Bannerlord Solo-Person World Conquest Challenge 1-2

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in the previous episode we fought lutter parties lost a kazet tournament fought step Bandit parties and almost died several times got knocked out by step Bandits but paid for Freedom soloed a step banded Hideout won some kazet tournaments and upgrad her to armor joined the southern Empire as a mercenary began raiding asri villages to farm influence and upgraded our horse to ascarot uh now archers are actually pretty easy to deal with too you don't want to go at them with bow and arrow generally it's it's not really a good idea so you had to do these guys so keep your Shield up and then you never want to travel at them in a straight line so you kind of curl in at them from like an angle wait for the last guy to take a shot and then you move in so you kind of have to time it if you're going too fast you need to either slow down or take a wider angle and we're going to go for that guy in the end again so he's shooting so he's we yeah let him get his Arrow off and then we come in again this thing is terrible man 18 damage that's not good 42 damage is still not very good we need to replace this thing with an actual cut damage there we go we got one of them down we could still get hit in the legs or in the back when we pass them but actually no that's not a good so I didn't go for that one because it was just not a good setup for it so let's try this one again actually you know what I'm going to go for the spear I feel like the spear is going to do more damage in this instance all right they're not aiming so as long as they're not already aiming by the time you're in it's safe to let your shield down so this guy's just not in a good position for us but this guy is definitely slow down a little cuz he was still aiming and then back to speed all right so this guy's still shooting so don't go at him straight on until he's done aiming and then go in when you know you can get a hit off before he gets his off so um one thing we can do we can't use people in battle but we can take them and donate them so we can just donate them for influence so uh there's a castle right here we'll just donate them right there and we can go donate troop grou and we get it doesn't even tell us how much so it's going to be less than one influence 18.02 we got 18.02 oh we didn't even get anything for that thanks guys thanks for ripping us off you cheap bastards oh that sucks all right so one thing we need to do is get rid of this awful light mace that was terrible we need something with some cut damage yeah these are not good well we're just going to have to use it for now then I don't know so what we're going to do now we do need to get quite a bit of renown quickly uh yeah getting to claner 2 ASAP would beide deal so there's two things we're going to do down here we're going to raid Villages assuming it's not a bad setup for it does this have yeah this one has villagers I actually don't like dealing with villagers I feel like they're pretty rough well let's see what the setup is let's see what the setup's like and if it's any good we'll do it if not maybe we'll go to the next one yeah it's that same one so this one's actually pretty good because we were doing it in the water but I feel like we're going to would be better served starting with ranged so let's go do that oh what happened here splintered Arrow doesn't really matter either yeah we'll just take that and then let's actually not save this one all right here we go oh I can't see anything man what is going on with this grass might be able to Arc it over here yeah we can perfect and we can't get shot at from here so we got to try and hit head shot as much as we can all right they're actually taking Aim so let's see if we can angle off on this guy in the front all right head shot head shot only head shot can't afford the other ones we go no I let him too much and we hit the invisible wall invisible wall all right we probably got to start looking at moving here soon all right so not too bad we took out six people they're going to have 19 militia that's actually kind of a lot the 19 militia and however many um peasants that can throw rocks you don't really want to deal with militia on on uh with melee either so oh we're going to take damage seriously we're get we're getting some air man duk's A Hazard style all right whoa what is going on here wow there we go all right I don't know what I'm aiming at man that guy's going to take three arrows that's really bad all right we got to go this guy's already up oh this may actually be a horrible idea getting stuck in the water these archers going to have a field day all right out of the water ASAP still got to keep moving left or right otherwise they're going to pinpoint you all right there we go actually this is not bad we didn't take too many hits all right we want to take out yeah there we go peasants and archers everybody out the the shields can wait we'll deal with them later here we go for some reason I have an easier time aiming on this side of the Hill than the other one the other one I was struggling all right that was pretty good for peasants we took out a lot of peasants there all right so I think next time oh that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad don't get shot uh next time we'll take the road back instead of yeah instead of the water I don't feel too bad about this side actually that was a bad shot no it's going to hit the shield now we can't reload ammunition for the arrows so we got to take out as many as we can and the rest we'll have to take out with melee cuz we don't have any other loadouts right now but if we take out most