How Carrots are Harvested & Processed | Modern Carrot Processing Technology | Food Factory

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Hello! Welcome to our  channel. In today's episode,   we will take you behind the scenes to  discover how field-harvested carrots are   processed in the factory. Let's dive right in!   Carrots thrive in loose, well-drained soil. A carrot planter machine typically prepares the   ground by removing rocks and debris and then  tilling the land to create a fine texture.   Carrot seeds are sown in rows,   ensuring proper spacing to allow room  for growth and easy harvesting.   Once the carrots have reached maturity, they  are ready to be harvested. Harvesting equipment,   such as carrot harvesters, is used to  collect the crops efficiently.   These machines are specifically designed  to gently lift the carrots from the   soil without causing damage. The carrot harvesters are equipped   with picking mechanisms, typically rotating  belts or blades with rubber flanges. As the   machine moves forward, these belts gently lift  the carrots from the ground, while the flanges   prevent them from rolling back. This process  ensures a clean and efficient harvest.   After the carrots are lifted from the soil, the  machine employs various separation techniques   to remove excess soil and any green  parts, such as leaves or stems.   Conveyor belts and vibrating screens  are used to shake off the loose soil,   while air blowers effectively  remove lighter debris.   Once the carrots are separated from the soil and  plant debris, they are carefully transferred from   the harvesting machine to the tractors. These tractors transport the freshly   harvested carrots from the field to the  factory for further processing.   Upon arrival at the factory,   the trucks carrying the harvested carrots  are unloaded outside the Factory.   The carrots are then stored in designated  containers that are positioned along a   conveyor belt, forming an organized  line for efficient processing.   Forklifts are utilized to transport  the containers filled with carrots to   the washing room of the factory.  This ensures a smooth and timely   flow of the product through various  stages of the processing line.   In the washing room, the carrots undergo  a thorough cleaning process.   Carrots are removed from their containers  and placed in a tank filled with water to   remove sand and soil layers and clean them.   Specialized machines are used, which employ  a combination of water jets and rotating   brushes to remove dirt, debris, and any remaining  traces of soil from the carrots' surface.   These specialized machines are  highly efficient and ensure that   the carrots are thoroughly cleaned. The water jets create a powerful force that   dislodges any stubborn dirt particles,  while the rotating brushes gently scrub   away any remaining traces of soil. This meticulous cleaning process guarantees   that the carrots are free from any impurities.  The use of these advanced machines not only   saves time and effort but also maintains the  quality and freshness of the carrots.   To maintain the freshness and extend the shelf  life of the carrots, they are treated with a   warm water and medicine mixture. This treatment helps to release any   remaining bacteria, ensuring that the  carrots stay fresh for longer.   Additionally, the warm water and medicine  mixture also aids in preserving the vibrant   color and crisp texture of the carrots. Eliminating harmful bacteria minimizes the   risk of spoilage and maintains  their nutritional value.   This innovative technology not only enhances  the overall quality of the carrots but also   provides consumers with a longer window to enjoy  their natural sweetness and earthy flavor.   Moreover, this treatment process aligns  with modern food safety standards,   ensuring that the carrots reach consumers  in a safe and healthy condition.   Then the carrots are put on the line of  the sorting room through the steel net   conveyor where the carrots pass through  the line in front of the workers.   The workers separate the carrots  according to their size and place   them in individual containers. Skilled workers meticulously remove any   damaged or discolored carrots, ensuring only  the finest specimens make it to market.   This meticulous process guarantees that  only the best carrots reach our tables,   providing us with a fresh and flavorful  addition to our meals.   Then, the carrots are sent to the cutting  line. In the cutting line, a special machine   is used to cut the tops of carrots. Additionally, the green part of carrots,   such as the top of the leaf, is  removed by this machine.   The machine efficiently separates the green  parts from the edible parts of the carrot,   resulting in a clean and ready-to-use product.   After cutting the carrots, they are  transported to the washing station.   Then these carrots are put inside  a water tank through a conveyor.   Here, they undergo a thorough cleaning  process to remove any dirt or impurities.   Carrots are care washed and rinsed multiple  times to ensure optimal cleanliness.   Once cleaned, the carrots move to the  cutting area. Where Carrots are further   processed based on their intended use. They are cut by machine into specific pieces,   such as sticks or cubes. This process  adds versatility to the final product,   as the carrots can be conveniently used in  a variety of culinary applications.   On the other hand, some cleaned carrots  are directed to a different process. They   are fed into a grinding machine, which  grinds them to a fine consistency.   The resulting minced carrots  are then placed in large bowls,   ready to be used in dishes where a fine  texture is desired, such as salads or sauces.   After that, the packaging starts. In the factory packing room,   the whole carrots are carefully inspected for  quality and sorted according to size.   Each worker diligently places the carrots  into sturdy paper boxes, ensuring that they   are neatly arranged and properly aligned. The workers handle each carrot with precision   and care, making sure to avoid any damage or  bruising during the packing process.   Once a box is filled, it is sealed securely to  maintain freshness and prevent any contamination,   and they are labeled with essential  information such as the type of carrots packed,   their weight, and expiration dates. Some carrots are packed in polythene packets   and the air is removed from the polythene  by machine so that the carrots stay fresh   for a long time and no bacteria can grow. This packaging method ensures that the carrots   remain crisp and flavorful, maintaining  their natural color and texture.   By removing the air, the polythene packets create  a protective barrier against moisture and oxygen,   preventing spoilage and extending  the shelf life of the carrots.   Now all the carrots are ready  for sale in the market.   And there you have it! We hope you enjoyed  this behind-the-scenes look at how carrots   are processed in the factory. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel   for more exciting food production insights.  Thanks for watching, and see you next time!
Channel: Wondastic Tech
Views: 683,492
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Keywords: wondastic tech, how it's made, food factory, factory process, food manufacturing process, making process, carrot factory, carrot, carrot farm, carrot harvesting, carrot harvesting machine, carrots, how to grow carrots, farming, harvest, carrot processing line, carrot farming, carrot processing, carrot processing machine, how it's made carrots
Id: MRhMmYchFGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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