How I Beat Pokémon Inclement Emerald!

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what is the best Pokemon game to play this is Pokemon inclement Emerald it's a modified version of Pokemon Emerald made by the rom hack Creator Buffalo zaft it's a rom hack of Pokemon Emerald but much more interesting it's got harder trainers better Pokemon and buffalo sap even took it a step further by giving it the best quality of life this is one of the most complete satisfying and fleshed out ROM hacks I've ever played similar to radical red every Pokemon is more viable and he introduces new megas and new abilities this makes inclement Emerald a perfect game to Nuzlocke to be clear with you guys I did play this game with documentation that laid out every trainer in the game legendaries megas inverse battles this game is going to be insane pause now for the full rule set let's start by taking a look at the starters not only did starters have access to their secondary abilities like speed boost or damp but you could actually choose any Pokemon starter this game includes all Pokemon from Generations 1 to Generation 8 and therefore allows you to pick any starter from the 8 Generations this would be a crucial decision every starter is viable in their own way each with their unique combination of typings abilities and move sets after looking up every starter and checking their pros and cons I ultimately decided that litten would be my starter in hindsight all the stars are equally viable so I could have chosen any of them and it wouldn't have made a difference the first couple of encounters weren't anything too amazing but I was able to get a canopy added to my team in petalburg woods just as an example Butterfree is a completely reworked Pokemon with an updated learn set Buffs and a completely new Mega Evolution Butterfree is a great early game encounter by the time I reached Roxanne there weren't many more good Pokemon so the team going in had a lot to be desired Roxanne uses a complex team of fossil Pokemon alongside other incredibly defensive Pokemon however her team does obviously share some very common weaknesses so she never posed too much of a threat but she did manage to sneak in a kill on Butterfree from the new areas before dewford I fish up a couple encounters and pick up the mega stone that mega evolves Butterfree thanks game really thoughtful of you to give me the Mega Stone after I lose Butterfree it doesn't change much though because we don't have the mega bracelet yet inclement Emerald does introduce a couple new areas to the game including this extension to do for town that gives us two more additional encounters after delivering the letter to Steven he challenges us to a surprise battle that we easily brush off considering that all the boss trainers have been revamped to be much more difficult I want to give myself the best possible chance at winning by getting as many encounters as possible so instead of entering Broly's gym to fight I sail straight to Slateport where I can get another few encounters we can also buy some TMs in the Slateport market and boy are they incredible tm-57 charge beam 78 bulldoze 82 dragon tail and 88 low kick after doing some route planning and catching some delayed Pokemon I make my way into Broly's gym with a concrete plan I started with Rob Zombie who can one shot The Meta type to bait out the next Pokemon Lucario this is so that I don't have to deal with screens from meditite anticipating a bullet punch I swap into hariyama who can tank the hit and retaliate with a guts boosted brick break he then sends out his own ahariyama to Revenge kill with arm thrust but I send rebombi back in who can tank the quad resistant move and 1v1 the rest of Broly's team with draining kiss with two badges in my possession the level cap has jumped a drastic 13 levels allowing me to get almost all of my Pokemon to their final Evolutions along with the badge comes a few tough battles firstly is our encountered with Archie in a Slateport Museum all the fights in this game scales to be around the same level as your highest Pokemon so all of Archie's levels were actually pretty high thankfully irrelevant to my powerful hariyama the second dangerous fight comes on a bridge with me her unevolved marshtom and Ponyta pose no threat but I came dangerously close to losing Starmie when her cyrina was out she also had a mimikyu to watch out for but a combination of gastrodon's recover and muddy water overcame our struggle with me since we can't go up from Marvel without the rock smash badge there's nothing left and we can't surf right I enter the third gym to face Watson Watson uses a team of electric types stacked with high quality Pokemon but at this point in the game we were given an extremely important resource something I didn't mention earlier was that I would be playing this game with perfect IVs and no EVS this means that all of my Pokemon thus far have perfect stats and the only variation in stats comes from the natures but once we reach sleep Port there's actually an NPC that will change the nature of your Pokemon this Factor just opens so many doors to Team Planning