EVIL Justice League Vs Justice League Fight Scene FULL BATTLE Part 2 - Injustice 2

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[Music] [Music] I read a long way from the future to hurt you Barry but this timeline it's all wrong so go back to your own time reverse-flash think I haven't tried your regime buddies killed one of my ancestors no I'm trapped in a paradox you don't know how many more reunions I can take guess I could come back later pal no not today nice to see you too Barry who's dead hand you pry that ring from you no it doesn't work that way the ring chose me even after you bailed on the Guardians to join the Sinestro Corps the Guardians lock me up they also trained me to overcome my fears I earned the second chance they gave me the Guardians made a mistake you were holding back weren't you I told you I'm trying to make things right I betrayed my core my planet and my friends that's the worst part all day I've been reminded how I failed to be a hero how hard it's gonna be to regain people's trust yes we're both on that path we have a long way to go Gary to be a lot easier if we're together [Music] we need help don't we not his you gave me a second chance because you got your head straight and helped take down Clarke if he was still in charge he'd still be wearing yellow I'm not that guy anymore look I get why you don't trust me but you should trust the Guardians this ring means something they put me through hell to get it back fine I've got my orders just thought it'd help if we cooperate Lantern maybe it's time I widened my circle of trust what can I do you're going to Atlantis our circle of trust needs Aquaman and his Marines you think he'll help he's been off radar since the regime fell he didn't like getting roped into the regime by Superman he sure won't be happy to see me did used to them Batman wants my Marines to fight his battle like the time Superman ordered me to invade metropolis we were all on the wrong side of that war but next time my peoples blood is spilled it will be for Atlantis not the surface world you're one of us to Arthur your father my father was human but my duty is to Atlantis I don't trust you Jordan you're any surface dweller now leave and remind Batman stay out of my seas and when that's on your doorstep Atlantis will defend itself maybe sooner than you think we need to help each other go I don't need your distraction I'm not leaving need I remind you whose kingdom this is listen to reason Arthur I'm sorry I I didn't come here to fight you this is exactly what happened up there first they take out communications then they invade they're your oceans but it's also my sector let me help you cover me [Music] [Music] my people are getting flanked hold this line be our rear guard on it and you Ivan the Vanguard [Music] we're locking down the gates but the fights not over yeah sorry I was somewhere else where's this leave us you put yourself at risk for Atlantis maybe you can be trusted so you're in I can't I belong here defending my people oh sure Red Lanterns Atrocitus and dext are agents of vengeance and powered by bridge don't worry I'll handle these - ring - ring good luck you've been messing with my head haven't you Atrocitus Sinestro's yellow lantern slaughtered millions victims demand vengeance you may have cast off their ring but you are not of souls you're not the first person to tell me that dead stow would tear your doubts and love no blood but I sent you of a higher calling a spark growing within you a spark override what are you doing what is this anger have overcome your fears but you still betrayed the Green Lantern's hurt your allies how would you ever forgive yourself I can't [Music] [Music] in latest day in blackest night become vengeance touring the Red Lanterns no evil shall escape my sight let those who worship beware my power Green Lantern's light you're right I do hate myself for what I've done but my will is stronger than my hate your world is burning when it is ashes you will burn for vengeance the Guardians don't need to know about that one the beta phase is complete Earth's defense is irreversibly compromised begin the countdown [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I circled the globe larger ships are being positioned over these major cities even with Aquaman's Marines we're still badly outnumbered what's the plan and you have one right we have to evacuate the occupied cities before taking on Brainiac but we need firepower any heavy hitters on a Luthor Wayne payroll only Blue Beetle and firestorm but they're busy too busy for this they're the last line of defense if Brainiac moves on Superman well if Brainiac doesn't try busting him out of prison Black Adam and Wonder Woman will the worst things get more people will think we should let them out to help I'm just saying I hope the new kids can hold down the most wanted man in the galaxy beetle and firestorm are green but together they're the most powerful team we have for real I mean Batman does not think we're important aliens are invading it wrong guard duty guarding Superman and his cronies who already have guards we're garden guards we're redundant Jason you need to step back take in the bigger picture I'd rather be in here than out there this suits an alien war