How Do I Know If My Church Is A Cult?

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uh we're going to get into this right now so is my church a cult is your church difficult is that church a cult whom somebody is speaking of pointing fingers you know a new young guy comes into town begins to shake the town with a fire of god is that now a cult because that's the only tag name and only thing that insecure ministers can label somebody or a church that is on fire now i'm not saying they are not christian cults they are most definitely christian cults and i can begin to mention and name them to you right now which this is not my job to tonight i don't do that you get sects you get apostates apostates is like the mormon church okay so i want to clarify this right from the beginning no move of god [Music] no revival has ever sprung up without being called a cult i'm going to say it again no move of god has ever sprung up without being called a cult pastor andy du casa bless you thank you pastor andy um all the way from south coast or manchester i believe if you are still there uh bless your pastor andy how do we know if a church is a cult tonight so i'm gonna get through a short teaching very powerful so you know what is witchcraft in the church and number two i'm going to give you 15 signs of a christian cult 15 signs if this science is an encounter i want you to leave us if this science is uh found in out and i'm not even giving this to you to go and reach out with your church that's not my job that's some american preachers that usually do that stuff and write to books and you know i don't believe that as i don't want to do that i don't want to stir up anybody to come against the local church i'm very strong in standing with a local church i don't uh i'm very strong i would i would i would i would i would um i would come against any church split and um uh uh so rosa's asking a very good question there sometimes my spirit gets unsettled uncomfortable with certain teachers and ministers so rosa i'm going to answer you on that question because i want to touch on discernment a lot of people try to use discernment to judge a church which is not right discernment is given to us to guide us [Music] so i'm going to help you with that because a lot of people you know they went even on tv with us and said no you know i just feel i just discerned this as a this is a uh this is not a good church only honest this or that by what measuring stick by your god or my god or the god of the bible lord what what god are we now touching on you everybody has a revelation of god everybody has a different limitation and an understanding of god believe it or not the way you understand this book is determined by your past experiences your past life what has been indoctrinated into you what importation you have whom you're standing in association with there's so many factors that makes you discern that's why we can never go on discernment to see whether a church is true or not there's a certain level of authority a certain measuring stick that god uses to see for people to see if somebody is true or not and let me tell you something it's not the word of god i'm gonna say it again it's not the word of god now for you to understand this um heretical statement i just made you need to stick till the end of tonight's teaching because otherwise you're going to end up judging me and god's going to judge you because you're going to end up judging me for um for uh a 4-4-4 um for not understanding because i will put into context what i just said now i'm going to use the same thing again because this bible is different to any person now where do we begin to get the measuring stick to control on how someone interprets this word to use to judge a church this is where christianity now gets very tricky in south africa we are in a pivotal time where you know they are christianity is under attack and the church is in such disunity i say listen everybody will differ with small doctrines it doesn't mean you are a sect or a cult it doesn't mean that as long as the foundational orthodox doctrines is in place what is that jesus christ is lord what is that i believe the rapture is one of them that's debatable but that's fine that doesn't matter uh the trinity uh the the salvation of a believer the destiny of a believer the baptism of the holy spirit eternal judgment eternal fire eternal donation or eternal um heaven as our destiny predestination these are things that is doctrinal foundation the baptism of the believer the resurrection of the dead the laying on of hands in hebrews chapter number six uh repentance uh from dead works [Music] do you not discern a church by their fruits very good question because adriano i'm gonna what you're saying is very good i'm gonna take everything and i'm gonna tell you i use five or six things to measure because we cannot only say discernment we cannot only say let's go by the bible we cannot only say fruits you have to lay the foundation the devil can also have fruits and the devil can't have fruits the devil can affluence not for a long time so so so jesus gave on how to descend whether prophet is true or false uh but that's a prophet that's not doctrine then the bible explains what to do about doctrine uh how about when the person tells a generation he knows exactly the year of the rapture did he say the date because if he believes he knows exactly the year of the rapture again i don't know if that's in reference to me or to somebody else it doesn't matter i can say to you i believe i know when the other rapture is that's not false but if i tell you the date do you know what it's also not false it's only false when it doesn't come to pause and it is uh it is uh the bible says we should know when the rapture is i'm going to say it again paul said we should know when the rapture is paul said it we have just read the scripture wrong our whole lives and earth preachers preached another way but i do not believe let me let me clarify i do not believe in date setters i do believe in season setters not date setters so i will say we are in the seas of the rapture closer than ever before whether it's this year whether it is 2027 i have my calculations and that is for me and i can tell people i kind of like feel i know i have pointers that i believe it is but i don't believe it is we should preach any date setting because that does do damage to people so that's my answer okay so so let's get into this is my church a cult is your church a cult how do we differentiate how do we know first of all we need to begin to understand witchcraft and what is witchcraft in the church let me let me let me let me explain that witchcraft is mostly overt in an overt form almost known for the overt form how can i put it in a in in better words we think of witchcraft as black magic we think of witchcraft as curses being sent on us and etc some somebody's saying i don't know what the rapture is oh no i know i need you to go to get our app encounter now please go listen to our end time teachings over the rapture every believer must know the rapture every believer must know but that is that you must know about that is our looking for that is that our whole belief is about that christianity so i want to encourage you in our encounter now at one word encounter now we have all those series is there for you it's a small monthly subscription you can watch everything for free everything is there for free so listen we we know witchcraft as an overt form overhead form is uh overt i don't know how to explain it over it uh it is like uh you know somebody doing something physically to you but witchcraft also comes in what we call a covert form it comes underground subtle i i i trust everybody's with me so i'm gonna carry on the the if we look at the word witchcraft in the english there's three main words for it which which which explains witchcraft in our english language that is number one the word witchcraft number two divination and number three sorcery number one witchcraft number two divination and number three sorcery we need to look at those three words to understand uh witchcraft in the church now no guys i'm not here to discuss the the rapture okay so please i'm going to discuss rapture i'm on this subject and you can ask me any question on this subject now the rapture i said we have it in our encounter now app witchcraft divination sorcery the definition of witchcraft basically it is satanic power this is satan's way of imposing his will on your will against your will it's satan imposing his will on your will against your will uh it's when he imposes emotions circumstances behaviors upon people it's a power witchcraft is a power that comes through curses and the root of witchcraft the essence of witchcraft is words okay that's witchcraft let's get down to the nation what is divination divination is fortune telling divination is fortune telling divination is prediction remember uh uh remember [Music] divineness of fortune tellers by prediction prophets operate in both prediction and or let me use these words forth telling and foretelling forth telling is decreeing and speaking the word of the lord foretelling is prediction okay very important to understand this so if you see a prophet that is just predicting just predicting but never decreeing the word of the lord it borders on divination prediction is very easy for prophets because their spirit should be sharpened anyway to predict okay so so divination is a fortune telling it's predicting a future or in a significant way but it it comes down to the probability of chance usually most of the time then of course you have divining spirits and familiar spirits that also works with divination okay uh a lot of divination can be found in church i have a rule as a prophet myself even if i was not a prophet this rule would still apply no me as a minister no one lays