Agents of SHIELD Cast Take 'Ship Quiz: FitzSimmons vs. YoYoMack - Comic Con 2019

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Stormkpr 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] IGN life continues from sunny San Diego Marvel's agents of shield have become regulars here on our comic-con show joining me now is indica sticker Elizabeth Henstridge and Italia Cordova Buckley and Henry Simmons what's up ladies now thank you for changing the last episode of agents of shield to match this newlywed game idea that we came up with so that we could get Mac and yoyo back together in time for us to play this really sweet of you I like that the show runners can make those changes for us on the fly yeah but we are we're here to play a game we're here to have some fun even though you drop the bomb that next season is gonna be the last season of agents of shield recently perfect great we just want to keep you distracted we are going to play our version of the agents of shield ship newlywed game so the rules if you are not familiar is we will ask a question to each couple you the the actual person that it's about will reveal the correct answer and then the other person will have to reveal if they got it right or wrong you're stressed about this so I'm gonna start with a question for you so this is about you and Ian to you'll also who know the answer hopefully I'll know the answer okay great don't cheat either I can see it see where the eyeline so I'm gonna ask you both a question you guys a question it's gonna be about you so you're gonna write the correct answer down Oh so Ian can't see it in kansai let's see what they can see it they can see it yeah perfect okay Brooke great so first question Oh first question what is a little Elizabeth's dog's name you better know they started off and she's starting off with a simple do I [Music] this is like I thought it was just one word one name this is there we go perfect all right Elizabeth drum roll do you want to reveal what is your dog's name Maggie Helen Margaret Helen Margaret Oh Ellie Margaret where's the Helen come from well Keller we named her after my sister got weird so we had to name the middle name which is you've kept that quiet a long time there did you get it right a real princess Maggie Margaret I also drew a little love heart because that's alive yeah I feel like that gets for two days all right Henry and Natalia this is a little bit trickier Oh who is Henry's favorite Avenger Henry do you know who your favorite Avenger is I think I know she's gonna put there all right let's see if you can get him right [Music] if you like you like the one in five like it's more than [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Wow go with your gut yeah all right Henry do you want to reveal the correct answer and an excellent pick all right they are getting an excellent Wow and a little bit of honor code on this one what is what it in favorite lunch option on set like phonetic spelling listen one time I went I said you guys have the most incredible coca-cola red so clearly everyone [Music] no I'm just gonna draw it [Music] [Laughter] you [Music] right oh let's I just do my favorite food if Elizabeth's answer is bill the end well it comes with that oh well you know what yes yes nice rose yeah but I tell you what I spelled knees wrong and I tried to recreate I should just rub the the magic of these pain yeah you did I'm glad you guys went into acting writing writing the scripts okay so I'm see I'm just using okay I think you get a ding give her two dings give her three ding what she got I would say that's correct yeah there we go there we go okay we got we got one more for Henry in Italia and then I'm gonna go Shalhoub question uh Henry what is Natalya's favorite color favorite color I really I just can't get over the drawing of the spaghetti it's so good it's good you're talented artist kept that one quiet as well so we're under the hailer Getty is a commander by the artistry artistry yeah get many many so multifaceted all right Natalia do you want to reveal the correct answer Henry what'd you get wait it's lack of color or shade Oh what I like that you went really bold with turquoise like not not the moon yes yes yeah yeah that is that was bold went for a member of the green family rather than as I remember there being family family all right all right okay we'll do our last question right now the four of you yeah we'll do this who is the funniest who is cracking jokes or you can go across all shield there's a difference between cracking jokes and being fun funny let's go funny who is the funniest for me of this couch Oh on this cow or would you rather do shield cast as a whole what you guys decide who would you rather what would you rather do the funniest person on this couch or the funniest person in the ship oh and this couch is fine all right let's do this couch then but still I don't like picking on you got it this isn'ta for everyone funniest person on this couch [Music] you're second-guessing Natalia no I just wrote it wrong I'm an actor my spelling cope all right shall we with such confidence in what we get Elizabeth what did I ship before is it Henry Natali Lily I'll tell you a lot more about each other than your co-stars knew so we'll give you a ring right now on ABC so be sure to tune in on Fridays we've got plenty of Comic Con coverage throughout the rest of the weekend so don't go anywhere IGN live at Comic Con we'll be right back after this [Music]
Channel: IGN
Views: 64,114
Rating: 4.9704661 out of 5
Keywords: IGN, aos, sdcc, mack, SDCC, yo-yo, YoYoMack, sdcc 2019, comic con, fitzsimmons, henry simmons, iain de caestecker, elizabeth henstridge, agents of shield cast, natalia cordova-buckley, marvel's agents of shield, agents of shield cast funny, agents of shield cast interview, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., agents of shield compatibility quiz, comic con 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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