen that's a lead that i've actually seen i'm going to go to all open leads and edit so now at this point i'm going to click on edit and i have the ability to make some changes here so for starters i can change the view name so the view name is the name of the list that's seen by everyone else i can also change the unique name so this is a name that's referenced by salesforce mainly for programming purposes not a lot is done against listview as far as programming is concerned but there is a unique name for the list in the system usually if you type out the view name it's just gonna it's just gonna fill in that unique name for you like it does elsewhere so to keep going we can also choose based on if the leads have been converted or not and so you can choose all unconverted leads or mind converted leads you can also choose from different cues we'll talk about cues later on as well but you know if you've set up a queue for as a holding area to hold your leads and you don't want them assigned yet you can also choose that here and check that that radio button we can also filter based on the campaign so if there's a specific campaign based on the leads that you know you want to see you can put in that campaign name there as well now there's also some pretty cool things you can do with the actual list themselves so the filter themselves i should say so over here you can see all the different fields that are on the leads so you can get really specific so you can say you know i want leads with a created date of this month for example and i want the state to be you know ca and what you can come down here and do is say i want one and two to be grouped together as logic and then i can also come over here and say or the title equals ceo and so what that would do is it would show me a list where regardless of title that if the created date was this month for the lead and the state equals ca for california show me those leads or show me all leads with the title of ceo so this might be a situation where a sales manager is trying to you know filter out the best leads or the hottest leads possible and the sales manager's saying well if the lead was created this month and they're in our local area let's say california we want to see those leads or if they're elsewhere some are like you know texas or new york or what have you if their title is ceo we want to see those two so it's a it's as if to say if the title is ceo that's just as good as any leads created this month based in california so to continue on i can also choose which fields to display so over here on the left hand side again i have a list of all of the different fields that are on leads i can simply select here and hold down the control key and add those to the list and uh and and do just that i can also remove fields accordingly remove those columns from the list view and lastly down here we have the ability to restrict list visibility so i can make this list visible only to me to all users or to only groups of users now this feature can be a little bit misleading because it doesn't actually restrict uh you know access to the leads themselves for individual users what it does is it restricts access to the list itself so for example if i click on the leads tab here i can see all of these different lists now i may not have access to a list called you know susan's leads but if there's a lead on that list that i have access to i can always do a search in salesforce to pull up that lead so it's not necessary that you have leads in the list in order to see them so that's just an important consideration because you know sometimes there's a little bit of confusion on you know what exactly is being restricted down here at the bottom so the next thing we're going to do is create a new list so i'm gonna click on the leads tab here and create a new view so i'm gonna call this new list california and as you can see when i tab down it automatically filled in that unique name for me so i didn't even have to change that so down here i don't have any filters in place i i it's just essentially a blank list so what i want to do is come over here and filter based on the state and province now i want to i want to make the ca or california and the reason that i type out both is in case someone has filled out my web to lead form and they put ca's estate rather than california i want those to be you know i want those to be caught i want those to be to be showing up on the list i'm also going to come down here and add a few fields i'm going to add industry and i want to add the title now as i've added them you can see they're added down here at the bottom well i really want the title to be up to the name so i'm going to move that up to the top so i'm going to have the name and title together and i also want the industry to be right behind the company now this is a list i only want to see myself i don't want others to see it as an option so at this point i'm just going to leave this as visible only to me and i'm going to click save so you can see here that nothing comes back that's because none of the leads in this sales force or fit that criteria so when this happens you know rest assured that there's nothing wrong with salesforce your leads are still in there it's just the list view is too strict and a lot of times users will see an empty list and they'll say well you know i don't see anything or salesforce doesn't have those records the reality is you can always search for those records and pull them up it's just that the listview criteria there's there's something wrong with it there so you can take measures to actually troubleshoot so for example let's say that you know we're collecting the state and for some reason the state's not coming over into the system what if i delete this out i can actually use a blank value as part of the filter criteria so i'm going to click save again and i'm going to see what happens great so now we see that we have all these leads in the system and if you look the state and province column is actually blank so if the leads don't fit the criteria to the to the list then they're not going to show up in the list at all so that's just a little bit about list views you can create views and share them with others you can also copy them for example if i want to copy this list what i could do is call it new list california 2 for example and i'm going to add a 2 behind the unique name and then click save as and what that's going to do is it's going to just copy that list the list view i should say and it's going to create that as an option here so the next thing we're going to talk about here is actually creating leads in salesforce when creating leads there are a few considerations you want to create a record for any prospective customers you want to log your initial activities such as cold calls create notes on conversations and it's also a holding area for the different mass marketing tools like pardot and others that you know will actually use those leads for marketing purposes so a lot of times there's questions regarding the difference between a lead and a contact or a lead an account or even a lead in an opportunity well the funny thing is is that leads actually end up being a part of all three of those so the purpose of leads in salesforce is really to be this last bullet point here it's really a holding area for your cold prospects so if you sell truck parts you know and you've got someone that's inquiring about you know maybe you know tanker services well you don't do you don't offer what that person's looking for they never make it past a lead but if someone calls you and they own a trucking company and they want to look to a new supplier for their parts that's perfect you would actually convert that lead because it's qualified to a minimum level and the second question that is is often comes up is well what does that mean you know what's the minimum qualified level for a lead well that's really up to your business to determine and you know the general rule of thumb that i use which is certainly not a hard and fast rule is if you have you know a hundred leads and uh you know five to ten percent of them end up being what you would call qualified then those are actually leads but if you have you know if you have a hundred leads and thirty percent of them are being qualified those should actually be opportunities so it's assumed that the majority of the leads 90 plus are probably not going to move forward they're not going to move past that qualification stage and you know in other cases there might be pre-qualification questions for example if you work for a real estate company and you're you know you're wanting to help someone buy a house and both of the people that want to buy the house don't have jobs well they would probably never make it past a lead because they're not quite they're not even qualified to actually make that purchase so you know that's what a lead is for whereas accounts contacts and opportunities which we'll talk about here shortly that is for your active and or you know qualified base of customers or clients so now we're actually going to jump back into salesforce and create a lead here so i'm looking at the leads tab and at this point i can actually click on this new lead button but i'm going to actually do it a different way which is which is going to be a little bit more common so the the other way is if i click on this leads tab i can click on new and that's actually to create a new lead so a lot of time you know salesforce customers get confused between create new view in this new button so you know it's it is a little bit confusing they are close together for whatever reason this create new view link is to create a new list view whereas this new button is to create a new lead so that's what i'm going to do here i'm going to click on new and i can scroll down a little bit and see all the fields so you can see the different fields that we have on the page so for example i'm going to fill out this this lead and you know if you don't know the company you could put you know not available something along those lines let's say it's somebody that you met at a coffee shop or on the plane and you're not really sure what the company is or work for but maybe they give you their cell phone number so you would just type in the different field values uh like so and you can also change the lead status the default is open it's recommended just to leave it as open for now and then i can click save now what this will do is it will create a new lead and it'll make me the owner because i'm actually logged in and the one that's actually creating it so it's at this point in time that a sales person would come along and say well we've got a lead here i've got a phone number i'm going to call this guy and i'm going to see if they're interested in actually you know making a purchase or you know where where they're at in the process now once they do that they can come down here and log a call make any notes they want to make and click save and then it'll log that a call happens so again a lead is really a placeholder for those initial prospects those you know unqualified prospects now when you're ready to convert you click on this convert button now what's going to happen is it's going to grab the company name and create an account from it and it's going to take the name field and create a contact and then it's going to create an opportunity with both of those pieces of information so just to review that one more time when i click on this convert button salesforce is going to take the company and it's going to create an account and it's going to take the name and create a contact now the reason i bring that up now is if you don't have a company in here then it might cause some confusion so you know data quality is really important so if i want this to work i need to actually put in the right company name and it's a required field by the way so salesforce doesn't let you get away without it i need to put in that company name and click save so at this point my lead is saved and i'm ready to convert so now i'm going to click on this convert button so it brings me to this you know sort of intermediary page in salesforce called the convert lead page now this is a page you really can't adjust you can't you can't determine what's bit what's required what's not required you just sort of have to live with it so just to talk through these fields i'm set up to be the record owner of all of those new records that we're going to create here in a minute so justin davis would be the record owner that's the default option would be you as the user i also have the option to check this checkbox to send an email to the owner of those new leads now the only time that's necessary is if you've got a team that is actually nurturing the leads and actually converting the leads and you want the sales person to be notified that hey i've converted a lead it's in your name you know pay attention to it you know if you're the person converting the lead you don't need to send an email to yourself unless you just want to record that you converted that lead so the next one here is account name so this is pulling from that company field if you notice now if i click on this you can see it only gives me the one option there now if there are other accounts in salesforce that match that truck parts name then salesforce is going to prompt you to say instead of creating a new account maybe you just want to add this new lead as a contact to that existing account in this case we don't have an account in that name so salesforce is suggesting just create a new new account called truck parts so the bottom line is the account in salesforce represents the company the next one here is the opportunity name so we also have the ability to check this do not create a new opportunity checkbox in this case i'm going to leave it unchecked as the default now the opportunity represents the sale or that potential transaction so what exactly do i mean by that so opportunities actually represent your your your sales in your sales efforts so if you put a proposal together then that would be an opportunity if you get a proposal or a contract sign that's also on the opportunity we're going to talk about opportunities a little bit later on in this lesson but for now you just need to know that when you convert a lead it's also going to you know create this opportunity unless you check that checkbox to tell it not to the next thing we're going to talk about now is creating accounts accounts in salesforce which we've touched on briefly already really represent the business the organization or in some cases that the household that you're working with so what that means is that if there's a company that you're selling to that company name would be the account if it's a non-profit organization or some kind of government agency that would also be an account and if you're also selling to households it would also be the household so in the case of the household obviously there's no company involved you would generally put the family's last name and then put a household so you could put the davis household in my case or the adams house or whatever the case may be you can put that in for the account name accounts can have multiple contacts and opportunities so the whole point of the account is it's really the focal point of salesforce so accounts you know you could consider it to really be the cornerstone record of everything else so you know cases and in contacts everything else sort of revolves around accounts for better or worse and the idea there is that you can have multiple contacts that are linked to a particular account you can also have multiple opportunities so you can have the you know truck parts inc corporation you know the the business there is the account and then there are you know five or ten contacts linked to that particular account account name is the only required field so when you create a new account in salesforce you know right out of the box the only field that's required is the name now if you look over here on the right hand side the screenshot does have a couple of other required fields so you can actually go in and make fields you know required but out of the box account name's the only one that that truly is so i'm logged back into salesforce here and i'm going to click on this accounts tab to get started now on this tab you can see very similar to you know the leads the leads home tab which we just got done with you can see you know the different recent records and reports down here and tools i'm just going to jump right to creating a new account and click on this new button now on this page i'm being prompted to choose a record type we're actually going to talk about record types later on but you know as the name implies it's really there to determine you know what type of record you want to create so there's there's a lot of you know advantages to using record types for now i'm just going to leave this selected as client and click on continue so now i'm on a new account page so what i would need to do here is just start typing in what i want the actual you know account name to be in any other required field so in this case i'm going to choose you know corporate i'm going to choose a website probably a real website and then in industry here i can choose you know i don't know let's say transportation and click save now what that's going to do is it's going to create a new account record so on this account record you can see i've got some other fields so i can also open up the billing street and you know billing address box so here i can put in you know the actual address and if you don't have all the information that's fine you can just type in what you know and then save so you can start to really build out the profile of the business right on this account record here the next thing we're going to talk about is creating contacts on those specific accounts so the features of a contact are quite simple this is really what you know crm systems were designed around from the beginning they store information on individuals you can log interactions such as tasks and events you can also sync them with outlook or gmail you can also do that on leads but it's primarily done on contacts because you know the contacts that you have are you know the actual individuals you really want to be talking to so we're going to jump into salesforce again here and we're actually going to create a new contact so we're at my truck parts inc account so now i'm going to click on the new contact button so i'm going to click new contact and i can actually type in who i want that new contacts what i want their name to be and click save and it's real simple it just simply creates a new contact record then i can come over here and actually fill in that individual's title you know i can fill in any other information relative to them but if i want to jump back to an account i can click on the account link and do so now i only have one contact on here so if i want to i can come over and you know add another contact let's say tom cruise here so it'll it'll save and reload this tom cruise contact if i click on the account name again it's going to bring me back and show me that now i have two contacts so the idea is is that you'll have a running list of contacts associated with an account at any given time the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating email templates in salesforce we have the ability to send one-time emails and mass emails you need to set up an email template in advance in order to do that so you know the features of an email template are here so you can use them in one-timer mass emails you can also create visual force email templates for advanced logic and merging but most of the time salesforce customers will use a plain text version where you don't have any formatting options it's really less than minimal there's really no formatting that you can do and then there's the html version where you can actually have you know more graphical look and feel so you can add a logo you can add pictures all that kind of stuff and that's what you would expect of any you know modern serum system is to be able to you know craft an email template that actually looks like you know it's it was created in a professional basis the plain text emails usually those are used for internal emails so for example in salesforce you can set up a notification to go out you know letting the group know that a sale was made that doesn't have to be html that could just be a plain text email in that case so now we're actually going to jump into salesforce here and create an email so i'm logged back in and i'm on the home tab so what i want to do is click on setup here in the top right corner now over here on the left hand side i want to expand communication templates and i've got a couple of options the simplest option is to click on email templates and then create click on the new template button and then for now we're going to create a text email the you know the concept is the same versus html but for now we're just going to create text so you do have a couple of different options here funny