Google UX Design Professional Certificate Courses Review

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hello everyone welcome to my channel i'm  aliana and today i will talk about the google   ux certificate courses so in the last few months i  graduated from university and i took the online ux   design certificate courses from google i took  the google courses because i had my degree in   business and computer science although i have  done some projects related to design thinking   it is not specific to ux design and i don't have  an education in ux design and i posted something   on linkedin after i finished the courses got  a lot of reaction so i was just wondering   maybe i should just do a review and post it on  youtube first thing that i want to tell you guys   is that it's a certificate consists of seven  smaller certificates and i've seen some people   posting review online a lot of them only finish  the first course which is the intro to ux design   but there's actually a lot more content after the  first course so this will be a holistic review   first of all a summary for the ux courses it's a  lot of contents quizzes pure graded assignments   and projects it's going to take months if you work  really really hard it's going to take around three   months because there are three projects in total  the first one it's a app on the mobile device   the second one is responsive web and the third one  is for both and web app the first course which is   the intro to ux design is not like a project by  itself if you want to finish the entire process   you need to take at least the first five courses  and the sixth and the seventh courses are really   really long because um each of those consists  of one project each now i'd like to quickly   run through the user interface to explain more  about the class so here you can see that there   are one two three four five six seven courses in  total and for each of these course it's going to   have three to seven weeks of content for this  one there's four weeks of content in total   and for each weeks of content  there will be readings   and some of them have peer grade assignment  and there will be quizzes if you cannot pass   you have to take the quizzes again until you  pass the quizzes will only be in the form of   multiple choice but there will be some open-ended  questions that you can respond to the community   the videos are really good i will show you  one video as an example so for this one wrap   up planning your ex research studies this is  like in the end of week one of course four   great job you're making your way through this  course and the steps of the ux research study by   the way you can always speed up if you think it's  a bit too slow so i usually do 1.5 or 1.75 and   there's a really good subtitle and basically the  video explains pretty much all you need to know   and the reading is just a little bit more content  adding to it in the reading for each week's class   it will give you a glossary regarding the terms of  each week's content let's see this is the glossary   for course for week one you see everything  drop-off rates inside key performance indicators   everything's there very clear and there's also  peer graded assignments in which you will have to   do an assignment you will see the clear rubric and  you will always see an example of the assignment   and after you submit you will be graded on the  assignment by peers who's also taking the class   and you will also have to grade other people's  assignments there will be at least two people's   assignment you have to grade and for each of them  you just you just choose there's 1.2 points for   each category so regarding what i like about the  program well the first thing is that i think it's   really organized and the system is really designed  very well to take you through the ux process   and regardless where you're at in the ux design  field you can always start from something that's   good to you for me i know a few things about ux  and i had some background in ui design but i just   still want to learn everything from the beginning  to make sure that i don't miss out the basic   and i do think that even a lot of professional  people in the field it's still good to always   review the content and be humble to learn  something from day one right so i would still   recommend everybody to take the class from the  foundations of user experience design otherwise   you could take the class anywhere you want it  will give you a quiz before the course to test   whether you're able to take this class immediately  another good thing about this course is that it   consists of multiple tools so it teaches you about  how to use figma and also adobe xd and the course   knowledge people to use different tools because  ux designer depends on the context you work for   might require you to use different tools so i  personally use sketch figma and adobe xd but i   prefer sketch and figma another thing that  i really like is designing for social good   almost everything that the course touched on has  a little bit of designing for social good and i   do think that this mindset is especially important  for ux designer since our job is to think from the   user perspectives and there are different  users out there who need different things   the fourth thing that i like is having a lot  of useful templates there's personal templates   wireframe templates research templates research  outcome inside templates a lot of things from   google and i think those are really well organized  i mean everyone can adopt the template to   their personal brand by adjusting the looks  the feel or maybe the content but i do think   that starting with the temp is really helpful and  if you don't have a portfolio right now it also   gives you a lot of resources regarding how you  organize portfolio into pdf plus into a website   regarding what i disliked about the course  i really hope that before taking the course   i understood how long it's going to take  because i thought that i'm a really fast   learner and i should be able to push myself  through multiple projects in like a month or so   that wasn't the case because there were a lot of  content and there's so many parts that consist of   user research and you have to interview a certain  number of people in order to go to the next step   by the way that was also very helpful for me  because it just pushed me to talk to other   people and ask for other people's opinion for  my third project i designed an app for senior   population in china and i did a user test on  my grandmother and she had to do it remotely   from china through the platform wechat so i have  to adapt everything live prototype on an ipad on   the wechat platform the surprising part for me  is that there's a lot of things that i thought   i was designing it for senior people so  everything's so clear there's like arrow printing   down on the screen showing that there's more more  content below the screen but she interpreted it   totally different from what i expected and i had  to do the design all over again in