How I Beat the Most Underrated Zelda Game

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um so yeah this is um the legend of zelda phantom hourglass so you might be asking hey poincare how are you playing this are you doing a little zimbabwe and stuff you know like you uh you you're going you're sailing the seven seas i know uh i'm streaming it on my wii u so this is the wii u you know um this is the wii u so i'm literally playing it like this so if you're if you're curious as to why i'm looking down a lot it's because i'm literally looking at the wii u and i'm playing with my ds stylus um and in case you know the the the graphics turn you off and everything they do they do look a little bit better when you put it like this right so this is what it actually looks like but i've like blown it up for you guys just a little bit so if there's ever like a moment where we have like a uh dual sort of um thing like i believe we go into here uh talk to you real quick um and then we do view ship um oh well you can just see it here but uh sometimes there'll be like a dual screen thing so we have that as well um and don't worry if you don't know what phantom hourglass is or the story so far i will remind you of exactly what's happened it's actually really cool and a fantastic story in my opinion this is probably one of the forgotten zelda games where you play it and a lot of people played it but the uh story has been forgotten because you know it's uh not graphically amazing um it's 15 years old and uh there's been no remake of it so this is uh this is what you get but it's a lot of fun um and everything put a one if you want me to explain the story so far yeah it looked really good when it came out it looks good it looks potato quality right now just cuz like like it still looks good like down here right i still think it looks amazing um like smaller but when you blow it up like a big screen for the for the stream it's not as good you know so crispy you're totally right cheeseburger thanks for two months all right story so far and sit down listen up kids uh gather around because uh this is the story of the legend of zelda phantom hourglass up until this moment so uh after the events of wind waker this is a direct sequel of wind waker after the events of wind waker uh we are traveling on a boat with tetra who is uh known as princess zelda but tetra is her alter ego uh we find a ghost ship which appears out of nowhere and actually uh kidnaps tetra it is our now goal to save tetra from the ghost ship so we go across the world and uh meet a couple people like the uh old man kid you not and linebeck the guy who drives our ship uh you know the old man directs us to the ocean temple and we go through the ocean temple we find um sea charts and we find three pieces of the courage uh power and wisdom fairies and those fairies allow us to find the ghost ship we find the ghost ship we save tetra and um we're all good and dandy actually no we're not tetra is turned to stone by bellum bellum an ancient monster of the ocean uh an eternal um in eternal struggle with the ocean king um has uh turned uh not only tetra to uh to stone but is also seeking to gather the life force of everything in the entire world and it's starting now starting with the ghost ship as a vessel to do it it is revealed that the old man is actually the ocean king and he sets us off to discover the phantom sword which is the only sword capable of actually defeating bellum which makes us which you know in defeating bellum will make tetra become not stone we've uh in order to craft the phantom sword we need uh three different metals the azerite the crimsonite and the azurite you know an aquamarite or whatever um aquamarine no aquamarine crimsonin and azuri that's what it is we've found two of them um we found two of them we are now on our uh quest to find the third so if you can see in the uh uh upper uh right corner of the screen you can see that we have the uh i can swap this right oh i can yes um we have the crimsonine and we have the azerine so now we need the aquanine and uh we just got our our last c chart and uh we're on our way to complete the phantom sword and then beat bella was that good [Music] also uh no spoilers by the way um i this is my first time completing the whole game i haven't seen anything that happens past this really um so no spoilers and uh no backseating really uh like i want to figure out things myself um it's always more fun like the ds you know closing puzzle i'm glad that wasn't spoiled for me and everything um i did know the puzzles uh um existed i just didn't know the solution um so it was really cool so no no spoilers i don't want to know anything about the lore or anything like that but let me struggle as well with backseating so um tldr uh for the oh the whole lore basically uh we are tasked with uh beating the big bad evil in the world that wants to suck the life force from everything in order to do so we need to craft the phantom sword we have two of the three medals we need to craft and now we're going to get the third um cool i knew you'd be able to pull it off all along kid now let's make some speed and hauling some pure metal all right then climb aboard the open c calls now being thanks for the three months uh cj lst thanks for the 1 000 bits here of hyrule with the tier one social lily thanks to the seven mantis with two i appreciate that a lot guys all right cool so uh if we take a look at our uh uh charts uh i believe c chart here um we can see that we've just unlocked this area um we've we just got the c chart for this area so we're going to head over this way yeah and see what's up with it awesome uh so let's go and uh do that would you spirit tracks after finishing this one yes uh most likely i've uh i i think any other question let's let's get the you know thing oh not only that um yeah yeah yeah i most likely if you guys like it um but not only that um chat uh why don't we do this i've been doing this kind of often it seems like you guys like it um but if you guys uh like the streams and everything obviously follow but why don't we just uh say hi to youtube right now you know uh well why don't we get it out of our system say hi to youtube say hi to the vod frogs um they're probably watching this playthrough um unedited on youtube somewhere uh so just go say hi to him uh maybe one day they'll say hi back uh but say hi to the vodkas at the very least and then uh say hi to uh um um yeah youtube so enjoy one of these days i'll say hi back i promise guys i promise nice oh what is this wait what the hell is this is that a new island it's on our charts uh look there that island isn't marked on a charts linked it looks like we can dock there i've added the aisle to your chart yeah let's go let's go see it let's go check it out nice all right there's enemies it's whatever we're gonna talk anyways okay cool what is this what is this place oh smell it this island just reeks of riches i'd want my wallet on it go poke around and don't miss a single thing link all right um i turned down the volume a little bit is this good [Music] i think it was a little high earlier okay [Music] yeah okay sick um hello uh boiling golden opportunity weights the right moves can change your life for the best rupees are bound on the ground here that's why it's called harold island the fee is only 50 rupees the only rule you can dig just up to 10 treasures okay it's all yours to keep but don't think about digging any more than 10 times what do you think yeah okay so it's like uh it's it's just like a random chance kind of thing among our treasures uh are unlucky prizes for unlucky souls so we live here a uh leaf here a big winner or loser well then please braze in on the wind and enter all right so we got to so this is a mini game where we uh dig three treasures or ten treasures and see what we get so we can only dig ten times interesting all right are we gonna be you know what um mods can we do a real quick prediction real quick uh like 30 second one minute will i be will my rupees be greater than 50 or less than 50. so will i come out here with a profit or will i lose my money they're questioning how reports work oh well you know they just make you lose rupees obviously if you get it um then clearly it just well don't think about it too much uh no no don't put it in chat we're gonna have a prediction whether mods are gonna run a prediction like they're gonna run a gamble um kirby on the mic thanks for the 22 months uh the bug there it is it's on uh use your channel points right now it is uh it is up um div dark slot thanks for the two months debug with a tier three for eight months jesus christ is your name thanks for the pro uh ten months thank you appreciate that and delhi sandwich links to the five iron bird crack thanks for the prime gaming all right use your uh channel points for your predictions right here in case i don't know if i have to show it right here over under predict all right here we go [Music] all right here we go let's start with this okay nothing um uh i'll do it right here oh also nothing good start good start good start we got eight left oh your shovel hit something okay rupees that's huge all right we're 30 down okay all right so i got i got uh six left uh i'll do right here oh oh we hit something okay we're hoping for like a re some like like a hundred rupees 20 rupees all right all right all right we just we're 10 down we're 10 down okay so that makes one two three four so we have four left to dig four left do it in the corner over here nope okay i'll do it in the corner up here three left oopsies two left nope okay and last one oh oh it's ten treasures not 10 digs oh nice okay your shovel hit something so we've gotten how many treasures two now nice okay 45 okay we have 45. okay here we go here we go that is that wow that is that is really that's a lot right there um okay so we are uh negative 55 right now um how many treasures is that got to the kata thanks for the tier 2 for 25 months thank you four out of ten okay minus five no we're minus 55 because we paid 50 for the entry because we were at 45 yeah we were at minus five before and now we're at minus 50. uh okay here we go yeah i'm including price of admission yeah your shovel hit something let's go plus uh that would be plus 45 now i'm plus 45 okay okay okay plus 50 i'm plus 50. plus 40. a strange voice rises from deep inside the hole i'm lucky lee the lucky spirit that dwells on this island here to bring you luck if you pay me 50 rupees you can win big big big wanna try your hand okay okay we're plus 40 right now this will put me on minus 10. we have also this is what uh eight now yeah let's start say there was a large treasure chest and a small treasure chest which do you choose the small i'm going to reverse psychology this you're a so-so winner yep you're sort of lucky you 150 rupees [Music] plus 190 wait we 100 sorry 140 140 because we paid 50 for that okay plus plus 90. you dug up your ninth treasure just one more to go [Music] okay here we go now the only thing i can i i don't know if there's a minus 100 but uh okay nice so we plus 91. let's go easy dude we look forward to seeing you again awesome that's a fun mini game want to take off yes and beryllium thanks for the 24 months two years welcome back welcome back welcome back okay um i kinda wanna fish if the fish is going up we're gonna fish if it's going down we're not it's going down okay nevermind fishing do it again well i don't know if we're doing it again we might go back at one point because yeah we might go back at one point how about that [Music] blueberry seabird thanks for the five months of prime and dark mega thanks for the three months that is a shark jesus wait what is this [Music] can i just wait let me go through this the isle of ruins interesting it's a tornado i just like hit it i just hit a seagull i'm so sorry yeah oh no okay we can't go there it looks like wow i'm dizzy that cyclone clearly isn't letting us anywhere near that island maybe we should search this area for clues hop too i really wish you'd start developing instinct for these things okay but like i did i was just curious what it was i just want to know now we're instead of the isle of ruins ciao why don't we go to the island uh the isle of dead oh wait what wait there's an island over here speaking of which [Music] wait let's check that out what is this place new island who this [Music] is not going to oh there it is okay now it sees it now it sees it eric gomez thanks for the gifts it's up oh yeah look at this an island that isn't marked on our charts looks like we can dock there all right what is this island phantom menace no that's that's uh that's star wars fascinating island don't you think kid i love the opening sea there's always another surprise on the horizon just waiting to be found okay let's read these treasure maze hall of fame currently blank okay welcome to the treasure maze shall we get started uh let's hear the rules the goal is to whack all my buddies with your sword before time runs out you'll win if you can grab uh the treasure that appears after you hit them all so we we find all of these guys we hit them and then we collect the treasure and we win the maze has three levels of difficulty which runs up with each victory try to complete all three levels that you may have on hand emerge victorious uh with all three to get your name put on the hall of fame stone uh should we try a chat all right mods do you want to do a prediction i succeed first try envy thanks for the 27 months welcome back feels field birthday man hey well people c-section congratulations girls and six for the prime yes or no yes all right prediction is now open go make your voices heard does point crow succeed first try yes or no yes go gamble your points away i probably should get some water uh soon all right here we go shall we start yes got it your challenge level is beginner it's 20 rupees per try okay yes without further ado let's get underway with a beginner level four of my buddies will pop up all right so this four hit the switch to start the challenge here we oh oh oh it tells you where they are okay here we go um i don't know how long we have one okay first done awesome so far so good it looks like i have to go through here okay that's two oh i don't know where the second one is or the third oh here it is okay that's the third i need to get up and over somehow how do we get across i think i have to go around like this oh that was so stupid i don't know where to go time is up too bad come on back damn it damn all right well there's your there's your prediction i got the first one i did not win the second dang dang do we do it again i kind of want to do it again all right uh mods uh could you do another prediction real quick uh while i go uh get some water um yeah i'm waiting for it to open to work um does point girl win succeed first try we're gonna do it again there it is all right go use your uh go use your channel points so all right here we go get ready all right your challenge level is beginner all right for my buddies i gotta remember where they are here we go okay i gotta focus two okay two oh three four okay and where's the treasure up there how do we get up there over here yes just barely yes ooh you got a wisdom gem it radiates wisdom but it can't be used like this let's go dude just barely just barely nice work impressive try your hand nah we got it we did it let's go oh you want to leave this island yes yes i do well then set sail all aboard gotta get cat thanks for the five months thank you monthly reminder have a good day hell yeah dude it's always a good day when he wins 11k now tripled your coins hey good good news good news um uh whoopsies it was uh 14 43. uh good news you can always get more coins they're more point points uh if you simply uh just watch the street one that's how you accumulate them all right let me uh 14 so it would be 15 15. all right so 15 15. is the current timer 15 hours 15 minutes total of playing through phantom hourglass i miss up 15 hours 15 minutes nice whoa look at this place damn [Music] i love that you call them point points i think i mean a lot of people were like you should call them crow coins and i was like yeah it's a good idea but like point points though you know 15 hours well it's just like the total playthrough you know like that's how long i've totally been playing this for example i was you know i played pokemon reborn for a total of 10 hours um until i decided to not continue it isle of the dead interesting there's a lot of dead people here seems deserted for now but this place wasn't always empty i wonder if