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Congrats CJ! I feel like millions is pretty huge for someone with such a low key production and voice intonation that people don't like (I enjoy it).

I remember showing my friend his channel a couple years ago and he commented on him being at nearly three million.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Corsaer 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there don't worry we're not starting yet i'm just going in a little early here a few early birds to make sure the camera's working and the microphone's working and is it working someone tell me they can hear me and see my pink face sorry i've been drinking champagne and by champagne i mean a nice ipa anyway we're gonna do the official start here at exactly six don't tell anyone we started already um i just if i started right at six there would be some glitch and i would get blamed and so i'm paranoid in my old age so hello how you guys doing thank you for joining us so early although now it's only three minutes early but i'm looking forward to this and we'll get started in three minutes and yes my shirt says goat which i'll explain during the chat why i'm wearing this michelle's to blame and oh my god the comments are scrolling by so fast there's no way i'm going to be able to read all these but that's okay it's mostly going to be me talking and then pretending to answer questions that i just wanted to answer uh and no one will have any idea whether somebody really asked that or not so that's uh that's what's going to be happening three minutes everyone stay tuned three minutes can you oh you can hear me good i think free bird welcome to all the members i see a lot of members joining in if you haven't joined and become a food wish member you still have time uh in fact today if you actually join during this chat um well it'll be the same price so never mind there's no discounts but it's very affordable from what i hear i'm not sure all right we're getting close two minutes no not flying goat crooked goat crooked goat see one eye broken horn it's a metaphor oh man based on the early comments this is going to be uh quite a ride [Music] oh my godmother aunt angela is in the chat with my cousin danielle hello to them love you guys so glad you could join in uh danielle likes my glasses she says they make me look slightly more intelligent which is you know not saying much all right is it time one minute here we go all right i gotta pretend we're going in fresh everybody don't give it away i wanna seem like this is a fresh intro so forget everything i just said um here we go oh my god i'm so nervous let me have another drink of beer i'm not a drinker by the way so if i totally lose control halfway through this chat you'll know why seven percent oh yeah all right here we go oops at six i think i got caught drinking one of this one live all right let me do get serious here hello there food wishers this is chef john you know from foodwishes.com uh welcoming you to the 4 million subscriber live chat celebration i cannot believe we have four million subscribers um do we i don't have no idea there's no way to count but that's what the youtube uh little digital algorithm robot things tell me it popped up a couple days ago so i scheduled this chat um first of all let me thank all of you who subscribed uh and by the way if you're watching and haven't subscribed you can watch but i'm gonna have to ask you to mute the sound until you subscribe honor system uh but anyway thank you for subscribing thank you for supporting the channel uh all these years i cannot believe how long it's been i think i keep telling people it's 10 years but isn't it like 14 years i think we started in like 2007 so it has been a ridiculously long time uh but wow time has flown it's been a lot of fun and it's prevented me from having to you know hold a real job which i was never a big fan of to be honest as people know me will attest i was always trying to do some kind of entrepreneurial you know thing that would have me avoiding physical labor at all costs um and one way or another i stumbled into this which we're going to kind of hear the story of as i go through the uh go through the very special top ten list that i've put together top ten video playlist um which i'll explain in a minute but uh anyway just wanted to welcome everybody aboard um thank you for spending some time helping me celebrate michelle's in the other room uh eating a slice of pizza we are celebrating with pizza no we did not make it ourselves that's fine and again i don't drink during these chats usually but for this special occasion we have a uh what am i drinking michelle i'm drinking a watermelon wheat which i think is going to pair very nicely with my debilitating anxiety cheers all right first of all let me think officially i already thanked all you all uh so thank you to the fans uh quick shout out and thank you to the corporate overlords of meredith for a giant corporation they are super cool so thank you for letting me do whatever i want whenever i want it and for almost never emailing me or giving me a hard time about any of the insane things i say during the chats or during the video so thank you um thank you to my lovely wife michelle who is a huge part of these videos as you probably know and i'll be talking more more about michelle when we get to the last video in the playlist but uh thank you michelle thank you michelle um and uh thank you to a couple dearly departed family members my mother pauline who passed away a few years ago um huge obvious influence on me and my career in cooking as well as my beloved uncle billy dartowini who was my sort of you know role model mentor i always wanted to cook like and be like uncle billy when it came to uh hospitality so uh miss yonko billy hopefully somehow you're watching somewhere uh maybe with uh pauline that would be cool uh but anyway i have anna and angela and danielle in the chat it's uh represent representing uh and of course hello to my sister val if she's watching rick britney ally theo all my family back in upstate western new york i always say upstate it's really western new york uh but anyway hello told the family hello to all the homeboys and girls back in shortsville new york and uh i couldn't have done it without you uh and by that i mean you asked me to leave town and i ended up in san francisco and all this happened because of that so thank you very much uh thank you to my mother and father-in-law alan peggy huge supporters of the early years of food wishes helping me get my start and i'm sure i'm forgetting lots of people to thank but without further ado let me tell you what's going to happen i put together a top 10 playlist that just went live uh earlier today um and when we hit 1 million i did no celebration uh and when we did 2 million no celebration 3 million nothing so for 4 million i was feeling like we got to do something and i don't know why i got this idea i should do a top 10 like favorite videos most memorable best but it's impossible when you've posted almost 2 000 i think it's like excuse me maybe it is maybe this 2000 