How I Erased Every Enemy In Isaac

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so I was going to bed and I had this absolute nutso idea what if we erased literally every enemy and Isaac so we just don't fight enemies anymore so if you didn't know this is the Eraser eraser is a shop item and when you use it you can only use it once per floor typically however when you are Bethany with Book of Virtues you actually get multiple uses assuming you have soul Hearts so that's what we're gonna try and do we're gonna get as many low amount of kills on this run as possible we gotta find tinted rocks we gotta get Soul generation so that we can charge up this eraser as much as possible and just delete enemies this is gonna be hilarious and here we have a chili pepper that's just good that's wow okay what what is in here it could be black cards so I should check oh it's pills interesting oh there we go nice so the only things that could really hurt us I believe are gonna be bosses but even with chili pepper we're we're gonna be chilling there's genocide away we get damage up nice and our second fight is little horn a very easy fight Perfect all right nice Sears off is awesome and in here we had these uh yikes of course we're going the downpour you joking me of course immediate treasure room hello you know probably I should take the blind but oh okay that kind of hurts but in reality not really because I couldn't have taken it I literally could not have or is these big Bozo dudes and if I get the chance I'd like to erase leeches goodbye now blub will be out of no use because they're so hard I can buy in here oh my God this is gonna be so much fun guys every soul heart is two enemies just a race for the entire run yeah it's already beginning I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a leech room and we just don't get to have that because this is so stupidly op now we do have a beggar here we can blow them up and probably get a better Angel chance with this nice trinket as well let's go fight the boss and then we'll go White Fire check out the curse room in the mirror Dimension we can also fight the boss as the ghost that way if then I get hit We're not gonna lose Red Heart deal perfect does not spawn enemies he is uh one of the few people that is Invincible to this strategy hello we actually got the angel HP is cool and scapular uh wait a second wait just a darn tootin minute is this not infinite Soul Hearts infinite erases we've already done it oh I'm so excited I want to see how this pans out that this literally came to me in a dream I I don't know I and I didn't really want to uh like search for the Eraser so I was so excited to try it out and see if it works in practice and it does so we're just we're doing this I just I need to know I want to see how stupid this gets I just want to walk in a room and there's just nothing there there we go scapular is the exact type of item that we were looking for for this uh scenario we want as many Soul Hearts as we can we got one more to do and all right now let's uh just go beat the mirror Dimension easy peasy since we also did get low we can check in here I don't know if it's gonna be useful HP uh I mean yeah I guess Hey look it's blub good luck trying to spawn anything idiot you can't even burst up are you this wait hold on hold on every draw centimeter must be destroyed so is that correct wow I did not know that if an enemy dies to an eraser whisp they get erased this is so overpowered there's not gonna be a single enemy on this mirror dimension I want to walk in a room and just just oh my Lord perfect call Samia dead again and this time we get an HP up okay I was hoping for damage uh we don't have bombs to go in mind so we'll go caves I'm gonna use all my wisps that are orbiting around me first and then start spamming eraser I think that's more important since you can have a Max on the Wisps that you have walking to you nice curse room uh the spiders are gone uh that's a dead cat and God knows do I want to take it so I will Greetings oh it's a golden item that does nothing so erase you oh I missed there you always you and eventually we're gonna get to the point where we're not got wow there's a Birthright We're not gonna be able to uh even need to shoot tears anymore activating an item using Soul charges is sometimes free is this not just like the most curated perfect build for exactly what I'm trying to do this is insane I expect some enemies to be deleted by this point right oh no I missed the gloves goodbye gloves ah yes I missed these flies and I need to remove the boom flies as well huh this is this is so broken man I love this I love that I cannot believe I've never seen anyone really try this goodbye to all the shrubs on the world goodbye to all the dishes in the world let me go find my secret room uh wow a little bit harder of a secret room to find than I was expecting but I think I know where it is let me just kill this wrath real quick where are you going what is bro cooking over here there's my secret and there's a ton of money for the luck up cool hold on the most satisfying sound in Isaac get ready oh yeah that's good we do have a deal I I think I haven't been hit or if I have been hit it was really early on I think I might actually just get perfection I've been playing really well actually it's probably due to the fact that I have so many wisps as well if I can get Perfection or be sick I have chili I do wow I am playing a little bit nasty today nice it always feels good when you wake up in the morning and you start playing Isaac and you uh you realize you're playing kind of god-like now chili is super buffed and that basically fills in the only hole in this run which is our boss killing power uh Birdseye will take care of it this is probably a mistake to do it is okay one life for uh Soul heart yeah absolutely oh wait I'm supposed to erase I I'm so I'm so not used to this play style I I apologize for all the Eraser uh enthusiasts out there let me do my job there you go there goes Perfection I'm an idiot I thought that host was gonna die instantly uh as all the other enemies have I should have taken into account that he has a bit more HP if I technically wait long enough I go away for placenta and scapular and just have infinite solarts this is so duh I love this so much guys it is one of the silliest and goofiest things I've done it's gonna be such a fast run too because I'm gonna eventually again I'm just gonna be able to walk through rooms all right a repeat but we'll find I really don't have Perfection so maybe our boss king of power has gone down a little bit but I mean like look at it it's fine I think the Forgotten lullaby is a big carry trinket as well that move is supposed to spawn spiders I don't know if you guys saw it it just turned to the pink dust clouds let's go uh that is interesting I'm gonna do it this way you spawn enemies as soon as possible and we want to spawn enemies as soon as possible because we want our race enemies as soon as possible today I learned that those two are counted as two different types of enemies I'm stuck let me out okay okay uh-huh it's happening