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well today we're doing something that could be considered completely insane we might be completely crazy today we are looking at a house to buy that's not crazy not crazy no it's definitely not the craziest thing we've ever done i would say if you happen to be new here about 16 months ago we sold everything we owned in order to travel the world full-time this process was both extremely freeing and also very challenging we enjoyed the freedom of owning almost no possessions and the flexibility to live and travel anywhere in the world but we also felt the challenge associated with not having a home base or a spot in the world to call our own we quickly learned that part of the joy of travel was the anticipation of leaving but then also the comfort of coming home so while we have been traveling we have been looking for that new place to call home and this might be it we have a long hike to get up we just parked our car down there but man these beautiful mountains in the background should be the view that we're hiking up to see at this property we're here to meet a technician who had a breath to walk the property ask questions of what's possible to renovate what what work can we do ourselves approximately how much is this going to cost the main concern off in the distance you can hear the church bells ringing as we're hiking up here are we crazy well yeah but we've always been crazy and it leads us to some pretty awesome things so we'll see how this all goes so a big thing that we have to analyze is the road so i'm glad that we're walking up it today because eventually we'll have to have large dump trucks of cement and sand being shipped up to us so we need to make sure that these roads are passable for large trucks 330 centimeters centimeters yeah it's a metric tape measure it's my first time using a metric tape measurement you got to get used to that yeah that's gonna be something to use it's a beautiful driveway yeah this is a it's a gorgeous driveway is this technically the driveway though uh no no it's a public road but a road but this would be the drive up oh my goodness this property is just incredibly gorgeous so this right here is the start of the property in total there's about one hecta acre which i think is about four acres of terraced land with the house sitting near the top of the property but with each terrace you can see they've done some beautiful built-in stone steps i can see once up up there but we'll have to show some different ones later on so these stone walls are terraces that were built possibly by venetians like what 800 years ago we really don't know no one really knows the history of the stone walls we're still trying to find out yeah but i mean the house is at least 200 years old so these are at least older than that which is to me wow just kind of incredibly impressive it's mind-blowing it is these stones are just incredible to think that people slowly harvested these stones from the mountain and slowly stacked them up but then also to see the detail that they put in these are stone steps built in to get from one terrace to the next which is just incredible it's amazing this is so beautiful wow there's a donkey here stella is the donkey on the property and we've asked if stella can come with the house wow alex you wanna go sit down i'm gonna go sit down look at this fireplace you know there was no [Music] this is typical yeah this is our living room we have a little cleaning stuff over here a little table oh and we have this lovely little fireplace and a little seat for my doll there's something about this room that makes me feel like cinderella i'm just gonna say yeah um like the rogers with hammerstein cinderella where she sings a song my own little corner and my own little world or whatever there's two little corners i'm like i'm definitely going to sing that song when i'm home alone someday the fireplace is probably my favorite feature in the entire home this is where they would heat the house and cook their food and she was telling me they would like put a pot on this and then make polenta what about the seeds and there are seats in here on either side so you can stay warm like i'm i have no words because it's just it's just gorgeous it's just incredible what do you think i'm in love yeah this is like i'm like trying not to get too attached because it's a long road ahead yeah but i love it yeah it's dark in here can you see me all right alexa tell me what your favorite thing is about the house [Music] it's my bedroom your bedroom are you excited to design help design your bedroom i've already designed it do you see yes wow that is so fun hey chloe can you tell me your favorite part about the house um definitely not this spot it's creepy you don't think this is cr this is really cool we're literally sitting inside of the fireplace right now i kind of like it i kind of like it too this is mommy's favorite room i will show you to my little playhouse i can just imagine this being my little playhouse in here for me that would be so fun to have a little play house area we want to build maybe a loft upstairs yeah um so i i had this idea in the loft uh so we would have a net this looks like um each of us um and in the net would be like blankets and pillows for like movie nap time yeah man these stones here it's just the the craftsmanship in this house on this property is just absolutely incredible like they built this with their hands and how it is that pretty like 200 years old i mean it's a work of art like it really is i just can't even believe it and hello [Music] i found like a piece of tile and like don't touch anything with it don't like draw your name in there it can be a little intimidating walking around an empty space like this that's nothing but stone walls but i mean already we're starting