How Control the Camera, Angle and Distance on an AI Art Scene in MidJourney?

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hello guys and girls welcome to one more AI artist TV Qatar is here and today we're gonna be talking about how to control your scene so I pretty much will cover them during this this video how to control the position of a camera the distance of the camera the height how the possible kind of scenes you can work on uh I'm considered I'm considering this one here as the first part on how to create a whole C uh I I we're going to be talking here today we're going to be talking a little bit about uh the first part of the probes um even before the subject and how you position and what options we have to Define configure exactly where we want our point of view where what's the angles what's the distance and Etc okay all right let's think about that I I thank you for for being here so give me a like give me a subscribe all this it is great help me a lot since I'm just starting here and I want to keep sharing everything I'm learning with you guys okay so um speaking about this the subject which which I love but by the way seems one of the things I like most to do um we're gonna be talk as I said we're gonna be talk today here on pretty much uh as the configuration before the subject and by the way this is a very important point that I would like to stress a little bit more everything we put before the subject me Journey has to be something no material has been said to be something that midi Journey will not add any element there because otherwise if we start using something inside that inside the the the props uh that is before the subject mid Journey can put as an element and I was doing myself this mistake uh on on the first video about the photos for example I was using the the dynamic camera before the the subject and we go we were getting some results that the the people's holding a camera so try not never use name of any object anything that can be that can be in the picture before your subject okay so everything you want to be working here before the the subjects pretty much the Ethereal things the things that don't exist and that's why we can work there as technology as well we could be working here but Technologies is better we work after the the subject but to configure the scene that that the mid Journey gonna be we're gonna be drowning I have been very very good results configuring everything before so what we're going to be configuring today here is oh let me put my my smoker you guys not see me hold on uh what what you're gonna be pretty much what we're gonna be configuring today here is the is the is that I said is this the beginning is the beginning of of the prompts which is um which is high distance angle angle those those are all type of views that we're gonna be configuring we're going to be configuring this scene type and then we're gonna be talking about the the medium that that we're gonna be working for us okay I speak about that I will start about the angle then we're going to start about talking about the high and the distance so we pretty much I'm not full exactly you wanted there but before I wonder which I make that will makes more sense for us understand um let me open here down so the the Discord and let's start work on this so to work to work on this exercise of controlling the position of our camera uh I'm gonna be using a very basic subject I will be using medieval Warriors just because uh it's a base one it could be do anything uh but I'm thinking here about about a scene okay so I'm not here thinking about create a portrait of a medieval warrior I'm going to talk here what was we could have seen although you can use many of those comments as well to control the position of your camera in many other kinds of of work that guys do World Trade architecture administrations of any type so you can use most of them but today here I'm gonna talk pretty much things are important for the scene so uh medieval Warriors and the first one that I would like to to control is exactly control what side of the new medieval Wars I want to be seen on that scene so there are three basic ones which they are the front view side view and back view same Sims base right so and it is so let's go here uh the prop medieval Warriors I have the back view medieval Wars I have the side view side view and here we have the front view um normally now the preference of media is always that draw the front view so normally don't even use to need to use a front view and otherwise that I'm gonna show here today normally me Johnny already use but we can also is when we put uh we pretty much force not to use so as you see the result he gave us here are pretty much most almost all of them uh uh front view um speaking about speaking about now uh this though those three we do have more because if possible you get even degrees of 45 degrees more more rotations because meet me Jordan as we know it is a uh natural language processing so you can explain different ways or where where you want where you want your your camera but pretty much the I think the basic ones I need to show here that works very nicely is back view side view and of course front view for the the the the this the the First Dimension that we are using here okay where is where is positioned at the camera okay after that what we have after choosing this this the the obviously the x-axis we can choose the the also the where where is the how where is the height of our our camera so right now speaking about the props we just Define the angle okay now we're gonna Define the height so the height pretty much we have foreground level view ground level low angle view to eye