see it's happening it's happening I'm just walking into rooms and things are dying take care of you take care of you also I'm so insanely Rich our shops have not been good I'd like a reason to spend money but as the case said not yet that I thought that was bird's eye again Pandora's Box more Soul Hearts okay this is unironically the perfect run for this exact build like I was trying to do this but the fact that I got the perfect build for it we are so fast for 19 minutes in 18 I can't read Visage you'll hit me if I can somehow be visited without getting hit with like near base damage I am I am him nice don't let him touch that because he gets Brimstone did I do it what an all-skill visit fight and could join let's get this key piece going I just erased him wait a second so when he spawns in the mega Satan fight will he not just is he not just gonna like poof wait should I do Boss Rush then oh I'm gonna do boss I'm gonna do Boss Rush I'm gonna try my best to erase every enemy I need to make sure I'm running nothing but pink eraser whips whips uh Whip and Nae Nae therefore I can purposefully you know walk into a boss with all of my wisps and make sure that they die uh let's try and kill you and then walk in it didn't look like he erased I couldn't really tell hard room boys hard room another golden item it's a little chest yeah are you sure I'll take it take this and walk into the shop and we get a mystery hit which is cool we'll just use it straight away I don't really mind well uh ice extreme cool okay I must admit I thought I was going fast before but I'm looking at the time and despite erasing literally every enemy as fast as I can we're at 22 minutes dude Boss Rush is no joke all right let's try can you can you erase mom what happens if you fight delirium and it turns into a boss you go race like what happens then oh God I'm not gonna shoot at all other than my Eraser it looked like she erased I saw a little poof in the middle I'm not too sure and then it's start about them cool perfect that's awesome and here we have Loki's horns death oh I'm taking Scythe especially we can join so we're gonna try and get all these enemies low and then walk into them and I'm just excuse me I just I got hit by little horn first documented the hit of the little horn Jesus Christ this is gonna be a little tough but we'll try I think what's also happening is big fan when I'm running into people big fan is taking the hit there you go I definitely raced those two Fallen is pretty low make sure I run into them with the Eraser wisps and not big fan I think I got him it looks like some enemies even though I do kill them with the Eraser they don't believe I'm kind of curious if maybe they just don't have a delete animation or I really am not doing it it's a very unique interaction I've never seen anyone have before so it's not like I have anywhere to pull from from like knowledge Banks it's just kind of all me oh gurgling say less let me delete this guy that guy on the bottom right there that's got it slow but got him all right Book of Secrets this will give me bookworm and we'll take filigree because we have Angel rooms and then we'll go all right you got new enemies that we gotta try and erase I thought I erased gurglings I guess I didn't actually you know what happened there I know exactly what happened boys mini boss gurglings and boss gurglings are actually considered two different enemies so if you find uh a gurgling just walking around in the womb they are considered different enemies than the ones that you get in your boss fights like Boss Rush or on the basement that's why that guy did not get deleted I raised the eyes that was a good race okay there you go empty heart I guess I might as well take empty heart the other one's doing that for me I'd like some flight I don't have any flight yet the crawl space is what I was looking for I got a black market yes ah greed what are you gonna do now I don't okay I think I'm slowly understanding the mechanics I don't think you can erase bosses and mini bosses if you Brian hit them with the Wisps I think only the Wisps can kill and erase normal enemies I don't know why this is I'm getting so much knowledge that I would never use in my life I'll take 120 volt here alright so I've never actually done this before uh but as far as I know if you defeat this hush with the Eraser you don't actually fight hush you just delete hush so it's a good thing that we're not doing a lot of damage I guess we're just gonna try and get them low here maybe one more shot maybe one more shot I don't know anymore okay that's it just get in there and just Chuck it did I do it what what I didn't even check it oh look yeah let's go I beat hush without even beating hush I wow awesome okay let's go cool so here's a question if I've defeated a lot of bosses by erasing if I fight delirium and he transforms into a boss I've erased does he just instant oh speak of the devil does he just insta die I don't I actually don't know what happens here get rid of The Slim Shady you you oh my Lord this is so silly I love this so much guys bosses are where like you have to actually skill check yourself two three and four I get one more try again it's kind of hard to time it honestly I think I got really stupid yeah there's no way I got so lucky last time on on blue baby my damage isn't even bad it's actually good it's at least when I'm in Star of Bethlehem it's actually really annoyingly good I don't want it to be this good I got the Kamikaze fly though a little bit of a snipe by me nice if this is damaged I almost don't want it it makes it harder for me to even do anything eraser-wise oh I'll take it for the Mega second fight only I want that okay dude nice room idiot these guys I did not erase effectively oh man my damage is too high that sucks I get four chances to try and erase the mega fatty and I failed but I got Deadeye so who cares chocolate milk nice now I can hold back on their shots or I could just destroy the rag man he'd for sure just got a race like he he is dead he is done for it now it's at the point I think where it's it's kind of tough to erase things never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind okay let's take Incubus and uh defeat magazine this will be a good test to see if uh the angel really is deleted and now at the very end of the Run we actually get to see how much damage we were truly doing because I'm not gonna hold back here I'm just gonna spam this entire run has been me pressing spacebar meticulously and skillfully in order to win now I'm gonna I'm just gonna whoa my damage is crazy I love the erase build I'm not gonna lie this is some of the most fun I've had okay Angel uh I guess I guess not I mean I thought I erased you but all right now we know spam as much as I can Mega Satan done for delirium today no delirium today what an absurdly insane run that I came up with in my head what a good dream that I had Gigi [Music]
Channel: Lazy Mattman
Views: 201,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t_Fo7MhiBGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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