I Tried a Pokémon Infinite Fusion Nuzlocke!

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all right all right I think it's about time I played Pokemon infinite Fusion I'm sure you already know how this game works I catch Pokemon I fuse Pokemon so let's get it I'm gonna be playing this in hard mode so the game is at least a challenge and if I'm feeling this game later on I'll play it again in mod mode but for now the rules are on screen and this is Pokemon infinite Fusion now the entire premise of this game is based on the fact that I have to make fusions to use my Pokemon so I'll only end up with half the encounters that I could have but this game makes up for it by making sure you get plenty of encounters I won't be able to show every single one I get but I can show the first couple to start my Fusion journey I first fuse Bulbasaur and hoothoot into my first fusion hootsor and then I immediately get Pursuit trapped so on my first real attempt I refused the hoot sword again along with a potato and a cute cookie oh good yeah these names I'm gonna have to get used to these are the only three fusions I want to acquire before the first gym I can catch more individual Pokemon but I want to save them for better fusions later on so unboxing them for now so there's nothing else left to do except fight the first gen now this game is based upon the first generation Encanto and includes Pokemon from Generations 1 and 2 and some selective Pokemon from other Generations the gym leader battles are balanced in a way such that you can't just steamroll them with a bunch of Encounters this means that not only am I playing with a level cap but I'm also restricted to using the same number of Pokemon as my opponent this means I can only bring in the best two Pokemon into the Brock fight Brock is normally a rock gym leader but now it's access to fusions to cover for his weaknesses his Gog is flying rock type which counters my Grassroots sword but I sleep part of the Gog to put it to sleep then leachated to get some consistent Health back once the Gog is low enough I can Vine whip it to knock it out this sends in his dignics not only does fusing combine typing but also the stats this Fusion has the speed of Diglett combined with the defense of Onyx but their offense is still just as bad I put them to sleep and leave sleep for health back and on the next turn Vine whip can knock it out to easily earn us the first batch moving Forest towards Mount Moon I encounter cleffa as my encounter this game operates on gen 7 mechanics which means that fairy types are indeed in the game this makes the potential for Fusion so much more interesting as I run through the cave like it did through my grades I noticed Team Rocket in the key as I continue through the cave I slowly encounter more and more rocket glance and I see Machinery in the next remote as I get closer and closer more grunts start to appear until I find the bulk of them looks like we're all set I'll finish up final preparations and we'll be ready to launch the pests I don't want to mess with that I'm gone bye-bye it seems Team Rocket is trying to make a triple fusion I go and stop them but they send in the fossil guy to stop us oh no it's seen too much it seemed too much when I try to fuse the three Pokemon their machines combust and their experiment fails clearly someone failed genetics 101 as I exit the cave I make sure to pick up the Helix Fossil for an omastar later on then I head towards Cerulean City to find Misty I looked through the city a bit to see if there's any encounters or important items I can get but before I can do anything too significant we get ambushed by a rival blue he leads with a nidodofusion and we get off some good damage on the first turn but we immediately get poisoned and miss our next two attacks once I'm able to hyperfang again I can pick up the kill but parakeet also goes down to the poison damage I sent a knock sword and he counters with squirt melion I set up another sleep powder Leaf seed but once it wakes up a firefang does huge damage I swapped the puki as a leech seat keeps me healthy and a couple karate chops manages to chip down the script million his manteta seismic tosses puke down to half Health but we can retaliate in one shot with a karate chop his Akra also goes down and we win the fight to replace the lost patekate I make another Fusion arguably the best so far by fusing pineco and Clefairy in the future it'll have the best type combination of Steel and fairy type I also make a Meowth fear of fusion which combines the attack of fearow with technician giving us access to the extremely broken early game technician fake out with aerialace after defeating all the trainers on nugget Bridge we also have to face the grunt at the end where he tries to recruit us for Team Rocket I find Bill's house at the end of Route 25 and it seems I've caught him in the middle of some kinky Pokemon activities after helping him unfuse from Rhydon he gives