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so my favorite traits in any Total War player is the attitude of never quitting never giving up and that's what you're gonna see in today's battle they never quit attitude no matter what the odds are no matter how difficult a situation is players that look at their army come with whatever they have left you know say it's the end of the battle and they've only got four units left and they're defending or they're attacking whatever it may be they look at the situation and they try to use every single every single unit every every single weapon at their disposal the most efficient way possible to try to scratch and crawl out of a battle with the victory and that is what you're gonna see today guys just a glorious never quit attitude which I think I'm very you know I love that I love seeing that in total war players when they just you know cuz sometimes players you know when they feel like oh it's over and let me just send out my units and get this over with no you fight until the end you give it your all because sure you might end up losing but you'll learn so much you know maybe a unit did as something you know super well or you tried this strategy that worked out really well and sure it wasn't enough to help you win but it it was something you know it's something you can learn about and something you can do in the future and and use it against your opponents it's just it's a really good learning experience it's a really good just attitude that I like to see in players especially when they're on my team obviously but that's what I just recommend to all Total War players all Rome to seizures never give up never give up no matter the situation go out you know scratch and scream and be loud and make it difficult for your opponent and yeah like I said we're gonna see that today's battle where we have rome verse sparta and the armenians and what happens here is that the spartans end up playing alone because they Armenians Armenians they end up going afk so they just kind of sit there and then I think eventually they just disconnect so it's up to Sparta against two not one but two Roman armies to try to hold on to this settlement and get a victory for the defenders now we'll see how that plays out and again I just wanted to take this video and kind of show you guys this video on the kind of attitude you should have an in total war you know how you should play and and if you want to get better at the game have that attitude you know even if you suck at the game never quit never quit cuz you'll learn so much and it will make you a better player and also the enemy team will appreciate it you know your opponents will appreciate the fact that you are just you've got this great you know like people want a good fight you know they don't want to see their opponents quit so I don't know it's not that it's not that you know there's an issue going on in the total war community where people are quitting all the time and it does happen you know it does happen more than I like but you know it's just something I wanted to kind of promote and something that you know I feel like is really really cool anyways let's get into this battle alright so the Spartans are moving up it looks like he's got some hoplites that are gonna be the frontline of the defense three units of hoplites they're about to clash with the legion legionary cohort down over this way actually okay okay so no actually okay the Armenians Armenians I don't know why I struggle with that word with that name I don't know it's like I want to say our minions but it's Armenians alright anyways but they sadly out some calves so they're not quite afk from the start I think eventually they go afk and disconnect so that is good that they're not completely you know not existed in the battle but he is slowing down one of the siege towers and trying to prevent them to get up to the wall good tactic there just try to help the defenders from you know prevent them from being overwhelmed right away a nice little charge there by the Spartan hoplites these hoplites are holding this choke point here arrow towers are still active artillery is crashing down really opening up this point so the Romans have some artillery trying to soften soften up this area and that's gonna make it even more challenging for the Spartans a hold it looks like Sparta just lost a ton of Units from that artillery hit I don't know what happened there but they're down to 89 men when they originally had 120 back over this way the Spartans are still holding the Armenians are pushing up some Hillman Sparta is holding over on this side as well as the Romans continue to push in and clash but yeah they're they're trying to hold they are trying to hold so so far so good from from the Spartans they are pushing up some reinforcements looks like they got the the cheap Spears here medium spear infantry they do have some Jabby capabilities which is gonna be very helpful the Romans are clashing through this breach point that has been recently knocked down this is gonna be really tough really tough for the Spartan forces I mean the problem with Sparta is that they're a very good defensive unit and you know they you know they're defending right now so that's good right but the issue with them is that they don't really have killing capabilities as in they don't have swordsmen they do not have sword they're all Spears and they do have some good archers you know they've got the mercenaries they've got some really like morale you know discipline units so they'll stay in the fight like most hoplites you know the hoplites are really great or just you know staying alive staying in the fight but they just don't have the killing capability and that's why I always see Sparta in multiplayer siege battles as a support faction they like when you have Sparta and let's say you have the Seleucids that's a deadly combo because the Seleucids have the power to kill people you know they have the sword aggressive you know units and you mix that with Sparta oh you've got best of both worlds you've got a really strong defensive hold the line unit and then you also have the very aggressive unit and again that's why the solutions are so good because they also can be very defensive so you know Seleucids Egypt is a really going Carthage all three of those factions