enough it says html using letterhead that means you actually have to set up a letterhead in advance that's not a commonly used function in salesforce so i'm actually going to skip that custom would actually give you the ability to create what most marketers would believe is a true html email template so use that custom option if you're actually going to be creating the html from scratch and you can just copy and paste that into the system so for now we're just going to choose text and then click next so scrolling down here you can see a couple of different fields available so the first one here is this available for use checkbox so you definitely want to make sure that you check that that will give you the ability to actually reference this email template when sending a one-time email or a mass email so i'm going to call this you know my new sales notification email template and when i tab down you can see it automatically filled in that unique name so scrolling down here i can choose the subject so i can choose you know new sale is made something like that now i can also bring in field data so feel data from you know let's say an opportunity or something else so i can come over here and actually choose an available merge field so i can select you know let's say opportunities and i can grab any of the fields that are on these specific opportunities in this case what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this opportunity here opportunity field here of you know let's say the amount so i can come over here and say copy and paste and i can put in that opportunity amount directly into the subject and i can also you know type out here you know new sale is made for and then the opportunity amount i can also put in a link to that opportunity here so i can click on the detail link you know merge field option and then i can copy and paste that here so you can also do something like this you know click here to see let's say and then what will happen is it's actually going to show a link to that specific opportunity there in that you know that specific template so when this email goes out using a workflow rule or some other means it's actually going to grab that specific opportunity url and put it in there so when you when everybody when the group receives this email they can just click on it and it'll take them right to that opportunity we also have the ability to attach files so you know you can click on this attach file button and you can either browse from your computer or you can also grab a file from within salesforce as well but your emails can have attachments so let's say you want to create an email template that has your company's brochure or your company's you know you know products and price catalog you can actually attach that directly to the email template and then when the recipient gets it they'll see that attachment there as well so um that's the basics on creating an email template so i can also go back and see a list of all the other email templates i have in here so um you know as you can see i've got quite a few that are set up so um you can also change the different folders that are available so i can come over here and put um you know sales emails for example and then i can make sure that all of my you know sales based email templates are actually going to be saved in that specific folder so the the folder options are pretty basic you can grab any of the templates in the unfiled public folder there and move them over you can also choose who sees the list or not and then click save and then it'll just you know better group those email templates so that way when you know the users in the system are referencing them they can just click on that folder and grab the you know the corresponding template the next thing we're going to go over here is actually sending an email so there's a couple of points to consider when sending individual emails from salesforce you need to use you know the pre-existing templates if you want something standard in there otherwise you can just you know free form type out what you want to say but if you look on the screenshot on the right hand side here we have the ability of selecting a template and even attaching a file to a one-time email that we want to send we can also add a cc or bcc to that specific you know email keep in mind that you know if that's the case you know usually you need to have a contact that's created in reference to that cc or bcc you can also upload any kind of files directly from your computer to this specific email you can also choose between html or text then you can also view a history of all the sent emails on your contacts and leads so i'm back into salesforce here and over on the left hand side i'm going to click on let's say my my john adams contact so if i scroll down to the bottom um i have the ability down here to actually send an email now if you see a contact page layout that doesn't include the ability to send an email then you're missing what's called the activity section so that's a real simple fix and so what you can do is up in the top right corner click on edit layout as a system administrator and then down here you have the ability to edit page layout so over on the left hand side i can click on related lists and i can do things like add you know activity history you know open activities and i and i can actually drag and drop those down and then what you can see is you can see all these different buttons that are going to be added to my my contacts so now i'm going to click save and click yes and then what's going to happen is when the page loads i now have that send an email button as well as you know a variety of others which will go over a little bit later for now i'm going to click on this send an email button and so what it does is it queues up you know an email that is going to be linked to my john adams contact now let's say i want to use a template i don't want to type all this out you know i don't want to keep typing the same thing over and over again so i'm going to click on select template and then i'm going to say you know i want to use my new sales notification now what i can do here is just click send and it's going to give me an error because there's no email address on that particular contact so let's say i want to jump back to the john adams contact here and what i need to do is fill in that individual's you know work email so let's say i'm just going to use my own here for an example so if you want to send an email clearly you need to have the emails you know filled in on the contact record so now i'm going to try and send this again and the email was sent so you can see that anytime an email was sent you've got a subject down here under the activity history that the email colon you know new sale is made you know when the email went out so this gives you the ability to see a running list of you know when when a specific contact received an email now let's say you just want to write one from scratch you can click on that send an email and you can actually just you know type out exactly what you want to say so let's say we're going to call this you know reaching out as a subject i'm going to put how are you doing in the in the body and then i'm just going to click send so you can send quick informal emails from salesforce as well now a lot of times salesforce customers will get a little bit confused over um you know sending an email and how that works from salesforce because you know it's it's it's a common belief that you can use salesforce as really an inbox for placement and that's just not true so with salesforce you can send outbound emails but when these individuals respond back it's going to go back to your outlook application or back to gmail or wherever you're using you know email for work so just because you have the ability to send an email doesn't mean that you know there's a tab in here for your inbox to receive all your inbound emails now there are some apps on the app exchange that allow you to do something similar to that where you can send and receive emails you know from within salesforce um you know there's mixed reviews on them but if you're real die hard about salesforce you can install those apps and you know give that a shot but the best practice is to let email reside in your email client like outlook and then use salesforce for you know more of your workflow you know sending the sending of emails and the quoting and all of that that can all be done in salesforce but when you receive emails they're going to be received back to wherever you you receive emails you know outside of salesforce the next thing we're going to talk about here is the sending of mass emails there's some important considerations when you know mass emailing from salesforce so you can select up to 250 recipients at a time in professional edition those limits are actually increased for enterprise and other editions up to 500 but you can only queue up you know a list of you know finite list at any given time you can't just say i want to email 10 000 people at a time there's also a limit on the number of emails you can send a day which is generally about a thousand emails a day in a 24-hour period you know salesforce is not intended to be a replacement for like a constant contact or exact target it's not a comprehensive you know mass emailing tool but what it does do is allow you to pinpoint recipients based on you know any kind of emails that sales people want to send out or marketing folks want to send out as well you also need to use pre-created email templates so unlike the one-time email you actually have to have a template created in advance you can't just get a mass email set up and just kind of type out whatever you want it to be it's got to be a real email template created in advance you can also track the number of opens on the email when the opens happen you know as far as the date goes and then you can also create different lists for targeted emailing so in this specific case you can say i only want to email all the ceos that you know the contacts that are ceos in you know my salesforce org so that would be a targeted emailing so you know that that's a good use case for the mass emailing in salesforce so i'm logged into salesforce here and i'm actually going to initiate a mass email so what i'm going to do is i can either click on leads or contacts i'm going to click on contacts in this case to do it so i'm going to click on contacts scroll down to the bottom click on mass email contacts so once i'm on this page i can then choose the different lists that i might have set up in this case i want my ceo contacts list i'm going to click go and what that's going to do is it's going to return a list of all the contacts that have ceo in their title so how do i know that i can click on edit and just like you'd edit any other list view you can control what filters are used so you can see the title equals ceo in the specific case i'm going to click cancel and go back so you know i can actually see what contacts are here now let's say that you know most people on this list fit my criteria but i don't want to send an email to all of them i can uncheck check boxes specifically to remove contacts so they won't end up being included in my mass email so i can also choose other lists so let's try and choose my all contacts list now you'll see that i have more than 500 on the list and it's not going to let me do that so you need to make sure that your list are either 250 or 500 i'm using enterprise edition in this case so you know my ceo contacts list is a much shorter list so let's say i'm going to remove a couple of the contacts off here and then click on this next button on the right hand side so now i can choose which email i want them to to get so i can either grab you know an email from my unfiled public email template so um you know let's say i want to send this new assignment email and click next and then on this this really the final page i have the ability to name the email so it's actually required so i can say you know mass email 2015 for example and so what will happen is if i leave this check checked it's going to store a task on the contact with the name of the mass email that was used that way when you go back and look at the contact and reference you know that contact record you can actually see the you know the mass email you can reference it better i should say you also have the ability to set up a email signature in salesforce in the profile area you can check that checkbox do that there you can also schedule when you want the email to go out so you can change you know the date and the time that an email would go out or you can just choose to send it now so at this point i could click send and if i do that it's just going to send a mass email with that email template to the contacts i have on the list and then i'm done and then that mass email has has now gone out and then when you go back to you know a contact record you're going to be able to scroll down and you can see for example the second email here that you know an email was sent to the specific contact now won't delineate between whether that contact received an individual email or if it was a mass email but it will show you in the activity history that an email has been sent the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating price books in salesforce so there's a couple of things to keep in mind as far as price picks are concerned you create price books in salesforce for tracking the pricing on individual products so you can have pricing for wholesale versus retail and maybe minimum quantities that are associated you can also customize pricing on products on a per customer basis and you can also do standard versus the custom price books now for the sake of this conversation it's going to be essentially custom price book that's what most salesforce customers do but you can use a standard price book as well the only difference there is that with the custom price book it's custom and you have more flexibility over it but the standard price book is what salesforce comes with out of the box so now we're actually going to take a look at the price books in salesforce so i'm logged into salesforce here and to get to price books it's through sort of an obscure path you actually have to click on the products tab and then what you do is scroll down and click on the manage price books link down at the bottom and then you can actually see some of the different price books you have so you can actually see a list of the price books that you have in the system or you can create a new one so i'm going to create a new one i'm going to call this you know wholesale 2016. so i'm going to make this active and then click save and so what that will do is it will create a new price book so the idea behind a price book is that there is specific pricing related to that price book so for example you can see here i've got this as wholesale you might very well create one that is you know retail like i mentioned so here i can actually what i need to do is i actually need to click this add button and then i need to actually add a product so let's say i'm going to choose this you know product here i'm going to use the standard price versus a list price and then click save and so what that does is it adds that specific product you can see the product code there to that specific price book so you've got this account set up product that is associated with the wholesale price book but you could vary for 150 dollars but you could very well have that maybe for retail at two hundred and fifty dollars so the idea behind price books in salesforce is that you sell products or you sell services and you may have different rates for those same exact services or products under different situations and those situations are really categorized using that price book record so your price books should be organized in a logical manner where when you go to you know add a product to an opportunity which we'll do later on the first thing you're asked is which price book you want to use and so by adding that uh price book to the opportunity any products you add after the fact are going to inherit that specific pricing model we also have the ability to you know turn off or deactivate price book so i can go back into this price book and i can click archive and what that'll do is it will actually save this particular price book so this isn't deleting it's actually saving it and what this does is that way when i go back and run reports or i look at records that are associated with this price book i'm still able to see them so now i can click on this archive button and i'll click ok to confirm so you can see that that price book has now been archived i can no longer see it or reference it however if i look at an opportunity with products those products are going to maintain that pricing that they were that they inherited from that price book originally where as opposed to if you delete a price book it's going to mess up you know reports and other stuff so you always want to make sure don't delete a price book you can just archive it and that's the safest way to go about that the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating products products in salesforce are you know really records for you to track you know the products you're selling or the services that you're selling as well so it's meant for you to create you know really a catalog of all your products and services you add them to opportunities and quotes for in-depth reporting so what that means is you know when you go to view a report rather than just seeing a customer name a date and a dollar amount you can actually see what products or services were quoted along with that you know opportunity you can also create custom fields for example for cost reporting so you can actually have a field on products for you know your cost so that way you can go back and run reports later on and say well you know my cost for products you know forty dollars we sold it for a hundred dollars and then you can get a quick report from that and say well there's a sixty dollar you know spread or a margin on that specific product you can also rename products and call them services you know funny enough eighty percent of america you know is service based but you know every crm on the planet calls them products so you can actually go in and rename products and actually call them services and use them in the exact same way and for example that quantity field that can be for hours if you're like a time and materials type business then you can also you know have a quantity there for the number of hours and then you use the dollar amount to be what that hourly rate would be so that's sort of a neat work around for those of you that work in you know professional services for example so now i'm actually going to jump into salesforce and demonstrate creating a product here so i'm going to click on this products tab and you know this page can be probably one of the most confusing tab home pages that there is you have the ability to see price books by list you can see product views you can also see asset views and essentially what assets are is if you've got a customer that makes a purchase you can have the products that they purchased added to their account as assets so that's what that's about but for the purpose of this specific lesson we're going to click on this new button so you need to scroll down a little bit it's not obvious you need to scroll down and click on the new button here and then you have the ability to add a product so here we're gonna put you know widget 2000 and you know 2008 let's say the model number we also have some other fields where we can choose you know product code so we're going to choose a product code here and then we also need this to be active now we have the ability to just save at this point but you know what you should do is click on save and add price that way you can complete you know the the creation process otherwise if you don't you're not going to be able to add that product to a specific you know opportunity so for the standard price i'm going to put 5000 and then click save now what happens is it takes you back to the product page you can see your product name you can see the product code and that it's active well you might believe that you're done but you're not now you actually have to add it to a price book so a lot of you might consider this to be redundant step because why would you need to add it to a price book if you've got a standard price on there well exactly for all the reasons that we mentioned when going over price books that you may have a product that you sell for you know a different amount to different individuals so for example here what i'm going to do is click on this add to price book button and i'm going to choose you know an active price book or which i can and click select there and then this is where price books differentiate between products so you have this standard price of five thousand dollars for this product now i can just check this check box and it'll just grab that standard price and add it to the price book but in this specific