How Millions of Banana Harvested & Processed | Banana Chips Factory🍌

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Hello friends welcome to One dastic tech today we'll see how bananas are harvested and processed let's dive into it after preparing the field the farmers arrang the banana seedlings and stages on the cultivator after planting the seedlings in the soil with a cultivator two farmers straighten the stems of the seedlings from the top of the cultivator fine spray or mist is used to keep the soil constantly moist as a result the seeds get enough water depending on the banana plant variety it takes 9 to 20 months for these banana seedlings to grow into mature banana plants some varieties mature faster than others a farmer cuts the tip of the banana bud so that the cluster comes out then when the tip of the female flowers comes out the farmers cut some of its parts with cuting so that the cluster of bananas comes out very quickly bunches develop into full-fledged bananas and at this time the farmers cut the big bananas separately young bananas are left on the raes to grow then they cut off the flower at the end of the raes Banana Leaf Disease the main diseases affecting leaves are zanther Manus Wilt ferium Wilt black and yellow sigatoka these diseased leaves are removed by the workers dimethoate Dion and aate are sprayed on Infected plants and suckers by ground spray machines and aerial agricultural aircraft also workers spray methyl Deon 25 EC 0.05% separately these pesticides are effective in controlling pests such as aphids thpes and mites that commonly infest banana plants they work by disrupting the nervous system of the insects ultimately leading to their death for large agricultural areas a skilled and efficient harvesting team is essential first they measure the size of the banana and confirm the ripeness of the banana it's a bunch of bananas it is an adult banana tree not only that but it is from the sides of fully grown banana plants that suckers usually grow this is the fastest growing banana plant inside the sucker workers carefully cut each bunch of bananas from the plant Alias they ensure that the cut is clean to avoid damage to the fruit then the workers carried Bunches of cut bananas on their shoulders and went to the transport area where there is line transport to the hook of this rope the workers tie Bunches of bananas tightly next these Bunches of bananas go to the washing area where workers spray the bananas very finely with water as a result both the germs and dirt stuck in the banana are washed away another worker then sticks the bananas together so that they are not damaged so put the soft cotton paper inside each row of bananas in remote areas where heavy machinery cannot be used a bunch of bananas are harvested using this method in addition this method requires less time and labor generally there are banana factories around the banana Fields because bananas are perishable therefore to maintain their quality processing is required as soon as possible they are sent directly from the field to the factory through a ROP line after entering the factory the workers first perform three tasks which is to remove the soft cotton paper from the bunch of bananas measure the size of the bananas and thoroughly clean the bananas again with water spray next an expert cuts a banana from a bunch of bananas to confirm its freshness then Begins the stage of final washing these bananas here these workers cut the big bunch of bananas into small bunches and throw them in clean water they then proceed to gently place the small bunches into clean water ensuring that they are thoroughly clean before further processing using scissors workers divide banana bunches submerged in water into two three or more sections and make their stems narrower then these bananas are filled by the workers in the tray and when the specified weight is confirmed the bananas are taken to the packaging line now we will see how these bananas are packed in the factory this worker is placing bananas in certain rooms on the ceiling line as a result when these bananas go through the ceiling machine the bananas are packed without any damage gives a kind of chemical liquid on the cut stem of the banana so that there is no infection with the cut part the company's sealed bananas then come to the Factory's container packaging room where workers fill paper containers with these sealed bananas first workers take a large polythene bananas are placed in the first row and covered with polythene and then in the second row and again covered with the same polythene then these workers take the air out of the polythene through a vacuum machine now we'll see how banana chips are made in the factory from these bananas in another part of the factory the peel of these bananas is manually removed by the factory workers as a result what remains is the edible white part called the pulp these apron clad workers press the white part of the banana into the grinder machine as a result those white areas look exactly like this then they are taken to the frying area of the factory and fried in hot oil later these banana chips move through the conveyor line to the packaging area of the factory where workers carefully fill the containers with chips on the other hand but banana pulp is cut into small pieces without grinding and fried directly in hot [Applause] oil these banana chips are then fed through a conveyor into a rotating disc as a result the oil on the chips is extracted and the chips are completely dry then these chips are run through the mixing machine to further enhance the flavor consequently in this case Factory workers help arrange the chips on the line then these chips go to the packaging room of the factory through the conveyor this packaging room has a packaging machine based on artificial intelligence its function is to automatically measure the weight of the chips and fill the existing polyethylene chip packets with the chips inside the eyelid when these banana chip packets are filled the workers collect those packets and fill them in paper containers the containers are then stamped with the company seal date of manufacture expiry date and serial number then workers manually tape the mouths of these containers after the containers are taped they are stacked and prepared for transportation or storage this manual taping process ensures that the contents of the containers remain secure and protected during handling and Transit now these bananas and banana chips are ready for Market sale and Export thanks for joining us on this fascinating Journey Through the banana processing world if you found this video informative please subscribe for more exciting content
Channel: Wondastic Tech
Views: 2,681,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how it's made, food factory, factory process, banana harvesting, banana plantation, banana cultivation, banana farming, How Banana Chips are Made, banana factory, how to grow bananas, banana plant, how plant and grow bananas, modern agriculture, Fruits harvesting, banana field, modern agriculture technology, modern technology in banana cultivation, Amazing Banana Planting & Harvesting Technology
Id: If9U6ME3ycQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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