How fluent are you in English?

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hey how you doing actually that's a good question hi james from ingvid you see some of you guys have been with me for a few years some of you have been just recent additions to invid or my channel and i think it's a really good question to us because a lot of times we're studying and we don't know what we're really doing right so let's get a little comfortable i'm going to give you a quiz about fluency um it's a little quiz and then what what i'd like you to do if you have them available get a pen and paper because you might want to score this quiz down if you don't don't worry about it just keep in mind what numbers apply to you in this quiz it's not scientific i'm not going to say you do this you can run to harvard i'm an advanced student but it's going to give you a general idea of what ballpark you're playing in so you will know what to kind of expect as you continue in your english journey or maybe you might be a little surprised and realize you have a bit of work to do either way it's good news for you right if you've got work to do you know you can move up and it's not for no reason that you're working and if you're higher than you think or then you thought great all your work is paid off so let's go to the board let's go through the quiz and i know usually i do quizzes at the end right but because this is a fluency thing there's no point in having a quiz at the end what you want to really know is where are you right now right so let's do that then afterwards we'll go through what you can expect right so why are we doing this we know what we're doing why because sometimes it's great to see the future see where you're going and see what's going to come to you that's going to make you really happy that you've taken the time and energy to put into what you're doing right now when and where are you going to use this we want you to start using it when you have conversations or you consume media that you take these hints keep them in your mind and realize these are things you're going to have to work on or areas you can use to improve and don't worry i've got you covered when we do the next segment i will give you some actionable things to do to improve your score right and uh yeah of course some homework so ready let's go to the board now the first thing we're going to do is you'll notice over here i have advanced intermediate and beginner that's the answers to the quiz we'll come back to that in a second and let's go to the quiz now i said before that this isn't scientific but what it will do is give you an area where you are all i want you to do is check mark the ones you think apply to you hint hint you cannot be all nine okay so those are going oh i'm all nine you don't even speak english i'm just going to say it right now now some of these might you might get four out of five you may get two or three or maybe you'll get three or more then we can it gives us a bit more of an idea where you are cool uh so let's do it number one grammar is difficult for you and you don't use tenses it means you have to think about it before you speak it's really difficult if that's you check it off all right oh by the way this is my crystal ball you know when you see those women go oh i can tell you the future well i'll know where you are now and i'll be able to know your future or at least you will ready so next you dream in english you go to sleep and you hear you're speaking french but you're speaking you are speaking english everyone speaks french and everything is perfect it's not bad my friend check it see where you are number three conversation your conversation in english is only 80 20. what does that mean that's a weird sentence it means when you speak with a native or you know someone who has a high level of english you can only really speak about 20 that's all you're capable of i'm not talking about when you're shy because you're probably shy in your own language right you don't like to speak you don't like to speak i'm talking about what you could actually do if you were working as hard as you can and in something a case like this the other person probably has to explain things to you or or what not because you just really can't express yourself so if your english is 80 20 right next you know so check that one next you feel like you are truly yourself when you speak in english because you can express yourself um i should i've got one second i have a confession to make all right um i'm learning or i'm practicing german and i like languages and this quiz came about for me because i started realizing i don't know where i am in learning this language so i started to look at sources to help me out right one of the things i find in german when i try to speak german i get this silly kind of this new james kind of thing like sprekenzi deutsch it's like who is mighty mouse over here but i don't really know how to use all the words to express myself right so that's what that's about you know i'll know when i'm higher when i can feel comfortable using the language but that's just me still doing the quiz number five your conversation in english is 60 40. there is a difference between these two right so try and figure out are you closer to almost 50 50 or on this end right how about this you understand humor in english when someone tells a joke you're like that was funny there's a reason why oh i can't tell you now where it is but if you understand english the humor in english that's not a bad sign number seven native speakers must speak slower for you to understand i have a number of students who will come and