there's some secret hidden somewhere how about you kid what are you doing i'll be fixing the ship go find yourself some adventure on the island yo alta key thanks for the five gifted subs thank you get some peqro gifts in chat oh also um oh hey chad um sorry is it okay if we pause phantom hourglass um because i may or may not have some new emotes for you you know tiny tributes for 17 months thank you i may or may not you know uh so if you're subbed to my channel occasionally we add more emotes um i i do have a um so pico snack okay so peek or snack um i did add it before we do have pico snack and we've had it for uh about like a week now because you didn't know peek or snack i will be changing it slightly um uh there's a slight change to it because um it like the top's a little bit cut off actually kind of it kind of looks okay never mind i lied it looks okay it is um but i have a new emote all right get ready for this pause chat actually yeah i i haven't i have a new email here pause champ pause jam posture posture posture all right get ready for it picra jail oh no he in jail free him let him out free my voice so if you guys are ever in the dog house you know like uh you know uh dale uh okay that's uh pikro jail let me real quick um add that i know how you guys like your emotes all right um let's see your rewards emotes let me add it real quick all right pico jail all right and it should be uploaded oh i need to do a tribute uh lysol made this okay um yeah so pico jail is now live you can now use it yeah tax evasion is no joke tax evasion is no joke um let's see we actually have this look at all of our emotes look at all of these this is what you get with one sub let's see if you had to get rid of one emote as like move it from like a tier one to a tier two what would you which one would you move probably wicked none of them okay if you say none of them then i won't give you guys a new uh a new emo then if we're fine if we're fine with what we have right now you know um let's see now peek or two's iconic with peaker one let's see which one don't you guys use at all you guys don't really use chef i mean you do use chef every now and then um you guys don't use dance i think you know i'm gonna get rid of lewd remove from slot yeah okay um okay and in return in return how do you feel about all right pause the chat chat pause wait for the wait for the next one pause [ __ ] pause champ how do you well no no no no paws champ is the big replies uh yeah there's a piece of paws let me uh let me add it real quick for you guys uh also don't don't worry pico we we can add pico loot back um it will have to be in the form of like a bit emote though if that's okay appear pause um sick and this is by lysel all right p girl pause is added now look at him look at him all right and then we have uh we have a thing here so i can add peeker lude back sorry i know we're taking like a little bit of a break here but i can add picker lude back right it's right here um under what 5k bits 1k bits legit can't use the z much just just re refresh 1k 81k uh 1k nice so if you've cheered 1000 bits you can now use peakerlude nice cool all right well i hope you guys enjoy your new emotes because they are amazing you are saying thanks for the six months welcome back to the murder gladiator in the stream thank you our man justin thanks for the four months ulta thanks for the 1500 bits these are all made by lysol by the way slash lysol abby thanks for the prime for four months or sorry for for eight months i don't know why i said four all right i love the dead though let's check this out a one steak sauce thanks for the five months the loots are behind a paywall sounds familiar there you go exactly okay so what's in here isle of the dead look on top of that desk there's a book there link all right let's check it out the journal of the esteemed explorer mcnay normally on the map up is north down is south right is east and left is west but looking at the map today i discovered the secret of this island this island is shaped like the profile of someone wearing a crown oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um if you uh you can't see my my arrow here but um uh it's it's like it's like a side profile like the crown's like the crown is like this side profile um well he is looking east and if you can look closely you can see his eye and mouth i'm betting there's a big secret about the cobble kingdom hidden here i still haven't found the treasure that is supposed to be in this room tomorrow i'm playing to go to the temple in the northeastern corner uh north eastern corner okay it's time to prove what i wrote in this article for the explorer's compass there was supposed to be uh some absurdly cryptic puzzle or trick there but with my keen explorer sense i should have it solved before lunch i will find the aquane which is what we're here for and show them all aquinine do you think the pure metal is on this island it's worth looking there's a bunch of books around let's read them so there's a um treasure in this room apparently interesting um all right cool let's check it out what if i just like oh there's the treasure i found it there's the treasure i found it imagine though dude imagine literally imagine a lot of rupees here you know are you guys imagining or not uh wait i don't want to read this yet i don't want to read this yet i want okay is it good so far guys guys i i don't i don't see you guys imagining here i'll be real with you guys you guys are definitely not imagining i'm trying to manifest a treasure here that's supposed to be in this room and you guys are not imagining with me so kind of cringe you know all right we'll read these from left to right okay explorer's compass riddle of the lost ancient civilization volume 1 the riddle of the kabul kingdom civilization in seas ruled by the ocean king the cultured kabul kingdom soared above all it was more glorious than any other city until it vanished from history ruled by the king and his four knights the temple once held great treasure okay volume two hidden treasures the aquanine three great treasures are hidden around these seas one is the aquane legend has it uh there is but one of each of these pure metals in this world legend also says that one of the pure metals is kept in the kabul kingdom so all we know is that uh this was once a great kingdom and they had a pyramidal here uh the lost kingdom where did the island of dreams go some say there is a treasure in the cobble kingdom but no one has seen the island only the ancient legend remains some say it is an island of dreams proof must be found on the isle of dead to reach the kabul kingdom oh so this is the isle of dead we actually don't know where the cobble kingdom is the small island of the kabul kingdom and the area of ocean uh near is the kabul kingdom there is an uncharted isle wonders are commonplace in this kingdom of dreams wait wait wait wait in the area of ocean near the cobble kingdom there's an uncharted aisle okay so this was the cobble kingdom okay interesting look at those amazing graphics hey it's fun to play and you know the story's great if you you know look past the graphics you know i wouldn't rag on it too hard it's not something i can change but this is cool though look at look at these hello goodbye nice nice yeah like if you if you i think i think the the you know if you judge a game solely based on its graphics um i think you're just uh uh i think you're setting yourself up for failure and also just like not fun you know what i mean so if you if you if you look at uh phantom hourglass and you're like oh god it looks bad all right i'm gonna move on and and play something else it's like all right like you're kind of missing out um it's like uh how uh moist critical recently has played the original god of war it doesn't look amazing but apparently it's still a fantastic game you know or undertale okay whoa you just became you just came to life wild okay gotta be wary for skeletons you're the hero rest of the six sages to whom the way to the temple is known those who do not know will never pass the phantom corridor all right so i can't go farther this way can i oh i can right but well all right so it's had to go to the northeast first and foremost it's said to go to the northeast to the temple um so let's go over here whoa it's a pyramid hey chat it's this it's the ninth largest pyramid in the world right behind the bass pro shops what time are you streaming tomorrow um if you look at my youtube community page uh the discord um stream tab there's discord uh announcements tab um below the stream in the about page uh exclamation schedule or the stream tab on twitch you'll find out that it is uh sunday through thursday at 1 pm pacific time okay here we go um what is over here nice pyramid all right the resting place of the fourth knight brandt of the cobble kingdom okay phantom corridor ahead those without the way of the six sages are doomed right so i don't have the way of the six stages but i know where to find it the sega tree grows from the king's chin west 13 and north seven path to the graveyard where the six stages dwell hidden underground it was it was north wait i was west 13 north seven okay i'll do that west 13 north seven okay so we'll go up here we don't have the path of the seven six sages but let me see if i can like try it still oh oh it's like the lost woods you go right left up down oh interesting okay who knew it would come to this my name is mcnay that's the guy with the explorers uh journal i was once a famous explorer i ended before solving the entrance puzzle and came to the phantom corridor um but i cannot get out and look what happened the maze is madness if you don't know which way to go you'll end up walking in circles if i keep going down i should be able to reach the entrance if you haven't solved the puzzle yet find the entrance while you can otherwise you'll end up like me and run out of energy before you're able to find the exit curse to remain here forever all right well we'll just try it i'll go right first because i did what oh okay so it's not right it's up what no it's left i meant it's down oh oh oh oh it's left from the first ones left never mind the first one is wait wait what no no this is the entrance still okay so i'm gonna try right first those without the path the six stages are doomed yeah okay so i'll go in here i'll try going to the left first oh all right i guess we gotta get the path i i i want to see if i can brew forces what does it look like you know i tried i tried alrighty um well i guess we got to find the path of the uh stages here um which means we need to go down here but i want to see what this west 13 north seven is you know actually let's do the path first let's do the path uh because it's because that's the clearly like where we need to go for sure you know uh those you don't know will never pass the quarter okay oh but we can't get to the path okay we can't get to the path so we probably need to do that west 13 um north seven west 13 north seven interesting okay maybe click through the walls easy yeah i'll just do a btb that's an original idea that's definitely a joke that's never been told to me before okay if i was uh as original as you then uh they would call me amy schumer okay um the west 13 north seven that didn't that didn't get nearly as many uh little w's as as i expected either you guys didn't get the joke or wasn't funny at all did you guys get the joke please tell me you did please for the love of god fire nice thanks for the two months oh lord okay four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen thirteen one two three four five seven should be right here nice let's go oh god so many people just did not get that joke all right that's cool no i just will stop making personal anecdotes that's cool or just uh any you know illusions to anything so no it was like they would call me amy schumer if i was original because she uh um is a known comedian who has taken bits from other comedians so i was like that's what i was saying with now it's not funny anymore as [ __ ] all right doesn't matter i'm disappointed in all of you cool all right um over here oh there's a lot of a lot of love that's fine what is this way it's just like a harder way of going to the same place that i'm going before it might be it might literally be a harder spot there's an entrance oh that's that's for boulders okay then i don't understand where these boulders are for okay oh wait no this is a new place wait wait i gotta go back now wait i gotta go back i didn't want to go here yet well yeah i i don't want to go here yet oh i'll take this though oh a treasure map oh okay so this wasn't the way we're supposed to go it is a way that we did go though okay all right all right all right so that's not what we're supposed to so we're all good here um i do know that i'm supposed to dig right about here now it's right about here guys animoo thanks for the five months welcome back to the murder gods in the stream thank you all right let's go this way nice oh all right what is this whoa oh my god we found some treasure god damn look at that dude some pikro cash with me and we got a power gem nice we're in the collection uh uh yt iliad tube thanks for the uh uh tier one thank you uh face west from the king's eye uh face west from the king's eye and shoot an arrow okay so we do need to go back to where we were before so face west from the king's eye shoot and arrow okay interesting we do need to go this way and not die to the boulders damn oh i thought i could all right so we need to go west of the king's eye alright so we go this way told you i don't want any spoilers i don't know why i'm why do you think that's a good idea uh maybe you should ask your uh parents uh for your permission before you go online okay aim west ah that's how we go nice and that's how we open the path of the six stages okay cool cool cool all right and i'll save here just in case cool okay awesome all right so we've made it our way here so now where should we go so what is this okay i'm the first sage go north uh through the first room oh okay all right so we gotta write like this okay so i'm gonna do um i'm gonna write it like here okay so up the north through the first room i'm the second stage go east through the second room okay are you the third sage no you are you are a nice all right write it down uh most of the words have been worn off and can't be read okay so i don't know about that one so that's probably the third one but we don't know oh no you're the third states go east so right left left be the fourth no you're probably also rubbed off right yeah are you the fourth stitch okay you should be the fourth stage yes okay go north so it's uh up left left and up and then you are the fifth and that's north wow so we really only go north and left okay so there was literally no uh uh thing about it i mean yeah on the six stage uh six is where brant was laid to rest okay so i don't need to do anything with six okay cool nice all right so we go up through here back to the pyramid and should be good to go all right so up left oh okay so we could brute force if we okay left yo bucky thanks for the five gifted subs thank you thank you so much for that appreciate it peak real gifts chat he grow gift for the gift appreciate that and then up again and we should be here nice what is here oh this is where oh oh hello who are you this is where the dead of the cobble kingdom long ago fallen lay at rest your branch this the the fourth knight yeah you're the fourth night brandt yo what's up joe how's it going that would be how it do can we get some peek road twos for joe the spirits you have with you are power wisdom and courage yes why are the three spirits of the ocean king with you well i can't believe what has happened to the ocean king while we slept so that is why you were looking for the aquane we grew rich under the ocean king's protection we must do something i believe that our king muto has the awkwardness that you were looking for if you explain your quest you may convince them to give it to you venture forward through the door nice and awesome enjoy your stream gamer hell yeah all right nice all right so we we're here now and then on the crown we're given oh a regal necklace this mysterious necklace is adorned with curious gems hello king muto the holder of the aqua name is not here okay he is on the island that is guarded by a rock wall in the isle of ruins which we can't get to you'll need that regal necklace to get there that will calm the cyclone at the entrance so your boat may pass there look for the third night bremer yes go