of them it's fine doing clean up you know all right head shots we're doing good on head shot here no I should have kept my mouth shut all right let let get out of here without getting shot in the back preferably all right can we draw him on this side I don't know why I parked my horse so far out all right this guy no that's Shield all right we got to try and pick these guys off oh you got to be kidding me he can shoot from there wow I didn't think they had an angle that's my fault I misjudged the angle that I had on him yeah versus one guy no big deal I can see when he's releasing his arrow and I just backed it's oh they're shooting through the rock they just shot through the The Rock I don't know if anybody saw that but that Arrow definitely came through the rock oh no no that guy's really close wow all right we'll slow it down right when we get here so we don't hit anything and we should be good all right I got to watch out for the right side I think we took out actually most of the archers so we might be in good shape here there we go try and really focus on these head shot if I can but I'm having a hard time seeing them in the water oh that was a big hit man we can't afford to take another hit because we can't back out and come back in it won't let us so that was really bad actually that was like worst case scenario all right we got 14 shots left they have five and 14 actually I'd rather get rid of The Archers one option we have is to just back out completely of this too if we if it's like a lost cause I really would prefer not to do that cuz we want to get the uh the round we're still get the XP for it but we would lose the Renown I can hear somebody who is shoot I don't get it they're shooting through the rock man how are they shooting through the rock can't even see all right let's just try and get these last shots off and then we'll come back in the nice thing is if you go down in a village they'll take some of your stuff they won't keep you captive though you just you just pop right back out it's not that big of a deal the only expensive thing we have oh that guy's going to shoot yep the only expensive thing we have is the horse but we can't lose the horse cuzz using it so it's not that big of a deal all right so that's one Archer left and then now it's just um militia or sorry not militia peasants but where is the Archer we can pick off the Archer oh man okay well we're done we can't we can't physically win this cuz we can't come back why did I do that I should have just gone normal all right well we're we're leaving we don't have enough HP to re-engage again and we don't have a melee weapon I we still get the XP for it which is important but that was really stupid to me I should have just gone behind the rock I thought I could 1 V one him but apparently he's got aim like dead eyee and why are we no we're not too slow actually it's fine all right let's go heal actually we can just wait here no actually we need to go back and sell some stuff all right what are we keeping so arrows yeah this is all fine and then we don't have enough for any of these upgrades on the bow but we will definitely get that soon I think that's going to be pretty important uh let's see actually we should be close no we're only level 18 still yeah oh actually let's see what this tournament prize is if we get a good melee weapon that would be ideal scalpel beautiful that's exactly what we needed actually cuz that yeah swing damage 73 all right we really want to win this okay now you get to see the the melee combat it's actually quite a bit harder now he's trying to trick me one thing you might have to do if you're you're having a hard time hitting people is to hold your attack and then wait for them to start and then when you let your swing go you have to move so that your swing hits first before theirs that's a technique you can use all right this guy's going to come at us we'll set him up so that our Ally can get hits or we can get hits but it's not going to block both of us and then we'll just sit back and chill no need to take unnecessary risks really really want the scalpel normally I get pissed off when I see these dumpy weapons but in this case it's actually pretty good i' let him get his attack [Applause] off oh that was bad oh beautiful tag team too bad I have to kill kill him afterwards but that's life yeah see this guy's going to hold his his aim for a while so I'm going to hold mine and try and hit him when he attacks got him barely you I don't recommend it at very low levels because your swing speed is really slow and you're going to have a hard time getting that even if you move your mouse you're going to have a really hard time getting your attack off fast enough oh barely got that one see my my one-headed skill is still really low it's only 40 so it's like right on that cusp of not really being doable but as we progress It's going to go up it's going to shoot through the roof we'll have all endurance and then bow and throwing should be 330 by the end of the campaign and then I don't know what our ultimate level will be but probably in the 40s so we might actually get 10 into Viger I'm not sure but we'll at least be like 300 uh scalp let's save that let's get rid of this crappy mace and now we should be in good so we don't have to worry about any movement speed at all we should be able to take all these guys actually you know what let's let the daytime come I'm tired of fighting at night yeah here we go all right let's try it again now in this instance yeah I guess no you know what I really want to start this with the melee uh this map yeah we should be able to find some good spots here I I do like this one there's not much blocking so