case maybe i want to change it to be you know 2000 and then i want to save so what i just did is whenever this widget is added to an opportunity using this price book instead of using that five thousand dollar standard price it's going to use the two thousand dollar standard price so that gives you know users and managers the ability to say i want specific pricing based on you know certain scenarios so again you can you can add those price books to an opportunity and then grab products you know on a per price book basis so so that's what that's for and now you're done so you've created the product with the product name you have a product code and it's active make sure to check that active check box you've added the standard price and you've also got the list price here on a price book basis so the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating opportunities in salesforce so opportunities in salesforce as i mentioned before allows you to track your sales and potential sales and also forecast on them so what i mean by that is you can run reports and see what opportunities are scheduled to close based on their close date and dollar amount as well as any stage information you can also view reports of products and any discounts you have and then report on win rates and see overall sales effectiveness so what that means is if you have you know 100 opportunities and 10 of them get closed then you can say well we've got a 10 percent you know win rate on those opportunities so an opportunity in salesforce is really there for your your sales people to manage their pipeline if you've got any open proposals or open quotes those would all be opportunities in salesforce so now we're going to jump into salesforce and actually create an opportunity so i'm logged in here i'm back at the home home tab what i need to do is start by clicking on an account so on this account record i can actually click this new opportunity button you can also create an opportunity from the opportunities tab so i can click on that tab and click new here the trouble with that is that you you do need to link it to an account of some type most of the time so i do recommend navigating to the opportunity record from the account that way it's automatically filled in what i mean by that is i can click on new opportunity and that account is already filled in there you certainly don't have to do it that way that's what i recommend you can just create it directly from the opportunities tab but you know a lot of times there's confusion over which account was used and if there's accounts with similar names or duplicate names you might actually link the opportunity to the wrong account if you use my method then you know you're going through the account and so it's linked and you know it's a sure thing so at this point i've got a couple of different required fields here so i've got for example like primary contact and you know referred by so i'm just going to fill those in and click save so i can keep on moving through so if you look here this is exactly what i was referring to by filling in those fields you might have you know multiple records associated when this happens you need to click on this lookup field and then you need to actually you know manually select which particular contact you're talking about and then click save so once you click click save your opportunity is going to be saved and so what happens what happens there is you know you're looking at this opportunity from a viewing perspective rather than edit over here on the right hand side you can then do things like you know adjust the dollar amount you can also adjust the stage of the close date so for example here i want to change the stage to proposal i want to change the close date to let's say you know december 31st and i want to save so here what the what this means is that you've got a couple of required fields so if i click edit again you can see that you know close dates required stage is required so what would happen if i then remove that close date and try to save you would see that it's a required field so the close date is another area in salesforce where you know a lot of salesforce customers are confused or they're not exactly sure how to use it really that close date should be the actual close date or the forecasted close date and you know if if it would be great if there would be some way to rename it to be you know forecasted closed date before the opportunity was signed and then the name changes to actual close date once it is signed salesforce doesn't do that though but that's essentially what it's for if the opportunity hasn't been signed hasn't been won then you need to choose a close date that best represents when that will happen and for a lot of sales teams you know it's sort of impossible to pinpoint a actual an actual sales date so you know best practice might be to just make it for the last day of any given month so if you think this will probably close in february just make it for the end of february and just choose the last day of february or if you think it's going to be you know today you can make it today but um you know a lot of times sales teams will choo will choose and forecast based on the month they'll say well i think it'll close next month just make it for the last day of that month and then when sales managers and owners go to run reports they can see a forecast based on you know month that nobody's going to look at a forecast on a per day basis for most industries so all that matters is what month is it going to close it really doesn't matter as much as far as the specific date goes now when you go to actually mark this as closed one for example that's when it matters so when you get you know a signature on the dotted line you need to make sure that the close date is reflective of when it was actually signed so here for example i'm going to click save and then you know what it's going to do is it's going to allow me to save as you know closed one as well as the close date here i'm being prompted to choose a project value so here i'm going to choose 500 and then click save so now you can see that i've got a closed one opportunity for 500 on today's date so um you know it's real it's really simple as far as creating you know an opportunity record itself goes here now let's say on my opportunity here that i actually want to add products i can i can do that by scrolling down and clicking on add product i can then check you know different check boxes and click save select here and then i have the ability to actually choose what crop quantity i want to have these products listed on the opportunity i can also adjust the sales price the dating anything else like the line description and then at this point i can click save and then what will happen is those products are then added to the opportunity now if you look here i can no longer edit this amount field even if i click on the edit button it's going to be locked and so what happens is when you add products to an opportunity it locks that amount field and so you can't change it unless you have unless you you know remove these products from the opportunity but it's very easy to add those products and then you can go back and run reports on them and all of that so um you know essentially that's how you create an opportunity as well as adding products down below now when i clicked add product before i didn't i wasn't prompted to choose a price book now if you have more than one active price book you will be prompted but if you only have one price book you won't be prompted so if you're in a business where your pricing is sort of streamlined then you know you'll never be asked which price book to use but again going back to that retail versus wholesale wholesale scenario if you've got more than one price book you'll be prompted to choose one and then the products and the pricing will be you know made available to be added to this opportunity likewise the next thing we're going to go over here is creating activities in salesforce in salesforce you have two essentially two different types of activities tasks and events so what you want to do is use date sensitive you know things you need to do tasks as a task record in salesforce as the name implies if it's time sensitive then you use the events record so it's sort of a quirky area because technically tasks and events are both under the activities banner so for example when you using you know data export or import tools technically they're all just activities but you know as far as as far as the actual usability of the system goes a task would be something that needs to be done by the end of a given day whereas events they actually have to be done in a you know at a specific time of the day like a meeting you can also log activities you know these tasks and events on any object in salesforce so any custom object you create all the standard objects you can create you know different tasks and events on them so you can have them on leads or accounts opportunities of course cases or any custom objects so they're sort of everywhere and you know any open tasks you have will also be visible on your homepage as well as your your itinerary for your calendar items which will show here in a second so i'm logged into salesforce here i'm on the salesforce home page and right away i can see my activities so for starters i can see that i've got a task that needs to be completed here or follow-up call but i don't have any relevant information over here on the right hand side i also have the ability to see calendar so i can see you know any upcoming meetings that i have i can see them here so the the home page is meant to be the starting point for any tasks or meetings that you have now this task is essentially uh you know empty and a lot of times that happens when users will click click on this new button and you create a task you just you know throwing a subject in there and you never really bothered to link it to any record that's not really the best way to go about it the best thing to do is navigate to the record in question let's say our john adams contact and then scroll down here and then what you could do is click on this new task button and say you know call back for example and then you choose a due date and then what you could do is click save and then when you go back to your home page you can then see that okay you've got a callback task with john and you know it's actually linked to a specific account and contact record rather than just being empty here so if you find yourself staring at a list of tasks where they're not related to any records it's going to be pretty confusing so the best thing to do is actually ensure that when you create a task you're actually linking it to something accordingly so just to go over that again i can go back to a contact record i can click on this new task button and then on the task page it's real simple i choose a subject i can also have a predetermined list like let's say send a letter i can choose a due date or leave the due date empty which i don't recommend it sort of defeats the purpose of the task and then you click click save here um and so that that's really all there is to it you can also create a list of recurring tasks so if there's something you have to do like every monday at 8 am for example you can schedule that here so you know you can also calculate and put in when you want that recurring task to end but that's not how most salesforce customers use it really it's meant for those one-off tasks that that you need to get done and a side note is you can also have tasks created via workflow rules which we'll talk about a little bit later on but um you know this is your home page where you can actually see those tasks now moving on to events this events section will also synchronize with you know outlook or whatever calendar you're using so i can click on this new event button here and i can choose a subject for the event let's say meeting for proposal review for example and then i can also choose a start and end time so let's say i want the you know start and end to be on the 30th i can also choose you know let's say 11 a.m to 12 p.m for example and then i can click save and what that'll do is it'll create a new event for me but you know as you as you might guess i'm going to run into that same problem by creating an event here that i don't actually link you know to a record so that that's the issue there so i can always go back to this event and i can edit it and then over here on the right hand side i could type in you know let's say john adams as the contact and then you know i could click on the lookup glass and and select the right contact and all of that usually it's better to just have users go right to the record in question that way there's no confusion as to who the event is is with and then actually create the event off of that specific record that way there's just no confusion because it's really easy for users to you know miss you know select what the opportunity is or what the account is there's just you know so much going on in salesforce that it's really easy to link to the wrong person the wrong thing so um you know that being said that's really the the summary of the activities that are that are in salesforce they're they're viewed on the home page you can also install apps that actually will give you a my activities tab up at the top that's not standard functionality but just as a side note if you actually want to tab you can see that there as well the only other area that can be helpful is to look at events in a multi-user view so if i click on this icon down here i can actually see a list of some of the users in this specific salesforce account i can also create you know different list views i can look at their calendars on a you know monthly basis or weekly basis or i can even see a list of specific events here as well so this is this is another area that you can use again it's it's not that common but you can certainly use this you know activities area rather than just use the home page if you're interested in you know drilling down to it at that level the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating a web to lead form in salesforce a web to lead form allows you to collect and capture leads from a website into salesforce very easily so you can create an html form that can be posted anywhere online you can also use lead assignment rules to control you know sales person ownership you can also create a hidden field to indicate the source of the lead so let's say you've got you know one web to lead form that you want to put on five different websites let's say you've got your main company side and you've got three or four other sites what you do is you can create a hidden field in salesforce called you know source or you know received from and it's just a text field essentially and you know you can have your web developer hide that field online on the public site and that way when the forms filled out it just automatically passes in and that way you can actually see where the leads came from if you end up using the web delete form from more than one site now some important considerations on the web to lead form it's extremely limited in its purpose so it just does one thing it literally allows you to create a lead from a website it doesn't do anything more than that so you know sometimes customers will think that it's some kind of a two-way form or it's dynamically updated and all this other kind of stuff that's just not the case so it's actual html that's generated which we'll show here in a second and then your web developer copies and pastes that online to then to then be modified to the format and the look and feel of the rest of your website so it's simply an html form you know it just does a post into salesforce and creates that lead and that's it usually leads are created within a minute or two you know two minutes at the most but usually those leads are created pretty quickly as long as that form is working properly so we're going to jump into salesforce and actually create a web to lead form so i'm going to click on setup in the top right corner over on the left hand side here i'm going to click customize and then i'm going to click click on leads and then i can click on web to lead so what that does is allows me to start this web to lead sort of wizard here so i already have web to lead enabled by checking on that check box if i want it disabled for whatever reason maybe i'm getting a lot of spam or i just you know don't want it used at all i can uncheck that and save it accordingly but really the next step here and really one of the only steps is click on this create web delete form so this is where i go to build my form so i can move the available fields over from the left hand side over to the right hand side and then i can choose you know what i want my you know return url to be so the return url is the page that a submitter is sent to after they've actually submitted you know their information so in this case i don't really have a thank you page but your web team would probably have one set up for what the user sees after they make that submission also something to note is over on the right hand side you don't need all these fields for example you know less is usually more when it comes to collecting information you know from people online so for example if you don't need the city don't don't put the city you know however um something to keep in mind is that if you've got lead assignment rules that you want to run when a new lead comes in you need to make sure you're collecting that relevant information so let's say you're creating lead assignment rules based on the state where you know geographically did that lead come in from from their state you should include that that way you can actually capture it and then write a lead assignment rule based on it so the last step here is to click on this generate button so now i've got my web to lead form code so what you do is you just copy this and email it to you know your webmaster whoever handles your website but you know for those of you that are a little bit familiar with html it's very very simple so you basically have a form up here with you know an org id so the oid is that's the org id for your specific instance of salesforce and you also have the return url here um there's a lot of comments here to sort of walk you through it you know really as long as you don't touch anything up top you're you know you're not going to be able to break this and then just to expand this a little bit here you can also see all the individual fields so you could see that first name field the last name field and all that and then you can see the id for that you know specific field and then you just submit down here at the bottom is that submit button so you can change that and make it whatever you want it to be but essentially you just copy this and paste it into a text file or an email and then your web developer can copy this and put it on your website now it will take formatting in order for it to look like your website but it's very simple to do so so that is essentially the the web to lead function in salesforce the next thing we're going to talk about here are the lead assignment rules lead assignment rules do exactly what the name implies it assigns leads to users or queues so it's got to be an active user someone that has an active sales force license or it can be a queue like you know inbound leads or unassigned leads it can just be a holding area if that's what you want it to be so there's some important points to keep in mind that you know these rules will route the new leads to the most appropriate sales person based on the logic you set up which we'll go over here in a minute you can also choose whether or not they receive an email notification to say hey you've got a new lead that's assigned to you and you can also filter based on criteria such as geography geography is a really easy one everybody knows it so it's used in a lot of examples you can actually have it based on you know things like budget or product interest or even the size of the company so if you've got a lead with 5 000 employees maybe that goes to like a vp of sales versus a company with three employees maybe that can just go to any sales person so you can use lead assignment rules to really custom tailor who receives those leads and a common question that we get is also regarding the ability to sort of round robin lead so salesforce doesn't have an out of the box menu driven you know way to do round robin assignments there are apps on the app exchange that do that for you also with enterprise edition you can create you know workflow rules and some code to do that but the way lead assignment rules work is a lead comes in the criteria is evaluated and it's assigned to whoever you want it to be assigned to based on that criteria you can't have you know more than one assigned to based on the same criteria like around robin would be so that's just an important consideration as well so i've jumped back into salesforce here and we're going to create a lee assignment rule so i clicked on setup in the top right