now i must return to my slumber okay so we need to find all four nights looks like before we get to the king and to find the third night we need to go to the island of ruin and uh we just got the regal necklace which allows us access to the isle of ruin interesting so this used to be the kabul kingdom uh until i'm you know until bellum probably took over pretty decent looks like you did it how about we set sail yes and hop on board all right let's go all the way to the isle of ruins not bad nice ship you have it is probably the worst designed ship i could have imagined i really tried i tried to make it as awful as possible it's pretty good it's functional and you know what that's all you really need you know as long as it's functional you're good to go it's a looker i do be looking at it you know all right we gotta sink these i think these ships we can nice yeah i don't know um i don't know if i'll play spirit tracks we'll see uh but it looks like uh it's a solid maybe i'll i'll give it a solid maybe if we're if we're playing some spear tracks here um apparently it's a little bit more grindy i don't know it's uh you know um seems like the overall thought with uh phantom hourglass is you know it's fun um but a lot of people are turned off by just the graphics itself so uh we'll we'll see about it you know give your fail thanks find your bits thank you uh hi girl on your toilet princess playthrough uh at 406.53 chad asks for sub where you eat a spoonful whale you say if i hit 10 000 subs wondering where the veda view is eating that spoon of mayo during the subathon ah good you know what [ __ ] props for that question holy [ __ ] you did your research ah here i'll answer it uh super specifically then because you were as specific as possible um damn this is drake's dude um okay let me see if i can find it for you specifically um i know where it is i just need to find the video itself on the vod channel for you to watch oh hello i ran away that's fine um actually you know what ship uh while i'm finding this it is where is this that would be on here wait uh might have been earlier then uh yeah i'll board the ship oh what the hell is this what the hell is this the [ __ ] sorry one second [Music] there we go guys let's go okay so wow okay i thought that was gonna be jesus christ that was that was awful i didn't even know what that was um damn i can't find it for some reason uh one second pause champ chat um i know it's here somewhere [Music] it was later right before or after i touched grass it's not here i thought it would be yeah oh here it is one chord uh point crow tries miracle berries here thanks for asking good question goodness that was just incredible oh who are you hello i'm very impressed uh more impressed than i have been for a very long time what did those things do to you uh you must be a very pure-hearted individual i think what me my name is well it's not worth mentioning really i think it's worth the man of smiles that's what i should like people to call me and what is your name link what a fine name that is well done link from now on you and i are friends it is done that's very parasocial of you okay what do you want i'm a terribly sorry you were the one who helped me yes i should do something thank you yes i'll give you a present do you want cha should we get a mysterious thing or a normal thing mysterious you got the hero's new clothes they're so light they don't exist those clothes were said to have been worn by a hero of ancient times their rare garments said to hold the truth very mysterious yes i'm very very generous i'll give you the normal thing too and the treasure map okay what the [ __ ] that's just normal piece of paper you can use it to blow uh your nose or you can make a paper sandwich it's not nutritious but it could be delicious wait where are the clothes the hero's new clothes wait what nice i don't know if i can put that on chat all right i of ruins the emperor's new clothes yeah it's a disney movie you know gusco gusto's close like clothes for cusco nice all right i gotta i gotta catch the shark real quick no oh there's three sharks thanks all right nice now the shark is gone all right all right so let's see if uh we can go through the cyclone what whoa look at those pyramids see that kid the cyclone just vanished i guess that story about the necklace opening the weight was true after all yeah dude look at those pyramids that's so cool dude i'm pogging hell yeah bye for five minutes crow hey man it's not a um it's not an airport you don't need to announce your departure whoa cool what a weirdly shaped island yeah this can't just be natural uh i think it's safe to say that this is the cobble kingdom damn okay um right yeah this is crazy it's it's probably because the maps probably like this because the cobble kingdom was ruined this is a large this is a large one though my god champion charizard thanks for the prime for four months what's in here oh that's what's in here vodka what are you okay all right you're just uh you're just zora okay that's fine we can beat zoro pretty easily nice nice easy dude hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah brother we just beat that fish like i beat my meat wait what um to those with power the path to the kingdom will be in glory uh path to the kingdom huh so we can finally go deeper into the island things have said that you should see the third night right yeah we should find the third night all right let's go over here yeah so what's along this area oh not that's the water and we have all this oh lord um all right let's figure this out uh this is definitely a maze of some sorts and we need to figure out how to go across it in this weird fashion nice um all right so we go across here ah i keep falling into this trap the women want me fish fear me i should get more uh i have some uh other shirts like that i should probably get i've been meaning to uh get like a better style um i've heard recently that um uh my style is okay like very okay with clothes and i will attest to that i think it is very okay and nothing more nothing less i think it's just it like it is just okay um so it's like i feel like i need to like actually get like some sort of like style for myself uh because you know i've been i've been rocking uh this the way i've been you know what how do i even get there all right i've been rocking this like since uh you know way way long ago so i feel like i should probably you know get a better style does that mean you'll get a skincare routine too i don't need a skincare team my skin's fine another thing there okay there we go i gotta get some drip you know no i i just gotta get like some something something good to wear you know um something where i'd like show up to a function and i'd be like yeah i look sick you know like i look pretty good uh so right now it's more like yeah i look like okay like this is comfortable you feel me i mean you have bad skin no you did say that lauren i heard that i heard you yeah maybe i should just wear a tuxedo t-shirt yeah that would be that go over really well right i should wear that not only just like uh like to clubs and everything but i should wear a tuxedo t-shirt to uh a wedding i think it's a great idea you know i i think like it'd be like hey you know uh do you take your lawfully let it what you know did you take you know this this woman had to be a ride and i'd be like yeah shocked dude holy [ __ ] oh hey maji uh thanks for the uh raid appreciate that uh i hope you had a good birthday why did you choose to rape me on your birthday i'm honored oh my god you know what you are putting phil's birthday man chad can we retaliate with some people c-sections congratulations on being born you know what i'm i happen to be one of those people that am glad uh that uh uh that you were so uh hell yeah i'm so i'm uh congratulations on revolving around the sun yet another time let's hear it out for another yeah yeah you'll you'll get another you get another round you know it's crazy yeah being seen another 12 months that's less than 13 but more than 11. it gets crazy no but i hope you had a wonderful uh a wonderful birthday congratulations well if you don't want me asking how old did you turn um i know generally how old you are i just don't know the exact age um you had a great stream i assume you're doing like fall guys customs and a whole bunch of other things he's 23. uh well happy 23rd birthday hell yeah um it doesn't get better uh no i'm kidding you're one step closer to being able to rent a car in the u.s you can vote you can drink you just can't rent a car yet you got two more years can i ask for a present all right what is your uh what would you like for your present i don't wait unless unless i mean i clearly had something planned um happy happy birthday everybody happy happy birthday [Music] yay all right what is it what age to rent a car it's 25. join me from a lot monopoly yeah right now or or like later did you just end it great yo thanks for the 38 months would you [ __ ] your pants for me later yeah i'm down maji just yummy um also i would just do that regularly it doesn't have to be a birthday present [Laughter] interior on disney world okay uh trey yes i would you know what i would projectile diarrhea [ __ ] for you literally i would eat taco bell and coffee take laxatives and i i would do that for you trey that's true friendship right there anyways go follow maji you guys uh if you haven't already maji thank you so much for the raid happy birthday i hope you've had a great one so far um and uh yeah if you're new for mahji's stream and uh you are expecting maturity well um you might want to stop by and watch somebody else uh but you can follow my stream as well if you'd like you know all right guys sick thanks baji i can't wait it'll be fun all right let's go this way oh where do we want to go we want to go to uh probably the upper left temple you know new emote idea pico diarrhea okay well um i've heard you know what surprisingly i haven't heard a worse idea in my life so congratulations i think you have literally made the worst idea you you've done it [Laughter] all right all right um let's go around here all right so in case you're stopping by if you don't know what po you know if you don't know what uh the whole legend of zelda phantom hourglass game is this is a ds game from 2007. i'm just completing it because this is one of the uh this is the first zelda game i ever played i never finished it and so we're finishing it on stream if you don't know what the story so far is well then go with uh um go take a cat kiss and shove it up your ass because uh it's clearly obvious on the screen now okay anyways if you don't know what it is totally fine the story so far is essentially there's this big bad guy who wants to suck the life from the earth uh and uh we on behalf of the ocean king do you defeat him with the phantom sword in order to beat the fantasy in order to get the phantom sword we need to collect the three metals across the world we've already collected two this is the last metal um which is known as the aquinine and so in order to get the aqua and find it we need to go around this island if you see it uh here we go around this island and uh go to each one of these uh pyramids uh for the last three nights of the cobble kingdom and then probably i'm assuming this is the last one uh which is the king and the king is the one that has the aquanine so that's what we're doing right now we're completing a whole bunch of puzzles it's a lot of fun if you ever want to be like oh my god my streamer is big brained i know you guys are coming from maji um then uh i meant to fall down that cliff uh it was actually it was a strategic um uh it was uh all right um if you want to watch a smart stream where you can watch mahji if you want to watch a dumb streamer complete hard puzzles then you can oh sorry if you want to watch a dumb stream or attempt to beat puzzles meant for children uh then you can uh stay here and watch me um that was meant to be a slight emoji but it didn't work out well at all oh [ __ ] all right uh we'll head over here turn left and all that stuff all right we'll be good so we just need to go this way and into this pyramid it's a performance issue well we call it a skill issue um impressive ruins uh they got here i wonder if pure metal is here uh it seems like this might be the oh oh let's get the king's key so we can wake up this land from its lungs because these amazing ruins mean there has to have been a kingdom here long ago i'm starting to think that the pure metal might be here we don't have the king's key though where can we find the king's key hello oh hell hi there this is the cobble kingdom land of the sea people that was destroyed uh long ago i am one of the four knights who serve under the king i am the third knight remember i defend the seal of this land you boy with the regal necklace something for where the king something where king muto sleeps as needed yes you okay yeah i was speaking and then my nose just suddenly got blocked up so i was like oh god that might be tmi but you know what chad would you still watch me if i was a worm so you seek the pure metal to forge the sacred sword and slay a great monster our king muto did have the pure metal you seek but the monster entered his temple awakening him from his sleep he is enraged can you enter his temple and slay the monster yes we will calm the king's great rage show us how you can defeat the monster and sue the angry king once the king has calmed down i believe he will be willing to hear your story enter the great temple of the king muto the sealed land must be resurrected meet the second knight doyland who sleeps in the temples of the island's east that temple is treacherous but if you can overcome it he will acknowledge you i will open another path for you let it lead you all right here we go uh you will open another path for me is it it's not this one um cool cat would you [ __ ] your pants for me actually wait i don't know if trey's still here trey if you are here would you who will han buns thanks for the prime for 21 months look over there link like if i'm like hey guys i'm about to die right like i i am about to die right now unless you like on command [ __ ] your pants right now brown them off you know i had my headphones off trey would you [ __ ] your pants for me oh ten thousand percent [Music] yes let's go true friendship no hesitation that's my best friend that's my best friend train yes dude i [ __ ] my pants for you too man i'm doing it right now if you need it thanks man um yeah i know i appreciate the pre-emptive no that's uh no no thanks yeah yeah yeah yeah uh that's great all right i appreciate it you best friend roger glad you're taking uh you know pre-emptive measures for me eric when you shoot your pants for us no dude i'd hold that [ __ ] in constipation all the way let's go dude i'd rather explode all right um here we go all right so it stretches to get to the second temple i wonder whether which one it is um we can go back by getting down here right like this is this is the other way to go yeah it seems like okay i don't want to go all the way around have you played fallout or skyrim i have not i've no i haven't played either but they both look like good games let me get you a homie that pops a laxative on the spot get you a homie that not only pops a laxative on the spot but has some ready and available at all times we'll here for love thanks for the prime freight mods thank you come for the game play stay for the bromance hey i'll do anything for those uh for for for my friends um i was about to say i'll do anything for those laxatives i thought that might have been too weird okay we got we got uh you guys shouldn't have me so i'll do this nice let's go anything for me right i mean you know it's real when one of your moderators is literally named laxatives i mean just look look at them they spell it a little differently but their name is they pronounce they pronounce it laxatives chat say hi to laxatives to me um they're a pretty cool moderator yeah laura uh true lore uh says that the reason why they named themselves after it um was because uh i don't even know how to go through this hello poop enforcer no don't don't okay well you know what i'll allow it for now oh no wait so hear me out here we are so we have all-time lore all-time lore also known as the squatty potty right uh laxatives also known as the poop enforcer we love we love the moderators here um and their nicknames all right so we can't go across yet but we can go to this temple doyland's temple apparently treacherous oh that's probably why because