watch my videos and unfortunately for them they kind of miss it i'm usually i guess more of an intermediate advanced teacher just because of the speed at which i speak so it takes you you have to have a little bit more language skill to catch and comprehend what i'm saying even in an easy lesson where i may expand on something that's you know a simple concept but i try and give more information i generally speak faster than more other other teachers so i sometimes get students going on you speak too fast slow down slow down and i sometimes when i say this is an advanced lesson you need to be a little hired to be doing this lesson and it's you know usually marked on invid or in youtube anyway but that's that's not a bad thing some people want to improve so they want to try something harder and i'm all for that i think you should do it but if you find it's a bit fast if you read other comments they might say hey listen it's okay just work a little harder and you'll get it and i promise you will right that's what this lesson's about how fluent you are and how we can help you all right next number eight you use grammar naturally without having to think about it what that means is you just speak and it comes out it feels natural as it as if it were in your own language meaning in your own language when you say como sava you don't think and go oh come on okay what is the verb what is that no you don't you just say it just like in english when you say what's going on you don't have to go okay is that hello or how are you no just natural and you change the tenses without thinking about it number nine you slip in english into english sometimes when you speak your native language okay i had students who would do that they would say it was really funny um they would say i was talking to my mother and i said good i said you know but instead of bien i would say away good and their mother or father go what was what what did you send you oh sorry it just happened now this is very specific because people who have really high language level they can actually change choose to speak one language or the other but sometimes when you're moving through languages your brain understands that they both mean the same thing and it just throws out whatever one comes out first and i'm going to tell you this much i'll give you this it's a good sign so if you've done all three if you had pen and paper a great mark it down i'm going to go through it quickly in case you don't so you can go over it and quickly catch which ones you think you are right is grammar difficult for you do you dream in english is your conversation 80 20 do you feel like you're truly yourself and express yourself fully is your conversation 60 40 do you understand english humor do native speakers have to slow down to speak to you do you use grammar naturally and do you occasionally by accident slip into you know slip english words in your conversation right when you're speaking in your native tongue now now that you've got that down you've got those numbers let's go to the board all right i should do a click right no i'm not going to and let's take a look at where you might be done done i know you're like i think i'm really really high and really really low well i'll tell you number one the minimum score you should get is at least three numbers because actually each section i've got three numbers to indicate you're probably advanced intermediate or a beginner now you might get four or five and you go james i don't get it well that's when you're begin going to become like an intermediate beginner or an intermediate advanced student right and that happens right because you got this but you've also got that that's good it means you're moving you're progressing so let's see if you're a beginner what would happen if you're a beginner one three and seven okay if the grammar is difficult you don't use tenses twenty percent english means the other person has to carry the conversation means they have to keep it going because you can't do it and what did i say number seven native speakers have to slow down to speak to you so you understand you're a beginner yeah that's okay people think that's bad and i think that's crazy what that means to me is you're starting a great journey you're in the beginning and you're moving up now if you've been doing this for 10 years you should have been watching my videos you wouldn't be there you would be at the beginning still but that's besides the point all right so you're a beginner so what about intermediate if you've got two five and nine you're beginning to dream in english right five your english conversation 60 40 you're actually carrying almost half the conversation right that's not bad number nine sometimes you slip in english and these are the intermediate students you see them right away they'll be talking talking talking and you'll hear them even talk to other students and they'll say an english word and if the other student is lower they'll go why you say that no i don't know it's like your brain is starting to go it means the same thing right it just means the same thing hola is hello it means the same right it won't be as simple as that it might be more complex ideas but your brain is what we call i don't want to say equivocate but it's saying like these are equal ideas so we can use them and that's a good thing the dreaming in english is your brain's actually working on it right it's not some strange thing anymore okay and what was the other one we said and number nine so you slip into it and i said conversation yeah you're holding your own in a conversation a lot of people would say that's like higher