hand corner and i'm going to come over here to customize and leads and i can actually see my lead assignments for a link over here so i've got you know one inbound lead assignment rule now you can create multiple assignment rules but you can only have one active at a time you can actually see that here so you can create multiple lead assignment rules that are inactive but you have to choose which one you want to be active so here's an example of you know an inbound lead assignment rule i've got my rule name and you know it's active and i can click save and then the the criteria here down below so i can have these different rule entries so if the city equals pasadena uh where we're located then i can be you know i'll be assigned to that specific lead but what happens if it's not you know the lead is not in pasadena so in this case i'm going to choose something else let's say the city of you know san francisco i i chose the sort orders number two because what happens is salesforce will evaluate your criteria in a specific order to prevent any kind of confusion or conflicts in the system so i've got sort order as to because i want this to be the next criteria that's evaluated now i can make this criteria really complicated just like in a list view i can add you know filter logic and all of that that's really not my intention here but then i can come over here and say you know i want the user to be assigned you know mary or you know jane or whoever else is in the system so in this case for example i'm going to choose you know mark and then i'm going to click save so as that saving what's happening is salesforce is going to save that rule and say okay when a new lead comes in this is what we're going to do we're going to look and see if the city equals pasadena if it does then assign this lead to justin if the city the lead comes in and the city equals san francisco assign it to you know mark so if you've got leads that are in certain cities where you have sales people that's exactly what these you know lead assignments are for so you can actually reorder them or you can create new create new rule entries new criteria so it's it's really simple to do that just keep in mind you need to keep keep incrementing that sort order or you know change it however you want but um you know as time goes on of course if you've got five or ten different rule entries you might you could very well have you know five or ten different of these lines that you need to make sure are being run in the correct order so that's essentially it for lead assignment rules you can also come in here and and edit it and and make it inactive if you want and then what will happen is if you make it inactive then any leads that come in will just be the default lead owner which is usually the system administrator um you know salesforce isn't going to assign the leads to any sales person so just be careful if you uncheck that active checkbox that you know when those leads come in someone should be on the lookout for them so the next thing we're going to talk about here is the creation of a lead queue so inside salesforce you've got users that's a given that's easy then you have what we call cues so a queue is essentially a you know call it a fake user or a stand-in user where you can actually assign different records leads and cases tend to be the most commonly used with cues and so a queue does not take up a user license it's just a holding area so generally queues are used for like cold or disqualified leads or you know any kind of leads that you really don't need active working on however there are a lot of organizations that will have some kind of a triage process where when a lead comes in they want the lead to go to the unassigned lead queue and then a sales manager will sort of divvy out the leads based on you know that sales manager's you know sort of subjective preference so rather than have the system assign the leads you can have someone else simply monitor that lead queue so for example if they're looking at a lead queue and it has 10 leads on it if someone you know a potential customer fills out a form online they'll see that 11th lead come in when they refresh that list so if you're going to use a queue just keep in mind that you know someone's going to need to monitor it and you know it does take a little bit more you know maintenance as opposed to just having a lead assigned directly to a user so now we're actually going to create a queue in salesforce so i'm going to click on setup in the top right corner i'm going to come over here to manage users and click on cues so you can see that i've got my unassigned lead queue i can also create a new one by clicking on this new button here so for example let's call this you know disqualified leads and i can also choose a queue email so i can have you know a specific email go out to you know members or to a specific email address when certain things happen with the queue in this case i'm just going to leave it blank usually it's not needed so i can scroll down here and look under supported object so these are all of the objects in this salesforce org that i have that i want to be made available for the queue so i'm going to choose you know lead for example you could also choose you know contracts or you know licenses or other things or cases of course but for now i'm just going to choose the lead object because that's what i want the queue to be it's for lead records so as i keep scrolling down here i also need to choose users so by the default option here no one has access to this queue what you have to do is come in here and actually selectively add them so for example if i've got a group set up for executives i can choose them let's say i've got other managers or maybe i want staff i want everyone to be involved here i can also choose all internal users and that'll just be everybody at the organization i also have the ability to choose based on roles so let's say i want to have a project manager and you know i don't know the ceo you know have access to this to this particular queue i can select them there and then i can also do roles and subordinates so let's say you want the you know i don't know the legal team to have access to this queue if i add role and subordinates for the chief legal officer everyone you know at that level and below will have access to the queue and then lastly i can choose individuals so i can come in here and just you know be real selective and say you know i want you know justin davis myself to be able to have access to this disqualified leads queue so now i'm going to go ahead and click save and now you can see that you know i've got my disqualified leads queue ready to go here now how exactly is this used so i'm going to copy this cue name and jump back over to leads so let's say i've got my john adams lead here now as you can see justin davis is a lead owner but what we realized was is this leads a really cold lead so what i'm going to do is change the ownership here and you'll see that now there's a drop down menu of q so i'm going to copy and paste that q name here and i'm going to click save now what that's going to do is it's going to change the lead owner to be that disqualified leads queue so it's actually no longer owned by justin or anyone else in the system it's owned by the queue itself so what you'd want to do is make sure that you have you know list view for example of you know those disqualified leads and then choose from a queue here let's say disqualified leads and click save and then you can actually you know see those disqualified leads because if you don't those leads will disappear into a big black hole because nobody owns them they're just in the queue so there's you know a little bit of danger in assigning records to the queue if they're not if the queue itself is not properly managed so it's important that you know when you assign leads to a queue that you know there's a plan in place it's not just you know uh you know just a black hole for where records go that nobody knows what to do with them which you know does happen a lot so that's just a you know a lesson there on creating cues you can also create cues on you know cases that's the other really you know popular sort of use case for them you can have as many cues as you want and uh you know this is where you access those queues in salesforce the next thing we're going to talk about here is the creation of an auto response rule so in salesforce there's a feature called auto response that allows you to have emails sent back to someone once they've submitted a lead or you know a case in certain cases so in this case you can have a customized response based on lead interest so if you've got a lead that you know is interested in making a purchase on a specific product you can tailor your auto response to be based on that criteria you can also use html or plain text email templates if it's going to be sent back to potential sales prospect you should probably use an html template that way it looks nicer however if it's like a customer service type inquiry you probably don't need it to be as nice it can just be more of a confirmation of your request has been received type of an email and you can also choose where that from email address comes from so you know with active rules this allows you to say i want this email to go to someone once that submission comes in so we're back into salesforce now so i'm going to click on setup on the top right hand corner over on the left hand side i'm going to go to customize leads and then you can see here i've got my lead auto response rules so on this page you can see i have one active rule and i'm going to click on this rule here so very similar to a lead assignment rule what i do is i come in here and i add a rule entry so let's say i want the order to be you know number two whenever the city is you know i don't know blank and then what i can do is i can choose where i want that to come from so i can say for example uh justin davis and you know use my email address and this will actually be in that from field now i need to choose the email template that's used so i'm going to pull this up and you know i'm going to choose you know follow up the follow-up template and click save now once that's done you can actually see that you know i've got my rule created here now something interesting to note is that you can have this one active rule but the email template is determined based on the criteria so just like i mentioned before if someone's interested in a specific product area or there's a specific geography involved you custom tailor the template that gets sent so as opposed to a lead assignment rule where the user is assigned to a lead based on criteria here it's actually which email goes out based on criteria so um you know those these auto response rules are really simple you can also edit them and you know deactivate them accordingly so i'm going to come over here and you know deactivate it so if you deactivate it then when someone makes for example that web to lead submission they are not going to get an email back you know thanking them for their response or what have you um so that's that's just something to keep in mind but you can also turn it on turn it off as you see fit you can also add other rule entries accordingly the next thing we're going to go over here is the creation of campaigns in salesforce campaigns in salesforce are records that really serve as a holding area for your marketing activities so a very common misconception is that this is where mass email happens because you know in this day and age everybody automatically assumes that if you have a campaign it's got to be a mass email right so that's not the case at all so a campaign record is really a record to track and store all of your different marketing efforts the roi on them this could be trade shows you know workshops direct mail even a cold calling campaign can be created as a campaign record and so this gives you the ability to run reports and see what your roi is so you spent five thousand dollars attending a trade show but you you got back ten thousand dollars in in customer sales you know so that would be an example of a use of a campaign record it can also be mass emails it so for example let's say you're using you know pardot or exact target or some other system to send mass emails what you do is create a campaign and say okay we're going to send a newsletter every three months and so we're going to create a new campaign for each of those months we're going to have the winter newsletter the spring newsletter the summer newsletter go out and then there's a campaign record in salesforce to actually track where that person you know heard about your company so the trick with that is is that when contact or lead comes in you need to manually associate that record with a campaign record so it doesn't do it automatically for you so it's a lot less automated than a lot of customers believe the campaign record is a placeholder that you've got to work and work hard you it doesn't automatically do anything for you it's just a placeholder for you to run reports against some key points here to remember is that for a user to have access to campaigns they need to have that marketing user checkbox checked on their user record so you can also track your marketing efforts based on types and categories and then you can also log campaigns against leads contacts and opportunities now you can create like a lookup field to accounts or cases or other records and then track campaigns against them it's not recommended because usually campaigns are intended to be marketed to specific individuals rather than just a broad company but you can certainly create a lookup you know field from accounts to campaigns and then go back and run report on that and say well how many accounts came in from a specific campaign so that's something you can do if you'd like so now i'm going to jump back into salesforce here and we're going to actually click on a campaigns tab and check this out so the campaigns tab is much like other tabs you've got list views you can also create a new campaign record which is what i'm going to do here so i'm going to call this the spring newsletter campaign and i'm going to choose active for you know to make this campaign active in salesforce and the status i'm actually going to leave it as plan here so now i'm going to click save and then it creates the basis of a campaign so first of all i can choose what the type is you know is it email telemarketing you know seminar conference etc i can also link it to a parent campaign if i have any other campaigns in the system i can do that here as well i can also add a description for whatever this particular you know marketing initiative is going to be and then down here i can add opportunities or campaign members i can view different fields such as expected revenue budgeted cost etc so let's say that you know my budgeted cost is five thousand i expect my revenue to be you know twelve thousand five hundred but the budget ran over a little bit and we ended up spending a little bit more than we actually thought so um you know this gives you the ability to go back and run reports and say okay well we spent you know a little more than 5 000 and we got 12 000 as a result of our efforts that was a successful campaign so scrolling down here this is where you actually will start linking different records to the campaign so there's an area called campaign members that is very important for you to understand so you can add these members through searching importing a file you can also edit members through search or you can update and add members via an import file you can also do that up here up top same button so for example in this case i'm going to add members to this so i'm going to choose let's say some contacts i'm going to click go i just want to see all my contacts so here you know i'm just going to choose a bunch of different contacts i have in the system or i can also use a you know a list view and you know add them there as well so i'm going to add with the status let's say i'm going to choose sent and then now these four members have been added to the campaign so if i go back to the spring newsletter you'll see i now have four contacts here there are four campaign members that are associated with the specific campaign now keep in mind this doesn't mean that now they get a mass email it just means that i'm being organized in my daily routine and i'm i'm i've got a place one place where i can look at a campaign and see which contacts or leads have been associated with it i also have the ability to link an opportunity so if i want i can link an opportunity using that primary campaign field on the opportunity record and you know that gets linked to campaigns as well so campaigns is not an area that's used real heavily but um you know it is important for you to understand it is on the salesforce certification exam as well um that you know it's a placeholder for marketers to just understand what they've spent and then you know what sales have been a result of that expenditure the next area we're going to go over here is record types so record types in salesforce are you know a very special feature that allows you to customize page layouts based on the record type of that specific record it's available on all standard and custom objects and you can also control access to it at the profile level now a use case for this would be for example if you look over here on the right hand side you've got a client record type a partner record type and then a vendor record type so these would be three good examples where you would actually use record types because you know you wouldn't imagine that the fields that you track on those three different records would be similar so for example let's say in a client record you want to track things like their you know annual revenue and their budget how many people they have that's all pretty standard for an account but let's say it's a partner record all that other information is important but you need more information than that you need to understand are they an active partner how are they working with you are they sending you referrals so you'd add more fields there and then with the vendor record it's totally different than the other two because those would be companies that you are a customer of and so you want to track those so it could be your phone company your marketing company or web development company so on a vendor record you might have other things like you know what are the contracts that you might have with that specific vendor or you know what kind of information do they regularly need from you or you know you can even store information like usernames and passwords to any kind of systems that they may give you access to so with the with these record types in salesforce we have the ability to sort of segment all of that out so one common misconception on record types is that you can control record access based on giving a profile access to a record type or not and that's just simply not the case so if you restrict someone's profile from having access to a record type that doesn't mean that they can't see a record with that record type it just means they can't create a record with that record type so they can still see the record they just don't have the ability to create a record with that record type so in short you can't restrict record access by restricting record type access and unfortunately all the names sound the same here everything's a record everything's a type but it's just true so if you want to control security check out the security lesson of this course but for now we're just going to talk about these record types and what they can do so for example here i'm logged into salesforce and i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner so i'm going to come over to customize and i'm going to click on accounts and click on this record types link so i can see that i've got three record types set up here so what this means is i'm going to open up this accounts tab and click on new and i'm presented with a couple of different options so these options match the options here now let's say i want to choose client now when i choose client i'm presented with this list of fields but let's say i want to choose you know i don't know vendor the vendor has different fields so for example the industry has gone away the market segments gone away there's really just a few required fields here i also have a service number so that might be like my account number with them etc so you know record types allow you to control which fields are displayed based on the types selected so let's say i want to choose you know a partner partner record type so i'm going to choose you know salesforce as a partner i've got salesforce as uh you know the website address here and then i can also choose employee range something i didn't have on those other you know other page layout so i'm going to choose you know 21 to 100 and click save so now that i've clicked save i've got you know this this account set up using that specific record type and so the idea behind this is