maybe it's closer to 1900 but a lot of videos so how you possibly can pick 10 out of that i don't know and i couldn't so what i did is i put together a little playlist that hopefully you're all gonna go check out after the chat or during the chat if you have you know two computers or can you split your screens i don't know how any of this works but at one point or another if you could check out the playlist i put together 10 recipes uh 10 videos rather because they're not all recipes that i think sort of tells the story or is sort of an illustration in 10 videos of what the channel in my time on youtube has been about so i'm going to go through that first because i know on the east coast some of you folks have to get to bed so i don't want to draw this out too long uh after the top 10 list is revealed i'm going to take questions and try to answer questions until uh i get tired of doing that or you get tired of listening and then i'm going to go so that's what we have planned for this evening i'm sure i made it sound insanely exciting so without further ado i'm gonna take some water and then a super beer and we're gonna get into the first video and the first video on our playlist is something called squash bird now whoops oh my god what's happening oh no okay that was not on purpose all right apparently my live chat is playing in the on the other computer i was using this to see the the list okay i'm okay all right the first video in the playlist is called squash bird and i'm not sure if you've seen squash bird but if not check out the playlist squash bird is a video 5 minutes and 48 seconds made many many many years ago over 10 years ago and it's me telling the story of how making this stupid looking squash bird vegetable carving got me one way or another or eventually got me to san francisco so if you want to hear the origin story of chef john go check out squash bird so that is the first video i picked for the list it is a almost 98 true story of how i learned how to make a bird out of a squash in culinary school and then eventually someone saw me make that in montana and eventually a couple months later that led me to a job at the san francisco opera house where i was hired to dress up the buffet with you guessed it squash birds and we actually have a sign uh squash whoops s squash bird so if you ever see anyone do this in public uh well probably they're a former chef john student flashing the squash bird gang sign so that's the first one on the list um the second video you will see on the playlist the top 10 playlist is how to make fresh cheese for maj block a fairly unremarkable video it used to be called just how to make cheese i changed the name the other day because it wasn't literally how to make cheese so it's how to make a fresh fromage blanc just a simple rich cottage cheese like cheese and the reason that's on the list is because that was my big break on youtube uh before that video i only had like thousands of subscribers no big deal i was actually trying to do an online culinary academy and i really was just practicing how to put together videos and uh how to use the equipment and well i say equipment i didn't have equipment um but i was practicing and i was doing my thing and again i didn't have many subscribers at all and was trying to figure out how am i going to charge for these lessons um and kind of almost um you know not giving up but i was getting a little pessimistic because i wasn't generating lots and lots of uh viewers and i didn't know what what i was going to do and i was on a trip to atlantic city for a food show back then i used to write for about.com i did the american food site for them and i was attending a food show in atlantic city and i got off the plane i remember opening it opening my laptop to check email and back then a really good day for email would have been like three emails and i had like 150 emails in the inbox like everybody i knew people i didn't know that were just clicking on the email link on the website were telling me i made the home page or the front page on youtube and there was my how to make cheese video right there youtube.com and i went from thousands of subscribers and viewers to tens of thousands like overnight so in the show business they they call that your big break so uh whoever youtube is responsible for that back then they used to have humans uh that was way before they invented the algorithm i believe and uh people used to just watch videos and put things they thought were cool on the home page and they used to have a little food and a little makeup and a little car stuff and you know sports and so forth and i made the food part and boom there it was how to make cheese for maj blanc and me doing my thing in the video and that led to sort of the very rapid increase of viewership and the more people that watch the more you know juice you get on youtube and the more people that would tune in and it kind of snowballed and led to what you're seeing here which who knows what this is but anyway the how to make cheese which is what it called what it was called how to make fresh cheese uh was my actual big break on youtube and a really good recipe if you've never made fresh cheese go check it out all right that brings us up to recipe number three my inside now grilled cheese sandwich and this is on the list because this is still and always has been and probably always will be the most viewed video i've ever published i'm going to click on it now it has 10 million 10.7 million if you round up which i always do 10.7 million views uh and all it is is a toasted cheese sandwich and what's really funny about this video and i listened to all these as i was putting the list together um i make a jersey shore joke so you know it's super timely something about cheesier than karaoke night on jersey shore i don't know even what that means i also make a stoner joke about line cooks doing something that makes them hungrier hungrier and they gave this sandwich the stamp of approval and then i had a bong bubbling sound effect in the background so this was like cutting edge technology for food wishes back in the day but anyway for whatever reason people really enjoyed the inside now grilled cheese sandwich and it has like i said 10.7 million views i can't believe it uh the fourth recipe on the list is basically the viewer's choice uh dutch baby if there's one recipe that i've posted after all these years that is the most shared photograph i get it's dutch baby um instagram twitter you name it people love to make the dutch baby and post pictures of it and tell me they made it and i've seen like name a thing i've seen people make dutch babies with it um in fact ironically dutch baby is the only thing i haven't seen in a dutch baby but anyway it is a baked pancake it puffs up it can be very impressive it can be not impressive it cannot puff and be flat and people still post those pictures and i still say looks awesome because it does they tried to make something so i'm happy but anyway dutch baby is not the most popular recipe but it is probably the most popular uh with the viewers as far as getting excited about making