there's boulders all right let's go up here and around okay oh [ __ ] look at that he's too good at dodging okay we'll ignore that oh [ __ ] hell i swear to god oh and then we go across here nice anyways chat you guys think we can uh you guys want to finish this tonight uh i might be live like literally all day today just just playing this i am the second knight doylen i am the protector of the key that keeps the island sealed i'm impressed that you were able to clear the traps and monsters in this temple i will not stop one who is trying to return the king's sleep take this king's key eyes we're gonna turn that later awesome uh take that key and return to the third night bremer uh release the seal and restore our kingdom to the rightful shape all right let's do it this game kind of reminds me of minish cap was minish cap good did you guys enjoy minish cap for those who played it i don't know if uh it never like it's never appealed to me it's never been like one of those games where it's like yo you gotta play minish cap it's always been like hey you gotta play you know link's awakening you gotta play um fire emblem you to play you got to play spear tracks um one of those is not like the others um but yeah never played it it's an older game right i don't know if i'm like really into the 2ds all those this is like 2.5 d he's talking [ __ ] on spirit tracks apparently it's like hit or miss apparently like a lot of people either really like spirit tracks or really hate spirit tracks all right here we go so we insert the king's key here here okay we release the seal oh oh we really release the seal that seal do be released okay the seal has been broken with the king's key the land has been resurrected take the new path and meet the first knight max i like how there's doiland there's draemer uh the king muto and then there's [ __ ] max over there there's that guy you know we're in soup thanks for the two dollars appreciate that grocky thanks for the 100 bits as well and hey if you guys are enjoying the play through so far uh and uh you haven't um and you haven't followed the stream yet feel free to follow you know uh we're so close to a million followers uh you could be them will you literally don't check it but you literally could be the millionth follower if you follow right now you could be number one million don't check it though amazing uh look link the shape of the island is changing whoa half the island that was underwater is now floating the water has drained away let's get down link ruthella thanks for the prime for two years thank you yeah literally chat here watch right here if you fall you know i'm gonna go get water okay uh because my throat for some reason is dry um if you wanna follow the stream you can see yourselves live okay this is this is a little hack uh fun fact this is a little hack uh that you can do on twitch if you're ever a streamer and you're like i want to get more followers right here chat if you just if you follow the stream you'll see your name right now all right we're back so ah hello good exit right all right winter wolf games thanks for the prime for three months fizzy all thanks for the 100 bits ah all right here we go let's uh let's go down and and see this new map that we just got look at it it's totally different mava thanks for the 15 months of prime yeah look at this new map that's crazy um i guess we gotta go down to the new area that we're part of so we gotta go this way nice it's kind of cool how they use this uh um island and they're like okay let's actually like do a totally new thing with all of this that's a it's a pretty neat uh neat thing they just like changed it all on the fly [ __ ] uh picky thanks for the uh 300 bits and there thanks to the 200 bits thank you guys thank you as uh beetle says thank you [Music] i can't push you okay uh which means i can't go this way but i can push this one okay see if we can solve this puzzle why uh via walker thanks for the 100 bits yeah i'm uh let's see about this let's go up here and then we push this boulder and it should crush the other one right nice it's really cool uh doing these puzzles i feel like i solve them relatively quickly correct me if i'm wrong um i feel like i saw these relatively quickly so it's always like a good feeling to just kind of like you know do that um this seems like i should push it up and then roll it along the line here i don't know what that does yet but we'll figure it out fish thanks for the 14 months nice and that was correct that's what we needed to do i can't go down this way so we'll go over to the right but thanks for the five gifted subs thank you wait wait wait i gotta thank hey thank you [Music] isn't that better thank you so much for those five years and stop speaker of gifts when you see some gifties all right so what do you give me uh wisdom jump okay so i'm not supposed to go here yet um uh thank you uh dan the vampire thanks for the 300 bits as well thank you you guys are pretty cool all right so for now this one now i want to take it oh i can't can i push it this way i can um i want to take that and i want to push it down to crush this boulder see if that's anything that we need nice you love beetle you'll have to see it all right hello what's up here it's a button to get back okay awesome and then we'll go down oh what the hell oh i have to go around interesting i love the i love the the little uh uh capstones uh with the pyramids and everything too that's so cool this is uh this is a nice aesthetic and i really have to praise phantom hourglass for uh really i feel like here correct me if i'm wrong phantom hourglass in my opinion out of every single zelda game that i have played phantom hourglass is the one that has innovated the most based on the console that it's on aka it has really used the console to its advantage i'm gay congratulations for for being gay um yeah figure pride oh but yeah yeah right like it's it's like you have like the ds you have that one thing where you close the ds to put an imprint right like you have uh you you literally write on the map with your ds right there's there's so many cool things you you you know you blow into the mic to you know uh to to blow things away from the map it's really like innovative and i know it's like you can only you can't do everything on like the switch or anything but there are some like cool things that you can do i don't know um i just thought it was like really really awesome uh that they uh they did this you know the writing on the map is a good feature the story's pretty good phantom hourglass is definitely underrated you know hello you're max right i am the first knight max so a human can break this island seal i can allow you to meet him if you aim to defeat the monster as you say however you must first pass this trial i'm about to present to you do you seek to face my trial then allow me to explain to enter the king's temple you must draw the secret crest on the corridor door the corridor door the corridor the corridor door door the door or door door discover the crest and the great corridor door will open for you you must solve the riddle written on the tablet in the corridor i will open the entrance to the corridor now be on your way all right so we need to find the crest all right look the door that's the entrance to the corridor to the great temple where over there okay cool did you sleep today you seem off did you sleep today you seem you seem off dude man you're you're more [ __ ] up than usual my god uh hello no you're just a regular skeleton okay all right hello so this is the corridor door the tablet is over here um okay hello now it was it was worth a shot it was it was worth a shot what was this again uh the towel was in the surface uh labyrinth oh the tablets in the surface labyrinth like the maze yeah yeah i got it i got it i got to do this chat this would be so cool if i could do it why is he looking down because i'm playing on my uh thing here so apologies if that's uh incorrect um or apologies if that's a little weird okay no i got it i got it i got it wait oh wait i'm about to big brain this dude i think i know damn it dude imagine because it's like king muto so i was like i was like well like what if it's an m know it was like you know or hear me out what if it's a w damn all right fine we'll find it out yeah i know the reason why i'm looking down is so you guys can see my new hair yeah it's a new hair showcase you're welcome that's exactly yeah you got it right you got it right no i'm i'm uh i haven't i'm playing this on my wii u so i have to like i could do it like this where i play it like that but i don't know and it's like weird so i'm just kind of like looking down and playing it and hopefully that's like okay um while i still talk flying bird thanks for the 100 bits thank you uh dan the vampire thanks for the uh 300 bits okay gotta go over here okay yes so i need to go down here and those are oh these are fine okay so i need to find these guys all right um travel south from me so this is two all right [ __ ] fine i swear if i technically got this what game is zelda this what game does it say in the title answer my question and you shall know yours [Music] there we go all right it says finishing today well it's all before that i said okay what does it say before that travel northwest for me okay bro oh wait no this might be a little bit different than i thought okay okay i don't need the rest chat watch this i don't need the rest um can i get back up somehow or how do i get back up wait oh hello what's this nice power gem [Music] all right so i just need to go through here you know what i'm not even like it's right there i'm not going to read it i'm not going to read the tablet i just i just it's just you know it's i'm not going to read that tablet either wait what wait why were there two tap wait what the [ __ ] wait why was there a tablet over wait what okay maybe i didn't even read the tablets why is there a tablet right here wait what the hell wait what all right all right here i'm curious all right curiosity fine when the five stars are aligned the crest i'll be revealed yeah that's the answer okay yeah it's fine all right um and then okay here we go all right i got this i got this chat don't you worry don't you worry child see i've got a plan all right [ __ ] um we'll go around okay okay is that my plan that was that was my plan you're right you're right i got it i got it yep that was it you are so totally correct okay so it's like this watch this watch it watch this [ __ ] okay we got a couple more tries [ __ ] all right there's there's a couple more tries that we could we have here let's go it's like uh it's like a banner see i only need to do half the puzzle easy nice easy dude wait can i do it again is that the shape of the island or is that just me that's just you yeah i think you need glasses you're blind all right six foot uh butch thanks for these six months thank you uh hybrid equalist thanks for the six months uh thank you i'm glad you're enjoying and yes i've also been addicted to fire emblem um pill sucks thanks for the uh psylux that's your name is eight months uh thank you and brittany thanks for the 27 i appreciate that a ton thank you um memento all right okay we got two zoros here that's fine no it didn't work whoa you since when did they spit fire when was that a thing all right that's fine yo birdo wait i thought you already subbed wait didn't you just do everything wait didn't you stop at the beginning stream wait what the [ __ ] wait i could have sworn you literally subbed at the beginning of stream thanks for the pride for the 32 did you not i don't know how it did it twice bro bro what the [ __ ] did you just sub twice i'm real scroll i'm gonna scroll uh i've been live for two hours it literally says birdo 90 yeah your original sub message was high no chad no i gotta show you this yeah chad no no i gotta show you this oopsies okay you see this right here you see this two hours ago bordeaux re-subscribed for 32 months if i scroll all the way back up right you can just see right now wait doesn't appear here wait it doesn't appear here wait what the [ __ ] but it appeared in chat right here all right so good to know that birdo just scammed all of us congratulations berto you have uh scammed twitch you now have two subs all right now we go to the king king muto ah mewtwo's temple we got a temple chat buckle in look at this place i bet it's packed with traps we better be extra careful here link oh we have time right it's a time bombs by time okay we do that right [ __ ] are you serious all right well good to know that we can also just do this okay so that's that's sort of lame i wish we had a better scenario like like i would you know because if we can just do this thank you there we go jesus christ all right we're all good right nice nice he calls himself a legend pro okay legendary pro okay i'll give i'll clue you into something all right i'll clue you in so a professional doesn't mean they're good it just means they're paid to do it all right so just because someone says they're a professional at something doesn't mean they're actually good at it so i as a pro you know as a streamer professional streamer you know okay let me go oopsies um all right so let's do this that's okay because it just blew up the bomb [Music] wait did the bomb not go off oh i thought it did huh did you get paid did you get to choose your name i'm this is the worst thing ever [Music] okay i quit i i quit i quit i quit i quit i quit it's over all right you're right pack it up guys stupidest gamer [ __ ] life sorry to god [Music] what the [ __ ] i put i placed my bar oh i placed my bomb down but the bomb bombs buy more time in that they do oh wait i can't i can't do it across i thought oh okay i guess not i thought you could [Music] i got this guys i got this watch this oopsies right smart easy dude let's go easy wendell's design thanks for the 11 months uh jesus runner thanks for the four months thank you face i think for the 10 months i got the answer it took me a little bit to get there but i got it what was the point of hitting with the sword before placing the bomb i thought the bomb would last longer so i'd hit it with the sword it would last and then the bomb would renew it but it didn't happen like that that was the idea behind it but then that didn't work so i had to think of something else which was which was the uh um bomb chew nice and that's why i love zelda puzzles they make you think outside of the box it's kind of cool oh okay hello uh you're a pirate oh my [ __ ] god look at this map jesus i'm gonna murder somebody what does this do we died okay right i up okay i promise i'm not going to murder anybody all right all right get down here uh oh whoa what is this okay go across the spine aesthetically cool and i guess we go up all right interesting so what do you guys do i can step on this right no i can't mom's gonna kill you bombs don't do anything to you can i grab you no i can't grab your stuff can i move one of you guys to step on this no i can't either okay i'll just move up and see if we can figure out something else later all right yeah anyways i hope you guys are enjoying if you guys are feel free to follow the stream if you're not enjoying then um you suck and i hate you um and you're the worst uh but yeah no i really hope you guys uh do enjoy all right so we have this next there was once uh there's one of these things earlier i wonder what it was i think i saw one in the temple of the issue king too it looks like a switch but it's rusty and probably won't budge if you stand on it yeah so we need something heavy to hit it hmm [Music] okay hey hello i guess you can count this mini boss uh just seems like regular enemies all right we have two and a half hearts yikes okay what's in here oh are we getting a new item a hammer it's small but packs a punch tap something to hit it tapping a hole to build up huge hammering power oh oh it's a big ham oh oh my god that's so funny wait wait wait wait wait wait look look she holds the hammer for me it's hammer time oh and those can press the the rusty switches oh okay good to know oh i remember one of these in the uh temple ocean king oh so we use this to spring ourselves up interesting okay good to know good to know and then now we can smack these wait i really like this we can smack the turtles now nevermind treasure chest is one okay yeah cool no i don't i don't care that's so cool all right so now we go back down here we can go here okay that's all this stuff now we can go back down and then there's some areas here that we might want to uh enter into neat generally the most