How Do You Get the Best Sleep You Can? (feat. Jimmy Carr) - You Up w/ Nikki Glaser (Nov 27, 2018)

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well Pete you just recently moved to Los Angeles after living in New York for a bazillion year for 12 years and it's like all my New York friends are like doesn't LA suck and I'm like no it's the best yeah oh nice New York is a great place to live if you want to get better at comedy but la is a great place to live if you want to get worse at comedies [Laughter] [Music] guys can we just get back to talking about dicks and let me get through this live read Zulily calm is where you need to go Zulily calm slash nikki for an extra 20% off already huge savings Zulily calm speaking of huge let's talk about dicks Jimmy Carr is here you've already heard him already surrounded by four men this feels like a night out for you so exciting for me I love I love this this crew in here Jimmy Carr is here tickets are on sale now for his new Zulily cool them don't go see him on tour see funny before anyone's thinking about buying it you know that you are Jimmy how you doing this morning with drunk last night I found a bar in New York what my friend found a bar where you can still smoke what there's a bar New York Oh Hudson and books books let me let me look it up baby are they not gonna be excited that you're there are two licenses in New York for bars that were cigar bars emergently and they couldn't take the licenses away when they changed the law and they're very small little places yeah but it is alarmingly fun it's almost like owning a time machine I walked in there like whatever it was it was late or on the morning plane the funny part is like wow that's so quaint and new it's like that's every bar in Oklahoma America cosplay can you still smoke in Oklahoma there's there's definitely certain states where there's there's an indoor smoking right where they'll just eat the fines because people don't go to their bar if they can't smoke like in Indiana those people do that and I just believe you because you have yeah went to a bar with like late night late night I've got a friend that was filming a thing I was filming things so we went through his friend Russell Crowe I feeling it was something like that yeah it was fun though cool so we drank some some some very good whiskey and tequila and a bit I can't believe I'm here I imagine you only smoke out of a pipe oh yeah like a chimney sweep thank you you were out until how late four in the morning three there were open till three it was oh my god like I like I'm late no drinking and I don't drink much but I like one drink what does that mean you don't drink much you're guilty total now right mm-hmm I was i but I gave up drinking for about 12 or 13 years sure honest actually when I started doing comedy I saw I'd used to drink at college quite a lot and that was drinking after was it but I wasn't happy I think drinking when you're not happy is the worst and then I just kind of I started doing comedy when I just really want to do this and then I just and I kind of thought I'd come to it I was about 26 when I started doing comedy I went oh I'd better really focus on this I better not and it was enough fun that I didn't need anything else right comedy started not being fun anymore I'll be okay I love that I'm coming up on seven years December ninth of not drinking alcohol so what was the what was the thing what was the what was the low point I felt the same way I was like I wasn't happy I saw everyone's careers that I wanted around me who were successful people in comedy and I realized oh they all don't have a drinking problem either they don't drink and cuz they did have a problem or they just don't drink that much and it's not something that interferes with their life every single night and so I can every single night kinda yeah cuz I could like at least have a couple drinks cuz you just can and I was out every night and it's a weird thing is one like I took me years they've kind of like sort of when I started drinking again you kind of go to a comedy club and do a set and then you you kind of never have to buy another drink you never there's a weird thing with money changing hands and there's something about me I was going this is good isn't it it's awesome it's like all the money you lost not getting free drinks yeah yeah if you don't drink they should just hand you money like extra money every time you go to the bar every seven dollars after not when you aren't drinking as a single woman and guys are like can I buy you a drink I'm always like no but you can like give me give me like a Starbucks gift card just like $7 is what that would get me two coffees that I would really enjoy down the road because I'm for a couple of drinks you can sleep with it can I be Hugh if he gives you $14 like a budget who are laser budget who that could be the new special title thank you um so yeah it was just I got to that point but let me ask you what was the point where you go I'm gonna have that first drink after 13 12 13 years results a