The Character Assassination of Son Gohan | Dragon Ball Z

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Son Gohan how did it come to this that the latest character development he's gotten from a korama came in the form of a goofy looking transformation that's a blatant rehash of his original Super Saiyan 2 form from being heroed as the new protagonist of Dragon Ball to only being included in superhero as a favor to a movie producer when did it become blatantly clear that akir Toyama was just done with him as a character many would say when he became a completely useless nerd in Resurrection F others would say it's when he jobbed in record time during Battle of Gods as for me I would go even earlier back to the serialization of the original manga but first as I awkwardly pretend to walk down my green screen could you please like the video and subscribe to the channel as that would be greatly appreciated so as I was saying I believe that the downfall of Gohan's character can be pinpointed to the cusp of what many people claim to be his greatest moment I believe that Gohan's first character assassination at the hands of a korama took place during the Cell games now we all know the Cell Games it began with a Clash of the Titans cell versus Hercule unfortunately cell got a lucky hit on the goat and so Goku had to step in now he gave it his all and pulled out all the stops against this perfect Abomination but his best wasn't good enough and in a first for his character Goku put his fist down and gave up leading Gohan to take his place to fight against cell right after some good sportsmanship from Goku that definitely won't cost him his life it was Gohan's turn to step up his entire character Arc from when he was introduced as a mere infant was leading up to this moment but then he said something strange just as the fate of the world rested on his shoulders Gohan decided to come out as a pacifist much to the shock of his father now to be fair to Gohan he did indeed fight against cell initially but his heart just wasn't in it which led to he and the rest of the Z fighters to be tortured by cell and his newborn babies respectively now this scene these lines from Gohan have always been somewhat controversial amongst the Dragon Ball fan base arguing whether or not Gohan acted out of character during the Cell games but at has been pretty widely accepted by fans that this was a logical place for Gohan's character to be how could he like fighting like Goku when all of his fights since childhood took place during death matches against aliens meanwhile Goku's fights during his childhood took place during fun adventures or controlled environments and yeah I was on board of this L of thinking that is until I reread the manga making me the 13th Dragon Ball fan to actually read this thing and and really paid attention to how Akira toiyama wrote Gohan and his character Arc up until the Cell Games and it turns out that airat Toyama had not given a chapter a few pages a panel a single speech bubble foreshadowing or alluding to Gohan's pacifistic nature in fact Gohan being in such deaf matches in such a young age gave his character Arc the exact opposite effect let me explain Gohan was introduced as a shy sheltered child who had an insane amount of potential first displayed when he shattered rit's space pod armor and rib cage after the death of Goku Gohan gets kidnapped again but this time not by his biological uncle but by someone who would become something like a father to him during this training in the wilderness Gohan slowly begins to become more self-reliant and begins to mirror his father as the month go on I mean just look at the way he cooks that dinosaur and tell me that isn't something Kid Goku would do H Toyama even draws him as a mini son rukon AKA Son Goku on a chapter cover but even so when the saans arrive a mini Goku he is not as he's too scared to attack Napa when he had the chance but when he sees that his inability to act and use his strength when necessary can lead to the deaths of Innocence this is is where Gohan finds his resolve on the battlefield even without a rage boost he manages to land a solid kick to Na's jaw was eager to join Piccolo in krillin's plan to rush Nappa before that plan went wrong and even suggested that Piccolo leave the battlefield while he would somehow hold it down until Goku got back because if Piccolo died the Dragon Balls would too and when Piccolo did in fact die Gohan tried his best to avenge him immediately later on in the Saga when Goku was getting crushed by USU Vegeta it's Gohan who demands that he and Krillin go back to support him he then goes on to fight Vegeta one-onone and is integral to his defeat by deflecting the Spirit Bomb back to him and crushing him while in his Uzu form see Gohan's character had developed in such a way that being engaged with such brutal battles at such a young age gave him a very