something and sharing it so dutch baby how to make the list next up we have cracking an egg with one hand all right when you watch this playlist if you don't know how to crack an egg with one hand you need to watch because i show you how to do it using two golf balls to practice and you take two golf balls why don't i have two golf balls uh in a quarter and i show you how to train your muscle memory that is the memory of your muscles in your hand to crack an egg with one hand which if you haven't done it before really impresses people it shouldn't impress them that much but it really does so if you want to learn how to crack an egg with one hand go check that out the reason i put this one on here is i really enjoy doing recipe videos but i found out a long time ago that usually the even more popular videos are the how to do something specific um for example how to reheat pizza super popular how to read how to flip food in a pan remember the cheese balls so those videos always do did really well but this is my favorite how to do a specific thing culinarily in the kitchen which is usually only done by pro cooks and chefs you don't see your average you know person uh home-cooked crack and eggs with one hand because why would you you got you got time uh but anyway i really liked how that came out and i think it's a great example of um having to figure out how to show someone that you think that you find easy that you think is a simple thing to do but uh convey it in a way where just someone who's never cooked before after a few minutes of practice could get it down so that's my uh my tribute to all the how-to videos on the channel and we have a lot of them um some silly some serious but cracking an egg with one hand is my personal favorite uh which brings us to crispy onion rings uh and i asked on many platforms what i should include in my top 10 video for this occasion and crispy onion rings made a lot of the lists and i run into people that recognize me not by my face thank god by my voice and quite often they'll say the first video i ever saw of yours was crispy onion rings and that was really one of the early early videos and i remember being so proud of it because an onion ring is not that easy of a thing to make um you can make them crispy but then the onion pulls out and the onions raw but the outside's cooked or vice versa and i played around with it and i just thought i nailed the recipe and i came up with this super crispy crunchy onion ring that was crunchy even after 15 or 20 minutes of being out of the oil so i was very excited to share it and um and it actually did really well and it was one of the first videos where i started including some sound so i have you'll if you go to the video you'll hear i'm scratching the the onion rings on the you know on the tray on the cooling rack now this is before the the fork don't lie hashtag so before i was even scraping things with forks to so you could hear how crispy it is i was scraping them rubbing them on cooling racks so i had to include crispy onion ring recipe one of the early viral videos um the one thing i laugh at looking back i only fried one i showed how to make them all and i showed a whole bunch being made afterward but as far as the actual how to fry it i fried one onion ring in the oil which you know it was just easier to film nowadays i would have mentioned like just so it's easier i'm only going to film one because now i'm like really self-conscious for whatever reason but back then i didn't care i just filmed one i thought it was fine so how to make crispy onion rings uh check it out uh next up on the list how to make no knead ciabatta bread this one will always have a deer place in my heart it was the most popular first and most popular bread recipe we ever did it was my one of my first attempts at no need bread which just blew my mind you didn't do anything with it other than mix it up the night before with just a pinch of yeast and then magically you go to sleep wake up and there in the bowl would be this risen dough that you then just flopped on a on a pan formed it into a loaf let it rise again and boom you're you you baked bread that looked like it came out of a bakery and what i love about that video more than it got a ton of traffic and it it was one of my more successful early videos especially when it came to baking so many people that saw that video would leave comments like they've never made bread in their life this is the first loaf they ever tried and it worked and now they're making bread and i still hear from people like this month that make that loaf as their first loaf of bread or they made that way back when and they've been making homemade bread since and so that sorta gave me an indication uh above and beyond just posting recipes posting hopefully funny videos that uh you know not to sound too sappy but that i might be making like some small difference with people in their lifestyle in their life and people that would have never thought to make homemade bread we're now making homemade bread and that made me feel really good and i was very inspired by that so how to make no need ciabatta bread made the list which brings us to my one fail attempt my greatest failure ever for a video recipe coming in at number seven baked cauliflower fries oh yeah if you've been a fan of the channel a viewer for a long time you've heard me talk about this travesty this tragedy this just crime against nature i spent all day almost literally making what was supposed to be crispy cauliflower french fry looking things in the oven um now mind you this is when i don't know how long ago this was five six seven years when making things with cauliflower was like the most popular trend pizza crust chicken fake this fake that we're using cauliflower now so i tried this recipe and you have to grind it you have to cook it you have to squeeze the water then you have to press it and form it and then bake it and then after it's baked you let it cool and then you cut sticks and then you paint the sticks with oil and then you put them on a pan and then you bake them crispy and it was just an absolute joke they were soggy they weren't crispy and what made it even more annoying is they look good they look like they would be good but they weren't so i actually entitled the the video what is it here how to waste a day making crappy cauliflower sticks [Applause] and they made a huge mess you got cauliflower juice all over uh and you know i like i like i'm not against juice i like juice but cauliflower juice not something you want splashed all over your kitchen and anyway not a successful video but what it taught me is that people on the channel loved loved when i failed so it gave me the courage to post all my terrible recipes thankfully there's been none since but it showed that people don't necessarily have to see a great recipe to enjoy the show so thank you cauliflower fries i just flipped off cauliflower fries thank you for showing me that but probably the worst recipe i've ever posted on food wishes uh runner-up would be my valentine's carpaccio that i shaped like a heart and i called it a meat heart