How Dragon Ball Super KILLED Power Scaling

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Dragon Ball super has made such drastic changes to the nature of power scaling that it effectively retconned how power scaling warps in Dragon Ball now Mike take it away hey guys it's Mike here and throughout the course of the Dragon Ball story there were a couple different ways that they were breaking down power scaling for the audience to be able to understand it that would be comparative power scaling and numerical power scaling so in the case of the comparative power scaling we have for example how Goku and Tien both were relatively even during the 22nd tournament then of course before that we had Tien who is said by Master roshi you'd be able to defeat him thus in turn this means that if Tien could defeat Master roshi so to could Goku at that point and the list really goes on for example if someone is able to defeat Vegeta from The saian Saga who has a power level a new numerical value of 18,000 then somebody else with a higher numerical value theoretically would be able to do the same way that is with the concept of power levels that her torama introduced at the early start of the Saiyan Saga going up through the Frieza Ark before he inevitably dropped them in favor of once again returning to comparative power scaling and throughout the course of the series this is relatively simple and easy for fans to understand that is until we get into the buo Saga and especially drag ball super wherein characters are constantly either holding back or is constantly ambiguous and questionable about just how powerful character a is comparative to character B which caused so many different debates that are still Rippling and echoing decades later after the boo Saga came to an end and are definitely hot and contested in terms of Dragon Ball super and a perfect example to illustrate how traditional power Skilling worked in Dragon Ball would be the Android Arc and we start off the Android Arc really with the trunks Saga where trunks was introduced and he easily kills Frieza and King Cole and it's shown directly too that trunks could have killed either of these characters even without a sword because when the task was put in front of him to kill King Cole without a sword he does so easily so there was no question about that and when compared to Goku we know that trunks is somewhat relative based off of the fact that Goku said trunks was holding back and also we know Goku's obviously relative to trunks based of the fact that he could block his sword with one finger so all of this was to illustrate that trunks is a powerful super saiyan in his own right but he clearly isn't strong enough to defeat the future Androids of the future because if he did why would he be going back to the past now before we got to the main Androids of the Android Arc we started off with Android 19 and Android 20 and Android 20 Dr jro basically said directly that he is a superior model to the Android 191 so we could at least scale that out of all of the Androids Android 19 was the weakest and based off of the fact that Android 17 easily killed Dr jro and Android 20 that also proves that 17 and 18 were far above him as well Toriyama has a simple and effective method of introducing how strong each of the Androids are and the way that Toriyama does this is he usually sends the weakest character out first with Android 18 specifically she is the weakest of the three Androids and this is proven because in the Android ABCs of the Dragon Ball Manga a graphic that Toriyama made he explained all of this and showed that 18's power was suppressed relative to 17 and as we see in the battle she defeats Super Saiyan Vegeta now in comparing how strong Super Saiyan Vegeta is to everybody else Piccolo made a statement that Vegeta was theoretically stronger than Goku so we know that Vegeta would have been the strongest of the Super Saiyan Trio and based off of the fact that trunks basically gets two shotted by 17 and 18 we know that he's clearly the weakest but he's still in the realm of where the other saans are based off of another statement that Tien said that even if Goku was here today he wouldn't have made that much of a difference because Vegeta got wrecked and he's not that different from trunks or Goku which meant that all saans were somewhat relative in power compared to each other which is very simple power scaling and understanding that the gaps are relatively close and also based off of how impressed trunks was with how Vegeta was fighting against Android 18 we can clearly also prove even more that Vegeta would have been above him now later on after the battle with 17 and 18 versus the other Z Fighters we then move on to the fight that Piccolo has with Android 17 now keep in mind that Piccolo earlier had a fight against imperfect cell and imperfect cell had to absorb a lot of humans in order to get strong enough to come back more confidently and even though imperfect cell came back stronger than Piccolo and 17 he fought head-to-head with Android 16 which ultimately proved that out of the big three Androids Android 16 was the strongest and later on when we get on to the fight against semi perfect cell we get to a point where Vegeta makes a statement that he and Trunks are somewhat relative to each other even though he said he was Stronger now trunks himself felt that he was always stronger than Vegeta because he had Super Saiyan grade three and because he never saw Vegeta using Super Saiyan great three even though Vegeta could theoretically use that form he thought that he had actually surpassed his father and was trying to hide his power from his dad only to find out that the bigger