Why you won’t become a UX Designer in 2023

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you've applied to 50 100 maybe even 200 ux design jobs and Landing a ux interview seems almost impossible you see other people getting hired and you're thinking what am I doing wrong here and at this point you're probably thinking ux design is a large big scammy scam because you are not able to break through or maybe you're even thinking of becoming a ux designer but have no idea if it's worth your time or if you have what it takes I'm going to show you my two cents and the biggest mistake that I've seen people make when trying to become ex designers and tips on how to overcome it before we start I will address the giant pink elephant in the room I know that we're headed into some type of Economic unstability and everyone and their moms are pretty aware that the tech industry right now is writing The Struggle Bus the ux industry is also being shaken up and that's not the best news for entry-level ux designers I'm not going to include that in what I'm going to be talking about in this video and I won't go into to it in too much detail because I do have a whole separate video talking about whether or not it's a bad time to become a ux designer in this current market and you can find that here now I'm about to reveal something to you that no one really talks about and it's quite common amongst aspiring ux designers because it's really easy these days to get sucked up into this false reality a lot of these ux boot camps and programs Market this false fantasy of making tons of money and traveling the world and getting these like lunch ping pong breaks and eating free cater lunch all the while not working that much and let's not get it twisted I actually do know some designers who do live that life but what you don't see is all the years that it took to get there all the rejections the burnouts the long hours so if you're so early on that you don't even know if you want to become a ux designer or let's just say you're stuck in ux design interview limbo then you're going to want to ask yourself this exact question am I focused on the right thing if you decided to become a ux designer strictly for the brand name of a company or the clout of working at a Fang or the salaries that are being flashed at you on Tick Tock then I'm sorry to say but this is going to be a really rough road for you but if you have the passion the drive the motivation and love for the user and yet you're feeling frustrated and confused about this entire process then let me tell you this please please please don't give up because all you need to do is this the first one is understanding reality the camps and ux programs typically Market this false sense of security this sets this expectation of people going into boot camps and thinking okay I'm gonna do the boot camp and then I'm going to get my ux design shop right after but the reality is that learning those ux fundamentals in your program or boot camp is just half the battle a lot of aspiring us designers don't know that and that was myself included so then I went into the boot camp expecting so much expecting that not only will they show and teach me design but they will will also help me land a job those mentors that they pair you up with they don't sit with you in your interviews those mentors don't study with you on the weekends they're not with you when you're doing your portfolio presentation so at the end of the day it's up to you and in my opinion looking for a ux design job is so much harder than the actual boot camp itself so really set the expectations and understand this is not going to be an easy Road boot camps do not teach you everything and I do have a whole separate video about that here if you are currently frustrated that you cannot get past interview rounds and you're like why is no one paying attention to me then this next tip is going to be incredibly important and that is to conduct an audit when I was struggling to land a ux design job right out of boot camp I was so scared like I had no freaking idea what I was doing and I was just grasping at anything to make me feel better I was so focused on trying to make sure that this was the right decision that I was watching a bunch of success stories from people who became ux designers with no experience whether that was on like YouTube or reading articles about it that I totally lost time and focus on trying to customize my job search to these skills and talents and the circumstances that I had and I know there's going to be someone in the comments roasting my ass and being like hey you have a YouTube channel and you're telling your story bro but I never put out a video trying to form a false reality for you I simply share my story my experiences and opinions about the ux industry because when I was looking to be a ux designer there really wasn't that much to choose from and I wish I had them I never ever ever want you to compare your journey to mine that is not and never will be the intention here but I understand that that's really easy to forget and you can convince yourself that my experience is going to mirror your future you haven't landed an interview in a really long time and you're just feeling really stuck then clearly what you're doing today is not working what someone else or some article or YouTube told you to do Main not be what works best for your personality your previous skills and your circumstances so it's time to audit and really look at everything that you're doing today and try something different tomorrow we do this on my team as a ux designer whenever we're creating a new feature or a product and it's not really meeting the initial goals and we iterate and we try and come up with a different solution and we experiment until it works for me at least it's way better to throw things at the wall than just stand here another day when things aren't working so I suggest that you do this write out every single thing that you're doing today from start to finish try and figure out okay do you start immediately going on to LinkedIn when you're looking for jobs if so tweak it maybe go on indeed or like Angel list or are you applying to 10 jobs every single week because your career coach told you to do so well maybe tweak that too and only apply to five and really customize your resume for each of those job descriptions or are you going into interviews without prepping just going in blind and if yes then think about studying up think about looking at questions that are commonly asked during ux interviews seeing where you can tweak and make things different until it finally hits finally this last tip is something that I've seen a lot of ux designers not focus on and it's super super important because it will help you stand out and that is to focus on learning because let's be honest the real reason why it's really hard for entry-level ux designers to get noticed is because we have no experience learning will help you gain experience and gaining experience will help you grow further from where you stand today so in the meantime while looking for a job I highly recommend sharpening your skills and if you're in a boot camp don't just rely on the curriculum look outside of the program to also practice design skills I've linked a bunch of EX design tools that I've used in the past in my descriptions along with some really awesome design challenges that I know students have used to also kind of get their brain moving and grooving and help them more when they start to interview at these companies also I know I mentioned commonly asked questions in ux design interviews so if you're interested in my study guide feel free to also check that out in the descriptions this study guide contains over 80 questions from design interviews that I've been a part of in my last four years of interviewing as questions from product managers Engineers I even have some bonus questions from an app critique I did and also portfolio presentation so if you're interested please check that out also if you don't want to make the same mistakes I did when I was in ux bootcamp and you really want to make the most of your money then you're going to want to watch these videos next thank you so much for watching and if you're interested in more content like this don't forget to subscribe and like this video and I will see you next time
Channel: mimi michi
Views: 47,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ux design, ux, user experinece, ux career, product designer, user experience, user experience design
Id: 5Uz5XIzYAig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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