(upbeat music) (kids cheering) - Welcome back to what's
inside family channel today, I am picking up
Lincoln, and I'm going to show you how far we would
go for flag football. It's 11:30 right now on a Monday. I am coming to Lincoln's
school to pick him up. Hi Lincoln. - I had to turn in an assignment in science. - [Dad] Cause you're getting good grades? - No. - [Dad] No? - Not yet. - [Dad] Not yet, but you're
going to be getting good grades? - It's because I'm absent! Like, look, I'm getting checked out! - [Dad] Yeah, but that's not an excuse! - Okay, so we made a deal with Lincoln that if he gets good
grades, he can play football with his friends that are up in Salt Lake. - [Lincoln] No you didn't say that! - We did say that, you promised. You promised you would
get good grades when we signed up for this thing. It is about 11:40 now, and he has a game at 5:15 about four hours north of here, so we're going to be in the
car for 10 hours today, Let's go. (chill techno music) It is now 4:30 p.m. and we made it to the city of Kaysville, Utah. The city that we actually
have keys to the city. It's really really windy out today, there's a huge fire up on the hill, I mean the wind is just pushing
the flames across. Lincoln, tell them
about the season so far. - First game, I threw for two touchdowns, caught a touchdown, got two picks, that game was not bad. I think that's what the numbers were. We played a really good team and beat them by two touchdowns. Last team, we beat them by like 35 points. - [Dad] So you're two and O right now? - Yeah. - So this is game number three, they are two and O, it's going to be a windy one, it's going to be
interesting seeing Lincoln throwing a football into the wind. Took us four hours to get here, and we have a four hour
drive back tonight. Lincoln has to make it to school tomorrow. One of the coaches is not here yet, because he's stuck in traffic, and he has all the flags. So, were scrambling to
find different flags, but the team that he's
playing is undefeated, and Lincoln's team is undefeated, so this will be a fun game. (upbeat music) Easton you saved the day
and brought the flags. That was a close one. So what's the first play,
what are you going to do? Hail Mary. - Yeah. (chill hip hop music) (whistle blows) - It's going pretty well, Ky jumped, you're not allowed to jump. The miscommunication on which side Lincoln was handing it off on, and now for second down and goal. (hip hop music) Good catch Easton. There is a touchdown Lincoln to Easton, which is very common play. Easton is so stinking tall. Meanwhile, this fire on the
mountain is getting crazy. That's one of those planes that dumps stuff on the fire. That plane just dumped all that pink stuff all over the mountain. That is crazy. (techno music) The other team just scored, it's seven to six, Lincoln's team is down now, and Lincoln just threw a pick. It was almost a pick six, so his team's good, and
they haven't lost yet, and the score is 14 to six. (upbeat music) Well, if anybody tells you that flag football is not dangerous, and is not hard hitting, they haven't watched much flag football, because kids get hurt,
and they don't have pads. There was a kid that was just
coming across the middle, slipped, hit his face on another guy, and luckily, it doesn't look
like he has any major injuries. He was knocked out cold
for maybe a minute or so, but now he's up and seems to be okay. I would imagine his jaw
is probably hurting, maybe moved some teeth around, but it can get brutal. Alright they are losing big time. They are losing by like,
two or three touchdowns. Lincoln just intercepted the pass, and now they're back on offense. (hip hop music) So the game did not end all that well, they lost by six points. It was crazy to see because they only lose like one game every two years. Here we are, a week later, I'm back at Lincoln's school, and I'm going to pick him up
and drive him back up. So hopefully today is a win. We're going to get his reaction afterward, and we're gonna hopefully
finish this video on a high note, of these guys winning a football game. I just got back from Montana last night, I've been traveling all weekend, and now I gotta drive for
another 10 hours today, so, this is a lot of work, and there's only two games left, so I'm like, we got to
do it, we got to go, but how much would you