us an SS ticket but seriously though could you imagine fusing with a Pokemon I mean she me and love after exploring pretty much all of the city I get ready to face Misty she leads with a jiggly D and I use a combination of technician fake out to deal massive damage then take it out with aerialace before she can even do anything alright bake out so much damage so much damage her second Pokemon is Audi which is part grass type and aerialace second gym badge obtained without taking any damage but I the technician this this Pokemon's too good it's too good it's it's so good after walking down to Route 6 we reached Vermillion City where I can face Lieutenant surge another feature of this game is quests and quests are well like they imply quests you know side challenges that you can complete for gifts and items one Quest reward is with this fisherman if you can find his old boot he'll reward you with a Whooper a potential ground type Fusion we can use for a lieutenant surge I had to diglett's Cave to catch a Diglett as well as some other Pokemon from the surrounding routes then I fuse together butter Trio the fast compound eye sleep powder user the SS ticket allows us to hop on the SSN where we have to progress the story first we have to face off against Blue in another surprise battle his nidora goes down to the power of my nyaro's fake out air release and I swap in a butter Trail to sleep the manicate and bulldoze to chip it down and kill it let's go bulldoze I guess this thing is Nothing Stops this thing star Bros out next and we can pick up the kill with sleep powder Silverwing beautiful he then sends in watermelon the fire water starter Fusion again I can out speed it to put it to sleep and bolders are down for super effective damage is this fire water fire water the thing is just too good with blue to feed him we find the captain and he gives us the cut TM so that we can move on to face surge all of search Pokemon have one obvious ground weakness so I'm anticipating some water grass Pokemon to counter our ground types his lead is volt beat which I can sleep powder in leech seed for the easy kill but I want to send in butter Trio first before Volpe dies so that butter Trio is already in when they send in their next Pokemon sure comes out next which is hyper hypo and dies with single bulldoze and out comes rybus is AIDS rybuzz I bulldoze it down to bring it down to half health and now with its speed lowered and quick attack unable to kill me a second bulldoze picks up the kill and earns us our third batch easy look at that I head back up to Cerulean and then East towards dark cave but before doing so I make sure to evolve hutsor into its final evolution look at that Beast of a Pokemon one other trainers on Route 10 offers us a trait of Pokemon if we give him a Fairy Type he'll give us one of his own fusions and so that's another method in this game of obtaining encounters there's also an additional encounter I missed in Bill's house I can enter cyberspace to retrieve a Porygon encounter and since it's technically a different location it means that bill hasn't done no kinky shoot now that we're ready to move forward I enter Rock Tunnel where we do a bunch of navigation we get to see a bunch of good strong Pokemon but I make sure to hold off my encounter for one very specific Pokemon somewhere deep in the cave you can find a little Grove and in there we can receive a home Edge from an old man which is arguably one of the best Pokemon to make fusions with a hone Edge that is really nice after a couple more minutes of navigation I find the exit which leads me to Lavender Town I crack up Pokemon Tower just to get ambushed by Blue again my Pokemon's levels are much higher than his though because I'm leveled up to the next level cap there isn't much else to do in the tower but I just want to point out how stupid this puzzle is there's a room full of haunters floating around you need to get past the room without touching the haunters because otherwise they'll send you right down to the previous floor it's not a hard puzzle except for the fact that the haunters will chase you and nine times out of ten you will be touched like a stripper at a bachelorette party I head over West to sell it on City where I can progress with my journey in Celadon there's a woman who asks you to walk her Eevee and to only return after enough exercise I accept this favor and immediately pocket the Eevee for myself like that one friend who Vaped and asked to take a hit I actually find Erica who's our fourth gym leader to face in the Celadon sewers where Team Rocket's secret hideout is located it's also here that I catch a grimer for myself After figuring out the water flooding puzzle I spill with Erica to solve a tile puzzle in the Next Room over but Giovanni was having none of this and demands we battle him arnix is a poison rock type so I swapped a goalsar to hit some super effective water moves our Aqua tail deals damage bringing him down to