overpowered thing i've seen i love it it's so cool and we can go in here all right and can we bop this no and can't we no but we can do this where we push this guy down this is what we did at the beginning of the uh um like to get into the temple where we push a boulder into another and it breaks nice ah look he's smart he's smart oh what is that what the hell is that thing this is the second or third metal gathering temple this is the third the last one i believe the it's probably most likely probably the last temple that works you just hammer somebody to death this has to be probably my favorite are we gonna start spear tracks next week i don't know uh phantom glass seems to be popular but not that popular so um while it's fun at all i will see i will say it is uh 50 for 50 chance okay so we go here uh i'm gonna here okay then can we yeah we can just like go across [ __ ] that's a lot there's there are a lot of things you need to do in a short period of time okay nice i'll beat you and then i'll walk across and i'll do this and that and then that and here we go nice last one and that's so we can actually get back up okay cool nice we made it uh and then there might be something over here which there is a treasure chest agent jawbreaker thanks for the four uh thanks for the seven months thank you got a courage jam cool uh but yeah thanks for these seven months of prime welcome in glad you're enjoying nice and a small key um i believe there was a area back there where we needed the small key but we might backtrack there anyways yeah there's another keystone cap on the left yeah right over here can i that does okay we'll find out what that does in a bit um if i recall we need to yeah we are backtracking over here to get this keystone cap i don't know what a keystone count it's you know like the little cap on like the uh um what the [ __ ] oh does this count as a does this count as a water temple if the water rises and lowers what does this do oh okay so we have to make all of them red we're just three in a row no all of them red i'm so close pause champ alice sings for three three months thank you uh lemonade thanks for the five months thank you bro bro i'm gonna scream oh my god wait wait i had it too wait no no cha cha cha cha i literally had it wait no i actually literally had it okay i am going to scream oh that is so annoying i just didn't do the middle i was so close yeah i just need to do the middle there that would have worked there we go oh look at that uh first try that is a fun puzzle though that is a fun puzzle it took me a little bit to get there but that was fun all right save complete all right here we go um and then i can do that and this gives me stuff okay um but does it also give me the ability to shoot you it dies all right cool and that makes me able to go around here ah nice let's go dude let's [ __ ] go hell yeah first try okay that was a lot faster right oopsies ignore that all right that was that was like a lot faster so you know i just want to say you're welcome uh wait what the [ __ ] how does that help at all what what wait what did that do i think that's for later then it allows us to open this and change it um okay so we can't go this way yet in do it again i'm figuring this out don't worry the brain is functioning i promise okay go down this way ah yeah and then i can go this way uh into here i want to shoot across i think so okay what does this do now okay now i can go wait no never mind i don't want to be here then all right i'm i'm learning here where what he's playing on uh wii u playing on a wii u alright so i can go down here now it's important for me ah it is new place all right cool atg thanks for the tier one boy going away all right treasure chest on this floor okay hey you guys ready give it up for round three chat oh you can hit outside of the you can hit outside outside of the puzzle oh smart cool that's so cool nice oh whoopsies wrong way finally got it i uh solved it the other ways though so you know he was still good now uh and then i'm assuming we shoot down here oh okay that goes there all right so we got to hit that somehow and the way we hit it i'm assuming is we [Music] no we can oh i can aim that so if i use the hammer here and then i go down over here and i use the arrows i can shoot that nope too high can't go up here yet very interesting uh do i want to yeah if i go down wait so then can i hit a cross no i can't so if i'm like right here i can't i can't go across okay it doesn't work um i need to move that thing so it hits down i do this i can throw a bomb i think i can throw a bomb across that might work it that might do it there we go the brain cells are definitely on overtime right now nope uh you're too far away to throw a bomb oh oh my god wait can i just hit it like up here no i can't i have to be on a on a different level for to hit it okay if i hmm i can't throw a bomb right no i can't it's not gonna work shovel can't hit can't grapple can't that works i'm smart first try let's go oh jack oh i just see a lot of boomerangs inside uh don't spoil it please uh for the love of god nobody likes it when you spoil things uh yeah seriously okay so this will be fine because i can now just do like this nice oh or i can just flip it all wait which which form doesn't want to be in red and blue when they are aligned in the true form the path will open um okay well if i do this it'll shoot again through form thank so i need to have it be in the same spot oops [ __ ] so it's if it's the same one yeah it works awesome okay that makes sense so the true form is just just means that it's the same thing awesome let's go solves the puzzle easy um all right we'll head out over this way the new guy hello goodbye never mind you're just dead uh alphys ratio plus you suck plus uh get flush and we got 100 rupees cool and now we can do this okay so for you i can't move you at all i can i smack you i cannot so we can't smack these things um i need to go [Music] over this way so what is over here nothing of i can't move this way can i i don't want to get stuck does seem to make me want to go down though i'm can i move this no i can't move this up either espresso depresso thanks for the prime for six months airstream well there's no way for me to like you know look here so i am like looking down a lot i apologize if that ruins your um your experience but i'm trying my best um um so apologies for that need to go across here oh no i wanted to go across oh you know why i think we need to raise the level oh okay so i'll just head back real quick it wouldn't be too too hard to do okay be sure to take breaks so you don't hurt your neck thank you for your concern but i am an adult i don't need you to um help like that um there's uh sorry it gets a little uh when when when it's like oh hey poincare take breaks make sure you drink water it's like all right i i'm an adult i don't need you to uh mommy uh annoying but i appreciate the uh intent to help um nice all right here we go um so now that we have this we can go back down and go around back to where we were before um i think i messed up a tiny bit here should be all good though so if we go up this way parts because we're literally so like we're almost dead um yeah so if we go up this way we already go across right like that's that's yeah we already go across so if we leave the state of the world in other disarray never mind if we go up here um wants us to go down do we i think we still no no we do we move this all right do we yeah we have to move this away get into here and we can get up to here this is this is all new so this is this is like what we had before i don't know how to get past this or like a cross yeah i can't do that yet but can i bomb this can i literally just bomb it i don't think so no hmm okay oh wait what if i supercharge it i thought that was going to be it can i supercharge to kill these guys not look like it [Music] i am this is the first puzzle i think all game where i'm genuinely pretty stuck uh and we came from over there dick i [ __ ] up oh i [ __ ] up damn it i gotta go back figure this out i'll figure it out don't mind me super uh sleuth eric point crow on the way i'll get it i'll get it i'll just do this again oh god let me see i think we yes down here right again uh go around easy man how do we do this so uh for this uh we just i'll get i'll get the free heart again oh no i guess there's no heart this time um and we can go up this way okay so now we are forced into this location so the solution has to be in this location somehow we i do that oh i can do that ah there is the solution i got it there we go awesome i thought it was big brain that i thought to charge it up so then we go over but you know i tried still figured it out so all right so what's over here a lot of stuff that opens up this is going all the way back uh that's a big chest which we can go back to it's like this is a sub puzzle oh we can go through here nice um i can do that looks like it wants me to bring the boulder up here okay an interesting puzzle okay this is cool though this is really cool oh okay to knock it to the side here then we can get access to that chest whatever's in that chest this is like a little side like if you see it you get it right no that's actually the boss key okay so i can i throw the boss key down hello now okay wait how do i get this oh you throw it like that oh [ __ ] i'm trying to throw it it's not working i don't know why it's not working it's it's literally not throwing i'm literally not throwing why isn't it throwing chat i don't want to go here i want i want to put it down not throwing not throwing there it is i don't know why that took so long oh because that's not how you're supposed to do it oh okay never mind apparently the boss key is uh too heavy or i just it doesn't exist uh it's not made of matter at all all right cool let's go through here um and this is its own thing so getting the boss key back is its own little puzzle [ __ ] [Music] all right never mind okay here we go gotta fight these guys off [ __ ] [Music] oh my god i'm gonna scream maybe the maybe this is the true boss and that's how you do it thank god all right we did it pokemon thanks for the four months thank you all right on to the boss that maybe the true boss of of phantom hourglass was the friends we made along the way the things we did the journeys we had boing oh is this it all right here we go this is the boss presumably what i think is the final dungeon of the game all these hearts uh step into the blue light right cool here we go okay what is this what the [ __ ] is this uh hello eox ancient stone soldier okay what happens when we swing ourselves up oh we can we deal damage if we swing ourselves up okay so we go up so we do this nice nice okay so he also has arms and legs we have to also have to hit okay nice good enough he's gonna turn and everything i see i was not on it okay oh boss so far oh we got hit that's fine i just hit you from i can't i have to i i think i have to be swung close did a lot of damage there okay he has his arms left the two upper arms that's all he has i can't swing on his face okay oh it's like it's like in his back okay so i need to be like behind him hey get your butt i got your butt he's uh he's a reggie chat this is like reggie rock [Music] this is a cool boss though i like it a lot oh you can see the back of his head [Music] i didn't swing at it i missed it again it's fine all right we got three hearts left might die i got one hit one hit okay gotta do it again gotta go gotta go oh two hearts left no oh god no hey don't hit me don't hit me i'm on it what do you mean [Music] i got one other hit maybe i'm doing it wrong [Music] i got it's literally just one hit one hit one hit his face is almost dead oh we have one heart oh no [Music] oh so close dude i thought we got a first try damn damn all right we'll do it again oh we're at the start of the temple whip oh my god i had food too he had potions i'm such an idiot i had potions just ignore the fact that i had potions all right we'll do it again but this time we're gonna win and you're gonna like it all right here we go i'm literally on it fine nice that is nice [Music] gotta focus you still got me good so far got like his whole side oh i thought i could get another okay it's fine everything's fine it's lava fire thanks for the one year okay good so far i think okay if he if he shoots me like that i gotta go to the left that's how it works that nice nice so all i have to do now is just from behind [Music] good so far so yeah i got a dodge like that yeah i just wasn't doing that before i got no hits in oh that's so frustrating okay he's just wearing a diaper right now don't worry about it guys oh that's fine good dodge nice i got his head now i just lit the only thing that's left is this bite the only thing left is his butt oh i need [Music] there we go what there's oh oh there's there's a couple things left [Music] get some points here you need to press them all oh cool and one last thing i think okay wait wait wait wait we gotta put him closer okay it changes it changes to a a different view that's interesting all right so i want you to come over here fine but now i can do this nice let's go that was a cool boss dude that was a really cool boss pretty neat if you ask me uh first try let's go [Music] cool you got more sand for the phantom hourglass two minutes have been added yeah it's kind of weird uh how all of the video game bosses in in uh um phantom hourglass you know like have all of their weak spots painted red yeah if they just painted it a different color just be harder you got a heart container you increased your life by one and reflected look at this i love i love how you can see like the full arena isn't that such a cool it's really rare you see like a 9x16 sort of game isn't that sick this is neat dude what a game and here we go to the tomb of king muto ah so you were the one who restored silence to our temple my name is muto i am the king of the great kabul kingdom only the true hero would have him with the three spirits of the ocean king not to mention the ability to defeat the foul beast i know what you seek so you say the ocean king is in dire trouble i can't help in my current state but your presence gives me great confidence i will give you our sacred treasure the aquanine please take it with you i will now return to my blissful slumber we're all counting on your help for the yoshiki and the last the last pure metal the aqua need it's one metal you need to make the sword only a sword forged of the three pure metals has the power to defeat bellum you did it you got the pure metal from this island link come on let's hurry back to lineback all right here we go well we need to get the phantom sword but you know same thing all right back to linebacker we go um might take us a little bit to get back but we uh well we'll head there yeah so we gotta forge the phantom sword now which will be super cool i'm excited uh and then i guess we make it to our final because i don't see anything else like i'm assuming this is going to be our final uh time going to the ocean temple pretty neat hello what's that you got it you got the pure metal well what are we still doing here let's go yeah we're almost done with the game we are almost done with the game kind of crazy when you think about it we've we've uh we've we've gone gone so many places it's been so far is this the wait was the uh which one wait one second it was this one okay okay okay do we have any things here no i don't have the slates unlocked at all so we gotta go back to the blacksmith um but yeah what a fun game so far i hope you guys have been enjoying as much as i have okay yeah i've never experienced it this is kind of cool so have you been playing it i'm glad you guys have been liking it for for those who have ah makaya thanks for the prime for two months [Music] bye seagull neato loves you thank you so much for the five uh those are the seven months thank you all right so now we got to go all the way over here and maybe maybe fish something a little bit exciting exciting ah we're gonna ignore that one as well i just forgot that existed all right chad all right that'll be our little secret your little secret all right actually you know what let's fish on the way here there we go we're gonna get it we're gonna get a big one chat we're going to get a big one here we go oh that is that is as a far fish 32 yards yikes oh it doesn't look big i'll be real with you guys it's not playing much of a fight i don't know if this is a big fish guys that seems like a small fish two feet three inches that is a skippy jack yep love to see