put in to send your son to rec-league football with his friends? For me, it feels like a lot, but I think it's worth it. - Nice shoes. - [Dad] You like them? - I do. - These are the Joyrides, Lincoln. They have little balls inside of them, have you heard of them? - Yeah, I've worn them like every day. - [Dad] Oh, they're your shoes? - Yeah. - We're going to cut these shoes up, they are the Nike Joyrides, and we haven't done it yet. Some things have to happen, for science. Oh my gosh, they're bouncing everywhere! And I put them on today, just really quick to go get the mail, and I can't take them off. They're so comfortable! Okay, you're sure you want to do this, and ride in the car for
another nine hours, 10 hours? - Yeah probably. - [Dad] Put up at least
60 on these guys today. - 60? - [Dad] No running plays,
just boom boom boom. Touchdown. - I'm gonna throw for five touchdowns. - You heard it here first, five touchdowns, can he do it? Let me go drive for four
and a half hours.(sighs) This is the place where, remember, Tesla wasn't paying their rent, and so they got in a big fight, and now, look at this. They're actually planning. It looks like they're expanding, yeah they're putting more
super chargers right there. Man, my little Twitter
video did a good job. If we were in a Tesla right now, we would have to wait because its full, so it could take an hour and a half, two hours just to charge, we would have to leave a lot sooner for his football games, or just miss them, so, it's definitely the
achilles heel of Teslas, it's the super charging on road trips, and if you're somebody
who takes road trips more than five, six times a year, it may not be worth it
for you to get a Tesla. As much as I love Teslas, I certainly love driving
this Honda Accord, filling up with gas, and then going and shaving, on this road trip today that will take us nine and a half hours, it would have taken
probably 11 and a half. So, pretty wild. So we made it, we have the game, and the weather is so much
better than last week. If you remember last week,
we had the crazy winds, there was like a fire up on the mountain, and now we're just here
and it's beautiful. It feels like summer. (intense music) (cheering) But why would we come all the way up here? Well, these are Lincoln's good buddies from his whole life that he remembers, that he grew up with, and they're here, and they don't have flag football down where we live, and they always played flag football here. No, it's not as competitive
as tackle football, they don't even have playoffs and they don't even have a champion. Is it worth it to drive all this way? I wouldn't recommend it for everybody, but in our situation, luckily we're able to do it every Monday, except for two weeks from now, where we're traveling out of town. So he's gonna miss the last game, but he'll be here for this
game and the next one. They've won all their
games except for one, so it's a blast, and it's fun as a father just to watch them play. Last year, when it was
over, I was really sad. Well, I wasn't really sad, but I was feeling like nostalgic, like this is your last game buddy, I enjoyed watching you. Well this year will
definitely be his last year of flag football. Next year, hopefully its just golf, and he's just gonna do a lot of golf, but let's go see them do something good. (uplifting music) Taking a break in football to bring you a non-sponsored Krispy Kreme Donut uber eats delivery. I ordered two dozen donuts so they can eat them after the game. What's little league rec sports without orange slices or donuts
or drinks or something? So, here you are boys. (uplifting music) (cheering) Don't break them. - [Teammate] Oh my gosh,
it's Krispy Kreme Donuts, how could we have guessed? - [Lincoln] Oh wow, it's a lot. - [Teammate] What's Inside
A Krispy Kreme Donut box? Donuts! - Thank you! - Thank you! - [Dad] Okay Lincoln,
tell us about the game. How did it go? Did you score 50 points? - No. - [Dad] Did you score five touchdowns? - No. - [Dad] How many touchdowns you score? - I threw for two. I think I caught one, right? I caught one for two. - [Dad] How many
interceptions did you have? - I got two picks. - [Dad] How many passes did you drop? - I dropped one, but it was
like, I couldn't touch it. - [Dad] How do you feel
about flag football? Is it worth it to drive 10 hours to play rec league football? - I mean, I just like seeing
my friends from up here. - Yeah, we are going to go and head home. I think we're gonna
stop and get some treats and then it's a long four
and a half hour drive home. They won, they won by a lot. This is what we do for
flag football, every year. And, oh wait, maybe we're
going to get cookies. Maybe we're going to get cookies now. Personally I'll be a little sad when these kids are all grown up and they
don't play sports anymore. Maybe I'll come back and be
a referee for other kids, who knows? Alright, thanks for watching
flag football video. Donuts. Thanks for watching. (hip hop music)