How I Got TWISTED PAIR in 1.47 Seconds

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oh boy time for my favorite video game what why is my turret so high as well what what kind of God start hey yo I I guess I could do the Isaac's tears a lot oh my God my chair is so crazy what is this but honestly uh Isaac's tears aren't really popping off too much I feel my DPS itself is already good I don't need Isaac's tears uh what what is going on here man double red chest as well oh my God what what is this I mean I feel like gummy said it's just a better one it's just better spider but also I just realized that I didn't even lose the soul heart because I have the uh froze heart trinket wow this is just about as good as it gets thank you what an incredible start oh my God is that a soul of Lilith randomly that will give me Incubus oh my God oh my God my I I am actually covering my mouth no in my life I don't even I don't even know what to title this video I am flabbergasted by the events that have transpired there is just no way that I've managed to pull this one off I I call it Incubus I got twisted pair I call it Incubus because I wanted Incubus more than twisted pair because I was thinking there's no way I'm managing to get another twisted pair what kind of world we did reveal secret room I'm gonna run petrified poop from now on I wow yeah I mean like and saying that I got a secret room item you're crazy if you think I'm taking that though boom bot fly I mean come on come on oh tiny planet could have been a little fun right actually with this many amount of tears but let's be real I'm taking bot fly um that's decent nothing crazy though I don't have school bag We're not gonna mess with that big question is is secret room to my right I believe I am correct however never believe you're correct because you are always wrong motto of my life bomb and soul heart Jawbone is decent but not crazy big chubby is cool probably doesn't deserve the empress if I ever to fight blood that would deserve it more but I just want to get this fight over with I'm having a great time I'm having a good old time playing my favorite video game The Binding of Isaac baby what a goat game Trevi gets the last kill there call stami is gone you spawn for me a meat I'm happy of course it is and damage Stacks insanely well multiplicatively uh if that's even now you say that word Jesus uh because if you couldn't tell I have two Twisted pairs what's going on I don't have bombs let's go Angels today so far uh not a lot of pickups I got all not even just like oh no pickups for keys or coins no just like not a lot of pickups but broken modem will save that issue for me thank you I'm happy he goes in here we get lemon mishap which is another disappointment on all levels but we got Hearts back so this treasure room was actually worth it joyous day for me now the question is still where the heck is the damn secret room easy fight easy easy easy fight done simple a lot of people don't know Gertie Jr uh charges more often than lower HP they are so just keep that in mind and you'll have a great time oh my god let's get this key piece might as well oh my God don't die don't do that give me key piece we'll take Cent we need two more let's go explore a little more We're not gonna do anything crazy like Boss Rush today we're gonna have a nice casual simple day with double twisted pair and uh maybe even a Stairway rig imagine if I get godhead with this oh my God come on baby oh blood and Martyr oh that's good this is straight up good I feel like divine intervention is like highly underrated but at the same time I know I know I know I know why people want to read it it's uh I don't know it's easy to forget about you know there's nothing wrong with the item itself it's interactable it's fun it's Unique it's just uh I forget about it just straight up I forget I have it uh this is the worst room uh people ask me hey what is the the uh enemy you hate the most as those guys I don't care if they're not killable and maybe they don't count in your eyes those guys are the worst they got added really late into the game's lifespan I never really fully adjusted to them stone statues suck and someone pointed this out to me or anything I just realized it myself I realized the reason I hate stole the statues so much is because I also hate Gideon I don't know why but stone statues in this video game are just like my worst enemy I hate the ones that shoot bullets I hate the boss that's Gideon that just all he does is spawn enemies like why are you making me play greed mode right now why are you making me do a Super Meat Boy course right now dodging all these bullets in a room just to hit a button and finish the I hate oh it's better I hate Gideon like seven times you gotta stop just just die please thank you I actually got a deal I got censored we'll take it and then do I really want to go out to explore that old one room um yeah I will go Mausoleum though stairway the prophecy came true oh my God I did end up getting uh oh my God I got it Chrono light without having red hearts that's a D100 there's so much happening in my head right now yeah I chill out one second Spelunky had his career incredible I need red hearts to feel my kind of light but I also need money to buy the next potentially God angel room I'll take Humble Bumble well bomber waited the curse rooms we'll try and get to 30 cents and any extra sense that we do end up making we will give to the crane game because I didn't want to play it probably use Ace of Hearts here get a bunch more hearts come in here bloody Gus sure oh my God some thorium let's take the ivy bag let's pick up all those hearts that we left over I'm so fast because I'm bloody gusts oh I was lucky the first time so I don't blame you for not making me lucky this time okay I'm getting I'm literally I'm gambling addicted okay mom's boxing honestly kind of mid not gonna lie oh hey secret room oh hey see there you go reverse Tower we'll leave that in the big room maybe I'll get a crawl space or something reverse Tower