how large that fish is that was a quite a large fish if you ask me really yeah a big catch oh there's another fish here but there's another fish here wait what okay come on be a big one 32 yards again oh oh this one seems bigger so oh that one's huge dude oh my god let's go okay it's a big chalker look at it i'm waiting i'm waiting i think we're pulling it now no no we can't wait we can't we hitting again don't do too early oh a luvar measures five feet four inches it's not very pretty but it's very mild-mannered [Music] oh lord god damn holy [ __ ] all right let's go to zouzz's island here taller than eric it's not it's not totally i've no not nope i was talking about i am five foot nine all right let's go and uh get this phantom sword hello what's up zouzz so you found the three pure metals link i'm not surprised you have always been the true hero chosen by the ocean king well then please hand me the pure metals the crimsony the azerine and the aquiny i've never seen metal like this i'll bet i can forge a mighty sword with them but it will take some time no he's still working on it like like how much how much time though oh we got some mail this is a letter from jolene ahem this should be good one little boy in green so you got me and got me good humiliation burns hot in my pirate blood all right so you know we know what you're into uh and so my mind is haunted with this one searing word revenge they're in the rematch i've sharpened my skills since last week clashed i'm unbeatable oh yes somewhere on these vast seas or paths will cross again um if you have any honor at all you will meet me battle one last time and that's all it says a bit disturbing wasn't it where you just challenged you a duel get that often first threatening letter i've seen hope she doesn't defeat you joe oh thanks so much you made my day sir i'm walking on air all right uh you're not actually gonna accept i am going to accept you know you don't have to respond to a ranting and raving don't you she's your crazy friend why isn't link get stuck in the middle of this she can't deal with people who's stronger than she is that's all people are jealous they see my handsome face and have to challenge me they just don't understand that linebacker's true love is peace what i'm saying is i avoid a fight wherever and whenever i can there's something about her that doesn't seem quite right i can't deal with her anymore link there's one part of me that would like to set trolling straight and only you can do that kid just show her how weak she truly is we've got to show her how crazy she is and restore the peace to the seas i guess always thinking about herself so what should we do link we can't just ignore her it seems like zouz needs some time so maybe you should go check things out all right let's do it all right crazy jolene we're coming for you perfect to say prepare to set sail all right here we go one more time against jolene let's do it and then while we're facing jolene uh we are going to have our uh um uh while we're facing jolene we're basically going to have our uh phantom sword being built so good thing here all right jolene is over to the side let's go this way go say hi i've found you lineback it's been ages since our last encounter hello oh no you caught me ambush my lady i'm happy to see that you were well boying green i've heard a lot about all you are trying to accomplish spear me the innocent act though everyone knows what's going on about the monster bellum and the phantom sword that it's bane you there wooden box you better listen up too boy green you were attempting something only a fool would try who are you trying to save is irrelevant if you face that monster your efforts in life will be wasted that said if you have no care for your own safety for survival well then face me for i perfected the art of pirate fencing hold still for a moment oh god nice yeah i messed up mini boss before the big battle okay hello you gonna come at me or nice come on come on jolene come on has anyone sped run uh phantom hourglass is this like a common speedrun game nice this isn't over yet oh we're going oh we're going more easy you're still strong boy in green i think that's what you're attempting to do is crazy and yet there's something about you you stubborn personality that draws me the one who captivated me so long ago had that same look in his eyes boing green speak to the man in the crepe for me advise him that he should take notes for he might learn something you you were a fool lineback what was that girl's problem see this is why i don't understand women hey linebacker how exactly do you know that woman oh well it was a while ago uh i was just cruising through these waters anyways i happened to sail by just as her ship was attacked by a monster what can i say i slammed into the beast with my ship and saved the day wow that's impressive well if i'm being totally honest here i was just trying to get away see i sort of lost control of my ship and just happened to strike the beast so after that jolene and i traveled together for time but pretty soon i realized that for the two of us we're from different worlds yeah it's kind of embarrassing but she was a lot tougher than i plus i just wasn't cut out for the rough and tumble pilot for the pirate i always prefer the laid-back style of just sneaking off with the treasure anyways delane and i started seeing less and less of each other i knew i had to end it and well you know what well i made off with some of her treasure oh you [ __ ] you terrible man linebacker how could you uh anyways ever since jolene has been trying to get a revenge on me the thing is it wasn't even that great of a treasure i didn't even think it was worth so much that she'd follow me around like this that is one persistent woman let me tell you what was the treasure lineback you really are dense aren't you she likes you lying back oh [Music] oh she like likes you yeah maybe the treasure was her heart say bye to the seagull [Music] yeah maybe maybe the treasure was the friends we made along the way uh i'm gonna turn on the ac real quick it's kind of hot in here [Music] going on [Music] shot got the ac going all right here we go let's talk to let's talk to zouz and get the phantom sword hello oh look at it yes yes that's it it's complete it's perfect please take it link you got the sword blade it doesn't have a handle so you can't hold it sorry i mean you know where's the handle it's not complete i cannot call it truly complete without a handle take this blade to the ocean king he will add the sand of ours only he can empower the phantom sword with the ability to control time got it thank you danny kid thanks for the six months welcome back thanks for the sub come on let's hurry up and go to grandpa link yeah chad thanks for all the subs appreciate it seriously you guys are great um you guys are uh pretty pretty sick uh nasty with it stevie thanks for the nine months of your prime i'm having a great day you want to go the old man fine let's sit stale all aboard yeah uh thanks for the subs guys and thanks for watching thanks for enjoying uh thanks for all the followers as well you guys are great damn it all right southwestern sea all right let's go up and talk to the old man looks like the old man is going to empower the phantom sword and then we might delve deeper into the temple of the ocean king to stop bellum once and for all bye seagull cool all right let's go let's head out um yeah uh the old man should be i don't know if he's at the temple of the ocean king but he might be at his house so we'll go check it out luda thanks for the eight months appreciate that okay hello there's the phantom sword so you were able to get the sacred blade forged oh jesus christ it was garter well is very important with it you can make a sword to defeat bellum uh galaxy thanks for the prime for 17 months and the mudkip master thanks for the five months thank you with prime with it you can make a sword to defeat bellum hand me the phantom hourglass link bellow it's the evil that consumes life you can attack with furious strength he can also use the power he stole to deflect attacks the only item that can slay him is the phantom sword oh whoa here it is [Music] oh that is so cool look at that phantom sword damn dude you can see the sand of hours right in the hilt oh the phantom hourglass in the hilt you got the sacred phantom sword yeah the phantom hourglass became yeah you see it right there became the phantom sword this mighty sword has the power to defeat bellum that is really cool rare metals and mystical sands are fused together and so the phantom sword is born with that you can defeat bellum we're all counting on you link [Music] celia what's the matter grandpa some of your memories remain buried so you may not know this but you still have powers yet to discover as the spirit of courage you can harness the true power of the hourglass what powers i don't remember a thing yeah bellum can drain the life from people as well as their very memories your memory was drained when you were attacked yeah so if you defeat him i'm sure that you'll regain your memories too normally i'd be the one to help you on your quest but please forgive me it's okay that nasty bellum doesn't stand a chance against link we'll make quick work of bellum and return yourself return to you safe and sound come on link let's go all right let's do it we're counting on you may fortune favor you both in honor of need in your honor [ __ ] hour of need get it because it's the phantom hourglass all right it doesn't matter anyways let's go i i hear that hear me out i think this is the final bit of the game i think we're about to go beat bella oh hey what's up lineback yeah what are you what are you doing here it's you what there are times when i want to be alone too you know but i look at you kid you got the phantom sword that means you can enter the temple of the ocean king and beat the beast that's right the time has finally come to defeat bellum and rescue tetra hey we've come this far right guys if anyone can defeat him and return to tell the tale it's you link go get tetra back to normal and don't get yourself done in what get done in link don't be ridiculous he'll defeat bellam you'll see if you're going to be so negative why don't you go mop your deck yeah that's right all i do around here is mop decks is that what you think kid adventuring with you gave me a taste of what it's like to be a hero but here we part it's all up to you now i'll be back here mopping the deck oh hey what's gotten into you lineback yeah why so serious all of a sudden oh that's right uh hey celia huh what is it take care of the kid you go look out for him got it of course leave it to me hey he actually called me by my name uh there's no insults you all good lineback all right jolene is the deck by the way he's gonna mop the deck also known as jolie all right save your play all right here we go a temple of the ocean king for the last time here we go 15 minutes 32 seconds left let's go down and beat bellam oh i forgot how to do these puzzles all right uh i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to focus here [Music] okay that was just wasted time we're gonna you don't mind me going back and then um no i guess not nevermind i lied all right all right anyways let's go let's go let's do this all right we got this guys this is the end game we are in the final dungeon here the temple of the ocean king all right if i recall here's how we have to do it wait can we can we oh my god we can we can beat phantoms now okay that's huge uh big news big news big news big news that's actually like huge that is legitimately huge so you're gonna come over here you're gonna turn around and i just oh my god because we have the phantom sword that makes so much sense oh we have to do this that makes our lives so much easier and we're in the end game now okay now we go in um and we go over here cool all right so we have you okay and so you give me extra time so i want to beat all of these guys because they do give me extra time super nice nice okay um i need to do whoopsies i gotta focus here we've we've done all these puzzles before i just need to do it like once again you know i'm you know what i'm saying oh okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay yeah so we've done all these puzzles i just need to do them once once again so we'll be all good i'm in danger nice oh okay nice all right we'll go up here oh actually you know what we don't do this yet if i recall we have to go over here first there's like uh this is this is the weird thing that we have to do to to get everything all right uh so i want the replaying come over here and so we have we got 30 seconds every time we kill one of these things nice and we might as well get this as well cool hey we got a tourist prowl nice uh also known as the titanic my heart will go on [Music] near far wherever you are i believe that my arm will go on bro [ __ ] that's fine it's just nice take that my guy alphys ratio plus uh you suck so it looks like we do get an extra um we got like we getting like a treasure for beating all of the phantoms on every floor yo robbo thanks for the 23 months thank you i love tuning in to eric's amazing singing voice and one of these days they'll actually be all right you know one of these days we'll get there um i forget exactly how to do this where do i get the circle again chat [ __ ] uh was it in here totally start the whole dungeon over and kill the phantom yeah oh it's over this way isn't it i've you probably get like a ship part or something for that i don't know probably something like not that you like something you don't need you know you know what i'm saying um okay we can yeah we get the circle from over there [Music] where do you get the circle in the circle chest but yeah so i think i don't think we need a ship part because the ship is already beautiful okay so we need to go across here um and then down this way and this is where we got the circle you put the circle in the circle chest nice take that my guy you suck donkey balls alphas ratio plus donkey balls oh did we just block him wait did we just block the phantom what that's pretty cool if i did all right so yeah here we go 30 seconds good to go so far so good we got the round crystal okay so for the round crystal we go through here might take a little bit to go away yeah do we we don't have the the key so we have to go right write it down you can't spell the legend of zelda without spelling l twice exactly you know that's that's what they say that do be what they say i'm glad you realized that okay uh we go over here all right and then i forgot there's like a there's like a certain order that you put these in i forget what it is but there's a certain order to make the thing go all the way down that's deep it really do to be like that all right yeah the fact that we can kill phantoms now is like actually a game changer let's go in here and then we will take the square and this is all the easy parts okay cool um we got we got a couple more floors to go too this was uh these were three floors i think we got three more to go too this is like half guys ellie made to your stream hi hello oh did i get it right let's go i actually got it right let's let's do it hell yeah um yeah we have to do these guys right right right about that um yeah and you do a whole bunch of things where they teleport to you and all this stuff right that's exactly there was i forgot the solution to this there is a solution though nope that's not the solution okay and hey if you're liking the stream feel free to follow it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay um i can go into over here nice got one nice there we go hell yeah guys that guy does not go up anywhere okay so let's do this [Music] uh we have 12 minutes left we have 12 minutes was that two again okay cool perfect a long time we do got a long time on this so that's good to know i gotta solve all these puzzles again that's the one thing i don't really like about the temple of the ocean king um i think it put me off to the the um whole game initially when i first played it when i was really young is that you had to go to the ocean temple the issue king like a bajillion times like technically i think this is like our fourth time being there you know like being here and like this is our second time third time solving these puzzles actually so it's a little ridiculous you know okay i know there's shortcuts when you lock new items which is like always nice but you know it's still like a it's still a lot i can do that now what does that do oh new item cool that