let's go around the back here we got our Shield up get two hits off NOP really oh wow all right so that wasn't good I don't know why we got shot in the back so fast there all right I think we just need to make sure we're curving every time we go around the corner we have to curve otherwise they're going to line us up and right here we can't attack cuz they had it lined up you see them when they pull when they're already aiming on you pre- aiming before you come around the corner you just can't you can't take a shot we can get this guy in the back no big deal and then we just keep moving H the joys of challenge challenge campaigns us just do stupid techniques like who the hell thought this would be fun oh no no no right oh no that's really bad all right we need to not yeah this is not a good spot then oh man that hurts it's already half of our health um it's tough because that there's just too many people there we need a bigger building all right so let's draw them back here yeah if we take too much damage we're just going to have to back cuz we're not going to be able to continue this fight draw them in on this side hopefully slowly and some of them are coming on this side which is fine oh no they're all in the back see that that's new they never used to do that they would hug the walls now they kind of they kind of hold position sometimes and sometimes they don't I don't really know why so if they're going to do that I might have to just do it in the open which is going to be kind of a challenge yeah look at that this I'm just going to get pummeled here all right well make the best no I'm going to too much of a straight line we're going to get picked off this may not be a good map either these are tough Maps uh I'm going to try it with let's try the the ranged load out first then and if we can't make it work then we can't make it work but I think we can still make it work all right so we'll just do I really want to get my um athletic skill up so we're going to do as much of this on foot as we can plus Mobility is a little bit easier on foot when you're like jumping in and out of cover look at that they're holding their aim that's new as well they never used to do that or at least not that long I I can't pop out as much as I want I have to like really time it h this is way easier I don't know why I didn't do this sooner oh hello boys all right now we need to go wide and hopefully all right just make Wide Circle circular movements and then we should be good all right so a good spot to set up probably right here I think all right yeah this this would be a good angle we got pretty easy cover to to use where are the Archer they're in the front all right I don't want the oh you got to be kidding me where is he aiming from all right I'm blind I can't see these people when they're taking aim then I didn't see that guy at all let's get a couple of the peasants at least all right and the nice thing we don't need a big cover we just need some cover so like this little Shack is perfect I don't like this cuz we're getting flanked here on the right so they're yeah this is going to there yeah if I stood there they would have shot I just saw an arrow go by so maybe we can pick somebody that's coming close wow that guy's tough all right I don't know how survive that all we got 62 shots which should be more than enough to take out the archers yeah they have only 16 archers we just can't afford to take any more hits because we just don't have the HP this is a horrible building yeah maybe if I can get him on this side maybe no this one's bad too oh this is just a bad this is just a bad building overall all right let's go to the one in the back maybe we'll do it from this side since they were already taking shots all right Archer down Archer down nope oh might get shot here I think I like coming all the way out here that'll give us time to set up oh I don't even have shots there we go that guy oh they are blocking all the shots oh man that's all right just got to get past the setbacks and then we'll be all right here we go this is perfect they're separated they don't have Shield cover they're going to hold their aim for freaking 10 minutes come on let me get a shot off please there we go run out of real estate here feel like we can still get a shot off oh or two oh no no no no all right now we got to go we're pushing it too much all right here we go I think we'll be able to take out all but maybe one or two of these guys now all right we didn't have any time on that one actually let's go back to the sh back oh that was close oh man I missed my turn yeah they got easy shots on us that was not a good good move see this is kind of the the Pain part I was hoping to deal with the range units on land or uh on foot oh you know we can restock yeah we can definitely take out all these guys then we just keep restocking our arrows oh boy yeah we got to go it's all right all right here we go we're getting some good work in here and they're not able to return see if I can sneak one in there nice sneak another one in that guy's taking a shot archers are almost dealt [Music] with we do have to deal with the peasants too though the The Rock throwers but I think we can handle it it seems like we got most of it under control now there's only seven archers left 14 uh peasants so we're we're actually not doing too bad oh I don't like this this is actually a bad spot we're not going to really have time to shoot much yeah let's just get out of here oh man those Shields are blocking stuff well outside the range it's like the uh the invisible wall issues the shields are like they've got their own invisible wall yeah that's ridiculous man those guys are not covered by that