We Found a CAVE HOUSE 😳

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[Music] foreign super exciting to show you guys today a little while ago Heather and I were off hiking we didn't bring the camera with us and we stumbled upon a Cave System of some kind a place where clearly somebody had settled down and built a house maybe stored animals or something like it's an entire cave living setup which is fascinating uh so today is Saturday we have the kids with us we're gonna go off and properly explore that cave dwelling but first we have some work to get done so we gotta dust these off yeah first yes we can get a clear picture of what they actually well it'll never it'll never look the same if I want to get them as close as possible so these existing beams are quite new in the last 10 years or so forgetting five years maybe even um and they were stains a color that doesn't quite match some of the other wood elements this right here once I clean the dust off of it it's just beautiful it's what caught our eye I think we've mentioned it several times before and just how beautiful the craftsmanship and the color of it was and I bought a lot of different stains and I would love to see if it's possible to stain these new Rafters new beams to be much closer to this so I think our plan is to go up to the Second Story rip off the floorboards and then basically attempt to stain from the top and try to match the color as close as possible if we find a color that we really like that matches better then we're going to go ahead and restain all of the existing beams all right the idea remove the floor right and then we can both see better yeah stain from the top down which is actually quite nice perfect they stay in the top I didn't expect them to okay [Music] all right so I have four different stains I'm gonna try all of them probably a mix of a couple different coats I have Noche Antico and noches which I believe is dark walnut and Antique Walnut I think it's gonna work the problem is is that I mean I think everyone knows it would probably be better to sand down the existing stain and start fresh but I really want to see if it's possible to find some kind of mixture that allows us to just stay over top of the existing stain oh great wow that's liquidy [Music] yeah that's not it I don't think so now no we'll see how it dries it looks like it's too thick I think um true it's almost more of like a like a paint yeah it doesn't allow the green to show through very well we'll see how it dries but straight away I think no that has potential that I think that's gonna be really good so our plan right now is to have the beams be a dark stain that kind of matches Us close to underneath the stairs as possible and then the floorboards that will be like our subfloor upstairs will be painted white so I think that will give a nice contrast and be kind of a mix between like the modern and The Rustic all right sorry lash dish oh no all right you gotta go back to IKEA I think that happens oh that's it oh for sure it's still like some of the Orange is still showing through I want to see if I wipe this off a little bit that just seems so much thicker to me it is it is too thick it doesn't show enough through because you want the the look of the wood to shine through I don't know if you can see it's still too Orange oh yeah you can see the three right here and so it is a bit orange we need it to be a bit more Brown it's a lot better though for sure I can I can mix the stains or find something that'll match but even if we were just using that which is that's the scooterol noches I would be happy with that we should try one where I stand down the existing one and see although I don't even want to try that because the amount of work that would be required on the rest of the house I know you don't want that to be the answer right you need to find something easier than that [Music] I hate to break it to you but no that looks pretty good I don't know I refuse to sample the beans and why did we try um I don't feel you need a lot of dry first to see if it's a drastic difference between the two yeah um it's certainly not in you have more of a texture change than a color change so it's not exactly the same matching that will never match it because it's two different wood species but I really think just one one coat uh what is this the noches over top of the existing stain makes a dramatic difference it makes it look a lot better I made perfume what did you use to make your perfume what I found no come here and tell me I don't want to go I have to help Daddy work okay so there's this pretty purple flower look at the Petals of the pretty purple flower and so is this really soft plant that smelled so good and I put it in yellow flowers that's about all ah you're really just going for it now aren't you well I just wanted to make sure it's funny because the the color that looks that you see on cameras quite a bit different than what you see in real life it's not perfect but it is much better [Music] so we are extremely blessed to live in an area that is just littered with hiking trails all of these valleys and leaning up into the surrounding mountains are just covered in hundreds of kilometers of hiking trails hiking is something that we've been trying to do more and more as our Escape and to get in shape because I'm out of breath so Heather and I have been trying to have a hiking day once a week it's been a little interrupted the last few weeks from non-stop rain but today we're trying to ignore the rain we've chosen to leave our rain jackets at home and we're going to plow through and get this hike in no matter what happens [Music] one of the reasons that we picked this area is because there's a lot of good hiking around the Stone House we haven't really been able to take advantage of it I think Brady mentioned Like Mondays we've been trying to have a day where we walk around and explore a little bit more but when you just are in the work it's easy to forget like why are we doing this why are we here right now like we can't travel we can't go back and see our families like we're not living at the Stone House so it's it can be really challenging but on days like this where we can just go for a walk as a family enjoy the spring the nature everything is just kind of shooting up with life it's just so pretty peaceful and it's a good reminder of like why we're doing this part so occasionally on these Trails you do walk by Stone Terraces other people's other donkeys so as I was saying occasionally you will walk by these Old Stone Terraces just like we have throughout our property and that's because all of these paths lead to other little homes in the area and these were all old mule paths they were the uh the roads through the mountains they were the way that they would have carried their their produce and supplies and everything to live their lives through the mountains from City to city and from house to house a lot of the Old Stone houses in Italy are completely only accessible through hiking which definitely makes them extra special in my opinion but because they are not reachable by cars most of them kind of get lost in time they're are just hundreds and thousands of houses if you just go hiking through these trails that you will eventually come upon they're called baitha or stone cabins in the mountains and the majority of them have just been lost to time and I'm looking for a big cave oh girls this is it wow so we made a house all right this is it wow we can it used to be someone's home yep no one lives here now so this is what we found earlier we haven't explored it too much but they took a natural opening in the cave and then took surrounding rocks and built up a facade