have both aggressive and defensive capabilities anyways yeah we're getting back to the fight where there's some armored legionaries pushing in against the Spartans Spartans getting hammered here right now just overwhelmed by the Roman war machine over on the other sides of the battlefield it seems like the Armenians have their hillman in the fight Sparta's still trying to hold on to over here but it is crumbling fast now we're getting some supporting Archer fire on this very awesome position this little stone hedge here but there yep there's the deadly archers that the Spartans can field to a battle but again it's one of the few killers they have you know what I mean they just I don't know why I have no idea why ca made Sparta so incapable to have swordsmen you know I mean it would have been cool to have like a hoplite hat like hybrid wouldn't be awesome like you would have a hoplite unit that could either be aggressive or defensive as in you know either you want them to hold the line like these guys are doing right now or they kind of act like a thorax swordsmen where they drop their Spears Spears and they take out their swords and they're a bit more aggressive I wish there was more units like that in in total war where it's a bit of a hybrid unit now of course there's a couple archers in Rome too that are versatile right they're decent and melee which you know that's always cool but I wish there was more melee versatile units you know whether it be defensive or whatever anyways they've broken through over on this side Rome is just hammering just hammering this outer position and that you know I think this is the point where we're yeah they're just afk look at this their units have just been sitting here the Persian hoplites just sitting here it's just crumbling the Armenians are not pushing up any units and look at this is this is exactly what you have to do it's really tragic it is absolutely tragic the Spartans have to fall back and hold the inner city because it keeps it to three choke points we got one here one here in one here so those are your three and Sparta will excel at holding these choke points that's what they're made for you know those hot those Spartan hoplites they are gonna be excellent at holding those positions but they don't have a killing you know aspect to his forces and that's that's where I get a little concerned you know I'm like okay well they can hold but they can't kill and sure that they can make the battle lasts longer but is it going to be enough anyways Spartans what's left trying to hold on to you know as much ground as possible slow down the Romans as much as possible so he has more time to set up his defenses up there again the Armenians are just doing nothing and I think I assume this is the point where they go afk and actually breaking some of the Romans here some armored legionaries down to 14 men I mean I made the other four in then they stopped breaking I mean Rome is so good because they do have that discipline you know what I mean where it'll you'll have a unit come down to 14 men and they keep fighting that's crazy over here yeah sure enough the the Armenians are just getting chewed up units that just were left out there cuz they went afk thankfully though for for Sparta's sake the eastern archers are on fire at will so they are gonna be trying to kill as many units as possible no thanks to the player but yeah and by the way guys I don't want whoever this player is he could have had a serious situation where he had a step away from the game I'm not putting blame on the player I'm not saying he's being toxic or anything but I'm just saying this is what happened you know he went afk and Sparta's left to stand alone so I'm not I'm not blaming him and again if you see him in game or something don't worry cuz again he could have had like a situation where he had to go you know I don't know I don't know we we don't know the whole story but this is what happened and it looks like he's already out of ammo holy crap he used up that ammo quick that's the thing about fire will I usually never have my archers in a siege battle on fire at will because I am very selective about the targets that I go go after you know you want it with archers you want to go after units that are really good in melee you know you want to take out their elite units you want to take out their archers you know take out the enemy our troops take out a general you know snipe out a general if you can so that's just one thing that I like to you know I like to do with my archers turn off skirmish mode turn off fire at will and use them very precisely sort of speed and there we go we've got some pikemen setting up with the Royal Spartans now that's that's one unit I kind of forgot to mention about killing potential the pikemen do have killing potential but again the thing about pikes is they're not as they're not as like they're not as much of a workhorse as say like thorax swordsman if you get what I'm saying as in you know thorax swordsmen are just tough they are a tough unit you can throw them in many different situations and they will do well pikemen are very focused and like selective of what they excel in as in they excel holding choke points but if you outflank them if they get hit too hard from archers you got a problem you got a problem on your hands so there you go some Hillman left out there dying I think we got some archers right behind this is a good position for archers got a little bit of a high ground so they can shoot over you know their their comrades who are holding this frontline back over here we've got lots of archers from Rome and honestly guys I don't think Rome has even used their archers yet except until right there so that's gonna be a problem for Sparta they're gonna get just hammered by arrow fire so they're just getting hit hard Romans are now pushing up infantry attacking this flank over on this side it's the same thing the Pyke's are not in pike formation they're not in failing formation yet they don't have their pipes out they should though to help this this unit back here of course we got more archers over this way a little concerned about this actually did these archers use their ammo already know they have their bows out so a little fun fact in case you didn't know if an archer is out of ammo they drop their bows and have