Do photons experience time?

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These videos are great fun and I do read over  most of the comments you make.  Sometimes the   comments give me ideas for future videos,  and that’s why I decided to make this one.    Some viewers claimed that photons do not actually  experience time and that’s a complex topic, with   some interesting features.  Let’s take a look.    (intro music) It's a well-known feature that in Einstein’s  theory of relativity different observers will   experience time differently.  Specifically,  it is often claimed that an observer moving   quickly will experience time more  slowly than one that is stationary.    This phenomenon is called time dilation.    Now, there are a lot of subtleties  and misconceptions in such claims.    To help dispel those claims, I made  a video on how time dilation is often   misrepresented.    And I also made not one, but two videos about the  twin paradox, which deals with a seeming paradox   of relativity, which seems to make contradictory  claims.  It turns out that this isn’t really   a paradox, but I’m not going to get into that  here.  I mention these videos because there is   a ton of confusion about these topics.  If you’re  interested, I strongly recommend watching them,   and I put links to them in the description below.    However, what I want to talk about here  is whether a photon experiences time.    If it’s true that a moving clock ticks more slowly  than a stationary one and a photon moves at the   speed of light, is it possible that the photon  is moving so fast that no time is experienced?    To get a handle on that, we   first need to understand two important concepts.   The first is that in special relativity, there is   a mathematical term that pops up all of the time.   This term is called gamma.  In this video, I don’t   want to get into exactly what gamma is, and  how it arises.  I made an entire video on that,   which I also put in the video description below.    Basically, gamma is what makes all of  the weird bits of relativity happen.    It is written as gamma equals one over the square  root of the object’s velocity, divided by the   speed of light, all squared.     Like I said, it’s not super important to  understand where gamma comes from.  Just   know that if there’s a relativistic  equation, that gamma is going to be   in there.    So, let’s see how gamma comes into play when  we consider what goes on with a photon.    If you’re standing somewhere, perhaps waiting  for the bus, and see a photon go flying by at the   speed of light, what happens with gamma?    Well, we can put in for the velocity, the velocity  of the photon, which is the speed of light,   which we always write as c.  We see that  we get c over c, which is equal to 1.  And,   with that, we see that gamma reduces  to one over zero, which is undefined.    So, that’s key point number one.    The equations of relativity don’t work for objects  traveling at the speed of light.  That means that   relativity theory also fails for photons.     On the other hand, we can borrow an idea  from calculus, which is called limits.    While we can’t use the relativity equations for  objects moving at exactly the speed of light,   we can evaluate them for objects moving at ninety  percent the speed of light, ninety nine percent of   the speed of light, ninety nine point nine nine  the speed of light, and so on.  In principle,   we could do the calculation at speeds that are  ninety nine point many, many nines times the   speed of light.    By doing this approach, you can see what happens  as you get closer and closer to the speed of light   and use that to figure out what happens when you  finally hit the speed of light (if you could,   which, of course, you can’t).    So, let’s do that and ask how long a  super-fast object will think it takes   to get from Earth to the nearest star.  The  nearest star is about four light years away,   so a person on Earth will say it  takes four years to get there.    How much time will a person traveling at 90%  the speed of light take?  Roughly a year and   nine months.  How about at 99 percent the speed  of light?  A little over half a year.  99.9 % the   speed of light?  About two months.    We can continue this trend.  At the staggeringly  fast speed of 99 point nine more nines the speed   of light, it will take a bit shy of ten minutes.    From this, we can conclude that in the limit of  going at the speed of light that a photon will   experience zero time.    So that’s pretty wild.  Taken to an extreme, this  means that a photon can cross the entire universe   in zero time.      And it gets weirder.  Not only does  relativity predict that times will shrink,   but it also predicts distances will too.   Indeed, I made an entire video on this subject,   which is called length contraction.  And,  as usual, the link is in the description.    A fast-moving object   will shrink distances in the direction of motion,  although not side to side.  If we made a cylinder   that stretched from here to the next star, we’d  see it as four light years long, while the photon   would see it as a circle with no thickness.    Again, taken to the extreme, a photon views the  distance traveled as it crosses the universe as   having no thickness at all.  In a sense, as far  as the photon is concerned, it is everywhere along   its path at once.    Now we have to be careful, since the equations  of relativity don’t apply for traveling at the   speed of light, but hopefully you see that this  limit trick allows us to get arbitrarily close.    So, I think that we   can say that a photon experiences no time as it  passes from place to place as it travels through   the cosmos.  Furthermore, it experiences all  locations along its path at the same time.      Photons are ageless.    This photon thing is pretty wild, but that’s  relativity for you.  If you enjoyed getting   your mind blown, please like and subscribe and  share on social media.  Gotta blow other people’s   minds too.  It’s the kind of thing we expect  from physics because, as you must know by now,   physics is everything.   (outro music)
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 475,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, Speed of light, photons, time dilation, light, Einstein, Albert Einstein, theory of relativity, theory of special relativity, relativity, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass
Id: 6Zspu7ziA8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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