just spawns a bajillion roths anything tinted Rock there is two tinted rocks right next to each other I've never seen that that was very satisfying oh my God thank you all right and we're good very effective floor and even though we have been doing a lot of Min maxing recently at least on this floor but we're actually pretty good it may be possible that I hit Boss Rush and I am the luckiest person because I somehow managed to do it Synthol is awesome two three spine plus damage you goodest oh my God Genesis I really like what we have though don't take you Chris I I know Eucharist won't affect me for that long it's basically only gonna be two but we just did a Genesis run oh my God where I got like crazy Genesis rolls so I don't want it to be too repetitive right and I really like what we have Chrono light is now prod so now I'm uh just blasting people with my Giga damage Chrono light oh my God Mega Trust sad bombs cool we'll leave uh I don't think I'm hitting Boss Rush Black Candle huh that's worth it I feel like people undervalue Ivy back man look at this Ivy bags crazy on command anytime you want just grab some items hello thanks keeper skin is cool nothing crazy but it's nice missing out on Boss Rush not the biggest deal we're just having fun now ah except those guys those guys are also the worst enemy I I guess I just have a thing against Stone grimaces uh but if I had to choose an actual enemy that isn't a stone Grimace it would be those guys the whipworm guys those are actually terrible not fun and since we did kind of go crazy with the whole uh blood bag thing our our Gusty blood musty blood it's it's going crazy let's go let's go Polaroid we don't go Polaroid enough that's fine then we'll go down have another stairway going come on baby I'm excited it's all right I mean soul is decent but it's just not worth it it's always okay but uh crane game maybe no I I feel like I just want to know what this guy's selling I want to play him until he reveals what he's selling and then I'll decide if I want to keep going like if it's worth it or not or a Babylon definitely not worth it but you're gonna give it to me anyway so we do have angel coming in sensor plus broken modem is deleting everything I don't have a key piece oh it's okay so we can get one on the next floor let's just do this we have confirmed that we're here on hush floor never forget the stereo up here I've done it multiple times it's hard to see conjoined this is just straight up conjoined so I take it will fight this angel I'm now shooting even more tears there we go so now we can fight Mega Stan Joker card book of revs this is a reverse shoes this is kind of weird I don't know what the Wisp is for IV bag that's kind of silly Scorpio yeah that's cool double Eternal heart not expected but thank you well I didn't have to buy the dude but whatever yeah come on I have the six bombs needed whoops I missed oh got it anything no I mean Bomb Bag is okay sorry yoink hey first nice or by the hearts because it'll give me what I need then we'll take this because maybe I'll get mapping 20 damage and I'm shooting uh what is that like seven of them I don't know that looks beautiful by the way that like is really pleasing to my eyes is that just me what the heck whoa hold on stop am I am I like crazy or is this insanely pleasing to my eyes wow so if we get some form of homing whether it be Sacred Heart or godhead from a steroid proc I'd be so happy broken modem sensor remind me to to keep this in the backlogs of my mind files that this is stupid good the amount of tears that gets slowed and then eventually deleted from Roku modem same look look at all the tears Elite plus we have a botfly huh just helping along where we get some chance oh God wait I just realized I also have only mantle them completely fine what an OB run what the heck I can barely even die I have mantle uh I took Polaroid right yeah everyone complains oh you always go to the negative okay yeah while I read my comments right I can see you're tired of it I'll go to the chest oh both of these are crazy good yo now we just need to have a heart and then we'll get kind of light back maybe I can just give like here give me a half a heart spawn it for me oh maybe hey there we go we've actually jumped up a ton of damage from that Purity because it's also stacking the kind of light that's like a plus seven damage super worth Revelation is ready go ahead and just Spam him oh don't walk into that hell I had a Dodge with the crown of light covering everything I've received Perfection that's awesome delirium spawn but I don't have anything to do with you at least not yet here we go baby one more stairway Star of Bethlehem who knows maybe a rock bottom will show up oops I was okay that guy doesn't get what he wants I guess more D7 is good this is uh a farting baby and then we'll continue oh oh my God yeah Perfection D7 honestly people under Valley D7 I'm gonna call you guys out binding Eliza Community I know you guys undervalue this thing this thing is crazy on the chest especially about perfection you're not gonna be able to fly past that oh it's Apple guys that's Apple my damage has straight up quadrupled you know you can shoot Revelation diagonally I only learned this kind of recently looks silly oh I was looking away I'm so slow whoa whoa oh my God I guess I may as well play this maybe I can get some keys and then key bump picks up the keys and now who knows you know probably not oh my God a dollar that's that's uh that's a new one cool well I think that's it we did it double twisted pair start not in my repertoire of things that I've done before however very cool GG oh boy I'm screaming again was I supposed to stream yesterday yes I was was I tired did I forget who knows but now it's even more exclusive so now you gotta come to lazy Matt man
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 174,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R9q3xyK38fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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