weakness was really speed and not power when he was fighting against perfect cell so all of this is to show once again that Vegeta and Trunks are relative after they came out of the ran spirit in time and this takes us once again to another father Sun Trio where after Goku and Gohan exit the Time Chamber they're supposed to be relative to each other in their full power super saian States but Goku goes to power up in front of Corin and Gohan was not impressed with what Goku said was half of his power at that point in demonstrating in front of Corin and Gohan was not impressed with the fight that Goku had with cell and and later on when Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2 he's stronger than everybody until super perfect cell comes around and we know that these two characters are relative to each other because of the fact that Gohan felt confident that he could still put up a good fight against cell when cell returned and cell obviously felt confident enough to come back and exact his revenge against the fighters and when you consider the fact that Gohan was able to completely eviscerate cell with the fathers son Kamehameha everything was perfectly coordinated into how all of the characters were relative to each other and strength because the story clearly wanted to weaken Gohan to create more tension for the battle instead of just having a traditional standard one-on-one fight and that my friends is a perfect example of how traditional power scaling worked but wait till you hear how Dragon Ball super starts fiddling with characters just because the plot demanded it to so in terms of how everything changed we got to talk about some characters and just how incredibly overpowered they became starting off with Master roshi now we've talked about this a number of times of both of our channels including in videos together just how insane of a boost and how overpowered Master roshi has become in Dragon Ball super where at the start of Dragon Ball Z Master roshi was weaker than just about every one of the Z Fighters he was weaker than King Piccolo in Dragon Ball and yet come the tournament of power Master roshi has gotten probably the biggest boost in the history of the franchise in which he went from that level to being able to fight against a character like frost who in the universe 6 tournament was fighting against a Super Saiyan Goku after Goku had trained for three years in the Time Chamber train with Vegeta under whis and also absorb the power of Super Saiyan God into his body and this Frost only got significantly stronger after that because according to hit he actually had to try to dodge Frost's attacks and this is also a way stronger hit who was able to defeat Super Saiyan blue Goku in the space between Goku black and the tournament of power and so roshi was able to get the B of frost at one point and and also use the mafuba repeatedly throughout the tournament against way more powerful opponents and not just that but in the Manga version this blows all of that away cuz he was able to square up to jiren he was able to dodge his moves which regardless of what kind of special movements Master roshi was making he didn't have Ultra Instinct he was just getting by based upon speed and strange movements alone and for a character like jiren who utterly stomped Super Saiyan blue Goku in his kaio-ken at the start of the tournament well obviously that's a very impressive feat but this keeps going even further because let's bring up Android 17 a character who was implied or at least seemed to be the same level of power as he was from the Android Arc up until the end of Dragon Ball Z where he was stronger than a superi and Frieza on mamek and he was stronger than everyone up until they went into the time chamber and surp P him but Android 17 also got a gigantic boost to where before the tournament he was able to fight against Super Saiyan blue Goku and stalemate him but it's obvious that 17 was far more powerful than Goku at that point because after Goku got utterly defeated by jiren in his Super Saiyan blue kaio-ken times 20 Android 17 is fighting alongside a way more powerful Goku in that same form a way more powerful Vegeta as his blue Evolution against who's also way more powerful than he was when he fought Goku earlier on in the 1 hour special and was taking shots meant for blue Evolution Vegeta where obviously jiren wouldn't have been able to hold back in the split Pico second in between so the fact of the matter is 17 also got gigantic insane boost to where even after the tourament to power in the manga Goku says after achieving mastered Ultra Instinct he still thinks Android 17 is strong and let's also talk about Android 17's brother-in-law Krillin who is shown to perform way better than you'd expect as well because in the boo Saga and everything before that it seemed that Krillin was maybe weaker than the base Super Saiyans at that point where he was weaker than base Goku Vegeta and so on in The buo Saga and yet come the tournament to power right before that Krillin is able to get the better of Base Goku then he's able to fight against Super Saiyan Goku then Goku goes Super Saiyan blue and blasts Krill with the Kamehameha and in their beam struggle Krillin is able to push back Goku's blast which is insane because obviously Goku must have been using more Powers as Super Saiyan blue than as a Super Saiyan and like I said before in his base form he's already way more powerful than the Super Saiyan God that fought beerus in Battle of God and this leads into the fighter Majora and he gets the better of her and kind of has her beaten whereas Krillin jumps in he's able to perform better against him than 18 did and then