for your sweetheart and that got no views and just made people nauseous michelle liked it it was delicious but uh meatheart for your sweetheart was not that successful either and by the way people that are chiming in about where's the speedo lawnmower video that's not happening we didn't get enough members that day and if you're wondering what we're talking about i don't have time to tell you uh short answer i claimed if we got a certain number of members during a live chat i would mow the lawn in a speedo and michelle would film it um which if we get 10 000 members during this chat i will do so let's reprise that uh but anyway where are we at the list okay so two videos left i wanted to pick what i consider my favorite to eat recipe the most successful recipe in my opinion that i've ever posted which again impossible to pick there's so many hundreds of literally hundreds of videos i could have picked for this but i wanted to pick something that was kind of recent um and it is the salisbury steak it came out exactly how i wanted it looked amazing it tasted amazing it smelled amazing the recipe's super easy and it reminded me of some of my happiest times which was and if you're my age you can hopefully relate to this sitting in front of the television with a tv dinner watching tv one of our back then three channels um and i think ed sullivan was on two of the channels and then news was on the other channel uh and that was it and i just always loved the tv dinner experience uh much to michelle chagrin we i still pretty much eat in front of the tv every meal but anyway salisbury steak i had to include on the list because it really um it's an example of what i love to do the most which is take a classic recipe and show you how to make it or for the younger kids uh you take the tic tac generation who's never heard of a salisbury steak in their life maybe we show a few people what us old folks used to eat back in the day so uh i love doing the classics uh if it's been in a tv dinner hopefully i filmed it and salisbury steak is sort of the epitome of that type of cuisine so i had to pick the salisbury steak i could have went with uh chicken sausage potatoes peppers i could have went with so many chicken parm chicken parm casserole um any of our pastas uh i mean i shouldn't even start naming them because i there's no way i can name enough and then last but not least we gotta go out with dessert the tenth video has i think seven thousand views this is ridiculous it was one of our first videos we ever posted it's called savory chocolate crustini that i spelled with the you crestini not crustini with a no like it's supposed to be spelled with maldon sea salt crystals and if you listen to the video which again i really hope you listen all these after the chat or at some point this is what maybe like 13 12 13 14 years ago and i think this is so cutting edge that we're putting chocolate on bread that's been toasted with olive oil and then putting salt on it which nowadays thanks to youtube and hopefully people like me and food network and so forth no one's impressed by you know something so crazy as chocolate on bread with olive oil and salt like now that's like so what that's not cutting edge i had that yesterday but back then apparently i thought it was super super cutting edge and i remember michelle and i had this at a restaurant and it was michelle's suggestion i'm sure i'm not gonna lie and say i remember the conversation but michelle will often have something in a restaurant or we will have something and then she will say that's got that has to be a video you got to do a video with that and that's probably what happened with that so uh i wanted to include one that michelle had a big part in because she's such a huge integral part of the channel uh always a constant source of inspiration she likes to call herself my muse which is an understatement so thank you michelle for everything you do and for uh way back then making me do a savory chocolate crostini spelled with a u with sea salt and if you've never had that uh seriously it is one of the greatest easiest desserts of all time especially if you do it bruschetta style grill your bread on the grill next time you're doing a cookout olive oil grill it until it's charred great or break up some dark chocolate on it sprinkle it with salt sea salt nice big flaky stuff um ideally and you will get you will so get lots of compliments uh so anyway that's the top 10 list sorry at a glance it's kind of lame list it's not like our most popular or our best those are just the recipes that um to me represent what i've been trying to do for the last 14 years i just can't believe it um i mean how do i look the same it's amazing um i don't have any uh less hair than when i started wink only a little bit so anyway that's the list i'm gonna get into some questions now i'm gonna get into some comments um i should do one pitch that we do have a membership if you pay an extra was it 4.95 a month we do after every video the next day we do a live chat for members only called behind the recipe where i just bs about the recipe and we we joke around and we kid around and and i try to answer questions which i'm super bad at because i really don't know that much despite what i tell people at cocktail parties and it's it's a fun it's a lot of fun so if you're into it join become a member and i will see you in the next live chat we do them on wednesdays and saturdays after the tuesday and friday video posts and that's pretty much all the self promotion i'm gonna do although i am gonna take another drink of water and then one more sip of beer which really is doing the job i was really nervous about this but a nice a nice watermelon wheat really takes the edge off uh let that be less to you kids you ever get tense just a little bit of beer they'll fix you they'll fix you right up all right just kidding do not drink until you're 35 or older all right i'm going to scroll back to the top there is no way i'm going to catch up with these questions so if you tuned in with a specific question um you're probably out of luck but i'm just gonna i'm gonna ra just randomly glance pick out things to answer um and oh here's one do you have high blood pressure no but it's really warm in our kitchen and this light is right here so that's why i think i'm a little pink i was kind of kidding about being nervous i don't think this is flop sweat uh but anyway yes i have a little bit of high blood pressure not that high for you know i'm 50 something late 50s so it's kind of in line with what you'd expect you know a stocky uh formerly athletic italian-american polish ukrainian belarusian to have but anyway thank you for asking and i would say what their handle is but it's all in uh asian characters i'm not even sure what language it is so thank you for that all right seriously let's get some real questions here uh free bird i still can't believe you said my name i didn't i thought it was the song sorry i didn't mean to say your name big cauliflower recipe's still hot on youtube yeah youtube it's crazy esther loves our bloopers the most thank you and by the way i was