strong sense of Duty to do what's right and protect his friends it wasn't a game to him so for Gohan to be reduced to tears begging a being for Mercy that he thought killed Piccolo at one point and threatened to blow up the Earth for no real reason Gohan begging cell for Mercy like that without doing everything he could to stop him initially is a completely out of character moment for him this is a character who faced down nap as a 5-year-old child and Nappa was an absolute Beast remember that scene in the anime when he was just tearing those fighter jets to Pieces man it sure is a good thing that there are no fighter jet destroying aliens in this video sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is a free-to-play vehicle Combat Action game available on PC Xbox and Playstation it features over 2,000 tanks plane ships and helicopters for you to engage in Dynamic combined arms PVP battles you can customize your vehicle with 3D body pillows and thousands of 2D anime skins made by War Thunders creative Community or create your own every vehicle is incredibly detailed and rendered in 4k with Incredible Graphics if you want to change from the authentic 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instance of Goku serously considering that Gohan could succeed him and do better than him as Earth's protector so as for Gohan being a pacifist that hates fighting yeah I'm just not buying it it completely contradicts everything in the manga hey wait hey what are you what what are you looking at you're weird and as for Gohan being a slacker who doesn't like the train he gladly imag trained with Krillin for fun while journeying to Namek and when they landed on Namek he gladly took out some Frieza soldiers while looking proud of himself with a smile on his face may I yet that these soldiers landed in the water and so probably drowned and Gohan doesn't care at all before the Cell Games Gohan is consistently portrayed as being down to fight even to the death and provide backup to his friends when necessary he was the first to try to attack final form Frieza and when he came back to Earth as a cyborg Gohan put on his Sayan armor and flew to confront him and I highly doubt he was going to propose a peaceful negotiation he trained with Goku during the freear time skip to prepare for the Android fret and in an instance of Genius writing from Toriyama he shows both Gohan's eagerness to fight and foreshadows Goku's heart virus as he tells Gohan to slow down and save his strength then during the fight with Androids 19 and 20 Gohan backs up Piccolo without any hesitation now I'm not saying that Gohan is a fighting Maniac like Goku but the few times we saw him fight with minimal Stakes he enjoyed it I'd say that while Goku primarily fight due to enjoying it and secondarily out of a sense of justice or Duty Gohan is the opposite he fights mostly to protect others and kind of still enjoys the thrill of battle somewhat but even but even still you may be thinking well maybe Gohan had his pacifist Revelation during his time during the hyperbolic Time Chamber as that gave him a lot of time to reflect and yeah that would have made sense if Toriyama had drawn any of that Gohan just trains for a straight year Toriyama had the perfect opportunity to explore that part of Gohan's psyche and he just didn't and that's because I am so certain that he only came up with this Gohan as a pacifist who's nothing like Goku plot point maybe even just a week two weeks before he actually drew it and the reason why I'm so confident is only seven chapters prior Toriyama introduced us to another version of Gohan a version of Gohan that would become a fan favorite he introduced us to Future Gohan now unlike the superior anime adaptation the Manga version of history of trunks is rather brief however we still gain some insight into the personality of future Gohan firstly on a visual basis we do see a Gohan albeit an unprepared one that has indeed succeeded his father in fighting to protect the Earth as he wears a ghee like Goku's with pride he's seen training fut Future Trunks with a smile on his face you'd think that a Gohan in an apocalyptic future would absolutely despise anything to do with combat see with this Gohan what Toriyama could have done if he always planned for him to be this combat hating pacifist was give him some lines lamenting what had become of his life that he always wanted to truly become a scholar and not have to fight and when he confronted the Androids he could have had some lines trying to convince them to to listen to reason and that their violence is pointless instead Gohan lands ready to fight and kill the Fret as he's consistently been portrayed throughout the manga but tragically he loses his life instead okay so by now you may be thinking well why would Aira Toriyama do this to Gohan's character in the first place and to understand that I think we have to