eventually defeats him however with that being said Android 18's performance overall in the tournament like many of the other Fighters is very inconsistent where 18 goes on to fight and defeat Rian her ultimate Kaiju form which was stronger than a form that she fought Super Saiyan Vegeta in earlier on which at the same time should mean that Android 18 also is way more powerful than Super Saiyan God from Battle of Gods and then at other point she seems like she's relative to Android 17 like for example during the episode in which they're all trapped inside that black hole and not just that but then there's also in the moral work where they seem to once again be relative so that means that 18 either was just very very off her guard or off her game when she fought against Majora or got an insane boost in between the tournament of power and the morar kind of like with Gohan and Piccolo who we'll talk about later in this video but if we're going to talk about the ultimate underpowered character here I feel like that has to definitely go to Tien 10 shinhan himself because not only does Dragon Ball super disrespect him by giving him essentially a love interest named uran who they had to name after P because that shows how much they love Tien now but not just that but additionally Tien fought against Master roshi who he was already stronger than and roshi admitted that he would lose to tenen in the 22nd tournament roshi went on to do nothing for the entire Dragon Ball Z story whereas tenen trained the entire time and yet despite that roshi with his power unleashed by urine's Talisman you know she put her urine all over his face proceeded to in turn utterly stomp Tien and had him defeated in terms of pure power with his bong koku bickery show lightning shock surprise attack and then was going to kill him with the Kamehameha before Goku intervened he then went on to barely do anything important or significant in the tournament to power basically eliminating himself because you know he wanted to take out an enemy that he probably could have done while he was in the ring and you know throwing himself out of the relevance in the story because Tien in this day and age seems to be hated by Toriyama and everyone else who makes Dragon Ball and thus is probably never going to do anything significant again so as Mike expanded on guys roshi and 17 both went through secret training off screen which is basically the plot's way of showing us hey we don't really know how to make these characters stronger to fight against future threats so we're just going to say 17 and roshi somehow trained off screen and could get strong enough to fight against these characters and with some brief sparring between Krillin and 18 cuz Krillin spending most of his time working as a cop he could get this powerful however another underrated character to mention here Mike is the character of Yamcha that really got lost in the shadows because even though he was always the weakest out of himself Krillin the end they're kind of like a trio he was said to have surpassed Master roshi by early Dragon Ball Z bulma's scouter indicated that Yamcha was more powerful now of course you could always say this is relative because Master roshi wasn't in his full power jacked up form that Harold Von hugin muscles definitely would admire and when you consider the fact that Yamcha trained with Tien in preparation for the saans more specifically this was depicted a lot more in the anime than it was in the manga and then will we considered the fact that they trained in the afterlife with King Kai all of this would indicate that Yamcha alone was above a certain strength Master ooshi would never catch so when we see yamchi just being resorted to a gag character that plays baseball in Dragon Ball super and he wasn't even chosen for the tournament power in terms of skill it would definitely make more sense to go with Master roshi but in terms of power Yamcha would have still been far above what roshi would have been and he's definitely the most underscar character to the point where we can even make the argument that chsu should still be far above roshi because he himself went through trading with King Kai but yet chaozu is still weaker than Master roshi due to Master Roshi's secret training overall the reason why these characters were underpowered and overpowered was just to fit the narrative even though it clearly made no sense additionally we also have characters who are basically left out or omitted from the show in the PO scaling all together let's start with Majin fat bu so for the majority of the Dragon Ball super story and the modern Dragon Ball story fat Buu does basically nothing he basically just decides to fall asleep over and over and over again every time the plot requires him to do something of use now with the tournament to power in the anime version we at least had the little Zen exhibition match where he fought against one of the trio to dangers now when it comes to scaling this group it is very difficult because the fact that in the tournament of power we saw that Goku and Vegeta need to combine their power as Super Saiyan blue with their final Kamehameha in order to overpower and defeat this team which shows that there's a possibility that bu defeating just one of these guys might be more powerful than everyone Dragon Ball Z and might have gotten stronger somehow offc screen as they typically do in the series but he still once again fell asleep and got replaced by Frieza at least until the morar who was taken over by the D Kaio Shin the Grand Supreme Kai at the time it was basically like a different character as a result this also leads into a character who was Buu's first true Ultimate