What If Aizen Won?

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i think i speak for most bleach fans when i say that ever since mr kubo introduced the idea of a secret division of shinigami it was easily one of the coolest things we had to look forward to when diving into the war arc as it released each week during the manga's run a group of five captain level shinigami all of which are designated to stay in the soul palace and guard the soul king which is separated from the soul society in a completely different dimension eisen's goal once defeating the seoul society and ichigo was to invade the soul palace after creating the organ take down the royal guard then kill the soul king although eisen's goal was never really thoroughly explained to us other than his distaste for authority and his obvious objections to the way the universe was run by the soul society his mysterious goals and the battles that could have happened are extremely fascinating to think about it's also interesting to think that if he say did defeat the zero division how would eisen have reacted when the quincy came out of the shadows to fight him they definitely would have taken action if they heard the soul society was destroyed by eisen and the soul palace was currently open but because uh powers did not come back until almost two years after ichigo defeated eisen would this situation actually give eisen an upper hand it's all interesting to speculate about in today's video i will be talking about the idea of could eisen defeat the zero division for this video i will be using eisen after his battle with ichigo so just imagine that eisen reforms his body like he did after getting hit by the mugetsu though for this battle he actually transforms into the next form he mentioned to ichigo but urahara never actually appears to activate the keto that he had planted on eisen earlier and is instead still unconscious in the fake katakura town i'll also talk about how the fight differs while fighting out of character when it comes to eisen and how things would actually go if you were to plug a controller into the back of eisen's head and use all of his arsenal correctly before we do dive into this video i just want to say that if you're a fan of bleach then please press that subscribe button and don't forget to give the video a thumbs up if you support my channel i will continue to support bleach by making plenty of content in the future and also if this video reaches 15 000 likes i will begin working on my kampachi video asap trust me it's a big project when thinking about eisen versus the zero division it honestly reminds me a lot of mata versus the five cargo all of them are hyped up to be a huge deal at the start of their respective war arcs and every time they're brought up they're talked about in a very respectful and serious manner as it's even stated that all of the members of the zero division combined are actually stronger than the goatee 13 which funnily enough turns out to be quite inconsistent and in fact false as shunsway can keep up with lilibaro whereas the zero division members who fought him were completely blitzed and destroyed by lily barrow in his base and were already having some difficulties with the specific quincy before their true powers were even given back to them i definitely feel that the only member of the zero division who actually has enough strength to genuinely contest more than five of the goatee 13 is definitely ichibe but i will talk about ichibe a little bit later as he is the biggest issue for eisen in this hypothetical battle one of the benefits that eisen has going for him if he invades the soul palace to fight the five of them is that they don't have any battle data on him other than what they know about him before he fuse with the hogyoku which means that eisens hypnosis having countermeasures in place or them knowing how to stop it is irrelevant as eisen now has an ability due to his transcendence which makes it so that he is fully fused with his sword what this allows him to do is to affect people with his hypnosis without him having to even draw his sword because he is now fused with the sword his body acts as an extension of it this new ability was shown to us when just by youhabak speaking with eisen when he visited him in the american he was placed under his kyoku suigetsu and it was still in effect even when he battled yuhabak at the end of the arc it's basically the same situation where all of the shinigami and visors who seen eisen sword release years ago were still under his hypnosis 100 years later when eisen steps into the soul palace the second any of them glance at his body they are now in checkmate and they will never be able to locate where eisen actually is on top of this because of eisen's experience with yamamoto where he was caught off guard he will know to be more serious especially because he would have the common sense of knowing the royal guard are no joke a lot of people are going to assume that teamwork will give the zero division an edge in this battle but do you remember when that was tried on a pre-transcendence sheikhai eisen the goatee 13 plus the visets who had hollification it didn't turn out so good even when the zero division tried countermeasures against the quincy invasion of the soul palace that failed and juha bark was able to surprise ichibe many times in their battle along with nimaya claiming the only battle data he had on yuhabak was the recent battle