How I Flew A Cessna 210 AROUND THE WORLD!

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so you see that guy that's me and that's my friend Louie and together we flew that plane around the world of the course of 81 days we flew 27,000 nautical miles and visited 21 countries it was one of the hardest things I've ever done but what's the one of the most rewarding and that brings me here hello Louie did an incredible job blogging the entire trip and I totally recommend you check them out if you haven't yet I'll link them below he never covered the technical aspect of flying an airplane around the world so I thought I'd make one video that covers a few of the details of how I pulled off these individual flights that eventually led us to to circumnavigate the planet now bear in mind a lot of context is removed editing removes a lot of context and I'm not including any of the preflight planning by the time we got into the airplane I had refueled I'd filed a flight plan I kept my own the weather for almost a week ahead of time I spent an hour and a half preflighting the airplane there was a lot going on before we even got into the airplane so keep that in mind so yeah I'm gonna primarily focus on fuel management and when you're flying these long distances fuel is number one without it you're not getting anywhere that was a huge part of it and then the take-off itself one of the more dangerous things I've ever done in my life so yeah enjoy this is the first of a new schedule of aviation vlogs I guess every Monday I'm gonna be uploading a new video that covers something aviation related and and yeah I hope you guys stick around and enjoy it so in order to understand what I was doing during this flight I kind of need to explain the fuel system so in addition to the standard fuel system in the 210 which consists of the two main wing tanks which total 289 gallons usable for each wing tank there's also a one gallon collector tank at the bottom which via the fuel selector valve feeds directly to the engine in order to expand our fuel capacity for this flight we tapped into the right collector tank and fed our entire ferry fuel system directly into that ferry system consisted of a hundred and thirty seven gallon a forty gallon and a fourteen gallon aluminum ferry tank these were all daisy chain via check valves into the collector tank and pressurized with a hand air pump which then through a pressure differential fed straight to the engine or up into the right wing I could choose either one up here in order to reach the mainland we need a 2200 nautical miles of range plus 30% contingency which included all my legal reserves for the IFR flight plan that we were going to be on considering the 210 burnt around 13.5 to 14 gallons an hour at a round 155 true I needed about 250 gallons of fuel on board in order to make the trip safely but because of the heavy nature of the takeoff and the rearward CG I knew that for the first two or three hours the airplane was gonna underperform significantly and we were not really gonna pick up speed until much later so I needed around an extra hour with some fuel to make up for that initial you know slow pace we were gonna have so realistically I needed 264 gallons for the entire trip now we ended up having 280 on board which made me super comfortable the FAA granted us a special flight permit which allowed us to be a hundred and thirty percent over the maximum certificated takeoff weight of the airplane which gave me an all up weight of four thousand nine hundred forty pounds which for a 210 is insanely heavy after departure TURN RIGHT setting one Tuesday Archer frequency one to four point eight o'clock treat fifth of the pedestrian effect yeah one Roger that 5,000 expectable it's November 2 1 0 uniform I would like to pick up our IFR to Auckland we have November and we're operating overweight we're requesting 0-8 right and circle number 2 1 0 actual uniform clear the Oakland Airport be the mole 5 for departure plus transition then as filed maintain 5000 expect one once out on the portrait turn right heading 1 to 0 Roger frequency 1 to 4 point 8 and squawk to 7:05 copy that November 2 and reconfirm clear to the Oakland Airport via the Molokai for departure not familiar with that transition and then the flight pattern after that a client of 5,000 expect one 1000 right turn after departure two one two zero contact departure one two four two zero eight it's walking to 7:05 number two one zero uniform the Molokai for departure plus Charlie Lima uniform single year transition and canceled EcoPOD two four zero crossing and restriction and the rest of the uptick restrictions many things there the uniform read back correct information officer is parent one zero five zero at one 100 meters in Niner Niner copy that we have Oscar circuit board how you doing good you little shits about again real about 10 minutes from Malaga we're hauling it out as runway that's affirmative eight right at deleting all time restrictions etc cos were operating overweight Roger runway eight right Expedia Charlie Romeo tango Romeo alpha hold short of the runway 4 right expended center line I need your lap outside you're over the shoulder