the yellow but I forgot that the iron exclusion combines the defense of Onyx with the attack of Arbok and it led a Rockside for huge damage I swap into collectoris who's my bulkiest Pokemon so far and mirror shot to pick up The Kill ryrus is a ground ice type so mirror shot is the obvious answer the levels just suddenly caught up to us I have to say the levels just suddenly caught up to us I don't know what that is I'm just playing into every single crit aren't I I swap out to Pera to capture Hong Kan which dishes massive damage with Dizzy punch and I realize that I have nothing for this ghost normal type ideals on chip damage with bite and Sack pair to bring in qq8 who can Revenge kill with Thief even though it's just a small mini boss battle with only three Pokemon I've learned a couple things first of all whenever I'm looking at a fuse Pokemon I need to be aware of what moves it can learn not only will fusions have access to moves of its own typing but they can still learn moves of the typing it's lost from fusions secondly I need better and more varied Pokemon I'm currently relying on two to three cheap strategies which may work for individual one-on-one battles but for major boss battles they will hold up and thirdly ghost normal is a wicked typing to make up for some dead Pokemon I've used to get the grimer and twice into Claude sire and Magnemite together with coughing to obtain a steel poison type with levitate a ridiculous combination with these fusions added to my team it means I can finally move on to Erica she starts with exit Duo which can be simply sludge bomb for the kill then she sends in the grass fighting 10 8 which can also be one shot by Knox or with an air slash finally their vile Bell is a grass poison Fusion which Magnuson counters quite nicely with its steel poison type and retaliates with sludge bombs for the victory why couldn't the mini bosses be as easy as gym leaders in order to wake up the Snorlax on Route 12 I need to get the Pokey flute which is located at the top of the Pokemon Tower while navigating through some tragedy struck I was looking at the item list to see what was available in the tower when I allowed Magnus ink to be taken down by a Shadow Ball this was my mistake it shouldn't have been there in the first place what I was oh my I I was not paying attention I'm looking at like ah in order to recuperate my losses I had to go back to the box to make some more fusions first again road which combines the speed of electrode with the power of Gengar then Arbok would Pidgeot which allows us to get intimidate on the fusion reaching the bridge on Route 12 we wake up the Snorlax which also conveniently becomes our encounter for that route progressing towards the next city is just a bunch of trainers with cool fusions but I want to highlight this one trainer all of his Fusion Pokemon are name titles Mr King King and King Queen I don't know I just found that funny after all the roots and trainers I finally reached fuchsia City not only is fuchsia where I face the fifth gym leader but also home of the Safari Zone where he can catch a trap inch on the first ball remember what I said about ghost normal types in craft remember the honest icon Rock Tunnel remember the Snorlax on Route 12 I think we know where this is going inside the 5th gym is a bunch of invisible barriers that forms a maze that we need to puzzle through it doesn't take long for us to reach Koga Koga starts the battle with a venomer a cute poo with wings I minimize with claude's eye to increase evasiveness and earthquake it down to kill his Magna thing perfectly counters us with Steel type and levitate so I yawned it to sleep and slowly chip It Down For The Kill he sends in chanak the same turn I send in claudezire and we both are increasing our evasiveness huge attack oh come on we can both play this game he also raises his defense which starts to concern me but we luckily managed to hit an earthquake to quickly take it out it's earthquake [Music] bro that's a lot of damage okay easy okay we're good we're out we're done we're done okay last Pokemon [Music] his last Pokemon is beatr which is a pure bug type this means I can send in goler who can rock to him for the easy kill earning us a fifth batch you're gone easy not too bad not too bad not too bad nice with the fifth batch now in possession I have access to Saffron City where I can fight off Team Rocket and Silph Co this is a huge building with a bunch of Grunts and with so many grunts using so many Pokemon you get to see a bunch of great Sprites for fusions but some of them aren't as cool oh my God this thing looks horrible look at that thing oh my God imagine this thing looking at you like down the street you'd be so creeped out I spent another half hour navigating through the building when I can finally reach the last area where blue is waiting for us this time his levels are really caught up so he's ready to fight us in a proper battle I start by putting his