understand toriyama's mindset during this era of Dragon Ball around the end of The namk Saga Toriyama took part in an interview wherein he said I fret about the next story developments after all if I don't power things up even more you all might not accept it as you probably already know Toriyama didn't start his career as a manga redefining the very genre of shown in action instead he began as a gag mangaka by the way I just wanted to say that if you end up looking into torius back catalog do not read lady red worst mistake of my life this guy's sense of humor is absolutely [ __ ] pun not intended he then got his big break with a gag comedy manga Dr slump after that concluded he then went on to write Dragon Ball a series influenced by his love of martial arts films and Journey to the West however initially Dragon Ball wasn't all too popular it's only until Toriyama had the idea of combining the martial arts genre with some kind of a competition as that was really popular when he drew th the slump and so ton would go on to introduce the readers to a series of tournaments that would come to define the franchise and cause Dragon Ball to Surge in popularity as he introduced readers to the and with this surge of popularity the action of Dragon Ball would only increase from there Goku would go on to fight assassins entire armies the 22nd Bai would be less gag focused as Goku faced off against the martial arts Prodigy TN and then an event would happen that some people would argue Is where Dragon Ball Z truly began Krillin died at the hands of tambourine and evil incarnate would be introduced The Once light-hearted world of Dragon Ball was would be darkened by a demon king and Toriyama absolutely loved it after all his years as a gag mangaka this was a breath of fresh air to him to write a truly reprehensible demon as the villain and Goku engaged with him in a battle so destructive that people thought that the series would be coming to an end but it wasn't the end it was a new beginning Toriyama only wanted the battles to grow more intense from there and so he demanded that Goku be allowed to grow up as his stubby child limbs were restricting the dynamism of the combat he had imagined in his mind now you need to keep in mind just how unprecedented this was to change the look of a main character is risky business especially in the cut froat world of shon and manga but Toriyama was adamant and the risk paid off Dragon Ball would sore in the Shonen Jump rankings with the 23rd Bai where we and Goku with defeat Piccolo and become the world's strongest and so logically to escalate the action it was time to go beyond Earth as it was revealed in one of manga's greatest Recons that Goku is actually an alien and after an epic battle with the saans which had the fate of the entire planet hang in the balance it was obviously time to go out into space and fight Frieza in a battle so intense that the planet itself exploded as Goku fulfilled the saan prophecy as he battled with the planet destroying Galactic Emperor well after defeating the strongest in space it was time for the Z fighters to conquer time itself with killer Androids a Super Saiyan from the future a bio Android from the future editors constantly interfering with the story battles which had to get bigger and bigger and bigger Super Saiyan ascended saans so had so many spots there were so many timelines how many battles so many editors and and and burnout by the time the Android Saga rode around Aira Toriyama had burned himself out on constantly escalating action and when you read the Manga you can see this reflected on the page you see from the very first Bai when Toriyama was upping the action in Dragon Ball he had this Talent of portraying depth and dynamic angles in his fight scenes it's like he created 3D spaces out of a 2d medium and when he introduced the ability of flight to his characters this fre aspect of dragon Ball's action exploded the paneling and choreography were simply amazing Toriyama would make use of beam trails and auras in order to guide the reader's eye around the action in terms of action the manger really did Peak at The namik Saga I mean just look at this panel of Vegeta here with the exploding debris of the island just flying past him you can't find action like that in the Android Saga the fights are still good good but lack that explosive Dynamic Edge the spectacle that had come to Define Dragon Ball's action was absent take Piccolo versus 17 for example many people point to the anime version of the fight as one of the most underrated fights in this series as the two combatants split the Earth smash each other's guts out and cause an entire volcano to erupt meanwhile the Manga version of the fight is very lowkey it looks more like a scuffle rather than then a clash between two entities that could destroy the entire planet another example is Goku versus cell lorded as one of the