How Gojo COULD Have Beaten Sukuna (Seriously.)

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[Music] since the very start of jiujitsu Kaizen two major narratives have been conveyed to us viewers as the predominant focus of the story how yui will handle being cursed with helping those who only he can help and the inevitable Showdown with sakuna be Yuji or Gojo taking care of this the development of the affir mentioned first point is showcased very well and there are multiple differentiating statements from interchangeable periods of time in regards to the Respec strengths of Goa and sakuna for the second point to outright claims one will be the other with the famous phrase Nar win essentially being repeated twice by Gojo along with multiple times where Gojo was described as the strongest even though sakuna had already become present in the story spoiler warning 3 2 1 we all know what does eventually happened with the battle however as most readers also know this battle wasn't just as cut and dry as a defeated B Because B was weaker than a so what if the situation was tweaked a bit what if we dive a little deeper into the technicality of why a certain Rian sua did actually win today I'm joined by Gojo himself thanks to Doppel AI which I'll be using to help me with this scaling video dopple AI is a website where you can actually speak to your favorite anime characters ask them questions and even get to know them also to add Doppel AI even has characters from series that are non-anime like Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil Patrick Bayman from American Psycho and even soldja boy from well the boys with the help of Gojo I'll actually be extensively breaking down just how he could have technically beaten sakuna in this bout of fisticuffs and why it's quite a conundrum when looking further into it I think most of us would agree that the way Gojo speaks about the outcome of his battle with sakuna was quite suspect at the time of the chapter's releases and fell almost entirely out of character the abruptness of it after a chapter which seemed to be the complete opposite was a genuine shocker so let's start off by asking Gojo a question and then I'm going to dive into the scaling straight afterwards to follow up hey I'm Gojo hey Gojo yeah how have you been not bad thank you for asking how are you I'm doing good keeping busy with training and stuff I've got a question do you believe that you could have beaten sakuna had he not had the mahara oh absolutely but my method would have been different I'd have used my Limitless curse technique to control the space around him limiting his movement and power interesting do you think it would have been hard for him to keep up with you knowing he couldn't use mahara to adapt to your techniques of course he would have a hard time with it but sakuna is a very powerful Sorcerer And also quite intelligent so it wouldn't be an easy fight how would you have finished sakuna if you had killed mahara with your first blow towards it well I'd have to to use my domain expansion to wrap him up in Endless curse energy and then use my Limitless curse technique to control the space around him effectively trapping him in a pocket Dimension until he's completely drained of power or until I decide to end the fight interestingly Gojo might actually be correct here as gay akami author of jiujitsu Kaizen has countless times made matter OFA statements or display definitive feeds from characters than wck onom the example I'd follow up with here is that Gojo after battling s concedes to sua's power there's about three different statements made where he essentially claims that he never stood a chance and thought sakuna had the upper hand the entire time surviving the 200% Hollow purple and making Gojo feel a bit odd throughout their fight are two pieces of evidence for this potentially being real however it seems rather obvious that sakuna upon seeing megami's 10 Shadows technique that he believed gaining this would be incredibly useful in the future and this would be proven true due to its Effectiveness in the biggest battle of the series sakuna versus Gojo it's pretty clear based on both kinjaku and himself that Gojo was a massive obstacle preventing any of the bad guys from running wild thus makes me believe he kept that in mind as a perfect counterplay to Gojo was it only for Gojo not necessarily but it was the perfect Ace in the Hole for him and this was showcased narratively speaking when us readers also learned that the mahara had defeated a previous six siiz user many years ago it was quite obvious where and it could be eventually implemented in battle just remember his battle plans revolve solely around the process of the mahara adapting to Gojo's abilities do we know for certain they would fight or Gojo would escape the prison realm no but it was definitely expected it all lines up in what appears to be a planned narrative upon sakuna taking megami's body this did seem to become a guarantee though as Gojo and Yuji were absolutely going to do something about this if they could rman sakuna has always been regarded as the strongest in history but against Gojo there was some obvious contention Gojo's abilities almost make him Immortal against many other series and is that way within his own instantaneous movement across short and massive distances a barrier