intermediate now you might get some of these other things which is going to be for advanced ow it's like a rip in my underwear oh that's bad anyway four six and eight four six and eight four you feel like yourself it means you can express yourself you know how to say and this is what doesn't happen with intermediate students and i know this they get frustrated because they're like my english is pretty good but i can't tell people what i'm really thinking advanced and this is what i meant by the future for you you'll be able to express in your language and in english exactly what you mean and you don't have to always say oh if only it was in my language i could tell you no you'll be able to go no i know how to do this i can tell you exactly how i feel and that's really cool feels great okay next six you understand humor in english this is incredibly important because humor is playing with words playing with culture that means you don't only just know the english you know about our culture music plays writing slang you know that stuff so that one's a really good one right because you have to be able to play with the language and finally number eight you use grammar without having to think about it well of course it's now your language son or girl i don't know who's watching this so of course you don't have to think about it you don't think about grammar in your own language in fact sometimes you forget you don't know how to explain it because it's just such a part of you and that's where we want to go ultimately okay now as i said some of you might have picked you know like you might have picked two four six eight or five six eight and nine yeah intermediate advanced this is not a it's not a quiz where you can take to harvard but you're gonna get the idea and you should get it and i'm going to say now and i'll say it again probably when we come back keep your results and maybe come back in two or three months right then you might see there's a change like maybe you're getting if you're here you're getting two of these in one of these or from here you're moving up and that's really kind of cool to know because it's nice to take these lessons but if you don't know if you're progressing what's the point speaking of which i've got something to give to you to help advance you and your english whether you're beginning a beginner intermediate and advanced ready oh yeah and we're back sorry long break so we're gonna go to the board and i'm going to expand on what we did before talking about where you are now the quiz i gave some of it away by telling you this this this but i'm going to take the time now to expand and maybe give you a deeper understanding and you can also see how some of these things start to slide or morph morph meaning to change change into the other one and why we go from beginner to intermediate beginner intermediate intermediate advanced advanced and hopefully the last tip i'm going to give you today is going to take you into what i call superhero mode like you can put an s on your chest and fly off right okay let's go to the board and take a look so um fluency what does it mean fluency is to be able to express yourself easily and i didn't put the word on the board because i want you to get this one accurately which means people understand what you're saying and you get the meaning of what they're saying not just an idea okay that's what this is all about and why we're doing this is because you want to see how fluent you are and where you sit right now where you can move to and what's possible and i always say don't settle for good enough you know or say it's it's very good or so you know it's very that no i've actually got a lesson on very and we'll come back to that why you want to get synonyms or why you want to do this and that because it helps to express your fluency so you can be more accurate and express yourself easily ready let's go so in blue we have beginner i got bad news for you okay blue is work this is when you're learning english it's not a lot of fun because it just seems hard but i would tell you anything like if you're working out to try and get muscle it was it's lots of work at the beginning it's not much fun food's not fun this isn't fun you don't see the results for the work you're putting in but just like starting a savings account you put a dollar here and a dollar there 20 years later you're buying a house and you're a millionaire but you got to start somewhere it's just work right so the sacrifice you do here is you have to put the time in and know that you're going up a hill and the funny thing is the hill seems like this but when it starts to change it goes up quickly right so what does it mean to be a beginner and at work you need to translate directly from your language when someone says to me um and i'm going to say oh you know like do you understand i translate in should again okay i'm translating in my head i'm a beginner and i've i have to catch that word or i can't do it right so it's translating directly from my language and back it takes a long time right speakers have to change their speaking speed for you almost every language people blur the words you blur because it's something you say normally and regularly but for a beginner you actually have to break the words and make it slow enough that they can actually go i learned this word i learned this word all right so these are just to clarify when i said there are three points you notice there's more than three points to tell you if you're a beginner so if before you were thinking well james is wrong because i'm not a beginner because i work so hard i'm like if you're finding more and more