Shield all right that's all right nice wide angle here get our horse back we have any arrows no I don't even see the archers I guess they're on that side oh man they got Shields mixed in though that's that's going to be a problem that was such a bad one man we only got one one kill off of that and we're going to get shot yeah we're going to get shot here for sure all right that looked like it hit his foot didn't give it to us all right here we go this this is always a good one they come up right through that little [Applause] Ravine really what am I aiming at man yeah they still got six archers left they're almost done likes to win in the least correct way yeah the impale perk I'm going to try and get on this one um that's going to help quite a bit but not quite there yet got to focus on uh on bow first oh they're going to have shots and I can't shoot them all right let's get these peasants out of here oh man this map is brutal yeah some maps you can get it done in like moving two or three times this one is just it's like I can only get one or two kills each each pass pretty rough I can't even see him now and of course I'm not aiming right there we go yeah look at that only one kill how did I miss I can't afford to miss the oh invisible [Music] wall there's only a couple archers left I just having a hard time spotting them yeah there we go invisible wall and shields that protect way too much all right yeah I don't don't really want to do this but might have to because this is going to take forever just put some arrows in them from point blank this is not a a winning strategy long term but in a pinch it can work you just got to make sure you're curving at the right time there we go one more Archer left got him all right no more archers oh you got to be kidding me that guy sniped that was like a legit snipe uh what we'll do we do still need to get rid of these peasants so I'm going to try not get hit by rocks might even be close to not being able to come back into this fight actually this is kind of scary run into the wall to slow down fast and we're going to restart oh they don't have a whole lot of arrows left all right let's uh get these peasants out of here if they don't have any more range left and then we can clean them up we'll come back in with a melee [Applause] weapon nice protected by the shields but he can get his thing out oh that was way too high all right let's pick this guy off in the back maybe no how many they got three left all right we just need to get three guys out of here two more can't see him there's one right there on the left all right so they're not really showing themselves so we'll do is we'll yeah I can see them right there they're in the back we can curve around there's one and then we'll get this guy on the next pass oh that was a terrible shot there we go all right so yeah it's not really worth spending our time with the other ones let's switch our load out uh we don't need a sword we just need the spear oh get too close yeah they can still stab if they get one guy that like breaks free and he's kind of loose from the pack but you still got to be careful of that it's like play attention to the little details but mostly it's just going to circles stabbing people oh wow yeah that hurt all right so we can't afford any more of the damage cuz might go down we need we need a longer spear this thing is just not cutting it oh that's bad that's bad yeah they're against melee attacks they're for whatever reason not even melee attacks mounted melee attacks they don't block any other attack whether you're on foot you got ranged they will like literally hold their Shield up no matter what so there's something in the programming where if you're mounted they just don't even care and they just start chasing you all right some people should be dying here soon the oh my God you got to be kidding me man the other option is to use a two-handed sword and then I can solo them on foot but it takes it takes a bit longer so that's why I opted for this technique but this one's it's kind of risky as you can see they still can stab you all right can't afford to get hit here you got to be kidding me man so I was in range but he wasn't in range yeah right man what a joke all right well we got we got some skill out of it we didn't get any we just lost some gear and stuff but it's all right uh like I said they kick you out they just take some stuff so we got some pole arm this thrust damage is going to help a lot we need to get a longer pole arm cuz that's the only reason why that didn't work out right there uh let's go final point so we got all points into one-handed and pole arm so we should be good there uh let's get out of here go heal up and see if we can get better gear oh crap we lost our bow cuz we didn't have it equipped yep all right well that's fun yeah I think what I should do is keep the boat equipped just in case I go down hopefully we can get another one here yeah they still have it we can get a simple short bow that's fine and then we'll need another set of arrows we didn't lose our pack animal we still just got to get some food and we're in good shape it's not that big of a deal honestly but it's just kind of annoying let's heal up 175 this one's a little bit longer 26 24 so it's got less damage though but for more reach it's quite a bit more reach too so let's actually do that let's swap this out yeah I I think that makes sense this one oh this is the one that we died on isn't it oh let's finish what we started how many can I find out how many units you have no it won't sell me I just want to see how many archers they have there we go eight archers so we'll go in you know what it's not that many we can probably just