How do you die daily? - Heidi Baker

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how do you die daily this might seem funny to you but this is literally how it happens for me I just I literally go like this and I lay my life down I I literally get low and I pour myself out in his presence and I look at how many things I can't do and how many things he can and I say God let your love shine through me and let me be covered in your cloak covered in your beauty and so I die he lives and that's a glorious thing and it's a daily struggle it's a daily battle it's a daily joy strange to hear those three words in the same context but it's a struggle it's a battle in its joy because the more you get in the way the less he has control so even speaking I prepare like this you know it's like a help I cry out for his help and then I just listen and try to poke myself in line to hear Holy Spirit and as I hear Holy Spirit he puts things in my mind that I wouldn't think of otherwise and so that's the other side of the question of how do we allow Holy Spirit to fully control us we get in this place of yielded love where we're so we're so totally just open to his voice that we start we start hearing him in a way that it doesn't make sense to a normal person maybe who's just walking around in the world because they can't hear like we hear with our ears but we hear with our spirit and then Holy Spirit goes into our heart and he puts thoughts in your mind I call it spiritual intelligence and I really am pretty excited about spiritual intelligence having the mind of Christ listening to him and then when you're getting up you're literally hearing what he's saying and you're doing what he's doing the more you obey the more you find out the next thing you wants you to do so if you'll obey this little thing he gives you he'll give you more so it's this it's obedience and love and low and slow and it's all together it's awesome
Channel: GOD TV
Views: 51,287
Rating: 4.3276281 out of 5
Keywords: heidi baker, jesus, christian, love, religion, faith, god, die daily, die daily heidi baker, heidi baker message, heidi baker messages, heidi baker video, god tv video, god tv youtube, sharing the gospel, god is in control, let god be in control, dying to self, dying to self sermon youtube, dying to self message, die daily message, die daily meaning, what does it mean to die daily, what does it mean to die to self, what does dying to self mean, how can I let God be in control
Id: wvaoP3WFnZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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