How I attracted wealth & husband in 30 days

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I used to be broke I used to be miserable I  used to have absolutely nothing only anxiety   about feeling like a failure and that everybody  was so much more ahead than myself the one day   I created a vision board actually this vision  board I put pictures up of how I envisioned My   Kind of Perfect life to look like things that  I wanted to attract into my life this was a   few years before 2016 when I started really  intensively doing this manifestation Journey   that I have spoken about in my content that  actually ended up leading me to attract my   husband in just 30 days but I'll speak about that  in just a second the crazy thing is that I pulled   this board out of my storage and had a look and  be like wow pretty much most of the things came   true and I really remember back in the days  when I was sitting with this vision board my   life was nowhere near where it is now and I  thought to myself I'm sure it's not possible   but you know what I'm going to give it a shot  because it can't hurt can it and that's when I   did this little exercise and then started looking  at this vision board and then the rest is history   like things really do manifest my story is not  the only story if you have a look around on the   internet you're going to see how many stories are  just like mine it is kind of creepy but kind of amazing let me tell you a few examples of the  things that came true clearly I wanted to attract   designer Goods into my life and that happened very  much so we have Chanel and we have a Rolex here   but my biggest biggest dream was to get married  and find my soulmate you can see here actually   this picture is from my original vision board  and the thing is that this man is very similar   to how my husband actually looks like I mean then  yeah we also got a dog but our dog looks slightly   different however even though I'm saying like oh  look at all these things that I've attracted I'm   actually going to give you one mistake that I  did with this exact vision board but I'm going   to keep it towards the end of the video so make  sure you stay around I'm not doing this from like   a bragging perspective I hate that kind of thing  I just want to you know share with you because I   am quite amazed how well it worked out but I also  want to really motivate you and inspire you cuz I   remember you know when I first got to learn about  the vision board technique and I saw how you know   famous people had made their vision board and  things came true the cover of Sports Illustrated   and the cover of Vogue were on my vision board  really yes it took me two years it took the vision   board that I still have up two years heard other  people's success stories about manifestation and   how it works and literally describing miracles  happen I would visualize things coming to me that   I wanted or whatever just before Thanksgiving 1995  I found out that I was going to make 10 million   and that's the thing like life is kind of weird  miracles happen every day in the most bizarre   ways that nobody can explain so for this reason  I was always really open to maybe we as humans do   not have everything figured out on this planet  maybe there's loads that we do not know how it   works why it works and we cannot make any sense  of it so you know what maybe Law of Attraction works love attraction is based on the principle  of what you send out to Universe you will receive   back very much based on kind of the power of  positivity the power of love and kindness when   I did my 30day manifestation intensive honestly  I have never felt better and that is because   there is actually a real chemical reaction that  happens in your body when you work with things   like gratitude your body or your hormones are  releasing dopamine Feelgood hormone when you   work with affirmations and visualizations you  are actually taking control of your life of   your destiny and that gives you confidence that  gives you empowerment and then also this feeling   of just kind of being in control but like in a  healthy way some people don't like the word law   of attraction I personally like to use the word  law of the subconscious because that's ultimately   what it is you are wiring energy vibrations  affirmations into your subconscious and then   what happens is that your subconscious thinks  that that is reality and what it does is that   it tries to match whatever it thinks is the  reality so if you are saying to yourself that   you belong in Maldives or Sant Trope then  your subconscious is going to think that   that is reality and make sure that the actions  you take or the subconscious actions you take   are going to match so that it leads you kind  of in that direction or at a crossroad that   that's the path you go down or that's the  decision you take to be able to reach that goal listen I know that law of attraction is a  taboo topic I know that we live in times where   unless kind of science can prove it it doesn't  exist but that's the thing I just think that   there's so much we cannot explain you know  with life on Earth then why do we have these   expectations that law of attraction can be proven  scientifically like it can't it's an abstract   thing that we can't prove a lot of people who do  not like or are opposed Law of Attraction they   are usually the people who have never really  tried it so of course they're going to think   that it's all a pile of BS love attraction will  only work if you believe in it remember that I   told you that I attracted my husband in just  30 Days by using Law of Attraction and guess   why I was able to do it well because I really  believe that it was possible I believe that it   was possible to manifest anything you want and  I stayed really consistent with my manifestation   practice I did it every single day for 30 days  now actually in just a few seconds I'm going to   go over my exact manifestation technique with you  if you feel like you still want to go even deeper   on it then I've actually created a master class  it's a 1-hour training that you can get if you go   to manifest withth anab and there I will  break down every single detail and really teach   you this technique so that you can replicate  it at home go to manifest withth anab visualization is one and I really do recommend  anyone to create a vision board now listen you   do not need any special skills for this you do  not need any Financial investment besides maybe   buying scissors maybe buying a few magazines  to cut out a little bit of inspirational or   aspirational images and then honestly just start  putting it all together like whatever resonates   with you whatever is aligned with your dreams  and desires and your level up Journey then we   have the Gratitude practice which is so important  because it's not really about just like give me   this I want that no you also want to see what  you already have and you might be saying yeah   but Anna I don't have anything there's nothing in  my life to be grateful for wrong everyone everyone   has something in their life to be grateful for  and you need to really capitalize on that energy   and really feel grateful because the more you  feel it in your core the more you're going to   attract more of those bigger things so you really  really need