to talk about like this could be a bathroom and that could be the bedroom over there and sure we'd have to punch a hole in that wall to get the other bedroom but it can work and especially when you think about the view outside my goodness like seriously it's just it's breathtaking and i don't know i mean there's a lot of work that needs to be done but i don't know it just this this could could be it there's so many things like redoing this wall section redoing out these windows here and then of course plastering the walls so it's not like a scary dungeon we wanted to make it nice and pretty the next one will be this one do you remember what we're gonna put in this room this will be our bathroom yeah we're gonna hope that this will be the bathroom area and we'll kind of put a hallway in here and open up that door and that will be mommy and daddy's bedroom right here and i thought we would fit a shower and a bathtub oh that's mommy's one thing is that we have to have a bathtub yes yes we could fit a giant bag okay so you may be wondering why italy um italy has been a very special place for us for a very long time actually even when i was a little girl i dreamed about going to italy that was like the first travel destination that i set my heart on like i just want to go to venice and ride in a gondola and that was like my dream and it was actually the first place that we brought alexa when she was about a year and a half it was my first time traveling overseas was coming to italy and it's just always had this really special place in our hearts we've actually come back to italy more than i think just about any other country um that we've traveled to we keep coming back mostly before we started the channel we did film a video in sicily um sorry my arm is getting tired i'm not used to putting the camera like this brady usually films me but he's out talking to the geometer and the realtor and the owner so we're getting some details today about all of that kind of stuff but yeah the reason that we love italy so much is obviously because it's beautiful the culture is incredible the food is incredible um but yeah that's that's why italy we've just always loved at least so much [Music] [Music] it's definitely a lot we've just run around with the architect trying to figure out what's allowed what's not allowed there's so much that has to be done we actually have to dig up the first floor to meet code and put it back to place just how it was but walking through it yeah walking through and realizing everything that has to be done obviously it's beautiful to walk into it but then when you think about the plumbing needs the electrical needs it's a lot like it's a it's a massive project but if we have to rip the phone up can you do plumbing underneath before we have to put the floor you can do plumbing underneath that's interesting but yes you were trying to be positive but it's it's definitely a lot um it's we're thinking about trying to live here while we renovate um hey my headband so which we don't even know if it's that's legal so we stopped to find that out so there's a lot of things to find out this room here was used to store the hay for the animals that lived just one floor beneath and the whole house was a combination of living space and storage for animals either wing on either side were for the animals so we do need to do quite a bit of work including adding doors hey chloe can you step back from that it's not exactly a safe place for children at the current moment um but i mean just to walk around with the owner and to hear about the history of when 50 years ago when he was a child and he was bringing hay into this room to feed the animals it's just i don't it's it's so cool that's all i have to say it's it's really like to to own a piece of italian history would be just like the dream i don't know i'm like i'm trying not to get too attached but it's not going very well we've always been drawn to italian architecture and that's something that we've always talked about is like wow like all of these buildings like they need somebody to come and restore them and to take care of them because there's so many buildings that have been abandoned the families have moved on and they've been using this as kind of like a little getaway from here and there but they've moved on to a more modern home and i would just love to take part in restoring a little piece of history this is definitely a huge project that we're a little nervous about taking on we have done home renovations before not to the scale we bet out the van by ourselves pretty much so this is much bigger project than that um so you guys know that we've been really looking for a home base and we really think that this could be an incredible journey for us to start here in italy this is where the cows used to be what do you think this is for so when the cows would live in here they probably would pee in here and then it would run out the door so this was for the animals to live in which might be a office for us it seems like a nice little office space okay so another question you might have is what does this mean for the channel are we going to stop traveling and the answer is things will change a bit on the channel because we will be focusing on renovating this beautiful home and that will take a lot of time and a lot of energy but we will not stop traveling we will probably slow down for a bit which is kind of what we need we need to have a little bit of time to stay in one place and and have a little bit of a different kind of adventure but then i'm sure it will be not long before we're ready to get out and travel and one of the reasons that we want to settle in italy is because it's so central to so many different places and so that's a really huge thing for us as we want to continue traveling but also have a a home base chloe do