of these are true and you thought you were intermediate drop yourself down to maybe beginner intermediate okay so maybe not maybe you you've got less of these and you're more in the black zone so we're still in beginner number two you have only one way to say things i have a friend natalia natalia i was in spain and one day i was i was practicing my spanish that i had learned and she was kind of impressed until she started noticing i kept on saying ballet ballet and she was like you only know one word in spanish stopped you and i was like see that's true but it works but i couldn't say anything other than yeah okay okay okay okay sort of similar to english but in english i can say okay or maybe well somewhat not in spanish and then i realized i'm a beginner no problem with that i liked the fact she understood me so i knew it was the first step and that's what beginner means first step right okay so grammar is difficult especially the tenses all right so you probably don't even use the tenses you i had students all the time go uh teacher i worked yesterday i got you worked yet you mean you worked yeah teacher you understand tenses were gone they were like i've got this i got this verb i know it's a verb i know this is what i mean but i can't change it to pause present the future and it's okay because the native speaker basically gets the understanding right but you have work to do right you got to master it so you can get to this stage and we'll talk about that where you'll end up forgetting it yeah but it's a good forget don't worry 80 20 uh conversations you cannot what we say carry a conversation carrying it means you can hold one so when we when you carry a conversation it's 50 me 50 you no it's 80 me 20 you because your english is here and i have to pick you up explain go slowly and then you slowly and then i have to pick you up if you find you have to ask people to slow down explain a lot of words uh you know they don't quite understand and they ask you to repeat you're a beginner so now you can look at that test a little bit more honestly and kind of go i think i fall here or congratulations you're like no none of that's true for me i'm like you're probably beginner uh intermediate it's good so let's look at the intermediate part i put frustrating but it's not just frustrating it's also a little exciting i didn't put that because i didn't have room as you can see but you go how can it be frustrating and exciting well frustrating when you get to why and then exciting because of where you're going to go you're no longer at this beginner stage where people have to hold your hand for a conversation you can do much much more and this beginners by the way this is what you have to look forward to it's not always going to be work it's going to start getting to be exciting when you can say something in more than two or three sentences and people go i understand you and you're like yes yes all right all right so here we go from 20 20 80 to 60 40. you are now participating more in the conversation and that's a really cool thing because you know you get to say more right you can use the proper tense with some thought so you might say a teacher i worked yesterday oh hang on teacher i worked yesterday just a little bit of thought it's not i don't know the tense you got it and maybe it takes a second for you to do it you're aware of your mistakes when you make them in the beginner category they don't even know they're making mistakes they think it's okay it's good they don't even know they don't know you are at a point where you're consciously aware of your mistakes so you're like ah okay i am not in i'm not conscious it's not unconscious learning yet that it's in my brain and in my heart but i'm aware enough to go oh that doesn't sound right that's not quite right so you're intermediate right that gives you the opportunity to fix it because you're aware of it nice right all right so you can fix these things right next you have two or three words my poor ballet ballet ballet ballet you can say more than that i've got a video on very for instance did it a while back where i introduced that that many students will say teacher is very good teacher is very hot the teacher is very poor and i went no you gotta learn like desolate you gotta learn like uh i don't know i can't even think of words to change it up but i gave them an opportunity to say you can learn different words for very very is just one way of saying big or small right it's just talking about magnitude and in that video i gave them examples and you when you're an intermediate speaker won't just know very you can know extremely right you can know it's like what yeah you have different ways to express yourself so you're getting closer to being able to speak the way you want to speak right not like a grammar booklet and i love those grammar books with tom has very big hands mary is especially kind like we don't speak like that so you start moving from the beginner english books to speaking like a fully functional human being all right you can speak and this is the frustrating part but not fully express yourself and that's why i said frustrating because you get your message out but it's it's like a cake without icing it's a cake you can see it's a cake it's soft it's sweet but the icing that's when it's chocolate icing vanilla icing maybe strawberry icing it changes it it's just cake so that's the frustrating part because you're like can we add a little icing to make it a little sweeter and like not yet not at your level but it's exciting because at least you have a cake you're going to start somewhere okay you can watch and i would