level view which will be here and to the high angle view okay so let's try let's play with those together here um so I will get here the I will I use the media Motors again I could use side view front view but I'm gonna just use this one here the front view right I imagine I will not put the so now I'm going to put here ground level View and by the way let's put a spec radio 32 so we have a better better space to see so ground level View right I have now the um low angle view ground level View low angle View I have here the eye level View and I have here the high angle fuel foreign what's the principle of them um first I would like to say this uh speak when we work about the views in camera me Journey because of the chaos because it's the lies he always change a little bit but normally when I get two or three of the results being kind of where where we want them so uh let's let me explain now guys the results we are getting here so okay ground level view we will have a tendency of of of like this one here we're gonna have a tendency off we'll be very closer to the ground uh ground level view is you probably have to do two or three reloads to get a real round one but it's it would have an energy to put the camera lower or on the ground in a ground just as for from for the target for the for the Warriors that we are trying to to depict normal not normally gonna be very close to the ground many sides sometimes the ground but sometimes I get results even the ground depending the scene depending on the subject um ground level View the the next one that we have here is the low angle low angle normally got a bit lower than the shoulder okay so as you see here the the the the the head's gonna be higher and everybody normally gonna be lower than the shoulder it's no low angle it's lower than the shoulders not lower as the round level but it's slowing in the shoulder that's the the low angle then of course we have it here the eye level so we're pretty much gonna be seeing that on the same level as we are and there's a tendency that we got closer to to the targets already uh do on eye level and uh let's go here now to the to the to the high angle high angle normally you've got to be C4 or both know when they go even I was like Sky View but but they really pretty much have a tendency to put them in higher uh high angle sometimes does it does doesn't go that high it went very high here high angle view but sometimes go a little bit above the shoulder above the head some reloads as well you're gonna see that you're gonna be in this in this area uh above the above the shoulders okay um after that after the okay we now know how to have the back side of front here we know now here that we're going run level to high to high angle to run live view to high angle view now speaking about the distance that that we're gonna before on a Target same same goes as well basically what we're going to be using here is five different ones uh we're gonna have the extreme long shot we have the long shot we have the medial shot we have the close-up shot the extreme index stream close-up shot so pretty much I'm coming from this sets to close same thing as well oh by the way let's start using them together this time let's put here imagine I'll put here the let's get the ground level now let's get some some some some no no let's Get Low angle fuel below the shoulders let's get the low angle field look what I'm gonna do here now I'm gonna put it here uh low angle View no angle View I'm gonna put here now um and I want the just destroy the prop here because now we go to the next level The Prompt okay now we're going to talk about the distance okay so I'm gonna put here now now figure here I'm gonna put here the first one extreme long shot low angle view okay side view allowing your view side view medieval warriors uh I think that will work Sunday is tricky side view sometimes they they they they don't have much on the models I will put as well just for for the sake of maybe maybe I could put maybe I was on low angle side view without repeating two views pretty much clean up if you're probably understand what's better but now probably gonna be a distance lower and distant for foreign there you go I think the number three here shows pretty much uh what what what we that what is this extreme long shot low angle uh size view so we get we have here the long shot let's watch in Long Shot there we have the meeting shot as I said as well medium shot is pretty random it's pretty much what media is using as as base menu shot we have the close-up shot let's do this wall then here close up shot and we have here the extreme close-up shot understand that where I'm using here all the terms that I mostly work with scenes there's another scenes of for example portraits where you can refer the the the the the height of the camera or the this of the camera by the parts of the body and and that's one of the things that we cannot do we sing is is try to tell the camera this other camera angle use the part the body because for example portrait you can use for example waist up uh angle erase up shot to kill this kind of thing here I cannot use because I'm trying I'm trying to assume if I if I say it in the scene that I want a camera for example waist up short or something like that if we probably gonna kill the scene you gotta put the the camera in the in the in my targets okay so let's see here what the results we have so we got here already the movement let's see here okay extreme long shot it's pretty much shows perfectly here uh it we have a tendency to give us some results with camera very distance and lower variations yeah happen as well like this we can we kind of avoid types of variations