A True Christian (How does he live) - Zac Poonen

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I'll tell you in one sentence one John chapter 2 verse six the one who says he abides in Christ must walk in the same way as Jesus walked that means we must walk today if you say you're a Christian the Living Bible is very clear anyone who says in a he's a Christian must live as Jesus lived very clearly 1 John 2:6 in the Living Bible anyone who says he's a Christian must live as Jesus lived not do Jesus ministry people don't read the Bible sometimes carefully walking is different from working life is different from ministry and some people read walk as Jesus walked you mean I got to walk on the sea feed the 5,000 with five loaves no no no you're mixing up life and ministry you're mixing up walking with working he doesn't say you got to work as he worked you got it walk as he walked you got to live as he lived which means the same principles by which he lived you must live by that's what we preach people sometimes challenges all you say you're trying to be like Christ like why don't you raise the dead I say listen don't mix up life and ministry see people don't think straight they called red blue and blue red and they call green yellow and yellow green or you can't but they are blind you can't talk to such people they're colorblind a lot of Christians are they don't distinguish it in life and ministry when Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 1 follow me as I follow Christ he repeated it in Philippians 3:17 follow us who are your examples what was he saying was he saying that every Christian should be an apostle like Paul he'd be crazy if he thinks every Christian should be an apostle did he say that every Christian should raise the dead like he raised eutychus from the dead no he was saying follow me in my life as I followed Jesus and that's been a tremendous example for me it's been a challenge the two people in the Bible who said follow me one is Jesus Christ and the other is Paul so I follow Jesus and I fall Paulo who followed Christ I look at it like a climbing a mountain where Jesus has reached the top of perfection he was tempted in all points as we are and he walked I see his footsteps over coming over coming over coming and reaching the top and I see falls footsteps behind it and I can look at Paul's footsteps he's ahead of me and he's looking at Jesus footsteps and I can follow Paul and I can see Jesus footsteps - that's how we are doing that is what we have taught through the years like it says in 1 John chapter sorry Revelation chapter 3 do you know this verse Revelation chapter 3 and verse 21 Jesus says and remember he said this to the worst church of all but the leader in laird is here the worst church so the worst sinners sitting here the biggest compromiser and the biggest backslider sitting listening to me Laodicea neither hot nor cold he says I'll spit you out of my mouth but before I do that listen to this encouraging word I'm still standing at the door and knocking hoarse 20 I haven't given up on you I hope you hear that you backslider you compromise her you who are neither heat hot nor cold gee I want to tell you Jesus hasn't given up on you I'm still standing at your door and knocking and look what he says if you worst when T 1 overcome as I overcame you will sit on my throne just like I sat down on my Father's throne can you hear that backslider compromised her even to you the Lord is saying begin today you can be an overcomer as I overcame he says I've given you an example as how to overcome that is the message that is not found in most of Christianity today that Jesus had to overcome something in fact the very first thing written about in the Bible of our Jesus after his baptism is temptation he was tempted and he overcame at every point he said no to the devil no to the devil and yes to God basically overcoming datian is saying no to the devil and yes to God in the Garden of Eden if Adam had said no to the devil and yes to God he'd have been an overcomer but because he said no to God and yes to the devil he fell when you are tempted in any area whether to get angry or to watch pornography or to be jealous or to have a wrong attitude or to do something unrighteous you have the same choice you can either say no to the devil and yes to God or you can say no to God and yes to the devil that's all there is in temptation it's your choice God will not catch you by the neck and say no you got to say yes to me he didn't catch Adam and he by the neck and say get away from that tree no because then there'll be robots he wants everybody to make a personal choice and even today the personal choice do you want to overcome as Jesus overcame then you can sit with him on his throne and it says here because he overcame he sat on the throne he didn't say because I'm the son of God I can just go back and sit on the throne I overcame and I sat on the throne with my father and you can overcome and you can sit with me on my throne I praise God for that then I can overcome by as Jesus overcame that's the message we preached in CFC from day one so coming back to 1 John chapter 2 if you say you're a Christian you must walk as Jesus walked what these few things I'm saying are the message which has not been preached in Christianity what has God taught us God has taught us that we can be overcomers exactly as Jesus overcame God has taught us that he overcame and we can overcome just these verses which are so clear there's no other