How I Animate Products for Money (Aryan)

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I'm going to teach you the easiest way to animate any consumable product in blender and this is the best way to make a few hundred bucks even if you're just a beginner I've received this model right here from a client who wants me to use this to create some animations now I already have a couple of videos on my channel where I taught you how to create bottles like this from scratch this is super easy but if you want I can make a complete beginner tutorial for how to make a bottle like this from scratch and you're going to be able to use that bottle for any animation ever every vitamin bottle or every supplement bottle is basically the same if you have one model you can just adjust that model to fit the right size and you can make a thousand different animations just using that one model now when you want to create an animation and blender the first thing that you have to do is go up here and switch to the animation workspace this just arranges your windows a little bit differently which is a little bit better for animating stuff now for some reason as soon as I switch to this animation workspace it looks like my view is spinning around an invisible object here so I'm going to focus on this bottle by select in the bottle and pressing the full stop on my number pad now if for some reason inconceivable to me you have a keyboard which doesn't have a number pad you can just select this object go up here to view and click on frame select now you're going to be focusing on this specific object now I don't want to be in rendered view I'm going to switch to textured view right here just because currently the lighting is a little bit better and I can see what I'm doing but we're going to switch back to rendered view a little bit later when we add some lights and here's the first thing you have to do before you start creating your animation you have to come up with an idea of what you're going to create if you just try to randomly do something most likely it's not going to turn out good you have to think about how your camera is going to be positioned you have to think about how the object is going to move and you also have to think about what your lighting is going to look like approximately now if you're a beginner of course you probably can't come up with this but here's what you can do instead and some of you going to call me a con artist but it doesn't matter if you don't want to get paid you don't have to you can go to Instagram and search for some animations of supplements and vitamin Botts either presented by the company which is selling them or by the company animated them okay and you're going to realize that most of it is just very basic you can copy this for the product which you're working with at that particular time and your client is going to be more than happy with something similar you don't even have to do something this complicated you can do something very simple and then as you build your skills more and more you can start adding more details to this animation in this video I'm just going to show you something very simple which is just going to give you an idea of how animation works so you can do something and you can still get paid but if you guys really like this video and if you want we can make some more complex animations we can add some more crazy just let me know in the comments and we're going to keep moving in this direction I like this animation this is very easy and I also like this one where one bottle turns into three bottles so we're going to try to create those two animations and then if you guys really like this and if you want me to make another video we can make something like this where we get a box we get some pills we get some details we get some little badge over here we can add some more complexity to the scene if you want to so here's how easy this is first of all we have to create a background and the background has to have the color of the product in this case we have this green color so with shift s I'm going to snap my cursor to the world origin and then with shift a I'm going to add a new plane s I'm going to scale that plane up and let's move over here to the material properties create a new material by pressing this button right here and we're going to name this background click on this white base color button right here I'm going to change the color into something green which is similar to this label color so we have to also reduce the brightness a little bit increase the saturation and I don't want this surface to reflect that much light so I'm going to expand this specular menu right here and reduce the I level to reduce how much light is being reflected from the surface we can also try reducing the roughness and you're probably going to have to adjust the color a little bit more but for now let's just go with something like this and we're going to make some more adjustments once we start adding some lights and once the scene is going to look a little bit different now since we're using the EV render engine which is the faster and simpler render engine in blender as opposed to Cycles which is very slow but also very realistic we have to do something if we want to get an acceptable render result right now this scene as you can see looks completely unrealistic it looks like it's your first time opening unity and trying to create a game there's no Shadows there's no Reflections there's no nothing with just a couple of clicks you can make this look a lot better so when you're in the render properties tab right here check ambient occlusion as you can see now we got a little bit of shading then check screen space reflection and now if you reduce the roughness of the floor you're going to see your bottle is reflected in the floor if we don't check this there's no reflection you might also have to adjust some properties in the screen space Reflections menu such as the thickness strace Precision Max roughness Edge fading whatever try to find something that works a little bit better and you can also check blue and try to play with some of the settings here although right now that's probably not going to be visible we're going to have to add some more lights and probably render the scene so that we can see this now select This Plane press tab to go to edit mode make sure that you're in Edge select mode by clicking up here on this middle button or by pressing two and just select this Edge in the background right here press e to extrude right click to snap it back to its original Place G to move it and Z to only move it on the Z axis we're going to lift it up to approximately this high and we're also going to press G and X to move it backwards on the x-axis and then we're going to select this edge here press contrl + B to Bevel it we're going to make the bevel approximately this wide in the bevel menu down here we're going to set the shape value to 0.5 and we're going to increase the number of segments so that this is a smooth transition here we're also going to select everything with