extreme long shot depending on the model is very hard to give we also have to do two three loads to to get extreme long shot uh extreme long shot low low angle is it's not a it's that I use it to that to do sometimes then we have it here now the long shot long shot but sorry then we have it here the long this is a long track that long shot so it's uh way more way more way more interesting at least here two of them in Long Shot So Below the shoulder very high side view I'm your side view here all the time so we have the low the long short side view now we got a little bit closer here now we have the menial shot side view uh low angle so below the shoulders uh middle distance there we got little closer here we go to the close up now we go pretty much on on the on the close app on the close up the I would say that the probably the problem in low angle will put us below the eye like this one here because the shoulder does appear anymore so probably the referential is already the eye so the eye probably gonna be higher in the picture for the low angle are here and there we go for extreme close-up by the way they didn't give me any any extreme close-up here I will reload this one here just so you guys know that really exists but it's uh but it's hard sometimes the model to give to us and then extremely close up I'm gonna very very side the Target and and I will give a very good very clear one there is one command that we can use that pretty much resets all this if you want to if you've got a little loss about all the other commands we're using here uh we can use the center it uh on the scene so if you put get here imagine and I put here a uh if I put here it's all this if I want to go back to my Center centering uh view or a simple shot I think both Works Central View I pretty much gotta put in the center of the of the big so I will be on all the dimensions are going to be centralized on the picture okay and now we give a little bit more close up uh but pretty much you're not giving me yet the the extra milkshock now you gotta put everything in the center center of the picture center of the view will be pretty much a centered scene or this one here that we are that we have it pretty much here I'm reset the distance angles and everything I got the centered view medieval Wars okay so pretty much now we know that we can control the the back the side which which angle we want on this Dimension we pretty much not culture as well where we watch on Disney measure here as well and pretty much now this is the measure as well on the scene okay um now become a little tricky because now we're going to talk a little bit about about the types of scene that we have okay when we speak about a type of scene uh there is a world of possibility it's very interesting uh those who are part of my my uh those by the way who have access to my to my patreon they they they they they they they can see here for example that scene position for example we have around let me see here how many City positions we have we have around 61 possible uh cameras for for scenes okay uh which pretty much we will get all those things that I said again they already bring embedded on those names okay so for example when I use uh when I was for example here a tooth angle or a point of view or a panoramic review they also they are already coffee good for us many many of those informations although we can always Force some of those cameras in the scene to do as well okay so just you just to give also another important besides all those six six names of possible possible cameras that we have for for using again those link link for my patrons here at the at the description of this video those who want access to those controls here I have here pretty much all the possible seats that I could map I said 61 means here that you can use your compositions uh other other way of also get to the scene I'm going to use hasami for guys C is also defining the type of the the scene pretty more by the theme of the scene for example you can use action scene you can use the haste scene you can use uh war scene but when you use those related with the gender of the scene they will give you already elements that will give you uh something up let me use it here for let's use a a one that that's per I used to here I use the Imagine I'm gonna be putting here on our actual scene action scene and we're gonna put the medieval Warriors okay uh I could I could control this view of the scene as well okay I can put back view I can put I can put photos but I'm gonna I'm gonna put here actual scene and let's put as well here what would be a haste scene from from for example you can use situations of of of of of uh if you imagine any more of a situation uh you can use as well hey so I'm going to see a war scene as well a war scene uh of my divorce they be they might be a little bit similar but we can use that that that that that possibility as well and now you see that you're gonna start to use the camera in positions and situations that will give you the best view to have a scene of that type that you're choosing so for example when I put actual scene gonna give me a camera as a position to show the best as possible the action scene so I've already telling that this camera is giving also a little bit the theme of is helping with the team that I want to put there I have control the theme as well but it's already I will have a camera push for this same thing that I put here for example war is already showing more than one like that so what I can do with this uh I can do this combination of of the worst scene for example with uh with the with the views and that those 660 types of views here is where we start configuring the