The MOST Self-Destructive Habit | Simon Sinek

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look human beings we can't help ourselves but compare ourselves to others and comparison is is the deadliest thing we can do to ourselves because we will always come up short i mean it'll all it does is exaggerate all of our insecurities it's okay to enjoy other people's success but you let them live their lives and you live your life oh and by the way they're curating their social media that's not really their life um and so you're making decisions based on how you feel based on their curated things i know i've talked to so many millennials i know somebody who's out of work really depressed and yet she goes and does all these things so she has the appearance of this amazing successful life and and so you met now she may be making those decisions based on what her friends oh who knows what sort of weird twisted exaggerated you know circle of of of depression this is forming so go back to the rules of the infinite game your friends are there to admire your friends are there to say god that i'm so happy for them what are they doing that i can learn from i'll give you an example so we're all so we can all fall into this trap so you know in my business uh authors and speakers and folks like us we're all comparing ourselves to each other and sometimes it can get silly and competitive and there was you know sometimes i go on amazon and check the rankings of my books to see that there's that i still have a job and and now and then there was this one author who i hated for no reason he's very smart his work's incredibly good he's incredibly well respected i respect him but i hate him and i would check the rankings of his books and when i was ahead i'd be like yes and when he was ahead of like right it would drive me crazy i had this weird abstract competition same thing right social media happened to be amazon rankings right and i would check in all the time i'd always check in mine his mind his nobody else just mine and his anyway we were uh i was at an event and we were interviewed together on the same stage and the interviewer decided to let us in introduce each other so i went first i had to introduce him and this is what i said i looked at him and i said uh you make me very insecure i said uh because all of your strengths are all of my weaknesses and every time i see you do well it just reminds me what i'm bad at that's how i opened up he he turned to me and he said funny i feel the same way about you and now we love each other because i realized that he's really good at what i'm bad at so by me getting to know him and really learning to love him i'm realizing i'm getting better at those things and i'm taking more pride in the things that i'm good at rather thinking rather than thinking i have to be good at everything he's good at right so that that it's it's healthy to grow our own strengths and rather than be intimidated by the strengths of others
Channel: Simon Sinek
Views: 768,431
Rating: 4.9831409 out of 5
Keywords: simon sinek, start with why, inspiration, motivation, leadership, career, inspire
Id: jtpOYxsZj7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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