The Terrifying Reality of MAGIC in Dragon Ball

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what's this [Music] evil what's this [Music] attack if I told you that the strongest techniques in all of Dragon Ball are from way back in the original series you might think that I'm going a bit crazy or maybe that even Goku's Kamehameha or the super Spirit Bomb are nothing compared to some of the things done by characters no stronger than a Cyberman it's no secret that Dragon Ball got his start with stories heavily involving mysticism and Eastern Mythos and along with that came magic and though modern Dragon Ball focuses almost entirely on its key system with super aiming a particular Focus toward intense energy control these elements of magic still exist and have populated the series since its very first episodes even if we don't see it often these days magic in Dragon Ball can do some pretty insane things like creating some something from nothing sealing away enemies indefinitely despite massive power differences and even creating life so let's take a look at some of these underutilized techniques to see just how powerful they can be and just how important magic has been to the Dragon Ball [Music] series firstly let's start by distinguishing what I mean by Magic in Dragon Ball on one hand key is something that everyone from beerus to Videl can harness from powerful beams and blasts to flight to sensing the energy of those around you key is the energy that binds the Dragon Ball Universe kind of like chakra from Naruto or the force from Star Wars key is heavily tied to overall power having either a larger pull of or more precise control over your key are the main ways to increase strength speed and durability even when he was in the heat of battle he was free of tension both body and mind remain totally relaxed till the moment he attacked aside from key there are a few other forms of energy to separate like the spirit energy that the yardrat that the people of yardrat talk about responsible for things like instant transmission and spirit fusion and Destroyer energy a distinct form of energy that only gods of Destruction and their trainees have access to but apart from these energies over the course of the series from early episodes of The Original Dragon Ball all the way to the most recent arcs of super we've seen techniques that don't quite fit in with the rest like materializing objects manipulating time and either draining or rejuvenating life Essences though magic is used more liberally back in the original series from what we've seen since it's reasonable to assume that much of dragon Ball's magic is some sort of divine power attendant and gods seem to all get access to magical abilities like the Kai's version of Instant Transmission materializing things like clothes and structures or as we've seen whis do manipulate time on large scales this would also explain why gods have destruction despite being deities themselves don't seem to get access to the same abilities quite as easily given it's heavily implied that all destroyers are just Mortals trained by angels to become Divine beings then it makes sense why the majority of the magic we see in Z onward comes from the Divine like whis shin and Mr Popo but what about the other magic we see how does that fit [Music] in the bulk of the rest of the magic that we see in the series comes from neans d healing Piccolo's clothes materialization and even the Elder guru's potential [Music] inlaw which Bears striking resemblance to the Elder Kai's potential unleash this is because as I've explained in a previous video nans are very likely descendants of the Dragon God zala the being who created the Super Dragon Balls there are a few pieces of evidence that point toward zalma being the original nean which you can learn about in my video on it but another point in favor of the theory is the Nan's proclivity for Magic on top of this we of course can't forget about the Dragon Balls which are obviously capable of a number of magical abilities like Resurrection I wish for Frieza bring him back to life teleportation once I've been resurrected have me transported directly to where you are on planet n and again potential unlocks but this time even closer to the Elder Kai's potential unleash technique which we see in superhero when like what happened with Gohan hey are you sleeping Elder Kai Piccolo's poten was unlocked and then given a bit extra all you had was a bit extra so if we count neans as Divine descendants what's left majins like Buu of course can use magic given they are beings created from Magic and Buu specifically absorbed kaai on top of that demons like dbor use magic because as stated the demon realm is heavily based on Magic and obviously demons have some sort of divine implication so that leaves humans and other Mortals while these don't quite fit in as Divine we know know that in Dragon Ball Mortals are more than capable of learning Divine techniques for example Goku using Ultra instinct or hakai against amasu some may just be born with the power like bobidi or Morrow who come from races we don't know much about otherwise we can assume that through intense training meditation and reflection that mortals can achieve Divine Powers we clearly see Goku and Vegeta do it but with someone like Master roshi who has lived far past the normal human lifespan we also see him gain access to things like the mobba hypnosis and lightning shock Sur in Hindu philosophy there's a sect called advid Vidant tied tightly with the concept of nism this philosophy posits that the world we see around us is not the world as