How I beat the Childe Boss with the WORST BOW (Genshin Impact)

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this video i tried to defeat the hardest boss in genji impact but by only using the worst bow in the game the child boss is known for its three stages of hard hitting attacks and one-shot mechanics so messing up even a few times could make me lose the whole fight and have to restart from the very beginning if you end up liking this video consider subscribing to my channel it's free it helps me out a lot and you can always unsubscribe at any time enjoy the video all right guys so today is the day we become the ultimate amber main we're going to be defeating the child boss and gunshin impacts with only a level one bow this is the absolute worst bow in the game with a base attack of 23 which is extremely low this is the bow that i usually use which is still kind of trash but i mean it's a lot better compared to a bow that literally does a minuscule amount of damage if you're wondering what artifacts i'm using these other artifacts i have exiles feather trobes dawn light with this much hp all this stuff honestly they're pretty bad i'm not the best when it comes to creating artifact sets and loadouts and everything like that so i'm sorry for being stupid i feel like we could still beat the boss even with terrible artifacts and terrible stats honestly i tested it out before to see if this was even possible in the first place and i got pretty far with it so it should be possible to do the entire boss with just this terrible bow we're also not gonna be using any food at all not gonna have any buffs we're not gonna be healing at all so if we die we have to restart over from the very beginning no defensive buffs no stamina buffs no attack buffs and no healing at all so this is going to be very challenging and i'm not sure how long it's gonna take to actually do this gotta get rid of all these dudes gonna do amber only let's get it started so for child's first stage it's actually really easy all you have to do is just side strap him the entire time and spam him with your attacks like honestly it's so incredibly stupid how i can literally just hold down a or d and basically avoid all of his attacks in this stage so basically all we're doing for this first stage is just cheesing him i'm just gonna switch it up real quick we've switched from holding down a to holding down d truly a mastermind of genching impacts are you getting dizzy yet we're almost there though hopefully i'm missing all my shots yeah this part of the boss is just really dumb i don't i don't understand how you're able to cheese it so hard like this this boss is probably just 10 times easier with the bulk character in general though because most of child's attacks really do hurt if you're close range and they're kind of hard to dodge if you're playing with a sword or any close range character so if you want some real tips on what you should be using to defeat this boss just use a ball character because you could choose the first part with this at least alright so we've entered the second stage let me tell you this this stage is probably the hardest stage in this entire boss fight mostly because his attacks are super fast and because of his insta kill dodging that attack all you basically have to do you basically just have to strafe around while looking at him there's also one attack i have to really look out for because because that is the one attack that might screw this entire thing over ah there we go okay so we dodged that that was the attack that i was worried that i was going to get hit by yeah there is a high chance that he'll just dive at you like that and it can be very hard to dodge or telegraph if you're not prepared for it fun fact about this boss is his insta kill attack is only triggered if you get hit by him once i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to show it off because i i really don't want to get hit but basically if you get hit if you get hit once his insta kill attack is triggered and marks you there we go i dodge it again it gets triggered and it puts a mark on you and you basically oh okay i gotta hit here now basically what you have to do is just go to the end and touch the wall and it should get rid of the uh mark and you can basically just run away from it for this boss fight you definitely need to manage your stamina well because you do not want to get caught with no stamina because that's how you get hit and that triggers the instakill i feel like i've gotten used to that attack pretty well it's the first time i've gone like in a long time oh i almost got hit by that i was really close i've gotten pretty good at dodging that i'm surprised this is basically becoming an endurance test for my fingers my fingers hate me right now okay so we've been in that part now for stage three this stage isn't that hard i will admit i find this stage a lot easier compared to child's second stage his attacks are slower i think it could be easily telegraphed in this stage and honestly i think he's pretty easy to dodge in this stage you just have to make sure you don't run out of stamina because you definitely don't want to you know run out of stamina and then get hit because he this stage also has an insta kill on it and that gets triggered when you get hit so once again just don't get hit forehead also my stamina is draining which is not good no i got hit okay here we go this is bad okay he's only using that attack which is good because now i don't have to worry about him using the instikill i might have to switch fingers because this is uh my index finger is not liking this boss fight right now there are definitely some close calls right here which is not good i need to focus stop talking whoa i forgot about that i forgot he even had that okay this is bad i cannot get hit again if i get hit again i die okay well i did not expect that see that attack is unexpected for me one thing you don't want to have happen is getting caught without your stamina and then you get hit and it starts to trigger all these other attacks that you do not expect and that just ruins the entire run so all right we're trying it again can i just say how weird the aiming is in gunshin impacts i feel like the aiming sensitivity and genji is super weird like it doesn't feel precise it feels like it skips pixels sometimes like compared to other games like source games like csgo and tf2 and such it feels so different okay i'm not sure what attack he's using right now but okay he's not using anything he's just wanda he's the one to point at us second stage we're gonna focus this time because oh okay yeah i say i'm gonna focus then i just waste my all that was really weird i'm not doing that again i don't know why i did that [Music] oh i got hit again i wasn't expecting him to be that close okay wait let's go over here yeah there we go got rid of it pretty quickly [Music] oh okay he does that i don't understand how okay i hit again this is not good he hit me that time again i don't i'm solo now i'ma just end that run right there because that was not good third time is the charm we will do it this time all right [Music] you can't keep up with me [Music] okay i don't know what's so different about his targeting on that attack [Music] man [Music] this opportunity is quite hard [Music] so quickly try this try this [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] all right stage three let's go okay [Music] [Music] [Music] almost there we're almost there [Music] right there we're right there we're gonna do it [Music] get up everybody explode out of no i know [Music] there we go oh yes finally that took like four or five tries to do goodness gracious i had to focus up there i even had to like take a water break too i had to eat something just to you know get my energy back up because i was feeling a little i was feeling a little bad for myself because i couldn't do it the first three or four times so i just take a break and that's that's all it took we got a five star too oh what is that tesco i don't even know what that does but that took so long but we did it we have become the ultimate amber main clap it up anyways guys i hope you enjoyed the video if you enjoyed seeing this type of content make sure you like and subscribe to see more and go and follow my twitter if you want to and i will see you all next time
Channel: bwaap
Views: 917,337
Rating: 4.979877 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, genshin impact amber, genshin impact childe, genshin impact childe boss fight, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact hardest boss
Id: XOGgTp0yNlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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