with yamamoto and the fight with yamamoto from the original war 1000 years ago any pre-existing battle data they may have on eisen would also be outdated as they don't know the extent or capabilities of his newfound transcendent hogiya crew powers too so even if they planted traps for eisen would this even work considering they don't know his full power most likely not individually speaking this battle is extremely in eisen's favor as he not only has a speed advantage in the battle but if you grant him the ability to teleport with his hogyoku and treat it as real teleportation none of them will be able to keep up with him another problem is that because eisen has surpassed all shinigami and the barrier between shinigami and hollow once he reaches the first few stages of the hogiyo crew let alone his butterfly form his monster form or the new form that i'm using in this video he is naturally stronger than all of the zero division in raw power the bleach data book unmasked states that the mugetsu was the strongest thing in the bleach law at that time when it was used and this was actually stated when the zero division were mentioned to exist in the story now eisenwall even in his monster form which far surpasses any shinigami at that point couldn't even sense dungai ichigo and mugetsu ichigo was so strong that he thought its power was on a different dimensional plane because he couldn't even fathom its power well eisen not only survives the mugetsu with his regeneration powers but even while having his entire body eviscerated by the attack he still returns then claims he will surpass ichigo's power now surpassing the mugetsu is obviously untrue and a little far-fetched but surpassing dongai wouldn't be too far-fetched as he did actually damaged donggae ichigo while he was fighting him anyway i'm making this point because whether it's monster eisen butterfly eisen or this new long head eisen he is going to be extremely dangerous for the zero division even without his hypnosis eisen is also at the level even before going into his butterfly form where he can destroy the cleaner an anomaly which doesn't even obey the laws of physics or operate with spiritual pressure but actually the idea of reason and just by eisen glancing at the cleaner he destroys it once again this feat was performed in a super weak form compared to his final transformations and destroying something that all shinigami is scared of being hit by is pretty insane if you actually get hit by the cleaner it can actually launch you through time in the japanese translation of eisen vs ichigo eisen also claims that with transcendent spiritual pressure he can literally atomize ichigo with his kuruhitsugi and his hypnosis plus any other keto or powers he can use is incredibly amplified by his transcendent spiritual pressure even his physical strength and speed is shown to increase with his power it would also naturally make his kyoko soigetsu more potent than before and this is backed by it's still affecting the strongest form of yuhabaku couldn't break out of it at the end of the series you could make a kana argument and say but didn't eisen say he would most likely lose to yamamoto in a fight and wasn't confident in a one-on-one battle with him hence why he made one device with the hogia crew to seal his powers well this was base eisen who was already way beyond captain level eisen being a threat to yamamoto even back then in that form isn't actually that crazy and it's not like he was making a definitive claim that he would just outright lose more so he just had contingency plans in place to make sure things would go smoothly just like how he left ukiyora and yami in hueco mundo to take care of onahana and kenpachi as it's actually stated he didn't want to fight kenpachi until he was basically immortal with the hogyoku but even with that being said he has always been considerably strong in fact base eisen is stated stronger than all of the espada and the reason the asparta followed him in the first place considering how much they don't even get along with one another was actually because of his raw power not because of his kyoko soy getsu which is confirmed straight from gein to over exaggerate the statement that eisen made to yamamoto and say something like well he's also keeping in mind that he's going to be much stronger when he fuses with the hogyoku so even with that in mind he still believe that yamamoto could potentially beat him in a fight that we can't even say for certain is actually true especially when eisen was constantly surprised at how strong he got with the hogyoku showing he definitely would have changed his mind about what he said earlier and also he did tank an attack that is stronger than yamamoto then was about to transform again so it's not looking too good for that argument if you want to bring it up the bleach data book unmasked also puts heavy emphasis a lot on the fact that eisen and ichigo have both surpassed the barrier between shinigami and hollows and even when eisen was in his silver surfer form which is one of the very first forms of the hokyoku urahara yodowichi and ishin who were swapping blows with base eyes and couldn't sense or do anything to him when he actually tried in fact all of them together as a team couldn't do anything to eisen when he actually tried and he wasn't even using his hypnosis on them so the question is now how does the fight actually go well if eisen fights them one-on-one he blitzes and one shots