love to watch my students say the first time they came back from a movie going i went to a movie theater an english movie theater i watched the movie and i understood 70 with no subtitles and they were excited it wasn't frustrating right here it'd be very frustrating because you don't understand most of what they're saying but they could watch the movie and get a pretty good idea what's happening and what's going to happen next so it was exciting because they're like i imagine if i knew 100 i would know exactly what happened but i have an idea what's going on in the movie and that's a really good feeling right needs you to be excited okay so we've done that and now we're saying if you're in between these two and you see some of this here and some of this there you know you're a beginner intermediate okay and that's also exciting because you're moving up the ladder you're going up the hill now what about advanced students what makes them so different from these guys because this seems pretty cool right pretty good well this is when it becomes fun i've i know when i was really kind of studying spanish a while back and i was actually in spain and i might have said this story before so if you've heard it i wouldn't say fast forward maybe it's still a good lesson for you to listen to when i went to a museum and this woman i asked her for something like uh van gaal and i also something else and then she i said it in spanish and she gave me the the thing for the museum and it was in spanish i said i can't read this i don't speak spanish she's like yeah you speak good enough goodbye and i was like yes i do it was exciting at that time it was fun because i thought my spanish was really bad and here is someone i spoke to who was spanish was like you seem to know how to ask for these things you can understand that right so you understand everyday humor oh you understand humor is such a big thing because in understanding humor you have to understand the culture you have to understand how what word play is and that's very difficult for a a beginner student who only has one way to express and doesn't realize that some words can have multiple meanings so we're playing with the words or the language or this cultural reference and that's why i say it's fun because now you're you're really listening to our music watching our television playing our video games and that's fun stuff it's no more open to textbook read chapter two right now you're able to just jump away from the school stuff pick up a newspaper have a conversation go on a dating app and have fun with people and not like i have to translate everything because my english is low okay you understand every say speech and some of you go duh duh i mean stupid in english right of course no of course a lot of people actually high intermediate or they're intermediate advanced because they understand and i'm going to use something on you to prove my point they understand their work jargon but actually everyday conversation that has slang and other things they're not so good at huh well they learn enough business english to speak about contracts and exports and expansion and maybe a contraction but as soon as you throw in a i don't know that chick's kind of fat they're like she's big in fact like no no no i mean like she's fat and tempting like she's good like pretty hot and tempting whoa whoa it's like everyday speech which includes slang contractions idioms you can just you can converse you can do that i use the word jargon jargon is like specific language like idiomatic language for a certain set so some people who are doctors can speak very high level english but they don't understand everyday english perfect example i had a student i think he was a banker or businessman his english was amazing and there are few of us students were sitting out one time and i had a drink and i put a straw in my drink and some of you heard this story before put a straw in my drink and he goes what's that i went coke he said no what's that thing what do you call that thing you put in i went straw oh i didn't know that high-level english but something that everyday a child would know in english was beyond his capability so was his jargon was excellent and you've heard me say before you want to learn bar english common english and you want to learn business english it's not just business but i mean formal and informal english so you're fully functional all right and that's an advanced student speech flows naturally with no translation they speak they don't have to think first then speak it just comes out as if it was their native tongue okay so that goes without saying and that will happen with the everyday speech because it's something that's normal for you right notice that dream speech we talked about intermediate that's your brain processing all of that information and now it can just use it it's like okay we got it we know what is right what is wrong you don't need to think anymore you can just have it just like a child learning its first language okay you understand sarcasm okay sarcasm if you're advanced you already know what this is if you're advanced intermediate i'll tell you it's when somebody says something like hey that's a really cool shirt you're wearing and they don't mean it it's being sarcastic right i said kelsey like yeah you're the best one we've ever had working here best employee they're being sarcastic if you only know it literally what the words means it means the exact meaning of the word you don't get the fact of playing with it and it's similar to human uh humor but sarcasm can be rude and can be used to hurt you so as an advanced student you