machine and your guys's firestorm matrix we could take on Brainiac and boom accidentally blew up the world Jaime's right we haven't mastered these powers yet listen to yourselves you two we're badasses and badasses belong on the front lines this is the front line Brainiac running amok is a crisis Brainiac and Superman both that's an apocalypse so we're the only thing between crisis and apocalypse hmm I can get behind Braniac with a Superman fan cool either way I suggest we fuse [Music] [Music] game on [Applause] [Music] [Music] red Sun cell secure must be the power center the power center if it goes down those generators shut off and he flies right out of here [Music] [Music] am I dreaming [Music] [Music] here's the plan one of us takes Adam the other restarts two generators before Superman gets loose [Music] more likely you will die guess we're on the front lines now you're a naive board with too much power much like the deceased Billy Batson maybe I really am a badass let's still go back lock down Superman's cell no man Stan dropped you noobs are so desperate to impress Batman why he's weak if you're Popeye's weak what's that make you I take after my mother professor Stein wants to teach Oedipus here to respect yourself that you are one of those students thought he was smarter than the teacher thought I was smarter I know I class dismissed Wonder Woman's outside keep him what's left to the gods busy if it wasn't her who let you out another Kryptonian you recognize me kal my parents stored your image on my ship you're my protector sorry I'm a few decades late you and I left Krypton at the same time but the explosion threw my ship off course way of course you have an age today hypersleep while you were growing up that was on ice I never thought I'd see family again someone with my eyes my own but you knew my parents they loved you so much kal Diana needs a hand sailor how long give me five more minutes then it's lights out I don't want to leave you I'll be here it justice orbit tune even she is not out of our league what happened to your confidence Kryptonians happen come on Batman's counting on us gotta hand it to Palmer these people's cryptography is legit it doesn't mean I won't break picture behind you [Music] what's your melting point cyborg the red Sun generators we need to reactivate that console before Superman powers up amateur hours over rookies I want cyborg how was the family in your QB for the four Titans you had a cannon army than then never thought I'd be a prison guard QB that was a long time ago and I'm not your prisoner anymore nobody's cheering for you now brainiacs too much for Batman I'm your only chance here's the thing Superman Batman asked us for help he didn't draft us make a sign of loyalty oath or threaten us with jail he won't go far enough that's why he'll fail kryptonian huh the professor knows how to do you're just as bad sufen Jake stop don't surrender we're freeing kal-el you like it or not let's switch partners we need cows help kit you have no idea what Brainiac can do no but I know what Superman can do guess you belong here too what did I tell you we got a game professor and I trapped Wonder Woman under 10 feet of steel you fought valiantly but this battles over you won't eat it - what a professor but that's crazy maybe we can control it but no other option get out of here Jaime weasel Jason you're gonna nuke us it's the only way now go leave all of you you'll get a hell of a lot worse than a sunburn well this rather than let a Superman go saved earth fighter score stern down [Music] who are you Superman's overprotective cousin you keep so many secrets but you can't stand it when once kept from you kid you can't beat Brainiac Bruce you're right Diana I can't [Music] what the [Music] you're ready to stop Brainiac by any means necessary by the memes at hand what's your game you're always three moves ahead saving the world is enough for now I'm never going back in that cell we'll cross that bridge later right now the world needs us [Music] insolently breaker there have been surprising developments kal-el is free but more remarkably he is not the last Kryptonian there is another refugee - please continue as planned kal-el is not yet at full strength but remember the Kryptonians belong to me thanks to flashes recon we have locations for every ship in brainiacs fleet they're targeting major cities on every continent give us some privacy listen Batman about the prison we that was reckless don't pull a stunt like that again make up for it by finishing another mission discreetly we have to evacuate these cities before attacking the fleet but we need communications restored first so before we get started cyborgs going to fix brother I I am not that tech support that's not the issue Victor Cara saw firsthand how Brainiac destroyed Krypton she says we have less than 48 hours before he does the same to earth without tight coordination we'll lose valuable time and that means we fix brother I Catwoman and Harley will join you you'll need their help getting into the Batcave just give me the coordinates I'll open a portal and boom too big you can't i reverse-engineered your armors mother box technology try teleporting into the Batcave set a boom he'll go splat so how do we get in the