do it like this and then in case we die we'll put the short bow in all right there we go this should be good [Applause] all right I think we can make this work all right let's just curve in there we go and then back to defense we can do tighter circle now I think we got him under control beautiful like I said as long as we're moving in a circle they'll have a hard time catching the um the right targeting oh man I whiffed all right let's try it again wait am I what am I I'm tripping all right let's draw it a little bit away from this thing CU I feel like I'm going to keep get close to running into it oh this is much better than what we were doing before with the arrows though that's for sure that took for whatever feels very satisfying to blast these kids get out of here all right but we got to they're getting mixed in too much so we got to we got to draw them out now so let's let's get them separated they are too homogeneous as they say all right we'll come up from behind oh there's a wall that's not good all right let's not go after these guys in the front that's actually a really bad spot for us um I'm going to try it though yeah that's actually a really bad spot we could have gotten shot there um won't be as bad if we use a full arm no yeah it's bad I the problem is I have to go straight to be able to get in range and shoot them or to hit them so let's get away from that spot all right here we go this is perfect there we go that guy's got bad timing we go there we go they got how many archers two archers left and then we'll we'll drag the whole formation out away from this building h it's too far behind I see the [Music] two all right TI circles I think they'll have a hard time hitting us anyways no matter what we're doing where are The Archers they're chucked into the building so we got to back out yeah I think wide open is probably the pl all right I see one Archer there he's kind of paused let's let him stay on the outside we can get to him all right here we go it's like a oh perfect look at this and Bank oh no he didn't go down all right we got him we got two archers down there there we go okay so now we got to deal with the rock throwers which are actually kind of harder to deal with in some senses so actually in this case let's let's go get our bow and arrow we can use our arrows now for this one and then we'll come back and finish them off a third time with um with the spear all right where are they oh I don't want to go out I don't want to get ped by rocks either but we don't have much of a choice all right let's do it over here so we can speed it up this is going to take forever yeah I was going to say I'm running into something soon I know it I just feel it that's fine let's get back over here all I'm trying to speed this up a little bit without making too many mistakes here we go hit the guys on the outside right almost down they got 12 left wow they still have 12 actually I thought they would be thought they'd have less than that but maybe not okay you know I'm going to do is circle them like this cuz it's going to take forever as long as I'm moving circular it should be okay nope I guess not but we'll make do this is what I imagine horse archery would have look like in real life like much closer oh man these guys are nailing me dude come on like they're worse I'm telling you they're worse than the archers The Archers will actually miss once in a while these guys just don't Miss [Music] wow The Invisible [Music] Shield what in the heck that looked like it went right through them that one was definitely a Miss there we go all right only got four arrows left let's uh oh of course they hit on the way out all right let's uh let's just get this over with we got to come back with that spear right where's this last guy no all right there we go now we can back out we'll switch back to the melee once we leave we can't come back in with arrows again cuz that would be restocking we're not allowed to restock so this pole arm is a little bit longer I think we'll maybe have a better time avoiding the the damage here but we'll [Applause] see it's definitely longer I can notice the difference immediately I don't have to get quite as close so yeah this this should be good it doesn't do as much damage as the other one but I mean who cares this isn't Total War there's no battle timer [Applause] all right come on you can do it there we go yeah I can't wait till we start getting smithing done though cuz then we can actually customize our weapons and not have to deal with the garbage that we pick up or if we start fighting Nobles maybe we get some Noble drops but that's not really good to rely on whoops all right there we go Peak AI right Peak banord AI but don't worry I know the devs are going to watch this and they like oh we got to patch that I mean it probably should be patched to be fair but it seems like every time I do a challenge video the next patch I try it again and it doesn't work cuz I was planning on I was planning on using the same Arrow technique that I did it just absolutely does not work CU they keep their Shield up the whole time you can't shoot them now unless you can get them in the legs so like the sturge and militia no big deal because their round Shield doesn't protect their feet you can hit them in the legs pretty easily but these guys their Shields pretty long so all right that went much smoother than last one I love that they use their Shield right what are we doing here we don't want the Sumter so let's get rid of that uh we got a better Shield it looks like yes thick version yeah we're in good shape and we can just sell this stuff right back to them actually we're here I might as well sell everything yeah we