Enemy that he had faced at least after Vegeta and Super Saiyan 3 Goku just stalling him which was go tanks the fusion of the super progy Super Saiyans from that Ark who in just seven and8 were able to not only become Super Saiyans but then fused together into a character that was a Super Saiyan 3 and yet aside from a handful of different moments where Goten was basically just there for comedic purposes we barely got to see him do anything other than just getting getting stomped for example by making him seem completely irrelevant compared to Bas Goku and Vegeta when copy Vegeta utterly stomped him as just the base form and really Fusion General barely does anything is barely factored in to the Dragon Ball super story either we do get in the Goku black Arc in which merge zamasu fights against Vegito but because of the time limit they just so happen to reccon in there and power utilization caps he wasn't able to get the job done and not just that but then we had it with Gogeta in Dragon Ball super Broly Gogeta did actually get the job done and was able to overcome and defeat Broly however with regard to the movies they tend to have things wrap up a little bit quicker due to movie pacing the fusion usually gets the job done there and Gogeta tends to get the job done General unless of course it is Dragon Ball GT in the fight with Omega Shenron and also in Fusion rebor he got the job done too against Janemba in his debut and fusion tends to work better for self-contained stories with its Effectiveness comparative to long drawn out arcs where they can constantly change and extend the story line and the ending to their heart's content which usually is to the fandoms content now these three characters each pose their own threat to the plot and because of this this is why the show goes out of their way to Omit them from a lot of points for example as Mike clearly explained Fusion is just way too overpowered and go K would rather fight alone so it kind of makes sense why we don't see that many fusions now with fat boo specifically he is a very unique character because of the fact that fat Buu possesses a lot of abilities that would make our characters way too Invincible you have to remember he can regenerate he could also heal he's partially still the Grand Supreme Kai so with all of those things even if fat bu isn't as strong as more modern characters relative to them he has things like the candy beam that could help defeat them even if he's weaker than them literally and as a result of it it would make sense why his character always gets omitted from the story because he's just too overpowered of a character to just have balance within the show and then we look at a character like Gotenks his fighting style is extremely unconven though where he turns people into a volleyball and Akin to that he's also more immature which you could argue is actually a good thing while they don't use go tanks as much because for more OG Dragon Ball fans that want to see more serious fights Gotenks doesn't really bring the best out of this but for more gag like fights that don't really matter within the context of Dragon Ball it would actually make sense for Gotenks to come out for arcs like that now speaking of Goten he was really the first character to become a meme in terms of learning Transformations so quickly now obviously goat tanks is a fusion of goat and Trunks who also learned Super Saiyan at extremely young ages but Dragon Ball super went even further Beyond with this of course we're talking about the introduction of the universe 6 saans now cabba did go through some turmoil into becoming a Super Saiyan for the first time because Vegeta really had to push him into becoming one during the universe 6 Tournament of course however cabba had a very hard time trying to attain Super Saiyan 2 but when we talk about two other saans let's just say they didn't have a difficult path in not only far surpassing cabba but their ability to learn these forms so that leads us into two of my favorite characters in Dragon Ball super which would have to be kale and kifla so in the case of kale it makes more sense as to why she's able to become a Super Saiyan so easily cuz she's essentially the universe 6 equivalent or doppelganger of Broly and so in turn she becomes the kind of berserker legendary devil type of Super Saiyan that he does in the movies when she watches and sees the exchanges between cabba and caulif FL and this was expanded upon even more with kale when she saw Goku talking to cauliflower and then much like how Broly would say kakarat she would say Son Goku which again was another throwback to Broly from those movies now this is very different in both variations because in the anime version kale is more unaware of the fact that she has these incredible Powers she's very demure in her demeanor whereas in the Manga version kale is a lot more aware of these Powers she's already super strong and super fast but Ironically in the tournament of power in the Manga version that version of kale goes off even harder than the one in the anime because she goes off in such a tie rate essentially that kifla through the help of cabba is able to use barara earrings to fuse with kale in turn making them into KLA because the fact that she was completely out of control without that and then in the anime version she's actually able to master and control that form to where with her power she and caulifla are teaming up and fighting against Goku and has eventually become a Super Saiyan God before the two of them has a last ditch effort combine into kafla in order to fight against him now this also leads into the other Fusion component here which is caulif flow who doesn't have