huh yeah yeah sure do all right so quick briefing of the takeover make sure the entrance go sit on the brakes to power check the temperature pressure on the oil for these brakes controls forward tremors all the way forward watch for a speed alive 70 knots start feeling the airplane whether it's going to fly off continue taxi it right line up and wait sir all right so they're not gonna give me a much time here so that's close that's close your doors close you're secure make sure this whole ridge props will find Trevor set country counties are open that's set all right dude you ready I'm ready all right gentle right and just fly the airplane you could fly it Jamie it's all you've ever done a little bit of a crossword from the left but mostly had what component this is it I should have pooped yeah now this isn't even like we can't even climb in about our even here this is this is there's no dignity when I say therefore that once is our heroic right there for people to take away traits or careful okay here we go do it now set [Music] please Abbi high temperature is it good pressures of good 40 knots 60 knots [Music] 70 knots 80 knots because she wants to fly so when I let her fly I want to just keep her nice low nice little car [Music] nice low okay ninety gear up I want to keep a nice alone [Music] okay she's clean 105 crazy [ __ ] how do you want to their contact departure circuit [Music] she's [ __ ] struggling but she's fine that's good departure time up a 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 0 on the head of care that's insanely blue that is probably some other producers what I've seen yeah at Center November to 130k default is their seventh zero they had a climbing through 4900 for 7000 how does my answer doing really good I'm a little deal with that once we level off yeah it's actually quite common throughout gonna weld on for 14 hours every time I can't do now I want to be going through can out so hopefully we can get above that so the reason why I want to go through tabs right now is we're super heavy yeah and this structural integrity of the airplane is is at our mercy right now so I want to minimize stress stress on it for at least another four hours after four hours of fuel burning which will have more tolerance for turbulence on the right tank this is open that's close to we're cruising almost 800 feet ago and a level up for a bit at this rate uh-huh we're gonna have negative feel let's see - 13 gallon Wow but we're only doing under 12 knots across the ground so that's pretty impressive actually if you think about it I need to get this HF radio setup [Music] 89.5 lock [Music] oh yeah number two one zero uniform we have a two-way contact with San Francisco radio all right I learned a lot like I did not expect to hear that clearly I think we're good for very little Subway sandwich as well I usually forgot about that I hope mine is not too soggy I know that they're too under again a poor they request one 1000 currently leaving 8,000 now we got a request that's impossible to get a block altitude between 7,000 and 11,000 for the rest of the training circuit there are gained upon Roger maintain block seven thousand to one one thousand copy that circuit are you feeling confident yeah I'm feeling alright right now because we're close to Hawaii I think I think the anxiety will set it at night where's the point of no return like you've never thought but there is a spot I haven't calculated it yet because I'm Doug I can't yet once we've leveled off our calculator but that's crazy - look man I thought long distance how far there are two thousand hours we still have two thousand thirty thousand thirty miles this is so good it's exactly what I need it right now I'm so excited I'm not I say look get off right ahead of us yeah maybe this excitement rolled out in like ten hours oh yeah tell Emma to 1-0 Athena for maintaining altitude 10,000 feet eben has zero two three zero Zulu CMAs neck at zero five two nine 12 all next on the hour November 2 1 0 good trying to get California that is insane that is actually mental do you get like waves of excitement the waves I think xiety waves against excitement like the blessed thing is I have like cables running it to my ears which makes the noise canceling keep freaking out so I keep thinking is something wrong it's all gravy man this one's half way we're supposed to be half way then I'm going to open it up make sure it's actually half way and then we should know what five would feel I don't believe the theoretical such as our builders yeah and it's 280 gallons which is three times as much as this airplane normally holds like that in Abu Dhabi would have been six grand [Music] so get that gps's arch because the earth is round Oh what is it was that is that saying how big the arranges so at the very top it's 2,000 miles I think that's the max it can do there's probably not many places are there and it's weird cuz that's actually 2,700 miles until we hit land oh we're that's not showing up so we've been we've burned 27 gallons and we're still 120 percent overweight [Music] all right so we're exactly four hours into the flight everything is looking pretty damn good right now I have