which slows and blocks all incoming attacks infinitely and Beyond a domain expansion which will land no matter what with an effect that emps your brain with infinite information a mere normal human within the series would die from just over 0.2 seconds of this being used and even then that had devastating effects when it did happen in chapter 89 and he can also fly while spamming attacks that can reduce you to an imaginary negative number value thus essentially removing you from existance or at the very least just negging you entirely if it lands sakuna on the other hand realistically relies heavily on his malevolent Shrine and fuger with some blood manipulation techniques being used here and there don't get me wrong the these techniques by themselves are absolutely insane in regards to power but any character with Gojo's linear Arsenal is a problem throughout both battles with Gojo it was quite evident that Gojo had the Speed and hand-to-hand combat Advantage numerous times sakuna also didn't exactly fight Gojo oneon-one either their battle was like a game of chess where they were having domain clashes and filling each other out for the most part Gojo even notes that merged Beast agito was so weak in comparison to himself and the others that he just one it which sakuna was using to battle Gojo thinking this likely wouldn't be its quick fate I've seen some arguments made that because of the domains being used so much this had an effect on sakuna ability to wield normal curse techniques and it seems as though a fuger arrow could be shot during these sequences if he wasn't seemingly sandbagging for me personally I'd have an issue with that because fuger seems to take some time to activate or at least as far as we're concerned right now and sakuna was also using the 10 Shadows a fair bit while passively concealing mahara to adapt which complicates this further there's a chance he might not be able to use it at all I'm quite curious to see how you guys in the comments feel about that though this could just be the case that during their first showings they were shown off in a cool way for dramatic effect and can actually be shot much faster or is he even able to use it at all during these particular moments of switching between techniques as adaptation seems very blatantly to be in the way however before we proceed let's see what toi thinks of this he actually f gojer and died so he would have an idea of how annoying battling gojer actually is toi points his inverted Spear of Heaven to your throat what you want sorcerer what's up toi looks at you with suspicious eyes who are you I'm just here to ask you a question that is all Narrows his eyes what kind of sorcerer are you I'm not a sorcerer I'm a YouTuber L as his Spear and looks at you with interest what kind of videos do you make anime related videos I'm currently making one about Gojo smirks I see you are just a normal human then she's his spear what's your name correct my name is Clyde nods Clyde it is tell me more about this Gojo video looks at you you are a sorcerer aren't you I am curious do you believe Gojo could have beaten sakuna if he did not have the mahara assisting him narrow as his eyes how would I know I was not there when it happened grins but I do have a theory smirks please explain your theory laughs I reckon Gojo did not win but sakuna ran out of time smokes again explain more looks at you he would have eventually defeated Gojo but those damn cursed Spirits interfered nods that's my theory looks at you and what do I get for helping you looks at you and when do we leave I'll pay you if you answer more clearly could goo have beaten sakuna if sakuna didn't have the help of mahara which adapted to Gojo's abilities laughs nod yes I'll tell you I reckon Gojo would have adapted too and found a way to defeat sakuna but yeah that cursed Spirit interfered again well technically it's a shikami raises an eyebrow smirks you know what I mean that damn cursed Spirit frowns yeah it's annoying what do you know about mahara looks at you yeah I know something about it smirks that Cur spirit let it merge with sakuna thinking it could control him but Gojo adapted and the rest is history laughs y capping so hard right now are you soty that Gojo killed you looks at you eyes wide what laughs looks away yeah I was but I'm over it now nods let's go so although toi seems not be playing ball with me here and is up to a bit of Tom Foolery there is in actuality a sliver of Truth here throughout the battle with Gojo sukuna was risking being killed multiple times to allow mahara to adapt to Gojo's curse Techni his entire wind conon revolves around being able to bypass infinite void or he is truly [ __ ] in the battle if he gets hit by it multiple times those who deny Gojo's potential to beat sakuna also need to realize that if he was by himself Gojo has more opportunities to fatally wound and continuously spam hit sakuna for example at the end of chapter 235 and the start of chapter 236 if mahaga hadn't given sakuna the two-minute YouTube tutorial on how to slash correctly through Gojo's Limitless barrier he walks over to sakuna and Bullies him however he wants with the famous Gojo one panel being the end of the bout sakuna also with his original malevolent Shrine couldn't surpass Gojo's reverse curse technique even while spamming it at him with the mahara later