house I built a house and in London where I live and the house and we put a bar in it and so I had a bar and I thought this is mental I'm gonna have a drink and I kind of had a thing where I'd like the last couple years I'm not drinking I would have like a I'd have a Guinness at Christmas like at the end of that like last gig I'd have like a Guinness so quite liked it quite like just having like one drink kind of slightly fetishistic ly like not getting drunk but just having one drink is like a lovely edgings story but I'm starting to have kind of I'm starting out while I'm a very wealthy man well thing um I'm starting to have I'm starting to experiment with drugs now yeah I like in my mid-40s I've started to go oh actually I'm terrible at relaxing I've got no capacity to sit home and do nothing and so I'm just starting to kind of use marijuana now for the first time I love it it's great it's a it's a very interesting thing if you've never done drugs always being sort quite aunty edibles do you edibles yeah I can't really smoke I'm not yeah I did I feel like I'm I feel like I'm in an Oscar Wilde play yeah I feel like there's something about me with a cigarette hello fancy cool you need to get laid that's a red flag get stuffed what did you ask it's get stuffed with Nikki Glaser is another great title for [Music] it was we got a finale for the show fellas [Laughter] it was what morning it was Wednesday night that's we're just gonna watch you dribble out what week ago one week ago one week ago one week ago okay yeah I think there's that one I went to LA I don't even remember yeah no Tuesday night it was Tuesday night a Tuesday night yes it was a Tuesday night well we all know the best sex is choose now and how the takos did it sit well do you have the tacos first the Taco Tuesday Mexican dude just because you thought it's Tuesday there's so many things you're hitting on that I want to like talk about yeah um it was a I had gotten into town really late at night and I just climbed into bed and we just banged it out real quick it was just a quick one and done I didn't even think I was really gonna I was like not even in the mood really and then it was one of those ones that I was like I didn't know I was in the mall I so much I think if a guy's not on the mood that's a problem if you're I believe ugly thumbing in a softie is the expression if you're if it's like trying to play pool with a bit of rope if you're picking a lock with a marshmallow that's an issue but if the lady's not in the mood you can just use I believe they call it Australian charmed and they or saliva yeah Australian child but the thing is I I wasn't if I thought going into it I because I hadn't seen this guy in a while and I was like I'm really really tired and like not into it and I never get the same hooba driver twice I'm amazed the fact you're having to think about it I was just thinking have I ever had sex with someone who has driven for I think you you would think of me in a different way you know what that is that's the sixth star oh she gave me the sixth star yeah so it just it was one of those I laid it I told him afterwards I was like it's I didn't know how much I need it it was like he found a pressure point and just like dug into it with his elbow like it's one of those massages that was like oh Jesus Christ like I didn't know that I like it hurt good I don't know what I'm trying to say here huh this is I think she's trying to write a Madonna song from the 80s I think she's trying to rewrite like a virgin like I was overly sensitive to it where I was just like whoa I didn't see that coming and I was just like it was so it was so quick like I can see it coming I didn't see much comes in I didn't see yet exactly had a cervical camera so she could watch it lady didn't we're not doing coming in because I'm not on the pill so it's always got to be out and it's so unsatisfying we were talking about that before he's pulled it out yeah sorry you're having you're having unprotected sex yep and he's just pulling out yep because you're on the pill oh you know like have you ever seen the teenage mom show do not take any sexual advice from this lady we use the port method only four years now and we come he's real I know but I probably snot I'm probably barren is what my this is what I'm thinking cuz I've never had a scared never anything like I'm not I've never been pregnant and I've been like having risky so what let me just let me say it let me let me let me just take a look yeah I've just I've never been pregnant I've never I've had things where I thought I was pregnant but I've always just known like you're not pregnant but you're just late because you've been eating weird or whatever so I think you should stop family now I'm gonna go there I mean I think you should start a family or right now I think you will in tray I would be a great mom oh oh sure I was gonna I didn't think so but no I'm just I think you're running out things to talk about in your comedy specials I think you should have a family you can't be you think you'd be a great