greatest fights in all of Z hands down and how could it not be the speed the skill the power of cell and Goku is on display in superb fluid animation however the Manga version of the fight is quite underwhelming in comparison don't get me wrong toriyama's art is still great but to me it's a shadow of what it once was at one point the highlight of the Dragon Ball Z anime fights were when the anime would adapt toyama's choreography however this was no longer the case and this trend continued with the bu Saga as once argued to be the best fight in the Saga Super Saiyan 2 Goku versus kidu was completely filler to me it's clear that Aira Toyama wanted to go home back to his comfy realm of light-hearted action funny gags and low stakes remember that quote I mentioned earlier from Toriyama the one way he talked about threating over having to escalate Dragon Ball's action even higher past damic Saga well that wasn't the whole quote as Toriyama went on to say that he wanted to find new ways to draw Goku looking cool but he also wanted to find ways to keep making use of Gohan and torama did indeed find the way to make use of Gohan think about it if he could convince the audience that Gohan was always this pacifist character if he could then take Gohan and make him the protagonist of Dragon Ball that means he could then stare Dragon Ball away from being so action focused and become something a bit less serious but first he'd have to give this action focused era of Dragon Ball it's proper send I think a major reason why so many fans look past Gohan's outof character writing during the Cell Games is because it's attached to one of the most emotional and kartic scenes in all the franchise I mean you have Gohan's Awakening Goku sacrifice Gohan facing down cell with just one arm it's also damn iconic also Super Saiyan 2 Gohan's characterization is more in line with how Gohan had been portrayed before the Cell games but his desire to use his power for justice had been corrupted by his rage boosted Super Saiyan state which led him to take his time torturing cell and enjoying it this parallels with Super Saiyan Goku letting Frieza power up on namk primarily so he could get a good fight but secondarily to crush frieza's pride and just as in a way Dragon Ball Z began with the death of Krillin it looks like it was supposed to end with the death of cell as he represents everything Dragon Ball became during this action focused era containing the DNA of every single major antagonist and Goku himself with cell even threatening to destroy the entire solar system Toriyama just taking things to the absolute extreme having cell one up Vegeta and Frieza who boasted about their Planet destroying capabilities I mean what the hell does blowing up up the solar system even mean what would that even look like but as Gohan's clash with cell comes to an end with a Little Help from Vegeta the bio Android is vanquished and peace is restored to the Earth and with Goku dead Vegeta retiring from combat trunks returning to his future and Gohan now being able to live a peaceful life without fighting all members of the once battle proud Saiyan warrior race will battle no longer leaving Toriyama free to reinvent Dragon Ball in what I can only describe as a dragon ball [Music] reboot the beginning of the boo Saga is always so weird to read but in an interesting way the vibe and tone are so different unlikely the Android Saga which started with the return of the previous saga's main antagonist and the Saiyan Saga which led straight into Dynamic Saga this one feels so divorced from the cell Saga it has the longest time Skip by far characters are given all new designs new characters that aren't just there to be villains or introduce the new villain are introduced Gohan going to school the vibe is so different it really does feel like a Dragon Ball Rebo especially with the anime's new opening with a whole new song which just screams yes Gohan is the protagonist of Dragon Ball now and we can't talk about this era of dragon ball without talking about the great SE man Gohan's dorky superhero Alter Ego that Toriyama just loved to draw and on that note Toriyama even has Gohan break the fourth wall multiple times one time when he announced that kin is retiring like this is Krillin Goku's first martial arts rival and Gohan's brother in arms during the Namek Saga this Krillin retiring just emphasizing just how much Dragon Ball is moving away from its Action Martial Arts Vibe and going to something more lowkey Toriyama was back in his element he wasn't thinking about any world-ending threats appearing he was too busy having a great time writing gags with Gohan playing baseball doing his goofy s man poses and accidentally revealing his identity to Videl Toriyama gladly would have written Dragon Ball like this perhaps for the entire Saga if he could have gotten away with it as it turns out that fans came to Dragon