know when someone's joking with you being humorous saying nice shirt guy and they're joking it's fun and nice shirt guy and they're making fun of you right very big difference so sarcasm and if you live in the uk you really want to learn this because british people tend to be rather sarcastic right okay you forget grammar rules and speak naturally do you remember over here i said intermediate you start you're aware of the grammar rules you should be proud of yourself yay well this is why it gets fun you forget them and sometimes just like native speakers you might have a hard time explaining them because you just well that's just the past tense it's just the past tense that's what we say and always some student goes well but why teacher why you have to do this with present perfect why you have to have half and they're like you're like i don't know that's what you do everybody knows that's what you do you will get there where it's just so natural that you'll have to think uh what are the rules but your speech and here's the key part your speech will be correct it's just it's now that whole dream thing i said and you know you slip into it you slip sometimes into language it's so inside of you that you don't think about it you just do like walking you don't think about will gravity help me and how do i move my next leg and arm you just do it that's what's going to happen once again fun if you speak italian you know what i'm saying when i'm saying this to you okay i can fully express myself by using my at some time you're so rude do you see what he's doing and other people i don't know what he's just moving his hands but you can express yourself fully you know it's exactly who you are the way you want to tell people just using funny lang words in another language you feel completely comfortable in the situation knowing that they know not just what you said but who you are behind those words and that's really kind of fun and cool right and the last one is reading between the lines a lot of times speakers and this is similar to sarcasm they're saying something and they want you to get what they're saying because they're not saying it directly johnson the company is experiencing some bad times right now and um we're gonna have to let a few people go people that we like a lot like you you know we like you a lot right you're being fired the guy's not saying it but read between the lines you should go should i get my stuff and go now boss he's trying to be nice to let you know you're being fired that's reading between the lines that's not sarcasm it's not humor they want you to read between the lines or another one could be this you know i that girl that i met at the club she said she wants to go out with me and she said she might she might come and come to my house tonight she might come to my house i'm gonna go dude she's not coming what do you mean read between the lines if it's a date there's no might she's coming she said might to be nice to you and you were supposed to understand it's not gonna happen really yeah i know what you were taught in grammar might is a possibility but in this case no way sorry that's an advanced student would get that right away an intermediate student would go what are the grammar rules of this and a beginner student wouldn't even know so pat yourself in the back and maybe it's a good thing or a bad thing but you'll understand real intent all right so i've covered all of these things right and now i want to go because that's not a quiz is to help you to once again find out what your real level is so we started with a simple quiz to give an approximate now you can see how far how many of these things and they will travel in a bit of a pack right as a group so you might not be blue you might be blue and black or you might be black and a bit of red or all red let's see what practical advice i can give you to help you make that shift from beginner to intermediate to advanced i'm going to go over here i'm going to do advice and of course we'll have our homework you ready let's go to the board okay so my first advice if you were a beginner make shorter sentences what yeah just say i am happy i like to work i like it here this way you will have to you will get away with not saying so many grammatical forms you will be clearly understood which is important if you want people to keep talking to you if i have a difficult time because your grammar is exceedingly poor or very poor i'm probably not going to talk a lot to you and nor will many people but by making your sentences shorter you'll have more time to think about them get them to be correct and accurate making it easy for other people fluency to understand you and continue conversation with you how can we push this forward because this is just to make sure you're able to con to continue a conversation start writing out two or three sentences every day in english i would also recommend reading a book and right you know to get an idea of how english is spoken by the way this lesson isn't about as i said from the beginning it's not if you know to be all and end all about your level is this and that because i'm not talking about your reading skills i'm not talking about your writing skills a lot for a lot of people fluency is the ability to communicate by listening and speaking because it's instant so you're either right or wrong and that's basically what this is about so i know i'm introducing now reading and writing but i have done other videos where i talked about the importance of reading and writing to and actually enhance your speaking skills right i've had some good students who talked said things like they watched