any kind of buil storyline other than the fact that she's the bestest ever kind of like the Star Wars Ray character but in Dragon Ball super and turn she is able to become a Super Saiyan just cuz she sees Kaba DOA and she's able to replicate a feeling that he has on his back the tingly back feeling and then in literally the exact same hour that she achieved Super Saiyan she just so happens to achieve Super Saiyan 2 when fighting against kale so she shows incredible power in terms of easily achieving forms whereas at least cabba had to get enraged at the thought of Vegeta destroying his Planet before he became a Super Saiyan with her well she's just unlocking her Mary Su within her so as you can see just as Gohan was the youngest Super Saiyan at some point and had to actually try to become a Super Saiyan Gotenks was really the first character to do it really fast because the plot needed Super Saiyans to fight against threats right away and then because the plot needed quick Super Saiyans to fight against our characters to have some sense of te all of these Universe 6 characters learned these forms so ridiculously easy and completely broke the mold of power scaling itself but apart from learning forms so easily Dragon Ball super also introduced a lot of forms with less explanation than the original forms we had in Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z so let's begin with Future Trunks so Future Trunks by the time he show up in the story in Dragon Ball super was already really powerful where he was able to fight against and get the better of Super Saiyan 2 Goku and in the Manga version was actually able to in his Super Saiyan 2 fight against and be either equivalent to or maybe even stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku and this only goes even further Beyond because the fact that trunks in his Super Saiyan 2 actually is able to put up a fight at points against Super Saiyan Ros Goku black but trunks decides to have the ultimate asple transformation moment that he could achieve from his master Gohan who's the master of them I'll talk about soon in which he becomes his own inverse form of Super Saiyan blue which is Super Saiyan Rage or iari which makes him a completely ambiguous amount of power stronger to where he goes from being able to fight and struggle against Rosé black to in turn fighting against merge zamasu who literally had just tanked a final Kamehameha from Super Saiyan blue Vegito and yet he was able to push him back and then then eventually not only got the power of Goku and Vegeta put into him but also had yet another as Pole where he achieved a Spirit Bomb sword which he used to cut merge zamasu in half destroying his body but not winning the war because naturally Dragon Ball super had to lead to him becoming the timeline and then erasing everything from existence hooray but speaking of the master of trunks's Master let's talk about Piccolo first off after he wished upon the dragon he wished for his potential be un just like the grand Elder did on Namek and got this own ultimate form of his which was yellow but not just that he also went even further than that because Shenron actually gave him a little bit more power on top of everything which made him turn this giant bulky orange form where he used that power to onot an Android who is compared to Goku and Vegeta's level of power earlier in the movie but that's not all because we also have Gohan who while channeling his power in Ultimate decided to get even angrier than usual and after seeing Piccolo getting beaten up in front of his eyes for the 10,000th time in the franchise decide to become Gohan Beast which in its appearance basically looks like a combination of ultra Instinct with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan from the cell Saga only with the hair length that would make Super Saiyan 3 radit blush now originally when we go with how these Transformations work there was always some explanation or some reason that helped us really understand how the characters got them with super saiyan it was a legendary transformation that was a rumor Super Saiyan 2 took training combined with rage specifically in Gohan and then with Goku and Vegeta they just more so just specifically really trained to attain that power and with having a dead body Goku pushed further Beyond and was able to attain Super Saiyan 3 Super Saiyan 4 at least explains that you become like a conscious version of a great ape and because of that combined with the fact that Goku was substituting the moon for Earth at the time he was able to attain Super Saiyan 4 and even though Super Saiyan God was properly explained by Shenron as it required a Saiyan ritual it created an issue with beerus and the original Battle of Gods movie because beerus originally said that he used 70% of his power against Super Saiyan God Goku before Dragon Ball super existed but when you factor in all of the newer forms and training that took place afterwards even if we ignore the movie entirely the gap between Goku and Vegeta versus beerus seems too wide for all of the gains that they have gotten and this is why it's always a bad idea to use numbers in power scaling when fans take those numbers too seriously but when it comes to these it's kind of like hey the show just needs to Market and give these characters new forms just because they need to give it to them with Future Trunks specifically we can at least say that he didn't even have its rage form in the manga that was really just an anime thing that they took out out in the manga because the anime technically comes first before the manga even though it's usually the other way around but when it comes to one character in