How I Got SO Many Ability Chunks in Splatoon 3 (Guide)

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so a question that I gotten asked a lot after I came out with my gear guide video is Chase how do you have so many ability chunks well first of all I do spend a lot of time on this game so I've gotten a decent amount of chunks just by playing and leveling up my gear naturally however there are a few things you can do to increase your chunk count significantly some are obvious and some aren't so obvious I'm going to tell you the method that I used to get so many chunks but I'm also going to tell you a few other things you can do to increase them even further if you guys are new here my name is Chase and I'm a competitive Splatoon player who's been making videos for about two years now if you enjoy this guide and want to see more like it let me know by giving it a like and subscribing because I promise you more helpful content is on the way all right so I'm just going to cut straight to the juicy part how did I get all these ability chunks well look guys I wish I could give you a complicated step-by-step answer but the truth is I just played Salmon Run no seriously like that's really all it is now there is one key thing that I did that a lot of people tend to neglect you see most people will play Salmon Run get their bonus meter to 1200 and then stop playing for the rotation now just doing that in itself can potentially get you a decent amount of chunks already however where you'll really rack them up is by getting your bonus meter past 1200. after you've gotten both of your super bonuses there's actually still a lot of rewards left on your meter the only difference is there's not a bunch of different colored capsules anymore it's only gear a lot of people don't care about this extra gear but it's a lot more useful than you might think what's good about this is that every piece of gear that you get from Salmon Run is guaranteed to have at least one chunk already on it and from my experience it having two or three chunks is decently common as well what makes this even better is that you don't have to scrub all these gear pieces to get the chunks when you're collecting your salmon run rewards you can simply just select swap for chunks this way the chunks on the new piece of gear you just got will go straight to your collection now of course if it actually gives you a good piece of gear don't hesitate to just keep it so you're probably wondering how much Salmon Run do I play exactly am I grinding it for like seven hours a day hell no I don't even play every rotation I do try and play most of them though and my goal for each rotation is to fight cohozuna at least twice that's a good Benchmark because that'll get your bonus meter pretty far down the line and of course you'll get two sets of kahozuna rewards this usually takes around an hour to an hour and a half depending on your salmon run rank trust me though I get it Salmon Run can be boring especially if you're playing by yourself if you can find a group of friends to consistently play with it makes grinding it a lot better but even with that Salmon Run isn't for everyone while it is the dominant way to farm chunks there are a few other things you can do besides it well it's probably the second best way to grind chunks is by just leveling up gear and scrubbing it grab a bunch of gear you don't use go level them up in Anarchy battles then go to merge and scrub all of them you can even have a higher chance of rolling certain chunks by leveling up gear from a brand that favors it and of course you can also use drink tickets to influence that as well compared to Salmon Run though there are two issues I have with this method one it's significantly more time consuming leveling up your first slot is fast but the second and third slots can take quite a few matches the other issue I have is that this method can be pretty pricey I mean one single scrub is going to set you back 20 000 coins you can easily blow hundreds of thousands if you decide to scrub a lot of gear whereas with salmon run on the other hand it costs nothing except maybe your sanity if you keep getting bad teammates do note that Salmon Run tends to actually give you a lot of money alongside all the other rewards now there's one more method that I'm going to cover here but I'm going to just say right off the bat I don't recommend this you should only do this if you're really desperate and impatient but there is a way to get a lot of chunks of a specific type of ability in a very short amount of time the only issue is there's some RNG involved and it costs sea snails let me walk you through it as you can see here my quick respawn chunk count is a little low mainly because I just burned like 50 of them I want to get more fast what we can do is fully level up a piece of gear made by the brand that favors quick respawn which is scallop in this case I'm going to be using the dusk wave tee now before you call me crazy for re-rolling this gear don't worry I have like two other shirts with the exact same abilities on it so I don't mind losing it for this tutorial anyway whenever you re-roll a piece of gear in this game the chunks that came off of it will go back into your collection so you can see where I'm going with this now right just Spam rerolls until you're satisfied if you're just semi-lucky you should be able to increase your chunk count by a decent margin in just a couple of minutes but that's the thing with this method it's risky while you are likely to roll chunks at the brand favors is by no means guaranteed I've had it before where I use 10 sea snails and I only got like three chunks of my desired ability it is rare for that to happen and you'll usually get way more than that but I'm just warning you that it is a possibility and of course the other obvious thing is that this is just kind of a waste of sea snails you should really save those for other things as I said before only do this method if you're super impatient and you just can't wait to put a certain type of ability on your gear well those are the three big methods for farming ability chunks in Splatoon 3. of course there are a few other things you can do you should roll your shell out machine daily at least once because there's a decent chance you'll get a small amount of chunks from it or you can get really lucky and roll the bronze capsule which gives you 10 of each ability chunk make sure to also collect your catalog rewards from hotlantis because you can get a good amount of chunks from that as well but as I said in the beginning the number one best thing you can do to farm chunks is just play salmon run if you don't like salmon run right now give it another chance trust me I used to hate salmon run but once I learned the ins and outs of it all it's really not that bad [Music]
Channel: Chase247
Views: 86,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chase247, Ranked, Dualies, Splatoon 3, スプラトゥーン3, Anarchy Battle, Splatoon 3 Pro Gameplay, Splatoon 3 High Level Gameplay, Splatoon 3 Pro Dualie Gameplay, splatoon 3 gear guide, splatoon 3 gear tutorial, splatoon 3 how to make perfect gear, splatoon 3 gear tips, splatoon 3 how to make gear, splatoon 3 gear seed, splatoon 3 gear seed tutorial, splatoon 3 how to make pure gear, splatoon 3 ability chunk guide, splatoon 3 how to farm chunks, splatoon 3 chunk guide, splatana wiper
Id: VMmGLQ29bZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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