not kidding if we get 10 000 members during this chat before this chat ends i will in fact mow the lawn in a speedo michelle will film it i will do the entire 2.3 acres which is going to take a while probably have to guess it up at some point um and if you've ever wanted to see some you know jiggling tatas that would be the one to tune into so michelle is very excited so come on people we're only 9 900 and something members away jiggling for justice i have no idea some of these i'm just going to read out of context people are saying don't do that they do not want to watch me mow the lawn neither does michelle speedo don't lie that's right just like fork make salisbury steak in a speedo yes if we get to 15 000 viewers or sorry 15 000 subscribers no 15 000 members i will make salisbury steak in a speedo john hayes a valued member says caper brine in the shrimp scampi was magic garlic shrimp almost made the list one of my favorite recipes we've ever posted garlic shrimp take a little that juice from the caper bottle spoon that in your whenever you saute some seafood oh man that's a secret trick thank you everybody popping in to say congratulations especially people people paying to do so appreciate it detroit pizza getting lots of shout outs all right oh what's with your voice what's up with your voice i love this question hold on let me water my voice for a second so i will say this and i don't know who's going to believe me but i've never from the first day of food wishes where i just talked like this hello chef john today we're making tuna casserole uh till what you hear today nothing has been intentional or on purpose i have no idea zero how the cadence the delivery the voice the the style has uh changed and morphed and uh what's a word for it um i don't know changed over all the years it just happens um you know i don't think there's any music person group individual that their first album sounds like the last album um you know i i i i don't know what it is it's just if you do something for a certain amount of time it's going to slowly be without you even knowing it change i like to compare it to a old river a young river strait and when a river is thousands and thousands of years old it's very windy it meanders i believe is the correct term so my voice over all these years has meandered into what you hear today uh what i'm trying to say is i can't change it so if you like it i'm glad if you uh don't like it i can't do anything about it so basically too bad uh but anyway that's the story of the voice um if i could change it to how i thought everyone would want it i you know that's not even a thing because who knows what people want so i'm glad i don't try to do anything on purpose but in case you thought i was putting on this act or show or you know um [Music] have like a plan or a some kind of secret uh agent i don't it's just how it comes out so that's it uh thank you you're so hot i meant literally hot yes it's very warm in the kitchen i probably should have cranked the air conditioning before i did this but i just don't have that kind of foresight uh thank you hello michelle pete michelle people are saying hello and by the way if you've watched since you were in high school and now you have kids let me know i got a comment earlier today that made me feel really old hello chef john i used to watch you in high school now i'm married with kids and i was like wow that's i guess that can happen over 14 years but anyway i love to hear those comments old man schwartz's kid bob is here bob do you think zucchini would be good in that savory cheesecake yes as long as you cook it and drain it and there's not a lot of moisture otherwise you're gonna have problems but yes uh brad wants to know how to find other shows from 14 years ago brad you go to videos excuse me it's a beer you go to go to videos and you can sort the videos by oldest to newest and if you sort it oldest to newest you'll see all the old ones and the dead giveaway and i have to go back and change this but the dead giveaways all the old videos have no thumbnails half of them are like the thumbnails like this it's like it's like me grabbing like a zucchini out of a pan like it's terrible they're just a tragedy of horrible horrible thumbnails no wonder some of them only have like 5 000 views because there's no there's no aesthetic uh you know enticement there at all it is just whatever random frame they were on when i posted it i didn't even know you could pick a thumbnail back then so please pardon the ugly thumbnails i need to get well first i have to hire an intern and then i need to get an intern on the case to update all those thumbnails but that's how you do it and thank you for p people saying it was a great list um i think you're just being nice but that's fine i'm always into people just being nice to me but seriously after the chat i hope you check out the playlist thank you everyone is joining hello new members seriously you really should join and get in on these uh behind the recipe chats we do twice a week they are a lot of fun and i mean i have to be there it's kind of kind of key uh but even if i did i would join these uh chats because there's a lot of laughs and michelle participates from the other room and we have lots of inside jokes and things i actually can't even mention chris says my hair's gotten more gray watching your videos well chris i don't think that's connected david carbone is celebrating his one year anniversary of being a member very good katie says the ciabatta was her first recipe loved the voice he had a cold oh that's right if you listen to the noni ciabatta bread recipe uh i had a really bad cold and i sounded like joey from friends and i was trying to do that like hey are you doing and um that was like a running gag that i was making myself laugh at during the video i'm not sure if anyone else found it funny probably more annoying than anything but yes i had a terrible terrible cold during that video whoa all right let me go back up a thousand comments just went by uh yeah boy jay thank you for joining and if i go by your question your comment it's not personal there's just way way too many people here to really catch up on all the comments and questions um hawaiian garlic shrimp oh my god amazing thank you brian cooper oh here's a good one from a member blanket for robot for true robot blanket for trobot all right i think that's as close as i'm gonna get do you or michelle have any tips or recommendations from keep get ready to laugh michelle do you have any tips or recommendations for keeping a kitchen prep area tidy and organized do we no it is impossible to cook like an actual real chef and have a neat tidy prep area uh i just chop it all up we cook and then you clean up the mess later i've never trusted people that cleaned as they went i mean how do you do that i can't do that and that's why i do most of the cooking because by the time michelle cleans up as she preps it's like uh michelle it's like 11 o'clock we will have to have this for breakfast so yes you can prep and tag me as you go it just takes too long so old line cooks like myself we can't do that