How do I build trust at work? | Q+A

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I'm really interested in understanding the military concept and I've listened to you a number of times describe that and I've seen it in programs in shows the military how can it how it shapes minds to a point where that individual will put the most precious thing their life on the line for the partner how can we create that in our organizations not in the timeframe of years but in the timeframe of weeks and months laying the military yeah so let's answer those questions in Reverse so one of the things that I I have deep admiration for the military and the admiration I have for the military is the exact same love and admiration I have for artists is because they both undertook their their their paths knowing that they weren't going to get rich and felt like it was a calling and we're willing to sacrifice to advance this thing whatever it is and be a part of something so to me it's the same it's the same love and the thing that I noticed immediately when I started hanging out with folks in uniform is you and I have colleagues and co-workers they have brothers and sisters they literally refer to the people they work with as brothers and sisters and the relationship is one of brother and sister which is they may fight but they you you try and attack my brother or sister you got to go through me they love each other love is the word they were use that the Marine Corps calls them the intangibles right that what makes the Marine Corps strong are the intangibles what they mean is empathy love devotion these these these mushy words and you're asking me a question like how do we do it in weeks and months it's it's it's a these are human beings we're talking about right so that's like asking me can I give you advice so that you can fall in love in a matter of weeks instead of having to do this whole like getting to know being vulnerable I got no app for that it's a slow bloody process sometimes you get lucky and you have a meeting of the minds and you have shared values and it goes a little quicker but even though we get really excited we jump in the relationship three months where they were like what was I thinking right there is no way to speed up it takes more than a week but if you've been doing something for seven years and you don't love it maybe it's wrong right I just don't know where it happens so what I do know is that the way you build trust inside an organization is the exact same way you fall in love right which is you devote yourself to the care of another human being sometimes at the sacrifice of your own interests it means when the person you love comes home from work and they said I had a terrible day and you had an amazing day you don't say a word about your amazing day at all and you sit there and listen with love and empathy to their horrible day as opposed to waiting for your turn to speak you know it means that you wake up in the morning you say good morning to them before you check your phone it's the little things it means you learn to listen and make them and listening is real easy means you you make the other person feel heard so if you can go learn all of those things on how to make a friend and how to fall in love now go do all of those things at work then when somebody walks in two hours goes oh my day you go what's happening and you listen so they feel heard don't get them advice don't fix anything just listen right when they tell you how awful it is say that sucks tell me more right it's the same thing it's the exact same thing and I promise you I promise you you will build those relationships will you will fall in love with the people you work with and you will call them brothers and you will call them sisters and they were the same they will say the same of you so it's that's how you do that and by the way the military doesn't do it in 13 weeks what they do is they create a foundation for it in 13 weeks but it takes time for those relationships to truly form [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon Sinek
Views: 59,684
Rating: 4.9524808 out of 5
Keywords: simon sinek, sinek simon, sinek, leader, leadership, job, career, how to, learn to lead, build trust, trust at work, trust, workplace, love and trust, inspiration, motivation
Id: WmyfDfCc3_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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