meaning to these verses but these truths have been hidden buried bits of the net had been torn there are big gaps in the net and now God has called us like John to mend the Nets and that's why in the episode of John he begins like this is what is the main thing in the Christian life it's not evangelism it is not healing okay we say it's not health and wealth you say evangelism evangelism is excellent but that's not the end of the gospel just like you're married and you give birth to a my mother gives birth to a baby that's not the end oh that's the beginning the vandalism is the beginning of course we want it we want the spiritual babies to be born well what do you do with a baby that's born in your home you spend so many years there are many children who stay at home for 20-25 years what did the parents do nurture them care for them sacrifice so much for them so that prepare them for life and they said now you can go out into the world and that's the type of Christian we want to produce in our churches not just through the evangelism were born again but who are made into disciples strong who can follow Jesus and your children go out and get married and produce children themselves that's what we want people to do that people come from here go out and start churches on their own somewhere and produce others grandchildren of CFC we want that and it's been happening it's not been happening in India it's been happening in the poorest villages in India it has been happening in other countries as well that is Christianity so that's why Jesus said go and make disciples of all nations followers not just converts not people who want to go to heaven when they die no I told Allah I told the Lord that long ago Lord there are 1,200 million people in India and all one thousand two hundred million want to go to heaven when they die have you ever met a man who doesn't want to go to heaven when he dies and everybody thinks they're going to heaven when they die you look at the obituary statements in the newspapers have you ever seen in any obvious statement he died and he's gone to hell he'll never see one like that in the obituary statements nobody goes to hell everybody has gone to the Lord's feet or the Father or heaven or something it's a fantastic deception Jesus said the way to life is narrow very very few find it and I said Lord I want to find those few who want to walk as Jesus walked before going to heaven bring me in touch with them that may be a very small number but I only want them those are the only people I want to build a church with but when we build a church like that so many others will come along and sit there and say this is a good church to be to other people are so nice they don't collect any money you don't have to pay dowry in this church good place where my daughter's can get married because you don't have to pay any money all these type of things attract them they help one another those are the people who will never be a part of the Bride of Christ and I don't even know whether they'll go to heaven because they've come to the Church of wrong motives they haven't come to learn to overcome they haven't come to walk as Jesus walked they have come for other earthly benefits that happen Ananias and Sapphira that happened in the early church where people came even Judas Iscariot came for financial benefits to join up to Jesus because a lot of money was coming in and he thought I I can find the treasurer here I can get a cut in a commission so there'll always be these crooks but we proclaim the truth and praise God and then in the midst of this God is building what I call a church within the church I often say the church is like the tabernacle which has got an outer Court where a whole lot of people come and the holy place where people who are want to serve outer Court is people who want to just want to get saved the holy place where people want to serve something and do something but the most holy place is the people for those who want to be worshippers of God who have given God everything that is where the church is built I want to tell you in Jesus name the church is built in the most holy place where people haven't come just to be go to heaven haven't come just to do some service but who have come to be worshippers of God who come like able to give the best and if you're one like that you will be in your town there may be a CFC church there 10% of that will be the real church and you'll be part of that the rest will be out of court people holy place people they're doing a lot of good things they're not outside the can no no they are in the outer court converted they've accepted Christ or they're also doing some more they are anointed to the Holy Spirit they want to do some service but they have not come to give God everything they are not worshipers they haven't put God that's the best and so this is how decline has come through the centuries started off so pure on the day of Pentecost and slowly decline decline came in and God has had to do a work of restoration and the decline became so dark that even history calls a period that Dark Ages when the church was corrupt only the big the main big denomination those days were the Roman Catholic Church was the biggest and then
Channel: A True Christian
Views: 13,228
Rating: 4.9278555 out of 5
Keywords: Attitude of a Christian, meaning of Christian, Vision of CFC, discipleship
Id: O-3ghCK28Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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