to you know really stay organized with what different fields you're requiring users to fill out based on the record type selected so to come over here i can also create a new record type i can also modify page layout assignments so that's also an important consideration so i'm going to click on this page layout assignment button and i'm going to click edit assignment so here i've got my master i've got the client partner vendor master is always the default so for example i can come over and say okay for the business analyst on staff if it's a client you know record type i actually want them to see the vendor layout you know something like that or maybe for a project manager you know i want them to have you know the you know i don't know the partner layout there or let's say a client layout for the partner record type so you can sort of mix and match everything and you know if i was to click save it'll it'll make those changes i can also say for you know vendors i want it to get you know the client page layout now the reason that these page layouts line up well with record types is because that's exactly how i've created them so if i come over here under customize and accounts and page layouts you can see that i've actually created page layouts to match my record types now this is somewhat of a best practice it's one i personally recommend but if you have a pa if you name your page layout for the record type it's going to be very very easy you know going forward to you know be organized with what layouts are linked to what what record types and then again i can come over here and i can edit the assignment through the page layouts as well now if i want to create a new record type i can do that easily so i go back under accounts click on record types so under record types here i can click on you know new so maybe this might be you know i don't know subcontractor or something along those lines so i want to have a new subcontractor record type i can make it active i can also copy down let's say let's say partner is real close to subcontractor so i can copy from an existing record type i can also come over here and enable it for a specific profile now again this doesn't mean that if they don't have it enabled that it's restricted it just means if they do that they can actually create a record using that record type so i'm just going to enable it for everybody and click next and here i have the ability to choose layout now subcontractors really similar to you know a partner for example so i'm just going to choose the partner layout that works for me i can also come down here and say well for business analysts i want them to see the client layout whenever the subcontractor you know layout is selected so in this case i'm not i just want everybody to get the same so i'm going to leave it as partner and i'm going to click save so now my subcontractor record type has been created i also have the ability to edit the different pick lists so the different drop down menu so the pick lists and drop down menus are also dependent based on the record type so if i come over here to type and i click edit for example i can choose you know what pick list values are available i can also come under here and say you know market for example maybe when the subcontractor record type is selected government's never involved and maybe non-profits never involved for that matter so i can also choose you know corporate as the default and click save so that makes it easy so whenever i create a subcontractor account you know using that record type those are the options that i see so now i'm going to click subcontractor here and you know you can see that i've got my subcontractor layout here but that's that's a real simple you know use case for record types you can use them across standard or custom objects and it's really there to control what fields are displayed you know based on that specific use case of that record so now we're actually going to look in salesforce to see where all of this can be achieved so in salesforce the first thing i'm going to do is click on setup and i'm going to go over to the communication templates area and click on email templates so here is where those three email templates would have been created so if united containers wanted to use one of those three emails on a specific you know lead assignment or auto response they could have created that email template here just as we discussed clicking on new new email click on text and then you know create their email template accordingly then once that was done they would then have created lead assignment rules so i'm going to click on leads go over to the lead assignment rule area and then i've got you know my inbound leads is my lead assignment we talked about that as well so a lead assignment rule can automatically assign leads based on that specific criteria and then lastly an unassigned lead queue was created so if i come over manage users and click on queues here i have the ability to see i've got my unassigned lead queue already set up this is something that we went over earlier so all of those leads that you know are cold and disqualified those are all going to be going to that unassigned lead queue and so the lead assignment rule can actually look and say if it's a cold lead or not for example in the united containers case let's see a lead comes in for new zealand some geography they don't even service they can have that new zealand lead routed to the unassigned lead queue as just a holding area because in reality there's nobody to service a lead from new zealand they're based in the united states and so that would be another example of being able to move those cold or disqualified leads directly to a queue that way the sales people never even have to bother with them so i'm logged into salesforce here and we're going to go to that report that was created for sales forecasting so i'm going to click on the reports tab and here i have my sales forecast report i'm going to go ahead and click on that and as you can see here we have a sales forecast report broken down by the opportunity owner jane justin and mark and then we also have the close dates across the top here so january all the way out until may and you can see the different forecasted opportunities by the dollar amounts totaled by each month so you can see here that we've got 118 000 or so forecasted for close in february but only a few for march and then all the way out until may over here on the far right hand side you can see the grand totals of each so you can see that justin for example has roughly a hundred thousand mark roughly sixty thousand and then jane here has twenty eight thousand we've also scheduled this report to run so i've clicked on this drop down arrow and i clicked on scheduled future runs here so as you can see it's set up for this report to be emailed to these three users and what i did is i scheduled that to go out every weekday at 9 00 am now we will get more in depth about scheduling reports and creating reports a little bit later on in this course but for now this is what the solution was for united containers this problem because what will happen is every weekday at 9 00 a.m this sales forecast is just going to be emailed out to you know to those individuals so you know there's no more updating of spreadsheets and manual report creation all of that it's just going to come from salesforce automatically so the key takeaways for this lesson is that leads contacts accounts and opportunities are the foundation of the sales cloud products and price books are used to reference pricing information and lead assignment rules can assign record ownership based on certain criteria record types are also used to segment different types of data thanks justin this certainly helped now i'll be able to understand salesforce and implement it better you are welcome debbie along with managing inbound leads including assignment logging activities and follow-up sales people are not able to generate and email quotations quickly to prospective customers we will cover it in the next lesson hi all i'm back with another professional who needs guidance on salesforce hi i'm samantha and work in the marketing team of x y invest we get numerous requests from customers asking for quotes sending the correct quotations to customers and that too in time is a headache as you know time and accuracy are key mantra here my company is using salesforce in the sales team however i'm told that i can implement it in my team effectively is that right yes samantha that's correct it's a popular myth that salesforce is for salespeople you can use it for various other business activities however i'm confused how will salesforce help us in quotation generation and improve customer communication you know samantha that's a pertinent question salespeople are not able to quickly generate and email quotations to prospective customers and are slowly moving to salesforce for automating this process generating proposals can be a drag on sales team productivity editing word documents requesting approvals even desk calculators get involved with the quotes feature in salesforce salespeople can quickly and efficiently generate a pdf and either download or email directly to a contact in salesforce when customers request revisions they have the ability to edit discount percentages add or remove line items and even use different templates entirely this lesson will explain how to expedite the process of generating quotes and sending it to customers what are we waiting for let's start in this lesson what you'll learn is how to create a quote record create a quote template generate a quote pdf email a quote pdf and modify existing quote templates the first thing we're going to go over is creating a quote record in salesforce when creating a quote record there's a few things you want to keep in mind each opportunity can have multiple associated quotes and this is important to understand because you can have one opportunity that represents your sale but if you've got clients that ask for a quote from you in two or three different versions you can have multiple quote records associated you can also create activities and upload documents to quotes just like you can on other objects in salesforce so you can log tasks upload you know pdf documents or any kind of supporting materials that went into you know was used for consideration in creating the quote that can all be uploaded there as well you can also create an approval process and this is really important because a lot of salesforce customers want to create an approval process around the discounting aspect of quote so if you want to put some restrictions on how much a sales person can discount or when they can discount or even you know on a per client basis per customer basis you can certainly do that on the quote record using approval processes in salesforce so now we're actually going to jump into salesforce and create a quote record so i'm logged into salesforce here and over on the left hand side i'm just going to click on a recent opportunity that i was looking at we've got a cloud creations opportunity here as i scroll down i see that i have an area called quotes so what i can do is actually click on this new quote button and it's going to open up a new quote record for me now for the quote name it's similar to that of an opportunity you know there's a lot of debate that goes into what to name the quote well it's important to choose a name that works because it's going to end up being the file name and stamped all over that quote pdf when you end up sending it out to your customers so i'm just going to call this the cloud creations proposal now in this particular salesforce org i've got a lot of different fields here so i've got fields for different notes and different dates etc and if you see here i actually have a required field so i'm just going to fill that in and click save so any fields that are required just like creating other other records in salesforce you'll need to make sure that those are filled in now the next thing i need to do is synchronize this quote to the opportunity so what that means is because you can have multiple quotes on an opportunity you need to choose which one is synchronized to the opportunity for forecasting purposes so what that means is if you've got three different quotes one for five thousand dollars one for ten thousand dollars one for fifteen thousand dollars you need to choose which of those quotes you wanna sync to the opportunity with and usually that's determined by the quote you feel most likely you'll get signed and you know you could choose the lowest price one if you feel that's the most likely to get signed or the largest one doesn't really matter you know what the rules are on that just matters on you know which one do you actually want to start forecasting so as you can see here you know i can click sync and it will sync this quote to the opportunity and if i want to stop the sync and change it and sync a different quote i can certainly do so so let's look at the opportunity again and if i scroll back down you can see i've got my quote quote record there now if i wanted to say create a second quote i can do so easily by by clicking on that new quote button now if i want to edit the quote i can go back here and you know make any changes to it i can i can add line items i can attach files all of that and i can adjust the field just like i'd adjust the fields elsewhere in salesforce so a quote's not that useful unless you actually have some line items on it so i'm going to scroll down here and click on add line item and what it's going to do is it's going to prompt me for my price book so i'm going to click save that's my price book there and then i can see a list of different products in the system so i'm just going to choose these top three and click select and then here i'm going to choose the quantity i'm just going to choose let's say 10 1 and 1 and click save and what's going to happen is these line items are then going to be added to my quote record so you can see here that we've got a grand total of 2100 because of those individual line items that i added to the quote so now i've got a quote with line items we see a total of 2100 and if i jump back to the opportunity you can see here that that amount has been locked and it's being synchronized to that quote record that i chose to be synced and you can also see the individual products that were added to the opportunity from that quote record so you know just just for this you know part of the lesson it's just important to know you you need to create an individual quote record off of the opportunity and you also need to add those line items to the to the quote record as well so for this next part we're going to discuss creating a quote template when creating a quote template there's a few things to keep in mind you can create multiple quote templates for different purposes you can also activate or deactivate the quote templates accordingly and so what that means is you can have different templates for different use cases different purposes for example you can have a quote template where pricing is a hundred percent upfront or you can have a quote template where you know maybe your customers are paying you on delivery that type of thing and everywhere everything in between so coupled with quote templates in the fields in salesforce you can really customize what the terms are of that contract you know on a per opportunity basis so you can generate a proposal that's really custom tailored to the exact situation by which you're proposing you don't just have to use one template so most salesforce customers do start with the template and they go from there but it's not uncommon for a company to have maybe three or four different templates for three or four of those different uses so now we're going to actually jump into salesforce and create a quote template so i'm on the salesforce homepage and what i'm going to do is click on setup in the top right corner and over here on the left hand side i'm going to come over customize and then i'm going to choose quotes and then if you can see here i've got this quote templates option so i'm going to click on that link and you can see that i've got a couple of different quotes in the system we're going to start by creating a new one so i'm going to click on this new button here and i'm going to name it i'm going to call it my test template now i can grab from one of the existing templates so i'm just going to leave it as a standard template and copy that down to create my test template now i'm going to click save so it takes a few seconds to load but once it loads you can see that we now have you know a standard template here so what i want to do is i actually want to save this and i want to see it here so you know i i can actually activate this template if i want to use it i'm not ready to use it yet but you can see that it's been created so i'm going to come back in in here and click edit and actually start making changes so on this template there are a lot of fields that i really don't need for example i don't really need the quote number there don't even need the expiration date or fax number nobody uses facts anymore so i can you know clean up this template accordingly and then on the flip side if i want to do something like you know drag in the account name i can just drag and drop that there accordingly and then down here you know the products that we sell don't have any kind of shipping or handling charges and you know we never do discount so i'm going to go ahead and pull that off so at this point i'm just going to click save and actually save this template now what now in order to use it i actually want to activate it so i'm going to click this activate link and that's going to go ahead and activate my template now for some reason i'm still working on the template and i don't want others in the system to use it i can click deactivate and of course it will pull that out of being an available template to use but i'm going to go ahead and activate it and we're going to go ahead and create a pdf in the next lesson here for this next lesson we're going to talk about actually generating that quote pdf from the pdf record so there's a few things to keep in mind first you can generate a pdf directly from the quote record you can't do it from the opportunity record it's got to be from the quote record and you basically have the option of either saving and downloading the pdf to your computer or you can actually choose to have it emailed you know directly to a customer or a contact that you have in salesforce so this is important to keep in mind because you know a lot of times salesforce customers want to generate a quote off the opportunity you know that pdf but the reality is you do need to go down to the quote object in order to have that pdf generated so now i'm going to go ahead and jump back into salesforce and generate this quote pdf so i'm logged into salesforce here and over on the left hand side i'm going to jump back to my opportunity that i was working on and then i'm going to scroll down to the bottom and click on that quote so now that i'm actually on this quote record here i can click on create pdf in this drop down arrow sort of displays and i can choose which template i want to generate from so as you can see here we've got this test template that we created results we also have a few others but for for this purpose i'm just going to use this test template so i'm going to left click on that test template and as you can see it's going to generate this pdf for me so at this point all i want to do is you know review it make sure everything's in order and you can see that those changes we made were actually applied here so we've got the account name which we added we removed you know some of the some of the discounting some of the other line items here like the shipping and at this point i'm ready to just save to the quote now what just happened is salesforce generated that pdf and it just saved it as an attachment directly on the quote record so if i want to see it again i can click on view and you know i can download it save it to my computer and then i can throw it into an email if i want so uh these would be the steps to actually you know downloading and saving that pdf directly to your computer so the next thing we're going to talk about here is emailing a quote pdf there's a few points to keep in mind when emailing a quote directly from salesforce you can email it directly but you need to make sure that the contact that you want to send it to is a contact in the system and when you do that the pdf is automatically saved directly to the quote record so pretty simple but you know the only catch is you need to make sure that your recipient is actually a contact in salesforce so now we're back into salesforce and we're going to talk about sending that quote directly via email so over on the left hand side i can just click under recent items and i can scroll down to the bottom here and if you see into the quote pdf there's this email link i'm going to go ahead and click that so now i need to