How bad really is Striding Edge!? (It's not bad - it's GREAT!)

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so i don't know if you can see everything here we're just at the start of striding edge and uh it's a perfect day for it and see if i can focus in on that and make it any lighter and if you ever write about doing striding edge this is the time of day this is the sort of day you're going to be doing on completely still the rock's all dry because it's a sunday not a saturday not as many people on it i'm just going to put this piece of grass i wonder if that works can i see that there we go so the bulk of the ridge you sort of start up here and you get the crust and you can follow the crest along and it's still about there and that's the crux of it done uh and then you do you can see just below the the uh here you have them down with my bit of grass along there somewhere you can probably see a footpath and so even if you don't like the crest you can always go along the footpath and then just before uh you finish there's a little you have to go over the crest and and down down to climb um and then up that final section i'll just drop my grass right there so i'm just gonna point out that last bit that goes up there is just really easy uh hand over hand sort of scrambling um and scrambles guys a bit disappointing but as an adventurous walk goes it's quite good so here is this first top bit okay in the crust oh look pick it up there i think i'll just go along there so we're gonna gain the crest here see what it looks like and uh walk along it or can walk beneath it i prefer to walk along it to be honest because if i do it along it but then i don't like it look at that all right so this is it we're on it now are we we're on it yeah i was like if i can do that then what's next you know and people have been asking me to do something like let me just see how i am on stride and edge when i let you know whether i think i'm brave it's all on film so don't stand still oh go ahead [Music] i'm going down so you can take the uh crest or you can set that path down there [Music] jade i'm romping along now easy ground to this so uh this bit just here so it goes from wide path and you see a really narrow crest and but as i just come over here like this you see you come around here and actually there's quite a good path on the left-hand side as well and that's the hillside it's not too bad okay it's always that thing you know someone's not gonna push [Music] now going over the steepest bit so there's a footpath just down there and at some point just here in fact is where the footpath stops and you just have to see where those guys are going now you have to go up and onto the crest and those guys are at the top taking the photographs uh you go along a bit and then you have to do a little down climb and so if you do want to take the path this is a bit you have to do so this is the bit that everyone has to do you can't bypass this from the path and go around here yeah he should have come up that bit there still end up having to come up in this cross path there just on to the left jade likes to make it hard for herself if i can do this anybody can i'm just amazed that i've done here done it done it with ease and style and panache so uh there's a bit of a path there you can see it's gonna go down there and we're going to scramble down there a little bit so uh these lads are capably enabling showing us how easy it is to uh do the down climb now it's just a short little step what's your name fella i'm george he's george how's it going george oh this is too easy it's just too easy and what's your name second number man jasper jasper they're starting to regret the backpacks they're off to war ladies and gentlemen sir yeah we met george and jasper yeah camping tonight seath wait a long way to go and uh they managed to come down with the big packs this is the down route so here we go oh it does just go down to there then it goes around on the flat path so uh jd's just come to one of my fear of heights courses is now taking over the leadership of these two hecklers fellows and tell him what to do here's matthew young apprentice coming down his lanky legs with ease and charming the odd scrape so jay's bomb in the picture and uh it's like the final i suppose scramble how was it jade oh fantastic how was his final scramble bit yeah i got exercise good exercise got the glutes working took your mind off those triathletes and this is the final section it goes up to the summit i really can see it's just a footpath oh sorry some video bugger you
Channel: Will4Adventure
Views: 19,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountains, scrambles, scrambling, fear of heights, striding edge, lake district
Id: 7q4dShVoC5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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