Nino giant to sleep swapping to goler who can two shot with rock tomb oh my God this beats out elected dose your levels are so high oh my God that looks so sick it starts setting up dragon dances as a go for a gun we're gonna get swept we're gonna get swept it does have crunch to deal super effective stab gaming play king's shield in between to protect myself and lower its attack miraculously it does stay asleep for three turns in a row which allows us to body slam Thrice for the kill okay when watermelon comes out I send him my goals art this was a mistake first of all we're both fire water types which is dangerous for both of us and I got my ass blasted by Hydro pumps like a white person using a bidet for the first time I Stand Out Slow plume who can surf and kill and swap to snore slash again to yawn to set up with a kill on Star bro finally his last Pokemon is a regular Tauros snore slash can stall it out with King's shield and eventually body slam picks up The Kill from one battle to the next we immediately have to face Giovanni in a double battle alongside blue up until now all the battles have been pretty easy so far but this is probably the first run killer in this game I start by Sleep powdering the ryrus as Nino hits Wing attacks on primarino I swap for argia as a second wing attack takes out the primarino and I immediately get sheer coated [Music] and it just straight up lands a sheer cold what am I gonna do oh my God I sent a knock sword and they sent in their gankon the same deadly Pokemon combination again I sleep the ryrus as it gets hit with a thrash and grass pledge the virus for damage Giovanni heals up ryrus as gang con outrages me twice and I Roost up for some health back as ryrus wakes up to sheer cold me again bro that's do I not understand how sheer cook Oh no you're right it is no guard the Neato giat has no guard oh my God I know that this combination of mechanics doesn't work in the regular games but maybe that's how it works in this game either that or I'm just extremely lucky but either way we're in trouble sand queen sets up Sandstorm and boosts its own evasion as well with sand fail it also synergizes perfectly with gangcon whose levitate resists earthquakes EQ hits us to deal damage and a yawn the sand Queen I then King shield as Nido hits a thrash and sand Queen falls asleep blue then earth powers the Nidoqueen for the kill and I King shield as need a roost for health back then on the next turn Nino can land a wing attack to chip the gangcon for the kill as thanks for liberating him from Team Rocket's grasp Mr silk gives us a Totodile in gratitude from the fighting dojo and saffron we can also choose to have one of the three hit mods the correct answers obviously him on top for access to intimidate OR technician navigating through Sabrina's human panels I reached the final room to face off against her for this battle I decided to Brute Force against her team by using genod but the hit mime immediately sets up a nasty plot so I have to take it out ASAP Espeon is a psychic dark type I swapped a cleft trust to hit draining kiss to heal back Health every turn but it deals way too much damage with future sight and it's way too bulky with light screen setup I swapped a tokumoth to get awesome sleep powder but I forgot that a future site was used to turn ago and togomoth kills itself from the future site I do some more pivoting with cleftress until its light screen wears off and then I knock it out with another draining kiss I swapped a Geno who can kill the alibra with Electro balls and her last Pokemon is gankazam we're definitely faster since we're fused with electrode and Shadow Ball is quite effective to pick up the kill earning us the sixth gym badge the next location of interest is Cinnabar Island at this point in time cinebar is still a luscious Green Island with people roaming around but precariously there's just an Absol chilling on the island just looking over the edge I wonder what that's about over in Saffron you can enter this building at night to find a strange staticking TV just in the middle of the room and in the game corner of Celadon I can buy myself a Dratini encounter immediately I fused together Gyarados and Dragonite to get garenite and I also fuse together Rotom and Evie and evolve it into Sylveon this gives us a great pivot Pokemon with poor immunities before I go on to fight Blaine there's a whole lot more encounters I can catch some of them are from water routes some of them are hatched from eggs and so I spent an hour or so of chat fusing some Pokemon just as backup in the Box in terms of game progression though the next destination I actually have to go to is Mount Ember immediately I see that the place is overrun with rocket grunts not a good sign and as I penetrate deeper I start to see more technology and more grunts which gives me a bad feeling it's almost like they're guarding something eventually I reach what seems to be the lowest floor where I come face