Loud got UPSET by a "Terrible" Pick | Pro VALORANT Breakdown | EG vs Loud

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EG slaughtered loud 2-0 in a convincing fashion at Masters Tokyo nobody was expecting this and they did so by playing the most broken agent on fracture Silva hey guys I'm kidding so it was pretty terrible on fracture or so everyone thought until EG whipped it out to defeat loud in this video we're gonna break down how EG made Silva on fracture work the complete Mastery over their ultimate abilities and just showcase some freaking awesome rounds let's find out exactly how EG upset the America's Champions loud when you have India against a lot sometimes you get this curious Edge a sense of wonder about who exactly matchmaking gifted you as your teammates well Wonder no more our sponsor Valen trackers got you with valent tracker you can see all your teammates stats during agents online and when you get into game the stats on every player's performance gets updated live in the app so you can see exactly who's popping off and adapt your strategies based on that by the way balance tracker is giving away 41 000 Riot points between three winners this month we like free RP all you need to do is download the track Rap using my link the giveaway will pop up when you open the app the winner will be announced on July 6th so make sure you sign up for the giveaway by then oh what are you waiting for download tracker today for free using my link in the description below so Silva isn't great on fracture for a handful of reasons one of the reasons is that it's hard to get consistent value from Silver all this is because fracture has a ton of different elevations just look at B site we've got heaven then sight then the ground then sewers aiming stuff all along the x-axis is hard enough now you need to also consider the y-axis that's too much thinking back to locking in Reina but EG have a way to get around this weakness in round three EG opened with four players North Side One South Side EG want to take dish control Ethan on breach is sitting in this corner ready to stun dish off his teammates contact but loud aren't dish louder doing an a main heavy setup with two players anchoring on B the round starts comes silver recon's dish the Recon scans nothing so EG no dish is clear calm Farms all orb EG self all is online bustillo is safely holding the space beam main this means a b split is a possibility especially since EG just showed a ton of presence towards a so EG regroup and begin working back arcade and this is a great call B site is currently allowed to weaker are both playing on site you'll see pros play off-site a lot on fracture especially when the attacking team has threatening AOE alt like killjoyalt Rachel or Brimhall but EG don't have any of that I mean they have silver all thank you oh it's overall we're so scared yeah good luck with that y-axis gaming but EG's got something cooked up busio is holding the B main control by himself he's looking into the sky not just for inspiration but to also throw a Molly line up that lands right here I just want to really feel that contact coming through does have less bio side three play stack up towards eight we'll take a second or two to come into any sort of effective range so speak up today earlier gets melted and beside is EG's lounging players immediately start flanking but EG read this boostil is holding B Main and com is running away from arcade bless and Mike this is gorgeous to watch like I said they have identify the site where there's two positions booster stands his ground okay surely no no why don't flankers get pinched it's just down to two is in a 1v5 note that this isn't just you're an Eco this is nothing like this or they got five standing they got upgrades go on two pieces on 24 HP and EG wins round three that was their bonus round by the way but their use of util this round was so oppressive I mean just look at loud's POV how are you supposed to play because EG fleshed out all of having with their util calm you exactly where he needed to aim his silver alt resulting in a clean kill on sadak so there's a common Strat in MMOs where you would heard all the mobs together into one area and then nuke them with your AOE ability EG are going to pull off their version of that this round they start off with a chill slow default to be made to a main one north side but loud aren't going to let EG slowly work them out for free they open with 3 arcade two DISH loud are going to rush forward and pinch the north side of the map calm might be in trouble the barriers drop allowed to rush forward and come immediately dips he takes a rope and Ziplines away with his life EG instantly recognized that louder pinching North Side so their South Side friends immediately regrouped to take the free space on B loud cleared all of north side but before they can make their way back to B site busio drops his killjoy out sewards this all covers all of sight and arcade loudest forced to back off the bench their dish players at the start have also regrouped with the team loud are ready to fast retake as a full Squad after Aegis killjoy all pops but EG have other plans but this is where it gets interesting now we start to see that threat coming back through and EG shreds down loud lesson aspects can't even get close to Arcade now 5v3 in favor of EG allowed getting no action s back towards this side off that perfect pinch pinch aside this this one but it's all effective trades Ethan still holding so much space here less I'll do the dance with him and actually has the better moves too he's now closing on in the time's been taking this entire fight here whoa whoa how is it a 2v2 two is on the spike no chance of this one the Smoke's still in play they got a check on this van to his fossil less has no time EG take the round not even close you see an enemy you shoot easy stuff what if you don't see them though here's a round where EG masterfully lands their alt even when the ones Alton cannot see EG start with four South Side one North they want to execute B through b main but wait their flash initiator is alone on the North side loud open with 3B 2A they see that EG have their kill drill they know that EG will want to likely use that all in sewers so loud's 3B players are hugging the B main barrier looking to fight for B main control but EG know that loud know that they have killjoyal and this opening is their response the round starts EG rushed forward Bane loud flashes up high but they don't push with it they wait a second to bait egn and then they strike they've got the same stack almost but with a buy behind a