hands on me or prophesies over me unless i know you very well i give you the permission to because there's no greater way for divination to be imposed upon a person as it is through the gift of prophecy or by the mosque of prophecy is terrorist card reading divination yeah yeah that's the we don't want to touch on that because that's common sense obviously guys so so that's common sense i'm i'm touching on a subject that is masked in christianity witchcraft people speaking words on one another is just with divination coming in the form of the prophetic way it's borders more on just prediction and no no no inspiration inspired of god no authority no wait no decree you see a diviner can predict a prophet can create and give the word of the lord [Music] and i can get into so many samples examples with that you know i was prophesying laws at night over a couple in church i said i see you building a second garage now they didn't have a microphone or anything to confirm so obviously everybody thinks that leona's propheton is a false prophet or leona's a false prophet and and i'm saying i'm seeing you building a second garage i even i'm looking and i'm seeing like albertan i'm seeing mayatan and then i'm saying i see you moving geographically this thing this thing will be signed i kept saying it kept saying it kept saying it they came to me after the service they said yesterday they found the site [Music] in the not made in sorry another place mayo where i where the location i have then they then they said to me this morning they're discussing the contract if they should do it or not the evening i'm prophesying it over them now you tell me if divination now now people you know now first when they find out okay we are not cold reading or hot reading then they're like okay it must be a familiar spirit you're trying so hard to disprove god that when you get to heaven you're going to try to disprove heaven as well why don't you try to prove god in all your disproving you know it's cold reading hot reading it's this is that it's a mentalism do you know do you know how you must train to be a mentalist and then they use this this this one guy darren brown from from the uk anyway let me tell you if you as a minister think that that is what prophets are doing you have lost it there is no inspiration on that no inspiration that's mentalism [Music] the fbi can do mentalism the prophetic carries an anointing and an inspiration that causes a word to come to pass the bible says if a prophet speaks a word a prophecy and it comes to pass as he says it fear that prophet [Music] very simple and then it says if a prophet does speaks a word and it doesn't come to pass do not fear that prophet so do you know what if somebody prophesies and it comes to pause and there's a track record i fear that prophet i'll leave him alone because he can even be a miserable prophet he can be a jonah prophet he can be you know he can be a muslim but it can be it can be like elisha that cursed the children and said the best must come and eat up the kids [Music] who was right there i bet you elijah was wrong yet god yet it happened [Music] prophets are dangerous people they don't even want to use the authority they carry [Music] trust me is my church records i'm laying a foundation witchcraft witchcraft which shaft in the church okay witchcraft in the church let me explain the definition quote unquote what is witchcraft and you can write this down wherever you are i need you to remember this because let me tell you this spirit is lurking in the church more than you can imagine i've seen the spirit lurking in probably 70 to 80 of the churches i've preached in many of you you're men of god is doing it to you your pastors your teachers your evangelists your apostles your prophets they're doing it to you and you're so under the power of witchcraft you have lost your own will you have lost control we're going to get you please i'm not a witch i'm not actually one of those people that are doing this to to catch people i'm doing this to you to protect yourself and that you can say is encountered a cult or not let's get out of there i think i'm the most least controlling pastor ever whether you leave or come i couldn't care less the only thing that hurts inside of me is that i have a shepherd so i'm a prophet but i have a church as well so there's a shepherd's art in me that if somebody is being taken by a wolf it really does hurt me and i will do everything to try to get them back but if somebody goes because it's their own will and they really just want to maybe they're not fitting in you know what it doesn't it doesn't bother me gold falling out of here and also appearing in bibles during certain church services is that from god well lucinda you see everybody is trying to find out what is of god and what is of the devil even if the devil gives me gold i'll be happy it can i can fall out of this bible the gold right now it can fall out of this bible it can uh it can uh fall out of the sky jewels i've heard meetings there with jewels i've never had jewelry but let me tell you i've been in two meetings with gold the one meeting i was preaching with a friend of mine in ministry and he can attest to this both of us i remember we were standing it was about a thousand people and we took our jackets and we began to run and swing our jacket and the power of god fell over a thousand people maybe somebody here has been in that meeting and gold began to fall on people in the uh in the aisles cold on their faces on their hands i have seen pictures pictures of gold i think it was in the maldonados church many years ago many many years ago they had to bear to push gold out of the gold uh i'm speaking of gold dust they out of the way people would walk in it would like it would like spray all over and an hour later it'll be gone you see the sherkinah you need to understand the shekinah glory if you want to touch on gold dust the shekinah glory comes and it goes if that gold stays then you can take it to a shop to go and sell it it's not from god according to my understanding my revelation i might be wrong but how i know it the shekinah comes it is heaven where the bible says that the streets are covered in dust and gold of the in gold dust okay it's the shekinah coming into the physical and let me tell you many people try to limit miracles and limit god and limit the supernatural by this word it's never been designed for that this word is there to express god not to limit him i know many teachers will disagree with me with this i'm also not saying everything just goes of course you must have discernment but there's a way to have discernment that we're going to get into the end of this message now this is the definition of witchcraft quote unquote quotes unquote there was gold dust in accountants intuition oh definitely i was preaching on oil was on people's hands and their faces the last few weeks on live stream and in the church okay the thing is people are like oh this is the devil and reason would the devil do that for everybody's like but why would god do it okay but let why would the devil do it why to deceive you so that you can believe more than god makes no sense makes no sense okay so the definition of witchcraft quote unquote [Music] quote unquote it is tricking or making you do something which you don't want to do against your conscience for someone else's benefit or let me say it like this witchcraft is quote unquote it is i me tricking you or making you do something which you don't want to do against your own conscience for my benefits unquote that is the definition of witchcraft so you need to understand this as we may as we go and venture into into the next things we're going to get into the three legs of witchcraft just before that let us just go to a verse let us just go to a verse let's first go to galatians 5 19. galatians chapter number 5 verse number 19. galatians 5 verse 19. [Music] galatians 5. no i'm joking no no no no no it's somewhere we'll find it now five verse here it is sorry sometimes i like write the wrong scriptures on my ipad so just let's go it's probably by this one here [Music] oh abby's father's 21 [Music] where am i now sorry i'm like in ephesians no wonder i'm like reading something that it makes absolutely no sense to me sorry galatians my apologies guys galatians galatians sorry you know why i thought why i i thought i was reading galatians there galatians 5 19. listen to this this is paul speaking galatians 5 19. galatians 5 is 19. now the works of the flesh it doesn't say the works of the spirit or the works of the spiritual realm is saying the works of the flesh are evident which is adultery fornication and all of us know those are sins of the flesh uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery i want you to understand that sorcery that word sorcery is what we call witchcraft [Music] let me let me let me get into something else also said [Music] galatians 5 19. [Music] let me let me read it out of the king james it'll be a bit better to explain what i want to bring through now the works of the flesh are evident or manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness viciousness idolatry remember i said to you sorcery here it says witchcraft hatred variance emulations strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunkards likes which i tell you they will not see the kingdom of god now he's saying the works of the flesh is this witchcraft so i want you to see it like this i'm speaking about christian bishop because we're gonna touch down is my church i called or not [Music] okay profit awareness the next level prophetic is your training level one i don't know i think maybe only like uh end of the year or next year unless if you are a partner or if you are a um gsom student then you can get into this level three then it'll become your level one but listen to this witchcraft