because a lot of options have now been given to us with this in mind I enter the Watson fight with quite a bizarre team normally Galvantula is faster than Typhlosion but by changing its nature to timid Typhlosion can outsfit the Galvantula and hit a fire pledge to kill Typhlosion being a fire ground type also perfectly baits sir from Lantern which allows me to safely switch into the grass Dragon Serperior Leaf blades can take care of the Lantern and Serperior baits the quad effect of Aurora being from a neck trick so I pivot through crud on to tank the Aurora beam then swap back into Typhlosion on a volt switch or signal beam again since Typhlosion is timid holding the soft sand stab earth power kills a manic trick I pivot out of Typhlosion on the right shoe through a storm drain gastrodon and into a Bombi who would knock out Raichu with a pollen puff finally Typhlosion can come back in to finish off the Magneton and Rotom mode a clean fight earning us the third badge the level cap jumps another 12 levels so I make sure to level up my Pokemon before proceeding to the next areas the next few routes and areas were just game progression and didn't really provide anything interesting until we reached Meteor Falls where we catch a key encounter after playing through all of inclement Emerald Pharaoh Thorne is an s-tier defensive Pokemon it has the right stats typing and ability and it learns all the necessary moves to be a great tank throughout the Run you'll see that I have verathon on most of my teams for almost every battle because being able to wall install works for any plan also in Meteor Falls is a tag battle with a rival against magma admin Courtney unlike Tag battles that you're used to Tag battles and inclement Emerald only allow me to bring in three Pokemon alongside my rivals but if I lose all three of my Pokemon but my rival wins then the run is still considered alive here's how the battle went on my side I chose crocodile and sin Roar and Serperior May brought in Swampert Rapidash and mimikyu we start the battle against Excadrill and a nine Hills that sets up the sun I immediately take out the first two Pokemon with a soft sand boosted earthquake setting a plus two from Moxie however I got a hard switch since Houndoom out speeds my Crook and sees a kill with solar beam luckily for us the rivals AI isn't so dumb and gets the kill on Houndoom hitting a jump kick this brings in their crooked out who lowers incineroar's attack so I gotta pivot through my own crook again into Serperior as play rough and mimikyu takes out their crocodile this just leaves a wheezing and shiftry on the left side that incinera can easily handle after the tag battle is still some more Team Magma story stuff up on Mount Chimney I do face off against Maxi but he only has 5 pokemon so we were playing at an advantage this brings us to loveridge town and Flannery's gym one thing to note is that spread throughout the Holland region there are special trainers that you can fight who will give you rewards for beating them and the first of them is Frontier brain Lucy here in lava Ridge Lucy is sneaky and uses a team full of serpentine Pokemon barring the chuckle she starts with I start with Starmie to surf the chuckle activating its red card swapping out Starmie and dragging in Scizor she hits an infestation preventing me from switching out so I made sure to remove the shackle with bullet punch allowing me to swap again this baits out flamethrower from Seviper who Starmie can tank and easily 1v1 Steelix comes out wanting to explode but we both end up switching I fake at her Superior for some chip and swapping a scissor to counter with x-scissor I swap in a looty on a Milotic and slowly chip it down with Giga drains her Steelix comes out again so I lower its attack with an intimidate from him on top she ends up swapping again though into Gyarados so I send him Raichu to resist the bounce and kill the Thunderbolt finally with Steelix as a last Pokemon Raichu locks a choice banded Steelix into earthquake and Miss maggots can come out to finish off the battle this win over Frontier brain Lucy gives us the choice band anyway Flannery is fine as you can imagine her team obviously plays in the sun her bulky torkle sets up drought as I lead with Typhlosion to blow up the torgle with an earth power Talon flame has Generation 6 Gale wings so I swap in a relicant who can retaliate with zoom lens head smash rally also baits solar beam from Houndoom so I swap into thick fat hariyama to tank and kill I could have used a better counter for Houndoom since a crit overheat puts us really low but I wanted to bait out the Arcanine since I knew it had play rough I send in rally to kill the Arcanine since I needed a slower Pokemon to kill it after it's lowered its own defenses with close combat this also perfectly baits Giga drink from Volcarona that KOMO can resist and set up on to sweep the rest of her team another clean gym fight Norman was also a Flawless sweep I head smashed to kill the swellow and Shuffle the Run by Pokemon switching back and forth until I was in a situation where Como could set up dragon dances and sweep you