old underground there's a tunnel entrance under Arkham I'm taking you to to Arkham Asylum I need a few hours in the solarium at the fortress of solitude assuming you haven't torn it down not yet we can't just sit here and our attack once brother eyes online we mobilize remember out there there's no regime not anymore so we do not kill let's go you're with me why'd you keep it keep what [Music] [Music] hmm forgot that was there your curse can never be undone this place you deserve yeah right Fonzie sit tight she's had enough Wonder Bread this isn't your business clown you heard that's no killing you lecture me how much blood is on your ledger Quinn Oh buckets full honey I was trying too hard to impress the wrong guy kind of like you with Superman [Music] [Music] you're losing too much blood this is gonna hurt a lot even better [Applause] what do you think you're doing Cara stopping you before you make a mistake that lunatic deserves to die maybe but she's defenseless she's had no trial you told me Amazon spot with honor I trusted you Diana you're gonna be okay I'll get you to a doctor Cal can protect you man Oh blondie you're funny did you find anything I analyzed the Kryptonian data like you asked you didn't miss anything they just didn't have an answer for Brainiac there has to be something a blind-spot a weakness brute force won't be enough if your powers are restored I should leave for conduct make sure its defenses are prepared Brainiac hasn't attacked it yet there are can be tendencies magic Heights conduct from prying eyes even brainiacs but I don't expect him to be fooled forever kal We Need to Talk give me a minute both of you Damian told me what happened is Diana all right she's fine but she was gonna kill Harley I've never seen her so cold-blooded yes it's unfortunate I know how is she thinking it's unfortunate Diana chose now to deal with Harley more infor tchen 'it that you got in the way what the Joker's sick and Carly's mind beyond healing when she relapses innocent people will die innocent people are dying now she was helping us don't be naive Cara Harley's a criminal my only mistake was not dealing with her sooner Diana said the Joker was executed were you the one who I took one life to save millions but it wasn't just one cow was it how many how many everywhere I go people are afraid of this now I know why it's not how I wanted things but humans they've been slaughtering each other for millennia I stopped that violence humans need strong leadership we have to save them from themselves whose son are you jor-el's or general Zod's don't let Harley reporters hold on Cara realizing maybe your father locked you up for good reason Superman's been more of a father than Batman could ever be cows should be setting a better example you would submit goddess are happy ever since you found me everything you told me half-truths lies to cover up your own evil you see the world as a child does good and evil are not constants their meanings defined by those with power [Music] I find power and restraint Cara please listen to me with our powers we can't hold back or the ones we love pay the price I'm sorry I wasn't here I couldn't help you but metropolis wasn't your fault I promised myself never again this isn't who we are the house of El isn't ruled by fear hope isn't enough to save the world without me they'd be dead I can help you think about all you've lost Cara what if you could have saved Krypton I think about it every day that's Stan its Brainiac he's extracting the city's early then we fight back I must go to protect conduct go we're heading to Metropolis what about her all that matters now is stopping Brainiac but when this is over you need to choose you're either with me or against me [Music] [Music] [Music] please why can't I stop this why won't you let me fight back how could there be order of prey DIAC wins humanity breeds chaos Superman and Supergirl are almost here the others are tackling the fleet shouldn't we be in Gotham Brainiac controls the entire fleet from that skull ship take him down take them all down contacts dead ahead [Music] locking on the skull ship second swim back prepare to eject three seconds [Music] you're welcome what just happened brainiacs force shield is creating a concussive feedback loop so the harder we hit it the harder it hits back [Music] [Music] the Kryptonians are incapacitated complete the extraction [Music] [Music] the force shield concentrates its energy as your point of attack move faster than it can and you might break through got [Music] [Music] created but insufficient decrease shield refresh interval to 10 picoseconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I couldn't find his body can't hear his heartbeat I was supposed to protect him from this from you and now he's gone I'm sure that's the best news you've heard all day I'll miss him too you mean that he was a good friend once I trusted him with my life but the Joker got to him and I wasn't there to stop it I lost my friend Clark and I've missed him ever since Atlantis gone I didn't listen now we all die together no one's giving up yet anyone here from beetle or firestorm this is your fault Bruce kal and I would have beaten Brainiac you should have followed our lead stop it Diana millions of