movies and they were able to improve their writing skills with the subtitles because they were reading and listening putting together the words with the sounds right and that's what i'm kind of saying here start writing out sentences because it gives you time to think about what you're doing and that's why this is you short sentences but then i'm saying write out two or three that go together so ideas start to flow and you can put in the proper grammar okay and i'd also say um as i said write read reading will help you see the language on paper and it's slow enough because you read as slow or as fast as you want for you to take that information in next if you're intermediate stop two or three sentences write out a page in english i went to the store and bought some milk and then i went then i went home and then i slept that's easy now write a page for that whole journey okay uh i woke up in the morning i took a shower and then i went to the kitchen i opened the door i bent down to pick up a lot more right so we're moving from two or three writing a page i'll take more notice i said read here i didn't write it down because here i'm like read more so if you're reading like a you know like the cereal box in the morning that's all you read i'm saying grab a magazine grab a book grab i don't know grab whatever you can and read a paragraph spend at least 15 minutes a day reading in english and that's the bare minimum the smallest amount you can do i'd be saying to 15 to 45 minutes a day in english reading it because it's not just the idea of reading it's getting in your brain how the language works okay and i've talked before about strong focus and soft focus that's a kind of strong focus to get your brain to actually hit that language right make a progress video and some of you go what the hell does that mean start today if you're watching me it means you're on some type of machine that you can see the internet so that could be a phone or a laptop or a tablet press record give yourself two or three minutes and speak into it try and see how far you can go before you're like uh abba and it's like do you have to stop and go oh what's next what's next watch yourself put on three minute five minute time or whatever see how many breaks you take or how fluent you are and keep doing that do it every day and see what happens after a week two weeks three months see what the changes also see what mistakes you're still making and how you can improve them yes it's a tool okay now here watch movies with subtitles i didn't say tv programs i have had said that in previous videos and i think it's um i prefer to tell students not to watch with subtitles first because you want to hear the language naked and see what you can hear and not hear taking notes and then seeing what what's going on what you're missing then put on the subtitles to compare and then try and say the lines with the actors this is do it in another video or i've done one go check it out just listen to my listening skills you'll find it so i'm saying watch movies not tv programs tv programs can be 30 minutes a movie is up to two hours maybe more so it's going to take a lot more focus on your part but you're intermediate so at least 70 of the movie you can get because you have enough english in your arsenal which means in your pocket right or your weapons so watch it with subtitles right and i would say at least the first time watch it without and then put it on and see what happens see what you were missing why you're missing it is a lack of vocabulary complex grammar speech patterns the the british british the english speakers were putting the words together and then you can figure out that's the area i want to move to in order to improve okay now you're going to see this weird thing where i've got no this is because i'm saying no subtitles here like right so here i'm going here no so when you go into the advanced take the same thing advice i just gave you but don't have subtitles so here intermediate watch the movie with subtitles advanced no subtitles so we're going from here moving down okay now this is where it gets fun because even for a beginner you're like oh my gosh i have to write two or three sentences in my english it's gonna be so hard and i said it's gonna be work but you're gonna go from two to three sentences to be able to write a whole page in a foreign language that's kind of cool you'll be able to read and understand things you'll be able to make a video in another language you'll be able to watch a movie in another language and at least understand seventy percent that is a cool step to go from a beginner to intermediate but why stop there let's go to advance in advance notice how i said stop watching with movies with subtitles just don't do it force yourself to learn more write out the mistakes without having the subtitles and figure it out that's a power some people can't even do it in their own language but that's another story how about this you want to up you know go take another level up go take a step up learn a skill using english and if you go well that would be difficult no it's not right now you're on youtube so what you could do is stop for a second go watch a cat video no don't do that but what you could do is after this video go put on a video on like how to make uh how to make an omelette a western omelet in english and watch it and learn how to cook so you're taking one skill language requirement you've just got language and you're using it to learn another skill how to cook or how to build a birdhouse or how to put together ikea furniture i don't know how to do that i don't know anyone who does i think