is a work of the flesh this tells us you don't have to fly on a broom at night or conjure up spirits to perform witchcraft there's another way of witchcraft called christian witchcraft i'm going to get now to is my church of colton let's go to galatians chapter number 3 verse 1 paul having an altercation with the galatians church with the spirit of witchcraft galatians chapter number three verse one he says this o foolish galatians o foolish galatians who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth o foolish galatians who has bewitched you who has put witchcraft upon you that you have now gone from grace back into the law you have gone from believing in christ he was speaking to jews here and uh uh you speak well it's kind of like a mixture of jews and gentiles and and uh you know some were coming there and said no no they had to get circumcised and paul called them the the butchers and he said listen yeah i've given you the liberty of the spirit who has come to you bewitched you put a spell on you to make you think you need to now do works again to earn salvation i have told you and i've given you this liberty of foolish galatians who must be with you the word bewitched in the greek means the three things it means number one to flatter to flatter means to speak praises to somebody that you don't really mean and the bible says that flattery is when you speak that when you flat to somebody you have murderous intent for them in their arts i have seen that with a lot of people around me when they would begin to flutter me is the beginning of the end for them they were just their personality would just change galatians chapter number three verse one they perc they perse personality would just change a little bit their behavior their communication just a little bit into flattery and praising false praising and then all of a sudden they would uh uh they would flat false praise and then i know there's something this murderous intent why that flattery comes out because they're trying to convince themselves [Music] that they are not against you so flattered as a form of witchcraft in the church the second meaning of the word bewitched means to cast an evil eye upon somebody which means you become a christian which when you just give somebody an evil look an evil eye and let me tell you prophets know how that evil i look like we can see it from the pulpit past this kant that's why we have to teach them on these things pastors and teachers and so on because they cannot discern it they look at that evil eye and they get discouraged they think the person doesn't like them we as a prophet know there's a jezebel spirit that is here there's a witchcraft here [Music] and you deal with that same person that's what you deal with the witch what does the bible say how you deal with it which suffer a witch not to live kill a witch so what do we do with christian witches we kill them i speak spiritually you make sure that absalom spirit their head is cut off because if you don't cut off that head it's going to cut your head i'm going to get there now to explain to you i'm speaking spiritually you must kill the spirit of witchcraft the moment it tries to get into your church how do you kill it well me as a prophet i address it in front of everyone [Music] because the first sign that jezebel is present is that power leaves your church and power leaves your mouth you no longer have the authority like you used to have two or three weeks ago preaching [Music] it means jezebel is reasonable but that's not for now that i'm going to preach maybe next week on we'll speak about the jezebel and the jezebel and the luciferian spirits jezebel and uh and uh ayap okay and luciferian spirit uh i wanna touch now on is the church a cult and the third meaning of the word bewitch means to cast a spell by words that you speak to somebody evil of the minister about another christian brother or so you put words on them you're casting a spell you are a christian witch so so let's get into how do i know if my church is a cult [Music] um you know [Music] samuel said [Music] to sold these words he said for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry rebellion is witchcraft stubbornness is iniquity and idolatry idolatry is witchcraft serving another god rebellion means this quote unquote i will not do it i won't what is rebellion i say to somebody um your e-group must finish at 8 30. i will not do it i won't that's rebellion that's disobedience that means you have just become a witch stubbornness quote unquote what is that stubbornness i'll do it in my own way i'll do what you're saying but i'll do it my way who's saying that song i'll do it my way you know uh uh somebody i don't know who that was but it was somebody um uh what's his name i'll do it my way uh [Music] somebody will know i hope people are still with me i hope you are with me i hope you are with me is my church a cult [Music] is the church that everybody is pointing their finger to is it a cult frank sinatra that's right i'll do it my way somebody's saying usher no no no if if i think what you mean by uh yes frank sinatra i'll do it in my way so that's the words of which that's the words of stubbornness many fathers many husbands are stubborn men are stubborn what is it witchcraft witchcraft [Music] so so so so listen to this so witchcraft has three legs eh three legs manipulation domination intimidation i'm gonna say it again manipulation domination intimidation where you get into a place whether it is a family whether it is a church wherever it is and you sense manipulation or you see manipulation in domination and intimidation you must know satanism is there witchcraft is at work there i don't care if it's an indian church an afm church live in the word church the doctor dave church even an encounter of church sabrange have i sensed these things in our church of course and then i deal with it you have to have authority to deal with these things and you must deal with it with authority you see ahab could not deal with jezebel because jezebel will always subvert legitimate godly authority bring it down and replace itself as an illegitimate authority promoting itself revelation where jesus said uh in revelation i think it's chapter number three this woman jezebel uh i will not why have you tolerated this woman jezebel who calls herself a prophetess so she removed godly authority and put herself up there now this is not anybody that has a title a prophet or prophetess for goodness sake somebody said to me so who called you at prophet i said nobody called me sorry somebody said who made you a prophet i said nobody made me a prophet there only god makes prophets no one else no one else and god defends his prophets god vindicates his prophets [Music] how do you cut off their heads you must learn to be around the prophets like i said to you there's obviously a variety of ways prayer spiritual warfare those things but i don't believe it in that i believe and confront if that spirit is very strong i deal with it really very face to face and that devil the person might not even know what's happening what am i saying but that devil in them knows [Music] jezebel would want to make you run [Music] okay so where there's manipulation domination and intimidation you must know the devil is near you see where i've seen manipulation domination intimidation operating is where god has not given somebody authority i've seen pastors operating the spirits under the power of a spirit of manipulation intimidation or domination because they don't really have legitimate authority so they must resort to the tactics of manipulation intimidation and domination to really keep the people in check to control the congregation to say you're not allowed to go into any other church unless you ask my permission let me tell you i have not died for god's people my blood was not shed for them and i don't want to take responsibility for them quite frankly they do not belong to me i will i will i will steward them and it's a privilege but that is as far as it goes they do not belong to me they are not my people and i haven't died for them if they choose to go to another church that's their story pastors try to keep people in their church by the tactics of manipulation intimidation and domination because it's the only way they can because they don't have legitimate authority so they have to resort to those tactics and the mind games and they begin to now control the people and the people who are weak are being controlled now we're getting to a cult now we're beginning to touch on a cult okay i said i'm going to end up by giving you 15 signs of a cult we'll get there now let me first explain to you or um how can i say it uh uh just to give you a definition what is manipulation what is manipulation [Music] is it wrong to go to more than one church no i don't think it is wrong i do i just don't think it is it is it is wise you know at churches the the bible makes it very clear that uh in the book of ephesians that uh you know a church is synonymous to a family so if i have my children i would love for them to live by me not live in two houses until they're old enough for so so it's a family so you must see it as a family and then number two you must see it as you can you know otherwise loyalties are divided always because the one will say one thing against what the other one is saying and it's gonna cause confusion so it's always good to give yourself to one vision and the bible is very pro to being planted in the local church and then we get something called house rules house rules is not to be mistaken for for um uh religion or or or legalism or anything like there's no house rules for example if my daughters are not allowed to jump on chairs but another family's tortoise is allowed to jump on chess it's house rules it's not control so that is how we need to see the church