How To Get BETTER QUICK at Splatoon 3 (2023 Guide)

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now you've been playing Splatoon 3 for almost a month now and you've been struggling you've been finding it hard to keep up with the people in ranked you're about a minus and you're trying to get to that eight a plus maybe even to S and you're having a little bit of a hard time so you want to fine-tune some things and get better and you know try to figure out what's like stopping you uh from actually getting to that next rank so yes guys hello welcome it is that srv2 dude hit today and I'm going to teach you guys how you can get better at Splatoon 3. so in this video specifically we're going to be talking about things to think about in general and things that you can do that will actually just make you better overall now the first thing we're just gonna get this one out the way are you using motion controls or are you using stick controls now over the seven years I've played Splatoon it is an undeniable fact that motion controls is the better control scheme when it comes to playing Splatoon 3. there are many different reasons for why it is first you're way more precise second you have much better movement and third you have better painting overall those are the three points for why it's better in comparison to stick controls there is actually no benefits just using stick controls mainly because there's no aim assist in this game everything is raw input so if you're trying to transition to motion controls and trying to learn it I do have a full motion control breakdown video right here and it's by far one of the best videos to really understand how motion controls works and how you really want to control it the next thing that will help you get better at Splatoon 3 is how you position your Crosshair while playing now what I mean by this is making sure that you have your Crosshair parallel to the floor the reason for why I'm saying this is because I've seen a lot of people have their Crosshair pointed directly at the floor why you don't want to do this is because you won't be able to get the most optimal amount of paint coverage if you shoot directly towards it by keeping your Crosshair parallel to the floor you should be able to get a much better overall paint coverage and on top of that depending on the weapon you're using you should be able to get much more range out of that weapon and it should be easier to consistently hit targets that are also at your level because of course they're not at the floor when it comes to actually aiming all you have to adjust is your left and right movement so be sure to keep that in mind the next thing that's going to help you guys is making sure that you're being aware of your ink tank now in Splatoon 3 there are actually a lot of really ink hungry weapons some of course are not so hungry than others but even despite that it's really good to always make sure that you're understanding how much ink that you're throwing out there the most awkward thing that you can do when it comes to combat in this game is that if you're going about your ways just getting some map control helping out your team in any sort of way painting the walls and you know pretty much everything but after all that you notice someone that's approaching you and you're just like okay you know what let me go ahead and swim up to this person and then go take him out you proceed to do that but you don't even realize that you have used pretty much all of your ink tank and then you walk up to them and you have no ink to fight with this is incredibly awkward isn't it in Splatoon 3 if you have no ink you cannot do anything so when it comes to actually getting yourself into a fight always check if you have an enough ink in Your Capacity to actually go ahead and challenge that fight you can do this by simply looking at the back of your inkling just to see if there's enough ink in the tank or while you're in Squid form you can check how much ink you have before you even go there at least by doing this it'll make it much easier to determine all right am I ready to go ahead and fight or not now this one is very important because I can't stress this enough in control in Splatoon 3 is almost everything it helps with your movement it allows you to be able to recover your ink tank and it makes it much easier to move around and win fight let me make an example of this you're a splatter shot walking into enemy territory the enemy side is fully coated in their ink you make one line of ink with your splatter shot and you go in straight away now in some scenarios if no one notices you it's okay but if you're going in guns blazing and alerting absolutely everyone around that facility that you're painting this line into their territory I'm sorry but this is not gonna fly even if it's just one person the ink control is not in your favor because when you get yourself into that fight the enemy let's say they have a spider shot as well has all this area that they can move around in swim in and do whatever they can move all around you where yourself you only have this line that's right next to you and the ink that you're producing while you're trying to fight that person at the same time they're also producing ink right back at you so simply what's going to happen to you while you're in an ocean of the enemy's ink is that you're going to take some extra damage while you're in that fight so when it comes to your enemy actually going ahead to fight you they're probably going to have to take less shots on you what's going to help you win those fights is making sure that you do have that in control because once you do it's much easier to move it's much easier to fight if the enemy is in your territory they're going to have a much harder time when it comes to fighting so simply when you get into any sort of fight make sure that you have ground to fight on before you get into it the next thing that's going to help you guys is making sure that you're using your map correctly now the map in Splatoon 3 is extremely powerful it's basically an echo location to tell you guys where everyone is on the map the things that you want to be looking for of course are the enemy arrows this of course can happen when an enemy has been tagged or if an enemy has been located via point sensor or angle shooter although you probably wouldn't have to open up the map when those two sub weapons are used because you'll be able to see this line going towards him anyway now when you don't see arrows on the map you can still have a decent idea of where enemies are