all of them with ichibe being the only problem in the battle really even when gene tried to steal the hogyoku from a weaker form of eyes and had his wrist vanish from what is either his spiritual pressure or him slightly grazing his arm with his hand as he reacted to gain as when eisen then transforms again without the hokyoku even being in his body and he teleports over to gain he is so much faster and stronger that he literally tears gain's arm completely out of the socket he's just like yoink i'll be taking that then one shots him now genichimaru who is beyond captain level couldn't do a single thing and i imagine the same thing would happen to tenjido nimaya senjumaru and kiriyo once again you gotta really put this into perspective eisen was one-shotting characters like urahara ishin and yodawichi in a form which was much weaker than the one that he used to one-shot gain even the gain feat itself it doesn't even show me that eisen's really even trying it's just something he casually did like he just ripped his arm off and then stabbed him like it was nothing and gained couldn't react to the attack once again to think that eisen couldn't do that to individual members of the zero division would be genuinely silly because he would be leaps and bounds stronger than the form that showcased those feats when he steps into the soul palace again in one of the first forms of the hogiroku he one shots ishin yotowichi and urohara in his butterfly form he casually speed blitzes and then rips gene's arm off and one shots him like he wasn't even trying and he could do that just imagine what he could do to all of them if he was in his monster form or this new hypothetical next transformation you could bring up the time skip and say they'd have a time skip power-up that helps them close this gap in power with eisen but the data book statement about eisen and ichigo applies to the war arc as yuhaba confirms that yamamoto's power has stagnated due to the fact that he didn't get his arm healed and you know just stayed the same power and he's apparently weaker than he was in katakura town along with characters like unohana who are basically being confirmed to barely ever fight anymore eisen would still be above yamamoto in fact much more due to only having one arm and him reaching further levels of power and these events take place before the time skip anyway so although it's actually irrelevant to the topic itself it does need to be mentioned with or without a time skip power up it makes no difference to the outcome of this battle you'd honestly have to argue most of the captains from the full ring arc have closed this gap or they are somehow relative to eisen in this form here and this just makes no sense at all as we know the majority are much weaker than one armed yamamoto just consider this right the second he died shunsway's first action as head captain was to make sure that kenpachi was as strong as he could be because he needed to fill the role of having yamamoto missing eisen also makes a statement way before where basically if yamamoto falls so does the seoul society like yamamoto is a big deal even if you were to argue eisen stops using his hypnosis and relies solely on his raw power like he did in the story that would be enough to destroy all of the zero division members even if they did use teamwork quotation marks and the most dangerous thing we'd have to worry about for eisen is ichibe's power because he could possibly land some ink on eisen and if he makes any mistakes from his cockiness in the battle and then his power would be made the strength of an ant and he could be sealed or blah blah you know anything could happen from there on right it could actually turn out to be a pretty bad situation for eisen though we know he is immortal hence why he got such a long prison sentence rather than being executed and because he wouldn't be in that depressed i secretly want to lose mindset that ichigo pointed out to urohara he would will his powers back into existence or a stronger transformation thanks to the hokyoku if ichibe gets ink onto the hoguiku i've seen some people say that this might be able to counteract the hokyoku but i personally don't believe he would be able to stop the hokyoku or change it or make it do what he wants as even yuhaba casually reverse the effects of his powers and i know that it's different to how the hogiroku works but the hogiroku is hyped up to have like limitless power and potential and it doesn't even obey the laws of physics it's just on its own sort of like realm of power it just does what it wants it can will things into existence if the hokyoku can make eisen continuously as strong as he became throughout all of his transformations and evolutionary stages this wouldn't be far-fetched to think that it's possible the hokyoku is above ichibe when it comes to hacks so if eisen has a controller plugged into the back of his head and i can control his every move like a video game it goes like this you walk in announce yourself to the zero division have your kyoko soigetsu ready get them under the hypnosis flash over to them slash their heads off or use kurohitsuki to atomize the zero division members individually you could also walk in there and not even show your blade so all they have to do is just glance at you and then they're already under the hypnosis once again checkmate from the very start if any of them were to try some based attack that covers an area of effect and they