no it's not in our dna uh if you can god bless you michelle bless you but i cannot uh actually do that so i have no tips for you uh maybe you can hook up with michelle offline and she can give you some of her tips and tricks i've never mastered that particular trick excuse me speaking of which sipping a beer while you cook doesn't help either uh barnaby says my voice adds authenticity don't let that ever change man i can't can't stop won't stop rockefeller records all right have you ever met gordon ramsay peter i have not met gordon ramsay um we are good friends although we've never met and he's probably never heard of me but i consider him a friend and i think if we ever met and i and i explained who i was and he pretended not to know what i was talking about i think we would get on just fine uh from what i've heard through the grapevine nice guy a lot of what you see on tv is an act just like me but uh no i have not met gordon ramsay i've not met almost anybody i used to go to all the food shows and all the foodie get-togethers and i would meet people for like 10 10 15 seconds so i'm not sure if that counts i met a lot of chefs and celebrities that way but never were you like you know what do you mean you gotta have like a meal with someone if you wanna say you've met them i mean just shaking someone's hand in a grand tasting i mean it's not really meeting them um but no i've never even touched gordon ramsay although i'd really like to um andrew wants to know what my thoughts are on korean barbecue why do people pay to cook their own food when going out because it's fun it's fun i love korean bbq where you cook your own yes evolution is slow thank you for pointing that out your voice has evolved thank you r.a that's the word i was looking for my voice has evolved why is that funny that's a perfect word no my voice is evolved don't change love the cadence i'm going to change it this week i think actually why have i been trying to do it without trying to do it thank you everybody bloomfield new jersey hello bloomfield by the way when i try to talk like the videos in the chats i can't do it explain that very mysterious uh chris bramblet have you ever met anthony bourdain saying no i've sat literally 18 inches from him but we never had a conversation so it doesn't count but i've been bordaine adjacent in case that impresses you uh yeah boy jay you're the best chef ever thank you so much so you're saying i'm the go really this is from a brewery in town i'm not lying i'm just trying to get free beer because after this chat i'm going to send them the link to their social media and be like hey i got your back now how about having mine and by back i mean beer beer gut so anyway i'm working it you gotta you know you you gotta hustle every day i'm hustling as you know uh people must like it uh marissa says four million subscribers you know that's one conclusion or i've just been doing this for so many so many years that was unavoidable eventually all right scrolling through let's get some more um question about the cayenne no that's just not a gimmick that's not a meme it's just i like cayenne i have a theory that if you put a little touch in recipes even if it's just a touch and you're not doing it for heat you're not trying to make it spicy just a touch like eighth of a teaspoon in that soup that stew with pasta uh whatever um i think it opens up the palette for the other flavors it's always been my theory one of the many many theories i have that that you can't prove um but that's how the cayenne thing started and then of course after 10 years it became a joke and a meme and a running kind of gag so now if i don't put it in something i have to hear from people why did you not put it in that thing and then i actually feel bad like michelle i forgot the kion anyway that's the story of the cayenne peter fresh nutmeg or not i'm insulted by your question of course you have to use freshly grated nutmeg only a sadist uses old pre-ground nutmeg that's been around for two years when they bake for their loved ones come on now if you buy new grated nutmeg that's pre-graded fine i don't want to i don't want to do you like that but if you have nutmeg that's like literally has dust on it and you're about to make something go get some fresh nutmeg uh and by the way as far as fishing for compliments i'm pretty damn good at this because that's eighty percent of this which is understandable since it's a celebration of 4 million subscribers that i threw for myself uh ray j ray g thoughts on lakers lakers are really building quite a roster they're going to have too much though and the golden state warriors will easily i feel crush them and they clay's coming back so mark it down you heard it here first lakers will lose to the warriors in six games in the western conference finals in was it gonna be 2022 when they finally play that that game so uh sorry ray g uh i hope you're a laker fan and i hope they lose uh but also join as a member please all right nancy i used to watch you in high school now i'm a grandmother no now i'm married no kids yet but probably will be well good luck with that um make sure you teach your kids how to cook not teaching your kids how to cook is a travesty and should probably be illegal um if i hadn't been taught to cook and been around all the great cooks in my family hello and angela again my mom my aunts my uncles my dad my sister if i wasn't around all that i would not even have thought about going into food so if you want your kids to be happy and i'm assuming you do teach them how to cook why wouldn't you because really it's selfish because they're going to help you chop and slice and dice and stir and clean and and tidy up as you go like michelle does and uh so that's it's a win-win for everybody what about the deer my sister valerie and my cousin danielle want to know about a deer what about the deer i need more info michelle oh okay you guys want to go for a little tour no michelle says no all right so this is our whoops that is a taxidermy wannabe it's actually a deer head made out of an old varnish tin that an artist bent and pounded and uh soldered and possibly welded into a deer head and we have one that's a wild boar and we have one that's an elk and those will be revealed during the big kismet reveal so you guys are seeing the kitchen but we are going to do the full kismet reveal very soon for the members which you still have time to join if you join now during the chat uh well it's exactly the same as if you join anytime but it would be cool that you could say you know when i joined it was during the 4 million celebration but anyway thank you for asking my sister val now knows that is a non-real deer uh danielle my cousin i believe has probably shot a real deer i'm assuming since everybody in my hometown where i came from has shot a deer uh whether they you know needed to or not usually it's for meat but anyway that is the explanation sorry it took me a second michelle's giving me info while i'm reading these and i'm like michelle and danielle want to know or val and danielle want to know about the deer what deer okay that makes sense now