people are trapped on that ship we have to save them nothing no wonder humans have yet to expand their civilization beyond the confines of this tiny planet did you call in just a gloat like betas are taking position well across the planet if not our they will explode in unison burning the Earth's atmosphere for entering this world in Belem moon unless you have intercourse or else she is Krypton's sole survivor and my last opportunity to study the effect of a Yellow Sun on Kryptonian cells surrender her and I will spare this work even if I thought you'd honor that deal we wouldn't take it you have one hour to reconsider thanks for giving the new girl a chance but maybe I should go No we'll find a way to take down brainiacs shields we have to we could try shorting them out but we'd need to generate an insane amount of power perhaps science is not the answer so we might be vulnerable to a magic based attack I can drive the immense magical power from the rock of eternity through the Gateway in conduct but I need an artifact a medium to channel it something that can withstand the power how about the Trident of Atlantis yes that could work we get the shields down then what cyborg said Brainiac controls the ship with his thoughts but I did cut him off and brother I it's possible I could make a signal disruptor that blocks his neural network if you get brainiacs shields down we can disarm those beta bombs then that's our plan Aquaman Adam get to calm down [Music] the rock of eternity is hidden in a pocket dimension I've refrained from opening the gateway to it since brainiacs invasion because it would draw his eye precisely once the door is opened it's only a matter of time before Brainiac attacks a fight I look forward to a king Grodd you're a brute a true leader services people you only serve yourself you hurt my people brought their name I will have justice not the day to test my resolve [Music] mr. justice [Music] Oh how's your head empty so not much has changed very narrow out of the wine [Music] cuz I [Music] [Music] cyborg where's that signal disrupter coming at you all you have to do is hit the trigger but it only jams a local area you need to get within arm's reach of Brainiac good [Music] they did it shields are down Supergirl on me Viktor help the others fight those betas [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the signal gets stronger this way what is it voices billions of them [Applause] so many languages the Kryptonians kandar peugeot city home we have to help them I'm not sure we can there has to be a way [Music] [Music] Laura's all round until recently I had thought my collection of Krypton to be complete your chapter will make itself you have failed in every effort to oppose me you are not exceptional merely an ordinary specimen of a primitive species just bluffed of him [Music] [Music] I thought I could make an entrance where's Cara captured somewhere on board we'll find her but we only have 20 minutes before brainiacs betas scorched the earth why aren't the others here they're attacking the betas just in case we don't go through we will [Music] firestorm what happened to you Brainiac unified our two minds is your walking bomb how do we get past Swamp Thing - hasn't decreased power she has mastered the firestorm matrix Oh knowledge will be subsumed again his collection I've heard enough about Brainiac in his collection and talked a big game back at my cell let's see how you stack up use mince powers by night the storm rages has no limits we just found your limit [Music] you have a plan it's a work in progress I might be able to restore them that's new brainiacs adept I can help it keep those betas busy one thing cube kapow is being used against you against the green now let's get you free it should disrupt their link with Brainiac firestorms brain patterns are changing I can't read what's happening to swamp then Jason professor Stein yeah yeah we're both here what happened Brainiac added a third mine to your head like we needed that Brainiac ship firestorm we'll get you back on terra firma report to hell he'll need help fighting brainiacs suicide betas sounds like a job for firestorm good luck no Brainiac where is he I don't know the ship's walls are lined with lead Bruce Wayne of Earth kal-el of Krypton your baffles echo across the universe your war has had consequences of neither of you could foresee the chaos you spread is of cancer upon the cosmos only Brainiac can establish order I'll deal with them you hate magic I'll manage and I'll hunt down Brainiac I've always respected you faked but Brainiac can't destroy my home not again the old misdeeds precipitated his arrival on this planet brainiacs curiosity was piqued by our decimation of the Green Lantern Corps now he comes to spare humanity from the chaos you unleashed I'll carve out my own destiny the Lords of order their forces are gone it's over again I'm sorry for attacking the helm commanded me they can't command you anymore both of you have defied fate quartered chaos but now to see you working together again you must keep order or the Lord's will impose it if not through Brainiac [Music] even a magical being like dr. fate recognizes my superiority in time the entire universe will adhere to my design unless we stop you