may have noticed that despite the difficulty I hyped this up for I don't seem to be struggling much there's no scientific reason behind this but logically and statistically the best explanation I have for this is that this is the point of game where I have so much momentum and the quality of my Pokemon where I've reached a critical mass in Pokemon where I can basically take on any kind of challenge with reasonable ease what's next on The Bucket List the long Trek to fortree city in between we do have a sparring session with Team Aqua this is the point of the game where trainers start pulling out their big guns the aqua admin Shelly and the weather Institute was mostly boring until she pulled out a level 72 Mega Beedrill started the fight with snowboarding alola nine tails to try and set up an aurora Veil but it immediately gets creamed by gengar's lunch bomb Gengar also baits crunch from Croton which hit him on top can easily tank and retaliate with a close combat clefable sent out next so I swapping intoxic wall install as she sets up combines this is when she pulls out her scary adaptability Mega Beedrill none of my Pokemon are faster but Aegis slash is bulky enough to get off a sword's dance and one shot with an aerial Ace this could have gotten scary since Beedrill does have drill run but the last two Pokemon were easily handled with Rotom wash killing Empoleon and Gengar finishing the Ludicolo again trainer skill levels with your Pokemon and now trainers will start having Pokemon that are always one two or even three levels higher than you no matter what of course since I am that doc I pulled out just in time right after Shelly we get jumped by May who tries to Dom us in a battle of superiority luckily I ain't no so I didn't back down in this fight I started with sandstream giggle at the power Gem and kill the swellow on the jump gigolith Bates jump kick from a Rapidash so I swapped in a sand Rush Typhlosion to out speed and blow up her Rapidash with earth power she tries to remove the Sand by setting up a rain dance with her Mega Swampert whilst doubling her speed with Swiss swim but I brought my plus speed Swiffer Moody Cola to still be faster and I one shot with a miracle scene boosted Giga drink the grass typing on looty Bates bug Bust from bigavolt so I make sure to eat that up with lycanroc and retaliate with a rock type string Serena's baited out since Serena has the additional fighting type so I swap in a Gengar to sludge bomb knock it out finally is her mimikyu it looks scary with this guys giving her a free sword stand to set up but my Empoleon is decently bulky enough to finish the fight with flash Cannon out of here mate finally we've reached fortree City but before rushing into the gym I make sure to go around Hoenn and catch every single encounter available now that I have the surf hm remember back at Lucy how I said that there were Frontier brains scattered throughout Hoenn well this old man turns out to be Frontier brain Spencer unlike Lucy I wasn't ready to fight Spencer because from behind he just looks like an old man so I was going into this fight unprepared I thankfully LED with gigalet against his crowbat and set up a stealth rocks on his first turn of flying an attorney struck me I landed a power jump to knock him out he immediately sends out his Powerhouse suicune which I easily walled and killed with Ludicolo I can't do the Santa Lapras though because freeze Dragon will obliterate Ludicolo I really don't have the best counter up here so I have to give myself the best chance I knock off lapras's water gem sacrificing booty Cola to the freeze dry this safely brings in Napoleon who can two-shot Lapras while dodging a thunder in the sand Arcanine comes out next so I swap into Gengar to 1v1 with Sledge bomb Gengar can also 1v1 the next slacking so the last Pokemon to worry about is his dreaded Mega Venusaur I put the Venusaur to sleep with hypnosis and Chip as much damage as I can I decide that Gengar needs to die here because gigadron hitting any of my other Pokemon will heal too much health for Venusaur so I let Gengar go down bringing in Typhlosion safely to burn up the Venusaur had I been more prepared I most likely would have gone out of this fight deathless but I wasn't too concerned about losing these Pokemon since I still have encounters to catch in the end I get a bunch more encounters that post commentary me is not going to go over since I'm running this drunk at 4am you see that death counter it jumped from two to nine because in that span of time I was catching encounters and getting TMS and I lost seven Pokemon don't ask me how don't ask me why on to the Winona fight the gimmick with Winona is actually fights us in a double battle with some incredibly stacked flying type Pokemon especially the Mega Altaria at the back pixelate boosted stab fairy type return with Dragon Dance setup is an incredibly hard moveset to defend against not to mention the additional three levels this is going to be a very complex fight so pay very careful attention here we go the battle starts intimidate him on top and Pharaoh against her halucha and Gyarados after cross