don't need all this all right so let's keep pumping up control now here's the Dilemma do we put it in scouting charm smithing throwing yeah I think they're probably throwing throwing is going to take a while let's finish off throwing that one needs to be leveled up soon as well yeah so we're looking pretty good level 16 we're like a what month and a half in not too bad a few hiccups but we'll get there and let's make sure we're not going to sell these yeah there we go we're just armless that's funny we're high enough level now that the looters they don't want anything to do with us except for the group of eight let's get some easy battle in here all right that's that want to get the bow skill up pretty high U like in the two 2 to 250 right let's see if we can get these guys in the water man it's like do I want to put myself through this going to have to all right the drop is really heavier than I thought all right I got to get as many archers here as I can cuz this is a really good opportunity all right we're pushing it a little bit too much let's go back to the other side so again in this one we're just trying to take out the Archers first and then we'll we'll deal with the uh The Peasants later well unfortunately we got peasants in the front get shot at let's take this guy out you little punk three shots man really I got to aim better I guess let's go back yeah this is the one that got me in trouble last time this is not a real Rock right here they're able to see me and shoot through it so I got to be super careful here might pick this guy off that's taking aim at me in the back there we got him get some of these guys in the back yeah there's an Archer oh I can't even see him I can't tell who's taking aim or who's not so 15 archers 20 peasants yeah it's going to be rough but I think we just keep going back and forth but it beats the alternative which is trying to do it melee and getting shot and K or uh yeah getting shot and killed all right there's an Archer are you kidding me man where is this Archer oh I see him now thought that was a peasant man I got to pay more attention here no all right man we are just taking so much damage this is not I I'm doing something different I don't know what I'm doing differently from when from in my testing but it was not this hard maybe it's uh performance anxiety when the spotlights are on all right let's see what we can do here no they're taking aim yeah and they're going to shoot right through that wall too yep see that guy's still aiming all right I can't really get a shot on him cuz he's yeah he's going to take a shot at us all right let's see if we can pick that guy off in the back oh right over his head he's dead yeah right in the head there we got him all right now we can get some good shots in now here's the next challenge if this if this works out do it solo with no skill you got to do it at zero everything imagine that that would put a whole different definition of painful man what am I aiming at come on here we go right how many archers they still have 10 archers yeah I'm going to have to finish this up with uh with melee I think I'm going to have to do that but in the water it might actually be not too bad it might not be too bad well maybe it's worse for me in the water I don't know I think about that I haven't I've never used in my testing I never tried the water out like this this is a new one oh got to run they're already here we got 12 shots left and we have eight archers like The Archers just always have my number yeah look at like that guy in the back shooting over his shield wall all right there's a peasant down unfortunately all right there's some archers right here oh here we go there's a little pocket another one down all right they're taking aim already there we go come on we got to go four shots left five archers left okay this is this isn't too bad I could actually I could draw them away and try and find them in the water from the dead archers that i' that I've shot but I don't think it's worth it I just I'll just do it melee it's fine or I'll Die Trying actually they're they're only going to have a couple archers left after this head shot all right now we can get out and let's switch our load out so it was thck Shield we got the spear and the scalpel oh and I forgot to check perks Che that real quick might have something I can put um yeah let's just finish that off and then o nice so we did actually get level 175 so we get another endurance so that'll put us at nine and then once we start doing smithing we'll get level we'll get 10 from that I believe it's this one enduring Smith yeah so 225 smithing we'll get our 10th Point into endurance so there we go nine endurance getting this to 275 quickly would be really nice too because you know we only got one life so now the question is open field or water I think open Field's better I'll draw them into this field right here and it's a little hard to see because there's a lot of foliage but I think it's still okay all right oh wow these guys are way out of position all right so we're going to let them shoot and then we're going to go in boom and then we're going to let him shoot oh no this guy's already here to protect him all right we need to take that Archer out so we'll we'll give him some distance and then we're going to have to go in on them there we go so we'll set up approach so always don't go directly at him always go at an angle and then he can't get that shot off the time it right get in there all right let's do another lap and we'll block we have to oh this is bad we're going to get tiled to death here all right so again slightly angle on him he's going to get another shot off I don't think we can get there in time