little bit of a switch-up positions LastPass this timing it's run for him now down to 14 foast away it's cowanzine to Punisher with chokomo accounting gonna double down when they still stand up still one holy right as louder graspy main Ethan ripped this bridge all towards being made from arcade ashraz and sadak manages to escape to canteen but collinsin gets caught in the alt and gets deleted by EG as Pastor loops around from continuing to take a position in gen but Ethan's lurked up a little punishment how is Ethan here they are even that's a surprise great off and go from Ethan EG's kill Joel comes out giving them a free sight to plan Ethan is sitting close spawn EG are pinging spawn why time is ticking static unless know they need to get moving they run up to begin retaking but Ethan hears this he calms it to calm [Music] falls to the silver alt now that's some Teamwork Makes a dream work right there Super Heads Up still looking towards it just sitting out that traditional angle tucked into the corner but he's going for a hunt oh this one he wants a bit more he's out for blood friend season up and EG take round 12 entering halftime with a 9-3 lead so there's a saying one man's trash is another man's treasure in the context of valorin Silva's shock Dart isn't exactly the greatest ability in the game but somehow EG have figured out a way to use that and turn it into a counter to the neon comp on fracture it's round 16. loud have all five players South Side they want to take a main control and they want to take it fast with ass pass zooming in on that neon but what they don't realize is that EG's got a bit of an anti-strat for that Ethan uh because for us what's going on I what on Earth is showing on this round is bizarre bizarre indeed holy did you guys see that at the start Ethan jumped down to stun amen neon has a time to run past his stun but the rest of the team doesn't but that's all a part of EG's plan then comes shock darts through the door the shock Dart opens a door and neon who usually has a great timing to kill this deep a main player is now in the middle of a three-man crossfire aspects gets shredded trades go through it's now a 3v3 the round slows down fast four sometime loud get the spike down they see that demon one is one off his brimmo they don't want to be on site if demon one happens to get a kill so they all shipped into a main meanwhile all of EG retake from Spawn there's also very deep positions are loud all safely the pressure though really hard position to try and play up against loud again that deep brim smoke is so good it gives EG space to push up a main run that clock to Perfection paranoia sent doesn't catch it but less mollies from inside the smoke his Viper Smoke on the spike blooms com can't get on the spike he needs to make sure he's got this I don't know unwrapped somehow because there's still utility for loud they are defending this perfectly they're basically making it impossible 3G even in this situation no time EG take down all of loud but loud stall was just enough to secure the round loud win round 16. man I still can't get over that shock Dart so here's another reason why Silva doesn't get played on fracture basically fracture is a map with a lot of narrow lanes and small spaces this means you won't be able to get max value from Silva's Recon since the Recon needs a line of sight for it to scan stuff you may as well play other agents like KO since his knife can literally scan basically the entirety of sight but that doesn't mean there's no way to make the Recon work there are some spots where the Recon gets massive value and EG knows how to take advantage of all those spots in round 20 EG open with 2B and 3A interestingly their B players are both playing off-site with just killjoyutil on site to delay the spike plan so EG's B player's goal is to just delay with mollies while the actual play happens towards a EG have two players drop the goal is to take dish control this round as for loud they open with everyone South Side they want a default BNA main the Bears drop Omen tp's across neon Sprints towards sewers these positionings are so good for B main control since if Defenders push out they'll run into essentially a triangle Crossfire but EG aren't pushing B main so it's stays quiet towards a solid kale knives they main the knife clears all of a main and it detects nothing loud's thinking okay wait there's no one playing a main and there's no one pushing B Main EG might be crunching North Side so loud call to start regrouping be main meanwhile comes Silva shocks threw the doors off the star again to show presents a main make it look like round 16 then he immediately shifts away Ethan and jogmo double pick dish nothing's there hmm okay but loud might be holding a deep Crossfire so com gets in position and shoots a Recon lineup the Recon lands and it clears all of North Side what a massive Recon EJ know all this is clear now so jagamo and Ethan immediately push up to take the space back to loud's POV they have a feeling EG or heavy north side now the simple brain move would be to run through being main but less than Sonic aren't grouped with a team yet and plus even if they wore to take sight they would have zero control arcade and spawn making the post plan very difficult so loud breach Flash's sight make it seem like they're executing be main but their real intention is to go through sewers and work back arcade control for a b split but why aloud are working up sewers EG are flanking from North spawns in an ass pass on the back side of this this is purely a timing game I want to see from that Northern side that perspective coming in from Georgia contact taken but he didn't get the kill Tom rips himself from Spawn but they're always too high that's some y-axis gaming right there oh but he gets two with the last beam Viper wall goes up demon one delays with his Molly but aspass Sprints right past it he's taking his base on sight but he gets detected by the Alarm by and he eats a second layer of mollies jogamall rushes up Heaven from arcade forced away he's got so many problems he's the biggest one of them all making issues for loud and leaving them in tatters less is all the shiny it's a five of EG how much can he achieve Alan this one the spike is a million miles away and EG take map one from loud 13-7 okay so calm fire is a Recon it's fly-in where's it in the land oh whoa whoa what was calm doing in those bushes foreign
Channel: Airen
Views: 508,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WMwxzJXRZc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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