actually type out who i want to send it to so in this case i want to send it to justin davis myself and i'm going to make the subject proposal now at this point you can make changes to the body if you want you can even select a template but if you notice here the proposals has already been attached as a pdf so all i need to do at this point is click send and simple as that the page will reload and you'll see that you know that the email has been sent now you won't get any kind of confirmation of that quote going out but rest assured if the page reloads and comes back here then that email was sent to the recipient the next thing we're going to go over here is making changes and modifying quote templates as i briefly demonstrated before you can drag and drop quote object fields directly under the page layout you can create sections and blank spaces for more customization you can also add images and footers for additional graphics so if you look at the template over on the right hand side here you can actually see that we've got a company logo in the top left corner and you know there's some sections there that sort of look like a contract so in salesforce you have the ability to add fields and graphics and sections and uh you know customize it pretty well the quote template in salesforce does fall short in a couple of different areas though you don't have the ability to group products together you know like bundling products you can't do that but you can simply add line items throw your logo on there and be generating proposals in less than a day so that being said let's go ahead and jump into salesforce so i'm back into salesforce and i'm going to click on setup in the top right corner and over on the left hand side i'm going to go to customize quotes and then i'm gonna grab my templates area again so now i now i'm back into my template area and i'm gonna go ahead and edit that template that test template that i created so as you can see here there are you know a lot of fields and you know honestly most customers don't need all these fields so what i'm going to do is i can actually remove entire sections and if i want to i can really just sort of start over you know for example i can remove tax information subtotal you know total price and get rid of that i can i can throw in like a contact name here instead of just the account and organization i can re reorder these different fields if i want to for that logo i can drag and drop this image field up to the top here and then i can actually insert a logo directly into this quote if i want in this case i'm going to leave that alone but all of the different fields that you have on the quote record can actually be brought into this record so for example discount let's say i want to add that i can add that discount field and all the different fields that you might create so a lot of companies will go ahead and create a lot of custom fields directly on the quote record and then you know add those to the quote pdf so that way when you go to generate a pdf it's merging in those fields if that makes sense for example if we want to add like you know whatever the payment plan is maybe over here on the left hand side we can certainly do that so any of the fields that you create on a quote can be added to the quote template so for example i've got some custom fields here so i'm looking now i'm looking you know behind the scenes at the quote custom object so you can see i've got quite a few custom fields here so any of these fields can be added and so you can really get creative with what you want the output to be of that particular template through a combination of custom fields like you know formula fields you know workflow rules to update different texts that you may have you know have on the quote and and the like so and another important consideration of course is as i was making those changes then you know my changes weren't saved because i navigated away i also have the ability to choose whether or not the header is displayed so if i click on that header there you can see i can hide the title i can also hide field labels if i want and make it a one column or two column layout in this case i don't want to hide the field labels or the section i'm going to click ok so you can see that that brightens up that section there so if you want to actually have sections on your template then you know go ahead and remove those titles uh i'm sorry uncheck the high title checkbox and then if you want to make sections you can call it you know overview or you know whatever the contract would be and so you can start building out your contract on a you know section by section basis there so we have you know overview terms um you know we'll call this you know address information as well and so you can start to sort of logically group you know the you know the proposal and then down here under quote line items this is really important you have the ability to modify which fields are displayed and we also want to actually expose that quote line items header you know we we think that would be useful so here you can see product that would be the name of the product that's actually on the quote the date the list price and sales price now we don't want to actually show the list price so we're going to go ahead and remove that we also don't want to show the discount so we're going to remove that as well now what we're left with is the sales price and the total price well those are fairly redundant so i'm going to get rid of sales price and so that so by making these changes it really cleans up the proposal and you know allows you to just show what you want displayed now over here we need a description so i'm going to add line item description and i'm going to move that around so now we have product line and description date quantity and price now the date's a funny one we really don't need the date on a line item it's kind of odd that it's there so i'm going to remove that as well so if you can see what i've done here we've got the name of the product and the description the quantity and total price that that looks a lot better so now i'm going to click ok and you can see salesforce sort of snap those changes into place we also don't charge tax so i'm going to get rid of tax i also don't want you know subtotal or even total price displayed so i've drastically cleaned up this proposal here and really removed the line items that you know the the different fields and line items that aren't needed and you know added in the fields that are so now i'm ready to save so once i save that template it's now available for others to use it's live in the system and if i want to ever change it again of course i can always come back and edit the template likewise so it's very very simple in salesforce to edit the template the template is somewhat limited because you basically deal with you know fields and you know you can also have you know like blank space and sections in here but basically you're limited to the fields and the products in salesforce to generate the quote so it's a little bit limited but you know there's nothing faster than using the quote template if you want to start generating proposals right away so let's see what they did i'm logged back into salesforce i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner over on the left hand side i'm going to click on customize quotes and then down here we're back at the templates so what united containers did is they came to the templates area they click new and just like we did they actually created a template right in salesforce for their sales people to use right away so i created this new template called template a i can make any changes i need and click save and then always remember once you've created a new template you need to activate it so now i'm going to go ahead and activate that template so once you create a quote don't overlook the fact that the sales people are going to need training on how to actually generate that quote so that's the other step that united containers took in that particular use case so you need to train them that you can't just create an opportunity anymore you have to create an opportunity and a quote record and then off the quote record you can actually generate your templates now you can also write some code in salesforce which isn't on the salesforce exam you can write code that automatically creates a quote record for you so there's some steps you can take to cut down the number of clicks you know a sales person would need to take in order to generate this pdf but as far as out of the box functionality is concerned make sure that users are trained that they need to create a quote record off that opportunity so some key takeaways for this lesson include salesforce quotes can generate pdfs quickly and easily from opportunities products are added as line items to quote records and quotes can be saved and downloaded or emailed directly to customers thanks justin this certainly helped now i'll get cracking on those quotes you are welcome samantha along with quote generation companies are also worried that they are not able to manage the inbound customer inquiries effectively i'll demonstrate a solution to this in the next lesson really then i think i will stay a bit more this might be applicable to us hi guys i'm here with the next professional and a new aspect of salesforce to look at hi i'm martin a customer service manager of xy networks our company deals with both technical support and customer service of late we have been struggling to manage the inbound customer inquiries and issues efficiently my boss told me that the management will get us trained in salesforce shortly well that's good i believe it will help them in their career growth i know salesforce helps in managing sales effectively however how is it going to help us in managing inbound customer inquiries you know martin that's a common misconception salesforce is a part of but not limited to sales it can be successfully implemented in different aspects of running any business customer service can be a tough department to work in customers calling emailing chatting texting posting all of this can cause even the best customer service teams to fall apart with the service cloud companies can get control over these issues start managing their time better and get meaningful reports from salesforce metrics such as average number of cases per day cases by issue time to resolution on a per customer service rep basis these are all the foundation on which the service cloud is built let us go through this lesson together to better understand this okay well let's start in this lesson what you'll learn is creating a case creating case assignment rules creating case escalation rules enabling solutions creating solutions attaching solutions to cases creating a web to case form and creating an email-to-case address so the first step in the service cloud is creating cases which we'll talk about first something to keep in mind when creating cases is that there are some required fields such as status and case origin there are optional fields such as contact name that can be useful and you can also choose ownership based on assignment rules so the fundamental use of a case is to serve as a ticket for customer issues or any kind of interactions you have you know after a sale is made whereas opportunities are used for the pre-sales process which we went over cases are really there for any kind of interactions that you want to track between yourself and the customer such as a billing problem or you know there's a product issue something along those lines so that's what cases are used for so now we're actually going to jump into salesforce and create a case so i'm logged into salesforce and the first thing i'm going to do is click on the contacts tab and i'm going to click on the contact that i want to open a case for so i'm going to click on winter paxton's names here and i'm going to scroll down now if you see this related list area called cases that's exactly where you want to go i'm going to click on this new case button here and now i'm presented with the new case page so just to talk through these different fields the case owner is going to be that individual that's going to own the resolution of this case so at any given time whoever that owner is of the case is the person responsible for dealing with the customer and ultimately getting their issue resolved it's also the person that's either going to get credit for actually closing out the case or the person that's going to show up on a report if the case is not resolved in a certain amount of time the contact name is the person that you're actually working with to resolve the case so many companies have you know points of contact and designated individuals to deal with technical support in this case you know we would have winter as that point of contact for the case here so the next field is the account name so account name is actually the company so it's automatically populated because we created the case off of the contact record which is the recommended way to actually create a case manually so that account name is automatically filled in there if it's not correct you can always delete that out and change it but it's it's populated by default based on the account on the contact next we have the status field so there's a couple of default options such as on hold escalated and new so with these different status fields you can see what step of the process this particular case is in by default it's new so we're going to leave it there case origin is also has a couple of options by default such as email phone and web you can go in and customize this list but in this case let's say that you know winter called in and it's actually a phone based case and now we're just going to go ahead and click save so now that i've clicked saved a couple of things have happened it's created a case number which i can then relay back to winter and a couple of other fields are displayed such as contact phone and contact email and then down here i have some related list areas such as solutions and activities as well as case comments now once a case is created you're going to want to be able to get back to it easily so inside of salesforce we can expose the cases tab so if you look across the top we don't actually see that tab here so i can click on the plus sign on the far right hand side click customize my tabs and then i can grab that case tab move it up a bit and click save and then i now have the ability to click on cases so i'm going to do that so now that i've clicked on the cases tab i can see for example a list of all the open cases that i have in the system and you can see here that i've got that case that i created so i'm going to go ahead and click on the case number and you can see i've been brought back right to the case so using the cases tab you can customize different list views so for example i can just see my cases where i'm the owner of the case or i can see the all the open cases as well using these list views is very important because you can also create cues for cases that come in that don't necessarily have someone to work on them yet so if you're you know if your company has a customer service and a tech support department you can have a queue set up that that allows for cases to go directly to the customer service team versus technical support for you know a billing issue would go to customer service versus a technical issue which would go to tech support next we're going to talk about creating case assignment rules there's a couple of following points to keep in mind when creating your case assignment rules one you can assign cases to users or queues in a variety of ways only one assignment rule can be active at a time and you can update case ownership with a user or queue so what this means is you can assign a case to a user or a queue based on a variety of ways you can use different criteria such as where the case is coming in from what the different you know product interest is or geography might be for that particular area so you know that case that comes in can be controlled based on the criteria of the case you can even do certain things like look for keywords in the case so for example if somebody mentions that you know they need to update their credit card information you can actually program salesforce to look for the words credit card and then assign it to a particular queue for billing issues for example one thing to keep in mind is that you can only have one assignment rule at a time now for some that seems a little you know confusing because of course you need to have different rules well the reality is you have one rule but you can have multiple rule entries so you have one primary rule but then the rule entries allow you to control what happens when the various criteria are met it's just a matter of sales force going in the order of those particular rules which you'll go over here in a second and then lastly the most important part of these assignment rules is it updates the ownership of the case so it's either going to update it to a user or it's going to update it to a queue you know whatever the case may be these case assignment rules are going to control the ownership of the cases so we're going to go ahead and jump into salesforce now and actually demonstrate creating some case assignment rule so i'm logged into my org i'm going to start by clicking on setup in the top right hand corner over on the left hand side i'm going to click customize and scroll down to cases and then i'm presented here with a variety of options so first i'm going to click on case assignment rules now if you already have an assignment rule created in your org you're going to see it here as being active and i can click on for example the rule name main office and i'm taken directly to this assignment rule now this assignment rules is a pretty minimum really it just changes the case owner to justin davis whenever the type equals a feature request well i want to add to that so i'm going to click on new and i'm going to choose the sort order as number two since we already have a number one there and what i'm going to do is i'm going to come over here and i'm going to put case type let's say for example the case type is going to be you know i don't know a problem and then i also want to filter on the case origin so let's say the case origin is you know email for example so what this rule is here is doing is if the issue if the type field comes in as a problem and the origin is over email so it gets sent in via email to case which we'll actually talk about in a minute then we can control who the owner is so i can come over here and i can put in you know justin davis and that's going to make me the you know particular owner of that case at this point i can click save and then you can see that my rule entry has been added now if if your company is working to you know set up different assignment rules what you can do is actually you know deactivate this case assignment rule so there's no active rule at any given time and then you can come over here and actually create a second assignment rule so you can see here it's no longer active but let's say i want to create some new rules so let's say new rule main office something like that and then i can make it active so that way it becomes the active rule and remember you can only have one active rule at a time but the active rule can have multiple criteria multiple rule entries so here i can put again you know sort order number one and then i can come over here and i can you know do the exact same thing i can configure you know what the criteria will be based on you know that specific issue with that case and now another popular option is to create a queue so i can come over here under manage users and click on cues now you can see i've got two lead queues set up but i don't have any case cues so i'm going to click on this new button and i'm going to call it you know unassigned cases so this might be for example cases that come in that i'm not really sure who the owner should be but i'm going to go ahead and and add all the individuals to the to the salesforce work here that can access that so now i can actually go back to cases and i can click on any case i have and for example i can change the case owner and when salesforce loads you'll see that i can choose a queue so i can have this actually default to the unassigned cases queue so that's who the owner will be so likewise i can go back and i can adjust my case assignment rules so i can come back under cases click on case assignment rules and i can adjust this rule here and for example i can create a new entry so i'm going to choose sort order as one and i'm going to choose case origin equal equals the web for example and then i'm going to change this from a user to a queue so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to just call it unassigned and click save and then what will happen is it's going to save my change and whenever a new case comes in where the case origin equals web it's going to assign it to the unassigned cases queue as you can see here on the right hand side now