daggers in their hands I personally I kind of like it but I kind of don't because it makes you really like it's harder it it's less obvious when an archers out of ammo because you really gotta zoom in it's like okay they got their daggers they're out of ammo so I'm not gonna shoot at them cuz that's a waste of my ammo but I I kind of like that but I also kind of like seeing how much ammo like anatella it'll actually give you barré little progress bar of how much ammo they have and that kind of helps a lot just by quickly glancing at it and stuff okay so at this point guys the Armenians are not back they left the game and they're now being controlled by the AI so that's why they are all of a sudden just moving everybody as the AI naturally does just sends everything out and classic good AI move here of going out and trying to be aggressive that's exactly what you want from your AI so yeah they are holding Spartans are now full-on holding over here and we got I think slingers moving up and that's a good target to focus down take out these slingers because actually I think they're out of ammo well maybe they should stop firing at them but I assume they just ran out of ammo but they break from the battle the archers over here are having a bit of an archer battle pretty good positioning from Sparta you know they've got the walls kind of protecting them what are they shooting it addition oh but they should yeah that I think they're shooting at the pikemen which have now entered the battlefield very good move here it's very good moved from from Sparta very very good move there we go the other pikemen have finally got into failing formation we have the AI trying to use a scorpion hopefully this works out but I'm not really seeing it what are they doing let's hope they don't push through this formation because that's going to disrupt the Spartan formation might leave holes in their lines [Applause] so spot is holding there and they're doing a good job they're doing a good job look at the breaking this is so that's the challenges of Sparta and these choke points it's like you it takes time it takes time to break through these choke points and you will lose a lot of men taking on these Spartans so there is definitely hope now the balance of power is not looking good it's not looking good but if any faction could do this its Sparta again it's it's really just a matter of what happens when they run out of ammo that's that's the biggest concern because that like I said a hundred times in this replay and you're probably sick of me saying this but this is their killing unit the archers are there killing unit and the pikemen in the pikemen but yeah they're getting hit hard by the archers and they gotta have to wait out the archers too and that's another issue is the the jayvees I mean look at this javi czar just tearing these guys up just tearing these guys up archers are trying to fight back and kill the the Roman archers the Syrian archers there comes another charge from the Legionaries I assume they used up all of their their jammies or their pilla I should say back over this way sure enough the scorpions pushed up into these Spartan formation and the same things happening here he's just getting hit hard by these archers and because he's just one player he doesn't have enough archers to deal with all of the Roman archers but yeah it's part of takes care of it and what do they do is well they they pull up another unit another unit of royal Spartans and the best chance is for Sparta to win this battle is hopefully these guys run out of ammo and hopefully the Romans used up a lot of their pilla now they are moving up their praetorian guard this is a this is a very dangerous unit that the Spartans are gonna have to take care of but they definitely can holding these choke points we'll see how this plays out though Sparta is starting to run out of reinforcements though over on this side he might have to pull a couple unit he's got a lot of Units over here and I think it's a little bit overkill compared to the other side looking at reen reinforcements look at this they ice going in baby they're going around the flank I was looking at the Roman reinforcements the reserves and they're getting attacked right now and I don't know if Rome realizes it I don't think he realizes it but the are minions coming out from the blade the AI is getting something done who knows they might be able to crush this flank you know it might be crazy guys might be crazy but if if Sparta can break these units you might even want to consider pushing out and trying to kill these guys really quickly probably not it's but you kind of have to take crazy risks like that to try to win these battles when you're you know the odds are against your you know you gotta you gotta kind of sometimes do risky things that could backfire but at least you attempted something they try to win the game you know what I mean you it's like yes it backfired but if it did work we could have potentially won you know those kind of things that kind of situation again that's that no quit attitude looking for kind of thinking outside the box you know and this is definitely looking outside the box situation oh my god what is this oh the onager a ship wait he had an honor ship what what what worthy yes I had no idea he had ship auditors what a waste of a unit what a waste and look at his cab just ran through his own stakes oh my god yeah in this situation I do not recommend you get it especially if your defenders don't get in a ship with an auditor on it because if I'm attacking right if I'm attacking the settlement they've got a ship over here I'm just gonna stay away it's a ship it can't come on land just stay away from it an attack over here anyways let's go back over this way the Victorians are getting chewed up here a little bit but so are the Spartans and I think all they have left is their royal Spartan general which they're probably gonna have to shift over here pretty soon there we go they're actually falling back the spartans hold their ground getting hit though hard by arrows unfortunately the romans still have ham oh and it's one of those things you just gotta wait it out you know they did move over to Sue's maybe they did move over archers try to try to suppress the attacking archers a little bit but the end of the day it's one of those