that is i mean please explain more about mind games i have a whole teaching on that guys i think it is up somewhere or i'll do it on a later time uh okay so dom so manipulation this is what manipulation means manipulation says i'll trick you into doing things my way i will trick you into doing things my way manipulation is a covert in nature it's undercover [Music] okay it's undercover it's subtle [Music] how many posts does the manipulator it's subtle [Music] how can i use what example can i use what example can i use um [Music] you know the bank just took our car but it's okay um you know we don't believe in material things we're just trusting the lord we're just praying we you know my wife and i will be praying we're trusting the lord for a car but he knows that you can afford a car for him what is it now manipulation it's it's it's it's it's uh it's under cover i'm still near my walk and i'm looking way to be planted is that wrong absolutely not adriano absolutely not so sorry obviously i'd say there's a balance to everything so you must find the place where you belong i grew up in a church that was prophet manipulation domination intimidation the things that i would i would ask a lot of questions to my grandfather which was hard for him to answer so so so manipulation and i'm going to bring your balance to this thing because i'm not yet to put people on a witch hunt and for all of you to go question your past and not at all quite the country quite the country those who do it are also in a legitimate authority they know witchcraft split it and i must speak of questioning out of innocent questioning i'm speaking questioning that's coming from an evil place [Music] i okay [Music] searching where you feel comfortable is is uh is is very normal but as karen is saying i'm bo i'm four years born again still searching karen so uh obviously you can be in regions and countries in some ways very difficult there might not be a church and i understand that but i would advise you to they are very good there are a lot of good churches and remember a church will never meet your needs and it must never meet your needs it will be too comfortable a church is there for you to submit to worship god and that is it there will always be things that you disagree with but people who do not submit in a local church they get deceived they get deceived so i always said like this you can choose what church you want to be and if people say i don't want to be encountered i feel more comfortable at dogs a day or i'll be like please go to doctor dayo i don't want you here you don't want to be here it's going to be all awkward so go to where you want you know it's like flying to america you can choose saa well not anymore you can choose what flights or the delta you can choose emirates you can choose all these you know what you're still going to the same destination you will just have a different service that's all can you stand livestream why should be in the church is preferably to be in a church but if a livestream is all that there is that's fine but don't go to a wrong church just because you need to go to a church stay in a livestream and like us we encourage people to start group start e-group start you know uh and get connected to the fellowship of believers where they can all over but we are in an age where it's digital now okay so the laws and the rules of the game is changing but let's get back to this let's get back to the service manipulation says i'll trick you into doing the things my way domination says this i'll make you i will force you to do things my way i'll make you you don't want to listen i will make you do it my way so if you don't do it my way guess what you are fired if you don't do it my way you know uh people say my way or the highway parents kevin and then you love our church we speak in tongues and we deliver members we did over 1200 deliverances just in our just church our church i'm not speaking of my travel ministry will ecc spread more throughout essay example muscle by we need there actually i muscle by that area plate muscle by george uh because we are just busy planting now or busy slowly in in cape town but we want to spread it if there's available believers people you just get online our moderators are on it'll make contact with you you get discipled online through the vision and with blonde churches that's our usa a full campus got planted they got their building now got planted kruger's dog got planted like that that's a full-fledged church so um uh so so so you must trust that israel to lead you in the right church that's right so domination says i'll make you i'll force you to do things my way so domination is not covert it's overt it's an attacking domination is putting people in fear now we would think that domination is the worst one it's not intimidation is intimidation the third leg of witchcraft intimidation [Music] says i'll scare you into doing the things my way [Music] now touch the satanic very big i've seen people would look at kids just by look in their eyes they scare that kid just by look they intimidate that kid or they'll go to a kid rape them or do something and say if you speak out i will kill your parents what are they doing they're intimidating [Music] [Music] kenny says there's nobody in cape town doing deliverance well we got we sent steve from bhuta he's there he can do deliverance we can do deliverance and once he's getting going he's already going i think he had already at the first night like 35 people you know the first night without planning without advertising or anything like that we have a lot of people in cape town and uh you know we'll come down as teams to assist and so on and and we'll do as the holy ghost leads intimidation says i'll scare you into doing things my way the occult the satanic cult operates in in scare tactics i was in a church i won't mention the name or anything and the poster operated under intimidation so much so that people would fear to even talk to him because it was the only way and please i am not speaking of my former church okay for people they are just getting things in their minds not at all i'm speaking from when i was very young where if people would would um would uh people would be so fearful just to speak to the poster because it was the only way who could control this crowd he didn't have legitimate authority from god what is legitimate authority it is not a name badge authority you don't have to you say we're nice we're nice when leaders complain and even staff and everybody uh this one doesn't listen to me that one doesn't listen to that you need to earn your authority when you operate only by delegated authority you operate on a very low level you need to earn people's trust earn their respect and earn authority and then you will have authority in their lives there are two things that gives you authority in people's lives number one you take responsibility for them and number two you love them those two things combined gives you now authority to speak into their lives that authority becomes legitimate i can give you delegated authority but the people will just be like ah screw you i'm not gonna listen to you because it's delegated doesn't matter yes i can force them and say shut up you must listen to this one this one as a leader or this or that and and they'll do it for my sake but it's not real leaders and anybody that has been given a position of authority must earn that right must earn the people's trust let's earn their respect [Music] otherwise it's not a real authority you must how did i learn i began to wash my my disciples feet when i started off in ministry then i served them i loved them i prayed them for many years now i have authority to speak into their lives so there is an intimidation [Music] intimidation so this positive you know this is so intimidating and i remember the one day i faced him after many years i was set free everything delivered already preaching the one day i faced him and i began to shake as i was standing in front of him and i remember shaking like you know when you're like intimidated when you're scared of somebody now i'm not speaking of the fear of god and the anointing that's where i have to bring a balance eh because when the anointing is strong on somebody you will you will also be intimidated but it is not an intimidation that is in a form of witchcraft [Music] so so uh uh thank you pastor andy saying this is a good teachings and i remember coming into the presence of this pastor and he began and his mouth opened it was so filled with satanic words and i'm speaking of tens of thousands of people there and i remember him turning away and i was alone and i was like my my mouth dried up i mean i'm already delivered and the lord said to me you are submitting to the spirit of intimidation that when that man operates a demon goes from him onto the person he speaks to a spirit of fear and intimidation dominates that person intimidates them so that he can have authority and illegitimate authority you see illegiti authority is not the volume of your voice authority simply says to a devil leave this man now and the devil will go lack of authority will scream and nothing will happen and i remember the positive baptism began to talk to me and that spirit left off because of the revelation i just got to god speaking to me and i just smiled and greeted and hugged him and the man was angry but it wasn't him i knew there was a spirit that was binding him i hope i hope everybody is still with me there was a spirit that was binding him and and many of them will do this for the rest of their lives and the people that will be by them are people that will be able to be controlled manipulated and intimidated now dominated now i need to say this that um there's a flip side to the coin we can't take and be now witch hunters and try to now go to every poster and just say