fresh flex in the airplane so the e G T's are running a little higher than I'm used to but they're so well within limits it just means that my previous trend sheets or the you duties are a bit off but no those aren't really the ones that matter this one air temperatures matter fuel that matters all that kind of stuff and will work of it we're absolutely grooving in that way so a little bit of a problem it's not a problem it's just me being overly cautious is when I'm running straight off the ferry tank so I keep getting air bubbles they're small and they're not really making engine coffee but I don't like that and I calm I don't know why so what I'm doing now is I keep running the right tank halfway down then filling it up again and then halfway down filling it up and then while I'm filling it up running on the Left tank just to sort of alleviate any hiccups working Klein we're getting all the fuel out it's just a bit of a change in it works though has to be little nervous like we are one hour from our turnaround point if in one hour everything is not all sweet then I'm going to turn around but everything's looking good we're building speed I was actually surprised when we took off the take-off wasn't as intense as it was expecting you know it was just a matter of basically instruments did not matter it was purely feeling the airplane and making sure it's it's happy probably coming out a little too fast but I wanted to keep air flow over the engine so it was definitely one of those moments where I just liked what we got there I was like like it is that's a relief what's eco are they well this book what you'd said it was like that that's the critical thing is good the actual on the runway is critical and then the 4000 beat okay yeah like the first house he was deadly if we have anything happened there we'd be gone we're in for a pretty deadly situation right now too because we can't see [ __ ] so every engine dies ditching is gonna be currently my estimated time and route is 11 hours I know that's gonna be shorter because there are forecasted winds up ahead amazing tail winds so yeah in theory it should be around 10 hours until we're there which is kind of nice to think about that's 500 nautical miles I'd love to see that get below well I'd like to get see it to get to zero but yeah less than a thousand would be nice just cuz I regularly do those flights and if I can check all my fuel quantities at see me and my turnaround point make sure that I have all the fuel that I'm supposed to have and we're groovin but I'm a happy chappy so when we had the 700 mile mark well we're 700 miles out and I have full tanks of both wind tanks where we're guaranteed to make it so that'll be really nice really nice to get that far in theory we should landfill appeal in theory the wing tags should have no fuel so we don't even need a refill tomorrow morning yeah there are a few factors that can still go wrong one of them is my oil Bend can be higher than I'm expecting the answer has been perfect thus far but it can be higher so I could you know in five hours from now six hours from now I could see the oil pressure just drop and keep dropping until the engine seizes that'd be really bad the other thing is we are we can't or we could just simply can't access the feel that we have which would be annoying because it means we'd have about four hours to figure the problem out and if we can't the green we ditch what else Edwin's if suddenly for some of the reason the forecasts were completely wrong and we just have crazy head wets then now would be bad although we have so much fuel I could handle at 2530 not head went straight on the nose and we'll still make it it would be shitty gonna be 17 our day for flight but we'll make it and then you know obviously just random entropy is which would suck and that's about it like it right now we're we're so high that we're really running the engine Rayleigh right on a very low brow setting so the Angela's not working super hard to have us up here remember to beautiful we are known to nine to three West one four to five more break expects a quart at zero seven five three five zero one zero zero current time zero seven zero we're seven and a half hours out from Oakland realistically or hopefully that'll be six and a half if if the winds the winds that I've predicted or full cast more are gonna kick in soon hopefully the worst comes to worst for seven and a half maybe eight hours away problem is it's now what's the local time it was really snowing p.m. Hawaii so I guess ube will become here well it's 9 p.m. for me so yeah yeah my my brain is 5 p.m. and I go to bed quite early so I'm starting to get really tired right now and I was hoping to just put the airplane on autopilot have Louie check over everything every now that but about 15 minutes ago 20 minutes ago the autopilot started off oscillating and more and more and it starts like pulling serious G's up and down so the heading mode was working fine but the altitude mode is not working and I try to reseat the head of the autopilot like I did in Egypt when we had the malfunction leaving Austria but it's not really helping airplane seems to keep keeping out the tuna and