to face with Giovanni just like the other two speaking of which now would be a good time to bring them out this is the moment that Team Rocket Rises to previously unreachable Heights we'll do it now boss you hit his time few is the three legendary birds that mokuno that's where we're calling it right actually no one will dare mess with us now no we do not understand what this means for a team rocket this is a Pokemon that is superior to every single other Pokemon that exists by having it under Arc control we are now truly free to do whatever we want no more having to offer in secret we can rule over everything and everyone Gym Leaders the Elite Four they cannot match up against this Pokemon in fact there isn't a single person in the world who has the power to stop us I Reigns I read I'm I'm speaking faster than my brain is reading and if not even the Elite Four can stop this beast and tell him what exactly it is that you're doing no no no oh my God my and tell me exactly what it is you're trying to achieve here doxy did you think I did not know that you had infiltrated our operation my little henchman have been telling me everything I do not appreciate how you keep meddling in our Affairs but this time you were too late as I was telling my underlings there isn't a single person who can impose a threat to team Rock anymore she'll help me demonstrate this fact zap mulcuno the first triple fusion it has a typing of all three legendary birds with each head of different typing since each head has their own health bar they all get to attack you individually so this is a 3v1 instead of that I forego all planning and just use parasol seriously look I tried to find a way that's foolproof but this was the best that I got not the most creative but hey a win is a win with that mokuna defeated the fusion breaks and the birds are released they are available for capture so I start with Moltres it does take a couple balls but I do manage to capture it with Giovanni gone I can now take a quick detour to Savvy Island which gives us a Sinnoh starter in Piplup I can also find an egg to hatch over in the next round okay that's not a pawn here but I'm not complaining I fly back to Route 25 where the power generator is located and I can find the second legendary bird Zapdos finally I can surf over to Seafoam Islands where the third legendary bird is located none of them are necessary for the progression of the game but they're all very good Pokemon for me to catch and use in a later Fusion after spending some time making some fusions I prep my team for the battle with Blaine I start by beating fire moves with cleftris and encouring the opponent into flamethrower to lock them in definitely a risky strategy but at this point I have enough encounters that wrists like these are worth the payout I swapped a garenite who can set up two dragon dances and clean up the rest of his team with aqua tails to sweep the aqua tail okay that's one pterodactyl two [Music] okay that was pasho Berry and good night I head back to Viridian City to face Giovanni where I can hopefully win the final gym badge after selecting the five Pokemon to battle with I enter the fight he starts with his ryrus I Encore him into bulldoze and swap the gear and I did knock it out with aqua Tails since both those did lower my speed glissatar's earthquakes deal some massive damage as aquatel retaliates and knocks it out I swapped a puki ape on the go champ as it lands in EQ then swapped him pokius who can resist with levitate surf can then knock it out as it tries to go for a counter elekta Trio sets up a light screen and discharge paralyzes us I swapped a cleftress to stall a few turns but forgot that I had access to ground moves cleft chess unfortunately goes down and I send it in pogius to usurf but we get fully paralyzed here I have to regain momentum by sacking puku ape to sending gear Knight safely elected Trio light screens which gives us the opportunity to Aqua tail and knock it out finally is relax I swap to waymans to get off and intimidate and dive underwater to hit it for half Health but it lands a horn drill to one shot weighmans out of existence bro are you serious turns out I could have just swapped it in pogius to stall it out since it only has ground and normal attacks both of which and pogius resists but I didn't know that eventually we do manage to pick up the wind but with quite a few deaths on our hand now with all badges in our possession we can move on to the Elite Four With Victory Road left in the way I also need to clear through blue his team is still the same as the last time we fought him so I can just set up four dragon dances and aqua tail sweeps his entire team but now that we're near the end of the game there aren't many places left for us to catch Pokemon not island has an NPC from Unova who gives us a pawn your egg and I can make a trade with a trainer dodrio for Skarmory there's also a Maw wild that I can kidnap in Crimson City and finally