How I Drove This Player Insane

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i want power but not that kind of power i want a kind of power no one would ever even think to have the power to manipulate someone at will i want to be able to make a normal happy choking person turn into a deranged unstable and outright insane person and the perfect victim who would never catch on was my own friend and teammate lomity to start i'm going to blow up one tnt in our base what are you doing why did he do that why was it tnt why there was tnt here go to the village thing within a matter of seconds lonnie was already showing the first sign of going insane obsessing over something small i mean take a look at this guy there was tnt in here at least what there was redstone there's redstone in here and throughout this time there was one thing lingering on llamady's mind i'm going insane just thinking about who did it this was a major win lomity just admitted he was going insane but i could tell that this question of who had done it was sitting at the back of his mind but for now i needed to move on to phase two of my plan to drive him insane according to google the next trade of going insane is detachment from reality so to make this happen to lamity i created a fake base with my team's enemies and when we were finished with it i asked them to log out at the base then i messaged our team's group chat with a picture of the base saying everyone should come and raid it so now when londy and the rest of my team gets here they're going to be met with a surprise attack when their enemy logs on right next to them here we go okay do you think it's active um i mean there's stuff right here my team had arrived at the base and they completely thought it was real now i just have to message our enemies to log on in front of me though uh the villagers are just getting attacked by oh wait are they here he's attacking he's attacking he's attacking us okay guys guys just try to hide find a hole or something chaos broke loose quickly and while all of this probably spooked lamady a bit it wasn't making him go insane but that's where stage two of this plan comes into play as we were all running away from the fight i had followed lamadi into a cave hundreds of blocks from our enemies and while i'm here with him i'm gonna message her enemies telling them exactly what we're doing so for example let's say lambie places down a dirt block in the middle of a cave i'm going to message our enemies saying exactly what lomity just did place a dirt block then our enemy will say and chat why did you just place a dirt block lambda this will freak lamari out and should detach him from reality continuing his process of going insane i'm going to start off with something small just having the enemies point out the fact that we're in a cave why did they both log on at the same time i don't know like what you have fluency mccartney bro uh oh oh wait do you see what they said in chat how how do they know be careful pick up one card do they have wait are they doing f3a i think so i think so like i expected there wasn't much of a reaction but it put lamadi on alert i needed to have them say something much more specific what i have uh two ichannel going out to enchanted golden apples and the fact that lamini just gave me two enchanted golden apples will definitely work oh i just fell down a very long distance what are they doing bro they said why why did you give me in shade the gaps i don't know how how does he know what the hell is is he hacking what bro corrupted admin what the this was starting to go really good londy was throwing around accusations thinking they were hacking admin abusing like he doesn't know what's happening right now jackson jackson come here come here yeah yeah you're gonna jump back brother hurry up dude he knows exactly how many gaps you gave me how does he know wait this is you this is you know oh my god oh my god it was scary the smallest things were starting to put lamadi off and he wanted to get out of here so that's what we did and opened up a nether portal oh my gosh i'm stressing over nothing what is this now that we're in a different dimension londy thinks the enemies have no idea what we're doing well that's about to change because soon after we decided to join a call with them and as soon as we joined i started to message them exactly what item lomity was holding all right let's see let's see what what am i holding right now i know what you're holding uh it begins with the p rhymes with wax what am i holding now would you be holding something that also rhymes with wax but does not start with pee they're using console bruh there's no way wait wait what am i holding one of my other what am i holding it looks pretty rotten not gonna lie i wouldn't need that if i were you how are you seen i was so confused how did you see what we were holding a magician never reveals its secrets you're hacking and that's the secret okay in fear of dying lonnie and the rest of my team left the call and ran away but i still had more to do by now the craziest meter is around two-thirds full to completely fill it up i need to start phase three of my plan you see this final step will not only drive lamity crazy it will straight up ruin his life to do this i photoshopped a fake screenshot to make it look like lambda leaked our real base coordinates to our enemies then when our entire team is online i'll tell all our enemies to come attack us at our base this in of itself will drive lomity insane but it will be nothing compared to when the enemies show the fact that lomity was supposedly behind all of it now fast forward a few days it's six in the morning and everything is about to go down the enemies were in position at her base and so i told my teammates to join the game oh my god they're at a race they're out of race they're at our race my team and our enemies had made contact and a huge fight started to break out but while everyone was fighting my team all had one question on their mind how on earth did these guys find our base well everyone was about to get the answer to that exact question but i wanted my team to think lombity was involved in this even before i sent the fake screenshot so i had our enemies send cryptic messages like why are you fighting us lamini i just need the portal right now what are they talking about in chat bro there wasn't much of a reaction for my team because they were all still fighting so i waited for the fight to cool down a little bit and continue to have them said more like comedy we had a deal and i'll leak it a deal i don't know can you use like what deal i honestly don't know it must have been you lady because is it why are they saying what now that was the reaction i was looking for my team was starting to question whether they could actually trust lamadi and while they're all thinking that i'm gonna prove their suspicions to be correct it was time to send the screenshot yeah they got away ah that's not good what did did they take anything i don't know let me check the chat come move me come with me jackson come over i need to get like i need to trade with a villager it looks like we still have like all our good armor in the chest it's all still there wait they said check general oh what did they send in general bro what is that no that's photoshop that's photoshop what the hell oh that's today at 17 50. look at this now look it's photoshop it's not what dude zombie was speechless this single screenshot was sending him to a spiraling hole of insanity and this was only just the beginning they really just pulled up how are you going to jump on me are you going to jump us i thought what do you mean you're really gonna believe what lombity tried to convince everyone that it wasn't him but it wasn't working at all that's crazy oh he doesn't seem very believable right now i don't know how he did it they were staying in shock the whole time he's going to plan this whole thing out and fake it is that what you're saying i don't know you remember that stuff with the nether oh yeah yeah and guess who else was there was there he was leaking all what we were doing oh my god the rest of my team were mad they were all convinced that lomity had sewed away our base chords for a few measly items and they didn't stop there they started to message me saying things like prepare an obsidian box and that we'd need tnt minecarts to kill him my team wanted to kill lamadi and they told me to come to the villager hall to do it and so our entire team met at the villager hall the same villager hall where it all started with that one tnt the three of us had one goal in mind to kill lomity we seriously didn't even message each other once here all i did was nod my head at them and they knew exactly what to do when londy came to our side of the hall there we go yes i got tip arrows like poison okay let's go lavity you're dead let's go lavity this is what you get for betraying us i had won i've proved that i can manipulate people at will not only did i manipulate lomity to think that our enemies were hacking i had manipulated my own team to think that lamadi had betrayed us i had achieved power that no one on this server had achieved yet but even after having done all of that i still didn't feel complete because in reality all that had happened was that i had lost my friend lomity over the coming weeks i started to feel more and more regret until one day i decided i wanted to play with lomity again surprisingly when i messaged him he agreed and we hopped on my new minecraft server and as i simply played minecraft with my friend i realized this is exactly what i wanted all along and that's why i made a public lifestyle s p called cart craft where i'll be able to play with all of you guys i tried to make car crafters similar to the server i play in videos like this one so if you like this video to join just type in to join come on don't go watch another video just give the server a chance thanks bye
Channel: McCartneyStan
Views: 393,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, smp, mccartneystan, why i drove this player insane, minecraft insane, player insane minecraft, how i drove this player insane
Id: kNY4f9LsXyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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