Dragon Ball who was a combination of every single thing that we talked about in this video squared that would be Frieza so Frieza is a character that went from being weaker than Goku as the initial Super Saiyan on namic to being so strong after train for Just 4 months of time the number of death in which he decided to leap frog all of Dragon Ball Z and in just his weakest most suppressed form surpass all the other Z Fighters at the time with the exception of Goku and Vegeta who he decided to not only square up to in his own base form against Goku's base which was already stronger than Super Saiyan God but then with his multiplier with his golden Frieza form was actually greater than the power in the multiplier Super Saiyan blue and he proceeded to get the better of Goku until eventually his stamina failed and that isn't all because cuz Frieza got so much more powerful after this too in the buildup to the tournament of power they brought Frieza back and during his time in Hell during the ambiguous amount of time that passed between Resurrection F and the tournament of power Frieza was training with his body completely restrained in that cocoon against that tree with mental image training killing Goku over and over and over and over again inside of his mind and was able to then in turn stalemate Goku after he got several more powerful during that interim dozens of times really when you break it down considering just how well he did against some other Fighters along the way but the story doesn't end there because Frieza has involvement in Dragon Ball super Broly and the manga itself and starting off with the Dragon Ball super Broly movie Frieza doesn't really have an impressive feat but we have to give him credit for being able to survive against Broly when he was losing his mind because he did last long enough for Goku and Vega to come back after they had perfected their Fusion Dance after this Arc in particular we see the fact that Frieza manages to find a Time Chamber that is similar to the hyperbolic Time Chamber somewhere in the universe which is really just a plot saying we just want to find a way for Frieza to find a way to train for 10 straight years so they can come and just surprise everybody in terms of power but when Frieza returns from his decade of training he easily defeats gas now keep in mind that gas had a wish made on him so that he would become the strongest fighter in the universe after granola had already made the same type of wish and you also have to factor in that the reason why Frieza was never affected was because he was in a different dimension when this wish was going on but the point that we're trying to get at is Frieza came back significantly more powerful and not only just defeated gas but he easily one-shotted Goku and Vegeta now the thing about Goku and Vegeta in comparison to trunks Gohan and Piccolo is that their transformations actually makes sense within Dragon Ball specifically with Goku we can see that Ultra Instinct makes sense because of the conversation that he had with whis about learning how to move his body without really having to react normally because the process of thinking in itself is actually a hindrance and Goku has his Ultra Instinct Omen which is the imperfect state of it and then Goku obviously attains his mastered Ultra Instinct State and then when it comes to a character like Vegeta Ultra ego makes sense specifically because it's the perfect transformation for Vegeta and because of the fact that Vegeta was training with beerus a God of destruction to attain this type of destructive type energy and combined with his San genetics it really is a perfect form for Vegeta so those forms are explained and fit the nature of the characters and the direction that the story was going in but black Frieza was just basically a transformation that Frieza just figured out how to do and just manipulate his body even further and Vegeta just looks up into the sky just imagining whether or not he'll finally get a chance chance to kill Frieza when his rival his rival son in a movie and his own son did it but yet he can yeah Frieza showed that by upgrading his credit card from gold to black that power was going to be unbeatable if you guys want to see my videos you can check me out Down Below on two different channels the first one laughing stock media I talk more about Dragon Ball other anime on there and there's also laughing stock Cinema where I talk about liveaction movies and TV shows If you like this check me out over there and May make sure to stick around cuz there's a lot more to come in the future yeah you better subscribe go enable those damn notifications but while we're on the subject of power scaling make sure you check out why Master roshi is stronger than Super Saiyan blue level which is also another video that Mike and I did an argument that Future Trunks has more potential than Gohan and why Gohan is so strong that he brought YouTube's algorithm to you and until next time stay cool and stay safe my friends
Channel: A YouTuber Named Qaaman
Views: 175,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Z, Power Scaling, Power, Scaling, How Dragon Ball Super killed power scaling, Dragon Ball Super Explained, Power Scaling DBZ, Power Scaling Explained, Frieza, dbz debate, strength tier dragon ball, who is the strongest in dragon ball, Beast Gohan, Orange Piccolo, Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta, Black Frieza, Rage Trunks, Master Roshi, Strongest human dragon ball, problem with dragon ball super, daima, super manga, goku vs, Anime, Manga, Qaaman
Id: 5d3gn1bJfH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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