order to make   people understand it correctly um and those  user research was really helpful for me oh   i was talking about what i disliked okay another  thing that i dislike is the weight of the course   the sixth and the seventh course i almost lost  hope it was like five courses of content packed   into one course basically one project per course  but the first five courses are just one project   so i thought that oh maybe i could keep up my  momentum and continue the course based on the   speed that i had before but it wasn't the  case and i had the feeling that i want to   rush through each step to to get that certificate  which wasn't really good but i managed to you know   calm myself down even though i have to look for a  job right now or else i have to go back to china   yeah so that was something that i  hope i know before taking the class   finally something i didn't like is the prompt  choosing tool it was actually a cool tool but   it wasn't very helpful for me because i feel  like a lot of things that i see from the prompt   is something that i have no idea how to  design because of my life experience for   example design a wedding organization app  and i'm like just graduated from university   just got a boyfriend had no wedding experience  before but i mean you can always you know renew   the prom to see something new but everything  was like um not very applicable for me but   i managed to you know get the idea from  the prompt and choose something similar   i think that was basically is regarding what  i disliked now i'm going to move to the most   exciting part which is my project yay so i  did three projects in total the first one is a   postcard scanning app i called it dodo postcard  dodo is that bird that had gone extinct sadly   but it's really cute and cannot fly the  idea of this app is that i've seen some of   my friends writing postcards lately postcards  is something that my friends use to maintain   long-distance relationships not just relationship  but also long-distance friendship and family ship   family ship okay so in my portfolio i  usually just give a summary sentence a and personas user journey map paper wireframes  let me show you guys probably um the high   fidelity prototype that i did okay oh that's  like 100 years ago i forget about what i did yeah so yeah so it's kind of like this um this is  the car that you send out this is the car that you   received and you can view the car by clicking  them um taking some notes you can see the card just like this you can add a scanning here um  you scan the card there's a grid to to tell you   where to line things up take a photo  adjust it an angle mask in the back   side of the card and take the photo next  and then yeah say something here and done   and that that's basically it for the first step so  i decided to start with something simple because   um that's basically what i learned from seeing  those prompts is start from something small um   yeah that's just like the first thing  i did there's something that i learned   the second the second project i did is for  web app on adobe xd by the way adobe xd   was not very friendly to me i just prefer figma  in sketch i never had good experience with adobe   products by the way in the second project i called  mamo book it is a physical notebook customization   user flow basically i also asked a lot of friends  around me um regarding their notebooks some   of them like my roommate like to have some  customization in it especially for journals   just noting down how many times to  drink water to take medicine to exercise   and some daily challenges um and  that's the inspiration of this project oh that's my initial wireframe drawing i love  drawing wireframe i'm getting better at it   this is the initial wireframe  i changed everything later   after the user interview this is the design  system the mock-up the final polished design oh by the way this is a responsive web i have   to do everything for the mobile  version and for the web version that was kind of it for mama book the third  project is kind of cute it's called dudu   it's a chinese app because the third project  needs to be something that's really designed   for people who's kind of in an underrepresented  situation and i chose to design something for   my grandmother because my grandmother is my  inspiration to ux design so this application   is for her and for senior population in china  basically most chinese app is designed for   mass population so there's a lot of functions in  it designed for everybody for old people it's a   little bit difficult for them to know what they  need to do this application is for old people in   china to browse contents that they care and this  one is more tailored to traveling content because   i think senior people in china deserve to travel  more like americans and they also deserve to know   more about where their children and grandchildren  are living so this app is in chinese i would like   i will i will just kind of go through the um the  prototype here's the tablet prototype the tablet   is an ipad that my grandmother used the version  that she used that's me and my friend everything   with this night great content is like a collection  and you can scroll down you can also scroll down   by clicking this button because some senior adults  that i interview who haven't got into technology   that much doesn't know what it means to scroll  even though a lot of people think that scrolling   is so easy but for a lot of them it's difficult  for them to control how to scroll at a specific   point like my grandmother can do this but not  like this if you understand what i mean and   they feel dizzy after like scrolling and see they  kind of throw up so i designed this little thing   you can just screw a little bit and stop yeah  there's like three three main categories at home   is just look at things randomly the second one  is more about things near me or travel location   near me the third one is something recommended  by your family member in this button is the   search button in this app basically you press it  and talk in order to search okay that's almost   it for the review of the course and feel free to  look at my and feel free to look at my portfolio   at i know i have a lot of things and  to improve and but yeah i wish you all the best   for taking the class and i hope you continue  learning it's never too late to learn see ya you
Channel: Aliena
Views: 155,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, UX, certificate, course review, coursera, design, google design, google ux, google ux certificate, google ux design certificate, google ux design certificate cost, google ux design certificate coursera, google ux design certificate coursera review, google ux design certificate jobs, google ux design certificate review, google ux design certificate worth it, google ux design professional certificate, google ux design review, linkedin, online learning, professional, ux design
Id: 6xFGp7Dx__s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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