scene so for example I can get here I can get the the worst scene that we have here 3.2 and let's do like this let's get the Imagine let's get the war scene but I want the scene the worst scene in panoramic view so I come here work Awards about with you noramic view view I would I could put afterwards in here but I will just put a a comma here and an MK viewer since you guys know they're gonna be even more wide angle that that we're gonna be here white average pretty much we mostly used for for portraits and you know on a type mvq is also here Panorama I I rather use for example I use I use more panoram to even the wide angle for things so pattern mqv war scene so not gonna give up much more view of the whole world happening because I'm putting panoramic view I could also come here for example and put instead of panoramic view I could put aerial view I really feel the war scene now I'm gonna give me something from from the top show me showing that war so those views are there as I said there are more than six possible types of of you here of the war scene um but now here speaking about our our our our our subject and talk about this the scene type okay so hearing the Sim type and we can play with the views we can play with the distance of all the scene types so uh syn types uh there are not that many that directly that I could map I can show you guys here again those who have access to my patreon can see the list that I have that I have but pretty much what I have here on scene types is how many syn types I was in the same types I was able to map here I was able to map it before 14 scene types which get some some nice results okay uh I have for example have underwater uh and we have some some establishing shots some axes of action um there are some uh actual scene 100 degree rule so they're different there's some there's some scenes as well there are mostly for showing characters or different type of scenes I explained in description some of them but I like a lot to to use the action I like a lot dashcon footage is very good as well because it's pretty much put you inside the scene so there are there are different types of scene and you can play with the position of the cam that we learned in the first part so going back here let's see the results we have here so now we have here the aerial view off of the of the of the war scene so we have a war happening and now here we are in the aerial view so there's a lot those views as I said are more than six reviews we can play and you can get out you can Define the scene you want and you can play with a lot of types of of view or control yourself the angle of the camera because this you see the same result here that I put I review I review pretty much this extreme long shot with the high angle camera so I could also control that way or I can put just a review and and get there so let's go back here and see what else we we can we can talk about that so I understand the the that that the kind of scene that we have that we are seeing here uh the kind of uh positions that I'm that I'm talking here and uh and the position there are there we can that we can be doing with the cameras ourselves is pretty much one of the most important element that you that you need to to be able to to hold and to be to use on your on your creation of the scene uh after you have this first part describing the subject describe the C1 is much easier and right now Vision version four majority gives a lot of controls for us to be doing a lot of different scenes a lot of previous things myself I still discovering different types of scenes possible uh is a very good uh sometimes sometimes people describe in a way which I try to I try to decompose and see what kind of scenes I want but since something that uh I'm passionate about as well I I just did a lot of manuals about photo but uh seeing something very interesting guys play with this play with those names blame the cultural camera I gave you a lot of a lot of comments that you can try to mix in and combining to understand how you control better your your scenes and have fun I really think that's one of the the most fun things to do in me journey is creating scenes I got really where's the camera are where where are the possibilities of of uh of uh having uh this this full control so uh thank you again uh please give me us give me a subscription your like if this if you learn something if if you understand uh something interesting in this video I I ask you to give me a like to subscribe again I have a patreon which I'm pretty much documenting everything that I'm doing a database of terms of of of of commands that that we can use of prop makers I think I have a patreon here I I welcome you to join us I got I welcome you to subscribe I have a just a description that we are talking as well and I really want to want to make this this bigger and bigger because mainly what we are doing here you're supporting what I'm doing here so I I really appreciate it and thank you so much guys see you next time make our scenes and I hope and by the way in the second moment here in the second one I'm gonna be talking all the technologies that we can use in terms to create scenes by photo and scenes Illustrated as well okay bye bye thank you so much
Channel: AI Artist TV
Views: 37,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney v4, midjourney prompts, midjourney tutorial, stable diffusion, stable diffusion prompts, stable diffusion tutorial, midjourney, ai art, chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, midjourney ai, midjourney hints, midjourney help, midjourney art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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