Explaining The Cyber Initiative In Mortal Kombat - The Cyber Ninja Explained | MK11

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[Music] this video was sponsored by Kurt spell how's it going everybody - spooky here when it comes to the Mortal Kombat lower one of the more interesting things to me has always been the Lin Kuei I've always gravitated towards the various ninja from Mortal Kombat so finding out that there was an entire organization of these ninja made it even more interesting to me personally even if characters like scorpion and reptile who are supposed to be ninja weren't a part of that organization but something else I always found interesting about the Lin Kuei specifically was their decision to transform all of their assassins into cyborgs through the cyber initiative so for this video I thought it would be an interesting idea to find out more about the cyber initiative in terms of why it happened who it affected and also a look at the entire event through both the original timeline and the current one however before we get started let's quickly talk about our sponsor today that made this video possible Curt spell Curt spell is an anime inspired third-person action MMO battle game that will be releasing very soon graphically it's of course highly inspired by anime art styles with cel-shaded graphics meaning that it doesn't put a huge strain on your PC while you play all while still looking smooth and rather detailed as far as the gameplay itself goes you start out by creating your own character with quite a few different options which I had a lot of fun playing around with to make the perfect waifu and then you get thrust into the kurt spell world where you can participate in story based PVM missions by yourself or with other players along with extensive PvP content including straight-up battles or even team PvP like capture the flag the game just finished up a closed beta test globally which I got to try out and while the beta maybe unaccessible now the game will once again be releasing very soon with an official release date coming shortly needless to say I had a lot of fun playing it and I cannot wait for the game to finally be released if you want to check out Curt spell while be sure to follow that link in the description and a special thanks to them once again for making this video possible now without further ado let's talk about the cyber initiative [Music] to start with a general overview of the Lin Kuei itself it should be known that this faction is a very ruthless one especially in its early days it's a clan that's made up of purely assassins led by a grandmaster many of those in the organization were not there by choice as well as some of them were even kidnapped into the group as children while we also know that others have joined or allied themselves with the group on their own terms as well such as Shu Jenko the Lin Kuei is very strict with its conduct and the question of insubordination or desertion is basically the same as a death wish eventually the Grandmaster had the brilliant idea of converting all of the Lin Kuei warriors into cyborgs mainly choosing to do this because turning these warriors into cyborgs that they could control would remove any form of free will or insubordination along with greatly strengthening their killing potential this would later be known as the cyber initiative in the new timeline however it was never named in the original one and the grandmasters goal was to turn every member of the Lin Kuei into the cyborgs regardless of if the individual consented or not with that in mind while many of them were opposed to the cyber ization there were also many who were for it so the cyber initiative essentially split the clan in two sides and many who were against it ended up fleeing in hopes to keep their limited freedom although most of those who did flee were eventually captured and converted anyway meaning that few ninja were actually able to escape the initiative but with that general overview out of the way let's take a look at what happened in each timeline starting with the original in the original timeline especially within the first few games the lure of the cyber initiative is a lot more limited but the main four characters involved with this scandal are sub-zero Cyrax sector and smoke basically between Mortal Kombat 2 & 3 the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei orchestrated the cyber initiative however smoke and sub-zero were not on board with tho shenanigans at all so they fled the clan sector or who I should note is the son of the Grandmaster along with Cyrax were both converted into cyborgs and they were sent out to pursue smoke and sub-zero with the task of capturing them so that they can be turned into cyborgs as well smoke would end up being captured and therefore turned into a cyborg but sub-zero would manage to escape transitioning to Mortal Kombat 3 the three cyborgs and our story would now be tasked with simply eliminating sub-zero as he is now considered a threat eventually during these events sub-zero would have an encounter with cyber smoke and he somehow managed to remind smoke of his human self and that the soul of his former self was still inside that mechanical husk essentially meaning that sub-zero was able to converse smoke back to his regular self if only temporarily he also explained to smoke that smoke is one of Radiance chosen warriors so smoke decided to side with a sub-zero once again and the two of them fought Cyrax and sector which ended up to be successful victory after this smoke would end up being captured by Shao Kahn as a trophy of sorts and locked away in his fortress for the foreseeable future sector would end up fleeing but Cyrax was captured and reprogrammed by sub-zero with the task of killing Shao Kahn which a little side note to this I've always wondered how everyone in Mortal Kombat just happens to know exactly how to reprogram a complex