something important to keep in mind is that anytime you're filtering for something you have to remember to filter for something that does not exist for example what happens if the case origin field is blank you know so you need to come back over here and say case origin equals blank for example and so you know where should those cases go so creating assignment rules is a little bit tricky because you have to plan for you know what happens if you have that data that information but what happens if you don't you need to plan for all scenarios usually at the end of an assignment rule that we set up we'll we'll put some kind of catch-all criteria in there that says you know what if these five criteria aren't met then you know at the end of the line push these cases over to you know an unassigned cases queue or you know assign it to let's say the customer service manager that way they don't end up slipping through the cracks otherwise the case owner is going to end up being your default the default case owner that you have in the system so if i come over here under cases i can change support settings so under these support settings for example i've got my default user is justin davis which is myself so you know you can also make a variety of other changes here but the bottom line is if you don't have an active case assignment rule in place or you have an active rule that doesn't cover all scenarios then your default case owner which is a lot of times the system administrator the person that first set up salesforce then it's going to go into that person's name and if you want to change that you can always come back here under customize and then go to cases and then you can actually click on support settings to see this page so the next topic we're going to cover is case escalation rules so with case escalation rules there's a couple of points to keep in mind escalating cases can happen based on timing or case issue you can also control assignments based on criteria and business hours and you can also make critical issues visible to management so a lot of companies out there have agreements with their customers where support issues need to be resolved within a certain period of time so in those cases an escalation rule can be used to escalate that issue up to management or to a higher visibility team so let's say one of your biggest customers has an issue that comes in and it's you know preventing them from moving forward or getting work done you know the software that they purchased from you isn't working as intended and it's just a major showstopper you can actually set up an escalation rule that whenever that case comes in if it's not resolved within two hours for example you can actually have that case assigned to a more strategic team that's going to give more attention to that specific customer you can also make it based on other criteria you can say for example if there's a specific product issue or there's a service issue that you know the company needs to spend a lot of time trying to resolve let's say you've got a client that's using a brand new beta product of yours that can also be routed and cared for with a specific team and that can also be escalated right away so the next thing we're going to do here is jump into salesforce and create an escalation rule so i'm logged into salesforce and again i'm going to click in the setup in the top right corner over on the left hand side i'm going to click on customize and click on cases and so here just below case assignment rules which we just talked about i'm going to click on escalation rules so on the escalation rules page just like assignment rules you can see i have one active escalation rule so here i'm going to go ahead and click on that rule name and as you can see here it's very simple so i have one rule entry where the account name equals apple so i'm going to edit that and see what the ruling entry actually is so we can see that whenever the account name equals apple then i want this case to be assigned to justin davis after one hour and zero minutes if the case has not been resolved so you know apple you know apple computers would obviously be a huge customer of ours or anyone really so in this particular case we have this vip customer rule set up i can also come in here and click new and create a new rule entry so i can come down and choose you know let's say the account name is you know google for example in in here i can also choose if i want to use business hours or not i can also choose to ignore the business hours let's say if i'm running a 24 hour you know service department now i'm going to click save once i click save i'm going to then be prompted for an escalation action so here i'm going to click new and i have the ability to choose after how long will this case be escalated so if i put a one in here that'll stand for one hour and zero minutes i can also do two hours that's a pretty common option as well and then i have the ability to actually reassign the case so i can have it reassigned to justin davis for example and then i can also choose my notification template so the template that goes out is is an email template set up in salesforce in advance and it's specifically for you know new assignments and case escalation so i'm going to fill that in and click save so that rule entry is now complete so i'm going to go back to vip customer and i'm going to see okay i've got two huge companies here but basically if a case comes in where the account name equals apple we want those actions to take place same goes with google now let's say i have cases that come in that are not from those specific you know companies i can come back down here and put for example you know account name equals you know blank for example or let's say it's not equal to google or apple so this would be pretty much for you know everyone else you know the other other customer companies that you may have in that case maybe the escalation is really after 24 hours you know maybe it's only critical if the case has not been resolved within 24 hours as far as getting the attention of a service manager or getting it escalated likewise so i'm going to come back here and now i have three rule entries for my vip customer escalation rule first salesforce is going to evaluate if the account is apple or not if it isn't it's going to move on to google and if it's not google it's then going to evaluate this last rule here that says if the account is not equal to google or apple which will be pretty much everything else even if it's blank then it will take those actions but only after 24 hours so that would be for that third rule entry and just like case assignment rules with escalation rules you can have multiple rules but you can only have one active at a time so i can also come in here and create you know let's call it my test escalation rule so i can be testing this out and it doesn't necessarily have to be active yet i can come in here and start creating new rule entries but it's pretty simple so with these case escalation rules you have the rule itself the name of the rule whether it's active or not then you have the individual rule entries which you can have as many as you want then down here below we have the escalation action so there's really three parts to creating case escalation rules in salesforce the next area in salesforce we're going to talk about is solutions there's a couple of key points to keep in mind when enabling solutions you need to enable solutions first before you can configure them enabling solution browsing will also give access to service representatives and you can also enable html solutions and solution summary so in short solutions are their articles and its content inside of salesforce that you can use in a very lightweight manner on cases so if you have a case where you know someone's trying to reset a password then their salesforce will prompt you for a solution based on that keyword so there's another feature called knowledge base which we'll also talk about here in a second and with salesforce knowledge it's a true knowledge base whereas solutions it's more like quick resolutions to common problems whereas the knowledge base is much more robust and comprehensive so the first thing we need to do is actually get into salesforce and actually turn on solutions so i'm logged in and i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner over here i'm going to come under customize and you'll actually find solutions as its own menu option i'm going to click on solutions and then i'm going to click on solution settings now on the solution setting page there's a bunch of different options we're going to talk through so i'm going to go ahead and click edit the first one here allows us to turn on browse solutions so i'm going to go ahead and check that checkbox so what that allows individuals to do is actually browse through a list of solutions that aren't necessarily tied to a specific case i also have the ability to turn on multilingual solutions so if i'm running more than one language in salesforce i can use the multilingual support option and check that there i can also turn it on if i'm running a self-service portal it's not a common option most salesforce customers aren't using the salesforce service portal anymore i don't think that'll be a question on the exam but just something to keep in mind the more important options are down here so you you definitely want to enable html solutions they're not going to be very interesting without the html enabled so html gives your users the ability to have graphics and different types of text and font and whatnot be able to bold and make lists and if you have html not enabled it's just going to be you know sort of boring text and if you're okay with that that's fine leave that checkbox unchecked but uh for most companies you do want to check that check box you can also check whether a solution summary is displayed as well as if you have any kind of inline solution category breadcrumbs you want i'm going to leave that unchecked it's not really necessary so i'm just going to leave that as is and click save so at this point we're ready to start setting up solutions we've we've enabled the various options we want enabled and uh you know this the next thing we're going to go over here is actually configuring solutions so now let's actually talk about creating solutions so creating solutions records common solutions to common problems you can attach cases and send them to customers you can also choose whether to display them internally or publicly so as we talked about before solutions is really a very basic way to track you know case resolution so what should be taken to resolve a specific issue whereas a knowledge base is much more robust solutions is just a very basic version of that so let's jump into salesforce and actually create a solution so i'm logged into salesforce and i'm going to click on my solutions tab here so once i've clicked on the tab i can then come down below and click new on the subject solution title here i can actually choose my title let's say that you know computers making a noise so we've got computer noise as a solution title and then in here i can actually put what the solution will be so i'm going to choose reset the power now here i can actually choose you know different type of formatting options just like i mentioned we can make you know text larger or smaller also change the font size accordingly but for this point i'm just going to click save and and save my solution so it's very simple if you want to edit the details you can come in here and edit them as well you can also attach any kind of files you want to the solution and if you click on the solution tab then you can also see any other recent solutions that are inside of salesforce you can also do a search for them for example if i want to look for solutions where power is part of you know an issue here i can come down here and i can see that as part of my solution search results so there's really not not much to it i click on the solutions tab i click new i fill out the solution title and body i click save and it's done that that's all that needs to take place so now let's talk about actually attaching solutions to cases when attaching solutions to cases there's a few things to keep in mind you can search for and find solutions based on various keywords you can also search for relevant reviewed and unreviewed solutions and you can send solutions directly to customers from case records so we're logged into salesforce here and the next thing we're going to do is demonstrate attaching a solution to a case so i'm going to click on the cases tab and i'm going to open up a case that i have here so you can see that i have the subject of power description i have a power reset problem now keep in mind a lot of times when customers send in cases via the e via web or via email you know they don't always put a lot of you know description so this is pretty darn realistic actually so we have the subject of power and description of power reset what i can come down here is i can actually click on this view select suggested solutions button and what it'll do is it's actually going to search for a solution based on keywords and show me a score so you can see 100 percent here versus 18 so these are the recommended solutions salesforce is putting forward i'm going to click select and choose this solution and you can now see that this power reset solution was the solution that's actually going to be provided to this particular customer i can also click on the solution number and see it here press the power reset button for example and you know we can have a history of the solutions added now i can also click on the view suggested solutions and see another so i can click on select here and i can add multiple solutions to this particular case in the system so the the whole point here is is that we want to see a running history of the solutions that was given to the specific contact to better understand what solutions work which ones don't work so for example there there are certain solutions that may work better than others and this is where we can track that so when we go to close this case if the case gets reopened we can re-examine these solutions down here and see if they were comprehensive enough if they were actually you know if they actually resolve the problem or not so it's real simple to attach solutions to cases you can also search by keyword or click on find solution so um you know it's very simple you do it right off the cases you know case record here it gets attached and you're done the next thing we're going to talk about is enabling knowledge there's a few things to keep in mind when enabling knowledge you can create content called articles and so just like you know knowledge based articles that other companies have that's exactly the same thing here so within salesforce you have the ability to you know have knowledge base articles you can also have multiple languages so you can have different languages that are allowed it's essentially a company-wide knowledge base and knowledge feature licenses are required so if you can see over here in our graphic we have two total knowledge user licenses so these are licenses that are purchased on top of the service cloud so with salesforce you need to have these feature licenses turned on in order for knowledge to work now i've talked about the differences here but i'll talk about it again solutions is a very lightweight manner in which to track which resolutions were provided to customers when they have case issues knowledge is a much more comprehensive database of the different questions that customers have and it's meant to be exposed publicly as well as internally for online users to search using communities or some other method so knowledge base can also have categories and tags whereas solutions as you saw was just a very basic way to track those resolutions they do overlap in purpose though so knowledge based articles can be used in a lot of the same ways as cases but knowledge is really meant to be more of a standalone feature you know offering where solutions is really really dependent on cases so that's really the main differences between the two so the next thing we're going to do here is jump into salesforce and get knowledge set up so we're locked into salesforce now and we're going to get knowledge enabled so i'm going to click on setup in the top right hand corner and over on the left hand side i'm going to come over here to customize and i'm going to scroll down and find knowledge now there's a couple of options here there's there's knowledge settings which you might want to click on right away but the reality is you have to create an article type first so i'm going to do that i'm going to click on this create an article type now and i'm going to create an article type so i'm going to click this new button and i'm just going to copy the example that is here and i'm going to check that starts with a vowel sound checkbox and click save so knowledge is a little bit funny in that you need to create an article type first in order for it to you know work throughout the system so at this point knowledge has been turned on another important issue is that the users that have access to knowledge need to have the knowledge user checkbox checked so i'm going to click over to my user record here and you can see that i've got the knowledge checkbox checked so this gives me access to knowledge in salesforce if i uncheck it it's going to restrict access and i won't be able to go back into knowledge now i can come back over here under customize and click on knowledge and i can click on knowledge settings for example now what i'm ready to do is click yes and enable salesforce knowledge so this is a step that can't be undone so once you've turned on you can't turn it off not a big deal for most salesforce customers just something to keep in mind so at this point we have our article created knowledge is turned on and it's enabled and ready to be customized so our next topic is going to be configuring knowledge so with knowledge you can create articles for internal use or public viewing you create article types for better categorization of those articles and you can make it visible in communities or the company website so we're going to go ahead and jump into salesforce and demonstrate that so we're back into salesforce here right where we left off so we can see that we've got a couple of different knowledge settings that we can edit so i'm going to go ahead and click on this edit button here and i'm going to talk through these so we have the ability to allow users to create and edit articles from the articles tab that's a no-brainer definitely leave that checked we also have the ability to activate the validation status field and so that's just a field that says that the article has been validated by you know some outside source so users can create articles but there needs to be you know moderator essentially of that particular article that there's a validation status drop down menu you know a pick list field there we also have the ability to say whether or not it's possible to add you know any external multimedia content to the editor in salesforce we can also come in here and choose different article summaries so i'm going to check all these different check boxes i want them to all be made available here essentially the internal app would be the internal users of salesforce customer would be like a customer communities portal partner similar would be the partner portal so scrolling down here we have the ability to suggest articles for cases considering the case content so that's similar to solutions in that it searches for keywords in the case and then displays knowledge articles based on that and that's in the knowledge1 app it'll also highlight highlight relevant article text do some autocompletes for you i would just say check all of those then we have the ability to come down here and choose whether we want multiple languages or a single language for most salesforce customers it's going to be english as a single language i can also come down here and choose to whether or not i want users to create an article from a case i'm going to leave this one unchecked it's best to not leave this check because you really don't want users creating articles right off of a case there needs to be generally there needs to be a more formal process for creating articles otherwise you're just going to have people creating a lot of articles that don't have a lot of value and they're not well thought out you want to think through the articles and make sure that you know the structure and hierarchy of the articles make sense in other words you don't just want anyone to just create an article there needs to be a process in place to ensure that your articles are high quality content and they're actually correct you can also come down here and choose whether or not you want to enable a list of cases that are linked to an article so what that does is you can go to an article and actually see what cases have been used you know on that specific article we also have the