How Bobby Fischer Handled the Hardest Opening to Beat in Chess!

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in today's game we see how Bobby fiser handles the hardest opening to beat in chess now what opening is that well when a top Grand Master with the black pieces doesn't want to lose a game and is okay with the draw the opening they often go to is the Pet's defense the main goal of the Petro's defense is to keep things as symmetrical as possible and that is what Fischer's opponent plays against him in this game but watch how he uses a secret that will be that will be revealed in this game to deal with an opening like this whether it is the Petro defense or anything else Fisher of course has white his opponent is an international master named German uh from Brazil uh this game was played in the interner zonal in Stockholm in 1962 let us begin fiser begins of course with E4 E5 Knight F3 and Knight to F6 this is the Pet's defense and you see basically black is just mimicking what white is doing for the time being um the most common option for white is to go ahead and take that pawn at E5 but here fiser plays D4 giving his opponent a chance to mix things up a little bit uh taking on e4 is the main move and after Bishop D3 D5 Knight takes E5 uh White does have some interesting play here after say Knight to C3 but if you notice the pawn structure is completely symetrical so black would have gotten what he wanted uh in that position but black instead takes on D4 with the pawn allowing fiser to gain space with E5 hitting that Knight the Knight goes to E4 and here the main move by far is actually Queen takes D4 it's not a bad move but the main response from black here is D5 and after white takes off pant Knight takes D6 and white has a decent score from this position but again look the pawn structures are completely symetrical and players of the Petro's defense know how to handle these positions so instead fiser plays Queen to E2 and that lines his Queen up against Black's King as well as threatening the Knight and now this idea of D5 isn't really playable for black because when white takes off pant the Knight cannot recapture it is pinned to the king so he couldn't play D5 after Queen to E2 so he plays Knight to C5 Knight takes D4 after Knight to C6 Fisher exchanges on C6 and uh black can take with the D Pawn here that's uh acceptable although white does have a healthy Pawn majority uh and Black's queenside Pawn majority is crippled um that's not the end of the world but black goes ahead and captures toward the center uh following that basic principle and now look at the structure it's very asymmetrical so any idea that this was going to be a symmetrical structure is now out the window Fisher used Queen to E2 combined with D4 to create an asymmetrical Pawn structure and now this opening is going to be an opening where white can win you're going to have an unbalanced sharp attacking game which is not what black usually wants when they play the Petros defense Knight to C3 from fiser Rook to B8 putting the Rook on the half open file and F4 gaining space and those of you uh who know opening Theory will recognize that this position looks very similar to a scotch game has that same sort of a pawn structure perhaps G6 controlling F5 would have been a better move here black wants to play D6 but he can't do it because of the queen on E2 but white would just take and black would be in check but instead black plays Bishop to E7 to clear the way for Kings side castling now Queen to F2 Fisher wants to play Bishop to E3 and gain a Tempo against that Knight on C5 D5 from black and now Bishop to E3 attacks that Knight the Knight moves to D7 and uh he can't really take that pawn at a s after Rook to B2 black is perfectly fine um so fiser castles long now we know Black's not going to Castle long because the Rook is already moved and all these pieces in the way too uh so Fischer is planning on opposite sides castling and he wants to use these enf pawns to help him attack on the king's side black does Castle and again this Pawn at A7 you don't want to take that you would just be opening lines for black against White's King so that pawn is sort of poison Fisher doesn't mess with that he just goes ahead with G4 continuing his attack on the king side at some point he would like to play F5 and maybe even F6 if possible can't do that yet because the pawn at E5 would fall but he wants to prepare that Bishop to B4 threatening to take the Knight which would really wreck his Pawn structure fiser cannot allow um black to take that Knight and wreck that structure he plays Knight to E2 maybe a better even slightly better move was Knight to A4 if Fisher could get clamp on these C5 and D4 squares he would be in very good shape but Knight to E2 is also a good move he can go to D4 and also go to G3 where they're attacking squares on F5 and H5 so the knights has a lot of potential in fact black probably should have played C5 here to keep the Knight out of D4 and of course he could play D4 later himself but he plays Knight to B6 makes sense the Knight can go to C4 or A4 assist in