moment yeah I think I know someone who's gonna start drinking again mommy needs a live an ER get mummy special juice get mommy's special juice that's cool uber uber drivers cute tell him I like him Jimmy when you started drinking again how quickly did it get did it it's you've had to have some nights where you're like oh god what did I do all those things that I've quit drinking because I hate those nights I hate nights where I've blacked out where I don't I can't really piece it together I've sent texts I don't want I've written tweets I don't care for um and I just have that anxiety the next the hangover cerebral is the hangover I do occasionally get the beer fear like a tional II get the kind of thing that it's morning going on and the worst yeah but I tend to just get that I get that a lot from travel I get that more from traveling than I do from drinking actually the the its exacerbated maybe slightly by drink but actually I just get the fear sometimes one I've been traveling I've done about 40 countries this year and I find if if I get my circadian rhythms out I get depressed yeah that's what and the drinking is like you maybe have a drink take the edge off drink it to sleep and then that's that's kind of more of a thing rather than there because you still get the everyone hates me thing now I imagine have you listened back to the show sometimes get that thing and I think it's unrelated to drinking I think that hangover thing of like I don't mind having a hangover and feeling a bit dehydrated or what about not not a biggie I'll deal with that but that kind of depression the next day think oh my god the anxiety thing yeah is I suffer more than anxiety now than I ever have and I think it's I think it's kind of travel whites I think it's I think that's why I'm kind of interested in marijuana for that kind of deep asleep yeah ready to get hard know what you didn't get that REM sleep yeah but you don't get I took I took that ten milligrams last night and woke up just glued to the bed I was like yeah I slept eight hours but it felt like I can't smoke before I go to bed because the smoking high only lasts for three or four hours and I wake up like in the middle of the night Adamo keeps me asleep the whole night but then it's not good I'm bad at sleeping that's another reason I can't eat Onan the best yeah two milligrams a day every day it's like it's it's really cool my girlfriend was 9 to 10 no my girlfriend was doing a tea milligrams at a time there were ten milligram pills and she'd just go home and she learned apparently there is a curve and effectiveness curve that she was overshooting by a mile so now she's back down to like less than ten yeah I didn't this year where I flew to Australia twice in January which is from London Wow so got there and went right sleep I'll take some valium so I'm giving some valium - valium and then I basically had nothing left in my system I didn't realize it strips all the serotonin from you so took all this stuff on the jetlag as well and was kind of wandering around Australia going I think bleak which way does London go to Australia where's the it's direct does it go over one of the poles or something no no you you there is it one direct flight into Perth but then the downside is you arrive the yeah so it's kind of know you fly maybe Hong Kong or Singapore on the way but I think you're right like all these things we attribute to that's why I feel bad it's really the drinking's messing up your sleep and the sleep is what's really causing you to be the lack of sleep or the lack of the circadian rhythms being all mess it's an interesting things that would like something like a a where people deal with the drinking problem rather than what's causing them to drink like actually that you know good therapy and I think a lot of this stuff with like you know DMT and people doing ayahuasca or whatever to kind of push through whatever that thing is that's mate you know and there's two very different types of drinking there's problem drinking and there's just hey listen I went out for a drink with some friends and we had a lot of fun it was great yeah you're absolutely right I mean people drink because they're sad and they don't want they want to numb out I mean that's that's when you have a drinking problem and that's that's the same way like I eat sometimes like last night I just got home and I was like I'm feeling things I don't want to feel and I'm just gonna stuff my face until I feel sick and it's I'm doing the same thing that I used to do with drinking and part of me like what's your go-to food I eat really healthy stuff because I just like want to eat everything and eat as I want an excuse to be able to eat forever and ever and ever and so I'll just eat like veggies and hummus she's vegan and so I'll just Oh have you been to that the butcher's daughter know a couple of locations what is that are you making a joke is that yeah it's it's the way to be for sure but it's yeah I binge on like really healthy stuff but I will make myself sick with healthy people go all you eat