ability to allow users to share articles via public urls so we'll demonstrate that here in a second but you can create an article that will actually have its own url up at the top and you can click on that url and it'll take you directly to that article so that's what that's about i can also come down here and choose whether or not i want users to create an article from a reply i definitely don't want to check that checkbox that goes along with what i said earlier you want to have a process in place for article creation it shouldn't be some random thing that people do throughout the system it needs to be you know well thought out process where you've got articles and draft articles and then those get published so you don't you wanted to make sure good advice is being disseminated not bad advice so that is you know the the knowledge settings uh area in a nutshell here so at this point i'm gonna go ahead and click save and save those settings so i'm now logged into an area of salesforce with knowledge up and open so there's two main tabs to work with here the articles and the article management so first i'm on this article management tab so i can see here i've got a couple of different articles that that have been created i can click on new to create a new article and i'm going to go ahead and do that so i'm going to choose a title of let's say billing issue and then i'm going to be prompted to choose a url name it's going to default that from the title and i can also put in a summary here so i also have the ability whether or not i want to choose a validation status i'm going to choose validated so this shows other users that this this article has been validated and it's accurate so i'm going to check these different channel check boxes here i want this this article to be displayed everywhere and i'm going to go ahead and click save once i click save i've got a couple of different options here i can click on assign and i can assign this article to be owned by a specific user in this case myself justin davis i can also preview the article so i can choose whether or not i want to preview it here and you can see that we've got this link that shows up so there's a link to that particular article and i can also publish it so i can click on that publish button and choose to publish now so i'm going to click ok to publish it now and then that article is going to move into a publish status now if i want to also view preview any of these other articles i can click on this preview link by the way and then i can actually see what the article information is here and you know get a link to it as well so from this article page i have the ability to also come in here and edit articles i can publish them preview them etc and and all of the like so articles is you know very similar to solutions except as you can see there's just a lot more features available so i can come back here under you know let's say billing issues that billing issue article and you can see that i've got the url to it users can come along and they can rate it we can also edit it directly from this particular page and you know we have the ability to do all this just like we did in solutions plus a lot more of these new features so in short knowledge base runs off of articles and the knowledge based articles and you know it offers a very robust manner by which you can you know search and sort create articles and you know add multimedia content to the articles and then have them published and referenced in salesforce so you know that that's knowledge base uh in a in its core feature the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating a web to case form so web to case in salesforce is a very simple web form that when created allows you to create a case from a web page so this is not a tricky one but a lot of times customers are a little bit confused as to what this actually does so the following key points are that you choose fields from the available fields column as you can see here from available fields to selected you also choose a thank you return url for after the case has actually been submitted and then of course you generate the html using that generate button so what this does is it literally generates the html that a salesforce customer would put on their website using a web developer or web design company whoever the webmaster is for that website so some customers believe that this form will actually come pre-formatted it definitely doesn't you need to take that html and add formatting a style sheet or a table or something at a minimum you know otherwise it's not going to have any format so what we're going to do next is we're going to generate a web to case form and we're actually going to show what that form looks like out of the box so i'm logged into salesforce and i'm going to get started by clicking on the setup link in the top right corner so over on the left hand side i'm going to go over to customize and here i can click on cases and you'll actually see that there isn't a web to case option here so you know funny enough the sales force has put the web to case option under self service so what you should do is come over here under web to case html generator and then you can choose what fields you want from the left hand side to the right hand side and then choose a thank you url so i'm gonna i'm gonna pick that now for example and then over here on the left hand side i'm going to choose what fields i want to have made available so it's real simple i just choose whatever fields are available on cases as my selected fields so any custom fields that you've created can be added here under selected so now i'm going to click on generate and it's just going to generate some very basic html for me so i'm going to i'm gonna select all and i'm gonna copy this now before i paste this what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna scroll down and we're just gonna look at it real quick here so it's very simple you have a meta text area and you've got a bunch of comments in here but essentially it's just a post and uh you know for those of you that are technical you know it's just a it's just a very simple post to the salesforce server for everybody else this form is a standalone form you don't have to tie it into anything you can literally paste it anywhere on the internet if somebody submits a record from here it's going to go into your sales force or your salesforce account so scrolling down you can see just some html here that you can modify make it look however you want it to look if you've got drop down menus then you can see those option values here and at this point you can just click finished so when you click finished all it does is it just brings you back to this web decays page so there's a couple of other options you can set up for starters you can choose whether to enable or disable it you know most salesforce accounts come with it enabled by default anyway you can also choose a default case origin most customers want web as the default case origin because that's where it's coming from you can also set up an auto response so if a case comes in from this web to case form you can just put in a template here from any email template you've created as an automatic response so the next step in this process is to you know what you're going to do is you're going to have that code and you're going to want to send that to a web developer so here for example you can see we've got all that code i've just pasted it to a notepad file so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to save this this specific file i'm going to call it you know web to case dot html and select all files and click save and what that's going to do is it's just going to create this notepad file as an html file on my desktop so once you've saved that html file you can literally open it up right in your browser so i'm going to open it here and this is what that web to case form looks like so it literally looks just like this so you need to come in here and do some formatting with the html but you know if you haven't done any kind of formatting you can come over here and fill out you know all the pertinent information into the individual field so i'm going to put you know my email i'll put subject you know i can say that i've got a product issue and for the description you know i'm going to be difficult i'm going to say you know call me and then here i can put in the type i'm going to put a problem case reason i'm going to put new problem and then at this point i'm just going to click submit query so what that's going to do is it's going to take me to my thank you page and it's going to submit a case into salesforce so if i come back under cases i do need to wait at least a minute or two for that case to show up once that case does show up then i i can come back in here and i can actually you know see that the case has been submitted for example we've got this new case in here that was created from that form you could see subject product issue description you know call me and what it did is it automatically found my contact name and it linked the case to my contact so i could actually click on my contact and i can see the cases that have been submitted but here you can see that directly from that web to case form i didn't touch the code at all it just created a new case inside of salesforce so it works very very simple a few things to keep in mind is that web to case you know when they're created they do respect assignment rules also you can wait up to two minutes for a case to come in just depending on how busy salesforce is that particular day the salesforce servers i should say but in general you can definitely expect it within two minutes a lot of times i see usually in about 30 seconds or less but it can take up to two minutes for that case to be created the next thing we're going to talk about here is creating an email to case address with salesforce you've got a couple of options to create cases we've already gone over creating a case manually we just went over how to collect a case from a website using the web to case form the other option here is using email to case now email to case in salesforce allows the case to be created directly from an inbound email you can also set up you know forwarding rules on your email server to forward those emails that's what most customers do and the contacts are going to be matched based on the email address very similar to the web to case form so in short what you can do is you set up an email address at your company that when an email is sent to that email address a new case is created in salesforce so you can have support at for example have a case automatically created based on that inbound email which is what a lot of companies do so next we're going to jump into salesforce and get this email to case setup so i'm logged into salesforce here and i'm like always i'm going to jump into the setup area over on the left hand side i'm going to click customize and i'm going to click on cases and then email to case so i'm on the email to case page and i actually have email to case disabled so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click edit i'm going to talk through these different options so the first thing i want to do is click on the enable email to case check box what this will do is it will permit inbound emails at the service address to create cases inside of salesforce i also want new case owners to be notified whenever those emails come in and i want to enable html email so the notifying case owners is pretty self-explanatory they'll get an email whenever a new case comes in however this enable html means that the html format of that email is brought into salesforce rather than just plain text we also have a few options for inserting the thread id so when using the email to case option you can send replies and receive replies and there's a reference id that's included in that email so here you have the the option to choose it in the subject or the body or both we can also choose whether or not the user signature is before the email threads or after i'll just leave that unchecked because it's not really relevant move on here so the next one is the email enable the on-demand service so for most customers this is the option that you would want so on the certification exam you're going to need to understand the difference between on-demand email service and you know the standard service so the standard service is is much more involved where you have to install the email to case agent so if you can actually see that here you have to install that behind your firewall in reality with on-demand it's it's quite simple you set up a forwarding rule from your email server to send an email to the service address that we're going to create here in a second we also have a couple of options for you know if the email rate limit has been you know received we can re-cue the message and have it in sort of a holding area we can bounce it or just delete it and then if there's an unauthorized sender you can either bounce it or just delete it as well at this point i'm going to click save and let salesforce save my settings so there you can see everything's been set up now i had previously created a routing address for demonstration purposes and you can see here i've got the support team for support at it's pending and you can see that email service address there now let's say i want to create a new one i'm going to click on that new so you can see here after that new button i can then choose my email to cal's routing information so for the rounding name i'm going to choose you know let's say cloud creation support and then for the email address i'm going to choose something like support now it's very important that this email address is a real email address with a real you know inbox a real account it's not a fake account has to be a real one set up by your email you know service provider whether that's in-house or external you can also choose whether or not to save the email headers so you know check that check box if the headers are important you can also choose where the emails are received from so what this would do is you know allow you to have only emails come from certain domains if you want for most companies you can just leave that alone next down here is whether or not to create a task from an email so if you want a task to be created for that inbound case that inbound email check that check box i recommend recommend leaving that unchecked i'm not a big fan of automated tasks i think tasks should be created manually for the most part so they actually get done but if you do want an automated task created go ahead and check that check box and then down here we also have a few options for case priority high medium low case origin email so these might seem very obvious from the onset case origin of your email however with case priority you actually may want to set up three different support email addresses so most companies just have one but let's say you have a vip customer where you want them to be able to send an email you can put something like you know tier 2 support at and then all of those emails that come in will be of the level high so the case priority for any of those emails will come in as high because it's it's sent directly to that tier 2 support so at this point i'm going to click save and i'm going to be prompted here now this is very important just as i mentioned that email address needs to be a real email address because right now salesforce is going to send a confirmation email with a link to that account you need to click on that link in order to make that email address available so at this point i'm going to click ok and as you can see here i'm brought back to the page so we've got this email address which you see in italics because it hasn't been verified yet and we've got this email service address created now this is a very long email address now it you can actually copy and paste this send an email to it and a new case within a minute or two a new case will be created inside of the salesforce account so at this point a lot of administrators get a little confused because they don't understand the relationship between this address here and this very long address there the point is is that there's no way in the world you'd want to give this address to one of your clients or one of your customers right so instead of giving them this very long address you have that address the tier 2 support at which is much more memorable that you can then hand out put on your website put on a business card whatever the case may be this is the one you give to customers so again you may ask well what's the connection between the two in your email server you need to set up a forwarding rule like i mentioned before that will forward a hundred percent of the emails that are received to this address so all the emails sent to this address need to be forwarded to this service address so your email administrator needs to set up a forwarding rule that will forward all emails from that email address to this one so this is the real email address this is the one that salesforce assigns you it's this one where you need to set up that extra step that does a link you know so an email received here automatically goes there and then when you use it you can simply click on the cases tab you can see all open cases and then when when that email's been sent and that case comes in of course you can always click refresh and just see that new case here right on the list so we're logged into salesforce and now we're going to review some of those areas mentioned in the case study so for starters i'm going to click on cases and i'm going to check out a case so they went ahead united containers and and set up the different fields and the drop down menus to suit their their business case so that was the first aspect then the second one here was that they actually had some assignment rules in place so i'm going to click on cases and come over here and click on case assignment rules and i'm going to see that we've got that assignment rule which we actually talked about earlier on but we've got an assignment role in place and then one of the most important functions here is the dashboard so we have the ability to see the the case workload open cases by priority statuses of open cases by rep so this all fits in perfectly with that you know case study for united containers because this gives their company total visibility into what issues are coming in and you know being able to report on it and see everything organized on one dashboard so first let's talk about email to case so i'm going to click on setup and over on the left hand side i'm going to click on customize cases and i'm going to click on email to case so you can see here that we've got two email-to-case addresses set up so in the case of united containers they went ahead and created some routing addresses and they confirmed those and are having those forwarded to the email service address here so whenever an email is sent to support that gets forwarded to their service address the service address in salesforce creates the case the other thing the that they did here was create a web to case form so here i'm going to click on web to case under self service and they went ahead and enabled the web to case option chose the default origin and then they they went to the html generator so here they selected the different fields that they wanted displayed on the page they click generate and it generated that html they provided that to their web developer who then posted it on the website so then anyone filling out the fields on that web decays form automatically had a case created in salesforce on their behalf so the key takeaways for this lesson are that the service cloud is for customer service and technical support teams to manage cases cases can be received through manual creation email or web forms and that solutions and knowledge base are great resources for information this guide really helped justin i will be prepared to deal with customer queries now all thanks to salesforce not only managing inbound customer inquiries companies can also spend too much money on custom development for common features in the next lesson we will find out how salesforce addresses this issue awesome let's move on [Music] hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos to nerd up and get certified click here
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Keywords: how to use salesforce, how to use salesforce crm, introduction to salesforce, learn salesforce, sales force, salesforce, salesforce administrator training, salesforce administrator tutorial, salesforce certification, salesforce crm, salesforce for beginners, salesforce introduction, salesforce simplilearn, salesforce training, salesforce training videos, salesforce tutorial, salesforce tutorial for beginners, salesforce tutorial for developers, simplilearn, what is salesforce
Id: f1AMkMQw-p4
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Length: 213min 36sec (12816 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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