Victory Road itself holds our last encounter the last encounter we can get after spending some time fusing Pokemon together I'm now ready to take on the Elite Four the team consists of impogius silvtom garonite Omar sharp flight and Le Purge the first opponent is Lorelei leading with fire water magon ite here is a clear best answer we can set up dragon dances to plus 4 and knock out her entire team like Floyd Mayweather that's one two okay nice nice okay not too bad Bruno eats his battle with him a buyer who we simply Moon blast to pick up the kill then I can protect with lopert to scout his next moves and well there's the Iron Tail it's probably I think we're actually faster let's protect the Scout see what it does okay if it's gonna Iron Tail we can just shell smash then [Music] yeah EQ nice surf of Scizor which means we earthquake here okay it's another earthquake oh okay I didn't I didn't consider idea okay there it goes down last Pokemon okay I guess that the ghost member is a fight that I have to play by ear since I don't have the best counters I love berry Almost sure I have to cure myself from the confused Ray which gives us a turn to get our free shell smash I'm not too confident that she can be a sweep but like I said we play this by ear yeah I was right but I was right about to confuse Ray but we just have to be able to kill now [Music] that doesn't look too strong honestly okay it's two but regardless we surf anyway even if it's not fire [Music] let's try that maybe get the flinch there it is okay okay that's good that's good that's good [Music] cool norgar although this is pretty specially bulky it yeah it probably would have survived no paralysis that's good okay it dies easy okay not too bad not too bad finally is Lance and his team of draconic Pokemon his Dragons lead is Dragon water which means that moonblast can pick up The Kill toganai comes out and I moonblast and check my damage and seeing how his attack barely did much to me so Tom can stay in to faint the tokenite the tyrannodactyl combines the Balkan power of Tyranitar with the speed of Aerodactyl I pivot through impogus to resist a brave food and swap into Omar sharp to resist Dragon Rush and shell smash allows us to build attack to Iron Head tyranidactyl you miss the head smash is good for us perfect taifener counters my oma sharp so I make the swap into fly take to tank a fire blast we're okay with that we're okay with that I set up a d dance but we get hit by a dragon tail to be forced out into lap hurt that's my bad damn okay uh I then shall smash with little pert hoping to set up a Kill but don't drag a tail don't drag your tail actually I think the fact that we went first means it's gonna drink himself yeah I swapped in a garenite to intimidate the typhenir and drain Claude to kill it immediately we're just gonna Dragon claw immediately no need to yeah that can't be too dependent on my shell smashes his final Pokemon is pory drug whose download boost is attack I pivot through silicon to resist the dragon moves then Moon blast a porridge for the victory okay easy this means that with all four elite four members defeated there is one last battle before we can claim victory to this challenge I hope so entering the battle I lead off with my garenite against his Neo giant Nido giant uh poison flying I believe he sets up a Swords Dance but he's only a plus one due to intimidate be careful here you are intimidate though so you're only plus one so I will go for another one I set up my own dragon dances to plus two and dragon claw needleji out to take it out say goodbye [Music] 69. [Music] mortar and out comes his tortar unless it has sturdy which it doesn't oh my God I keep not thinking about this tortar has intimidate which lowers my attack but since gear Knight is decently bulky I hit an aqua tail to do some decent damage I think we can just Aqua tail kill this we're only plus one so it's not blue heels with a full restore and I also take the turn to roost that's fine seeing as how the Zen headbutts always does less damage than Bruce heals I jump back and forth between D dancing and roosting until aquatil can one shot the tortar let's kill perfect I think we can sweep from here let's drink if you die you die [Music] yeah easy not too bad not not the worst not the worst what a fun run this has probably been one of the most interesting games concept wise the variety of Pokemon has exploded in this game due to the fusion mechanic which gave nuzlocking a whole new dimension this game has absolutely been fun to play and I'm sure I will in the future but this challenge isn't done yet there's still all of jota to play through and explore which means that in the next video you see me playing through the second half of this game but until then stay tuned
Channel: DocZ
Views: 13,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o2tAjK6K2a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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