uh desiree hire me nope i have no budget for employees i can barely afford michelle who actually is technically an employee but we're more partners i would say um even your thumbnail explanations sound delicious well thank you uh chris bryant to giant your thoughts very happy with the trade all right let's get back to food thank you for new members joining can you say a little bit of trimming and shaping [Music] yes i can here we go a little bit of trimming and shaping was that good should i do slower a little bit of trimming and shaping why did someone attend a live chat and asked me to say a little bit of trimming and shaping we'll never know do you listen to music while you cook i do michelle what is the most popular pandora station when i'm cooking you know wu-tang thank you as i try to prove my super cool hypnos uh no seriously i listen to usually hip hop when i'm cooking uh michelle will put the pandora on because i don't have the app and oh no actually i do know and uh no captain booger nuts we're not doing the kismet tour in a speedo just stop speedo doesn't happen unless we get 10 000 members then i'm doing speedo mowing michelle says no but it would happen um anyway i lost my place oh music yes i like the hip and the hop and i listen to everything uh so it's either one extreme or the other it's usually like rap hip-hop or classical those would be my two most popular genres when i'm not what was that slipping and a tapping stirring in a mixing i lost now all right whoever wanted me to say if you want me to say two random words in a sentence please forward that now because we're getting to the end of the chat i was only planning on doing this for an hour but we might go overtime thank you h oh my god people are just randomly donating money without even joining howie felder bush my old friend i'll need to watch this chat tomorrow making sous-vide octopus charred in uni pizza oven still speedo talking howie you're the best thank you oh my god i'm embarrassed by all the love old man muscle whites here major molasses brine pork chops carolina bbq sauce incredible thank you old man muscle white um people are kissing michelle with emojis i'm not sure if that's appropriate but that's fine coconut rice video please oh i forgot about that yes i owe you that all right what else we got anybody else got a question a comment some words you want me to pronounce who writes your puns ellie nobody writes them i don't even write them and they're not puns i believe they're just rhymes if you're talking about the you're the disco stew of your stews hue um those aren't technically puns i don't do a lot of puns uh what am i rapunzel uh see that's a pun we have not made homemade well i have made homemade beer i've never filmed it i would like to do that again i would like to film it although we did recently i didn't film it either because i want to practice first uh we have a wild plum tree on the property here at kismet and we made a wild plum wine that is now aging or at least it's clarifying then we will bottle it then we will age it then we will drink it and then we will be like wow that was terrible we should just buy some wine that was too hard so we're going to see i got my fingers crossed um we get so many plums when these wild plum trees we got two of them they just drop like 100 pounds of plums on the ground like overnight and we try to let the deer eat a good amount since that's really what they're for but then we will pick up a basket um and we tried to make some wine danielle orr was in a cookbook what did that mean see i'm only getting oh he has a cookbook yes i do have a cookbook although it's not a real cookbook i was hired to write a cookbook for another company and actually i was hired to curate an american food cookbook for a british company using their recipes and when i got into the recipes i was like wait a minute there's no dill in guacamole like all the recipes were totally wrong so i talked them into using my recipes and i curated this book and it's called i forget american food something a collection i don't know it's on amazon if you google my name john mitsuwich it will pop up and you can buy your very own sort of chef john cookbook that does have a good amount of food wish recipes there uh but one of these days i'm going to do a real chef john slash food wish cookbook which is again going to be impossible since how do you pick a cookbook's worth of recipes when you've posted like almost 2 000. anyway we'll figure it out uh yes chris we're from kismet petaluma no kismet kismet is the name of the property because it had a big sign over the door that said kismet or over the driveway uh it's located in sebastopol california west county sonoma um and if you want to stalk me just hang out in sebastopol and you eventually will run into me especially at you know crooked go where i tend to go luxuriate once in a while do some south african food all right sounds good go master flash thinks she bought that book thank you very much for your support i get no royalties that's why i don't promote it uh random word fujoda fujoda i forgot how you say that what's the brazilians do somebody spell it phonetically for me uh please a cookbook please a cookbook yes eventually we'll do a cookbook when i'm old and broken down and i can't do video recipes anymore uh and i need that to survive uh i will probably do a cookbook would you do a collab with other food with other youtubers of course i would but they got to fly here because i don't fly anymore i'm i'm done flying it's it's a source of constant shame and embarrassments but i am ground i'm grounded bound to the ground as opposed to tore up from the floor up i'm not not that uh you and michelle come to san antonio i'll cook for you uh while the wildland harrison that is a tempting offer but again i'd have to walk or drive all right we're gonna wrap this up we're over an hour babish is a cool guy yes thank you for chris i would do a collab with babish tell him i said hi is he in the chat he's been in the chats before i've actually seen him um all right this was fun i hope you all get time to go check out the top 10 chef john video list which is a terrible name because it's certainly not uh oh wait that didn't help um it's not really a top 10 list of the best or the most popular it's just random videos i picked that i thought sort of captured my journey on youtube from the squash bird which got me to california to um some of the more popular ones and then uh my sort of tribute acknowledgement of michelle's incredible uh you know what she puts into the show is just uh i can't describe it it's a lot of work and very often she's the one that remembers things we eat out and they end up being in videos and then you know i get all the credit so thank you for michelle uh thank you everybody who joined in thank you for the seven or eight serious questions we got and all the hilarious comments i'd like to say those two words again but i forgot what they were um stirring in a flopping what was it mixing in a sifting [Music] friday oh what's on tap okay next video is coming up on friday after one attempt i mastered the malaysian