How did Futurama characters get their names?

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it's $500 you have no choice of carrier the battery can't hold it charge and the reception isn't very Shut Up And Take My Money the new iPhone is wonderful fry whose full name is Philip J fry obtained the first name of Philip from actor and screenwriter Phil Hartman who voiced liony Hoots and Troy mlar on The Simpsons I'm sorry Mrs Simpson but you can't copyright a drink until now this was the only way to get juice from an orange you mean there's a better way he was out the role of Zap Brin now that's a name I can trust however he could not take up on the offer because he got shot to death by his wife Matt graining therefore used the name philp to act as a tribute that is most wise additionally Matt graining also alade fer named Philip due to it being the name of his father home of Philip grainy Fries Mill initial of Jay was implemented as a method to pay tribute to the animated characters of Bullwinkle J moose and Rocket J squirrel from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show their Jays were derived from the the creator and producer of The Animated show Jay Ward b e n d e r b b e n d e rer Bender whose full name is Bender bending Rodriguez got his first name from the character John Bender from the movie The Breakfast Club played by John Nelson what was [Music] that eat my shorts yes this is also where Matt graining obtained Bart's iconic catchphrase eat my shorts all right I'll eat eat your shorts what when did this happen you're joking right that's not funny oh no that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard you Dr zberg are you [Music] okay zberg who full name is Dr John a zoyberg obtained his last name from David X con's computer game created for the Apple during his high school years called zoid the gameplay and Graphics are stayed to be similar to the game called Kicks he always seems so full of life try to sneak Now give me what you promise Leela his full name is teranga Leela obtained her name of Leela from the Doctor Who character named Leela who acts as the Fourth Doctor's companion played by English actress Louise Jameson no I'm the doctor what's your name Leela nice name Lea I never met anyone called Lea would you like a Jelly Baby additionally Leela's name is also derived from the fact that Leela is the word for Lil a type of flower in languages like German French Dutch and Italian Lea's family named Tanga is derived from French composer Oliva messian 1948 toang Lia [Music] Symphony welcome back old friend I missed you terribly you do everything terribly and I'm not your friend due to budget cutbacks we will no longer be offering free squid guts in the kitchen that's coming out of your P Hermes Herm whose full name is Hermes Conrad was originally going to be named Dexter however after Matt grining asked Hermes voice actor Phil Lamar if he could do and I quote a Jamaican accent the character's nationality became Jamaican and obtained the name Hermes hermes's first name was derived from the type Rider brand called Hermes and if you're the 12th caller you'll win two tickets to the monster truck extravagance with my last i c [Music] farnworth whose full name is huper j Farnsworth obtained his first name from philosophy Professor huper dfus who taught at the University of California this was impl as a tribute as writer and producer Eric Kaplan was taught by him during his college days in reference to the professor's last name of fonsworth there are fre notable fan speculations on where it is derived from as his last name origins are unknown fans speculate that farnworth is possibly derived from a man named farnworth R Who was the editor for the fantasy and horror Pulp Fiction magazine called weird Tales fans speculate this as the show has made references to the magazine in the past fans also speculate that fonsworth obtained his last name from the American inventor named phow fonsworth who made significant contributions to the modern day Electric television fans have also speculated that fonsworth may have obtained his last name from Colonial American figure David fonsworth due to him appearing in all the president's heads episode and it being shown that David is an ancestor to Professor Farnsworth is David Farnsworth I just hired him for the fall Candlestick Rush he's in The Foundry this very [Music] moment time to prune the family tree now in reference to his middle name Professor fonsworth middle initial of Jay shares the exact same influence as fry is he dumb or just ugly let's find out what you've never seen a genius's wiener before well once in the park cert whose full name is hoer j Farnsworth shares the same possible influences as the professor in terms of his last name and shares the same influence for his M initial of Jay as Fran the professor hit the freaking like button for part two number two part two
Channel: ODD Bungo
Views: 3,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meme, memes, Futurama
Id: vHmn0XnYt-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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