things where you just don't have an answer for their archers and you just gotta wait them out you just got to hope they run out of ammo the end they don't kill a lot of your men all right but here we go we got a general v general holy crap if he kills the Roman general here I think he's gonna lose - that's not well maybe not I mean I would assume these Knights are better than the bodyguard of this Roman general but it looks like it looks like the Armenians are going to win over here so there goes that glorious rally charge from the Armenians but it doesn't really work out but in all seriousness if he was an actual player and he did do that little maneuver cuz it almost seemed like the Romans had no idea you could go that way that's not a terrible tactic you know send a couple cab units or a couple infantry units and wait until the Romans are fully committed here and then boom hit them on the flank and you'll break a bunch of units so you know the a I had the right idea it's just the execution was pretty poor and they didn't have any infantry I don't know man it's just that's tough that's tough for the Spartans but the Spartans fight on man and look at the bounce of power it's not good but it hasn't shifted too much I'd say that's the problem in that right there is the problem not only do you have to you know deal with the archer fire but you also have to deal with the pilaf and it's just it's frustrating look at that the PLO is such a deadly weapon because of how the metal of the tip of the the spear essentially would Bend right so you would throw it and it would the idea is not even to kill right the idea is to throw it have the weapon get stuck and the enemy's shield and the way it would hit it and Bend would make it so that shield like it's not easy to pull that spear out so that shield has a giant pilla in it and it's heavy and you can't use it as effectively so they just have to drop it and that leaves them without a you know very important tool which of course is the shield so yeah that's I mean I get it because sometimes I think of my head like put their hoplites they can they've got these big shields they can defend themselves but that's the nature of pilla is that they're good at breaking down units that have shields you know that that's what they're made for anyways yeah spartans rally with some forces over here the general is now committed into this battle I'm sure the archers are starting to run out of ammo which they are they're gonna have to be used as infantry unfortunately the pikemen over here or no these are Spartan hoplites they are breaking but the good news is that the Romans are kind of wasting ammo on them now they're going after the other units there we go the pilla being thrown mate they can beat this army this Spartans can breathe they can beat this army I'm not saying I'm not saying charge in I'm just drawing here but if they if the Romans charge in especially if they charge in one at a time oh they can beat them these Spartans can hold on to this flank they can hold on to this flank and look at Sparta man just never quitting I love it I love it no matter the odds and the bouts of power I think it went up a little bit I think it went up a little bit the Romans are running low guys they're running low they're out of ammo that is a good sign they're out of ammo and Sparta still has enough troops to hold every plane now here's the only problem this flank but I don't even think it's a problem Rome is making a big mistake here by not moving all it takes is one two units go up this road and you're gonna be behind enemy defenses cuz Sparta does not have any reserves they have nothing to defend this flank and the fact that Rome is not sending one unit all it takes is like a depleted one unit and that would get them through through this defense but they're not cold for it they're not going for it and sometimes hey that's another thing never get too confident just because you're looking at the balance of power I've seen crazier things in total war you know I've seen some crazy come back to my my total war career I guess you could say and you've got to you know you you can't just be like oh let me just mindlessly throw in my units because this is over no you got to be careful and you got to use everything you have to win you know never underestimate your opponent no matter how how cornered and you know how I don't know sad they look they could still pull out a victory here gets another pike unit over here I think they shifted this pike unit oh and they're gonna get the tower back excellency they're looking at everything they have at their disposal a tower get it back get it firing everything adds up it fires fire arrows you know it could do a lot of damage so I don't know how he lost it though how did the Romans neutralize that I don't know back over this way oh this is tough I mean that's an ocean an ocean of Romans look at this this battle scene man just awesome never quit attitude hold this line royal Spartans okay the pikemen are actually going back see that so they've got some royal spartans eleven of them mixed in with the general 113 the the pikemen are going back he just used it to capture and see that's another thing like that's where CAV can come into play because oftentimes defenders don't like to get calves especially if they're being really defensive but you know having a single calves unit running around and kind of capturing things and supporting units it's really useful in a different defense but hey he's doing what he can he's using what he's got I mean he might go over here and capture this arrow tower now again I don't know how the Romans are neutralizing this I find it to be a little ridiculous because I mean technically they're on the border of the capture range but I mean come on like you can't have two guys that happened to be in the border area cap neutralize this it's a little ridiculous but this Pike unit could certainly turn the tide of this battle right here let's see how this goes I love the officer to love the officer so come on let's do this for the from Sparta Oh No the the Romans use it intimidate on the Spartans the pikemen have pushed up combat is even guys it's a good sign for Sparta but this is the real problem right here they now have the Praetorian CAV flanking around the Spartan general the Spartan general