a and scale it up on the Y AIS to make it wider now press tab to go back to object mode go up here to object and click on shade smooth now we got a nice background these Reflections look a little bit stupid so we're going to increase the roughness of the material now here's the animation idea that I have from that commercial which we just saw our camera is slowly going to approach this bottle and the bottle is going to start at an angle like this and then it's going to move into this angle and we're also going to make it do a spin before it comes into its final form where we can see the front of the label very clearly so let me show you how I can very easily create this animation we're going to select this object and rotate it a little bit around the x-axis like this and this is going to be the initial ual position of the bottle now since we're in the animation workspace we got our timeline right here where we can tell blender how to move this object to do that we have to create key frames and if you don't know what key frames are they're just points in time which we mark on this timeline down here which tell blender to perform a certain action at that time we can create a key frame at the beginning of our timeline right here in this position by placing the marker right here selecting this bottle and pressing I key frame location and rotation now we can move the marker to another point in time such as this one right here we can rotate this around the x- axis a little bit to straighten it out and we're also going to move it forwards a little bit on the x-axis to bring it closer to the camera now again make sure that your marker is placed here then again press I key frame location rotation and now blender knows that at this point the bottle has to be in a different position which is this one right here so now when you go back here and you play the animation the bottle is going to move from its original position into its final position if you want to make this faster you can just right click on this right here press G and move it a little bit closer and now it's going to take less time to perform this animation which means it's going to be faster now we're going to delete all these key frames because there's something else we have to do before we start creating the animation which I have in mind so select these key frames press X delete key frames and now we're going to press n in object mode find the item menu here and set all the rotation values to zero to straighten this back out and here's what we're going to do to give us some more control over the rotation of this object with shift s we're going to snap the 3D cursor to this bottle then we're going to press shift a and we're going to add some empty plain axes scale the this object up a little bit with s so that you can see it and as you can see we just got a couple of lines sticking out of this bottle this is what the shape looks like we're going to use this to help us with our animations with shift V we're going to duplicate this and then right click to bring it back into place and with G and Y we're going to move it out to here approximately and this is essentially going to be the controller or steering wheel for this object which is going to help us rotate this a little bit more accurately shift select this empty object then press contrl p parent object keep transform and now if you move move this empty object the bottle is also going to follow it now we're going to rotate this a little bit around the x-axis like this press I key frame location rotation make sure that's in frame zero and we're also going to collapse this just so we don't have four dots but we only have one dot then move to something like frame 100 we can press n again and set the rotation here to zero to straight this out or maybe we can also tilt it a little bit the other way but in any case we're going to bring it a little bit closer like this now press I again key frame location rotation and now we have this simple animation by default this animation is kind of smooth it starts very slowly and it accelerates and then it slows down before it gets to the final position we can change this by selecting all these key frames with a then pressing T and selecting linear interpolation this just makes the movement constant and there's no acceleration or deceleration whatsoever in physics this is known as uniform motion because the rate of change in the object's position is constant so the speed or rather the velocity does not change but I'm not trying to teach you physics today if you want to learn some Physics then follow me on Rumble link is below I can make some Physics tutorials over there once we got this simple motion out of the way I'm going to select this key frame and move it a little bit closer to make this a little bit faster and then I'm going to select this empty go to the constraints tab right here add object constraint and we're going to add a transformation constraint use this eye dropper right here to Target this other empty object check extrapolate make sure that the target is World space and set the owner to local space open up the map from menu we're going to map from rotation in the Z minimum we're going to type in minus one and in the maximum we're going to type in 1 then open up map 2 move to rotation and once again we're going to set the Z minimum to minus one and the maximum to one now when we rotate this empty object the other empty as well as the bottle which is parented to it is also rotating on its local z-axis so even if this bottle is placed at an odd angle like this it's always going to rotate around this axis kind of like the Earth which is tilted by 23 and 1/2 or what degrees and now as this animation plays we can just rotate this whatever way we want so really we're going to create key frames on this object instead of this one right here it can get very confusing and messy if you try to key frame different transforms or different attributes of an object on the same timeline or rather on the same object it's very useful to use controllers for this to prevent from getting messy so here's my idea we're going to start by rotating very slowly then it's going to make a sudden Spin and it's going to align back with its original position and that's going to be the final position of this particular animation so first we're going to place this approximately like this so it's tilted slightly to the left then on frame zero press I and key frame the rotation of this empty right here and then in the final position we're going to rotate this by a full circle like this and press I key frame rotation now you can see that the motion is almost there but we still have to adjust the speed a little bit I want this to start a little bit more slowly and then I want the fast movement to be a little bit faster and the end is supposed to be a little bit slower to do that we're going to to select the first key frame of this side empty shift d to duplicate this and bring it to somewhere around here then take the last key frame shift d to duplicate that and bring it a little bit closer