intimidating each other I fake out the halucha to prevent a close combat into ferrothorne as I set up stealth rocks for chip damage I swap Garrett in for Pharaoh for a second layer of intimidate and protect him on top since his baiting flying type moves into itself I then double swap Raichu for hitmontop to resist the Brave Bird and Pharaoh back in for yera to resist the Stone Edge since Pharaoh now rebates close combat back into itself I re-swapped Guerra back in the Pharaoh slot for a third intimidate to mitigate the close combat damage and volt switch to halucha killing it and switching Raichu out just before the Gyarados can land an earthquake since Garen now dates Rockside from the opposing Arrow I swap and hit him on top to get a fresh intimidate on the arrow on the next turn I double up fake out and Ice Beam into Aerodactyl to kill it as she swaps Gyarados out for Dragonite since at -4 it does virtually no damage this was actually the worst thing she could have possibly done now since both Emolga and Dragonite are both healthy and neither is intimidated again him on top Bates flying time moves into itself so I detect the right side and Chip the d-night with an ice beam since I know gujra is faster than D Knight I swap him on top for like androck who can resist the hurricane from umulga and Ice Beam kills the D Knight this sends Gyarados back out intimidating my lycanroc preventing Excel Rock from killing Emolga so I pivot into pharaoh who can tank a waterfall I'm really scared of the mega alteria she's saving in the back so I spend a couple turns shuffling around my Pokemon until I reach a position where I can swap out gujar for Raichu the same turn she swaps out Gyarados for Altaria I swap in Gyarados to intimidate Altaria then double swap Raichu and Guerra for pharaoh and Gujarat attack an earthquake gyro ball barely doesn't kill Altaria as gujra protects baiting the fairy type return I swapped Garrett in for Goodra for his second intimidate as Pharaoh hangs on one HP from the hurricane and kills the altario with a gyro ball finally the Gyarados comes back out I double swap again for gutra and him on top and Ice being kills the Emolga and Sucker Punch knocks out Gyarados and to think that I had this complex sequence of moves all planned out this finally earns us the feather badge this fight by far is the most complex fight in the game for now now for a long stretch of story progression there's a bunch of rival battles magma Hideout Aqua Hideout just a bunch of battles back to back to back so I'm just gonna rapid fire them as they go Lily Cove City May fight goes about the same as the last time we saw her so done next on Mount pyre I see Archie running off with a Red Orb and we gotta fight his shadow Matt before pursuing him he plays into a rain team with drizzled palipper and has some aggressive Pokemon to play off the rain like weatherball heliolisk Swift swim Seismitoad and mega Gyarados teleport gets instantly crushed by raichu's Thunderbolt so this baits in the Del mice a volt switch into bayonet to resist the Phantom Force then go for my own Phantom Force for the kill I send in Como to counter the Healer list but I make a huge mistake I still need to use KOMO to counter Matt's mega Gyarados but I forgot to give KOMO a lumbery in case of paralysis unfortunately we do get paralyzed and this severely screws us heliolisk does go down Swiss and seismito still dies a ferrothorne seed bomb and Toxicroak still gets walled by Aegislash but now I have no counter for the Mega Gyarados I do a bit of pivoting and bring out Gyarados to intimidate his Gyarados but it simply does way too much damage I decided to sacrifice Gyarados to bring in Pharaoh Thorn who can just barely survive the last hit to knock out the Gyarados what a horrible way to lose such a great Pokemon a small mistake of forgetting a lumbary led to me having to sacrifice Gyarados magma Haider had two hard fights the first of which was a double battle against magma admins Tabitha and Courtney their Pokemon played off the Sun so I had to come up with a counter strategy to the sun dependence they started with solar power gigolith and drought nine tails I brought in my slower pelipper to set up the rain alongside the PowerHouse of Starmie I double surf knocking out their lead Pokemons baiting in crocodile and Mega Steelix from here I actually have zero clue what's going to happen so I Scout the next moves with double protect after confirming thunderfang and drill Peck I double swap Kingdra for Peli and seeking for Starmie both Kingdra and seeking are Swift swim and outspeed Crook in the rain allowing for another double surf kill this finally Bates out darmanitan and Mega Houndoom against and Swift swim out speeds waterfall kills Houndoom and water pulse knocks the darmanitan the second hard fight in magma Hideout was the boss fight against Maxi we're located in groudon's sleeping grounds and he's fighting on Maxi's side I set up a similar strategy sending in pelly to set up rain and then swapping in a Starmie to kill with rain boosted surf lycanroc is baited out to kill Starmie with a rock jam boosted Excel Rock so I said