How Fast Can You Touch Fire in Every Sonic Game?

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over the past couple of weeks we've tortured and abused Sonic the Hedgehog and today is no different today we're going to be continuing tradition and figuring out how fast can you touch fire in every Sonic game so starting off our torture of Sonic we start in Sonic 1. so fire is very interesting in Sonic games because fire can be considered many things like the explosions from Bad Nicks from what badnik shoot out to other things and what I I think what I'm gonna determine as bad Nick fire is has to be red or like a a tan orangey kind of color for in order for me to count it as fire if it's like yellow whitish colors I'm not gonna count those as fire now we could count this over here since Dr eggman's little what whatever has fire coming out the back of it but and whatever what counter next is Sonic 2 but as you guys saw fire is a difficult concept because I very well could have just gone to like the bad Knicks like the FedEx have fire coming out the back of them so I could have just done that but I I don't know it's very it's just difficult okay now fortunately for us this one actually has a bad Nick that shoots out what we clearly see is fire next is Sonic the Hedgehog 3. now Sonic 3 is a little different so after looking all stage for a bad Nick we actually can come over here to this boss fight over here and after we defeat it he actually lights up the entire force on fire for us thank you next is Sonic R now Sonic R is a very simple game as you guys can see in Regal ruins we can just touch those fire torches over there right next to us on the left bro Kitty now as it actually turns out you cannot reach these pillars over here even if you're double jumping so we're just gonna have to find it somewhere God damn it now these ones that I found over here you can actually double jump and touched Touch where Did We Touch these okay next is Sonic Adventure now in the first level Sonic Adventure there's no fire I mean now Emerald Coast is a very interesting stage because these enemies over here actually throw bombs at you so after further discussion after I called my friend on the phone and asking him if bombs count as fire we came to the conclusion that bombs do indeed count as fire next is Sonic Adventure 2. Sonic Adventure 2 is a game full of everything a game where you could touch grass touch water Listen to Good Music commit to acts of terrorism now we could count this rail grinding as touching fire but [Applause] but something glorious happened Sonic's shoes actually made fire from I don't even I don't know how but they made fire and I'm not entirely sure if I should count that because Sonic's touching himself whoa so since I decided to not count Sonic touching him making fire from his own shoes I decided to count these Rockets next game is Sonic Advanced pretty sure in this game we're also gonna have to find a bad Nick to actually do this on and here's said badnick in accounts because it's actually an orange color next on our list is Sonic Advance 2 and similar to Advanced one I'm pretty certain we're gonna have to find are you gonna throw something at me nope okay irrelevant it also turns out that The Stingers in this game Hornets whatever you want to call them they actually don't shoot you in this game they just stinging me now we do have this boss battle where we have to rescue cream from Eggman and it has a car explodes so uh fire next is Sonic Advance 3. now for a Sonic Advance 3 I'm either going to have to go to an enemy or I'm gonna have to wait for a boss battle for this one but I did actually find this bad Nick which actually shoots out fire so we're just gonna get hit by him next is Sonic Heroes now Sonic Heroes is a game I actually played before I recorded this video just to like see like let's see what see what I'm with here surprisingly enough there's there's a chair now as expected from basically Beach levels there is no fire here and this one's very interesting because the bullets he's shooting could be considered fire the thing is these can be considered as bullets so I'm not gonna count this one as fire now the good thing is in power plant we actually have Fireballs which makes our job at recognizing fire a lot easier Nexus Sonic the Hedgehog now Shadow the Hedgehog is a very simple game because all you have to do to touch fire is okay now it's Sonic the Hedgehog sonico 6 is a very simple game because we could just go to this flammable box right here and explode it next is Sonic Secret Rings now at the beginning of the stage we get this over here which are fire torches on top of the ceiling are hanging from the ceiling but we cannot reach them because Sonic can't jump high enough but later on in this stage we actually get enemies that actually spit out fire so that's great next is Sonic Rivals now Sonic Rivals is a very interesting game actually both of the Sonic Rivals games are as you guys can see in the corner I actually got see like right there I shot a fireball at him and I'm not entirely sure enough I shouldn't count that I think I'm only gonna count when the fireball either hits me or when I get the fire Shield because that's an actual power up in this game as well as you guys can see I'm getting the ice right now but there is a fire one and here is said fire Shield next is Sonic Rivals 2 which is very similar to Sonic Riders 1. Riders Rivals this one did take a while but we finally touched some fire next game is my sweet glorious baby Sonic Unleashed now similar to Sonic Adventure 2 I'm not gonna count rail grinding and over here this doesn't count as fire because um well they're not hitting me so so we actually have to touch fire since there are torches right here great next game is Sonic and the Black Knight now after playing the first couple stages in Misty Lake we get to Camelot Castle now later on in the stage there's this actual random just patch of fire which is very convenient thank you next is Sonic Colors now after the first couple stages it has come to my realization there's no fire here so we move on fortunately once we actually get to tropical resort boss battle he actually spits out fiery and rings once we actually defeated him next is our favorite Sonic 4. now in Sonic 4 we have to wait for the Hornet to shoot us and that's it I'm not playing this game next is Sonic Generations now in Sonic Generations what the baddox actually shootout is a little it's a little too light for me so I'm not gonna count it as fire now I know I've forgotten Sonic Generations in a handful of these videos but wait we're just not gonna We're Not Gonna discuss okay anywho and chemical plant we actually go through fire over here so I'm gonna count that wow wow next game is Sonic Lost World now as I thought there is no actual fire in the first couple stages now in the third level we actually have fire torches at the end of the level which we can we can we we can reach these of course we can next is Sonic Mania now for Sonic Mania I was gonna try to find the fire Shield but the enemies in this game actually have the correct shading of fire next is Sonic forces so in Sonic forces there are no actual enemies that shoot you at least that I saw because well I literally sat in front of them for like a couple seconds and nothing nothing seems to shoot me so and we move on now in the third stage we clearly see that we're in a rundown fiery town which we are hoping that a meteor actually lands on us now unfortunately no meters actually fell on us so we actually have to rely on these very convenient Hornets over here and now we finally reached the end Sonic Frontiers now in the first stage we're actually not gonna have any fire at all unfortunately after the cyberspace level and we get to the open world we can actually come over here and after unlocking the side Loop we can approach the next puzzle which fortunately for us actually has some fire for us to touch woohoo and now after figuring out how fast you can actually touch fire in every Sonic game our loser is Sonic Heroes with a time of 27 minutes 51 seconds and 51 milliseconds thank you guys all for watching leave a like if you enjoy subscribe for more content and see you guys next time
Channel: GloKaze
Views: 139,473
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Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, sonic, sonic frontiers, minecraft but grass can kill you, fastest sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator but i cant touch green, how fast is sonic, sonic speed simulator, sonic speed simulator update, sonic game, sonic games, blue television games sonic, classic sonic in 3d, blue tv games sonic, sonic games roblox, roblox sonic games, sonic speed simualtor, sonic blue television games, sonic speed simulator how to get shadow, super sonic
Id: lsYOcvx2nk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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