it truly is only the world as we perceive it through our senses if you've seen my previous videos you might remember me talking about something similar in lon's theory of the real basically the idea is that Brahman will just say this is their version of true reality is all that really exists that the world as we see it is an illusion and underlying everything is Brahman the the goal of advid vant as it were is to achieve Liberation or Moka from the cycle of rebirth samsara this is done through a sort of Enlightenment a realization of Brahman and of otman yourself as an eternal Essence sort of like a soul that exists through ssara across multiple lifetimes to tie back into Dragon Ball you can achieve realization of these two things while living and in turn become liberated from the cycle of rebirth in other words achieve immortality just like Master roshi so it's Poss possible that roshi has reached some form of Enlightenment a realization that he and the ocean and the stars and the gods are no different that within Brahman I am you and you are me and with that God is me and this is the Ultimate Reality this connection with the gods while not giving him everything that the gods may have for example we haven't seen roshi with God key may be responsible for his ability to use magical or Divine techniques and in turn teach them to others this could also hint to why in the manga he was the one to teach Goku the final lesson he needed to achieve Ultra Instinct in the tournament of power another ability stated to be a technique of the Gods but Goku is a mortal being and that is an extremely Elite level of power difficult for even the highest Gods to reach the same could go for Roshi's sister fortune tell or Baba who also has a very close connection to otherw World Mortals becoming gods or realizing they're no different is pretty consistent across the series and goes hand inand with what I mentioned earlier in how Mortals are chosen and trained by angels to become Destroyers so a few mortals can do magic too and it's actually quite striking the similarities between the limited mortal versions of certain abilities and the Divine ones that seem to come naturally for example we see Mortals use sealing techniques and we know beerus has done it we see Goku use Instant Transmission but chin can do it better we see Piccolo materialized clothes and we see Shin materialized giant cubes of caching all of these techniques seem to be lesser imitations or imperfect versions of the techniques done by deities and this realization that magic is a well of Godly abilities could help to explain why its techniques are so powerful in fact far more powerful than anything else in the entire series what is this [Music] technique over the course of Dragon Ball we've seen some incredible abilities even the basics like a Kamehameha bolstered by the strength and control of Our Heroes can be powerful enough to shatter through dimensions what the but above all of these is Magic of course we have things on the low end like creating clothes from thin air or flying or teleporting but we also have things like Mr Popo creating life from nothing or Morrow using planets themselves as weapons but what exactly makes magic so strong the true secret behind its power is that in many circumstances magic can completely disregard the power of its user and the power of its Target something incredibly rare for Dragon Ball techniques take for example bobidi a very weak creature with almost no real key meaning no strength speed or durability to speak of and yet he's capable of creating a shield that can tank a blast from Majin Buu who was the most feared creature in the universe at the time far eclipsing the power of all of our heroes up to that point a blast strong enough to take down Majin boosted Vegeta and Bob along with his shield don't even receive a single scratch hey you could have killed me on the other hand we have techniques like the mafa or evil containment wave in the tournament of power we get to see roshi whose power now pales in comparison to most of our main roster seal away enemies with evil containment despite the massive power Gap most surprisingly rochi's mafua after reflected by Frost was able to seal away even Vegeta who eclipses both of them in strength to an absurd degree these aren't the only times though that this is the case for Magic's ability to overcome large power differences we also have Morrow using his drain power on Goku and Vegeta back of the start of the arc when he was pretty much just a shriveled old husk and the mafuba again back in the future Trunks Arc where trunks who had just learned the technique crucially keep in mind that he had achieved Super Saiyan rage by now so he has access to God key is able to seal away zamasu an actual Immortal God though he did manage to get out because they didn't have the seal with them this example doesn't involve a power Gap as Future Trunks is strong than Bas zamasu on his own but it shows the value of magic in situations where enemies can't be taken out by normal means no matter how strong the heroes were they had no chance of finishing off an immortal zamasu but the mafuba was capable of sealing him away not only this but it's also capable of sealing him away despite his access to the kai teleportation technique meaning that it presumably nullifies other Divine techniques in some sense so not only can magic overpower normal mortal powers like key it also can be advantageous against other divine techniqu techniques this is what truly makes magic so terrifying in Dragon Ball it can't be overpowered whether by Mortals or Gods but