i think they do it on purpose you know learn in english and then perhaps you could learn how to put together ikea then you're a superhuman being you know it's good but speaking of becoming a superhero you know and this is this is not for the normal person most people will get here and that'll be good enough and actually i would expect you to get here because if you've learned english and you start a new job and you can't learn any new skills on that job your english is actually pretty low so when people say oh you learned english you can learn new skills yay that's what you're heading for because once you have that language you should be able to learn to learn skills but if you want to put the s on your chest and become a superhero learn another language using english what let's just say you speak russian da i speak russian yeah don't learn say french in russian use english to learn french yeah my friend you are that good if you can do that using your new english skills to learn another language you've stepped up to another level because not only have you mastered the skill the language of english you're actually using it to monster your brain really because you've got neurons firing and growing from what you've done and then you're using it again it's like adding on top you know thing upon the thing you're adding on neuron to neuron you're building your structure of your brain right you can do this i don't know many people can do this this is like olympic level so go here good and then when you're done say you know what i'm not done with this thing because i'm going to learn it to learn another language and not only will you have one language but then you become my friend what they call a polyglot not many of those around right and that's truly impressive so i'm going to get going but before i go i've got a simple homework assignment for you to do let's just see what your language level is and everybody will be able to tell you so um it's going to be really easy oh it's going to be really terrible too thumbs up and thumbs down so if someone says i'm a beginner so in the comments i want you to write out your own tip what tips do you have because i've given some tips here and students have done so for people to move up in language so you say when i was a beginner i used to do this right or when i was intermediate i would do this and it helped me advance so write out your tips in the comments section whether on ingvid or on youtube okay and students are going to give you two options for this one give them a thumbs up a thumbs down thumbs up except they're going to say my my tip is i'm a beginner so first say i'm a beginner i'm intermediate or i'm advanced and then leave your tip now depending on how you write it students are going to get a choice they can give you a thumbs up meaning yes you are or your higher or a thumbs down which is you're not advanced you're more like an intermediate and you're going to see by other people's impression by how many ups and downs you get whether you're truly advanced like you think or maybe you're lower than you think it's going to take some really you have to be really strong because people can be brutal trust me i know second if you don't want to do that one write out a story of your uh your own improvement what i mean is the time you realize you improved because learning a language is like taking a trip you hop in your car or your bicycle or whatever you start driving and sometimes you arrive at your destination and you didn't even know what took place prior to like you forgot off the journey and it's kind of too bad because when you forget off the journey you don't realize how much work you've actually put in to appreciate the work you've done right so anyway leave your improvement story you might say the first time and i remember the first time i was sitting in a restaurant with a friend of mine when i was doing some german like studying german and there was a german couple and they were speaking and they were like uh happens was it that was chocolate cake it was like uh uh i remember them saying like i would like it's like you're going what is that they wanted a piece of chocolate cake and i was like really you want chocolate cake and i realized i didn't translate i just knew what that guy wanted and it was in a foreign language but to me it was just like he spoke english it's the coolest feeling to have anyway i got to get going but before i go i want to talk to you thanks i want you to go to www.uh ing as an english vid as video where they'll there won't be a quiz on this for obvious reasons but you can see other languages where other languages other lessons where i have taken the time to give you some deeper advice on how to improve your language on grammar conversation listening skills there are other fantastic teachers and just to tell you know like everybody's got to learn something new i just learned a new trick let's see if i can do this well well not really but like everybody else we learn and we get better right have a good one see you soon
Channel: ENGLISH with James · engVid
Views: 448,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English grammar, grammar, learn English, vocabulary, native speaker, English vocabulary, ESL, accent, American accent, English lesson, lessons, engvid, learning skills, slang, EnglishLessons4U, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, anglais, inglese, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, anglicky, αγγλικά, İngilizce, إنجليزي, Inggris, Angol, tenses
Id: zwQit51uZiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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