salads I'm like you don't understand the amounts I can put away and when I'm going on like an emotional binge I feel like I'm talking to a crazy person now the idea that you're going you're binging on salad that's not a thing that's not comfort eating it's really yes I love salad I crave it I'm like I love healthy foods and I eat disgusting amounts of them where you'd be I'll eat like I'll literally eat this is no 3040 teens he's saying you can eat for hours hours whereas someone who's eating a cake can only eat that cake for 15 minutes however long it takes you to stuff a cake in your face I get I can have the same amount of calories that that cake is over hours and I can eat the whole time because then I prolong it's like it's like I used to drink I used to drink vodka sodas and I would do a little bit of vodka a ton of soda so I could just chug and chug and consume volume without having the without blacking out too fast you need vodka like this I love all of this all of this relates to the size of her father's penis is my choice it's all about my god you're bender being that like most people go on a bender and they wake up with like a stomach ache from all the sugar bloated from the salt and you wake up the next day and take the most perfect [ __ ] [Laughter] I do I have a hundred percent I have a binge eating disorder like 100 percent but nope but it would never ring any alarms because I binge eat healthy food so no one's everyone's always like Oh Nikki and all of our salads and it's like I'm crying for help but it were you suppressing last night mom I was suppressing the fact that the guy I'm seeing hasn't been as as communicative with me as I want him to be I was suppressing that I performed a song last night and I didn't nail it the way I wanted it to I was suppressing the fact that I made you performed a song goddamn Comedy Jam Oh blank space Taylor Swift Taylor Swift yeah it was we did her like a rock version of it it's awesome it was awesome it was really fun I mean the fact that I wasn't gonna get enough sleep cuz I wanted to eat a lot and I well then if I went home and went to eat a lot I still gotta be up for radio so I was kind of stressed about not getting enough sleep and then today I have like a meeting after this and then I have another thing later and I have to go to Mike Birbiglia show tonight which I'm very excited about but I'm also like it's just another thing I have to dress up for and like look good and then I'm going to economies laughter I'm suppressing all of the thing you have to dress up for Mike Birbiglia married man with a child I'm not dressing up so Mike Birbiglia is like Wow Nicky looks like I'm gonna take a picture post on Instagram because that's why he's giving away free tickets all his friends anyway so that we all promote it and so I can talk about how amazing it is so I want to look cute for that picture then I have to go right to the cellar and do a central taping that they don't provide hair and makeup for so I got to do that and I have to and then I have to make sure there's just so many things that I'm juggling that I just eat so I don't have to think about them I mean no one else is gonna say I'm gonna say I think you should get back on the booze and you know sometimes just go just lean into that have a drink take the edge off you know I think I could and I think I will I just think all of my sober friends will be very disappointed in me you know I know how sad were they for you know it's it's no no I was never in I never really had a problem big enough so my thing was just I just stopped it was it wasn't a bit I didn't have a drinking problem I just happened to not drink for 12 years yeah it sounds like more of an issue but then it is and I drink a little bit now but not much I think I might give up again just to lose weight right I think that what helped you in the first place losing weight no I stopped eating off to six we go guys the show's over Jimmy Carr thank you so much for being here you're so fun and exhausting and uh Matthew Brassard thank you for being Nancy's name yeah I knew it scooby-doo thank you so much for watching that clip that you just watched did you enjoy it I hope you did if you did thumbs up it why don't you subscribe why don't you just keep watching more videos let them play share with your friends go share on your instagrams story go just have a great day
Channel: You Up with Nikki Glaser
Views: 401,158
Rating: 4.878705 out of 5
Keywords: You Up with Nikki Glaser, comedy central, Nikki Glaser, Nikki Glaser radio show, Sirius radio, nikki glaser Sirius, You Up, Nikki glaser show, funny talk show, talk show, celebrities, interview, Jimmy Carr, pete lee, tom Thakkar, matthew Broussard, drinking, drugs, sex, pull out, valium, melatonin, weed, pot, marijuana, sleep, hangover, funny, comedy, comedy show, funny video, comedy videos, comedian, comedians, entertainment, comedy central radio, siriusxm, jimmy carr interview
Id: wwNEQc71pUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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