with that said magic does have its limits come to think of it I actually don't know how to fly except the limit is more magic for example the Grand Supreme Kai is able to seal away Morrow's magic using a technique of his own the kai kai matu magic is also responsible for and goes hand inand with the most important item in the entire series The Dragon Balls Eternal Shenron by your name I now summon you [Music] for their creation and upgrading seem to be via magic and the wishes granted by Dragon Gods also tie in closely with the magical abilities we've seen elsewhere like healing teleportation and and Resurrection though the dragon's abilities are often limited by the power of their Nan Creator some dragon balls like those found on planet serial are capable of granting wishes regardless of their Creator's personal power for example granola is wish to become the strongest in the universe at the cost of almost all of his remaining lifespan it's also worth noting that this power boost not only gave granola the key power of someone like Goku or Vegeta it also granted him Divine abilities like destruction and even yes magical abilities akin to Morrow's planetary attacks and shields that look more than similar to bobies from all the way back in Z techniques he used to overpower even an ultra ego boosted Vegeta so not only can dragon balls do things like unleashing one's power in the case of orange Piccolo they can also Grant you magical abilities that can in turn help you overpower enemies far beyond yourself well now thank you Shenron that little extra went a long way now that I've spoken about some of the strongest instances of magic in Dragon Ball there's one elephant in the room left to address the fact is we used to have 18 universes instead of only 12 Zeno's eraser technique certainly is not one dve from key so is it magic if we do count it as magic that means magic is capable of instant eraser of all of existence which would easily make it the most powerful ability well ever originally I thought maybe this is a racial ability as Zeno is the only one of performing it but then I realized the grand minister is also capable of a type of eraser seen when he erases Maris from existence along with that though slightly different destroyers seem to get some sort of eraser with haai this leads me to the idea that eraser or at least some form of it is a Divine technique learnable by other Divine beings so is it magic or is it something else it lines up well with the rest of the things I've laid out but something just doesn't feel right about including it alongside things like turning people into carrots when you touch them so you can decide on that one for yourself though I will add that if we accept the dragon balls are a source of magic and the super dragon balls are just Z version of them then it follows that we also have magical items capable of doing literally anything including reversing Zeno's eraser meaning that the true power of magic in Dragon Ball is boundless with that being said I've mentioned quite a few instances of magic being used throughout the series but I've also left a lot out so now that we understand what magic is in Dragon Ball and how powerful it can be let's take a look back at some of the most interesting forms of magic used throughout the series I won't talk about every usage of magic through the series but let's start at the beginning with one of the most underrated abilities in the whole [Applause] show monster carrots transmutation ability to instantly transform anyone into a carrot just by touching [Music] them you touched me this magical ability is not shown to have any sort of power requirement or limitation it's possible given its dragon ball that you could just resist the technique if you were substantially stronger than the user but based on the fact that Vegito who is a result of a fusion via Divine source is the only character who's been seen capable of resisting transmutation in this way along with the fact that other magical techniques disregard the power of its user and Target it seems unlikely it has these limitations this means had Goku been touched by monster carrot the series could have ended within its first 10 episodes and the heroes really should have considered training up the boss rabbit for the tournament of power wo tough break you're on your own kid it's just you and the rabbits now after this as I briefly touched on a moment ago stuff like Boo's chocolate beam also have a transmutation effect that seem to not be limited by power differences the beam itself can be stopped by a stronger beam as we've seen the case of fat Boo versus evil boo but once the beam hits you you're turning into sweets one way or another speaking of Buu one of the most feared creatures in the seventh Universe he is made out of magic in fact they made Buu so powerful as an endgame boss that he has to be specifically removed from the roster for big events otherwise he would remove all tension like the universe 6 tournament and the tournament of power we couldn't do anything about it once buo falls asleep there's no waking him up imagine Universe 7's strategy being to feed opponents into Boo's absorption where he would hold them without killing them increasing his power until he's strong enough to take out jiren anyway his magical body gives him the ability of near immortality through regeneration what are you immortal being able to regen not only from any piece of his body which he can rip off and throw around at will but also from the smoke that comes off when pieces of his body are incinerated he can also as I just mentioned absorb