start timing a little bit and correcting and over correcting and it's nice blowing serious geez I can't trust trust that a November 2 1 0 acro uniform we are currently north three four alright next car is Oakland itself Wow how look to where we hit the coast two hours Wow 20 minutes and first wind keeps up like we're doing we've been doing 285 none sorry 185 knots for for a good while now so it's pretty badass so two and a half out left we've been in the air now poor thinking 11 hours and hours of 47 minutes it's good going yeah pretty damn good going all right now is that doing that's looking good all right switch that off get some night vision going soon again - no he's on with a phone - episode a nice green at 1 - 2 - and next is City we're estimating city at 1 2 4 5 thanks circuit pool ok this is freaking insane who says less than an hour until we get to learn at an hour and six minutes what that we laugh we laugh yeah but less than an hour before we hit the coast oh yeah we're not going to see it no it's cool pretty cloudy yeah but wow this we still have 200 miles so a lot can change on Twitter miles but he said in about 30 minutes I'll be able to chat him so man that is [ __ ] awesome yeah is it I'll get the light on does that help yeah it's much better [Applause] and Center November 2 ones of a cane of Omaha GRE do 5-3 conform we are to three miles from sin e maintaining 1 0-0 on the Federal Circuit century and directing it over after clear a cleric get direct pirate Thank You Circuit though I will happily go direct pirate [Applause] my track that is zero five two beautiful so 6:04 vector circuit circuit oh yes lady she is cool boys she helping you out laughs all right [Applause] and we are clear skies with C San Francisco but you can see it's getting illuminated this cloud yeah yeah what we like 30 balls worth like 50 but well from Oakland itself from surface just got self about 30 nights to be cold but the days look well I don't haven't checked the weather but they Laura Laura right I feel I feel like I see like we're on a [ __ ] world I don't know I didn't I can pick it up for the camera effort press the skies there are lights we still around the world dude [Applause] oh that's so cool that is so cool yeah [Applause] ah no signal yet and these two ace evidences I'm trying to capture the light oh I've got a little bit of ER yeah well there's gonna be a lot of it soon just about break out yeah is that the coast then that San Francisco is the coast yeah [Applause] we are so far not at all oh that's such a good feeling oh my god [Applause] I mean what's the 30 miles out of shore we could still totally die here oh that would be just too shy now where we'll be good wedding gliding distance pretty soon 7,000 how's this pressure doing yep banging men it's gonna not smile for too long because there's hardly any air left but I don't want to forget to vent because when we're breaking really expensive tanks yeah three thousand down at 3,000 circle beautiful Cadillac heading 350 left three six zero circle pathetic 1450 heavy fly heading in between 0 to 4 the dating game for down there a beautiful turn left heading 3 4 0 left 3 4 0 circuit [Applause] I can't believe it if he wants on that flight yeah I can't believe it either that's weird doesn't make any sense nope over zero either phone contact over Kara one 18.3 over de 18.3 surgical center November 2 1 0 on the left down right or what their own left thank you under that beautiful open toe win 107 runway one girl left big one fletchling on their land circle returns are a political trek kid we can heavy md-11 on a five and a half mile final runway one through the South field he debates in size with the replica traffic copy that will keep it at Circuit ball all right can you check everything is down yep good well [ __ ] wait for the world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that'll have to do dude right I'm actually it's tough I think I'm just in a bit I'm like in disbelief I'm like what you just did that oh yeah I think it's gonna take a second to sink in I think more than a second yeah can Valley ill hell yeah okay I think with this yeah the big to take whoo-ha later on today but like it like eight hours like 7 hours like whatever we decide to roll up we'll just make a wait up till tomorrow yeah we just need to sleep all day guys now I'd be happy with four hours four or five hours I could I could get a lot done on that yeah [Music]
Channel: the_candourist
Views: 455,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the_candourist, PopularOnYouTubeNewZealand, Music, Sports, mrbenbrown, caseyneistat, funforlouis, BFvsGF, PrankVSPrank, Shaytards, DanTheDirector, devinsupertramp, devingraham, vlogbrothers, smosh, vidcon, playlistlive, drone, uav, DJI, Phantom, Inspire, 360, VR, romanatwood, romanatwoodvlogs, alfie, zoella, thatcherjoe, caspar, LilyPebbles, Juan-Peter, NewZealand, Travel, Vlog, Vlogger, Adventure, Cycling, AdventureMotorbike, BMWMotorrad, GoPro, GoProSession, GoProHero4, SonyA7, Canon5D, CanonG7X, colorgrading, premierepro, tested
Id: BwgyzNIw4eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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