in Aegislash looking 1v1 lycanroc for the kill seems like Maxi isn't playing dumb though and swaps like androck from Mega camera I pivot into pelipper safely on the earth power and kill with another rain boosted serve this rebates the light can rock back out who ages slash can 1v1 turns out Maxie really loves his lycanroc since he withdraws again for high Dragon an easy pickup for rebombi finally he sends out his leg and rock for good where Aegislash can 1v1 for the kill Pharaoh Thorn 1v1's a victory bell and palapro can 1v1 crowbat for the victory like I said Aqua Hydra is boring with nothing really interesting so I make my way East to Surf to most deep City and the surrounding areas I said earlier that Winona's fight was the most complex so far but now we're about to face Tate and Liza in one of the most interesting gimmicks I've ever seen their battle is not only a double battle but also an inverse battle this means that super effective moves are now not very effective and vice versa this puts a complete wrench in my plans because I never specifically plan to catch bad Pokemon traditionally defensive Pokemon now become essentially tissue paper I spent several hours just brainstorming complex strategies involving Baton Pass screens trick room skill swap but in the final hour I come up with a brilliant plan I'm just gonna blow the out of their team here's how it goes I first fake out the clay doll to prevent it from sending a trick room the entire plan depends on both him on top and Como being faster than the rest of the team KOMO sets up a shell smash as Mega Slowbro sets up a combine so far so good now here's the turn that everything happens with orosphere but not actually kill it this turn this is because I need this logo to be alive since contrary hit him on top using super effective superpowers cannot kill the clay doll however cladal always moves last because it always wants to set up a trick room which has lowest priority also Slowbro always sees serve as super effective against Como remember not very effective moves are now super effective and the spread damage from surf will kill the clad off for us while giving hitmontop plus one an attack and defense from here the sweep is inevitable without trick room they can never outspeed us and the combination of shell smash Como plus contrary superpower hitmontop finishes the rest of her team that's seven badges down after tan Liza has more story stuff that I'm not going to bother you with we do have a tag battle with Steven though I bring in pelipper barbarical and pre-poison poison heal gujra and Steven brings in Storm drink credilly Aerodactyl and Metagross against Maxi and his grunt hurricane eviscerates the victory bell and Craig Daily's power gem brings a nine tails down to low I protect attacked for return to allow Creed daily to power gender Crobat since power baits the Kill from both Crobat and nine tails I swap into barbarico to tank a Braveheart as Cree Dilly gets a kill on nine tails barbarico now baits EQ from crookedile so I swap back in a pelipper and Dodge a hypnosis as crookedell gets damaged by a giga drain I swap into poison heal gujra and combined with leftovers protect Gucci manages to stalled both the Mega Houndoom and mega camerupt in the back unlike Maxi Kyogre on Archie's team sets out the range which is not something I can play around since I don't want to set up sand or sun on my own Pokemon so we'll have to play into this I start by seed bombing the Kyogre to take it out and bake close combat from the polyrth with this defense lowered and Reign set up for us hell of her lumbaries to wake up from a hypnosis and hurricanes the Poliwrath the only Electro type Pokemon he has on this team is electross and this one has Swift swim not levitate it's what gets demolished by earthquake his Mega Sharpedo comes out next so I pivot through whimsicott into my mega Audino to retaliate with a moon blast tentacle comes out seeing a poison jab as a kill so I pivot into extra to bait waterfall then swapping a storm drain Gasser to kill with earth power finally was a Goodra who dies to a combination of moonblast from whimsicott and E2 from xca a pretty solid battle as you can see the big fights in this game are now pulling out their Trump cards pseudo legendaries on top of Megas on top of actual legendaries we're in the end game now after solving this legendary World collapse crisis we're on to the real goal of acquiring the eighth badge obviously if you haven't noticed by now Juan is obviously going to be playing in a rain team and this fight is pretty interesting too I start by just deleting polytote out of existence and baiting the Swifts from Swampert Manton is sent into tank liquidation and bait ice punch in a fairathorn this way it takes enough recoil damage from Life orb iron bars and a super Power Defense drop for the sea bomb from pharaoh to take it out once Swampert goes down Pharaoh continues baiting focused Blast from Ludicolo who I can safely swap in a liquid ooze tentacle to 1v1 the main problem on Juan's team is a swiftly Mega king drum because it has two additional levels on us there is nothing in my box that