panic and just do it because they you know they don't know where eisen is but they're just trying to hit him no matter what i'd merely teleport far away then hit them with fraggles from a distance which would basically blow up the floating cities and destroy them if any of them get hit by it or if you actually say eisen can't use attacks like this in his new form for whatever reason i just spam long range transcendent ketos which none of them would actually know were coming due to the hypnosis and even without the hypnosis the attacks would be too fast and too powerful for them to react to or defend quick and easy gg if eisen is actually in character and he fights like in the story and you know he's a little bit impulsive or he does things that he wouldn't normally do as even urahara points out that he's fighting differently than usual he would still have a severe speed advantage strength advantage and power advantage even just slashing individual members of the zero division would result in them vanishing from being too close to eisen especially while flexing his rayatsu which is not being binded to his body by the prison seals and again just the speed and strength of his swings would literally just one shot them plus the transcendent spiritual pressure would just melt them eisen would again spam ketos which would be amplified by transcendent spiritual pressure and would actually be able to kill ichibe who is the most contentious part of this topic also if he does get hit by the ink as i said before the hogyoku will save him from that and possibly even make him way stronger with another transformation if you were to argue the zero division does win it's honestly a single win out of like 10 fights with eisen where i basically have to give them massive prep time wank ichibe's knowledge which i believe is actually overrated considering nehemiah said the extent of the battle data they had on youhumbak let alone this new eisen which has gone through multiple different transformations and they've never even seen before like again i want to really emphasize this eisen was able to one show people like yodawichi urahara and ishin who were all tag teaming eisen and urahara basically conceded that they would have had zero chance against eisen with the level of power he'd reached so he had to like come up with these contingency plans which had like 10 steps ahead when it comes to planning a seal on him waiting for ichigo to hopefully get strong enough to put him in a compromised position and then the seal would activate and he could seal him while he was weakened at the time for a split second but with that being said they all pretty much were like yeah like no one could be him even gain highlighted that that he's never seen eisen so strong before for the hypothetical zero division winning situation you'd honestly have to say that the others can battle eisen one-on-one in a kind of visors versus the esparda situation where they stole him to create openings and without them either vanishing from his spiritual pressure or eyes and merely blitzing and cutting them apart with single blows may then lead to ichibe coming up with some crazy final move or lowering eisen's power with ink and stealing him but again the hogyoku makes this hard and it might even be the case that eisen's spiritual pressure could overwhelm the ink's power and that is a possibility considering the statement that eisen made about rayatsu and riazu being able to negate others powers he basically says if the spiritual pressure is higher the ability can be rejected it's basically the same way that kenpachi sort of explains rayatsu in the soul society arc when it comes to cutting and defense i'd also need to make it so that he doesn't use hypnosis in this fight and if he does use it we don't even know if it can be broken anymore because the sword is now fused with his body and can we even assume that just by touching him now that it breaks it i don't even think that makes sense because that would also seem like a de-evolution rather than an evolution of the zampato and his powers because you've now gone from all right you have to specifically touch the blade to now you have a much larger area to cancel the power by just touching his body like that doesn't really make much sense i would assume that if you're gonna break it the sword still needs to be present and even then he could just continue to hide the sword inside of his body and once again we don't even know if kyoku soyugetsu can be broken after all of these transformations and the transcendent evolution that he's gone through sadly for the zero division eisen is just too quick too physically strong all of his powers that were successful in the past are now amped and he has way too hacks the difference between he and the zero division is just too great and hopefully this puts into perspective just how strong eisen actually became let alone after the time skip
Channel: Clyde
Views: 410,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What If Aizen Fought The Zero Division?, aizen, bl3ach, b1each, n4ruto, naruto, bleach aizen, aizen sosuke, aizen vs ichigo, ichigo vs aizen, mugetsu, mugetsu scene, bleach anime, bl3ach anime, an1me, bleach aizen vs madara, aizen vs madara, madara vs aizen, bleach aizen video, aizen powerscale, zero division, bleach zero, bleach zero division, zero division bleach
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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