coming from it's just making sure to have a good look where the enemy is producing their ink this can tell you exactly where an enemy is and make it much easier to pinpoint exactly where they're going and deny it at all costs it's very very helpful when you've taken out at least three people and you're also trying to find where that last straggler is now the next thing that I filmed it's going to be extremely helpful for you guys is very very important this is just a general rule of thumb that I always apply whenever I play Splatoon and it's the thing of making sure that your inkling or octaling is always facing the enemy's side now in Splatoon that generally isn't really any reason for you to have your back turned to your enemy's spawn if you do you're way more likely for the enemies to see that and then take control of the map even more it kills your awareness basically when you have your back turned at any point because you lose track of where everyone is if you're always facing towards your enemy spawn especially when the game starts you should have a decent awareness to tell where everybody is as long of course you have all your teammates up there shouldn't really be any reason for a flank to happen you may ask okay what if the enemy teams decides to create this amazing push and they stop pushing our team back well of course if you came up you spawn painting the area sufficiently enough what should be possible is you being able to swim backwards and maneuver backwards also still being able to face the enemy it's a good thing just to do that in general whenever you're being pushed because let's say that the enemy mess up in a certain movement when they're trying to approach you you can spot that and say okay this enemy has messed up they got trapped within my ink as they are approaching me and I can take a quick second to move forward and eliminate them while I still Retreat to get to safety it's one in a hundred scenarios that can potentially happen but let me just tell you it happens more commonly than you think so try your best whenever you're playing to keep your character always facing towards the enemy's side the next thing is a movement option which is some basic squid hopping squid hopping simply put is you popping in and out of your ink with close range and mid-range weapons this is something that could really help you win more fights the reason for why you may do this is to maneuver around and also Dodge shots that are coming from your enemies this is usually something that you may do in 1v1s or maybe 2v1s it's really good to do because it makes you just a little less predictable one thing I would say is that when you are squid hopping left and right make sure to not do it only left them right because to be honest that can be very predictable you probably want to mix it up by going left right right left right right left left right you know what I mean I feel like it's kind of a common thing programmed into a lot of people where if they're moving left and right they might continue to move left and right but if you'd be smarter about it and do more left and then do more right so just keep doing right it's an extra something that can throw off your opponent so you aren't as predictable now the next thing that I feel that will help you guys a ton when it comes to playing Splatoon 3 is understanding when you need to be painting pretty much of course you want to be painting the enemies tough and any more areas that have been untoughed and claimed in your ink color one thing you don't want to do is just walk around and paint over the top that you've already painted this might seem like a no-brainer but I can't tell you enough how many times I've at least seen it so I thought it would be still a smart thing just to say that hey if you already paid a good amount of tough in your ink color then instead of just walking around and painting around just swim just swim to your next destination so you can actually paint more Turf and ground and all that type of jazz very very very simple thing but I've seen a lot of you guys do this before another thing in that same topic which I feel will help a bunch is usually at the start of a game what do you do at the start of games do you focus on painting the tough in your base do you focus on moving ahead and painting the tough in the middle of the map now I'm going to break it down to you in Turf War it probably doesn't matter so much whether you push up to paint the ground in the middle what I will say in terms of turf war though is that if someone is painting your base make sure it's only one person the rest of you three should go ahead and get claim the middle because let's just say everybody on your team spends like the whole first 30 seconds painting your side of the map what's gonna happen is that the enemy team is going to have mid completely free and just because of that they might actually have more time to also paint some of your area already at the start of the game so you instantly lose all turf control of the entire map so of course in term 4 one person should always paint your side of the map when it comes to every ranked mode though all of you guys need to be be pushed up towards the middle of the map every single one of you at the start push towards the middle it is very important to make sure that you have control of the middle of the map in every single ranked mode main reason is because the objective is usually always there flat Zone's tower control and Rainmaker is it follows the same case clamp that's of course is a little different because the objective is pretty much everywhere and then you eventually push onto the other side but it still follows the same thing because really you're trying to get onto the enemy side anyway so you want to paint the middle so that you can prepare yourself to actually push forward a little bit more but what about your base in those rank modes why is it so uninked well this is the thing if one of your teammates die what they should probably do is jump back to their spawn and use that area to actually build a special as they come back in this is pretty much why you leave a lot of tough uninked at the very start of games in ranked you basically use your base as a special Farm to actually counter any incoming pushes that are coming from the enemy now in general of course you should always be trying to paint whether it's the middle the map a little bit of your side of the map and of course you've very much want to be able to paint the enemy side of the map because all of this will lead into you getting of course your special