the attack Knight to D4 from fiser not just threatening the C6 Pawn but also if his Knight were to land on C6 he would be forking the queen and the Rook so uh black has to do something about that he plays Queen to E8 C3 kicks the bishop and now the bishop goes back to E7 and remember we said fiser wanted to advance this Pawn but there was too much pressure on E5 well now there's no pressure on E5 and he is free to advance and this is not the kind of position black wants when they play the Petro's defense I can assure you of that this is not not H white has everything he wants here C5 kicks the Knight the Knight goes to B5 threatening the C7 Pawn D4 is played by black counterattacking you can't take on C7 here just Queen to D7 and the Knight is uh sort of Trapped but he's also attacking the Knight and the bishop at E3 so that doesn't doesn't work the bishop has to move and he goes to F4 to help strengthen that E5 pawn pawn takes and of course he retakes with a knight he doesn't hurt his damages Pawn structure by taking with the pawn Knight to A4 a very key idea from black and a strong move or at least a strong idea to trade off the Knight defending the king so when your opponent has a knight defending the king you want to trade it off and limit the defense of the king but Fisher's solution to this challenge was really brilliant he first he plays Bishop to B5 attacking the queen and the Knight and it looks like he's giving up two minor pieces for a rook which would not be a good exchange for him black takes the bishop with the Rook but he doesn't fiser does not take the Rook he takes the knight at A4 and now he keeps his defensive Knight he doesn't have to give it up really a smart uh maneuver there from from Fischer Rook to B4 attacks the Knight the Knight just goes back to C3 and now it is Comfortably on its defensive perch Bishop to B7 the bishop goes in the long light Square diagonal The Rook moves centralizes places itself opposite Black's queen king to h8 and now fiser plays the move that he was really hoping for from the beginning of his Pawn storm F6 this is a very powerful move we see obviously the fact that the Rook is opposite the queen is really bad news black could not take because after he retakes the bishop would be lost because of the the pin so he just plays the bishop back to d8 but now a really sneaky move from Fischer Bishop to G5 which with a nasty tactic that is threatened he's threatening to take on G7 with check and when black retakes like Rook takes d8 the bishop at G5 and The Rook would meet at d8 and he would win material so to stop that uh International Master uh German places his Rook on D4 to block that file but now fg7 check King G7 and this move Bishop to F6 check what Fischer obviously wants to do after King to G8 he would love to just play Queen H4 Queen H6 or queen G5 with check and then just mate at G7 very simple Queen H4 Queen G5 Queen G7 check mate so he begins that Journey Queen to H4 so how does black stop this he plays Rook takes D1 check and this is an interesting move if fiser takes with the Rook that would be a mistake stake and all of a sudden this big Advantage he had it' be almost equal because black would play Bishop takes bishop and if the pawn retakes then this move Queen to E3 check King to B1 and then Queen to F4 now notice this queen on F4 is perfectly positioned to stop White's Queen from getting in on the dark squares it pins this Pawn at G uh four so it can't move because obviously he would lose the queen and it keeps the H6 and G5 squares under under control and he would have fought back to near equality in this position um if instead of the pawn capturing the queen takes then just Queen to E6 and uh again it's a very close game at that point so Rook to D1 check a strong idea but what does fiser do of course he takes with the Knight and that makes all the difference in the world in this position and it is enough to make black resign let's watch what would happen if he had not resigned say Bishop takes F6 e F6 and now the Rook attacks the queen and there's nothing he could do to stop Queen to G5 or queen to H6 coming in this queen E5 obviously Rook takes and that would be the end of the game so Fischer's rule for dealing with opponents that want to draw make sure that the structure the pawn structure itself is asymmetrical don't let them get that symmetrical structure they want and then the better player can win thank you for joining us at chess dog see you again soon bye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 45,306
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Keywords: Bobby Fischer, Chess, Bobby Fischer chess, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer brilliancy, robert james fischer, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer vs german, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer chess game, fischer's best games, bobby fischer 1962, chess strategy, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer chess games
Id: f-PvMGH6ukk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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