Ball for a martial art shown in battle manga and ultimately Toriyama had to oblige perhaps the tonal Whiplash was too much as Gohan went from backhanding cell Juniors into Oblivion to doing goofy super hero poses in the space of about a dozen chapters meanwhile it took hundreds for Dragon Ball to go from a fun goofy Adventure manga to death matches on exploding planets and it's here where we get that Infamous Toriyama quote wherein he said I intended to put Gohan into the leading role it didn't work out I felt that compared to Goku he was ultimately not suited for the part and unfortunately for Gohan fans this is true this new Gohan Toyama had created was made for the laidback Dragon Ball the great seam Man manga if you would so if Dragon bore was to go back to more how it was before Gohan no longer had a place as its protagonist how could he be the lead of a battle manga when he doesn't like to battle even when looking back on the bo Saga Toriyama himself describes it as having two halves the first half with Gohan as the protagonist and the second half with Majin Buu as the antagonist and when you read the Manga when Goku comes back from Otherworld and the Kosen appears with kabito Gohan does indeed begin to fade into the background but just as it looks like Gohan is about to reinsert himself back into the spotlight his main character energy is quite literally sucked out of him I remember when I first watched this scene on tunami man I was so excited I was like okay that great sayy man stuff was kind of fun but but this is the Gohan I'm trying to see here I'm trying to see Super Saiyan 2 come back and see Gohan catch a couple bodies you know what I'm saying but then the most frustrating scene in the entire series happens just as we think gohad is going to become him again like I know it had to happen for kaios Shin's plan to work but Toriyama could have at least let Gohan one shot spopovich after what he did to Fidel like like my boy Kid Gohan back in the namic Saga he he wouldn't have stood there while Fidel got her head stomped on on that note it's it's kind of funny how one chapter Videl was resolved to go with Gohan to Barb spaceship but the next chapter she says Nah and leaves Videl was a major character during the great sey man Saga and now she's pretty much gone from the story but you know what's more tragic than Gohan just watching as his wouldbe wife gets her teeth knocked out the fact that that was the last time Gohan ever used Super Saiyan 2 in the manga the transformation that he introduced to the series and that he's best known for that was the last time I know that there's some debate as to whether or not he used against the Bor in the anime but in the manga it's painfully obvious he was in Super Saiyan sayyan one against the Bora Toriyama always always Drew lightning for Super Saiyan 2 characters and it even became a plot point that Gohan was so weak compared to his child self the Goku even tells Gohan to get angry as he did when he fought sell which translates to Gohan please transform into a Super Saiyan 2 please but Gohan just can't do it and then Gohan's unique ability to transcend the Super Saiyan War complete gets given to Goku and Vegeta the saints that will ultimately be relevant in the feating marjin Buu oh yeah on the note of Marin Buu he gets released and proceeds to One-Shot Gohan who stood no chance from protagonist to perished rest in peace my boy Gohan Toriyama did you dirty okay Gohan's not really dead yet but let's focus on the titular antagonist margin Buu as it's very clear from his design to his power set that airator decided to step sideways when it came to developing his antagonist instead of going for a bigger bad enemy in the more traditional sense like a cell 2.0 it looks like in stepping back to what he's more comfortable with Toriyama stepped into the realm of parody some people call the Majin Buu saga a parody of Dragon Ball due to the insanity of it all marjin Buu looks like the furthest thing you'd imagine when it comes to a Dragon Ball villain thus far Goku's insane looking Super Saiyan free transformation comes out of nowhere dancing becomes the key to ultimate power rather than an emotional transformation and there's Vegeta's famous line of the Super Saiyan bargain sale personally I wouldn't go that far but there's definitely an element of Toriyama making fun of how his manga had evolved over the decade especially as his mentality for drawing it was this is the end so I'm going to draw whatever I want unfortunately for Gohan this new mindset would take the form of the most elaborate cruel joke played at his expense as Toriyama would go out of his way to prove that Gohan was not protagonist material for Dragon Ball once and for all as Gohan was still very popular at this time and many fans were still waiting for Gohan to make his comeback meanwhile toi had produced two movies and a new opening kind of