no because we're going to get to the cult now you know christianity works in innocence and purity don't always try to look for something bad you will find something bad some people said i am not with you i'm not with you either now i'm joking clinton i'm joking uh good to hear from good to see you um just stay with me remember guys so i'm speaking kind of like a lot of revelation and uh encounter people will understand me there's a flip side to the coin when you move an anointing i've been under anointing where i would be fasting 21 days 40 days water i would be praying six seven hours a day in the spirits anybody that would get close to me would shake would not be able to talk that's the anointing that's the power but there's nothing in me of manipulating or intimidating or anything it's a legitimate authority anybody can sense somebody with a legitimate authority when we are deceived we can then see those who have legitimate authority and we can think they are wrong or they are occult and this is what i want to get to is how do i know if my church is a cult allen says you're all cults big cults big white cults well ellen hunt i don't know where you are that probably sounds like american eye i'm sad that you are a cult i mean that you think you are a cult i'm sad for you i'm sad for your family and i'm sad for any any any hurting situation you've had because you see what people don't understand the way we speak and say is through the lenses we see so what comes out of a man's mouth is what is in his heart but it is according to his lenses and perception distortion of of of deception okay maybe a person has been hurt guess what a woman that has been abused and sexually abused by a man at a young age will always fear man and always see man through a certain lens unless they get healing and deliver it same situation so as a prophet i always have to go through all all all the abuse from people and this and that and this and that why do you think god blesses prophets because i can tell you now a post we got pastor andy onya is a pastor in his own right and i'm sure we have a lot of other men of god and so on you know people don't speak against pastors people love posters they love teachers call yourself a prophet dear god i mean i promise you know i can put pasta down in front of my name everything will be fine for the next year [Music] that is why god blesses prophets because he knows that they're suffering for his sake for his message and for the word that he's speaking he's saying to a prophet tell this to the people the prophet tells that to the people and the people stone the prophet why do you think god blesses prophets it's like us what do you call it it's a a severance pay or um what do you call it um when you have like when you're doing a dangerous job and you lose a finger or something they have they call it a severance play i think but it's like that's what god does with prophets and that is why prophets carry prosperity paul says in us is death so that life may be in you [Music] it's very important doesn't matter how you've been hurt angie they're very important to get in never paint all churches with the same brush there is a church out there but i want to say this danger pay that's why danger pay so profits gets danger pay that's a good message now um remember this we will always find something bad if somebody's looking for something bad or wrong in encounter they're going to find it [Music] so it comes back to our perception we need to be forgive let go that you're never going to find a perfect church [Music] you're never gonna find a perfect church now as much as a church this witchcraft and pastors can manipulate you guess what [Music] you can also manipulate pastors and i'm very tired to say i'm very tired of people just saying ah this which this boss is a false prophet this one is witchcraft this one is manipulating us this one let's get to church members manipulating pastors church members intimidating pastors or prophets or ministers church members controlling ministers it's a it's this thing it's it's it's a it's a it takes two to tango okay so it's very easy remember the bubble says um a wolf in sheep's clothing it doesn't say a wolf in shepherd's clothing a wolf in sheep's clothing so where is the wolf the ministers no somebody made a whole thing on me on facebook that i'm a wolf and then it was apparently uh you know they thought uh me and uh uh mark grincom were fighting then they said two prophets two wolves fighting two prophets at war fighting uh listen here first of all the scripture that speaking of wolf is speaking of you not us we are the shepherd you are the sheep so the wolf comes in sheep's clothing not shepherd's clothing it's a two-way street this one my husband philip and i was so blessed lost not an encounter we know that cults we know what cults are encounters not one but we don't honor you is true are awesome that is philip so that is the man that was speaking about who's who i was ministering to last night he said to me i don't like prophets but i like you so uh you guys are welcome you're in gsom and uh again the word that i gave you last night i can stand assured to you that is a true word of god before i knew anything before i knew anything some people know how to draw it out you know they said to me this after the service they said she uh the wife said to the husband [Music] because i i almost said something i shouldn't be saying we have regulations so um we were praying for the people okay and uh and they said don't know when he come let's get in our knees so that we can because they are hungry for the prophecy and the husband said no no not now when he gets closer we get on we get on our knees so that he can see or something like that you know now people would say that like it's got nothing to do with bowing in front of me or worship listen there's a difference between kneeling bowing and worshiping don't confuse those three you even got on your knees when you asked your wife to marry you does that mean she's your god now to some minute she is your god i believe that but listen uh so so so uh so so um uh uh you know there's a thing when a prophetic language when you get on your knees it just pulls something out of a prophet you can read it from genesis to revelation it's the language of the prophetic so they were just wise they got it i was just so pulled and i began to minister to them i've never made anybody bow in front of me never now listen to this what is a cult how do i know if i'm in a cult [Music] how do i know if i'm gonna call it what is a cult 15 signs of a cult i want to give it to you and you can write this down you can um the dog fell off there uh you can you can write this down uh i'm very sorry i don't i don't know what happened to you i'm very sorry what happened to you it shouldn't be like that [Music] it shouldn't be like that neil smith do you have a word for me and my church prophet neil i'm sure i can i don't want to focus on that now i don't have anything now because it's not my vein of thought but i can have and i can pray for you and when we meet again or when you're online again and the lord says with me i'll i'll share with you what's the difference in the prophecy all seers are prophets but not all prophets are cs jennifer leclaire she's good no other way around guys please please please very important very very very important i don't know jennifer leclaire never met her don't know what she says um i think it would it would determine or depend on the situation or in what way she said it but let me just correct that very important all seers are not prophets oh wait wait why do i white white white well it's sorry right now i don't want to contradict myself i just want to make sure because i taught on this yes listen all seers are not prophets [Music] but most prophets [Music] are serious i hope this makes sense if i have it wrong i'll go you can send me your stuff or so and i can check it out i told him maybe maybe i said the same but it's very important because seeing does not make you a prophet prophesying makes you a prophet obviously god makes you a prophet but i mean seeing you see let me tell you something elisha laid his hands on his servant and his eyes went open and he saw does that make him a prophet no it makes him a seer but i love jennifer leclaire i believe she's very good i would just need to read in the context of what it was said i've removed the last two months that i've ever grown in my life or any other church encountering problem bosses taught me or taught me so much god's presence is always awesome awesome awesome and get to church this sunday i'm going to see you this sunday sunday morning sunday night we had amazing services yesterday let's get to 15 signs of what is a cult what is a christian called top 15 signs of a christian cult now you might see some of these things in churches it doesn't mean that they are occult but if majority of what i'm saying to now is in a church they might be a christian cult [Music] okay so sign number one cult's belief this is the first sign of a cult cults believe that their vision is exclusive and the only will of god if you are not part of them then you are out of the will of god they believe their truth is only truth is the only truth okay i'm gonna say it again cults believe that they are the only ones that are right they are exclusive that's the first sign to a christian god number two cults will ruthlessly isolate you from your family and friends they will tell you that you become contaminated when you are with them but we must also be careful that this doesn't this does not this does not deny the truth that bad company corrupts i mean for goodness sake if your friends are all drunkards and you're getting drunk every weekend we're telling you please change your friends it doesn't mean you are a cult so please understand it but cults will