weapons which I mentioned special weapons in this game are so key I feel like special weapons in Splatoon always decide what's going to happen next of course there could be moments where one of your players with their main weapon itself can run in and like get three kills just off the bat just straight away this of course doesn't happen most of the time but special weapons are so good when it comes to making your enemies do what you want them to do or move them in different places so that your teammates can capitalize to get that double triple or quad kill you want to make sure that you're using your special weapons to displace your enemies if you're able to make the move and single them out and making sure they get displaced from your team it makes playings with two much much easier in short just try your best to single out opponents if you can whether it's with your main weapon and it most definitely might happen with your special weapon the next thing that I want to talk about is making sure that you're being aware of your hard your HUD gives you guys so much info it's kind of ridiculous of course this could be different in terms of the game type you might be playing like in Clan Blitz it literally tells you how many clams each player actually has so you can have an understanding of who you might want to take out or who might be close to their power climb and all that type of stuff but making sure that you are aware of your heart is so key because of course it tells you every single weapon that's on the enemy team but it also tells you who's dead or who's alive and every single thing like that which will lead into the next thing that I'm going to say it's a general rule of thumb of if you've taken two down on the enemy team it is your time to push forward you can use that as okay I can move more freely around the map because there's less to worry about I can perhaps push I could perhaps take the time to actually paint more of the area that's a very very brief case of it but making sure that you're using your HUD still you know how many people are down on the enemy team or knowing how many people are down on your team if lots of people are down on your team will basically every everyone except for you that can be indicator of okay I need to play more Patiently I probably need to fall back so that I don't get taken down as well all of this can practically be determined of the use of your HUD and the last thing that I'm going to mention for you guys today is using of course your ink control to your advantage this is another combat tip and we call this combat tip shocking now what shocking is in this game is basically you chilling in your ink and not doing absolutely anything possibly letting people pass possibly being a little bit sneaky it is basically camping in your ink in other terms it keeps you less known to the enemy player if you're always jumping in and out of the ink and letting your opponents aware of where you're about you're basically just wearing making them very aware of you but let's just say you've got a bunch of in control and you're shocking in your ink and you're not letting the enemy team be aware of your whereabouts then it's going to be much easier to be able to get first shots on the enemy team instead of making it a case where the enemy team and yourself both see each other at the same time and try to brawl it out those kinds of situations can end in trades a lot but if you're shocking and the enemy team does not see where you're at you can get the first hits on them and usually you can always come out of that fight being the one on top which this is why sharking in Splatoon 3 is such a good thing it's usually done by mid or short range weapons of course there are a couple of long range weapons where it might work but in general it's a really strong thing to do in Splatoon and that's pretty much it guys those are my top tips on how to get better at Splatoon 3. this video was of course for everyone of course there's a lot of beginners and new people in Social student 3 and I think this will help them and there's of course a lot of players that have played for a long time that probably didn't know a couple of these things that I've also mentioned now let's see what you guys are aware in the future I plan to make really really nitty-gritty in-depth guide of some really outside of the box kind of tactics that will definitely help you become better than your opponents whenever you're playing them we're not going to cover cover in this video because it will make it too long and I don't want to overload you guys with too much info straight away so I hope these tips helped you for now and if you know anybody who is struggling I highly suggest that you suggest them this video because I believe it will help them a whole bunch with all that being said I really do hope you guys enjoyed this video please make sure to like favorite comment and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already follow me on Twitter and twitch both in the description below do it for both of your theme generous make sure to hit the Bell notification button next to the subscription button to let you guys know whenever I upload a video also consider joining my public Discord Channel Wherever You can go ahead and talk to myself my dude Society Community it's also a great place to be notified whenever I go live for a twitch stream which I'll probably be live right now and of course if you're trying to find people to play ranked with my Discord is a great place for that because we have this whole Anarchy open and private battle roles where you can basically ping everyone who's also trying to look for those kind of games even Samurai as well so come join my Discord it's a great place with all that being said guys I hope you enjoyed this video make sure of course to subscribe and I shall see you guys in a future one [Music] [Music]
Channel: DUDE
Views: 95,171
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Keywords: How to get better at Splatoon 3, How to get better at Splatoon 3 quickly, how to get better at motion controls splatoon 3, splatoon 3 2023, splatoon 3 guide for beginners, Splatoon 3 guide for new players, splatoon 3 new player guide, splatoon 3 new player tips, how to get good at splatoon 3, splatoon 3 motion controls vs stick, splatoon 3 awareness, Splatoon 3 dude, Splatoon 3 thatsrb2dude, splatoon 3 tutorial, How to play splatoon 3, splatoon guide, thatsrb2dude, Pro Splatoon
Id: Ap032Ymw0MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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