you think you'd like to live here yeah do you think you'd like to have a garden do you think you'd like to have some pet animals yeah do you think it would be fun to sweep the house and help with chores yeah you're gonna help mommy with yours yeah there's a lot of work to keep a hop like this nice yeah you're gonna go sleeping go sweep okay the history here is just insane to think about i mean 200 years ago hauling the rock from the mountain and slowly building this house by hand these walls are two feet thick with rock and i don't know i would just love a project of restoring a home like this so far it looks like people used to use here for building stuff a little like fire and that's it let's move to the next one okay i think probably our favorite part about this whole property is the view as you can see behind me it's stunning um i can just imagine waking up in the morning coming outside having a coffee and oh my goodness it's just it's breathtaking so to get to the last remaining room you say hi to your donkey friend and you climb up these stairs here and then just look at that rock it's incredible and then here's a little sitting [Music] this would be our area this would be the room that we would live in so we can do one right here so we would live in this room while renovating the rest of the house since it's closed off 4 40. and then eventually and then eventually we would open up the door to the rest of the house at least we have one area to live in that's separate from the house and all the dust 4 30. it's a huge project it's very intimidating this is like an all-in project this is definitely one of those projects where we may be getting way in over our heads but i mean it's beautiful we love it it will be worth it i like i just have this feeling every house we've ever bought it's like you walk in and you know like okay this is it i could see us living here obviously this is a very different situation because it's basically a ruin but like i don't know it has my heart i think i'm excited i really hope it works out it's hard to tell but these terraces are very very stunning a little path to get up to one of the terraces man to explore at the outskirts of this property it's it's just stunning like everywhere they have the most stunning touches this is a a donkey path handmade out of stone to get from one terrace to the next this whole process is definitely very intimidating and very hectic because as we're looking at the property we're running around trying to answer as many questions and i'm hoping we're capturing things properly so that we can remember the process and kind of look back and analyze and make smart decisions but it's definitely it's definitely very dreamy like this is a place that we've always dreamt about living and so much more beyond that the terraces the old stone walls and not to mention the beauty of how they stack the old stone house it's i don't know it's it's crazy it's very scary but i think that it would be perfect for us long term so i don't know if you heard but on our way out we were talking about the donkey which apparently comes with the property stella and the owner was saying that the donkey is very important to the land and and as we've been learning a donkey needs a friend so you need a second donkey yeah but then the donkey actually will take care of the sheep like there's all these kill a layers yeah donkeys are apparently good guard animals and then we have to get cats to kill the mice because i hate each other i don't like cats but i hate myself she's allergic to cats this will very quickly turn into a proper farm also we'll have lots of pets yeah so there's a little comment section where you can like tell us we're completely insane we know we know we are we know we're crazy we've always been a bit crazy we don't mind that but this might be a little too far i don't know i feel like there's some parts of it that seem more normal at least to me because i think the the biggest way we've lived in an alternative way if you will over the last year year and a half is by selling our possessions and not having a home and like all of that so that's like very counter-cultural but this is like we're gonna buy a house and we're gonna fix it up and it feels more normal to me in some ways but i understand it's not simply just toured a house that looks like a dungeon with very dark it is like a no it's a fairy tale cottage it is it is an absolute work of art especially from the exterior um the lower floor um has very small windows very little natural daylight um and it's very dark and the kids the first time that we went in they were a little bit scared and they started to warm up to the idea and then eventually now they love it they're like um chloe was just saying over and over again like i'm just afraid we won't get the house like that's we keep asking them what they're afraid of and alexa's still a little afraid of the spiders and we're like we will take care of it clean the spiders out um but chloe's fear is that we won't get it yeah but i mean it's going to be it'll be a very long road it'll be a very different house when we're finished with it it'll be bright and airy and like we can see the vision it's hard to explain the vision and capture it on camera without actually being there in person but yeah it would mean a lot of changes for us i mean we've been on the road full time for 15 16 months something like that since it was april of 20 doesn't matter 20 something it's been a long time so this is a massive change for us to um hunker down in one area and to slowly renovate and our goal is that we would do uh the majority of the work as much as is allowed we of course have to navigate the very complicated bureaucracy that is italy um which is one of the biggest hurdles like um we're talking about um buying a house in a country that we don't