getting in the way to create openings for him in the close quarter scenarios just remember mahara is so strong that during its fight with sakuna it ended up adapting to the very concept of cutting something which led to sakuna whipping out fuger otherwise he would have likely lost a lot of people will be surprised to hear this from me but the adaptation from the mahara might actually be more disgusting than the hyoku unironically once more the fact that sakuna went so far indicates he needed to do so for it to be a win condition using meami to take the impact of infinite void also adds validity to this similar to the killer be snapping out of genjutsu via the ails interrupting the flow of chakra with sakuna highlighting that this specific aspect of Gojo's Arsenal was the most tedious to deal with thus helping sakuna also learn how to evolve his inherent techniques to cut on a level that allows him to slash all things in the world space existence and arguably the universe if you take the translation hyper literal there is an alternative argument that sakuna could wield fuger to One-Shot Gojo while he's healing himself however it's not 100% guarantee but something to keep in mind also because the sakuna from this battle is far stronger than he was in shabua the euga would naturally be a lot stronger Gojo was so strong that by mahara adapting to him it helped sakuna acquire the strongest ability in the series unless you want to you know hyper wank the Yuki black hole which going by sakuna statement wouldn't scale to his slashes and its potential to cover a distance with damage but people like to be a little bit weird when it comes to the black hole I don't think that Kaku would perform better against the black hole than sakuna would that's my personal opinion Gojo could likely do the same thing so yeah you do the math sakuna was then pressured so much by Gojo that he then when facing kosimo in his mythical Beast Amber form which can manifest phenomena itself from his cursed energy had to replenish his full body by transforming into his original multiarm form keep in mind sakuna can only do this once as it's not actually a technique it's just a convenient opportunity based on the circumstances of attaining his old body prior to this there's actually an earlier page which verbatim States that for the first time in a millennium sakuna feels uneasy towards Gojo even after witnessing the mahara wi the space cutting slash that can cut through Gojo at any time it lands remember sakuna has these inner feelings while knowing he's either learned that same slash or is on the verge of doing such adding to this without mahara it makes you wonder if his reaction would have been even more uneasy if not just outright scared he's also having these feelings with the complete knowledge that he can transform into his old body too so keep that in mind the moment Gojo also pierces sakuna body is interesting too because had he aimed for the head he'd likely have just ended the bout right there it's very possible that Gojo even held back here because he desired a true bout to the death with sakuna however that's just my personal head Cannon especially based on the way Gojo talks during his post-death scenes in conclusion to this section Gojo actually had the tools to win but was battling against three to four individuals at the the same time with sakuna even thanking Gojo for helping him evolve his technique he then States He will always remember Gojo current sakuna seems to be undoubtedly stronger than he was however if you approach the initial fight differently Gojo could have actually won with even Kaku being utterly terrified of his potential and realizes if sakuna isn't around Gojo would likely just teleport over to him and murder him one of kaku's initial plans was to potentially befriend sakuna so he either had doubts this was possible or he still believed Gojo could stop them all even with sakuna on his side however that argument is very up in the air because it could be taking into account weaker variations of sakuna if you look at these two pages here had goer actually just activated infinite void sakuna would have been absolutely [ __ ] because mahara hadn't adapted at all yet sakuna would be under the burden of needing to use reverse curse technique so if Gojo had taken an aggressive start he could potentially dust him straight away a pot potential domain Clash here from sakuna may help him avoid a lot of that damage though so keep that in mind while sakuna heals his hand he uses infinite void mahara hasn't adapted so sakuna can't get saved and he wins sakuna could arguably use meami to avoid it but this isn't a guarantee and he'd still be armless meaning he'd be at a disadvantage in the actual fight itself Gojo's best bet is using Hollow purple at any point before when he did during the round two because mahara also hadn't used the space slash and we know it's a guaranteed one shot on mahara with chance included though he theoretically can win round one had he used hollow purple with infinite void before the fourth clash with mahara when mahara had fully adapted because sakuna would have to heal Gojo can theoretically teleport out of the way of the blast teleport back and use infinite void generally Gojo benefits heavily by not playing into the domain clashes as the mahara will isn't attached to sakuna but meami