doesn't do anything i don't know why i did that um yeah it feels like you have to just like redo it even even though you have new items it's like some of these like puzzles like are not new like they're just they aren't new like they just they're regular puzzles you know so it's like a little annoying it was like a little annoying you know i didn't mean to kill it it wasn't the intention you know uh grab the hook all the way over here go nice then we can bomb this though i mean it's cool because you can like use a bunch of your key items like all at once and you can continuously do it um and it's like kind of helpful but it's like it's also like just kind of annoying uh that you have to like continuously like go more and more and do like so many more things then you would like normally have to actually i can get caught by these things all i want they're not going to kill me got a treasure map nice retracts tried to do something similar but 100 times better is it really if it is then that's awesome is is spear tracks better would you say it is nice if i can just beat the uh phantoms like immediately that's like huge yeah there we go you leaning towards you let's go dude really beer trucks is better all right if i kind of trust you guys you say so yeah here's the here's the shortcut right here um is we can just like skip this what's in here no [Music] [ __ ] damn it dude that sucks oh um yeah we just go around for this i think phantom hourglass is better for dungeons than spirit tracks interesting i mean we can go back actually okay here we go we can do it now all right what's in here oh more treasure maps awesome is that the bits symbol no it's a it's a triforce but you know that's funny imagine every single time you uh you know you see the triforce bits all right so we got three nice um i forgot how this goes ah damn it the reblink took me that sucks i mean i'm playing this carelessly god damn nice all right well we got 30 seconds back so um oh we got to hit the i forgot we got to hit the uh pressure plates here totally forgot about the solution all right well we got 10 minutes 10 minutes might be enough for whatever is coming up so fingers crossed it is nice um cool i don't know what that did but it did something so that's cool we just go back yeah do we do we go back or was that like the solution is this the is this the uh shortcut here it is the shortcut okay thank you this maya is probably it right yep that's it cool who goes there i'm just gonna kill you so right i'm just gonna kill you so i don't know what you're you're on about also another shortcut nice nice that's two now all we need is a third and that's the third right here yeah it's funny how something's so terrifying it totally isn't anymore once you have the ability to actually deal with it you know it's kind of cool that should be all the phantoms right nice let's go all right there's another there's a reaping here so i'm gonna try to get 30 seconds from this thing well needed 30 seconds [Music] and 300 rupees let's go we rich and there's the triforce yeah we're about to finish the game here so if you guys uh two like phantom hourglass this is uh this is the ending okay duty shout out to thanks for the four months all right yeah this is where we went to last time we just couldn't complete it okay okay there's okay there's the hayden thanks for the six months in advance okay phantoms they seem to be guarding that door go get them and get through that door link oh wait wait wait smart idea smart idea right here watch this watch this that's going to be huge you just know that's going to be huge okay here we go yeah we have nine minutes which is basically our yeah [Laughter] we have nine minutes which is basically our uh um our timer here that's one down two down three down awesome huge all right so now we have red three reds so it's like a little boss rush of phantoms nice oh dude the cheese all right so now we have the gold phantoms three gold phantoms i'm assuming all right here we go i just what happens when i hammer them oh it alerts them if i hammer like over here come over here okay come over here okay cool cool cool and we made it through the door you did it now we can go even deeper into the temple link oh my god what is this oh what is that who knew a place like this was in here deep inside the temple the end is really close so what are you standing around for let's get bellum link let's go let's beat phantom hourglass huh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay the bridge is down link we can't go back are you ready for this i am well if you're worried you can go back once and prepare it's okay i'm here for you link and i'm with you too i'm with you thanks everyone come on let's go link here we go uh let me do this you want to turn the entrance to the temple step into the blue light right right all right the end of phantom hourglass our final battle versus bellum that's sick what is this place oh there he is oh there he is oh god bellum the evil phantom oh oh we go we go we go go we go okay what do we do here um okay we have um you're spitting out toxic stuff okay um oh wait no no they're like little tentacle things there's like one over here or so oh no no he's only spitting out one there's that and i kill you okay nice does this do anything i'm supposed to kill you in a certain way it doesn't look like it so far okay that does damage to me um okay can i go up the stairs here okay i can go up the stairs i don't know what that does for me yet [Music] it currently does nothing um this is pretty though wow hey link those weird things that are trailing him do you think this is any way we can yank on them like if he used a tool to hook okay thanks thanks things trailing up so i gotta change to the hook shot like that like like oh like take them off we're cleaning them get cleaned oh oh then we push them closer okay nice nice let's go all right all right well what you doing oh you're going to the second floor now okay this is cool dude this multi-floor battle is neat all right all right so i think what we do here is we probably want to shoot with our um arrows here right yeah we do okay um make sure that uh bellum can't stay on the second floor i missed okay nice i also want to dodge because i am uh not in a good spot okay okay cool cool cool all right so we fell down now we need to go all the way back down do the same thing where we uh take this off so it looks like there's three stages to the battle okay or there seems to be three stages because there's uh uh three levels gotta play the best phantom hourglass here we go so far so good taking some stupid damage but that's fine am i actually even doing it no i got i gotta he needs to it needs to come back to me okay he's really dirty let's clean them more hey bellam i'm trying to help out man nice all right we'll get some more hearts here nice good damage here good damage oh let's go all right all right probably going to the third floor now aren't you yeah oh no second floor again second floor again second floor but some of them okay on the second floor just straight up for the second floor oh but they blink now so you you have to shoot the ones that are uh open now okay so it's a little more difficult [Music] okay damn okay good so far nice okay what are you doing now what the hell is this okay oh it's just an extra attack okay all right i want to get that uh one from across nice got it okay so then the one uh the word that's attacking me i need to go jason to it i think it's gonna follow me okay nice all right all right now what are you doing oh you're going to the top now all right third floor it is third floor it is okay cool hello so we do the same thing on the third floor oh but it's harder okay i missed um i don't have any arrows left i don't have any arrows is that a problem what happens when you don't have any arrows left i have two arrows i have one arrow i am unaware on how to get more arrows okay i have zero arrows now you give me arrows give me hearts i hook shot it is harder oh oh they sometimes give you arrows okay i haven't shot a single one on the third floor yet i keep missing so they occasionally will give you arrows but when it opens you immediately gotta shoot or else give me more arrows there we go all right awesome and it flops it okay so it switches up the uh actual stuff okay good to know nice okay good so far got 11 arrows i missed missed it [Music] nice all right i think we got one more on the top floor dude this is a good fight it's actually this really puts uh um uh this really like puts every single skill you have in that you learn in phantom hourglass to test it's kind of it's kind of neat it's kind of cool i like it a lot whoa there we go we shot him oh what's that what is that you spit something out ew why i feel like i've seen that somewhere before me of another time oh that's our memories that's celia's memories what was that i feel so strange i wonder what that was celia grandpa that is the memory you lost long ago bellum attacked you stealing your power and memories now those memories have surfaced you have them back i remember i remember it all now i'm celia the spirit of time and courage i finally remember everything all right celia now is the time to deliver the final blow to bellum that monster still lives to perform the last step celia i think you know what you need to do next yeah leave it to me all right let's go link i got my memory back soon you'll see what i can really do okay i think we go back to the first floor then nice we got celia's memory back we need uh see what else is up with vellum here she's about to go yeah she's about to go super saiyan dude oh okay we can't go on the second floor anymore it's hard to predict his wild movements but it's okay with me at your side we can take on any enemy and as long as i trust my true power to the phantom hourglass you have the ability to stop time first focus your power with the hourglass with this phantom sphere i release each phantom spear has the ability to stop time just once what the hourglass icon appear at the bottom of the screen touch that and draw the shape of the phantom hourglass a figure eight time will stop oh oh oh we go oh that's so cool that is so cool is that a jojo reference you stop time i'll do my best to create the next phantom sphere as fast as i can all right here we go so we gotta we gotta dodge your attacks until we get a phantom sphere um and like right now okay can i do that and then i start up the phantom spear and then when he's getting around here not yet not yet i gotta time it so i gotta oh that was so close did we do it wait did we just win two cycles he doesn't seem dead yet oh he doesn't seem dead yet look out the ceiling is crackling link the exit's still blocked what do we do oh boy oh god and we're dead oh what wait we got teleported hey old man come here look at this for a second old man oh old man what's everything good oh oh okay old man teleported us ooh vouch what's going on look who it is falling out of the sky on my head work on where you teleport people old man the only one that's got us out of the temple was you grandpa yeah so grandpa teleported us out of the temple the two of you have done well it's not gone but the steel holding me is weakening my power was restored enough to bring you here hey kid wake up and look at this link oh tetra that's just going to be okay right grandpa uh very well done link after you slew bellam i used some of my power and focused it on tetra it seemed to have worked she's recovering nicely i think she'll be fine okay well we did we didn't see the body all right it's the vellum's not dead until we see the body seems like you've done it link [Music] hi tetra i owe you a big thanks link she's back since i got on the ghost ship i've been dreaming i know that you saved me link i saw everything oh looks like you're going to be fine it's nice to meet you thanks for saving me celia oh no no i didn't do a thing it was all link we did it okay well okay thank you to lineback i'm grateful for everything oh no it was nothing really pretty standard no way i was going to let those two go it alone it was too dangerous i just step in and help out what are you talking about you left all the dangerous stuff to link uh oh no no dude dude you know okay they're they're like reaching out their arms just wait wait wait it's not gonna there's like no shot what happened that wasn't good what's going on i don't know oh no everyone outside yeah and tentacles you know it's classic oh what the hell oh what the hell oh it's outside the temple what is that monster that's bellum but how i thought we defeated him look look at tetra so he was still alive so that is why my power isn't fully restored oh god okay going back to the ghost ship it's getting away oh god gross oh gross oh god it's becoming the ghost ship this thing is literally becoming the ghost ship oh yep hey dude just possess the ghost ship we have to chase after him i'll take the wheel preparing to man the cannon link all right we're going to see full steam ahead all right oh wait wait can we oh we can jump okay all right so we got we gotta attack those things here and uh also attack the uh we gotta attack the eyeballs and we also gotta attack the uh things that they're shooting at us right now okay oh there's so many eyeballs juice whoa whoa we got god god god okay okay all right you we're gonna ignore that happened uh lyra lands thanks for the prime gaming and this ends uh phantom hourglass that was the ending and then the world died and nothing was good ever again all right we're gonna do this again feel free to follow the stream by the way if you guys uh um is the end though by the way we'll steam ahead okay gotta beat the eyes here but they keep respawning is that like yeah the eyes keep respawning weird god that was insane all right oh we get okay if we dodge one of these we get the hearts okay like if we hit one of these things we would possibly get hearts all right we have one heart left got to focus direct hit that'll really focus on not dying here oh that was close that was a close one nice good so far come on hit that one we're in the corner nice got it there's so many left nice all right all right keep it up we got it ah okay that was close there's one all the way there in the in the in like the stern it's like in the center all right cool good good so far good so far doing well there's three left there's three left we're trying to clean the ship too and last one nice had enough punishment from the ss lineback we got it let's go yeah all right let's save tetra let's climb aboard but wait before you do that this will be dangerous all right yeah we'll save yeah we'll save it again all right analogy taking precautions and save let's climb aboard part of the ship part of the crew yeah there's pirates of the caribbean oh we've destroyed the ghost ship we have we have destroyed this thing look it's tetralink oh and there's bellum he's not done yet oh no our ship oh and grandpa as well yeah oh no my ship oh in the master sword it's time for lineback to be a hero come on you can do it you can do it linebacker come on man be a hero he stopped you stabbed him you got it man wake up wake up link petra's over there okay okay wake up hurry up already link oh no blink oh that was sick oh oh no whoa what let's go with me monster wait what oh no wait are we gonna fight bellum what is happening blind back linebacker you is he's jamming he's throwing it back oh guard oh no what blink you mean to tell me wait well we gotta pause here wait we got we gotta pause all of the phantoms in the the temple of the ocean king were people oh oh wow all right cool dom's the bad one he's latched onto his back so we need to do that somehow get behind him and slash at his back okay use this okay okay oh he is he's his mouth is closed though oh what about his weak spot as i i stopped timing everything that eye has to open at some point all right i'll move his back to the top screen okay hey i see i see it uh chat um do you want the top screen or do you want this whoa oh celia's there too he got me okay this is the back i need i need the uh i need the phantom sphere though this is so cool you can see the the camera pretty neat okay so he's gonna hit me okay i want you to i want you to try to hit right [Music] oh wait oh my god you can hear it wait wait wait wait the soundtrack is the lineback it's the lineback theme i hate that because it's so sad [Music] okay i'm trying to figure out what to do here can i weirdly no that didn't work okay i tried oh there we go there we go i'm rubbing nice hey his tentacles losing his grip on me time for the