yet have a visa to stay in we have a tourist visa so we're trying to navigate that italy is so bureaucratic you can buy a house you just can't live here and if you can figure out how to live here you can't buy a car buying a car is the most complicated process buying a car for a foreigner is so much more complicated than buying a house and it's which is just strange yeah so there's a lot of hurdles to get through we are doing our due diligence we're talking to all the right people um we've poured so much time into it we're staying in this gorgeous place but the the owners happened to live just upstairs and they renovated this entire place they put in a soccer field and a fire pit and like all this cool stuff that we talked about in our last video so it's been a great place to hang out and like in the evenings we'll chat with them and we'll talk about our plans and they'll give us feedback because they've done the majority of all of their renovation work here and they are italian so they understand that you're here a little better than we do so we can get a lot of advice from them it's been nice so that's been really cool they went to um their home improvement store and brought me back a catalog and we were flipping through it together so it's been it's been encouraging but it's also um it's daunting i mean we'd have to start taking care of animals like we can barely take care of children hey speak for yourself the biggest thing is this is not a for sure thing yeah we we hesitated pulling out the camera one because it's very challenging to to film uh touring a property that's not your own and they were very gracious with us um it might be a little confusing the video but this is our our third visit i went once by myself fell in love with the place pulled the girls back he brought some he got some footage on his phone to show me but it's just she was sold before she ever walked through it and then when she walked through it the first time sold again so the majority of the footage from this video came from our second showing yeah where we brought um essentially kind of like an architect they call it um call it a geometer here that was the third um the third showing sorry um so we've been we've been pursuing this for a couple weeks now which is moving very fast but every single day has been filled with meetings with attorneys and immigration people and realtors and banks and just crazy level of meetings and driving all over the place i totally forgot the question that i was saying oh but we don't we don't know if anything will come of this so we could hit a roadblock in any number of ways like the geometry could come back and say hey you want to do this to make it a home but it's simply not allowed here it's simply impossible and like that that's an that's completely possible like there's there's a lot of digging that needs to be done and we'll have to see like how possible is it to even do that digging how much will it cost or are we gonna hit rock and i mean there's a lot of unknowns and a lot of potential pitfalls where it could just the whole thing could be pulled out from under us but what is so interesting is anytime we make these kind of huge life altering decisions it's always very quickly so we are and so far it's worked out for the best so far but this one i keep saying this one could break us this one could be the one thing that it's just the bit it's it's starting to pour yeah it's raining like 10 seconds before the camera's too wet yeah it's um i forget what i was gonna say but hold on let's stand up okay um so anyways give us your feedback we can handle it maybe i better not read the comments um we've gotten we've gotten a fair bit of feedback already uh a fair fair bit um no we've gotten lots of challenging things to think about which is good yeah and we we should so lastly we we have the next couple of months already booked out and planned for us like part of me wishes we didn't because now we really need to save money i know because guess what's next yeah yeah next is the uh something that's a little too expensive if we're going to want to be buying a house but it's already paid for something we can do about it um oh shucks we have to go um so yeah i i'm assuming we'll probably keep things updated in our videos as we move forward but it's a very long process buying a house in italy can take three to six months on average it's very slow um so to be honest we just won't know for a long time but yeah but we do have some really exciting things planned until then so next up is our disney cruise with steven justin hunter which we are so excited about and then we have some other exciting things planned so fingers crossed through all of that we will be even more inspired and more encouraged by this whole process and we'll have fun along the way yeah anyways thanks for watching we'll keep you posted we'll see you next time i'm gonna get out of here because then you should just say um so can we buy the house it takes a long time to look at a house and all the little details to make sure that it's the right house for us are you a little bored [Music] [Music] okay in my own little corner and my own little chair i can be whatever i want to be if you want to know what i wanna do whatever you do don't be scared [Music] you climb a mountain you see the ghost but don't be scared if there's something out oh don't be scared don't be scared don't be scared
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 98,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raising Voyagers, Buying a House, Travel, Buying a House in Italy, Old Stone House italy, buying an old stone house italy, 1 Euro house, renovating a ruin, renovating in italy, homestead, building off grid
Id: 0WMjaYY-Sjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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