as well watch what happens now when we play this animation it starts off with no rotation around this axis then it suddenly does the rotation and then it freezes back up again and it comes all the way to the end and now to make this motion a little bit smoother we're going to place our marker on this verdex right here rotate this controller just by a little bit then key frame that and now when you play this animation it slowly going to rotate before the big rotation then it's going to do the full rotation and then it's going to slow back down we also going to come here to this next key frame and rotate it backwards just a little bit so it has some more work to do in this period right here now again press I key frame rotation and you can play around with the positions of these key frames to just how this looks you can bring this one a little bit closer you can push them all a little bit closer to the beginning you can try closing this Gap we can even pull the first key frame backwards a little bit with G so that when we start the animation there's already a little bit of motion and remember that we can select this empty as well and bring this key frame closer to make everything faster and here's another thing I want to do with this in this period where we have this fast spinning I want the bottle to also straighten out a little bit more quickly in this particular moment so we're also going to do something similar here we're going to duplicate this key frame with shift d again and we're going to try to place it on the exact frame where this fast spinning begins to happen which appears to be around frame 37 you can also check by just selecting this one right here and you can see it's right here on 34 now on this duplicated key frame for this one we're going to rotate it by a little bit on the x-axis and key frame that also make sure that you adjust the position on the x-axis because otherwise it's not going to move because we just duplicated this key frame where it's placed in the middle of the world now bring the marker around here somewhere rotate this a little bit more on the x-axis bring it a little bit closer press I key frame location rotation and now we also have a little bit of a jump here when we have this quick rotation on the bottle and that's going to give us a pretty cool animation remember that you might still have to adjust some positions of different key frames from both op project but before you know it you're going to get a very smooth animation and now we're ready to set up some lighting so we're going to first move over to the shading workspace we're going to enter rendered View and now the scene is completely dark because we got no lights in my Shader editor I'm going to switch from object to world and now I can use an image to cast light into our scene so go to Google and type in hdri click on this first website called poly Haven HDR eyes and we're going to search for studio right here and it's probably going to work best if we have a studio with relative with natural lighting I tried searching bathroom and this modern bathroom looks like it's going to work pretty well as well so click on that click on download Right Here and Now in blender we're going to go up here to edit preferences add-ons type in node and check this box right here which says node Wrangler close this menu select this background node right here and press contrl T now you got some nodes where you can load up an image so click on open and in your downloads folder you're going to be able to type in bathroom or just type in exr to find all your download loed hdis load up the one that you want and before you know it now you got your bathroom around your scene obviously this makes things look a lot more realistic and here you can also see the bloom that I was telling you about earlier now the only reason we want this hdri is to create some Reflections in our object so we're going to reduce the strength of this to something like4 or even. 3 and I'm also going to add some lights myself which are going to be artificial so select this bottle press shift s cursor is selected with shift a add a new light and we're going to use an area light lift that above the scene scale it up and then in the light properties right here with this little green light bulb we're going to increase the power until it has a significant effect on our scene you can see that if I set the power to something like 1,000 in this case it looks a lot better and now we're going to rotate this around the y- AIS lower it down and also push it backwards a little bit like this so that it's in front of the object it might be easier if we use a 3D cursor as a pivot point then snap that to the bottle with shift s and now we can just rotate this lamp around the bottle as we wish so we're going to place it around here here somewhere you can move it backwards by pressing G and double z Now slide it back crank up the power a little bit more I'm going to go with something like 3,000 and with shift d we're going to duplicate this right click and then rotate it to bring it over here to the other side now before we continue let's add a camera because that's going to allow us to see what we're doing and what we're creating and what the product is going to look like so I'm going to place my view in front of the scene like this and with shift a I'll add a new camera but you probably already have one now press control alt and zero on the number pad to align the camera with your view now we can see what the camera is looking at and again I recommend you keep your 3D cursor on this bottle and you keep your 3D cursor as a piver point so now when you look at things from the camera perspective you can rotate the camera around the scene we can shift it up and down by pressing R and double x so I'm going to lower it just a little bit and I also want to zoom in by going to the camera properties here and increasing the focal length a little bit now let's go back to the animation workpace with numpad zero we're going to enter camera view and we can go back to render view now and here's a preview of the the animation which we created so far from the camera perspective as you can see it already looks pretty damn good and the material properties for this glass material on the bottle I'm going to adjust the refraction if I increase that a little bit I think it looks a little bit better and now the last thing I want to adjust here is the background where I want to have some lights I don't want this simple green color I want there to be a slightly lighter circle around this bottle so shift a I'm going to add a new light we can use an area light again lift that up above the scene rotate it like this and then push it backwards on the x-axis we're going to set the Pivot Point back to median so that we can scale this up from its medium Point crank up the power to something crazy now from camera view you can see the difference in the background if we move this around it might look better if we change the shape of this light from Square to dis although it doesn't seem to make much of a difference in this