How do you know God's Will - Zac Poonen

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god came inside the holy spirit's inside and he speaks from inside and there as i allow god to renew my mind in different situations i prove what god's will is for my life and when we think of god's will we think of what job i should take whom i should marry those are not the primary things they're important but they're secondary the primary things is what should be my attitude to this sin what should i married you do this thing what should attitude to so many things in this world which don't please god that is where i need to have my mind renewed to think like god thinks and if i want to think like god thinks it's a legitimate paraphrase of my renewing of my mind and being transformed to begin to think like god thinks like jesus thinks i need to be saturated with scripture because this is the only book in the whole world that tells me how god thinks even the old testament i read the old testament passages like hosea and joel and all that and i see god's tremendous hatred of sin of idolatry for example how he condemned those israelites for idolatry and the biggest idolatry today is the worship of money and god hates it if i see that i say lord i want to hate it too i i want to use it but i don't want to worship money i don't want to worship pleasure i don't want to shoot my worship and because god hates idolatry so there as i read the bible i begin to see the things that god hates he hated adultery he hated fooling around with the opposite sex he believed in the sanctity of marriage malachi and says in chapter three god says i hate divorce so chapter two sorry so as i read the scriptures i begin to think like god thinks about the different subjects in the that i'm facing in the world today that's the renewing of my mind where i begin to think like god thinks that i can prove what is god's perfect will so i was telling you about john chapter do you have a passion to know how god thinks do you want to align your mind with god's mind do you want to know how jesus thinks in a particular situation it's the answer to all of life's problems lord how do you think in this situation what should i do and you can't get the answer immediately because you should have spent your life getting to know him and then you know what to do there it's not an academic question like you call up and say what shall i do and he says you do this no it's not like that that's old covenant in the new covenant god by the renewing of my mind i prove the will of god and if i have not allowed my mind to be renewed through past years here i am in a certain difficult situation and i say lord what is the answer i'll tell you you'll do whatever you think you should do and you'll think that is the will of god that's what multitudes of christians are doing lord should i marry this girl you feel like marrying her and you say yes god told me to marry this girl it's exactly what's happening they're too lazy to spend time getting to know god day by day by day by day they've forgotten what jesus said to martha one thing is needful in your life to sit at my feet and listen to my word every day man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from god's mouth martha martha you're worried about many things but one thing is needful it's not serving me it's not helping other people it is listening to me now that doesn't sound right you think it's lazy that's what martha thought mary is so lazy just what i'm quoting is from luke 10 42 sitting there and listening and jesus said that is the one thing that's needful it looks a bit lazy when martha is busy serving serving serving serving you know there are people i've seen in christianity christians and churches who are always serving they're always doing something for the lord and they have a sense of satisfaction i've done this for the church i've done that for the church i've served the church in so many ways i've sacrificed i've spent my money you may be like martha and the lord will rebuke you the lord will rebuke you i was not interested in all that thing you were doing you sacrificed so much money so much of your time fine but the one thing needful you didn't do [Music] you didn't you never sat at my feet to listen to what i had to say you were busy doing this i'll tell you this i've seen through the years zealous christians are preferred to be martha's rather than mary's and they think they are more spiritual i'm sure martha thought she was far more spiritual sacrificing her time her energy working in that hot kitchen making something for jesus well she said mary's just sitting there lazily listening to the lord and what a shock she got when the lord told her that's the one thing that's needful i want to ask you whether you've understood that have you understood it my brothers and sisters that to listen to god to know him to listen to him is the most important thing not only in the first thing in the morning but to have an attitude in the midst of all of your life i want to be in touch with god i think of these police officers in their police cars they go around in the walkie-talkie or their communication system with the headquarters is always on you never know when they're calling you you in this car go there there's a need over there they're not always talking to them but they're ready to listen all the it has to be on all the time that's a picture of how we should live the life it doesn't mean he doesn't do anything else that police officer is doing 101 other things but all the time that this communication system is phoned with the headquarters is on it's never off and that's how we are to live our daily life man shall not live by bread alone or by working alone or like martha but by every word that proceeds from god's mouth the most spiritual people in any church are not the ones who sacrifice their money or sacrifice their time doing 101 things for the church or anything like that the most spiritual people are those who've learned to listen to god and to get to know him because those are the ones who know how to lead the church forward
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 12,769
Rating: 4.9542484 out of 5
Id: _-TiNgS8aEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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