cyborg it's kind of just like everyone just took a class in cyborg reprogramming 101 and they just have the knowledge on hand forever as this reprogramming thing will happen multiple times throughout this video I suppose I'm just being a little bit nit picky but it just seems a little bit too convenient that everyone just knows how to do this anyway Cyrax wasn't able to follow through with his order to kill Shao Kahn because Shao Kahn was defeated before Cyrax even got the chance so after that Cyrax just kind of sat around waiting for more orders to show up but unfortunately for him none ever did so he ended up malfunctioning and just wandering around until he got stuck in Jade's desert which is why you can see him stuck in that sand back there after being stuck in that desert for a while Cyrax was eventually recovered by the Lin Kuei and reprogrammed to serve them once again fighting alongside Sektor throughout the events of Mortal Kombat 4 or Mortal Kombat gold moving forward to the deadly alliance Cyrax was having flashbacks to his former life so Sonya and Jax brought him to the outer world investigation agency which was actually able to restore Cyrax his humanity because of that Cyrax ended up siding with them for the remainder of the original timeline smoke would eventually be reprogrammed by noob after noob found him deep in shao kahn's castle and smoke would end up serving noob until a confrontation with sub-zero during the events of Armageddon finally leaving us with Sektor who was the only remaining cyborg that was loyal and under control of the Lin Kuei at that point SEC doors programming became somewhat corrupted over the course of many different battles without world forces leading him to believe that the Lin Kuei Grandmaster his former father was an inferior leader to the Lin Kuei so SEC doors new goal was to kill the Grandmaster and assume control of the clan which he did succeed in doing however to actually become the Grandmaster you needed the dragon medallion and before sack door could get it sub-zero returned out of nowhere and claimed the medallion the two of them then had an intense battle with sub-zero emerging as the victor making him the new Grandmaster and allowing him to bring the cyber initiative to an end sector would then flee to Japan where he would create the two Coonan a new clan led by sector which was composed of exclusively cyber ninja that were created based on sector's own image however those cyber ninja were not near as advanced as sect or himself even though sector had this new and powerful clan behind him we never actually saw him do anything with it in the original timeline so the history of the cyber initiative in the original timeline and here so let's move on to the new timeline the new timeline follows a somewhat similar pattern however with a few differences we begin during the events of what would be Mortal Kombat 1 this time around where we meet both Cyrax and SEC door in their human forms because Raiden is trying to change the events of this timeline to stop Armageddon he tries to convince Cyrax to abandon the Lin Kuei so he isn't cyber eyes Cyrax declines to do this out of loyalty however he is also openly against the cyber initiative eventually throughout the tournament shang tsung would betray Cyrax which led to Cyrax telling Sektor to tell the grandmaster that he is leaving the Lin Kuei after this Cyrax must have been captured at some point because the next time we see him he along with sektor are now both fully cyber eyes meaning that the cyber initiative had officially begun we then catch up with sub-zero and smoke who have already fled the clan because again they don't want nothing to do with that noise sub-zero and smoke then split up and eventually smoke is almost captured by Lin Kuei cyborgs but Raiden interferes to try and alter the timeline once again however in smokes place sub-zero is eventually captured and cyber eyes din stead after Cyrax and sektor forcefully remove him from the tournament with Shao Kahn's blessing so now in this timeline we have cyber sub-zero instead of cyber smoke who at first is under the control of the Lin Kuei however the Earthrealm warriors eventually capture cyber sub-zero and reprogram him once again I don't know how they just know how to do that but from this reprogramming we learned that the cyber ninja are subjected to something called a slaving protocol which basically keeps them completely loyal to any orders that are given by the Lin Kuei and this also completely takes away free will in addition to that we also learned that the slaving protocol also lowers brain function as a whole making the cyber ninja just that much more obedient through this reprogramming sub-zero is able to get his personality back although he remains within a cyber body of course cyber sub-zero then fought and defeated SEC door after sector found out that he had been reprogrammed much later on Nightwolf would be the one to eventually defeat Cyrax and after smoke was struggling to beat sec door Nightwolf defeated him as well cyber sub-zero and smoke would then go on to fight Sindel with the other Earthrealm warriors however they would all eventually be killed by her Quan Chi then resurrected them as revenants along with all the other warriors next time we would see sub-zero would be in Mortal Kombat X as a revenant however the only thing is he is no longer in his cyber forum but back in his human form what the [ __ ] the events that made this possible were not told in the games but instead the Mortal Kombat X comics which is why it seems kind of weird that sub-zero went from a cyborg back to a human form out of nowhere but basically to sum it up Quan Chi ripped what remained of sub-zero's human body out of the cyber one and then used his magic to regrow his human body then when we get to the actual events of Mortal Kombat X sub zero is defeated by the Special Forces and rescued by Raiden he would