separate you from your family and it will be a common denominator okay cults will demand extreme loyalty this level of loyalty and cult-like following demands the violation of your own conscience and the word of god i demand extreme loyalty by my staff because we don't work from nine to five we work from always so i want to be able to message at 11 and get an answer that loyalty is in my culture of signs that we give them before they sign up to work by us i will never abuse them or stuff like that i'm not i'm not stupid but that's what we we mean that as an extreme rule but when i say you're of an extreme loyalty it will violate your conscience and the word of god [Music] okay let me give you another sign a coco they will usually say to you you're not allowed to go any other to any other church without asking me i know precious churches big churches you're not allowed to do anything without asking the pastor you're not allowed to visit another church without asking the permission of the pastor that's a major red flag right there four sign number four cults will punish you if you violate any instruction or miss their meetings they will punish you they will embarrass you in front of everyone cults will curse you if you try to leave or break away from them or leave the church how many of you have heard that i have a rule anybody that leaves our church even if they live on a bad footing we send them an email and we say that we bless you and we pray that you'll be going be fruitful in the church where you are and apply everything that you learned by us now if they really cause trouble i think we've only put one person out of the church i think so only one with discipline [Music] now this because this church discipline if people don't know what they are talking about about cults and prophets the sacrament of satan called best you hold your mouth god's word does not return to avoid it watch the words you speak god is almighty is that to somebody else or to me oh it's to somebody else oh okay okay then as a service this is your honest thing is this service this saturday no sunday i don't know maybe he's asking something somebody's asked not exactly sure not exactly sure what is that but get in touch with us adriana um in any way that we can we'll assist you and help you and again not all churches are the same i have a rule that if people in my staff gossip out when it comes to counseling they'll be fired immediately if there's not even a question uh cults will curse you if you leave their church number six cults will preach and create their own special revelation that goes beyond the boundaries of scripture i'm going to say it again cults will preach their own and create their own special revelation that goes beyond the boundaries of scripture now people are very easy to say but that's why encounter is a cult that they're preaching is not a description no you just don't know the scripture so i'm going to often just tell you how we can how do you determine whether church is a cult or not by taking these signs and these four five avenues i take not only the sermon not only the word there are things i take uh do you understand freedom 201 i missed the pause site today oh okay i think we do freedom 201 once a month adriano once a month so when you sign up you should be able to sign up or one of our moderators on you will answer you but i think it's done once a month which is our deliverance session very important to deal with the pains and the hurts so they will create their own special revelation sign number seven cults are usually not accountable to any authority that can correct them and have no association to the rest of the body of christ they are an island to themselves they are a power to themselves [Music] okay sign number eight cults are led by a leader who controls manipulates and intimidates their followers sign number nine cults usually have a strong encouragement of sexual acts that manifests due to false doctrine i'm going to say it again when doctrine goes false sexual acts will begin to be in the leadership in the pastor's life usually homosexuality because the spirit of perversion is not only perversion in sexuality but also in doctrine sign number 10 cults move away from the basic and foundational doctrine without accountability sign number 11 cults will cause you to feel intense feelings and emotions of guilt condemnation and shame when you leave the congregation congregation and again i want to bring a balance to that to remember anybody that lives a congregation where they have been where they have been um committed loyalty for a few years they're gonna feel guilty leaving because it's family so again that's what i'm saying just take it in balance but if it is a common denominator and it is intense feelings of that there was a wrong social uh sultai assaulter okay [Music] sign number 12 cults will highly discourage and dishonor the family unit very much cults will highly dishonor oh sorry cults will highly discourage and dishonor the family unit sign number 13 cults shows zero tolerance for questions or constructive criticism now people are like oh this leon you cannot be corrected all these people are trying to call me out we have tried to set up meetings where i've got no meeting you were you're my assistant did we get emails of posters wanting to see me none but you shout there from your pulpit we try to see him and he is exclusive nobody can get to him what the hell are you talking about i'm standing there every sunday waiting for people to come you can pick up your phone call you see phoning somebody to meet them because you have a problem with them or the problem with their teaching is not going to help or get you anywhere when you do it in a rude way of course anybody with common sense will cut you off but if you come with a respectable attitude i'll say come around or let's meet of course you're this away so people that people have understand they think they are you know you know i almost want to say the the um uh you know the south african mindset we demand you know i demand this i demand this it's just demand demand demand demand this is my right [Music] um so when people come on and they're like i'm coming to the buki and you're do you think i'm gonna give you a meeting even those theologians and everybody that's taking us on all the youtube channels i think i saw about just over 10 already now do you think ever ever any one of them has contacted me no they haven't they might say they have they haven't maybe they contacted a wrong encounter church somebody says there's two encountered churches in new zealand are they part of the underprivileged nope they are not seldom i don't know if they are good or not at all but they are not encounters quite a common name apparently um but they are not you'll quickly hear the listen to the sermons you'll know who you'll know in this encounter you'll know when it is this encounter so we are and we have three branches on there we got usa centurion and krugersdorp for now okay so cods will have zero tolerance for questions and constructive criticism number 14 cults will control even your financial budget and allow or disallow your spending we have seen this i have people in my church they were not allowed to go on holiday without asking permission they are not they before they want to have children they must ask the pastor before they want to be when they get a raise they must come and bring their budget to show exactly what they spend on these things are going on out there these that's a cult people all religions are about controlling the masses they teach you not to think for yourself but just to believe you're sick i think if you are a anti-atheist you're the most stupidest person ever for you to think that something just appears out of normal for you to think that an animal cannot dream cannot have dreams doesn't have the ability to innovate human beings have the ability to innovate where does that ability of innovation comes from you need more faith to think that we just appeared than to believe in a designer so the foundation of christianity to the gentiles is belief that's it just believe how did you get saved not through any works you just believed that's it the message of people remissions of repentance i have a debate because that was to the jews i'm not saying if you're a christian you're sitting you need to repent you need to get repent means to repent get back to the top but if you're a gentile fool you've never been saved you've never been at the top all that's required of you is to believe to receive salvation [Music] sign number five i'm sorry sign number fifteen the last one sign number fifteen cults need you to ask them permission for basic life decisions like taking vacation like i just mentioned now moving your family to another city and again there's a difference between permission and advice and counsel a lot of people ask me for counsel and advice that's normal that should be your you should go and ask your pastor advice for when you get married [Music] it'll save you a lot if you have a right pastor but you don't have to ask his permission okay so these are top 15 signs of a christian cult these are not exclusive it's not the only ones it's not exhaustive list this is from my experience from my studies from what i've seen counsel people through many things where they've come out from where the spur of the lord is there will be liberty and freedom in fact the scripture says where the spirit is lord the holy spirit is lord there is freedom there is liberty you will know if you have freedom and liberty in your church so i hope this meant anything to anyone let me know if you have any questions on here let me know if this have blessed you if you have learned something and i can answer it for you now [Music] people say thank you this is so helpful by the way prophet to answer that from the from the