pushing this idea of Gohan being the new protagonist of Dragon Ball but what many fans see as a bright spot for Gohan's character a second chance at Redemption a second chance at glory was anything but this is the Mystic downfall of ultimate Gohan it all starts with good news for Gohan turns out he's not dead and has been taken to the world of the kais to receive training in order to defeat marjin Buu but to do so he must pull out the Z sword man I remember when I was a kid and then I heard of the Z sword and I thought oh that's what the Z in Dragon Ball Z stands for yo when Gohan gets his hands on the Z sword he's going to be so back he's going to be so back now this is some straight out of King gotha [ __ ] which seems at odds with the heavy sci-fi Direction Dragon Ball had been going with for some time but hey this Saga was more into gods and magic with the antagonist even being named after a bloody Cinderella spell so whatever Plus around this time tuyama had been drawing a lot of jrpgs like Dragon Quest and cronat Trigger so maybe that influenced him or this is all just a call back to Gohan using a sword as a child but whatever a tangent aside Gohan manages to pull out the sword Goku comes to visit and then the sword breaks and we are introduced to the old Kai and technically we're introduced to our very first mention of beerus and one of the funniest gags in the boo Saga with Goku almost killing him as a test anyway it turns out that old Kai has the ability to bring out one's potential Beyond its limits kind of like a better version of the ability Guru had back on Namek the only downside is that they have to sit through a tedious ritual complete with aformentioned dance and this is one of those instances where you can really see Toriyama begin to lean into the parody aspect of the buo Saga as he kind of makes fun of just how stupid power robs had gotten in his series uh case some point let's take uh Goku getting over 30 times stronger in about 20 minutes because he got beaten up like the fight scenes peaked in The namic Saga but so did the power creep he even has old Kai fall asleep and Read Manga or while bringing out Gohan's potential kind of showing just how bored Toriyama had gotten with Gohan since his plan for Gohan to be the protagonist of his stealth Dragon Ball reboot didn't quite pan out but on the other hand Tori was having a great time with a whole new character a character that the contrast with Gohan who had to sit still to become the ultimate warrior this Warrior requires a dance in order to come into existence enter go tank Tama has gone on record multiple times saying that super Boo versus Gotenks is one of the favorite fights he drew in the manga and you can really see him strike a fine balance between his gag manga roots and drawing more serious action that's why it's one of my favorite fights in the whole series there's the super ghost kamakazi attached which is a gag and an effective technique all at once this is how we got such imaginative moves like the super ghost maazi the galactic Donuts the volleyball attack two of these take up toriyama's top threee techniques that he ever made for the series and that over the top creative Dynamic spark Toriyama had for battles in the S and namk Saga even makes a reappearance during the fight as gotin and Buu SC scam through dimensions and fight on Earth Gotenks even comes admirably close to defeating superb and maybe would have if his Fusion didn't run out but alas it wasn't meant to be meanwhile in the world of the kais okay at this point Toriyama is just using old Kai as a mouthpiece as he's been done with the PowerUp ritual for a while but didn't tell Gohan in order to make things more dramatic go Gohan then unleashes his potential but doesn't look all too different now this is part of ultimate Gohan's appeal but a cynical part of me kind of believes that Toriyama just couldn't be bothered to come up with a new transformation for him still a better design than Beast though but you know what for just a minute let's pretend that this whole ultimate Gohan gag really was supposed to be a major turning point for his character for the better thank you for w me up up till now how many times I've tried to tell you please take care of yourself then with tear stained eyes I sadly said goodbye as I waved and wished you farewell then I think of how how much longer I must wait I look inside myself and feel something new I want to stop and grow up a it's all because I'm feeling sad then I cry I don't know why the courage that I need the power to succeed gives me the strength to fly it's all because of when I see my friends oh my every time they're always behind me pushing me on lighting the fire okay wait wait wait stop the AMV did what Gohan just did look familiar to you Landing just in the nick of time in order to save his friends well it should because Jo because Gohan just performed what I've