phantom sphere okay so we gotta do that okay okay so i gotta wait for bellum's eye to open to use it like right there nice oh no we stopped time to die alva thanks for the 21 months of prime uh control z yourself thanks for the prime as well no and thus ended the entirety of phantom power class imagine i just stopped there like like imagine like that was the end like he's like oh well i guess you know it sucks oh do we have to go oh i think we have to go back throughout the whole cutscene again okay no joke but you would oh i 100 wood um all right we just gotta go through this again okay um but yeah i guess while we're waiting um chad i'm glad you guys are liking this this is sick yeah i don't know if i'm gonna make this a youtube video or or what it's it's a 50 50 chance yeah i don't know if it fits my channel well but at least if it's the vod channel well you can skip it with start your mom can skip it with start okay here we go breath of the mile thanks for the 16 months do a vod check the vlog channel already we've uploaded part one part two was copyrighted so we gotta so we're still uploading that uh judge takes for three uh three months all right here we go uh i have here we go nice potion okay i need him to slash at me oh no no wait wait oh oh we still gotta go to the uh the fake cutscene of the oh no i can't slash out of the bag okay here we go here we go okay phantom sphere and you're gonna be like oh my god you suck okay here we go we got this guys fizzy thanks for 100 bits okay i'm rubbing there we go nice give me that phantom sphere alvaro fred thanks for the five months okay nice okay now i gotta wait for bellum's uh i'd open oh he almost hit me i love how you can see the top screen that we're hitting him too it's kind of cool dude stopping time is such a good power who knew [Music] come on attack me again but you missed because you're stupid got him i think if i just walk around he's not gonna be able to hit me never mind that's alive guys nah didn't work damn it that's okay what imagine though [Music] i think i hit him i think i have to hit him twice actually there's going to swing right yeah and i have to hit him there yeah like that yeah yeah okay just to hating thanks for three months damn you gotta go aside somehow [Music] maybe i'm too late oh it's working no okay you feel like that what [Music] what maybe not doing it fast enough [Music] no i'm doing it fast wait i'm confused huh one and a half hearts oh there we go there we go nice [Music] go around nice here we go so much damage dude let's go what's the lineback theme it's so sad nice got him again [Music] oh no no no close okay come on come on open your eye again okay no that was close there we go nice all right he's almost dead he's clearly almost dead we're almost dead too we've we have one heart and a half what is that okay you're doing a lot of weird things man i don't know how to do that do i hit you right out i think i have to hit you right afterwards me if you do that again is that your only attack it is yeah oh damn it ah dang luke deru thanks for the prime alice rachel thanks for the prime there we go he was spinning the wind um oh we'll try again almost that was close chat that was close um also uh in case it's not obvious uh if you want to be a decent person please do not spoil anything about uh any of the game thank you right here we go [Music] hello okay what oh whoopsies okay here we go okay let's do it guys i know how to get pretty far in this in this fight we have three hearts unless i have more items i do not okay but i don't need more items because i'm good at the game nice got it all right here's another phantom sphere nice big damage big damage easy got him let's go let's go so much damage my god okay nice nice [Music] nice okay another time waiting for it waiting for his eye to open waiting for side open [ __ ] up it didn't register my uh figure eight nice okay two words left two words left he hit me twice all right here we go this could be the last time no one more time okay you just can't hit me again one heart left [Music] oh damn ah dude all right i gotta do it i gotta do it i gotta i gotta i gotta do with only three hearts though john thanks for the four months all right here we go guys here we go i'm gonna do the intro here okay well two and a half hearts there we go so this is a register my uh figure eights okay okay here we go this is the time guys peter blesses [Music] okay i gotta focus on this easy nice first one down awesome all right so give me a phantom sphere so we can do this again nice all right now we gotta wait for vellum's eye to open dude dude i swear sometimes it doesn't register my figure rates it's fine nice this is the final battle i'm assuming it's pretty difficult nice nice [Music] open here we go good so far nice okay okay all right he's doing a spinny tornado ah damn okay that's fine damn all right fine i'll get a potion i'll get a potion i'll get a potion ah yeah you like kind of like spot kill me that's okay oh actually you know what uh it might be faster this number okay okay yeah it's like the combos but you know good news about it it's like it's crazy that's such a cool boss fight so far you know that's it's it's such a cool cool boss fight busy all thanks for getting this up i love killing the seagulls it's so fun all right here we go mercade uh so now that we're okay we can we can get some punches just a couple of them okay uh so you give me six hearts sure all right and then you give me eight hearts uh if i fail okay nice holy [ __ ] my guys rich i mean i do have uh quite a bit of some some primes you know if you wanna you wanna add to the you know to the to the sub count you could also use your prime all right uh let's go to the go ship there we go all right go ship it is let's go actually yeah just go [ __ ] reticles thanks for the prime for 10 months thank you thank you adding one more prime chat do you guys know what twitch prime is if you don't know what twitch prime is then i don't know what you are twitch prime is probably um the only way you can save these seagulls is a free subscription to the channel it gets you ad free viewing like 60 emotes you can use anywhere on twitch and uh you get a little badge by your name that says you're subscribed uh all you need to do is connect your amazon account to your twitch account and you should be good to go super easy super simple um uh yeah you can it's it's you know it's free if you're uh you know a college student you can do a prime student for free and then use your prime on me for free so you can get a subscription for absolutely no money all right here we go all right nice all right potion mikey boy thanks for the prime for 15 months oh no he's back his neck he's back his mother is crack generic dancespeed thanks for the prime for eight months thank you so much for those primes [Music] all right here we go all right here we go get him in he frees celia a little bit she gets the phantom sphere and we have the ability to beat bellum anytime all right just open your eye real quick and we can do it nice there it is this is so cool this is such a cool fight oh my god this is so cool nice okay now we do it again green noobs thanks for the prime for two months appreciate that thanks for the prime hit me again try again come on okay stop okay maybe a little bit slower next time nice nice let's go [Music] wasted a little time there with the spin attack but that's fine oh i don't know if we did enough damage we did not do a lot of damage okay we gotta do it again [Music] okay nice all right we got another phantoms here perfect and he just opened his eye immediately that was awesome that's a lot of damage the most epic guess thanks for the six months all right here we go you gonna do your new attack okay you gotta you're a tornado now proud oh here we go nice that was huge that was huge that was huge okay nice nice nice good hits good hits that was huge oh my god ready mom thanks for the four months okay they're gonna spin again or you're gonna spin okay i don't wanna i don't i wanna get hit but i wanna also hit you immediately oh this could be it okay no you hit me back okay okay okay phantom sphere here i'm looking at the top oh he's doing another uh tornado attack that's okay nice i don't need another uh phantom thing i already got one i just need you to open your eye i closed it [Applause] damn it all right all right attack me again good so good so far i didn't it looks like i didn't need another after all all right he's spinning he do be spinning okay nice we did it we did it oh okay there's vellum oh my god i think we just did it did we just beat pelham we did it yes terrorize the seas no more you tentacled freak monster oh and there's tetra hi tetra we did it hello everything's okay but where's lineback is he good what about grandpa grandpa literally drowned i can't wait right he died all right bellum died there's no phase four all right you know delay there we go and the sky is clear geese ouch what's going on here i thought are you okay lineback you were possessed by bellum he's okay he's okay what oh that's right i think i remember something about link lineback you were really brave out there well okay when you when you're groveling like i don't know oh good i mean link i'm sorry i know it's possessed by that monster but to think that i josh lineback if you hadn't stood up to bellum when you did who knows what it might have happened to us he did he speared him in his one brave moment you know well i think i got caught up in the moment you know it's why that's not like you are are that's not like you are you sure you're lying back my ship just took a little uh damage you know grandpa yeah we don't know what happened to grandpa kind of fell into the ocean you know and kind of kind of maybe you know oh what's happening was that the wait was that the ocean king's power [Music] he's actually a whale i lied back in the distance i love it link lineback and celia i returned to my true form for that i thank you hey hi grandpa how's it going the ocean king is a whale it does make sense what whoa old man is that you i never would have guessed you really looked like that if not for you i've been sealed up forever the sea would have fallen into desolation and evil you saved me in the great sea thank you we did it guys lineback what who me i have to make good on a promise i made to you right i grant you one wish yes what was it i think i know what it is wait what is it come on say it yeah i don't know if he wants treasure anymore that's not it at all i don't need treasures anymore i think if i have to if you insist you know can you just bring back my ship the one that sank what that's it you know even if you ask for treasure later that i'd say you know that's that's enough from you sparkles you've always got to get the last word don't you all he wants is that adventure he wants to explore he doesn't want the he doesn't want the treasure the sand of hours is returned and peace reigns the ghost ship will no longer haunt your world our world so what is the world that we are in now what is this place the time for you to return to your world is near we were in a totally different world this entire time and the door is to your the door to your world is about to open your inhabitants of this world we must return to the world of the ocean king thanks link and you too lineback your courage will not be forgotten oh oh well uh thank goodness linebacker now i don't have to look at you any longer thank god geez i thought i'd have to claw my eyes out i was getting tired of seeing you all the time oh that's my line get out of here good riddance well i'm leaving now thanks linebeck [Music] [Music] bye i'd like to stay with you link but i'm a spirit i serve the ocean king now we have to say goodbye [Music] bye sila thanks link [Music] i'll miss you [Music] oh that's cute what a game all right from what i know i i did i have been told this um i believe there is a post-credits scene um so um yeah there i believe there is a post credence i i could be i could be uh mistaken um so don't don't go yet don't go yet even though we did beat phantom hourglass let me say my thank yous and everything and then we'll see the last scene here um so first off i'd like to say uh thanks to uh abby for uh grabbing uh the phantom hourglass game with like five minutes to spare before stream uh about you know like three weeks ago oh uh that's the big one without her we literally wouldn't have played it um because you know you can't buy it anymore um on the e-shop unless you have nintendo e-shop gift cards so she had to find some um and we did so we ended up buying videos so huge thank you second thing a huge thank you to the moderators in chat um uh here's thank you to moderators uh for keeping the playthrough spoiler free and um fun to be you know in chat um eric your sweater looks like you're in the wiggles thank you moderator um so yeah uh that's you know thank you to the mods for uh making chat an absolute wonderful place to be a part of and last but not least thank you to you chat thanks for enjoying that's all i can ask for and i'm glad that you have uh for not only this play through but every playthrough that we've done so thank you chad thanks for having fun with me and thanks for enjoying playing phantom hourglass during this time this will be uploaded to the vod channel if you want to see all of it my name's your name the player name oh hey where are we oh we woke up on the ghost ship well we defeated the ghost [ __ ] huh interesting huh where are we boss blind pick disappeared and the ghost ship is back what's going on we're back we're back in our world so you were okay all along i was worried when i heard all that screaming but you look fine what about the ghost ship was the treasure aboard what are you talking about link oh god i was almost frozen forever on that thing link saved me you wouldn't believe what he went through do you understand what we've been through where were you did you even look for us what are you talking about you were only on that ship it's been about like 10 minutes there it is ladies and gentlemen canonically phantom hourglass is 10 minutes long you see the timer in the bottom corner we beat it in about 19 minutes that's about that's 19 minutes all right so you know we took a little time you know you know and saw the sights and everything so you know it's only been about 10 minutes that's crazy wow damn 10 minutes you've got to be kidding do you know what we've been through i've no idea what you're talking about how could i it was probably a bad dream you're not listening it was longer than 10 minutes i'm telling you huh that ghost ship is really really dangerous it's not there anymore it's gone the the ship it's gone it really was cursed the dream you had was the work of that ghost ship geek hey i told you it wasn't a dream you guys never listened we still have the phantom hourglass though [Music] uh-huh the sound huh oh yeah they're sliding [ __ ] [Music] that's so cute the legend of zelda phantom hourglass what a good game dude that is a fantastic game dude i don't care what anybody says about the graphics about how old it is or anything that is a good game damn dude has to be one of the best games i've played that is let's go dude man i loved it absolutely amazing damn got me crying at the club well thank you guys um i absolutely loved phantom hourglass probably moves up in one of my favorite zelda games i'd say right behind probably um probably inc nostalgia from playing the first or two dungeons you know i think two dungeons first dungeon or two in my childhood with nostalgia i'd have to say this has to be [Music] my third favorite zelda game maybe fourth i'd have to say that um so thank you thank you for enjoying guys um now the question is are you playing spirit tracks and the answer is maybe
Channel: PointCrow VODS
Views: 21,157
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Keywords: Breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild speedruns, breath of the wild speedrunning, botw speedrun, zelda, zelda speedrun, glitches, glitch, breath of the wild glitches, botw glitches, point crow, pointcrow, speedrun, speedrunning, challenge, breath of the wild challenge, botw challenge, can you beat, windbomb, breath of the wild speedrun tutorial, gdq, adgq, sgdq, glitching, modded, the legend of zelda, 100%, phantom hourglass, tloz, full playthrough, letsplay, lets play, playthrough
Id: ekcwSwFIP2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 260min 43sec (15643 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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