case but anyway now you know that you can change the shape of an area light you can also change the color of this light if that makes any difference for you I think it looks pretty cute if we make this a little bit purple because that makes the background look a little a little bit more bluish which matches this color on the label right here a little bit better now here's the crazy thing you can animate any property on Earth in blender even the power of a lamp so on frame zero I don't want this lamp to be very powerful I'm going to place the marker on frame zero select the lamp we're going to key frame the power around 1,000 and then when this bottle gets in her face right here I want this light to be a lot brighter so I'm going to crank up the power a little bit we're going to try something like 3 4,000 now key frame this again and watch what happens now as you can see it starts off quite dark and then it gets brighter as we play the animation and it remains bright for the rest of the scene you can even animate the colors of this light if you want to but I don't want to mess with that too much I'm just going to play around with the power key frames a little bit and I think that's going to look pretty damn good now that we got this out of the way let me show you how to do something way cooler with this animation because I promised you I will show you how this is going to turn into three bottles so around this point in time I want more bottles to appear from behind this bottle but I don't want them to be visible before this moment so we're going to select this bottle and everything attached to it in my case there are some pills on the inside so I'm also going to copy those and make sure to also copy this empty inside of the bottle so with shift d we're going to duplicate that and place it somewhere around here delete the first key frame and around this point we want this to come out from behind this bottle and sit here on the side next to this bottle so on this key frame right here after this is done spinning we're going to take this duplicated version and place it over here maybe lower it down a little bit and maybe throw it a little bit further back like this now press I key frame location rotation and here's what happens right now now because we still have this last key frame this bottle still wants to move to this position over here where it was supposed to be initially so on this last key frame we're going to move it to the final position which is going to be something like this so again key frame location rotation and now this is going to act a little bit better we can also move these key frames around a little bit so it doesn't look too unnatural now I want to make sure that this bottle is not going to be visible at all until I want want it to come out here so on this Frame when it starts coming out I'm going to press I key frame location rotation and scale and now we're telling blender that this point in time we want to remember this scale then we're going to move one frame back and we're going to significantly reduce the scale to make sure that it's not visible and once again key frame location rotation and scale now this object is going to be too small to be visible before so it's just going to pop out when we wanted to just to prevent any weird we're going to take this key frame and push it backwards a little bit further now the scale is going to change a bit more gradually and it won't just appear out of nowhere but it's going to look a little bit more natural this is what we have so far so we're going to duplicate this bottle again with shift d place it somewhere out here delete the first key frame and again at this point in time I want this bottle to be out here somewhere maybe I'll bring this one a little bit closer just for arrangement and aesthetic purposes now it looks like they're gradually getting bigger it's kind of like that Tom and Jerry scene where you got the elephants so we're going to key frame location and rotation like this and again for the last key frame we also have to fix the position so move to the last frame move this out rotate it a little bit bring it a little bit closer and again key frame location rotation and of course we have to move to this key frame again key frame location rotation scale and a couple of key frames before that we're going to reduce the scale and key frame location rotation scale one more time in fact in this case that doesn't look too realistic I'm going to delete this key frame and on this Frame right here I'm going to key frame location rotation scale instead and on this one right here I'm going to scale it down and key frame all that again it still looks a little bit silly because it's very obvious that this is coming out of inside the bottle so on this key frame right here we better change the position and throw this in the background key frame all that and before you know it this is going to look a lot more natural and of course we're probably going to have to mess around with these key frames a little bit more but in general we're more or less there it's only a matter of making minor adjustments at this point and before you know it look how beautiful this animation looks all of a sudden you just watched one tutorial and I showed you how to do this from scratch unless you're a complete beginner then you probably already know how to make this bottle now you can't tell me that you can't make no money with blender if you are a complete beginner then let me know and I'm going to teach you how to make this botle from scratch but I don't know how many of you are complete beginners but don't worry I can make this tutorial tomorrow if you want me to so just let me know and you're going to see that in no time also if you don't know how to get any clients I already made a couple of videos about this before but you can join my Discord and talk to the folks over there we got over 3,000 people now you can get some feedback on your artworks and share your stuff you can share your artworks and get some feedback on them there's plenty of people in here making some money so don't don't worry we're going to help you out if you're really serious about learning blender and making some money then follow me on Instagram because I'm going to have an enormous announcement to make for you guys soon you guys are not ready this is going to be some crazy you can also always reach out to me on Instagram unless you ask me something stupid I'm probably going to be able to reply to you and if you like this video and you want to learn more about my modeling and texturing techniques and blender or if you just want to support my channel then check out my blender ebook I put everything that I know in there you're going to find the link below this video so let me know what you want to see next and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aryan
Views: 7,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, animation, 3d, product, visualization, beginner
Id: Mks8tPUw6kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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