to be grateful every single day for   the blessings in your current life then we have  the affirmations I'm sure you have heard people   say I am rich I am this I am that I am beautiful I  am skinny the thing is that you have to of course   align yourself with the person person that you  want to become that means that you're telling   your subconscious okay I have these things already  in my life so you subconscious you go out now and   align with what I just told you the thing with law  of attraction is actually it really does help you   focus and when I have heard from you ladies in  the leveling up Community many of you tell me   how much you struggle with focus with motivation  and feeling determined I know that many of you   procrastinate you feel stuck having a really good  vision board helps you wake up every day look at   whatever you have in front of yourself and really  focus on aligning kind of your daily mission or   your weekly Mission or how much you want to work  on your goals remember why are you doing this   leveling up Journey why well because you want  XY Z right now if you remove this vision board   and wake up to nothing now how are you going  to feel feel motivated by this probably going   to forget about your leveling up goals when  we see it visually in front of us it's just   so much easier to focus and have Clarity and just  know what you should be doing now I need to spill   one big secret to success and it's not only you  know success with manifestation it also has to   do with just general success in life and that is  the self-belief because in my case I thought that   I could achieve these things and therefore I did  but if you create a vision board and you look at   these things and you just feel afraid or that it's  impossible or that you could never ever have any   of those things you don't deserve these things if  that is the continuous conversation that happens   in your mind you're never going to be able to  attract any of these things no matter how much   Law of Attraction you do or how many classes you  take or things you buy into it's just not going   to work and I'm not going to sit here and tell  you that it will the foundation to any success   in life has to start from your belief that it's  possible for you if looking at these things just   make you feel worse you need to ask yourself why  you think like that what happens in your mind that   makes you tell yourself that that is true where  do those thoughts come from and are they really   really true maybe these thoughts have been imposed  onto you maybe someone has been telling you this   maybe the environment that you have been in have  never supported your dreams and desires and if   you feel like that then that is the first first  thing that you need to sort out before embarking   on anything else but it doesn't have to take  you long to just snap out of it because it's   all about a mindset change understanding that  you are valuable that you can have anything you   want if other people's could do it you can do  it too there is nothing special about anybody   else we're all the freaking same but we all we  all have our own struggles we all have our own   shortcomings and we all have our own blessings  it is your responsibility to take control of   that negative internal selft talk that basically  hinders you from achieving anything in life and my   job here is to help motivate you and push you in a  Direction Where You Belong because ultimately you   belong where your dreams are okay and whatever  those dreams may look like they don't have to   look like this by the way like get about this and  I'm actually going to tell you my mistake that I did when I created this vision board you know it  was all you know Rolex diamonds watches designer   Brands first class travel you name it but you  know what what is so bizarre is that I forgot   to add some really important things onto this  vision board and those things I wish I could   have also attracted or maybe attracted instead  of of you know this stupid Chanel bag I wish I   could have put on this vision board anxiety free  I wish I would have put stress prooof more time on   my hands genuine friendships being surrounded  by pets have loads of energy and have amazing   Health never get sick like I wish I could have  put a little bit more of those things onto this   vision board instead of like who wants this watch  like like let's just remove it I don't want this   and this either actually let's remove this too  this too over it you know what I'm going to do   I'm going to create a new vision board that  is going to align with my level up goals in   2024 because of course A lot has changed I am  no longer interested in absolutely everything   on this board and also one thing that you have to  understand when you gain something in your life   other things come with it when I put on the vision  board I want to be an entrepreneur there's a lot   that comes with being an entrepreneur stress  little time left for yourself or the things   you love doing there's always a second side to  the coin that we don't always think about I know   that the vision board that I'm going to now do  is going to look different and I'm happy about   that because I know now what really matters in  life and what leveling up really means to me by   all means go out and create a vision board beyond  your wildest dreams dream free and put everything   you desire just remember the things that also  matters in life those that actually bring us   genuine happiness like this jewelry might give  you shortterm happiness but ultimately that's not   what's going to lead you to Long fulfilling  happiness and is it leveling up truly about   those things that trip to maldiv will be fun but  again if you're there with the wrong company or   there's bad weather it's not going to be what  you envision it to be so be very specific when   you create this vision board make sure you craft  it uniquely for you what you want out of life not   what Society tells us we should gain out of life  feel like we are very much brainwashed these days   with how success looks like and I know I certainly  have also been brainwashed which is why my vision   board back then looked very superficial anyway  I'm going to now go and redo my vision board   and for those of you who want to come and join  join me for my master class go to manifest with I have many short classes waiting for you  if you just go to this link that is listed on the   screen or in the description box below you will be  able to take more in-depth trainings with me some   are free some are paid just head over there and  then I will see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 408,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anna Bey, manifesting my dream life, how to make a vision board, manifesting my husband, manifest your dream life, how to make a vision board that really works, how to manifest a relationship, visualization, manifest your dreams, manifest love, law of attraction love, manifest, how to manifest love, how to manifest, law of assumption, vision board, manifest a specific person, manifesting, manifestation, vision boards, law of attraction, affirmations, How to manifest your dream life
Id: FDciMC8owEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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