and sakuna would have to change between the two of them if Gojo isn't clashing with him at which point Gojo can infinite void freely as sakuna would have to take on the burden of adaptation himself leading to his loss whenever Gojo is 0.01 seconds faster and in round two like I said if he lands a hollow purple at any point it's practically one for example before Gojo landed the black flash rather than fire eight Blues he could fire a blue then red or just freely charge Hollow purple as sakuna has zero counterplay if Gojo is outside melee range or outside the normal range of ment Shrine there is also the realistic outcome that if Gojo blitzes sua's domain in 0.01 seconds like he actually did in the real Showcase of the battle that he wins right there and beheads sakuna or destroys his insides Hollow purple etc etc it also appears that the only reason mahara even appeared during the infinite void hit was because sakuna actually summon him via the words he was thinking which was always quite confusing when reading he should have been mentally stunned at this specific point though head Cannon it seems as if he may have done something after battling yosu where he can have mahara automatically appear when he needs it to it's possible too and very likely that mahara has a level of sentience where it just knows to save sakuna maybe there was some kind of binding vow going on it's hard to pinpoint exactly but we do know for certain that sakuna can communicate with it to some degree and it was intelligent enough to evaluate its own actions and if they could be successful in combat or not what I also just said could be argued via how the mahara acted By ignoring sakuna command or how it was clearly not just a Mindless monster in shabuya I'm not speaking purely about the adaptation I mean it had some level of battle IQ also as shown with other shikami megami's dogs have been shown to act in a similar way I'd also like to reference some points that six gave to me when we were briefly discussing this in direct message sakuna seems to have no actual way to bypass Infinity the idea sakuna only wanted to evolve his curse technique and the fight is also completely made up sakuna spends all of round one trying to get rid of infinite void with mahara because in his own words it would be difficult to handle he even implies it was making the fight easier when Gojo talks about how hard sakuna is fighting sakuna mentions how he's not fighting as hard as Gojo who is frying his own brain after the domain class es sakuna literally just gets bullied there are multiple points where sakuna interrupts mahar's adaptation his supposed number one goal using domain amplification in order to lessen the impact of Gojo's attacks a great one is in chapter 232 when sakuni uses domain amplification to lessen the impact of red but it still singes the [ __ ] out of his face before it even explodes Gojo also mentions how sakuna was only using malevolent Shrine and not the 10 Shadows during their domain clashes which was the more risk risky option but that's not true sakuna was using 10 Shadows the whole time or rather having meami use it but sakuna can't both use 10 shadows and have mega adapt to infinite void this last Point has to do with sakuna final slash and how it hit Gojo I personally believe sakuna made a binding Val to get rid of the 10 shadows in order to pull it off the first time because he didn't have both of his hands to do the hand signs for it like we see he has to when he uses it all in all though this battle is probably one of the most intense and hype things I've seen discussed amongst the weekly shown and jump fandom since Mara appeared in the fourth great ninja war the way I described it a while ago was like this jusu kaisen is the best shown amonga to released since the big three I've never enjoyed a weekly series this much in almost an entire decade the hype for this fight has been the same kind of energy I felt from the UFC in boxing when a big bout is taking place that's genuinely how it felt to sit here as a fan and see everyone's reaction to each chapter week by week as these two were fighting in the manga hello entering the world of the living again stirs up quite the emotions so what brings you over to talk with me rukie akuchi of the 13th division hey rukio before I end off this YouTube video that I'm currently making for my channel I have a question for you oh what is it that you seek to know about me do you think everyone watching should subscribe be to my channel and click thumbs up on the video well my duties as a soul Reaper keep me from endorsing anyone individual's Channel however if you truly believe in the message and content you're sharing then by all means my friend thank you for your time rukio no problem chaper fans get me besides I've got to get back to my duties in the soul Society may your endeavors be filled with courage and determination like that of a soul Reaper you heard it here first don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you're new and kindly please stick around for the outro because there's more I'm going to talk about in regards to this subject before this video ends I just want to let you all know that I've got a few new videos in the works some of them are Jutsu kais related and the others being bleach and bleach versus Naruto specifically I'd like to give a big