flatbread known as roti chennai if you always want to know how to make roti chennai like a malaysian guy you should turn in tune in turn in too turn in tonight get a good night's sleep and then tune in friday to watch me make flatbread um it was it's amazing and as a bonus and no extra charge i show you how to make a beautiful red curry sauce with lentils so easy so nutritious so delicious to dip your homemade flatbread in it's gonna be as the kids like to say seven eight years ago it's gonna be epic and then a week from yesterday i'm gonna show everybody how to reheat french fries it's come to my attention that people are using air fryers uh hey not all of us are millennials we don't all have those uh or they're using the oven terrible idea or microwave the worst idea i'm going to show you how to reheat french fries better than when you got them in the takeout package or you woke up the next day and you're like wow we didn't we didn't eat all the french fries how do we reheat these i'm gonna show you so those are the next videos coming up uh toaster oven nope i got a better method faster than toaster oven uh i'm gonna hang out for another two minutes to see if we can get 2 000 more members signed up just hit the join button under any video and we will see you in the members only chats every wednesday and saturday they are so much fun and i'm just saying that i mean i'm not just saying that they're really actually fun hey val love you my sister is awesome famous artist i'm going to get her art on the channel one of these days she probably doesn't want me telling you that i think she's one of these secret artists but uh i have the best sister thanks val bikini lawnmowing no dustin i'm not wearing a top bikini lawnmower lawn mowering is going to be the bottom speedo only me in a two-piece is not something anyone needs to see they barely need to see the one piece uh dustin says you can do it i don't know what he's talking about but i can uh come on y'all join that hit that join button yes ryan thank you for joining our business smash that button and like and also what do they call a thumbs up oh the same thing is like okay yes would not just say that he is a uh notoriously honest person um dustin oh okay that is sufficient oh my god i just got an error message are we still chatting i don't know what's going on tenderize that button yes please please pierce that join button i don't know the join button oh if you go to any video we've ever posted except this chat ironically if you go to any video any youtube video for uh food wishes don't accidentally join another channel please go to a food wish video there's a little button that says join there's no way you're going to miss that dollar a week come on admit it all right you spend that at the track and like on a small soda so hit the join button become an official food wish member and get in on all the secret info uh and we have secret handshakes we got code decoder rings it's like a whole thing uh and that's for members only um now don't worry if you're not a member i never will charge for videos so it's only bonus stuff it's me you know doing this basically for another 20 minutes half hour every week twice a week uh that's it i'm gonna sign off somehow i'm getting text it's probably some relative saying i had something up my nose the whole time uh thank you danielle thank you it was my pleasure love you guys hello aunt angela i miss you uh can you guys get on a plane and come out here and see me i'm so lame i can't fly it's terrible i'm gonna have to dope myself up and get back that get back there michelle do you want to wave hi you guys want to see michelle come on just your just like half your face and a hand all right go to the window michelle's going to go in the cutout come on i just built you up just wave just your hand then come on all right michelle's being coy all right then we're not going to let you laugh in any of the chats anymore all right that's it i'm going to go i should wait until my beer's gone at least though oh wait michelle's getting up there she is [Music] hey now come on see your face come on i brag i married such a beautiful woman prove me right come on let's go just an elbow dustin wants a whole elbow there you go oh naked elbow that was surprisingly provocative all right are we done people are still in the chat we still have 854 people watching thank you sir bat bats gaming is that is that a cricket term [Music] i did say hi to ain't angela hey danielle goodbye annie and angela thank you love you i think i said that like seven times all right thank you naked elbow now people are commenting on the elbow cookie love wants fried swiss cheese on a stick holy cow no i'm not doing that one see that's a pun more muse muse muse muse news no she's done michelle and angela wants to see you come on hello there she is thank you see and angela made it happen see i told you she's the good looking one in the in the relationship here uh all right we got michelle i can sign off now although people are still joining maybe i should just hang out and promote myself go michelle got me this t-shirt for my uh birthday and said i should wear for the chat and she says cause people call you goat on youtube and i'm like well that's not nice and then she explained that means the greatest of all time and then i was like all right i'll wear it michelle said michelle angel says thank you for the quick what people want two seconds of your face now jl says nice the beer is talking jj the beer's been talking the whole chat i told you i'm a lightweight one that's me this is me on one beer so uh never invite me to a party as most people uh already know that know me invite me after the party or before to cook the food and then have me leave all right that's it i'm gonna go oh fave's favorite gen x movie cynthia wants to know what is gen x i'm actually technically gen x i think i made it by like a week um favorite gen x movie i'd say breakfast club is that that's not gen x that's probably boomer no i don't i'm not sure we're supposed to say boomer anymore anyway uh i can't sign off i'm having too much fun i'm just gonna stay on i got nothing to do i'm staying on until we have no no members in the chat we have 804 to go i knew i would miss it live conf confused you didn't miss anything totes gen x they didn't say totes breakfast club is gen x okay i i was okay with that thank you everybody nick you must be late i didn't hunt that deer in the other room it's not a deer excuse me i'm burping now and hiccupping him burping it's a it's a it's a metal deer um all right i'm unplugging the microphone we're gonna do i'm gonna show you the rest of the the animal heads michelle i'm coming in yes i am get out of the way then all right here we go we're going to do a little tour for everyone that hung out all right i'm going to unplug this you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 61,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0dCqV_dJmRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 51sec (4551 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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