How I Became a UX UI Designer in 3 months

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hey guys and welcome to my channel my name is aviva and hello and if you're already subscribed here hello hello welcome that's right guys if you're subscribed you get an extra hello um today we're going to be talking about how i learned ux design in three months yes yes user experience design self taught three months and i want to kind of share with you the roadmap that i did the roadmap the roadmap that i did what i would have changed what i would have kept and what i would advise for you going on this journey so first of all why and i have a job in the field and i work in the field of the tech company and i'm not just some person talking about this on the internet so i i actually got hired with my self-taught abilities um so how what is the reason that i decided to go into ux i heard it's a really interesting job i heard it's creative and it pays you basically get paid to do art which is rarely the case if you're not like you know part of some like global corporation um so i like that i could flex my artistic side i like that i wouldn't have to like be financially unstable i like the stability of it i think people really downplay how much that can actually help you feel comfortable in life and i think it's a fair thing to acknowledge financial stability um i also wanted to work with smart people those at the top of my list i wanted to be with people who are motivated who want to and care about learning continuously i wanted to be part of a team of people that i really look up to and i wanted to also do something that was innovative and new and i had two opportunities really standing before me which one was going more into filmmaking and one which is going more into ux design and i decided to go with ux design and those are basically the reasons now how did i approach ux design i think initially you really want to understand if you like it or not it's really important for you to get a feel if you enjoy this field or maybe it's not for you and it's totally valid so initially i sat down to meet with people and have a coffee with them and ask them what it's like to be a ux designer and i realized really quickly that doing that you don't actually get to understand what people actually do in their day in the life because it's not the same as like shadowing someone so if it wasn't a pandemic i'd probably go to their office and see what they actually do but it was a pandemic so i decided to youtube some day in the life videos of being a ux designer which is something i am currently making so come back next week if you're interested in seeing that and basically i just had a really good time um trying to understand what that looks like but it wasn't the same as getting the hands-on feel you know what i'm saying so i decided to set myself out a project and i was basically going to make three different flows on three different ux design applications so therefore if i really didn't enjoy figma i could do acura if i didn't enjoy azure i could do adobe and kind of like hopping around between those so i get like a really holistic view of what it's like to be a ux designer so i started with adobe xd it was okay the project looked awful and then i tried to go sure i actually became a microsoft student ambassador believe it or not for ux design with exure and then um i became more familiar with figma which is the one that i use today and which i enjoy using most because it's very collaborative you know have fig jam and i think it's really cool so i got kind of an experience of what it's like doing the technical skill now i think something a lot of people what what my method i think which i think was the best actually going on in dragon i recommend it for you i think definitely it misses a really big part of the work which is i'm gonna bet with you that 70 of the time that ux designers are being ux designers they're not actually designing um although the design takes so much time but a lot of it actually goes into researching and a lot of it goes to talking with clients talking with your team talking with your product manager um communicating with the dev what's going on behind the scenes and um a lot of it isn't actually the work which is like really surprising i know it's like super crazy a lot of it is even just trying to understand the product like if it's really vague and you're still trying to understand what you need to build that in itself could take a really long time so that is something i didn't always know and i wish someone would have told me that a lot sooner actually because it would have been a bit more of an expectation setting i think what job is actually like so that's what i started with and then i went i talked to the wisest person i know in ux design who was a ux designer for the military and then became a ux designer for a bunch of really good companies at a very young age and this person told me hey go look at the forefather of ux design so i actually made i mentioned him in a previous uh video as well which is ux design books and his name is nielsen norman from the nielsen norman institute which he founded and he talks about ux design and he does incredible work in the field and he's no longer with us but he really did awesome awesome work and i basically studied a lot of his stuff from his websites from his videos i was trying to understand more or less the methodology how you rank good design or bad design because there's actually um quantitative not fully quantitative but you can find ways to make things a little bit more quantitative when trying to measure if something is good or bad so it's more database it's more based on actually parameters that you're looking to find inside the design as opposed to just like i feel like this design is good i feel like this design is not good like sometimes you need a little bit more than just like someone's opinion you know what i'm saying so a good design is data drivenly good right but is that not data drivenly good and of course you have other things that you're gonna take into account is it good for the environment is it good for you know the people's actual joy or is it just distracting there's a bunch of things that can go into that but there's definitely parameters for measuring good design and bad design and through understanding that i got to understand when i build a design what is actually a good design because i was looking at it from a different a different perspective and it wasn't like i was just going asking people for feedback i was trying to see through the lens of someone with a lot of experience like nielsen norman so slowly it was almost like he was my imaginary consultant for ux design and with that kind of ability i could put on my nielsen norman goggles and look at my work and be a bit more critical and have useful feedback so i was working on making better designs and i joined a bunch of reddit communities which i'm still part of and i try to participate there and part of me making these videos is to contribute to those communities that help me um and i also try to find people who are in the field people who are also learning that i could collaborate with but i really try to focus on the ones that were in the right direction who were doing the things right so i wasn't getting any um you know misinformation about what ux design actually is and good ux design in particular is actually and then as i went through this world of sifting through information i realized that i really have to get a lot better with understanding research and the research that you do beforehand to make big ux design decisions um diving into the research i really spent a lot of time doing that and really understanding how it's like to do user interviews in different scenarios and what a b testing really is and the different things that i would actually a b test like i think an empty state for example is a really good time and place to do a b test because it is a really big key performance indicator for the company whether things are being created or not and that typically happens on an empty state you don't know what an empty state is it's basically like before you added anything into like a google drive you'll get a prompt of like add your first file to google drive click below or drag and drop a file so you can do that you know what i'm saying and then you have the cta button so that's basically an empty state after really working on uh the research understanding the research i got better at my presentation skills and i would actually practice in front of people and this came really useful as i was transitioning and to getting ready to do my first interviews in the field and if there's something that i can recommend for everyone whether you're in a computer science and you're trying to become a software engineer or if you're trying to become an analyst or a product manager definitely go to every interview that you're able to get because the first 10 interviews will probably suck and you'll just get not 10 but maybe five will suck and you're just going to get incredible experience because you're going to get better and better and better and as you get better at them you're going to slowly learn how you can improve so when you get the job interview that you really do want to nail you're going to know exactly what you need to do to nail it it took me a while i'll be honest with you but when i started understanding that as an interviewee i too have power and things can also measure to my expectations it's almost like the power dynamic flipped in my mind and things changed and my interviews were a lot better but sometimes it's not enough to just hear about from someone it's something that you have to like ingrain into you so experience the biggest teacher of life truly um yeah so this is basically how i self-taught myself ux design in three months in addition to doing these things i did a ux design course on google which i could do for free without getting the certification if you want help in understanding how you can do that just write me a comment below it's like a little trick hack-ish thing and yeah there's a lot of other resources that i can recommend so definitely write me if you're interested in any particular ones um yeah thank you so much for watching if you want to see some more of my videos or if you enjoyed this one just drop a little like have a little look and keep exploring and learning guys and normally my videos are a bit more funny but i feel like this one i just wanted to be very focused with you and present so i hope that you enjoyed [Music] bye
Channel: Vivi’s Pixels
Views: 23,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J7w6PEMsGbk
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Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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