gentleman christianity is not a religion exactly christianity is a relationship we have nothing to do religion is actually cultish it's religion law legalism regulations so let's see any other questions there [Music] or what did you guys think neil smith is i learned a lot you're a blessing prophet thank you neil thank you neil smith [Music] and we're coming back to you guys of course on wednesday night 10 o'clock for encounter the prophetic with leon de priya that's not going to be on witchcraft or anything that is prophetic okay where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom exactly and now actually in the hebrew it says with the spirit is lord there is freedom [Music] people are saying amen i mean wonderful frightening sad very powerful such a lot to learn i feel blessed thank you thank you lisa thank you so much thank you probably for this awesome teachings very interesting awesome what a blessing to to receive such guidelines thank you okay uh did you read the testimony of philip daughter no no no no i didn't read the testimony tell me tell me tell me sj tell me i missed it somehow [Music] yeah because i prophesied and i said who's the daughter that's singing so it is her that's singing but she was saying they bought a testimony thank you for in this season how do i get some out of your how do you get someone out of a cult that is a tough one you first of all need to make sure it's a cult i think you get some wise counselors around you to make sure that is a call you know because many people call us a cult so i need to understand if it is a call if it is a cult you really need to pray for them and ask god for wisdom and guidance on how to speak to them remember when somebody is in a cult they they are controlled in every area the only with the way i have seen i've seen people come into our church out of cults they need to have a power clash and then they realize what they've been at has been wrong [Music] so even is more or a stronger um a stronger uh encouragement for us to walk in power [Music] so um you guys are getting overload of teachings i mean we got monday night we got global school of ministry we got wednesday night encounter in e-groups then we got encountered the prophetic with myself then first we have global school of ministry then after thursday night in thursday night we have the partners with leon de priya forgot about that one but yeah that's partners with john the prayer on thursday night then we have um i mean that's our partnership on the prayer partners then we are ministering to you on friday on saturday there are things going on sunday is coming up so book your spaces book your seats for sunday if you were not there on sunday you missed out on a lot the glory of god was in all our campuses it was very strong very very strong now all these facts is this also on families not just churches so uh lisa i actually have a message called witchcraft in the family but i think we took it off youtube um it's actually not encounter now it's an icon in our app it's on account if you have our account in our app it's on there they just uploaded it today where i took this and i put it into family so yes to a degree but i i really opened up in that message i preached for about two hours or so or three hours on uh that was in the church on witchcraft in the because you'll be amazed how children manipulate parents and our parents manipulate children our children dominate and control parents and parents control and dominate children our parents intimidate children every night we have teachings that's it gsim rocks awesome awesome so um i i think the partners is every second week sorry we need to make it every second every second week on a thursday night so it is not uh too much okay so so i got a messages here people are saying do we leave people we love behind in a church like this manipulations perversion cultish where they are deceived or should we trust the lord to reveal the truth so i think i was just answering that one i think you would need to discuss that with some very strong christians let them give you advice and then ask god for wisdom pray for them love them but i believe that a power class can also be very good but there's obviously a variety of ways of of strategy this is narusa dobel uh when will you be able when will you be doing this the prophetic night on wednesday night this wednesday night wednesday night 10 o'clock is on count to the prophetic with london wednesday 10 o'clock [Music] blessed with all the teachings i need to become a partner you need to be and and you know our partners we are not there to make money out of them we make the amount so low for people to join and then they get all the exclusive live streams and everything it's really just to because what you pay for your value and uh you know uh and we really give a lot to our partners um we give a lot to our partners when you pray in tongues the mind is not fruitful because it's a spiritual thing what do you focus on your mind on yeah that scripture is taken out of context a lot of times calvin it's a good question um i thought on that you know it doesn't mean that you can't focus it just means that tongues is not a analytical language that can be worked out in your mind so a lot of pastors will say to you you know you don't think on something no well i pray in the spirit i think on a lot of things because i've been given the mind of christ my carnal mind is unfruitful it'll bear no fruit the spraying in tongues your mind will be no fruit cannot you cannot work it out in your mind [Music] label saying the word you told you is refreshing she's uh our one of our worshipers stayed in my house paul speaks about the proper way to run the church does this not stop a culture from being run paul speaks about the proper way to run a church but i believe that's exactly what we are discussing here does this not stop it occult church from being run oh and someone's just saying vermont understand um no because remember people who are in a cult or deceived full ashwin is saying i also want to become a part and maybe our moderators maybe you guys can just contact phil ashwin did as well so chantal lee and phil ashwin uh i think the dog like hurt the leg because she's been falling off couches the whole time and she doesn't walk on one leg so um so so remember room that that that people in cults are deceived they are brainwashed so so um they are deceived they it doesn't matter what you tell them somebody has already interpreted a deceived version of the word of god to them [Music] um oh yeah and obviously people are planting churches down cape town and the one that specifically that somebody just sent me is because i told them but we don't care this there's many people in cape town there are millions of people in cape town millions people know what they get when they come to encounter we don't ever have to be worried about other church plants people will go to another church because of what they get there people will come to encounter because of what they get there you know you're going to get an encounter with god when you come to encounter you know you're going to get the prophetic you're going to get delivered other churches are planting that's fine bless them let them go blonde [Music] i'll become a partner end of march awesome call thank you so much and looking forward to see you there i can tell this to be true prophet awes um when we book a seat can we bring our baby with or must be arranged for i we also made that clear i don't know if our announcement is clear enough if our guys team can just listen we made it very clear um we said that your children doesn't have to be this is how it works guys children doesn't have to be booked in if they're in the children's church if they're in the main church service if they well let's just make it like this i don't know you see the country is some biggest with these stupid uh rules they they really they shift the goalposts they don't even know themselves what's going on so let's just make it like this i mean if it's a baby that doesn't take up a chair no if it is a child that takes up a chair and they sit in the same service as you uh it does fall within the category we would need to book them in but we can't force you to put the details up you can maybe just say put your name as a second name and say child or something like that i hope that makes sense you know and this is not us that it's just it's this south africa for you but trust me sunday we had a great time we had about 800 people there in our one building 800 people can you believe it [Music] lisa is saying i made encounter in lockdown wow a lot of people got to encounter through lockdown i'm tired what's the time let's go to pause 11. see if i was a normal pastor this thing would be done in 20 minutes but if i'm gonna go now i'm gonna stop prophesying sunday energized with tremendously yes i understand thanks is a baby i'm just joking we were not 800 hey we were biting by the rules to the best of our ability um but i can assure you this if there was no limitation encounter would be we we we packed i think just before lockdown were 1200 in attendance in-person attendance now a lot of people are backslidden people are just uh they just backslid and they they they look warm they're apathetic apathetic they've become at the sun of apathy apathy is very bad so church on sunday was amazing which we were full i wish we were full yeah so so obviously before lockdown we we you know we knew church full we had conferences you can't walk into the doors so packed it will be makes me laugh it would be it will be six months one thousand six on for both campuses i wish to visit cape town so that i visited church well prophet i so wish you visit cape town go to our church in cape town they plan busy planting one in cape town in durbanville stefan berta so our moderators will contact you