if he can just hold on if he can just hold on look this is the last of Rome they can still do this they need a chain round that's what they need they need to quickly defeat them over on this side - oh my god I don't know if smart is gonna be able to hold on to this this is a problem and sure enough these units might flank around see it what this cow I would push this way and try to put pressure on this on this Pike unit and then if I was the Spartans I would just turn the Pike's around and hold that so that's what I would do in that situation but it looks like Rome is not doing a he's not doing and this isn't a bad idea to go after the general kill the general and you can easily break the spirits of these Spartans but here's the thing get the general for Sparta the Royal Spartans who they are tough they will be surrounded and they won't fight on it we've seen this many times we saw that my you know Athens for Sparta video or my general just went ham but here they come - there we go so sure enough they're gonna do that if he charges in like a madman please charge it oh my god he's gonna do it oh my god why he charged it he must have not have been paying attention he probably thought oh the pikemen are looking to the other way that just completely destroyed a very expensive unit Victorian calves Wow God Spartacus will win this it's all about the general can the general fight for his life here not even for his life but for his country can he fight and buy enough time for this side to win their fight now this cab unit is dead they they are breaking they're dead actually they've completely shattered these pikemen need to quickly turn around and break these Romans and look at this never quit attitude man like see a Spartan player could have just been like whatever charged the back of my bed I don't care let's get this over with you know but Sparta's doing everything he can to pull out a victory here I here comes some archers general still surrounded has 200 and look at the kills just just constantly moving up 234 234 234 so they're constantly just getting kills there but there's they're surrounded you know and it's like the Romans are using sheer numbers to try to break through and they are going for a cap victory the Romans are going for a cap victory and did they okay cool they finally sent over some some units to flame that's good they finally sent a unit over this way so it's looking rough for Sparta and be honest it's not looking good the bounce of power still hasn't really shifted but that's not necessarily a good thing there's another war cry they're actually now shifting over units they've defeated the Romans mostly over here and now they're gonna go and fight for this capture point and oh my God look at that this is what I'm talking about guys the Spartan general causing a huge chain round this Spartan general with 300 kills this is what I'm talking about there's something about the Spartan general that is just so impressive that they just they fight like no other man they fight like no other and build it's like they thrive being surrounded like that's the best-case scenario for them like yeah we're surrounded perfect now no matter what direction we attack there's enemies you know like they're just they're crazy I still don't know if it's enough though they've got praetorian guard in the back they've got this general but my god they've done a lot and look at this man the Spartans are still in this fight dude they're still holding they got us heroes in Sparta moving up look at these heroes these are truly heroes holding against Rome so awesome look at that like hold everything they can to try to win over this way unfortunately heroes of Sparta are getting surrounded unfortunately the general finally he just couldn't take it they break but I don't think they break they fought to the end they fought to the last man and can they win this though probably not let's see they're down to this one unit one unit of heroes of Sparta lots of powers gotten worse good charger by the Romans I think that's gonna wrap it up for the Spartans but what a fight what an epic last stand there of just never quit attitude and almost pulling out a victory almost pulling out a victory so we're gonna go ahead and end the replay look at the world results so Kings scourge also known as King man so he is a good friend of mine I've known him for a long time he he did an excellent job an excellent job in this defense 2,000 kills getting the most kills looking at his army I think that if he saved so I think he easily could have won this battle if one this Archer unit did a little bit better also this one 278 is not terrible but he could have gotten something like this 182 kills or 128 kills but if his two of his Archer units did a little bit better and if he if he was able to save like what if he just was able to save one more unit from the outer walls you know when he was defending at the very initial start of the battle if he was able to say one unit to go back to the town center he would have won that battle that's how close he was that's crazy so definitely completely capable oh my god this army clump is trash look at this man yeah not a fan of this army comp and that's why he has 600 and sure he just kind of stood there look at that one seven zero fifty and literally this was a one verse - he almost pulled it out so a good game - the Romans could gain - King scourge also who knows what happened with this player but what a good fight great never quit attitude hope you guys enjoyed this battle hope you guys are staying safe staying indoors you know being healthy staying you know being safe from this whole virus thing pretty scary stuff but I'm sure I'll be it'll be over soon so thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 436,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rome 2, total war, total war rome 2, total war: rome 2, total war: rome ii, rome 2 total war, rome total war, rome, total war rome, total war rome 2 mods, total war rome 2 roman campaign, total war rome 2 review, total war rome 2 gameplay, total war rome 2 exploits, rome ii, total war rome 2 battle, rome 2 total war rome, total war rome 2 trailer, breaking total war rome 2, pixelated apollo
Id: XalcFEyBV88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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