by often nothing less than to Liveris your environment is poisoned your civilization has exhausted its resources the Earth's decline cannot be reversed we'll find a way we always do [Music] Murph's time is up where's Karan being vivisected she has already taught me much about the nature of your powers allow me to give you a proper demonstration I Met Your Strengths you cannot match my intellect you are only a Kryptonian of which I have killed billions that was for Krypton the attacks on the fleet are weakening him I could feel him losing steam as we fought good should make it easier to cut him off from the beta's [Music] this is Batman Brainiac is down I just love to work all the betas are shutting down we did it now we find Cara what's happening brainiacs mind is the ship's CPU apparently he doesn't have a backup system [Music] if we crash all the cities preserved on board destroyed lark wait you said yourself the [ __ ] that's controlled by pure thought this could kill you sounds like a job for me [Music] [Music] created by Pastor put the ship on autopilot trying my ship you will not destroy my watch Rick wish was ship [Music] you will regret that you are persistent primitive theatrics cannot save you like you said I'm persistent we need to get you out of there not yet the city's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're okay I thought it was too late but I can feel the heartbeat of Atlantis brainiacs work is undone not all odd I couldn't save everyone some cities are still trapped in the collection others were lost wiped from the ship's memory metropolis Coast City but we can still save them right Carol my family I'm sorry how first Krypton now earth no other world should suffer this Clark no even if I agreed that he should die you can't we need him alive to save the rest of our cities no we don't with more time and cyborgs help the ship will obey me or we could lose more cities Bruce is right we can't be sure what we can be sure of is that Brainiac puts everyone else at risk this is no different than Joker if you'd killed him we might get was never that simple Diana yes it is Bruce metropolis and Coast city are gone how many more innocent people die before you accept that some lives need to be taken my powers how did you go with kryptonite courtesy of firestorm get up cow stay down enough exposure and you'll be deep powered permanently this madness has to end Bruce you don't want to do this yes stop Clark this is over [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Arthur don't do this we don't want to follow Clarke I'm not following anyone you've never understood Atlantis Bruce we are in ancient people with an old-fashioned sense of justice and Lantis needs to get with the times I'm tired of fighting you Arthur [Music] that man knew they'd double-cross him we have to move [Applause] there is no escape you wish to fall so be it [Music] [Music] go back to conduct Adam stay here and you'll be prosecuted you'd have to capture me Batman to dive under us time all that ancient wisdom wasted Supergirl where are you they're following me lead them to the cave [Music] you she led us right to him it's no accident you brought us here I warned him about Diana but I didn't believe you'd turn on me this is the last time no more secrets no more schemes schemes I'm not the one who's stoked Clarke's worst fears how needed steel not compassion but you didn't bring peace you started a war war is over fighting on the same side it felt like old times but I guess we both knew it would end this way do you remember that night when you told me Lois was pregnant you knew even before I said anything that was a good memory from another lifetime I miss the people we were then me too wit Bruce you can't win you of all people know Clark I never quit don't waste my time [Music] give up or get hurt I never quit is he he'll be out for a while I'm sorry Cara for what I couldn't save him [Music] Cara it's safe now even without my powers the Phantom Zone can't hold me I'll be back we'll be ready [Music] I don't I wish we were family Cara we still are I hope someday you'll see that [Music] are you alright no this symbol should give people hope [Music] he made them ferret that symbols meaning is up to the person who wears it when Clark and I founded the Justice League we didn't govern people we protected them plain and simple maybe the world could use a team like that again welcome to the circle of trust [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 8,366,647
Rating: 4.7775755 out of 5
Keywords: Justice League, Justice League Scene, Evil Justice League, Evil Justice League Scene, Justice League Fight Scene, Justice League Fight, Fight Scene, Battle, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League Fight Scene, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League Scene, Evil Justice League Vs Justice League, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Batman Scene, Superman Scene, Justice League Game, Batman Game, Superman Game, DC, Comics, DC Comics, Superhero, Scene, Game, Injustice 2, Injustice 2 Game
Id: ZbFIzs7tn3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 14sec (4874 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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