for the front of the house with the doorway and everything leading inside of the cave system what does this look like what does it remind you of the Stone House so it's the same kind of stones they use the same it's the same slate they use the same process of chiseling it out it looks the same and then after they stack them up in the same way they put that same lime mortar over top of it wow you can even see down to the little Pebbles that they used in the mortar it's exactly the same the only difference is look at how they use the existing cave structure so all this is is one wall that kind of has a front of their house with a door but it's the same construction style it's just that the cave provided the other three walls naturally should we go in and look check it out so naturally it is a little creepy coming in here oh wow girls look at this now give it a shot this is this is incredible it's just a little room almost like looks like they might have slept up here like I feel like maybe they had a fire down here it would sleep up here because you wouldn't put animals up the stairs I wouldn't think I really don't I think they probably lived in this bit because it looks the most like a house and the animals were probably around the corner yeah we'll go around and explore the other side so this reminds me so much of the caves and turkey that we explored in Cappadocia oh my goodness this is full of caves that people lived in you know so so long ago this reminds me of that and it's really really fascinating really really cool they built this external wall here but then this is also a wall that was built I have to block off a room from the rest of the cave and it's kind of just kind of been opened up probably from people just exploring oh that's where the fire was so this was the fireplace right here I can hear someone back there water dripping oh yeah [Music] fancy people yeah [Music] so after talking to one of our neighbors who has been out this way before it seems like this Cave System kind of goes pretty deep inside you can actually have someone take you through a tour which I would not do by myself because there's some pretty narrow passageways to get through not something I'm willing to mess around with right now but I don't I really don't know the history I don't know if they just stored animals here if they lived here it seems like it's too built up just for animals on camera all of the rocks look green but it's literally just the reflection of the grass from outside so they're just the reflection of the sun off the grass making the caves look green in here doesn't it look like staring into a throat with a giant tonsil oh which is currently dripping pretty we're trying to teach our children to face their fears not imagine more scary things the mouth of the cave yeah oh wow it's like uh what's in a Aladdin but what's the you know the cave guy the Cave of Wonders yeah Diamonds in the Rough are you the diamond in the Ruff Alexa all right let's go [Music] this is cool Alexa DC the black ceiling yeah good job remembering so there are quite a few other small little caves and you can see that they were used at least for some kind of habitation because the the roofs are charred with the the smoke of the fire cave floors oh man this one's a little a little creepy it just makes me wonder like what's living inside of here all right that one that one freaks me out I'm not good in that one okay last cave just because it's really fascinating this one's fairly small doesn't go back very far but look at this tree that's just kind of overcome all the odds and it's growing up beautifully along the side of the cave in this cave there's still a a fire pit here I doubt anybody would mind you coming up here and having a a picnic and starting a fire and getting out of the rain this definitely is a pretty pretty unique spot I don't know if we're capturing it very well but it goes on just very far up and uh to uh too steep to climb with the kids today so I think we're gonna call it quits and head back to the Stone House foreign I think it's ready can we pick it we picked our first strawberries let's wash it yeah actually wash it we're gonna try it it looks pretty good we're gonna try our food it might be a little sour still yeah but it's just crazy to think that we're gonna try our first like a food that we've grown that's so cool that's really cool isn't it well look how good these plants are doing yeah everything's doing so much I can't believe we have a strawberry all right Alexa there you go I'm not gonna eat it yet I'm gonna wait yeah okay Mommy okay thank you all right all right we ready [Music] oh my God oh my girl strawberry it's I think it's still a little sour like I like him like that um but we did it we grew some strawberries high five Chloe Mommy we didn't kill him [Music] all right can you show me what you're making I have a bunch of Dot and I stick a bunch of rocks together make a walk like a rainbow rock s perfect petals so Heather yeah I have something to show you oh yeah yeah okay it's up at the pond okay okay I'm nervous anytime you say you have something to show me it's like I'm really nervous okay yeah let's go see it all right let's go you know I'm falling all day so as mentioned it has been raining non-stop for like two weeks now and I've noticed some waterfalls popping off in different places where there wasn't a waterfall before and with all that extra rain water coming down the our little our little spring and Pond we made is doing quite well [Music] we have a waterfall [Applause] whoa no way also look at the color of the water oh my God yeah but this actually is very good yeah so it's not that bad actually it's naturally good so that falls down it will always go down and this will always go out of the leaf because if the leak's not fair then this will fill up to the whole entire wall like what's cool is there's so much water running down here and this was the original river that they built you could wall that off and fill this all up as well I have two uh we could have a cold tub and a hot tub I would jump in there well thank you so much for watching and supporting us the last couple of weeks we've gotten a lot of comments and even emails questions of how do we watch your videos in order or even strangely why haven't you made a video in the last three or four months and unfortunately that's kind of just the way that YouTube operates YouTube will only show you what it thinks you want to watch or what it wants you to watch so unless you are actively going to our playlist to to watch that's the only way to watch in order or to make sure you haven't missed a video so whether you're watching on your phone or your laptop or even your TV if you first search for raising voyagers then find our Channel you'll find a playlist that has every single video in the building series or you can watch from the beginning and our travel experience but if you select the videos that way through the playlist then every time you finish a video or maybe you've already seen when you just skip through and click next it'll show the very next video in order I don't know if that's helpful to anybody but there's been enough comments that I just wanted to address that that's just kind of how YouTube works always thank you so much for watching for following Along on our journey and we'll see you next week
Channel: Raising Voyagers
Views: 498,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raising Voyagers, Cave House, Stone House, Mountain, mountain cabin, stone cabin, italy, Italian alps, cabin in the alps, renovation, barn conversion
Id: ULM-faLvxqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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