we wait and then we strike so there's all the archers now we got to deal with these Rock throwers oh that was terrible now one thing you can do is you could could wait for them to just throw all the rocks and then you just deal with them melee but I don't know I feel like it's not that big of a do no they are yeah they are just destroying me with this what the hell yeah early game sword the scalpel we got it from a tournament it it was doing some damage we've got a little bit of skill in it too I think we're at like 100 on onehanded so it's it's got a little bit of damage Boost from that so I'm trying to think here just flat out going at him didn't seem to work all that [Music] well uh one thing I could do is actually Ring Around the Rosie here let's get a building maybe so that'll block some of their shots yeah we can do it on this one let's get ready this this will limit some of their damage at least that not all of them are going to be able to to throw at the same time and it might make sense yeah here we go this is what I wanted to do get them no they're not spread out that much all right let's let them spread out a little bit [Music] more see if we can get some guys to turn back on this side all right here you go now they're splitting up a little bit and then I want to pick off somebody kind of near the corners oh that's bad barely missed no there's still staying group this is going to be tough they're not they're not separating at [Music] all yeah I think man I don't really think we have a choice we just got to do it bite the bullet let's get our sword out just got to be smarter about it oh they're running out of ammo yeah they're they're out of rocks now most of them except for these guys apparently die you B yeah but a lot of them are are running out of of rocks I think they reduced the number of rocks that they spawn with because I've noticed the the looters run out of rocks pretty quickly now they probably have like one or two packs of five or two or three packs of five whereas before they'd have like 40 or 50 rocks something ridiculous like that there's one guy in the back this still has a rock oh they still have a few in the back let let's let them get their get their load come on I don't want to get pelted here yeah I see having a shield is just so important I don't know that I've ever done a campaign with a shield before and I've got you know I don't know how many thousands of hours I love the shield for this campaign it's been like just crucial whereas I usually don't use them too much all right there's one one more yeah one more left got another Rock still here we go yeah some guys still have rocks all right well we're going to have to for sure go spear oh yeah they still have all right now I think we can go in oh this guy still has it no they still have rocks how are they I don't know maybe are they picking them up all right now the pulling begins do have to be a little careful cuz the peasants have decent range on a lot of their weapons and there's not as many Shields to block their attacks so I got to be super careful in this one I'll probably take this one a little bit slower and we get chamber blocked by peasant that's cool oh wow that was close oh there's a guy back there with no weapon he just tried to punch us wow that guy a giga Chad oh there he is he's got no there's more than one with no weapon that's funny he must have spawn with just rocks is my guess oh man we're just barely out of range of that guy yeah I'll have to once we get a good uh two-handed sword uh skill in a two-handed axe I'll have to come back and show you guys how to do it with a sword with the axe cuz I was I was able to do this day one with a two-handed axe actually and um it's not too bad on foot you basically just bust through everybody's shield and then you you do overhand attacks so that you break to their guard and they can't physically block you anymore oh watch out the tree oh no no no no no so annoying keep getting hit on these tree these trees are like more dangerous than the [Music] enemies uh it's not good around the trees all right there we go we can't afford any mistakes here we're going go down [Music] again ooh that was close I hit the horse in the butt all right there we go this seems to work out pretty well oh look at this guy with no weapon there he is all right let's see if we can get that sweet spot where they can't really attack oh he can attack yeah we got to be careful uh polar arm skill is going to be really good after this and we did get some one-handed as well I I'm more concerned about the full arm skill than the one-handed come on let's get it back in there oh oh we just got hit for six damage wow so we're on like zero Health if they sneeze on us we're dead all right they're starting to fall now run run oh they're breaking they're breaking nice mostly The Peasants running we get some free kills that one-handed XP now we just need to not choke here on the last last guy and we'll be in good shape all right we got it all right this I rarely like to do this but we're going to do a uh yeah we'll do a victory victory nay oh that was stressful so that puts us at 236 writing which is pretty good one-handed not quite level 75 really would like to get that up there and then like I said pole arm's going to shoot up pretty good but run out and influence it's quite a lot for the type of battle that we fought uh but now we're going to be pretty messed up so yeah we're rarely going to be using pole arms on foot so I'm going to go with a 25% chance of knockdown from heavy hit we'll go with that okay now the question is what do we do here we don't have health uh actually we can fight again do something safe like um oh man if