then go on to train with borracho for some time while these events were happening SEC door would go and kill the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei similar to the original timeline however this time around he would actually successfully assume command for some time during his rule he forced every remaining member of the Lin Kuei to be converted into a cyborg if they weren't already or kill them if they refused he would then also create a cloning program that would mass create cyborgs for the sole purpose of serving him similar to his two Coonan clan from the original timeline Cyrax was still trapped under his slave protocol and therefore served as sect or second-in-command during this time eventually after sub-zero was done training he would go to the Lin Kuei space and install a virus that would free every cyborg from their slave protocol and battle with sektor in a one-on-one fight which would end with sub-zero beheading SEC door because Cyrax was freed of the slave protocol he was now in control of his mind and body completely once again the cyborgs that were created through sack doors cloning program were then quick to declare Cyrax their new leader as he was the only remaining cyborg from the original cyber initiative Cyrax would accept but then asked to speak to sub-zero alone which his new followers accepted sub-zero expected Cyrax to lead with him and help him restore everyone back to their human forms however knowing the corruption that took place throughout the cyber initiative Cyrax insisted that sub-zero lead the Lin Kuei with a clean slate he then activated his self-destruct system before walking into the remaining cyborgs and blowing all of them up which would lead to the official end of the cyber initiative altogether however there is still one thing we need to discuss before we end this video although the cyber initiative was now over and all these cyber eyes ninja were either restored or killed there was still one loose end that was created accidentally before the cyber initiative officially began the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei wanted to make sure to eliminate every Warriors human weakness and enhanced their power and intellect at the same time so he made every member of the Lin Kuei take some sort of tests that recorded their physical and mental likenesses which would end up being stored in an off-site database after the destruction of the cyber ninja at the hands of sub-zero sometime later the Special Forces would eventually find this data and decide to bring it back to a secret weapons lab where they downloaded the contents into a completely robotic test body with the purpose of using their power as a weapon however during that process the consciousness of sektor smoke and Cyrax took over that test body and killed everyone in that weapons lab they then gave themselves the name tri board and set out on a quest to eradicate organic life as a whole so that's how tri board came to be thanks Special Forces yeah done [ __ ] up there's also one more tidbit of information about Tri Borg however since it's his ending the contents are not confirmed to be Canon or non Canon yet basically in Tri boards ending it turned its focus specifically to the Special Forces and killed every single one of them including Sonya and basically any other Special Forces member that you can imagine try Borg would then find the Lin Kuei data on dozens of members and download it and using the contents of that weapons lab try Borg was able to construct a new robotic body for each member of the former Lin Kuei that was downloaded reviving the cyber ninja completely but this time in a completely robotic fashion due to the fact of that sub-zero tainted the name of the Lin Kuei in Tri board's opinion tribe org decided to start and lead a new organization which would be considered the new deadliest clan in the realms the two kunin so we'll just have to wait and see if tribe or comes back for any future Mortal Kombat games to solidify this ending as cannon or non-canon but that basically sums up the various incarnations of the cyber initiative along with how it operated in each time line along with the events that would follow hopefully you guys learned something new or found a better understanding of how the cyber initiative worked if you did we'll make sure to drop a like we have yet to see if any of these cyber ninjas will be in Mortal Kombat 11 but since this game will be focusing on different time periods of mortal combat there's always a chance that we can see at the very least one of them return be sure to comment which characters or elements of Mortal Kombat you would like to learn about next and subscribe with those notifications on so you don't miss the next Mortal Kombat related video special thanks once again to Curt spell for sponsoring this video once again you can find a link to that in the description which will take you to the Curt spell steam page and then you can add it to your wish list so that it'll download as soon as it releases if you cannot get enough Mortal Kombat related content we'll be sure to click here for 25 facts about smoke and cyber smoke otherwise click here for 25 facts about noob saibot or 25 facts about reptile thanks for watching and I'll see you all soon with a new video [Music]
Channel: 2Spooky
Views: 540,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2Spooky, Mortal Kombat, MK11, Mortal Kombat 11, Mortal Kombat x, Mortal Kombat 9, umk3, cyber ninja, ninja, cyborg, Cyber Initiative, Tekunin, Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero, Cyber Sub-zero, cyrax, smoke, cyber smoke, sektor, explained, explaining, history, triborg, mortal kombat armageddon, gold, mk2, noob saibot, noob smoke, deception, kuai liang, grandmaster, history of, dragon medallion, facts
Id: Lskgy1JrwI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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