thoughted the Goku Landing just like Goku arriving just in time to save his friends against King Piccolo Nappa Frieza the ginu force go Han has done that exact same thing he's mirrored Goku exactly while dressing just like him Toriyama just gave Gohan one of his favorite Goku tropes but unlike Goku who always caught a dub after performing a Goku Landing Gohan wouldn't enjoy the same fortune you can dress Gohan like Goku you can give Gohan power surpassing Goku you can give Gohan an antagonist weaker than he is but it won't work because Gohan is not Goku and Toriyama wants you to know that the Beatdown that Gohan suffers against boot tanks is just mean but I will kind of defend Toriyama here as a lot of people say that oh that Gohan got cocky again he was playing with his food whatever but a lot of that is just Anime filler because in the original manga Gohan versus superbo L for five pages Gohan's Shining Moment Of Glory in the boo Saga lost for five pages meanwhile Gotenks got six chapters in his fight with Super Buu and arguably he got closer to defeating Buu than Gohan did and didn't have to suffer the brutal indignity that Gohan is about about to endure you can really tell which character the author preferred drawing oh yeah and in case you are wondering Gohan does call Buu a redacted in the manga uh make of that what you will and in a way the anime is even meaner with this whole boo with this whole boot tank beating up Gohan thing as the anime has Buu and gohad reenact Goku and Vegeta's poses from the saans Saga like Gohan is not him he he's he's not going to win he's not that guy stop giving false hope Gohan just gets the [ __ ] beaten out of him during a desperate struggle to survive and after one of the most sus and after one of the most suspect scenes in the manga he even gets beaten up off paddle Tori ala can't even be bothered to draw some of the beat down and in the end Gohan is left looking like this now I'm just saying it looks similar to this could be a coincidence I'm just I'm just calling it how I see it cuz it is not looking good for him to be fair to Gohan Vegeta also got the ship beaten out of him multiple times by Buu during this Saga but one of them led to his greatest character moment while the other was necessary in order for Goku to charge the Spirit Bomb meanwhile here Gohan just gets the [ __ ] be out of him just to emphasize that he is not that guy he is not Goku he's not the protagonist he is cooked then Tien had to step in to assist I mean props the Tien but this was not Gohan's equivalent of Goku having to be saved by yajirobe during The saan Saga as the true main protagonist returns Gohan then drops the patara because of course he does and then gets absorbed and that is the ultimate fate of ultimate Gohan then a few chapters later kidu blows up the planet with Gohan on it and so Gohan dies in the most anticlimactic whatever way possible from protagonist to perished Toriyama really did Gohan dirty you'd think the death of Gohan a character we been following from infancy to Young adulthood would have a bit more of an impact in the manga but at this point Toriyama was done with his character and he even made fun of how pointless death was in Dragon Ball with another pretty funny gag out admit so yeah that was pretty much the end of Gohan's relevancy in The buo Saga although he did donate to the Spirit Bomb essentially playing cheerleader while the real protagonist finished off buo so as Gohan may have been forgotten as Dragon Ball's protagonist you should definitely remember to check out War Thunder using the Link in my description or pinned comment to gain access to the exclusive body pillow pack which contains multiple premium Vehicles a premium account exclusive body pillows and more so as we all know despite being the strongest unused being in the manga it didn't really help Gohan when Dragon Ball was resurrected in 2013 and so in part two we're going to get into how his ultimate form disappeared uh his downfall in Resurrection F the the the a weird kind of bright spot he got in a tournament of power and how Toriyama absolutely ruined that with superhero wherein I will finally give my full Beast Gohan critique and point out tama's clear biases when it comes to randoming characters so if that video is not up here already uh click this video over here about Goku's character assassination during the Super era of the franchise anyway guys thank you so much for watching like And subscribe if you enjoyed and stay locked in to the cage peace out
Channel: Casual Anime Guy Explains
Views: 174,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball z, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball legends, gohan vs cell, gohan beast, gohan beast transformation, gohan super saiyan 2, cell vs gohan
Id: 3L5qcXnEscw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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