catherine on there right now or make contact with you just to give you the details obviously it's just it's launching stage starting stage and i'm not worried about crowds because we start with the launch team where the deeper you go the higher you go and then it explodes probably but we have we have sent somebody out to cape town to begin the work there you know and um and then as the lord does we will come we will come there uh maybe pastor clint ross can invite me [Music] i need to i owe him a favor because i uh i said something bad about about cape town but anyway i also want to invite uh boston clint dr glenn ross i actually also want to invite him he's a good minister very good minister i fell asleep when i was catholic and that just when i was a uh mr days all pact well prophecy prophesy prophet that would be awesome i don't want to prophesy see fake prophets want to prophesy now i mean i don't want to prophesy now fake prophets want to prophesy every moment they get opportunity because they memorize everything of your facebook and they have to do it quickly before they forget it that's why i can never be more accurate than a fake prophet because they do hot reading durbinville is the hard spot for good churches how do you facebook a will being changed i mean i you know how do you get that on on facebook and it's being done while you spoke if the thing happens which the prophet speaks fear that prophet many people saw ministers attacking me even some that are high profile prophets attacking me and they've seen me not saying a word well i would report the board would report but me i would not say something why if somebody's a prophet their prophet i don't care what they're doing or what they have done i fear them sorrowful you and greetings sarah god bless you you and your family ah okay sorrowful from you guys is that sorrowful whose family is with us [Music] i think so [Music] prophet when you came to paul when you come to paul i don't know to be honest with you guys i actually don't like traveling um i used to do that revival ministry and those things now i got a great church i love being with my church quite frankly unless god says i must go unless there's a relationship made the fiery dots awesome awesome awesome so thank you because of god fights for you god fights for us he really does he's trying to turn tables around you will not believe how god can turn tables around for us i've had people in my house on their knees repenting to me and if i tell you the name now you will be shocked [Music] ministers by the way ministers on their knees in my house repenting i will never say the name [Music] i've made encounter of the pause of my husband i was searching for something and i found ecc since i've been i'm very blessed olga lombard awesome oh god brother please locate my trillion in jesus name don't look for a trillion first look for the then my phone is like first look for a thousand then look for ten thousand then look for a hundred thousand then look for a million trust me god blesses you by levels [Music] god bless you by levels okay excellent thank you so much thank you so much everyone that is how do you know if your church is called now you know he's encountered a cult you can make up your mind is your church occult you can make up your mind but this is in no way to cause a witch-hunt to any church or any pastor i am not against the local church and anybody that wants to split or come against their church and i just just discerned that their church is right oh yes i promise to say how you will know okay i just the cerner church is right then i will i will rebuke you okay um i know pastor andy when he was still in toe two years ago yes that's right he's okay now he's a poor ships and that's why boston anderson put simpson he was in toati how do we know if a church is right how do you judge wow there are things you have to do you can't just take this bible okay because everybody has a different version of this bible [Music] how do you do it you can't just do it on your discernment some christian witches and people out there trying to say that we are off because of their discernment who made you the judge the jury and the executioner [Music] so god has put his voice in the new testament church in a system called the presbytery presbytery [Music] a presbytery god speaks through acts chapter number 13 we see it in the church of antioch the mortal being followed now yes there are many people churches that don't have presbyteries and they'll be writing it and they're doing so you have to take a combination of everything you have to take okay what is the presbytery saying what is the counsel of many saying other people why is people saying about this church now let's go to the word but let's go to the word where they press between with if you want to judge a prophet take a prophet not a pastor i am a heretic to any pastor unless they are very pure in art how do you think we get so blessed with our churches so packed and this is not to boast financially blessed and yet emails are sometimes being sent to all the pastors every place that i preached at was sent to say that i'm a witch and they must get me out and i'm still being blessed how it's the grace of god it's shayan favor which only comes with the prophetic but it's you see god ordains prophets not man god ordains them man acknowledges and recognizes them and can commission them to a degree to a degree you don't take a poster to go and judge a prophet you take a prophet to judge a prophet so you want to judge me bring a prophet a recognizable prophet not joe so from around the corner that calls himself a prophet a recognizable prophet let me and that prophet sit in a room alone together and when he comes out when we open the door and we come out and he is upset then maybe i'm wrong but now you have to bring at least two or three because the bible says let two or three prophets judge [Music] okay so there's a model to this thing i want you guys to understand that the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophets not to the posters or the teachers uh when anna's saying judging we're not but that's more like attacking i'm speaking of really judging properly judging okay um so so so um it's like you take the presbytery you take a council wisdom is the council of many you take the word of god together with the presbytery and people that are leaders in that field with a prophet with a pastor with a teacher and then you have the holy ghost inside of you to say whether this is for now that's more judging like to begin to call out the church and attack them and so on that's that root discernment is for you discernment you sit on a church the holy ghost tells you i don't feel comfortable then you have to be you have to be responsible to your feeling and your conscience okay but that can also be wrong depending upon how you know the holy spirit but you will be judged according to your conscience what about an apostle apostle the same thing an apostle is obtained by god apostles and prophets ordained by god [Music] can you learn to prophesy but not be called by god into the office of a prophet uh i believe she's saying can you learn to prophesy but you're not called by god into the office definitely i can teach you in five seconds let me teach you how to prophesy take your bible like this you open the bible you go to you open the bible you go to uh you go to the book of isaiah wherever that is i got new tags in my bible so let me just find it here okay because i'm looking at a different place than the bookshelf you go to the book of isaiah let me teach you how to prophesy you don't have to be in the office of a prophet none of you have to be in the office of a prophet none of you you just go and read isaiah chapter number 60 verse 1 and you read arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness but the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you the gentiles shall come to your light and the kings of the brightness of your rising then you read you just prophesied to yourself and you know what you can do now you go memorize this word you get this word in you and now the holy spirit tells you go prophesy to this person this verse prophesy the bible you'll never go wrong [Music] they will never go wrong by prophesying the bible when you now speak about seeing things that is uh that now we touch on the gift of prophecy the ministry of prophecy and the office of a prophet but the spur of prophecy anybody can prophesy and he might even inspire you to give some things but that's the gift coming upon you as the holy spirit wills so remember the gift is as the spirit wills the office is as man will okay that's for the prophetic institute global school of ministry one of the things i love about encounters that we are encouraged and taught to be the best version of ourselves amen that's the label saying that [Music] so take this word prophesied over yourself be before you want to prophesy over anybody prophesy over yourself and see it come to pause amen god bless you all thank you so much and i'll see you wednesday night 10 o'clock for encounter the prophetic with leon de priya god bless you
Channel: Leon Du Preez
Views: 1,572
Rating: 4.8076925 out of 5
Keywords: church, cults, church and cult, church hurt, signs of a cult church, signs of a cult like church, cult church, church cult, church cult leader, unification church, christian cults, how to know if your church is a cult, cult like church, is my church a cult, toxic church culture, international church of christ, signs of a cultish church, gay church, mega church, flds church, lgbt church, toxic church, church abuse, church of god, online church, abusive church
Id: wiqIDO_-4HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 8sec (6248 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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