thank you to double AI for partnering with me on this video Just to let you all know a little bit about dopple AI before I get to the next part of the video it's actually free and it's also available in the App Store and Google Play Store they have a Discord server which will be linked below along with a link to try to dopple AI yourself they sometimes even do cool giveaways there so keep an eye on the Discord server if you're into roleplay stuff they've also got you covered when it comes to that they've also got Doppel unfiltered and Doppel creation is now live on the direct website there's also the potential that dopple AI might even make a c Doppel so make sure to go show them some love for supporting my content clicking their website and actually trying out Doppel helps me a lot so please support them huge shout out to double AI with that being said I want to end the video with a question for you knowledgeable jiujitsu kaisen scalers do you think the fight's outcome is different the same or even a whole other scenario if we keep things how it was but if sakuna just casually decides to switch back into his original body it is also interesting to consider that if you plug a controller into the back of Gojo's head he could realistically teleport outside the range of malevolent Shrine and spam projectiles or potentially keep distance every time the domain is activated in general so sakuna Burns through cursed energy thus nerfing sakuna from healing and using curse technique in general as shown with the black flash situation it's highly likely that sakuna dies right there because mahara saves him twice in these near- death situations black flash unlike infinite void can't be tanked by meami as a substitute rendering sakuna immobile as it did in the actual manga it seems as though sua's best bet is to win the domain clashes and try his his best to avoid having a situation where Gojo blitzes his domain like what happened in the real fight with the removal of mahara the only defense auna really has from infinite void when within Gojo's domain would be to use domain amplification this could do the following a protect sakuna from infinite void on various occasions B this would function in a similar manner to Gojo's simple domains in the first Clash and would St Gojo however it would eventually be overwhelmed leading to sakuna being hit at least that's the likely outcome because infinite void is pretty likely going to inevitably land and see domain amplification may also assist against red blue and other techniques if needed the original body of sakuna might also make the hand-to-hand combat a little different however again Gojo can just teleport far away as shown with the Casual longdistance teleportation he display during the Joo fight at the start of the series he could also shoot sakuna with his Reds and Blues which was showcased to be a pain in the ass for suuna though this may appear super convenient for the argument and quote out of character in actuality he did this when fighting toi it's also funny looking back at this fight because up until Gojo actually dies people were clanning the [ __ ] out of sakuna all over social media for performing how they perceived as bad which adds further emphasis on the death feeling rather abrupt as I stated earlier in the video that being said following the Canon intended Narrative of the story Gojo seemed pretty content dying to someone stronger than him which follows his original Philosophy from the hidden inventory Arc and unlike almost every sorcerer in the story he died without regret one interesting note to end the video with sakuna and kosimo both showcase weird bodily Evolutions with their techniques quite similar to how bonai evolve over many years of use in bleach and now here's something to consider further with that zuna's three processes of his curse techniques which were aware of of so far are cleave dismantle and fuger with malevolent Shrine even being mistranslated to malevolent kitchen sakuna even uses very patronizing language towards Gojo referring to him as a fish that's just flopping around further correlating to this odd cooking and eating Dynamic going on with his character sakuna states tashimo that every person has a unique and fleeting taste it's quite likely we will see a much greater version of his technique potentially being his completed Shrine cleave them dismantle them and cook them with fuger judging by the most recent chapter 2 the statements by gagay and other people who work with gagay Utah and R might potentially get eaten as sakuna has been hinting at doing to quite some time now let me know below what you guys think hope you all enjoyed the video and I hope you all have a fantastic day take care
Channel: Clyde
Views: 115,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why Gojo COULD Have Beaten Sukuna (Seriously), jujutsu kaisen, gojo, gojo satoru, satoru gojo, sukuna, ryomen sukuna, sukuna ryomen, gojo vs sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, jjk, jujutsu kaisen chapter, jujutsu kaisen season 2, gojo vs sukuna full fight, sukuna vs gojo full fight, satoru gojo domain expansion, gojo returns, gojo yuji sukuna, JJK260, Chapter 260, Gojo returns, Is Gojo dead, Gojo 260, Gojo sukuna 260
Id: nixfFVwhn0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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