can naturally out speed it without setup Gyarados is useless in this gym and prankster clefti is kind of weak so my only option left was Como I swap in Como on the Kabutops it's a set of two shell smashes but what's interesting here is that I actually gave KOMO a negative speed nature this way it wouldn't outspeed the Kabutops kamo needs to take two hits from the kubutops anyway but if kamo had a neutral or a plus b nature it would outspeed kabu on the last shell smash lowering our defenses before it hit us and the damage we would take would be greater instead I undersped KOMO so that it hit us before we shall smashed so that our defenses were higher and the damage we took was mitigated but once we got the two shells matches down KOMO could erase the kabutop's mega Kingdra and Lapras to give us the final Badge of the hon region I'm not going to keep you waiting because Victory Road was easy but Wally was something his leading Pokemon was a threatening Garchomp it surprisingly didn't have a yachty berry though so a simple ice cream from Greninja gets the KO on Guard Shop activating our battle Bond unfortunately I have to swap out our Greninja because azumworld is too strong and too bulky I will install the Azu with toxic packs and recover and swap in a gastrodon who can 1v1 the magazine Rose raid only has poison and grass moves and thus gets completely countered by Pharaoh Thorn even after setting up quiver dances this Bates flare Blitz from Talonflame but since his health got cut in half by Pharaoh's stealth box lycanroc can come in and hit an Accel Rock for the kill finally as his Mega delayed it does have Massive Attack threatening to close combat but after installing Gallade with aegislash's King shield I dropped his attack to -3 while setting up Swords dances and a shadow sneak earned us the victory after a long long planning session calculating damage ranges Natures move sets and items I came to a final conclusion on the elite 14. first is Pharaoh Thorne the premier pivot and defensive Pokemon on his team impish nature running curse and gyro ball ET proof Como naughty nature running shell smash clanging scales close combat and EQ okay Vengeance baynet adamant nature Shadow sneak Sucker Punch Phantom Force and toxic this one we may potentially mega evolve technician Scizor adamant leftovers running bullet punch bug bite U-turn and sword stands and here we have Flygon who's the dime piece of this team Flygon will be our main Mega running both quiver dance and Dragon Dance I'll be interchanging the physical earthquake and dragon claw for the special moves of dragon pulse and boom burst which will turn into a ground move when used by a Mega Flygon and finally to round off this team is tentaku we'll use brain dance exactly once and do nothing else let's do this first is Sydney AKA Barry on Pharaoh reduces the fire punch damage as I set up a stealth rocks to break Sash on the later Captain I swap intended to take the fire punch getting burned and to set up a reflect to reduce the physical damage now Kamal can come in set up two shell smashes and sweep the rest of his team that's one Elite Four down three to go second is Phoebe I leave the choice scarf bayonet to Phantom Force kill the Miss magius Golurk and dust Noir when her Mega bayonet comes out I send in ferathon who can well install for the kill Chandler comes out wanting to fire blast so he's swapping a Flygon and now we are going to Boom burst here you might be thinking boom burst is a normal type it's not going to hit the Ghost type well that's why you're wrong Mega Flygon special ability sansong sansong turns it into a ground move I forgot it's still faster it's fine so now this is a ground type boom burst it gets stabbed there it is it's basically ground type liquid liquid voice we'll say that easy last but not least was Aegislash who can't stand to the sheer power of Mega Flygon and goes down two members down two more to go next up is Glacier I start with tenta to set up a rain dance to remove Obama Stone's hail but at the same time she swapped into her mammal swine which is completely fine I pivot to fly gun to take earthquake then swapping a scissor to set up a sword's dance technician boosted bullet punch at plus to attack kills everyone on our team except for the Obama so that she's saved for last Obama so is actually Choice carved here and locked itself into Earth power against Scizor so Flygon can safely swap back in and finish the job with dragon pulse three elite four members down one last member to go the last fight is with Drake and here Flygon really shines as a Powerhouse all flagon needs to do is quiver dance once and Mega Flygon can boom burst Dragon pulse's way to Victory quiver dance first turn okay I think this is guaranteed to toxic spikes I'm not sure it does have Draco meteor which can kill me but I think it always goes toxic spikes eat my words eat my words oh my God that was the one thing that didn't that needed to not happen we just needed to not get crit me I don't have a counter for this now because I up well I actually calculated this in my prep but there was only a one in four chance on all