we had full health I would actually consider doing that uh never mind 31 31 C is not doable oh these guys lost their leader so it's only units two Cav one horse Archer I'm debating here hold on let me see what Cav they have mamal Cav and ARA and then asterid light archers that's their oh they have 12 range that's actually going to be tough the 12 range probably could but with 25% Health it would be a tough one for sure so I don't know maybe not worth it let's just go back sell some stuff heal up and uh regroup a little bit here we go uh regroup oh we can't because we lost all our stuff didn't we that happens when you die all right so we only lost our arrows which is fine oh well they don't have good arrows do they oh nice they got a balanced Noble bow you don't see that too often I'd like to get like a high tier Noble Longbow one that's got the modifiers that'd be really good all right Barbed arrows I think we're just going to have to do that I mean they're kind of expensive but what other option do we have and then let's see if there's a better pole arm no it's the same one can't use a pike on Horseback so yeah we're kind of stuck there uh we could pick up a spar axe I don't think it's really worth it we already are spreading ourselves thin here so we'll just keep to what we have our bow skills looking pretty nice I do want to at least get to 225 so we can take this skill and then we can take the noble Longbow at any point in time then we don't have to worry about it writing is not really a concern there's not any perks on there that are make or break really want to get up here to steady and then want to get these two up pretty high and then start working on once bow is leveled up high enough we'll switch over to throwing and then level that up oh yeah either way we got to heal up for a bit so let's do that and that puts us at 21 we're actually pretty close yeah that's going to make a big difference winning these small battles uh what are we looking like 94 out of 150 so we still need quite a bit more uh we can come down here and tell me who uh I didn't realize there was going to be people here no he's not going to do it so we have to we don't really have a choice we have to surrender God man yeah I had it on fast speed I really didn't think anybody was going to be up here I should have slowed down it doesn't make sense to fight there's no way we win this later in the game definitely doable but right now it would be a very very tough if not impossible yeah we just have to give up man that's so annoying why did I do that I don't know why I did that uh offer yeah we'll take the offer that's fine what did we lose we lost our arrows and our food it's not a big deal we didn't really lose anything there to be honest but let's just just go back are they going to chase us let's just go back buy some arrows and then we'll go at it again right we need a little bit of grain resets of arrows and we're good all right whatever we lost like 500 Dinars all right now let's not make that same mistake again we'll slow down some we're kind of rushing to claner 2 while trying to farm up the right skills oh this guy's only have 15 can we attack him again yeah I don't know how many archers that is but that's fine we could definitely do this one from the start and just melee these guys it's only seven archers wow okay let's let them get a little closer and then we will uh that's not really ideal fighting on a big hill like that so we'll let them get off the hill yeah there we go this should be better so again don't approach from a straight angle kind of slowly turn in close in the Gap and then attack that was actually a really bad attack I could have gotten shot there that one was a little bit better guy's going to hit us oh actually that was close that was kind of borderline guy in the back we're going for y there we go again it's all about angles and picking the right time to do it just keep your Shield up going to go for the guy in the back again all all right slow it down oh that was very close I dropped my shield at the last second but still caught it oh this is bad this is bad yeah these trees are kind of messing me up all right we're almost done this guy can't get a shot off in time to be good whoops we'll go for the guy in the back again he's almost dead anyways so slow down so we can time him yeah should have taking that shot dude this guy messed up too easy peasy and one more all right so let's get to work here easy easy money right now this is easy money yeah it's only going to get easier when we get higher skills and more uh or better gear so it'll go faster I can I can do more risky things that speed up the game a little bit but I'm glad you guys are seeing some adversity cuz I didn't really run into it too much in my testing but this shows that like it's legit this isn't like um you know this isn't like a setup campaign this is uh going to be very very taxing mentally I think but there we go where am I to hit you got him there we go all right so that shouldn't give us too much but actually that's not bad for how hard that was it's pretty easy uh we'll take all the loot all right Let's uh sell their food back to them actually we can just sell everything now this one I know I'm not really going for speed on foot but this one's really hard to pass up cuz we're going to be using very heavy Shields that will slow us down a bit so I think Shield Bearer is probably going to be a good pick 5% damage to onehanded would be really nice too but I I just think this one's going to be a little bit more useful overall so
Channel: Strat Plays
Views: 63,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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