other beings into his own and hold them in stasis increasing his own power intelligence and range of abilities and despite all of these powers and his Incredible strength that rivaled Super Saiyan 3 Goku Buu was able to be sealed Away by Magic sealing techniques in Dragon Ball are surprisingly common in some of the most powerful forms of magic in the series I've mentioned a few in the form of the evil containment wave and the Magical sealing technique of the Grand Supreme Kai but we also have beerus using a version of the technique to seal the Elder Kai and the Z sword the truth is that he's the one who trapped me inside the Z sword again a powerful Divine being capable of instant teleportation to anywhere in the universe and also to outside the universe to Zeno's Palace and he still can't escape to this day there doesn't seem to be any way to escape a proper sealing technique from within it not for The Elder Kai zamasu Buu or or even Vegeta next up is materialization we see it most often with Piccolo and his clothes materialization beam but it can be used offensively too and to great success for instance with gas and his materialized weapons and objects axes Spears heavy Cube weights these creations by gas seem to be unique magical materializations instead of key based weapons used by the likes of Vegito and fud zamasu and while we're on the topic of creating something from nothing some of the most impressive Feats of magical ability come from none other than Mr popo hi hi not only is he able to do things like swallowing a whole Kamehameha from Goku he can also rejuvenate living things instantly and in the case of the Clone version of Goku can even create life from inanimate objects a technique only otherwise seen from the kai I already spoke briefly earlier about Morrow's magical ability to use planets energy as weapons on top of his ability to sense when he's being watched via key detection as well as the Kai's teleportation ability and whis's ability to turn back time so to finish off I want to rank the top five magical abilities not only by how much damage they can do but how useful they are and how powerful they are in a more General sense and we'll do weakest at five strongest at one firstly rank five is materialization being able to create matter out of nothing is pretty insane and it needs to be on here somewhere it can be used defensively by creating walls offensively by creating weapons or just in everyday life like materializing a sick new fit to go out with the boys next at four it has to be sealing techniques like the mafa though it can be redirected the fact that once you're hit by it or in other cases like whatever beered to the Elder Kai or the spell bibid used on Buu you just cannot Escape it by any means once you're in you're stuck forever unless someone outside helps you there aren't really any other techniques like this besides complete existence Erasure and it's basically the only way for the heroes to deal with foes like Immortal zamasu or any other Immortal beings that may pop up in the future so in that way it's invaluable third place goes to time alteration being able to turn back time and reverse disasters like what whis did for Goku and Earth is also [Applause] invaluable in a universe where at any time one stray blast can destroy everything you love being able to have a doover every now and then is absolutely necessary there's a reason why tampering with time is against the rules and primes you for Destruction by a destroyer God it's very powerful and can be very dangerous but also very useful second is creation or the power to create life I mean this one is pretty self-explanatory where would we be without this we literally would not exist though the kais make it kind of boring stuff like Mr Popo's ability to create a living automaton with only one hair that is equal in strength to the real thing is kind of insane imagine if he pulled out this ability again though he'd have trouble against Napa Frieza Cell boo I wonder if that's why none of the villains ever have hair anyway number one is of course the Super Dragon Balls kind of anticlimactic I suppose but when you have wish orbs in your series that can well literally do anything they're probably going to be on the top of well every list given they can even undo Zeno's work in erasing multiple universes they're probably a good thing to have around just in case and that's my list feel free to leave your own down below if you want to it's a bit nebulous which techniques are necessarily the strongest and depends on if you include things like than eraser but whatever you decide it's undoubtable that magic is one of if not the most tremendous source of power in Dragon Ball despite moving away from some of its more Mystic elements during Z and Super Dragon Ball still retains its own air of magic and mystery which is part of what makes the series so compelling it's not just stronger and stronger beams and muscles it to this day ties in elements of magic that we still don't fully understand and hopefully they explore this even more with the release of daa or if you're watching this after daa has out hopefully they didn't contradict everything I said here thanks for watching join the [Music] Discord
Channel: Planet Level
Views: 84,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball, dragonball, dbz, dbs, super, video essay, philosophy, anime, db, dragon ball daima, daima, magic, dragon ball magic, db daima, db magic, dragon ball super, master roshi, roshi
Id: W9ezAUuAfKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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