critical Draco meteors to even kill this is really really bad because I have no plan anymore not just for Drake but also for Wallace since the plan was to use Flygon to sweep Wallace as well this is a really bad position I do a bit of shuffling around until I was able to get Como out with a reflect setup since damage is reduced by half I spent a turn to set up a shell smash with hopes of getting a potential Revenge sweep I hit the shell smash Garchomp outrages yes yes okay okay okay we're so in this we're so in this Como lives on two HP Como just starts sweeping [Music] nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice [Music] I think we win I think we win there's no there's no like uh sturdy there's no sash there's no priority moves I think we win [Music] nice [Music] I'm down like so many defenses their own Como oh I they're sound proof so I can't use clanging scales I don't even know if I packed like Dragon pulse I mean to be fair close combat on my side has two roles that kill there are two close combat rules that kill plus crit [Music] but my mind is like five defense right now stall CC with bayonet but it has outrage too right because if I go baynet it's just gonna shell smash it's not even it's not even gonna do anything I think I sack Como here [Music] oh my God we actually hit that roll oh my God holy pulled through oh my God yo I I don't believe what I just saw I I I I I I I I I don't I I don't believe what I just saw holy comma oh pull through oh my God holy holy there's still one fight left and the plan was to drag and dance Sweep with Flygon but clearly that's not an option anymore if I want to pull out a success then I would have to create a miracle all right uh way Lord I know you want ice beam just don't freeze me perfect we are in position to sweep unless it sends out Mega melodic second in which case we're probably probably so close combat oh my God that's fine that's fine no that's okay that's okay that's okay that's okay we're still out speed we can still kill we still had speed we can still kill oh my God chill chill [Music] nice it's fine we're good we're good we're good we're good Milotic now okay I think we sack right no no we no way we sack here no way we sack too valuable too valuable Mega melodic we go straight into Pharaoh thorn look at that beautiful Mega Milotic I'm too scared to sack anything right now I have to curse one now we attack see bomb it's called okay [Music] [Music] we go for the kill now no burn no crit no burn no crit oh my God are you serious please kill please kill oh my God okay fine we're shocking you goodbye goodbye for sacking you okay at least it killed us okay we'd prefer killing us rather than using recover so that's always the best case scenario that's fine we're two for two we're two for two and the wailord's basically useless what I'm really scared about is the vicable in the back life orb Thunder bug Buzz hurricane energy ball there it is okay we mega evolved to give ourselves the prankster ability and then we prankster toxic this thing Thunder has a 62 chance of killing me straight up ideally we'd live but there's no guarantees oh I know we never lived because it's life orb right no [Music] any damage is good damage any damage is good damage here there's like here we have a 45 chance of surviving we actually do interesting interesting technically we protect now for poison damage but we got paralyzed too dude I swear this thing is is getting every single secondary effect of course we don't get the protect off doesn't matter though it would have died anyway uh okay we're in an interesting position we're in a very interesting position very interesting position I feel like we need to go Tentacruel we reflect I think we reflect allow Como o to set up because if if we send a Como straight up it's gonna go looty with ice beam and we can't take that okay that's what I thought it was cash it this might substitute though this might substitute it definitely sees a kill right now okay [Music] we are allowed we allow ourselves to die just for good measure just for good measure perfect it's all you buddy shell smash D Dance it D danced it D danced oh my God oh my God I think we got this I think we got this if it's substitute there we wouldn't we might have lost [Music] combat come on come on come on yes yes Ludicolo we are faster we are faster we are faster despite being Swiss swim because we're plus two [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I think that's it [Music] oh my God holy Como oh you pulled through Como oh is the goat Como oh is the goat oh my God bayonet pretty awesome Pokemon super offensive ferrothorne is the best pivot Pokemon Scizor is tied it with Pharaoh Throne up there Tentacruel didn't really use much of you sorry man and Flygon you really disappointed me and we did it somehow if you're still here then please like And subscribe I've got a really cool ROM lined up for the next video so you don't want to miss that
Channel: DocZ
Views: 57,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j-FsMv7GRVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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